We Want PK in SP !! :D



  • Spectralis - Sanctuary
    Spectralis - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    You do realize that PvP is a draw of many, many MMO's? The element of using ones character and skills against another real live opponent is a huge factor in many, rather than pitted against mindless mobs.
    While I do agree, the PvE-only status is preferred by many ( look at the server I'm on), but you can't generically say someone looking for a fight doesn't match up with MMORPG's given that PvP is a large part of many.

    MMORPG's as i understand them are basically an exploration game played by a community of gamers who share the same interest. The PvP feature was introduce to modify the game a little, but not to set the game apart from its intented design.

    Many MMORPG's i played in the past, ended up in failure cause they had PvE and PvP mixed up together, then, the game became more a fighting game than and RPG.

    U talked here about fighting: mindless mobs, well!, thx to them, ppl can Lv up and later on become the bullies of the game, expoiling it to everyone.

    MMORPG's offer a variarity of ways, to explore (quests, dungeons, special tasks, etc),

    True!; getting this stuff done can be boring, but; that is the nature of a MMORPG and that is also the main reason, high lvs. find entertaiment killing other players. How about taking a break by leaving and returning to play later, or; helping ppl in need to do something, PWI's world chat is full of them.

    Those anxious to fight should turn to games designated on fighting, they wont find the same features of fighting from MMORPG's such an elegant display of skills, but, they can satisfy their stupid killing attitute.

    Being killed often for ppl who already played the game and are bored with it ; makes no sense. I dont need to go any further on this subject, look the opinions of those commenting on this thread about SP.

    Games are suppouse to be played the way they were designed, and an extra feature, shouldn't expoil them.
  • Ms_Mystic - Heavens Tear
    Ms_Mystic - Heavens Tear Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Heh. Well-geared people have no problem with PK in SP?

    I say, not so.

    Recently I was levelling up an alt with my girlfriend, doing all the quests together. Naturally, we arrived at quests in the SP (this was about a week ago, before they banned PK in there). I knew that we were at risk, so I scouted the area, waited for the people in the middle to stop aoeing off of each other, and ran across. My gf followed close behind and... then disappeared. Damn!

    Who pked you, dear?

    (name of random person)

    I logged my sin here and proceeded to kill said person a few times, then pmed em to let em know what they were in for if they decided to touch my gf again while we were questing.

    Unfortunately, most people coming through here would not have this luxury. They are, without their consent, below lvl 30 too (for all of you I-R-on-pk-server-who-cares people), at the mercy of any random nub who wants to inflate their ego with some cheap kills.

    Furthermore, the area is too confined. One time while my gf and I were running through, a r9 bm didn't notice us coming and did an aoe off of one of the mobs. Was he bored? Building chi? Who knows. I ran by just in time, but my gf ended up back in Orchid Temple. She has a very slow connection, and it took about 10 min before her screen loaded, we buffed up, and got back into SP. Not fun!

    Despite the fact that I love pking and have decent gear, I am NOT in favor of having SP pk-enabled.


    You are right ... currently people can accidentally PK in there with a random hit trying to get somewhere or with AOE while killing a mob. That is not good for the low lvl but is accidental on the part of the high lvl person. Only 1 hit from my sin is enough to take most low lvl's with his daggers or bow. Also ... even though I have the gear to defend myself in there, I am trying to explain the instance to the low lvls I am helping and do not need to be defending myself from idiots at that time.
  • Semis_Inferi - Archosaur
    Semis_Inferi - Archosaur Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    o.o we need an OP sin in there killing all of the greifers so this sort of thing dont happen,of course bar the accidental aoe maybe?dang i dont know this is abit over my head
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    o.o we need an OP sin in there killing all of the greifers so this sort of thing dont happen,of course bar the accidental aoe maybe?dang i dont know this is abit over my head

    You're not getting the view point of almost everyone. There is a CHANCE to accidentally kill someone and that is all that is needed for everyone to know it's a bad spot to have this kind of area. PK'ers need to have a completely separate spot like arena so that there isn't even a chance for an accidental kill.
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Nahleanna - Sanctuary
    Nahleanna - Sanctuary Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited February 2012
  • Nochaelf - Lost City
    Nochaelf - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I personaly think there should be no save zones at all on pvp server just in faction base be safe. just like real life fight or die.b:cute

    um....lets not agree on that ~~~k~~b:chuckle

  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    Pretty much this.

    The only reason Fuzzy can see that people want an instance to PK in is so that they can have their cake and eat it too. They want to have all the benefits of being white named whithout actually having to go there.

    Want to PK? Click that little button to get rid of your blue name and voila.. the entire map is now your "instance".


    Fuzzy is on the right path here; but, I do agree that open pk is tough due to level gap. They need to just make it to where you can only attack people within 10 levels of yourself. Don't QQ because of your gears. If your gears are sub par then you can expect to get your rear handed to you. Just because you want to pk before you've worked for (either in or out of the game)your gears doesn't mean its anyone elses problem.

    The whole problem with open pk is level gap. It isn't gears, it isn't even the instance its done in. <Insert> penalties for pking people who are more than 10 lvls lower than you or put a cap on it all together where there is no open pk for people who are more than 10 lvls difference. The arena would still be a lovely addition for those who want to learn how to pk but without the penalty of losing drops. For those on a PvE server, when you finally get to level 90 or 100 and feel like you are good enough to pk, there is a whole other world you are thrust into. Pvp is nothing like Pve and those who are on pve need to learn to pk.

    Other than it being pathetic and ridiculous why on Earth would it be ok to pk someone who is 30 or 40 lvls lower than you? You are nothing more than a bully, it says nothing about your skill and it says a whole lot about your intellect.
  • DreamDrops - Dreamweaver
    DreamDrops - Dreamweaver Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Dear FatalFem

    Agree with your post, however for all those that get a thrill out of fighting another player, is there not the Duel to test the skills against another player. This I believe does not involve loss of gear. To travel to SP to PK = intent to kill, either by direct hit or by AOE. Knowing that to use said AOE in confined area will affect all - player or mob.

    So if not intent on killing blue named players, PKer's stay out of SP - simple.
    There are NO Adults in this World,

    Just old Children, with Wrinkles b:chuckle
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Dear FatalFem

    Agree with your post, however for all those that get a thrill out of fighting another player, is there not the Duel to test the skills against another player. This I believe does not involve loss of gear. To travel to SP to PK = intent to kill, either by direct hit or by AOE. Knowing that to use said AOE in confined area will affect all - player or mob.

    So if not intent on killing blue named players, PKer's stay out of SP - simple.

    Dueling is in NO way close to Pvp. Not even close. Charms tick in PvP they do not in duels. That is just one of the many ways a duel is different. Not to mention that there are certain skills that can be used in Pve that can not be used in Pvp.
  • OIdpop - Heavens Tear
    OIdpop - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    I disagree. I think the fact that you're forgetting is that not everyone is a 'true PKer'.
    There are plently of lower leveld/geared people who would like to battle with others. However, this is PWI. There's r9 and +12 refines, that can just hand you behind to you in one shot.
    Can't blame people for wanting some fun without having to face the ridiculous gap between gears nowadays.

    I'm not in favor of leaving SP a PK instance. However, I see no harm in PKing in there atm, as long as you don't kill anyone not in your squad or PK group.
    But since it's such a problem: Just give us an arena and have SP fixed for once and all.

    it is a problem and people will abuse sp pk.

    so why not take your candy a** outside like fuzzy said and lose theblue name..or sit down,shut up,and nibble on a cookie in a corner.
    This game is like washing hair with shampoo... Rinse and repeat if desired.
    Proud owner of many mains.101 bm,101 seeker,101 demon sin,100 sage sin,101 archer,101 barb,100 cleric,100 wiz( first toon since sept 08 finally made it in 2013)newly added mystic 100 HA,72 psy.
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    it is a problem and people will abuse sp pk.

    so why not take your candy a** outside like fuzzy said and lose theblue name..or sit down,shut up,and nibble on a cookie in a corner.

    lol +1
  • Zalm - Dreamweaver
    Zalm - Dreamweaver Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    it is a problem and people will abuse sp pk.

    so why not take your candy a** outside like fuzzy said and lose theblue name..or sit down,shut up,and nibble on a cookie in a corner.

    Charlie Sheen Level=80
    I don't see people begging for Assassins to come save them.
    I don't see people spamming for BM or Archer buffs in Archosaur.
    I don't see people asking to be revived by Barbs, Seekers, or Psychics.
    You know what I do see?
    'Any clerics nearby that can buff me?'
    'Can you rez me? I need a rez.'
  • buzxy
    buzxy Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    PK in SP is brilliant..

    If you really think about it there is no reason for a LOW LEVEL person to actually be inside the SP..

    Quests are OPTIONAL and there are plenty of them, so they can go ahead and do them elsewhere.
    BH's can be tele'd straight into. so again.. they shouldn't be there

    On the server i play on, its PvE.. so at west gate there is no more than 1-5 different people per day, which is mostly faction mates or friends..

    When SP was open there was around.. 20+ minimum...

    Unless there is a 24/7 PvP Arena that's introduced that's active enough to draw attention with multiple people, then SP should stay a PvP instance...

    And seriously the only people that complain about being killed in SP are the low levels that stand next to you saying there 'questing' when there just picking up the coins from mobs you hit, or they're actually 50+ and trying to PvP... so they're in effect just QQ'n that they cant get kills because the 'Higher levels' are killing the 'Lower levels' that shouldn't be there in the 1st place..

    And there is no such thing as 'abusing PK' because what the hell is TW then?
    In a full 4hour TW you can cap out around 300-500kills no problem.. That's not Abusing PK?
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    so why not take your candy a** outside like fuzzy said and lose theblue name..or sit down,shut up,and nibble on a cookie in a corner.

    Well grats on not understanding what I wrote. I explained why it just doesn't work like that but ya... too lazy to repeat it.

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Zalm - Dreamweaver
    Zalm - Dreamweaver Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    buzxy wrote: »
    PK in SP is brilliant..

    If you really think about it there is no reason for a LOW LEVEL person to actually be inside the SP..

    Quests are OPTIONAL and there are plenty of them, so they can go ahead and do them elsewhere.
    BH's can be tele'd straight into. so again.. they shouldn't be there

    On the server i play on, its PvE.. so at west gate there is no more than 1-5 different people per day, which is mostly faction mates or friends..

    When SP was open there was around.. 20+ minimum...

    Unless there is a 24/7 PvP Arena that's introduced that's active enough to draw attention with multiple people, then SP should stay a PvP instance...

    And seriously the only people that complain about being killed in SP are the low levels that stand next to you saying there 'questing' when there just picking up the coins from mobs you hit, or they're actually 50+ and trying to PvP... so they're in effect just QQ'n that they cant get kills because the 'Higher levels' are killing the 'Lower levels' that shouldn't be there in the 1st place..

    And there is no such thing as 'abusing PK' because what the hell is TW then?
    In a full 4hour TW you can cap out around 300-500kills no problem.. That's not Abusing PK?

    There is plenty of reasons to be in SP at low lvls...there are more then BH and culti in there. There are at least...AT LEAST 10 quests that take place inside SP between lvl 30-50. Yes, quests are optional, but what about the people trying to 'learn their class'? The people who dont want to be power lvled in fc runs? Some people may not be able to afford fc runs either. They have only quests to rely on to lvl, but they get stuck at about lvl 35-40 trying to complete the few meager quests in SP they have, while getting pked constantly.

    I also play on a PvE server, to avoid getting killed by jackasses 24/7, and I like the idea that I can only be killed by other players when I 'activate' pk mode. I dont like getting killed without my permission...ever. And since outside arch is usually got about 15 people just beating the **** out of each other, they get to leave me alone.

    And if you havent noticed, alot of people are BEGGING to bring back the PvP arena for all servers...a safe place for high lvls and low lvls alike to test their mettle against one another.

    There wouldnt really be anyone in SP pking and killing mobs if there wasnt any pk, thus the low lvls wouldnt be in there collecting free money. They would come in to kill, quest, or otherwise.

    PK in SP had absolutely no purpose btw...it was there just to kill each other mindlessly. TW has a purpose. There are many advantages to having a territory in TW, so factions fight for them. Yes, they may lengthen it by forgoing the flags or what have you (Never actually went into a TW, to much drama), and that maybe considered an abuse, but the TW still has an overall purpose, vs PK in an arena or SP has none other than to kill low lvls for fun and to troll, and fight the good fight against players evenly matched against you. Either way, I dont support SP PK, and I do support a PvP arena.
    I don't see people begging for Assassins to come save them.
    I don't see people spamming for BM or Archer buffs in Archosaur.
    I don't see people asking to be revived by Barbs, Seekers, or Psychics.
    You know what I do see?
    'Any clerics nearby that can buff me?'
    'Can you rez me? I need a rez.'
  • Nahleanna - Sanctuary
    Nahleanna - Sanctuary Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    bann Pk On Pve Servers Now
  • Xiac - Archosaur
    Xiac - Archosaur Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    buzxy wrote: »
    PK in SP is brilliant..

    If you really think about it there is no reason for a LOW LEVEL person to actually be inside the SP..

    Quests are OPTIONAL and there are plenty of them, so they can go ahead and do them elsewhere.
    BH's can be tele'd straight into. so again.. they shouldn't be there

    On the server i play on, its PvE.. so at west gate there is no more than 1-5 different people per day, which is mostly faction mates or friends..

    When SP was open there was around.. 20+ minimum...

    Unless there is a 24/7 PvP Arena that's introduced that's active enough to draw attention with multiple people, then SP should stay a PvP instance...

    And seriously the only people that complain about being killed in SP are the low levels that stand next to you saying there 'questing' when there just picking up the coins from mobs you hit, or they're actually 50+ and trying to PvP... so they're in effect just QQ'n that they cant get kills because the 'Higher levels' are killing the 'Lower levels' that shouldn't be there in the 1st place..

    And there is no such thing as 'abusing PK' because what the hell is TW then?
    In a full 4hour TW you can cap out around 300-500kills no problem.. That's not Abusing PK?

    I love this post for so many reasons.
    It pin points everything I would have said and more.
  • _Conchita_ - Raging Tide
    _Conchita_ - Raging Tide Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Lol i rarely complain about anything.. But this is just ridiculous.
    Pk in Secret Passage is nothing bad at all - obviously it is a lot of fun for most peeps.
    That problem of low level characters being killed there could be fixed quickly.
    And actually, I assume there would be a lot more possibilities than just prohibiting it, and ban everyone who is enjoying himself there. b:surrender
    And nobody would switch to a PvP server for it. If you don't want Pk there, go for it and fix it already! It will be back after a few maints anyway, as it used to.
  • XSeekSleepy - Archosaur
    XSeekSleepy - Archosaur Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Secret Passage is used by everyone everyday for quests. Basically without it, no FB, BH or OHT quest is done. Putting a protection on lower level players wouldn't really help considering most of the time, some higher level players help the weaker players with their quests. Want PK? Man up and go to PvP server. Server called Player versus Environment has its name for a reason. Those who complain about PK in SP being removed, when you were lower level, you were able to do your quests without getting 1 shot. Now you're all powerful, have your quests done, OHT opened but you go to SP and show off your skills on lower levels... is that fair? Does it make you feel bigger when you 1 shot a low level?

    If you want to PK, there is PK mode for a reason. Yes, it has 10 hours on it but so what? You wanted PK, you have it. Some of you stand in SP for hours anyway so what's the problem? I'm pretty sure you came on a PvE server so you don't get harassed by higher level players so why do it yourself? Man up and hit that PK mode button. It's not there as a decoration.

    Yes, there are plenty of quests for lower levels.. but again, lets not discriminate players who don't have the ability to cash shop, get their Credit Card out and there fore it takes them longer to level. (Lets admit that there are always people selling FC or Zhen and people who can afford it will always buy it).

    This game is getting quite unbalanced. Years ago, everything was available to everyone. It's changed, if you want to get somewhere, you have to pay money.

    Xiac, your argument about TW is quite necessary.. TW is optional, don't want TW? Don't join a guild that does them. Where as OHT is needed as a part of your cultivation so that really isn't optional.

    I say no to PK in SP.
  • _Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary
    _Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »

    Want to PK? Click that little button to get rid of your blue name and voila.. the entire map is now your "instance".


    With damn-near no one to PK.
  • BerserkBeast - Sanctuary
    BerserkBeast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Gotta love players from PvE Servers that want PK in SP.

    Obviously too scared to pick a PvP server since they would be"Low level" again.

    Feels cool to PK when you're high level and got nice gear and this and that.
    The only way to beat a troll is....to troll him back b:angry
  • Shandaar - Dreamweaver
    Shandaar - Dreamweaver Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    buzxy wrote: »
    PK in SP is brilliant..

    If you really think about it there is no reason for a LOW LEVEL person to actually be inside the SP..

    Quests are OPTIONAL and there are plenty of them, so they can go ahead and do them elsewhere.
    BH's can be tele'd straight into. so again.. they shouldn't be there

    On the server i play on, its PvE.. so at west gate there is no more than 1-5 different people per day, which is mostly faction mates or friends..

    When SP was open there was around.. 20+ minimum...

    Unless there is a 24/7 PvP Arena that's introduced that's active enough to draw attention with multiple people, then SP should stay a PvP instance...

    And seriously the only people that complain about being killed in SP are the low levels that stand next to you saying there 'questing' when there just picking up the coins from mobs you hit, or they're actually 50+ and trying to PvP... so they're in effect just QQ'n that they cant get kills because the 'Higher levels' are killing the 'Lower levels' that shouldn't be there in the 1st place..

    And there is no such thing as 'abusing PK' because what the hell is TW then?
    In a full 4hour TW you can cap out around 300-500kills no problem.. That's not Abusing PK?


    PVP is also optional.

    I'm not that of a low level, but I can't compete with the people geared for PK, as I lack both in levels and in gear. I do NOT wanna be forced to PK on a PVE sever in an instance that states we shouldn't PK in there.

    And I'm not sure I'd qualify OHT quest as optional...

    Bring the arena back. I may not go there, but at least people who want to PK in an instance that's not TW will have a place to do so.

    As for people complaining about getting PKed, I was helping a fac member who simply wanted to go through the instance to get to 29. My fac leader talked about someone who wanted to kill Shade Eido.. and the guy killed him a few times, Bedford letting him through... And getting BOTH on their way back.
  • Nahleanna - Sanctuary
    Nahleanna - Sanctuary Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    bann Pking On Pve Servers Now
  • sevatar
    sevatar Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I agree with Fuzzy and would love the suggestion that FatalFem suggested.

    We should be able to PK anywhere so long as two conditions are met

    1) you and the person you plan to attack are both in PK mode

    2) you and said person should be within 10 levels of each other.

    this would encourage PK mode in both PVE and PVP servers so long as you are within the levels and thus it would be more of your own fault if you die because of your own gear than that of a level gap.
  • Selak - Dreamweaver
    Selak - Dreamweaver Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    You want PvP on a PvE server then as Fuzzy said go white named,
    or else think about why others play the game. As my forum title says I am RPG/PvE player, that does not mean I want PvP removed from my PvE server.
    I may even in the future enjoy some PvP but not until I have learnt what my skills are and how to use them most effectivly in squads and solo also what weapons and armors do what best. The sillest thing about this discussion is that there are places you can pk blue names anyways try the cube for starters.
    There are old Warriors, and bold Warriors,
    but there are very few old bold Warriors. b:chuckle
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    sevatar wrote: »
    I agree with Fuzzy and would love the suggestion that FatalFem suggested.

    We should be able to PK anywhere so long as two conditions are met

    1) you and the person you plan to attack are both in PK mode

    2) you and said person should be within 10 levels of each other.

    this would encourage PK mode in both PVE and PVP servers so long as you are within the levels and thus it would be more of your own fault if you die because of your own gear than that of a level gap.

    I think its absurd on PVE or PVP servers that a lvl 100+ R9 can 1 shot a lvl 40 or 50 person in PK mode. Not only is it extremely unfair, its extremely unbalanced. That would be like expecting someone level 40 to kill level 100 mobs.

    I'm level 102 and still won't go into Pvp mode. Call me whatever; I don't care. My R8 +10 daggers can't compare to R9. I don't plan to spend a couple thousand dollars on a game. That aside.. back on topic. Pk needs a makeover.. in a bad bad way on every server.
  • CrusherJam - Dreamweaver
    CrusherJam - Dreamweaver Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    quite simple there needs to be a arena thats PVP enabled,

    and i feel most want it to count towards there pvp count

    but no loss of items.

    i'l sure we'll get it soon just organize a thread and see how many people we can get to

    sign it, this disorganization and arguing will never go forth to the powers that be.
    19k Hp and rising my goal is 20k unbuffed (would love 25k )
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    need4pk wrote: »
    Dear GM's,

    You may not have noticed but I think you did.. how active Secret Passage is when available.

    Don't take PK out of Secret Passage, the players want it. b:mischievous

    Put a protection on the lowbies and give us Secret Passage back!

    Let the fun begin.. b:sin

    If you want pk, switch you to white name and have a fun.
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    quite simple there needs to be a arena thats PVP enabled,

    and i feel most want it to count towards there pvp count

    but no loss of items.

    i'l sure we'll get it soon just organize a thread and see how many people we can get to

    sign it, this disorganization and arguing will never go forth to the powers that be.

    Crusher, I feel it would be most unfair if there was an arena where there is no loss of items yet it counts toward a kill count.

    If you want that count to kill, well you need to go all out and put yourself on the line. Earn the kill, don't just gang up randomly on some person who just ports in and smack them with a bunch of your friends and say.. yay I have 5,000 kills!

    I do however; still agree with the arena bit.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Earn the kill, don't just gang up randomly on some person who just ports in and smack them with a bunch of your friends and say.. yay I have 5,000 kills!

    What you just said is pretty much how PK is anyway. Also, pretty sure that TW, Cube, and DT kills count too, none of which require you to turn white and use GS.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty