Are TT Items Worth DQ Points?

Dsholder - Dreamweaver
Dsholder - Dreamweaver Posts: 626 Arc User
edited June 2013 in General Discussion
Are TT materials valuable enough to be turned into DQ points?

This is the question.

Players spend a great deal of time inside of Twilight Temple instances and the end result is a vast majority of materials being carried out. The Twilight Temple market is saturated, almost to the degree that there are more materials than the population needs.

What is one to do with all of these materials? There is only limited space in an inventory, and the bank operates basically in the same manner.

There are many Twilight Temple materials that players do not use, and the end result is stock piling nor settling to sell to an NPC with little or no gratification in doing so

Even the naive, brainless NPC will value these green materials at 100 coins per.

Disclaimer: This thread is not a suggestion to implement any new changes into the game now or in the future. This thread is designed for the general players to gather in collaboration to present their view on the value of these green Twilight Temple materials..

If I had a dime for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke.
Post edited by Dsholder - Dreamweaver on


  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Idea was brought up many times in the past, and theres been very little to none in terms of GM responses.

    However, turning TT into a DQ point farm entrance would kill the charm and refine stones market. If it was implemented, the TT mats would need to give very little value for DQ, nothing fancy like 500 points or more.
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  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited June 2013
    Idea was brought up many times in the past, and theres been very little to none in terms of GM responses.

    However, turning TT into a DQ point farm entrance would kill the charm and refine stones market. If it was implemented, the TT mats would need to give very little value for DQ, nothing fancy like 500 points or more.

    Good point. There is a lot of harm this would cause.

    For one things, the prices have gotten to be around the point it should be. Artificially raising the price by lowering the supply unnaturally won't help anyone but the people who are already making decent money farming TT. Raising the price of TT items by lowering the supply unnaturally would only hurt low levels, and this game is already too low level unfriendly. At least they can do JJ orders, and farm mats to buy the TT items they need. Having them be NPC'ed and scare and expensive would only hurt them. And don't kid yourself if you think it would help them. As long as the drops rates are not severely impacted by high levels coming in and wrecking the instance at easily 10 times the speed and with lower costs, TT farming will NEVER be a viable low level market. Since this isn't a suggestion, you won't mind people making their own suggestions right? I suggest anyone who sucks at making money in TT find alternate avenue for making money. Perhaps, do badge runs and craft peoples gear for them. Perhaps learn to merchant. Perhaps, gear up and get better at playing and go kill things in nation wars. Learn to merchant. Did I say that already? Well, I'll say it again. Learn to merchant. Perhaps farm books to sell. or Learn to merchant. There is already quite a few ways to get money to gear up nowadays, and the base gear is easier to get than ever before. The only people who really, really need more avenues to make money is new players. Because new players who are a portion of that low level market for those TT items, are pretty screwed. There is nobody to play with. There hasn't been any really good low level content added in ages besides the JJ orders.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • Dsholder - Dreamweaver
    Dsholder - Dreamweaver Posts: 626 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Idea was brought up many times in the past, and theres been very little to none in terms of GM responses.

    However, turning TT into a DQ point farm entrance would kill the charm and refine stones market. If it was implemented, the TT mats would need to give very little value for DQ, nothing fancy like 500 points or more.

    There really isn't a large supplies of charms for players, so that'd be fine: If people actually do care about helping other players out, that is.

    There are so many characters over the level of 100 with gears only refined to +5, and I think this could benefit. The players are using their effort to farm these green materials, why shouldn't they be given the full reward from them?

    Why are you more worried about two items in a vast market, over the idea of many players being geared up and actually being competition?

    I am still trying to find ways to invest in this game, but I will refuse to do so if there isn't sufficient competition among players.

    If I had a dime for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke.
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited June 2013
    Because refines are relatively easy market to jump into for midsize merchants, and the token markets are saturated. :P That is why they are important. Merchanting is one the best ways to be competitive with other people, in the f2p market. The people who farm such massive amounts of high level TT that this is even an issue, by and large already have good enough gear to start making themselves competitive. That isn't necessarily the case for someone buying and flipping D.orbs.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • AlphaOmegaX - Dreamweaver
    AlphaOmegaX - Dreamweaver Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    One way to solve this issue thats been raised. Stop low levels from power leveling in FC till they reach say lv 80. By doing so would increase demand for the green mats market, thus making it viable for those farming TT to make good ammounts of coin. Further it engages players to actually play the game as the game was designed to.

    Now some will complain and say that they dont want that. And i understand that view. Though i dont agree with it. But the game has become so focused on endgame that a large portion of the game has become redundant to a large degree, and that imo is a pity.
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Since this isn't a suggestion, you won't mind people making their own suggestions right? I suggest anyone who sucks at making money in TT find alternate avenue for making money. Perhaps, do badge runs and craft peoples gear for them. Perhaps learn to merchant. Perhaps, gear up and get better at playing and go kill things in nation wars. Learn to merchant. Did I say that already? Well, I'll say it again. Learn to merchant. Perhaps farm books to sell. or Learn to merchant.

    I think the goal here is to find a farming route that involves actually playing the game. While merchanting is probably the most effective coin making strategy it largely means setting up a shop and afking. Or watching WC or other catshops, then afking. And for someone concerned about the welfare of the poor low levels, merchantings core is buying low and holding items till you find a higher buyer and inflating the market.

    I stated in the other thread that got lower depthed that if higher levels are selling half their TT mats to players and NPCing the other half for DQ that'll stimulate the market. It'll also make TT worth farming, even if it takes some people longer to do. Right now I'm in the aps crowd and I NPC about 2/3 of my TT mats because they wont sell. If they actually were worth something low levels might farm TT too, even if it took hours to do. I might farm 10 times quicker then them but at least they wouldn't have to level to 100 and start doing BHs before they got some decent farming opportunities. It'd be a little like the old days :D
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited June 2013
    I think the goal here is to find a farming route that involves actually playing the game. While merchanting is probably the most effective coin making strategy it largely means setting up a shop and afking. Or watching WC or other catshops, then afking. And for someone concerned about the welfare of the poor low levels, merchantings core is buying low and holding items till you find a higher buyer and inflating the market.

    I stated in the other thread that got lower depthed that if higher levels are selling half their TT mats to players and NPCing the other half for DQ that'll stimulate the market. It'll also make TT worth farming, even if it takes some people longer to do. Right now I'm in the aps crowd and I NPC about 2/3 of my TT mats because they wont sell. If they actually were worth something low levels might farm TT too, even if it took hours to do. I might farm 10 times quicker then them but at least they wouldn't have to level to 100 and start doing BHs before they got some decent farming opportunities. It'd be a little like the old days :D

    People won't do it so long as the costs exceed the value. The reason the costs exceed the value is because high levels undercut the low levels, since they can obtain it for much cheaper and in greater supply. It's not even intentional. The value of the mats to them will always be lower than what a lowbie could possibly hope to sell it at and still recover their costs. The market has dipped because of all the APS farmers crowding the market, now that their market has crashed. Their old market being mostly nirvana. The solution isn't to raise prices on low level gear. It's to put more content in the game that these farmers can do instead, it's to make the low to mid levels more worth doing by adding content to that too. Content that cannot be done with the help of a high level, and that gives items that are worth obtaining. That will increase the price of those mats, because there will be more demand and less supply.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • slamstone
    slamstone Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Idea was brought up many times in the past, and theres been very little to none in terms of GM responses.

    However, turning TT into a DQ point farm entrance would kill the charm and refine stones market. If it was implemented, the TT mats would need to give very little value for DQ, nothing fancy like 500 points or more.

    a 50 max/any type of green mat would suffice. at least when i sell the craps at npc i get a inch of satisfaction that i turned in 50dq points :))
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This is a good idea, there are so many HH mats that have no practical use so many times you either don't even pick them up, or they become npc food. I think this would help a lot the economy.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    People won't do it so long as the costs exceed the value. The reason the costs exceed the value is because high levels undercut the low levels, since they can obtain it for much cheaper and in greater supply. It's not even intentional. The value of the mats to them will always be lower than what a lowbie could possibly hope to sell it at and still recover their costs. The market has dipped because of all the APS farmers crowding the market, now that their market has crashed. Their old market being mostly nirvana. The solution isn't to raise prices on low level gear. It's to put more content in the game that these farmers can do instead, it's to make the low to mid levels more worth doing by adding content to that too. Content that cannot be done with the help of a high level, and that gives items that are worth obtaining. That will increase the price of those mats, because there will be more demand and less supply.

    You mean content that cannot be accessed by high levels, period.

    How are they going to make mid level stuff worth obtaining when people all just..rush to high level and QQ about being poor? There has to be content worth farming for and playing with at lower levels.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited June 2013
    You mean content that cannot be accessed by high levels, period.

    How are they going to make mid level stuff worth obtaining when people all just..rush to high level and QQ about being poor? There has to be content worth farming for and playing with at lower levels.

    Yeah. This game is really, really, really new player unfriendly. I can't agree with anything that exacerbates that problem, such as a suggestion that the costs for lowbie basic gear be raised so TT farmers don't have to bother DQ farming.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • Joe - Morai
    Joe - Morai Posts: 1,299 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Seriously YES! Make each green TT mat worth 100 DQ Points for 1-x mats, 200 for 2-x Mats and 300 for 3-x mats. Then I wouldn't have to worry about Event Gold and Charms ever again.

    Estiated DQ Points I would gain because of this...~15,000,000!!!

    Go and Implement this stuff and I can freely pk without charm worries ever again ^.^
    My Barb:

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  • Atropah - Sanctuary
    Atropah - Sanctuary Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yeah. This game is really, really, really new player unfriendly. I can't agree with anything that exacerbates that problem, such as a suggestion that the costs for lowbie basic gear be raised so TT farmers don't have to bother DQ farming.

    Sorry, you still have failed to give any reason that more incentive to farm TT would mean higher prices for newer players. If prices rise, people will sell to players rather than npc the items and the price will drop again, simple as that.

    And cost exceeding value? TT is cheap to run. If you are talking about time value, then I can't put a price on every single players time. For some level 70's it'd be worth it to spend 3 hours in a TT. For others its not, which is why they buy from higher levels. For most people its low levels getting high levels to help them farm and this would provide incentive for both players since the mats the low level needs can be used in crafting, and the mats no one need can be sold to others or npc'd.

    I'd probably continue to just pursue coin anyways, but having the option to npc things for DQ would be nice. Especially some of the things I get hundreds of while farming during 2x, like Iron Plates of Darkness and Evil Minions horns.
  • Dirtyboy - Lost City
    Dirtyboy - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    "Originally Posted by Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Idea was brought up many times in the past, and theres been very little to none in terms of GM responses.

    However, turning TT into a DQ point farm entrance would kill the charm and refine stones market. If it was implemented, the TT mats would need to give very little value for DQ, nothing fancy like 500 points or more.
    There really isn't a large supplies of charms for players, so that'd be fine: If people actually do care about"

    HUH ????

    Don't get me wrong but do you even log in game? will affect what refine??? dont be naive there are people wiht literary milions of event gold who do refine service and its not only 1 person i was told about some glich that occured some months ago and aloved peopel to have milions of event gold and they are refining for money to like +9 or so....

    Making TT give dq points would make this game again alive and wth u worry about low levels i mean wiht all FCC going and how old this game is everyone is 100+ udner levels are only alts and beside if not alts i always give free mats to lowbies plus dreamchaser gear i mean that can hold till tt90 for pve

    Make TT give DQ points and test for 1 week it would make this game again enjoyable and like somebody said people woudl start PKIng more and not going to privat servers to do taht
  • _dblazen_ - Dreamweaver
    _dblazen_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    No, this should never even be considered. Ever.
  • trands
    trands Posts: 2
    edited June 2013
    Been thinking about that too, and think it would be a good idea. Might revive TT a bit. Might also make it a bit easier to get help for collecting their TT mats/Chrono bosses for those who can't solo/duo TT. The whole merchant/economy issue doesn't bother me. Giving playing players an advantage over afk shops doesn't sound like a big deal. Gameplay and server activity > afk merchant army's interests.
  • Toliman - Raging Tide
    Toliman - Raging Tide Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    Don't get me wrong but do you even log in game? will affect what refine??? dont be naive there are people wiht literary milions of event gold who do refine service and its not only 1 person i was told about some glich that occured some months ago and aloved peopel to have milions of event gold and they are refining for money to like +9 or so....

    Making TT give dq points would make this game again alive and wth u worry about low levels i mean wiht all FCC going and how old this game is everyone is 100+ udner levels are only alts and beside if not alts i always give free mats to lowbies plus dreamchaser gear i mean that can hold till tt90 for pve

    Make TT give DQ points and test for 1 week it would make this game again enjoyable and like somebody said people woudl start PKIng more and not going to privat servers to do taht

    This will make rich players even more rich and nothing more ...

    Green mats will rise in price.

    Since my character can't get mats from TT this will be very bad for him.
  • Nerexa - Morai
    Nerexa - Morai Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    its already to easy to farm DQ points. Current system awards botters with unlimited supply of charms. If DQ points will be even more easier to achieve you will most likely see event gold disapear from DQ point shop(i still wonder why they haven't already).
    To make TT active again they could put BH quest in there and for worthless TT mats some kinda combination system would work perfect.
    If don't like to make catshop can always merchant within AH and as far as i remember then game allowed dual you should be able play game and merchant at the same time...
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    There are so many characters over the level of 100 with gears only refined to +5, and I think this could benefit. The players are using their effort to farm these green materials, why shouldn't they be given the full reward from them?

    Why are you more worried about two items in a vast market, over the idea of many players being geared up and actually being competition?

    I am still trying to find ways to invest in this game, but I will refuse to do so if there isn't sufficient competition among players.

    This game is a business, if TT mats were made to have DQ point value, PWI would start to lose money on charms. TT is very easy to farm with 5.0 APS and on 2x, a few TT bosses can easily drop 8+ green mats. If everyone was given access to refine stones for cheap, PWI would lose money in the orb department as well.

    Wonder why we haven't seen a heroic chest promo in forever? It was heavily exploited to the degree where I'm sure some players can remain charmed for years because it gave out Chest of Coins.

    Currently, you can gear up for free, via merchanting, farming, or selling Trophy Mode/FC services, many players have and will do so. I'm not sure why "easier" methods are needed.

    HUH ????

    Don't get me wrong but do you even log in game? will affect what refine??? dont be naive there are people wiht literary milions of event gold who do refine service and its not only 1 person i was told about some glich that occured some months ago and aloved peopel to have milions of event gold and they are refining for money to like +9 or so....

    Making TT give dq points would make this game again alive and wth u worry about low levels i mean wiht all FCC going and how old this game is everyone is 100+ udner levels are only alts and beside if not alts i always give free mats to lowbies plus dreamchaser gear i mean that can hold till tt90 for pve

    Make TT give DQ points and test for 1 week it would make this game again enjoyable and like somebody said people woudl start PKIng more and not going to privat servers to do taht

    What does PW gain out of it?
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

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  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This will make rich players even more rich and nothing more ...

    Green mats will rise in price.

    Since my character can't get mats from TT this will be very bad for him.

    this. at least atm casters can farm some DQ and sell them for 8-10k (Dreamweaver). while I do have a sin and a bunch of alt banks with green mats I can hardly sympathise with OP's tear-eyed post about poor TT farmers that are forced to NPC the worthless mats (while making a nice profit from the golds etc)
    you only purge once #yopo
  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Eh, if this was to happen I would say don't put anymore points on them than the highest DQ has (35). Honestly, when I run TT for profit I pick a TT that has at least 2-3 mats worth something, so really it doesn't affect me at all having to NPC the junk mats. I still profited from the run, and that was the point of running it. For those that say running TT isn't profitable at all anymore, maybe you aren't running the right TTs. Lots of mats are still pretty high priced. I make quite a bit of money running TTs, when I can be bothered to do so.

    They could just make each green mat worth 10k. Then it is like getting more mirages. xD
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  • Chuck_smith - Sanctuary
    Chuck_smith - Sanctuary Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Good point. There is a lot of harm this would cause.

    For one things, the prices have gotten to be around the point it should be. Artificially raising the price by lowering the supply unnaturally won't help anyone but the people who are already making decent money farming TT. Raising the price of TT items by lowering the supply unnaturally would only hurt low levels, and this game is already too low level unfriendly. At least they can do JJ orders, and farm mats to buy the TT items they need. Having them be NPC'ed and scare and expensive would only hurt them. And don't kid yourself if you think it would help them. As long as the drops rates are not severely impacted by high levels coming in and wrecking the instance at easily 10 times the speed and with lower costs, TT farming will NEVER be a viable low level market. Since this isn't a suggestion, you won't mind people making their own suggestions right? I suggest anyone who sucks at making money in TT find alternate avenue for making money. Perhaps, do badge runs and craft peoples gear for them. Perhaps learn to merchant. Perhaps, gear up and get better at playing and go kill things in nation wars. Learn to merchant. Did I say that already? Well, I'll say it again. Learn to merchant. Perhaps farm books to sell. or Learn to merchant. There is already quite a few ways to get money to gear up nowadays, and the base gear is easier to get than ever before. The only people who really, really need more avenues to make money is new players. Because new players who are a portion of that low level market for those TT items, are pretty screwed. There is nobody to play with. There hasn't been any really good low level content added in ages besides the JJ orders.

    Yet does it matter anymore? Markets are already crashed. Might as well make TT mats (the ones people would never use in their lifetime) worth something for once or raise the NPC price or something. It would not hurt lower levels more anyway (if they are farming for the mats themselves). You can't merchant certain items that will not even sell for 2,000 coins, or even 500. More items are becoming this way, because they are easier to gain.

    There is nothing that can be done for pre-endgame because pre-endgame has been so focused on too expensive/overpowered things and reaching the cap only to be competitive which pretty much dies after a while then goes to the next content to make sure those bored suckers don't leave the game and pay more.
    Sage barb in progress.
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited June 2013
    Yet does it matter anymore? Markets are already crashed. Might as well make TT mats (the ones people would never use in their lifetime) worth something for once or raise the NPC price or something. It would not hurt lower levels more anyway (if they are farming for the mats themselves). You can't merchant certain items that will not even sell for 2,000 coins, or even 500. More items are becoming this way, because they are easier to gain.

    There is nothing that can be done for pre-endgame because pre-endgame has been so focused on too expensive/overpowered things and reaching the cap only to be competitive which pretty much dies after a while then goes to the next content to make sure those bored suckers don't leave the game and pay more.

    So people don't use TT70 weapons? Lower levels don't grind the 30 and 35 dq point items and sell them to higher levels for 1.5 to 2x the npc price? Because that market would be affected too if they took away a portion of their customers, the people who would rather farm TT and buy their event gold from DQ with the money the earned, then spend all day farming DQ. Which is admittedly a much better use of their time. It does matter. Just because it doesn't matter to you because you have your gear, or because you are too high level to care, doesn't mean everyone does. The mats are about the right price atm. If you need that gear you can grind out mats to sell or do a couple of weeks of JJ orders to get the gear. That's what it should be. The market has set the price of those items, because that's the price point that makes sense based off the supply and the demand. Artificially raising the price by increasing the value, and lowering the supply would OFC help the sellers. But on that same end, it would ofc hurt the buyers. And in this case, the sellers are the high end farmers who already have a decent sized share of the coin in the game. And the buyers are low levels that this game is already hostile towards. It doesn't need to be more hostile to low levels just to give high end farmers a boost.
    Sorry, you still have failed to give any reason that more incentive to farm TT would mean higher prices for newer players. If prices rise, people will sell to players rather than npc the items and the price will drop again, simple as that.

    And cost exceeding value? TT is cheap to run. If you are talking about time value, then I can't put a price on every single players time. For some level 70's it'd be worth it to spend 3 hours in a TT. For others its not, which is why they buy from higher levels. For most people its low levels getting high levels to help them farm and this would provide incentive for both players since the mats the low level needs can be used in crafting, and the mats no one need can be sold to others or npc'd.

    I'd probably continue to just pursue coin anyways, but having the option to npc things for DQ would be nice. Especially some of the things I get hundreds of while farming during 2x, like Iron Plates of Darkness and Evil Minions horns.

    Scare items with decent demand makes items costs more. If they are all sold to the NPC, they wont' be available for purchase. If they aren't available for purchase, they become rarer and the price will raise. They might fall back down later, but never again below the value that was added by the NPC. That's how things work. The lower the supply, and the higher the demand, the more the item will cost. Decreasing the supply, while at the same time adding value to the item, will OFC increase the cost of the item. High end farmers are already making good money off of TT, even nirvana had items that weren't worth as much such as the shards. Complaining that not every last item a high end farmer comes across is worth a lot, is not a reason to **** over low levels and **** over merchants.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    >Good money

    Yeah if you spend 10 hours a day in it.

    Or get stupidly lucky.

    Or both really.
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited June 2013
    >Good money

    Yeah if you spend 10 hours a day in it.

    Or get stupidly lucky.

    Or both really.

    So people are just doing it for no reason then? Obviously it's worth the time investment or people wouldn't be doing it. Just like full deltas are more rare now, and people complain about free lunars. When before they complained that it wasn't free, because the entrance fee combined with the costs (time, money, supplies) weren't worth the reward.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • Dsholder - Dreamweaver
    Dsholder - Dreamweaver Posts: 626 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I make more in one hour in real life, and can just spend that portion of 1 hour of hard earned, skillful work into this game and have more coins than the average player who farms TT for a month straight.

    If I had a dime for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke.
  • Dsholder - Dreamweaver
    Dsholder - Dreamweaver Posts: 626 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Here's a list of high level materials that do not have any elation to low levels, because all of these materials are for level 90+ gear, or so they are meant to be...

    List of level 90+ Mats that are almost that take time to farm but are worthless:

    Frenzy Lion's Edge
    Iron Plate of Darkness
    Wheel of the Seven Luminaries
    Evil Minion's Axe Edge
    Monarch's Will
    Sorceress's Aura
    Giant Beast's Crimson Horn
    Giant Pincers of Darkness
    Sacred Mother's Heart
    Sacred Mother's Stone
    Sorceress's Hearwear

    So uh....Can you name any reason why these materials should not be worth more than 100 coins each, and why they shouldn't be considered for DQ points exchange?

    If I had a dime for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke.
  • Dsholder - Dreamweaver
    Dsholder - Dreamweaver Posts: 626 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Good point. There is a lot of harm this would cause.

    For one things, the prices have gotten to be around the point it should be. Artificially raising the price by lowering the supply unnaturally won't help anyone but the people who are already making decent money farming TT. Raising the price of TT items by lowering the supply unnaturally would only hurt low levels, and this game is already too low level unfriendly. At least they can do JJ orders, and farm mats to buy the TT items they need. Having them be NPC'ed and scare and expensive would only hurt them. And don't kid yourself if you think it would help them. As long as the drops rates are not severely impacted by high levels coming in and wrecking the instance at easily 10 times the speed and with lower costs, TT farming will NEVER be a viable low level market. Since this isn't a suggestion, you won't mind people making their own suggestions right? I suggest anyone who sucks at making money in TT find alternate avenue for making money. Perhaps, do badge runs and craft peoples gear for them. Perhaps learn to merchant. Perhaps, gear up and get better at playing and go kill things in nation wars. Learn to merchant. Did I say that already? Well, I'll say it again. Learn to merchant. Perhaps farm books to sell. or Learn to merchant. There is already quite a few ways to get money to gear up nowadays, and the base gear is easier to get than ever before. The only people who really, really need more avenues to make money is new players. Because new players who are a portion of that low level market for those TT items, are pretty screwed. There is nobody to play with. There hasn't been any really good low level content added in ages besides the JJ orders.

    In regards to Nation Wars, you don't kill things, you kill players. Have you done the instance yet?

    I know how to invest, this is something I can already do quite well, so well in fact that I'm investing without spending more than 10 minutes a day on this. Anyhow, when I started Perfect World the videos didn't show someone merchanting, it showed the destruction of land, the summoning of a boss, it showed the defeat of a boss by a hero. This trailer was created to captivate players, and if the game company knows this sort of the thing is interesting, rather than merchanting, then why would someone like you suggest players who have the capability to kill bosses to merchant for money? How is this the least bit interesting?

    I find it wrong that you want players to wipe their chins and walk away, after farming these TT green mats. You tell them an alternative to this flaw in the game is to merchant, to spend time buying and selling, to continue on funding the buying and selling, which is stupid. It's stupid to continue on doing something, just to continue on doing something you don't like!

    So people are just doing it for no reason then? Obviously it's worth the time investment or people wouldn't be doing it. Just like full deltas are more rare now, and people complain about free lunars. When before they complained that it wasn't free, because the entrance fee combined with the costs (time, money, supplies) weren't worth the reward.

    Why do you consistently make things seem different than they are in reality?

    Do you know why people complain about free lunars? I'll give you a hint, "It's not the fact that it doesn't cost the players any money to do the run, it actually cost one squad member 3M coins still. The matter of the fact is that there is a drop worth more than 3M coins in there, and the person who pays 3M coins is under the belief that they deserve the item, which is worth more than the 3M. During 2x drops, the person offering to pay 3M, in exchange for a so called-free-run wanted both of these items, which together is around 8M coins. The players complained because each person contributes to the squad and each person wanted a share for their effort in this, so they would prefer the 500k fee and split instead of going on the so-called-free-runs.

    People Actually Do TT runs because they like to do the runs.

    If I had a dime for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke.
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The underlying issue is there is no instance for farming gear besides TT and warsong/lunar. the warsong/lunar is crippled by design in several ways.

    NW is a great farming instance, but its only open 4 hours a week

    AEU is likewise very limited and repetitive

    BH is pretty much the only available way to farm new coins

    with the exception of AEU and NW, there has not been a new farming instance in this game since nirvana.

    all gear farming culminates in the cash shop.

    bottom line, there is no diversification, no innovation and no customization.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    I don't know about AEU. How is it any more repetitive than any other instance? I still find it fun.
    Yeah. This game is really, really, really new player unfriendly. I can't agree with anything that exacerbates that problem, such as a suggestion that the costs for lowbie basic gear be raised so TT farmers don't have to bother DQ farming.

    The cost of TT mats would simply depend on how much DQ points it gives. PWI can **** up and overdo it, or they can make it have no significant impact. Remember we're talking about the TT mats that people would throw away or NPC anyway, stuff that's barely worth 100k as it is.

    The expensive ones obviously people sell or keep, but there are plenty of mats that no one simply wants.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty