So, you want to ini edit your character?



  • ellenfan
    ellenfan Posts: 34 Arc User
    could someone possibly take the time to explain to me how to apply male hair on a female char correctly? ive tried doing exactly what venusarmani told us to do but when i change the respective file, nothing happens at all and i got no clue what im doing wrong..
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    ellenfan wrote: »
    could someone possibly take the time to explain to me how to apply male hair on a female char correctly? ive tried doing exactly what venusarmani told us to do but when i change the respective file, nothing happens at all and i got no clue what im doing wrong..

    Not sure if you managed to figure this out. A few things you could be missing or misunderstanding that may prevent your male hair from showing on a female character:

    1) You are trying to apply this to an already created character
    ---- This will only work on NEW created characters because of how the system checks for male vs. female textures/skins etc.

    2) You aren't running notepad as admin and it's therefore creating a duplicate of your file rather than editing the actual file that the system uses.
    ----I usually just right click on notepad and select "run as admin" then copy and paste from the original file into my admin privileged blank file and adjust there. I "save as" the same name of the file that already exists. (Maybe a bit convoluted...This just works for me)

    3) You are trying to do this with "old" characters
    ----Elven, Untamed, Human characters will not accept these changes as far as I am aware. I *think* nightshades should be able to accept this but I haven't tested it.

    Hopefully this helps. If not feel free to paste the ini file info you are working with and I can test it myself. It's always possible they somehow disabled this in one of the newer patches since I haven't tried it for a few years :)
  • shopcheese
    shopcheese Posts: 758 Arc User
    It works on the older races.
    You need change the file thats in the shared folder, not the files that are sorted in class+gender folder.
  • sanpokago#6904
    sanpokago#6904 Posts: 1 New User
    I just like to post this ini code for barb only, happy holidays!!

    scaleUp = 128
    scaleMiddle = 128
    scaleDown = 128
    idFaceShape1 = 117
    idFaceShape2 = 117
    blendFaceShape = 50
    scaleFaceH = 128
    scaleFaceV = 128
    idFaceTex = 100
    idFalingSkin = 4633
    idFalingTex = 13
    offsetForeheadH = 128
    offsetForeheadV = 128
    offsetForeheadZ = 128
    rotateForehead = 128
    scaleForehead = 128
    offsetYokeBoneH = 128
    offsetYokeBoneV = 128
    offsetYokeBoneZ = 128
    rotateYokeBone = 128
    scaleYokeBone = 128
    offsetCheekH = 128
    offsetCheekV = 128
    offsetCheekZ = 128
    scaleCheek = 128
    offsetChainV = 128
    offsetChainZ = 128
    rotateChain = 128
    scaleChainH = 128
    offsetJawH = 128
    offsetJawV = 128
    offsetJawZ = 128
    scaleJawSpecial = 128
    scaleJawH = 128
    scaleJawV = 128
    idEyeBaseTex = 106
    idEyeHighTex = 105
    idEyeBallTex = 104
    idEyeShape = 38
    scaleEyeH = 200
    scaleEyeV = 255
    rotateEye = 0
    offsetEyeH = 255
    offsetEyeV = 100
    offseteyeZ = 100
    scaleEyeBall = 200
    scaleEyeH2 = 200
    scaleEyeV2 = 255
    rotateEye2 = 0
    offsetEyeH2 = 255
    offsetEyeV2 = 100
    offseteyeZ2 = 100
    scaleEyeBall2 = 200
    idBrowTex = 101
    idBrowShape = 122
    scaleBrowH = 128
    scaleBrowV = 128
    rotateBrow = 128
    offsetBrowH = 128
    offsetBrowV = 128
    offsetBrowZ = 128
    scaleBrowH2 = 64
    scaleBrowV2 = 64
    rotateBrow2 = 128
    offsetBrowH2 = 128
    offsetBrowV2 = 128
    offsetBrowZ2 = 128
    idNoseTex = 95
    idNoseTipShape = 111
    scaleNoseTipH = 128
    scaleNoseTipV = 128
    scaleNoseTipZ = 128
    offsetNoseTipV = 128
    idNoseBridgeShape = 108
    scaleBridgeTipH = 128
    offsetBridgeTipZ = 128
    idMouthUpLipLine = 132
    idMouthMidLipLine = 129
    idMouthDownLipLine = 135
    thickUpLip = 128
    thickDownLip = 128
    scaleMouthH = 128
    offsetMouthV = 128
    offsetMOuthZ = 128
    idMouthTex = 107
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 64
    scaleMouthH2 = 64
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 64
    idEarShape = 114
    scaleEar = 255
    offsetEarV = 128
    idHairModel = 795
    idHairTex = 01
    idMoustacheTex = 99
    idMoustacheSkin = 0
    idGoateeTex = 65336
    colorHair = -1
    colo**ce = -792595
    colorEye = -1
    colorBrow = -12624674
    colorMouth = -1
    colorEyeBall = -13943485
    colorMoustache = -11571145
    bodyID = 0
    colorBody = -1
    headScale = 128
    upScale = 128
    waistScale = 128
    armWidth = 128
    legWidth = 128
    breastScale = 128