...So why DOESN'T bramble work in PK?



  • KingClawX - Lost City
    KingClawX - Lost City Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    So are you saying that EVERY time a sin want to atack a player with bramble they have to use an IG?
    Lol.... you should go and play a little pvp with a sin, bramble hurts.
    And dont say "i can control my hits" its not about control, you have more hp CUZ YOU ARE A BARB ur target has less hp that you so if he deals a low dmg on you while you are atacking then the winner its you, but that doesnt happen to sins, if your target have 40% more hp than you, unless you use an inmunity or reduce dmg taken apo/genie skill then you have NO CHANCES even if the enemy its singing TROLOLOLOL while dancing

    just gona say it once as ur the moron one here.

    yes u should as we have to use dectection pot to see a sin in open pk to so what gona kill u have to use ig to fight bramble if the rest of us nbeed a detection pot to see ur stealted regular sin.

    or would u stop using stealth in regular pk
  • KingClawX - Lost City
    KingClawX - Lost City Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    responding BanMePls

    same thing those noob sin have to deal with in tw nw duel or perish.

    its not like the rest of us have it free we have to buy detection pot to see them in stealth duh

    and with tidal i cant garante i can stun that sin seal or anything

    with deaden i wouldent be able to kill him before the coward sin stealthed on me and repeat the circle.

    not talking about barb here just the regular sin who complain the most

    just to point out i have not said anything about sin losing there main buff just let veno have there own buff working as it should.
  • gyroki
    gyroki Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    So what the noobish majority in this thread wants to tell us is that sins got an easy pvp mode and the noobish venos deserves this too... nty. I like it to kill noobish venos in easy mode with my sin when they attack some of my alts. My sin is my holy guardian on follow in open world and protects me from evil b:victory
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I think that some ppl should try to actually fight in pvp , instead of always be trying to find ways to avoid pvp.
    As psychic, u have already enough possibility of skillz to counter sins, now learn to use them would be even more helpfull than making bramble works in pvp.
    You will always find a reason to complain.

    Ok before more of these little posts spring up trying to claim I'm some nab that wants extra help cause I've never PVPed and refuse to do so as-is, can we just clarify that I'm ranked 10th for kill count amongst all classes and all servers? :U

    And no, I just know that PERSONALLY, if I were an APS dependent class, PK would feel pointless to me at this point since it won't actually get me anywhere in NW or TW. And sure enough there's dozens of sins (no bms in my experience though I'm sure someone knows one) that kill themselves on the reflect of myself or of my squadmates in NW weekly. Be nice if those guys had some incentive to learn how to friggin play.
    If bramble w0rked in PK, what w0uld bec0me 0f all th0se p00r n00b sins that d0n't kn0w what the bramble ic0n l00ks like v.v.

    They would go extinct, which is exactly what I want.
    I'd personally like to see easy-mode setups die out. This is one of them. Hell I said a couple pages back I'd like to see an end to the easy-mode Psys that are just "alts" people made, immediately CSing the class up to +12 and then not knowing what the HELL they're doing while still winning thanks to ridiculous silence rates, but sadly I don't know a way to handle that other than a direct nerf to the silence rate, and nerfs don't seem to be in PWIs vocabulary. This thread is merely a suggestion I felt was worth bringing up since wtf NW and TW already enable bramble ANYWAYS.

    So wtf do we stand to lose if we do this?
    I <3 AGOREY
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    gyroki wrote: »
    So what the noobish majority in this thread wants to tell us is that sins got an easy pvp mode and the noobish venos deserves this too... nty. I like it to kill noobish venos in easy mode with my sin when they attack some of my alts. My sin is my holy guardian on follow in open world and protects me from evil b:victory

    Enabling Bramble to work in open world PK would hardly make it "easy mode" for Venos, Sins who know how to play their class can easily get around reflect and reaction times vs stealth ganking are simply too short... You like to refer to Venos as noobish even although you should be well aware, if not a noob yourself, that without reflect there's absolutely nothing ANY Veno could possibly do to protect against getting stealth ganked by a same gear/level tier Sin starting out with full resources. Your so called "holy guardian" Sin only demonstrates your inability to PK without overwhelming advantage on your oponents.
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Ok before more of these little posts spring up trying to claim I'm some nab that wants extra help cause I've never PVPed and refuse to do so as-is, can we just clarify that I'm ranked 10th for kill count amongst all classes and all servers? :U

    And no, I just know that PERSONALLY, if I were an APS dependent class, PK would feel pointless to me at this point since it won't actually get me anywhere in NW or TW. And sure enough there's dozens of sins (no bms in my experience though I'm sure someone knows one) that kill themselves on the reflect of myself or of my squadmates in NW weekly. Be nice if those guys had some incentive to learn how to friggin play.

    They would go extinct, which is exactly what I want.
    I'd personally like to see easy-mode setups die out. This is one of them. Hell I said a couple pages back I'd like to see an end to the easy-mode Psys that are just "alts" people made, immediately CSing the class up to +12 and then not knowing what the HELL they're doing while still winning thanks to ridiculous silence rates, but sadly I don't know a way to handle that other than a direct nerf to the silence rate, and nerfs don't seem to be in PWIs vocabulary. This thread is merely a suggestion I felt was worth bringing up since wtf NW and TW already enable bramble ANYWAYS.

    So wtf do we stand to lose if we do this?

    My hp and pdef are both significantly higher than pretty much any sin period. I'm sure there are a few exceptions but that is beside my point.

    With bramble buff, I could go afk and any sin that attacked me without immune potting would just die trying.

    Edit: Also heavy venos would become popular again. In fox form sins with equal gear would be completely incapable of killing them.