Miko's Makeover

MikoTenshi - Sanctuary
MikoTenshi - Sanctuary Posts: 718 Arc User
edited January 2013 in Screenshots and Videos

well, what I really meant was acutally by doing what i call "makeover" on your toon, well, screenshot of your toon. I don't actually edit your toon via your acc so down worry lol.
I recently learnt to do this, so I'm still an amateur at this. So hope I can use some of your toons to challenge myself and give myself more practice.

Here are 2 examples. (view post 3 for lastest work)



Feel free to drop your screen shot, but with the following simple requirements:

1. PLEASE only leave ss where your toon's face takes about about 1/3-2/3 of the ss (vertically at least, like the first example. somewhere like this somewhere so that your toon is 300x300 minimum). If you dont know how to take a close up check out Cocobelle's Guide to PW SS.

2. Do NOT post ss where half of your toon's face is in shade, and in light. I'm still a noob so go easy on me and find a place where light shines directly at your face and not half of it. (nice backgroud would be nice, but not required.)

3. High quality = better out come, so try not to edit the ss before hand. Uncropped prefered. No soften neccesary.

4. Male (might come out horrible but, meh) or Female, any class, doesn't matter. But sorry, no barbs ;( too noob for that lmao.

5. Last but not least, leave the name you want on the image. And ofc, your ss.

Request at your own RISK. ONLY if you're not afraid i would ruin your toon and you don't mind your toon end up look like an ALIEN lol b:kiss

PS. I'm slow and takes awhile so, don't rush me >.< Kthxbye.
Siggy made by Silvychar <3
Post edited by MikoTenshi - Sanctuary on


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