Blah Blah Dark Blah Mayhem Blah Blah TW Vid Blah Blah Blah
Hi Sub!!! Long time no see! ._.Mains:
Doom_Panda- 102/101/102 R9 3rd cast Demon Barb 40k HP.
Dawnx - 100/85 Demon Cleric.
PsychicTuna- 101/100 Sage Psychic.
DawnMyst- 96 Demon Mystic.
PANDAS FTW. AND I b:heart ARMA! b:avoid0 -
So mayhems idea of winning is to stack a faction that already can't beat a powerhouse guild? I mean i understand stacking, i really do. If a guild can't be beaten 1v1 obviously you need to stack. You seem to be an individual who likes tw, so why not build your own tw faction out of hte members who you know are good at tw? build your core around solid stable players and be a thorn in guilds side til you can build up the numbers to full on tw. Thats the entire point of this thread. Mayhem has went know where since it started. The few of you who really try to tw well are being held back by others who say "i'm just having fun idc if we win or lose". You dont even have to permanently leave mayhem, just tell the leadership yoru going to try and make a tw guild that doesnt suck and if it doesnt work otu you'll be back.
I'm really trying to throw some constructive ideas out here for you guys. Mayhem isn't a bad guild, I mean i've been in it a couple times on alts and such. You just need a major change to happen. So be brave, and try something new instead of doing the same old **** that obviously isn't working.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
b:thanks yay at least someone read what i wrote.
b:cry Nuuuuuuuuuuuuu Bella , Mayhem won't ever be like Kylin . Yes now Kylin is close to dead but Kylin was a great faction that made the difference on the server and had very good tw strategy . Maye i say it cos i was there but Kylin was amazing .
Now back on topic b:chuckle
Tbh Adal u are an officer in Mayhem and how u act on forums now doesn't help to improve the image of your guild . OK i understand u want to avoid to answer some questions but this attempt to troll brings not only to u a bad image also to your guild. Try to show more diplomacy and avoid Long's questions in a non troll method. Since i am no part of Dark or Mayhem i can tell u what i understood from all this is : i can kill u 1 vs 1 anytime anywhere , Mayhem is TW guild , we are here for many years , we are organized and play good together compared to Dark that sucks , we are a family , we can't explain why we can't beat Dark even with stack but we are better , Long u r stupid blah blah blah and ofc 1 vs 1 anywhere anytime .
So how this topics can make a player that reads forums to join your guild ?
And if u would try to tell me that Long is delusional and all ... well he is no officer in Dark . He just states his opinion about the server and TW .0 -
Since when is dustgreat a Marshal from Mayhem? :O
and by the way - b:kiss0 -
Subtraction - Harshlands wrote: »
also hi everyone, i kinda quit (but i may reinstall just to use the last of my silver and fireworks and stuff)
How are you though?IA lot of people
0 -
Doom_Panda - Harshlands wrote: »Hi Sub!!! Long time no see! ._.
hi doom!
edit: grats to you (and anyone else, i tihnk long said he has some pieces) on rank9!Meeel - Harshlands wrote: »Since when is dustgreat a Marshal from Mayhem? :O
and by the way - b:kiss
it was a question, not a statement
and you care enough to bother replyingCytte - Harshlands wrote: »HOW COULD YOU I REINSTALLED FOR YOU, and got myself unbanned
How are you though?well the latest expansion somehow screwed up my patcher and deleted it so i had to uninstall
besides, league of legends and guild wars 2 are much better games than this (asides from the mayhem/omerta and fireworks and stuff xD)
i am ok, how're you? how's the drawing going, better than me yet? b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
Hai buddy. ♥ We miss you.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands wrote: »Hai buddy. ♥ We miss you.
hiya bud
and good news, the world isn't ending, because if it was, i'd be dead.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
Subtraction - Harshlands wrote: »hi doom!
edit: grats to you (and anyone else, i think long said he has some pieces) on rank9!
I got the armor.Subtraction - Harshlands wrote: »hiya bud
and good news, the world isn't ending, because if it was, i'd be dead.
Doom_Panda- 102/101/102 R9 3rd cast Demon Barb 40k HP.
Dawnx - 100/85 Demon Cleric.
PsychicTuna- 101/100 Sage Psychic.
DawnMyst- 96 Demon Mystic.
PANDAS FTW. AND I b:heart ARMA! b:avoid0 -
Subtraction - Harshlands wrote: »
well the latest expansion somehow screwed up my patcher and deleted it so i had to uninstall
besides, league of legends and guild wars 2 are much better games than this (asides from the mayhem/omerta and fireworks and stuff xD)
i am ok, how're you? how's the drawing going, better than me yet? b:laugh
How is ***? I havent heard much since after the launch hype'
Very overworked, I have to draw things just about every waking hour every day @_@. Its awesome though so I don't mind. But I don't think I'm better than you yet, you;re awesome
THough if you want gimmie a picture of your character ill play with drawing it over breakIA lot of people
0 -
ArmaniEx "our best wizz uses a r8+ 7 weap lol"
Exceptional Resource
Best Decoy0 -
hi ala! during my christmas shopping i saw disney singstar (wut they still have that game in shops?) and thought of you[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
phaeton427 wrote: »As you can see by my post count I do not usually post here. After reading this one and thinking long and hard about how I can never get that time back I decided to reply instead of lament.
First off do not ask me about what Mayhem's goals are because I am no officer. I also do not agree with much of what the leadership does, which is no mystery to them as I have posted my opinions often enough in Mayhems forums. I will not be voicing my disagreements with them here though as I would prefer to let them know directly as need arises.
Now a question you MAY ask is why don't I leave Mayhem then? That would be a question worth answering and so I will do so preemptively.
I have had offers to join other factions and have resoundley turned them down. I can't think of too many factions that wouldn't want me. I'm a R9 cleric, and while not an active PKer I can hold my own well enough in TW's, and NW's. Not too much drama I don't think, but then one may never know.
Now here is why I don't leave Mayhem. Because there is nowhere else to go. Let's pretend for a moment I app'd a faction like Dark and got in. Here is what I would find. A set to expire faction built from a group of cowards that only picks fights they know they can win. It is a certainty that when both Mayhem and Omerta are off the map, and after the few stragglers that remain are gone or ignored Dark would be the first to fall. If or when Crimson and Infamous and Dark fight it out Dark would lose quickly. I know this for one reason more than any other.
Because Mayhem will stack your ****, and hold you hostage for about an hour every weekend. And you KNOW you can't win against either Crimson or Infamous with Mayhem stacking you. Deep down inside that's what this thread is all about. Longknife and his boyfriend have fear of the future and this is a lame attempt to affect it by trying to ignite turmoil in Mayhem. But that is exactly why I am in Mayhem you see? The simple joy of destroying factions like you by being the constant thorn in your side. And Mayhem has always been there making you bleed. That history is written all over Longknife's profile. "Longknife is now a member of Dark. Longknife is now a member of Infamous. Longknife is now a member of Dark. Longknife is now a member of catalyst...blah blah blah". Jumping ship when factions start to lose is what you and your ilk do best. Run and hide behind powerhouse faction tags until said faction starts to fall. You're rinse and repeat predictability is sickening. Your like a dog going back and eating your own vomit again and again.
And as for fireworks??? You don't lag me, my machine can take it. And I don't get distracted by the "pretty lights" either. In fact, I find it somewhat humorous that your lack of sportsmanship probably slows you down more than it does me. But that's what it is. Lack of sportsmanship and fair play. Another reason i would never join your faction. It's set to expire in about 90 days anyway. Shoot your fireworks off in my face and I'll make you pay for it. Try it this weekend and see. b:chuckle
I'm gonna ignore basically every personal criticism because there's nothing objective about:
"Mayhem has spent years not moving forward."
"Oh ya well ur adopted."
I don't care to discuss any of your little insults, go ahead and assume them to be true if you like. But at least consider the criticisms posted here about Mayhem. Only one that's even remotely worth addressing is how you seem to think I quit losing guilds when I left friggin' Catalyst, or that I'm the one repeating my actions over and over; not Mayhem.
I mean your answer is filled with logical fallacies and hell, even helps prove my point. I've accused Mayhem of being part of the problem of why the server is stuck in stagnation. You said yourself that you're gonna stack Dark every week (which we know and have known for a looooong time. That's part of the reason WHY you have no lands and part of the reason why I'm telling you Mayhem is doomed: because your guild now has a reputation as a stack b**** and gets bid on for it).
So wait, your game plan and how you take pleasure from the game is to spitefully target the guilds that outperform you? That's pathetic, childish and spiteful. Several Mayhem complain about Infamous always ruling the server, but then you stack any guild that starts rising in power and wonder why no one can ever challenge Infamous.
You complain about how Crimson did nothing but use you as a human shield (something I spent ages trying to warn you guys about, similar to my posts now...), and yet what do you do? You spitefully stack guilds that simply outplayed you; guilds that just so happen to border Crimson when Crimson runs out of free bids. You wonder WHY they never bothered to help you guys? Because they don't have to; you do their bidding whether they help you out or not. Manipulating Mayhem is easy; want them as allies? Don't bid them, they'll end up stacking the people that are bound to be your future opponents. This is exactly how you guys get played by them time and time and time again. So yes trust me, we knew what we were getting into when we started bidding you. We just don't care.
And finally....
Your motivation for staying in Mayhem despite it's to get some pathetic, spiteful form of revenge against guilds that outplayed Mayhem...? Erm, ok. Seems like a logical fallacy, because if you simply left Mayhem, you'd have no desire to get revenge on behalf of them. You've also failed to explain what Dark did wrong beyond kicking your ***; your reasoning is nothing short of petty and spoiled, stacking a guild simply because they beat you.
So Crimson constantly using Mayhem as a human shield for years? That's nothing worth attacking them over! But a guild beat you in TW?? Those ****s!! Let's get them!!!
I just dunno what to tell you, because as you sit and claim Dark will be short-lived, you fail to address that Mayhem is being slaughtered by an allegedly short-lived guild that just kind of fell into place; that a guild filled with people that've played together for years absolutely CANNOT win against a combination of CrimsonJr, Absinthe and old school Zulu members.
My advice for Mayhem? Be objective about your discussions for once. I keep making points and they're just kind of swept under the rug. Instead I get long posts slandering me personally. My point is that even if you were right and I'm the worst thing since Satan and I'm pathetic and cowardly and arrogant and selfish and a baby-killer and all the other bad words in the world, that doesn't change that my criticisms of Mayhem are accurate. You're simply ignoring them and reducing this to petty name-calling. No, listen to them. Be challenged by them. Contemplate if they're true, and if they are, admit it. To not do so is idiocy and the exact reason Mayhem can't move forward.
But no, the guy who spent ages trying to warn Mayhem they're being warned by Crimson? Obviously I have nothing useful or productive to say to you guys. I'm just a big meanie-head who dares be in a guild that's better than yours and I'm not afraid to criticize. How DARE I criticize Rebel's obsession with Dragon's Flame even though I also criticized Alastar's shoddy tower building, Kazuma's botched defense attempt and my own overzealous/often useless spam of IG that TW? Clearly I am just filled with blind hate for Mayhem and my criticisms aren't constructive at all.
Also, lulz at people still thinking there's actually some reason or purpose behind our firework spam beyond Toothbrush fireworks being god damn hilarious, and people accusing them of being hacks being four times as hilarious.IAGOREY
0 -
b:chuckle Long u do realize , i hope , all you try to explain won't change them for a bit .
b:cry Try to write less ... till they won't see they are going no -where with TW and till when people will see that they won't evolve as TW guild there is nothing u can do or say more .
now long story short : don't advertise yourself as TW guild since u don't evolve and it's always the same .... if u want real TW change something idk : person that is in charge of TW , defence , offence , support leaders , TW tactic , squad composition and improve gears and skills . Everywhere is place for improvement , try not to be so full of pride when someone says u don't do things right . I mean , since u loose every time against to a faction that is good ( not mentioning guilds that appear on the map only after map reset for 2-3 weeks) maybe it's time to change things . Or just keep TW out when u try to recruit people .
The end .0 -
Subtraction - Harshlands wrote: »hi ala! during my christmas shopping i saw disney singstar (wut they still have that game in shops?) and thought of you
They seriously do? Hahaha that's epic. And, I feel the love.
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »Also, lulz at people still thinking there's actually some reason or purpose behind our firework spam beyond Toothbrush fireworks being god damn hilarious, and people accusing them of being hacks being four times as hilarious.
I had to clear inventory space yesterday and I had to make the choice between the Merry Xmas fireworks and the Toothbrushes. Shot off 90+ Merry Xmas fireworks since I had to save the Toothbrushes for their less-than-strategic TW uses.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
ArmaniEx "our best wizz uses a r8+ 7 weap lol"
Exceptional Resource
Best Decoy0 -
I skipped most of what longknife posted because I prefer non-fiction, but still...not without a touch of humor where you reference logical fallacies while applying ad hominem attacks throughout your posts; with a hint of strawman lol.
Just remember what I said. I am no officer, and so I won't speak to Mayhems goals at all. I told you what MY feelings about the situation are...remember? This thread is just an obvious attempt to lead Mayhem to destroy itself from within which won't work. Mayhem are friends, not fickle. You don't have to be an officer to see that.
But what has become blatantly obvious in this thread is what your weakness's are. Dark won't last. Mayhem will. TW map is but one aspect of this game.
Plus remember what I said. You shoot your fireworks off in my face during TW I'll make you pay for it.
LWTrolling trolls since 1993.0 -
phaeton427 wrote: »Plus remember what I said. You shoot your fireworks off in my face during TW I'll make you pay for it.
Is it for only for Long or for everyone?
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands wrote: »Is it for only for Long or for everyone?
Bring your toothbrush and find out. b:chuckleTrolling trolls since 1993.0 -
Hello foes and friends from Harshlands. I would like to thank Longknife for his studious assessment of Mayhem and it's functionality. I have been a member of Mayhem for almost 4 years now. I am Marshal and I am proud to be part of such a loyal and friendly group of players. A faction's success or failure at TW is a result of the synergy of many components, including but not limited to: gear, individual player skill, teamwork and attendance.
Kudos to factions that regularly outperform others on many of these points. But, sad are the people who obviously don't feel AMAZING enough for being successful, but they have to try to drag their opponents through the mud and try to make them feel bad about the hard work many of them put in. You guys need to find a more practical hobby, because your trolling just makes you look like spoiled babies.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.0 -
phaeton427 wrote: »
Plus remember what I said. You shoot your fireworks off in my face during TW I'll make you pay for it.
Give me your in-game name and I'll give a special order to all of defense to launch fireworks at you. b:kiss
EDIT: LW? LivingWater?
We would launch more at you but you always escape the wrath of our fireworks with your pro holy path in the air skillz.IAGOREY
0 -
phaeton427 wrote: »I'm a R9 cleric
Shoot your fireworks off in my face and I'll make you pay for it.
What exactly are you going to do? You're a cleric brah do your ****ing job and heal.
PR (feel like putting pretentious little initials there too.)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »Give me your in-game name and I'll give a special order to all of defense to launch fireworks at you. b:kiss
EDIT: LW? LivingWater?
We would launch more at you but you always escape the wrath of our fireworks with your pro holy path in the air skillz.
Play smart, not stupid.
I am a cleric after all. b:pleasedTrolling trolls since 1993.0 -
Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands wrote: »Haahahahaha!!! Mayhem organize? You guys need to ask people to stack us??? And still cannot beat us???
What are you talking about Dark appeared on the map at the end of last reset, we have never asked to stack you its more like you have been taking advantage of being in the shadow of Infamous to stack us...
Damn this thread is daft.0 -
phaeton427 wrote: »Play smart, not stupid.
Then stop Holy pathing and speed potting in the air.IAGOREY
0 -
Adalgiso - Harshlands wrote: »This is not what Deicide is saying tbh. I asked them to stack Dark with us.Adalgiso - Harshlands wrote: »Of course I talked to other factions. Sadly, only watchers aren't sold souls, gutless or cowards. How else would someone arrange stacking unless you TALK to other factions?Taco_Master - Harshlands wrote: »What are you talking about Dark appeared on the map at the end of last reset, we have never asked to stack you its more like you have been taking advantage of being in the shadow of Infamous to stack us...
Damn this thread is daft.
Funny cause Adalgiso said he asked other factions to stack, so you are a big liar or you don't know your faction really well. b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
Paulrogers - Harshlands wrote: »What exactly are you going to do? You're a cleric brah do your ****ing job and heal.
PR (feel like putting pretentious little initials there too.)
paulrogers is one name
Ess (it sounds like 'S')[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
Sub, check your friggin PM inbox.I
0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »Sub, check your friggin PM inbox.
i did and i have quit due to my antivirus calling 'patcher.exe' a virus and quarantining it so i can't use it and stuff[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
Subtraction - Harshlands wrote: »i did and i have quit due to my antivirus calling 'patcher.exe' a virus and quarantining it so i can't use it and stuff
How Gw holding up general?IA lot of people
0 -
Subtraction - Harshlands wrote: »paulrogers is one name
Ess (it sounds like 'S')
eh the person whose name I copied is Paul Rogers though.
"Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
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