RoC vs Karma = lol

Sheswes - Heavens Tear
Posts: 1,216 Arc User
You guys will dualclient or what?
or it was honesty's order to attack her EX?b:chuckle
I'm just curious xD
or it was honesty's order to attack her EX?b:chuckle
I'm just curious xD
scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool
scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool
Post edited by Sheswes - Heavens Tear on
Yes we will dual client.
No, we don't take orders from noobs like Honesty, although she's significantly less noob than anyone in Radiance.
Radiance should talk. I somehow remember Radiance yelling to Karma with giant tears rolling down their faces "We will come when you learn to fight fair!!!b:cry" as they were leaving to fight 80v12 (LOL the irony). Why do you advertise "we get the best TWs" when you clearly don't even make bidding decisions to get TWs? I heard you guys were actually HAPPY that you were surrounded by GD. You're not going to get good TWs vs GD you know. Your guild advertising is complete bull. You bid on...DRAKON LOOL.
But yea, what are you curious about Sheswes? "Why does RoC have more balls and attacks Karma with 12 ppl and Rad does not with 80?" Was that your question?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Anatidaephobia - The Fear That You are Being Watched by a Duck0 -
maybe because if you think more deeply about it, you will see a logic in this bid b:chuckle no no no ! no hints this time rofl
and if you're saying honesty is less noob (n00b) than anyone in Radiance, I think you should define the word "n00b" lol[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool0 -
It's not that I don't know the "logic" behind Rad bids, because I do and even if I didn't, it's actually not that hard to guess what stupid things are going on in the heads of Rad leadership. I just think the "logic" is pretty stupid, and also of course Rad actions go against what they keep preaching about. I mean, it's pretty stupid when you brag about having Tws and then make stupid bids that prevent you from getting them, and on top of that, become HAPPY that GD blocks you off from any potential TWs you'll get in the future.
Honesty can kill me without using 9+ sparks and her apoth. Are you Radiance's best player? Yes? Well Honesty is better than you, so all of Radiance must be more noob than her. Hey, isn't your gear better than Honesty's now too? Wow.
Radiance are noobs. The only person who is still active and isn't a noob is Beuhar, and we know this which was why he was invited to Trolololo with us. He was rostered in my squad, in fact. He's pretty good. You guys don't support him at all. He was working wonders against GD with my squad backing him up. Trust Radiance to not even use their only good player right. I remember Rad leaders made some passive aggressive thread about Trolololo but didnt' we only invite like 2 people from Rad? To be honest if I were in Radiance at the time and I weren't invited I'd be really sad to be lumped with the rest of the noobs.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Anatidaephobia - The Fear That You are Being Watched by a Duck0 -
honesty better than any1 in Rad? well...
*sends proffesor_x or Jasriana to stand afk and looks pretty in pk mode, while honesty qqs about another period and tries to kill any of them*
I think you rly miss the time when RoC badly outgeared Radiance so even 20-30 ppl were enough to give us a good fight b:chuckle
and yea I'm better geared than her now so what? Guess she can't get s3, because she doesn't want to complain later about wasting "another 300 bucks on this game" ROFL
anyway have fun dualclienting[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool0 -
Professor_X is bad. Jasrina isn't as bad as Prof_X but OmniX is better with worse gear.
I don't miss that time when we had 30 ppl beat 80 of you. To be honest, that is mostly sad. Also you didn't outgear as that time. You had as many R9s as we did. I counted all the R9s in Radiance at the time because of all the QQing from you, and we had a similar number of R9s (you actually had a few more, and then you had 50 people of various gear from TT to nirvana on top of that). You were just THAT BAD. If I miss any time it was when Enrage and Tao were fighting. The other times were just lulz. Even GD vs Enrage was kinda sad because of GD's r9 only roster. Unlike you guys, I like fights of equal skill, gear, and numbers, so fighting 30v80 of you doesn't really qualify. Fighting you guys is just amusing while we wait for NW.
But now we only have 12 ppl instead of 30 so meh.
Honesty doesn't have s3 cuz she doesn't care about the game. She can still roll you with her S1 against your S3.
Wait, so you would send ProfX and Jasrina against Honesty instead of yourself? So you are admitting that you're bad, even with S3?
Also, sure, tell ProfX and Jasrina to go PK. I'd LOVE to see that.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Anatidaephobia - The Fear That You are Being Watched by a Duck0 -
maybe she can, maybe she can't - who cares? you? rofl
fail troll is just failjust like "my k/d goes up after every TW vs Radiance!!!" (and it doesn't matter that HT ranking page statistics aren't updated since.. 01.01? ) b:chuckle
scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool0 -
Sheswes - Heavens Tear wrote: »maybe she can, maybe she can't - who cares? you? rofl
fail troll is just failjust like "my k/d goes up after every TW vs Radiance!!!" (and it doesn't matter that HT ranking page statistics aren't updated since.. 01.01? ) b:chuckle
You care. You're the one who got upset that I said Honesty is better than anyone in Rad. I think Honesty is a noob so it's not like whether she can kill you affects me that much LOL.
No one will ever admit someone who trolled them is a good troll. I consider the way you get butthurt and try to make dumb and half-relevant replies to me to mean that I successfully trolled you. Whether I am a fail troll or not really depends on how much other people like to read me trolling you, because the purpose of my trolling is of course to amuse my audience (and myself). Usually when people don't directly answer anything I said and start making "who cares" and "fail troll" statements, it means they got trolled.
Also, why are you concerned about my KDR? Even I'm not concerned about my KDR. If I were I certainly wouldn't have sharded DoTs in my R9S1 gear, nor would I PK, etc. However I've found that certain Radiance like you and ConnerA are especially concerned about my KDR, so I inform you guys that my KDR has been going up. Speaking of KDR, I went and checked your star players' KDRs. Prof_X has an embarassing KDR for someone of his gear. Bezmor who regularly PK'd has a higher KDR. Jasrina has a 2.7 KDR, which is very strange considering the damage and AoE potential mystics have and her top tier gear. Both of those people have better gear than me, and had better gear than me when Radiance was crying about losing 80v30. I guess to put it simply, I say that to 'troll' Radiance, and judging by what you're saying, it seems to be working.
In fact I looked at the overall rankings for KDR and it seems Beuhar has the highest KDR (??? why BM have highest KDR?) in your faction. This kind of just means Radiance gets kill farmed all day in most of the TWs they've ever been in. Is that the reason you pick on Drakon and xTainted? lololol.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Anatidaephobia - The Fear That You are Being Watched by a Duck0 -
I've only read 4 1st lines - too lazy to read the rest of this wall lol
actually I've stoped reading after word"butthurt" b:shocked not sure if that is a part about me or radiance but... after every TW the only upset side is RoC lol. Excuses 20 vs 80 and you get pissed off even more if we troll you by "we reqruit roc members - we've got FULL HQ" lol
so yea - if you rly want to troll do it better b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool0 -
Of course you wouldn't say you read my post. There's nothing you can say against it. I'm not posting it for you to read though, it's for everyone else.
20v80 isn't an excuse, it's a fact. The fact is you ditched TW vs Karma to show 80 people to the 12 of us. That's why it's dumb for Rad to claim they try for good TWs, because they obviously don't. Also, Radiance seem to be too dumb to figure out that we're making fun of you, not complaining, when we bring up those numbers. We're also not 'making excuses.' We don't need to excuse anything. There's no way 12 people is supposed to beat 80. In fact you guys losing to us when we had 30 was already sad and wasn't supposed to happen.
RoC doesn't get upset that you're trying to recruit us. We know the last time Steopie applied with that mspaint picture you guys got all excited. So yes, we know that you're trying to recruit us, but we won't join Radiance. I'm proud to be one of the few people left on the server who hasn't once been in the giant vajayjay that is Rad.
Why are you guys so butthurt that we keep reminding you it was 12v80? Do you secretly tell yourself that it was a fair fight to make yourself feel better at night?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Anatidaephobia - The Fear That You are Being Watched by a Duck0 -
another wall of text and again I'm too lazy to read it
I just want to say...
Radiance reqruits RoC members (they need to pay 100m 1st tho) ! We've got FULL HQ! b:pleased[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool0 -
Steopie already told you guys how much to pay us if you want us to join. If you want to lower it to 100M you have to talk to Pie.
Considering how stupid Radiance has made you though I'm not sure your money can buy me anymore. Brain cells might die from all the stupid there b:shocked
Anyway, if you are recruiting us, get in line. We're in high demand. Not that I know why you're trying to make our ego even bigger...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Anatidaephobia - The Fear That You are Being Watched by a Duck0 -
Sheswes - Heavens Tear wrote: »Your post just proved that I was completely wrong so I am going to pretend I didn't read it.
Please stop reminding us that we can only win 80v12. Just let us attempt to troll you by saying we're recruiting you (and I can't spell 'recruit' to save my life) because somehow complimenting you and making your egos bigger is supposed to troll you.
I just got trolled so hard, I can only counter by saying 'fail troll.'
Sums up Rad posts.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Anatidaephobia - The Fear That You are Being Watched by a Duck0 -
high demand? eeee yea sure.. and I'm a GM lol
you guys became 15 min TW faction - nothing else I guess? just let this guild die... again b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool0 -
Iyania - Heavens Tear wrote: »Sums up Rad posts.
oh come on... we're just better than you - deal with it and stop being upset b:pleased[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool0 -
Sheswes - Heavens Tear wrote: »high demand? eeee yea sure.. and I'm a GM lol
you guys became 15 min TW faction - nothing else I guess? just let this guild die... again b:chuckle
*Shrug* You're the one who's trying to recruit us. You have to get in line behind Drakon and Karma though.
Also have your TWs been longer than ours? Of course not, because you only bid on people you vastly outnumber...Typical of Radiance to say something hypocritical like that. I've found that most of the things Radiance says to insult others applies more to themselves than the people they say it to.Sheswes - Heavens Tear wrote: »oh come on... we're just more stupid than you - deal with it and stop expecting responses that are actually intelligent, related, or even just make sense b:pleased
*Sigh* Okay....[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Anatidaephobia - The Fear That You are Being Watched by a Duck0 -
we're trying to recruit you? that's something new tbh - oh w8 !! you seriously though we want to recruit you whenever we wc "Rad recruits roc -we've got full HQ" right? b:victory
but I have to admit that pie knows how to troll and he's good in it !
on the other hand - you're a super fail troll and even those edited post are rly lame b:surrender
so yea you better focus on farming coins for scrub's gear b:chuckle
and to make you upset once again - Radiance was/is/will be always better than RoC b:thanks[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool0 -
Sheswes - Heavens Tear wrote: »we're trying to recruit you? that's something new tbh - oh w8 !! you seriously though we want to recruit you whenever we wc "Rad recruits roc -we've got full HQ" right? b:victory
but I have to admit that pie knows how to troll and he's good in it !
on the other hand - you're a super fail troll and even those edited post are rly lame b:surrender
so yea you better focus on farming coins for scrub's gear b:chuckle
and to make you upset once again - Radiance was/is/will be always better than RoC b:thanks
So you said something that you didn't mean when you get called out. Nothing new from Rad. For the record you did try to accept Pie's application. Also I dont' give a damn if you're ACTUALLY recruiting us because I will never join Radiance. My point is you're trying to 'troll' us with something that people would consider a compliment. *rolls eyes* It's not that hard to figure out.
I'm kind of amused that you think you can upset us. I mean, we do get upset, but certainly not by people claiming they are better than us when they don't back it up and instead prove the opposite.
Keep tellign yourself that so you can get some sleep though.
Also, I don't farm. Radiance and their fail information. Are you trying to be like Inventor? I've never seen anyone troll well by posting tons of smiley faces except Inventor. I like him, but you're just not good enough to troll the way he does.
RoC alts > Rad, according to how much you guys QQ about our alts in Karma. Stop shooting yourself in the foot with your 'trolling.' It's embarassing.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Anatidaephobia - The Fear That You are Being Watched by a Duck0 -
Ok, we'll do this your way.
Half of my squad rolled your squad in NW. RoC > Rad.
I landed by myself against your squad base locking my nation. I despawned your squad but my scrub nation managed to lose on time while I was doing that, oh well. Again, RoC>Rad because I despawned Rad squad anyway.
You triple sparked and IGed multiple times to kill me and did not get me once. I have yet to be killed by you, even in TW, since you got your s3. RoC still better than Rad.
RoC icon is better than Rad.
RoC has more balls. However I guess RoC balls isn't bigger than Rad balls because Rad doesn't have balls.
RoC makes Rads angry and butthurt. RoC > Rad.
Rad KDR sucks because they get kill farmed every TW. RoC KDR > Rad KDR
RoC has Steopie. This automatically wins at trolling, so RoC trolling > Rad trolling. Also Sheswes and ConnerA are negative at trolling because they seem to troll themselves more.
Rad somehow makes it their business to care a lot about RoC actions. They make threads on the forum about RoC's decisions while trying to claim they dont' care (why make a thread then O-o). RoC > Rad.
Rad complains about Karma alts in RoC TWing. Karma alts > Rad mains.
Rad complains about RoC alts in Karma TWs. RoC alts > Rad mains.
Rad complains about RoC spying on their forum. RoC forum spies > Rad.
RoC has real wizards. RoC > Rad.
RoC has real archers. RoC > Rad.
RoC has the best players in general. RoC > Rad.
Rad QQs about spawn killing, tries to spawn kill in a valiant display of hypocrisy, and fails miserably at it while instead being kill farmed in RoC base. RoC invented spawn killing, though we were in Enrage at the time. RoC/Enrage > Radiance.
Until last week, RoC had more lands than Radiance, even though RoC has like 20 people. Weird, isn't it? Well not that weird, because RoC > Rad.
RoC was the first faction to beat Radiance in TW despite being vastly outleveled, out geared, and out-manned. Radiance first proves that they suck at PVP. RoC > Rad when Hong was in charge too.
Rawthorne was a better cleric AND better leader than FieryMint. Rad = Rad < RoC.
That's all I came up with in between Warcraft3 games. Cheers.
Oh yea, the obvious one. RoC has more brains than Rad. RoC > Rad.
Edit: Forgot I was supposed to add a lot of pointless smilies too. b:laugh b:laugh b:laugh. For some reason smileys = trolling? Quantity of smilies over quality of content I guess.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Anatidaephobia - The Fear That You are Being Watched by a Duck0 -
Iyania - Heavens Tear wrote: »So you said something that you didn't mean when you get called out. Nothing new from Rad. For the record you did try to accept Pie's application. Also I dont' give a damn if you're ACTUALLY recruiting us because I will never join Radiance. My point is you're trying to 'troll' us with something that people would consider a compliment. *rolls eyes* It's not that hard to figure out.
I'm kind of amused that you think you can upset us. I mean, we do get upset, but certainly not by people claiming they are better than us when they don't back it up and instead prove the opposite.
Keep tellign yourself that so you can get some sleep though.
Also, I don't farm. Radiance and their fail information. Are you trying to be like Inventor? I've never seen anyone troll well by posting tons of smiley faces except Inventor. I like him, but you're just not good enough to troll the way he does.
RoC alts > Rad, according to how much you guys QQ about our alts in Karma. Stop shooting yourself in the foot with your 'trolling.' It's embarassing.Iyania - Heavens Tear wrote: »Ok, we'll do this your way.
Half of my squad rolled your squad in NW. RoC > Rad.
I landed by myself against your squad base locking my nation. I despawned your squad but my scrub nation managed to lose on time while I was doing that, oh well. Again, RoC>Rad because I despawned Rad squad anyway.
You triple sparked and IGed multiple times to kill me and did not get me once. I have yet to be killed by you, even in TW, since you got your s3. RoC still better than Rad.
RoC icon is better than Rad.
RoC has more balls. However I guess RoC balls isn't bigger than Rad balls because Rad doesn't have balls.
RoC makes Rads angry and butthurt. RoC > Rad.
Rad KDR sucks because they get kill farmed every TW. RoC KDR > Rad KDR
RoC has Steopie. This automatically wins at trolling, so RoC trolling > Rad trolling. Also Sheswes and ConnerA are negative at trolling because they seem to troll themselves more.
Rad somehow makes it their business to care a lot about RoC actions. They make threads on the forum about RoC's decisions while trying to claim they dont' care (why make a thread then O-o). RoC > Rad.
Rad complains about Karma alts in RoC TWing. Karma alts > Rad mains.
Rad complains about RoC alts in Karma TWs. RoC alts > Rad mains.
Rad complains about RoC spying on their forum. RoC forum spies > Rad.
RoC has real wizards. RoC > Rad.
RoC has real archers. RoC > Rad.
RoC has the best players in general. RoC > Rad.
Until last week, RoC had more lands than Radiance, even though RoC has like 20 people. Weird, isn't it? Well not that weird, because RoC > Rad.
That's all I came up with in between Warcraft3 games. Cheers.
Oh yea, the obvious one. RoC has more brains than Rad. RoC > Rad.
Edit: Forgot I was supposed to add a lot of pointless smilies too. b:laugh b:laugh b:laugh. For some reason smileys = trolling? Quantity of smilies over quality of content I guess.
Radiance > RoC b:kiss rofl[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool0 -
Rad is also still standing strong 4.25 years later...unlike RoC0
RepNub - Heavens Tear wrote: »Rad is also still standing strong 4.25 years later...unlike RoC
if you consider picking fights with factions 1/5 their size strong, then yes, they are.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
rad and gd should cross notes lol rad claims aes farms my gear and gd claims i cash shop her gearb:surrender
People should really give up being jealous over gear that was attained for free and a significant amount of afk'ing <.<. Sorry our gear is better than most people in rad lol.
On a side note though since rad is still so much better than roc at anything we can always settle it to a solid squad v squad in pk >=), seems much more fun than pretending to pk being white named in sz all the time.0 -
Scrubby - Heavens Tear wrote: »rad and gd should cross notes lol rad claims aes farms my gear and gd claims i cash shop her gearb:surrender
i know she bought you your gear, lol. what's dis about gd saying you cs'd.
and aes and shes, get a room. b:surrenderthere are no stupid questions, just a lot of inquisitive idiots.0 -
Thank you for making my break slightly entertaining.0
I went out on a date with Amourie. Half way through her fiance entered the room much to the surprise of Amourie, whom had previously promised he wouldn't return until the next afternoon. I tried fleeing the scene before he could get a hold of me but I was too late. He grabbed me and threw me on the couch with a deep, angered look in face. Amourie pleaded to Jhalil to not hurt me and that the entire evening was her idea due to her lust of feelings for me and lack of fulfillment he could give her on a nightly basis. Jhalil briefly paused, and swung his body back over to me as if he wanted to strike me. At that moment he asked me in a deep, seductive voice,
Box?0 -
Conner was here.I'm hated by former friends, entire factions, PWE, and people I've never met before. I'm hated on servers I've never logged onto.
... and I honestly wasn't even trying.
Enrage has nothing on me.
Sheswes - Heavens Tear wrote: »merchanting/farming - doesn't change the fact you had to get coins for scrub's gear lol
and when it comes to TW...
Radiance > RoC b:kiss rofl
We use the same pool of money, and incidentally gear costs money, so yes, I did have to get coin for his gear, but he also had to get coin for mine *rolls eyes.* C'mon Shes, it's not that hard. Why do you need everything spelled out like this.
Also, RoC > Radiance in TW. We get more kills, we had more land, we have more fun. RoC > Rad in TW.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Anatidaephobia - The Fear That You are Being Watched by a Duck0 -
Hojuken - Heavens Tear wrote: »?
i know she bought you your gear, lol. what's dis about gd saying you cs'd.
and aes and shes, get a room. b:surrender
You should check notes with your members. Ever since Honesty paid for our marriage GD "trash talks" by saying scrubby CS'd my gear. I put " " around trash talk because, considering the number of cash shoppers in GD, it seems to me they are trash talking themselves more, kinda like Radiance. And I also can't tell whether that is supposed to offend me or scrubby.
Also Hojuken...How do you 'know' I bought scrubby's gear? You do realize he had r9 before we got les-hitched right? It would have gone better for you if you had said "I think Aes bought your gear" instead of "I KNOW Aes bought your gear," because then you'd have a way to get out of it when it turns out...wrong.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Anatidaephobia - The Fear That You are Being Watched by a Duck0 -
RepNub - Heavens Tear wrote: »Rad is also still standing strong 4.25 years later...unlike RoC
"Standing strong" as in interrupted by periods of extreme crappiness, to the point where they literally had no land on the map for a long time, punctuated by drama and the inability to keep their members who actually know how to play. Really the only reason Radiance is still around is the same as the reason RoC is around. Some people are too lazy to move factions.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Anatidaephobia - The Fear That You are Being Watched by a Duck0 -
Attention all RoC. I would like to direct you to Radiance's record for fastest TW win (in recent history).
This concludes my visit to boring pw forums. If you would like to talk to me about your feelings, please whisper me in game. I'm always here for you.
ConnerI'm hated by former friends, entire factions, PWE, and people I've never met before. I'm hated on servers I've never logged onto.
... and I honestly wasn't even trying.
Enrage has nothing on me.
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