Clerics on Strike!



  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Well said.
    Clerics in a squad shouldn't be given any more praise/thanks than any other member of a squad when you all have a mutual goal. If you're helping with something you don't need, you get the same thanks as any other person who may have helped with something they need.

    Like I said before, sure there's a fair share of **** squads and I can totally understand getting frustrated with them. It's really annoying to be keeping a squad alive and have some idiot run way ahead into **** s/he can't handle and start screaming for help when everyone else in the squad is way behind them. Gets even more annoying when they start QQing and calling you fail for not being in more than one place at once.

    .... But that doesn't mean it's always the case... and expecting thanks for doing your job is... well... silly. Unless you go around thanking/praising every tank, DD, and support class in your squads for doing their jobs too, you have no reason to be looking for thanks or praise from them in the first place. If I have an exceptionally good cleric in my squad, sure I'll compliment him/her and maybe add them to my friends list for future stuff. If it's an average run with an average squad, there's no need for it and I won't thank (or expect thanks when on my cleric) unless something causes it to become abnormal.
  • Kazmere - Heavens Tear
    Kazmere - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    There are a lot people that doesn`t recognize our workb:mischievousb:beatenup
    Nop xD, where we can meet? b:chuckle

    b:cute idk then, perhaps find a common place b:chuckle only place i know is on pwi pick a server lol
  • CheetahWoods - Raging Tide
    CheetahWoods - Raging Tide Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    btw, there are some real idiot clerics out there. the one that kills me is the little hotshot that overwrites MY CLERIC BUFFS. thanks idiot. now magic shell will fail from the bug and odds are yours are lower level spells than mine. then they say how rude when you decide to go easy and not cuss them out.

    but yeah, like that one cleric listed above, i'm pretty detailed getting set to heal a dungeon run. i pot/orb, not charm, but i have several stacks of mana stuff ready. i establish who the lead tank is.
    i tell the sins etc, no gold genie, im not running with you. if we do not take this dubgeon down smooth and orderly i will leave the squad.

    i tell them to lose the crit gear or take off jones or make damned sure they arent stealing aggro.

    then they are running down the hall before i can even get buffs out. heh.

    FINAL ANSWER: no pickup groups like for bh's EVER


    ALSO, i farm a lot and i watch all these high level nab clerics, some even in land owning factions, totally choke out there in avalanche trying to farm or w/e..incredibly pathetic. they cant even sensibly kill mobs .
    For example: you dont toe to toe a nivestock and have to IH-IH-plume-repeat the whole fight.. then sit down after 2 mobs OOM. i just laugh. im L92 and ill clean a whole squad of L95 nivestocks out without any of them ever touching me (5 shots apiece if no crits or sparks), using efficient shots to kill them in minimum # of shots, plus slow them up a hair so they never get to you.

    these peeps have zero clue about aggro and picking mats..on and on like they just started playing today.


    but i study and practice. L92 been running my cleric for almost 2 yrs. no powerlevelling here. no patience for the super nabs and plain jerks anymore either.

  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I love clerics.

    But this is dumb. Why would you strike? If you dont want to be a cleric then you don't have to play one. If we need or want a cleric we will take one who is willing. I wont drag you into my squad kicking and screaming. Keep in mind clerics also rely on DDs and tanks, it's not just the other way around, so do not assume a status that you do not rightfully have (the god status).
  • Skulla - Dreamweaver
    Skulla - Dreamweaver Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Totally serious here! I know quite a few clerics that are tired of the BS and unkind treatment we receive from other toons. Yet we seem to be the most sought after! We clerics are tired of having to help everyone and yet get no sort of recognition, payment of any kind anything at all! I know some clerics that have made new toons just to get away from the monotonous trials of being a cleric and having to deal with the BS! We get spammed to help people but when it comes time to be done and go separate ways there is barely even a thank you for you time or any such proclamation of thanks. Most of the clerics I know have said that they are tired of having to pay the tanks and DD's to do things for them. We spend more of our time helping any and all than we do working on our own quests! We very rarely get payment for anything we do but o boy if someone dies it is our fault even if the character is being suicidal!You want a clerics help! Make one of your very own and realize just what we really go through! Until some sort of miracle happens and we get better treatment or other toons start to realize just how much we deal with and take that into consideration I say we should go on strike! We have to buy our own pots to heal you and repair ourselves after we die for you, and yes most of you have to do the same but i think it's time we clerics take a break and do for ourselves even though we already do most times, but if we stand together maybe just maybe we might be heard!

    I feel your pain. That being said, I'm a Veno, I rarely squad and am in no faction (my choices and I understand that) I help people run instances all the time and if I get anything from it it's just drops. It also regularly occurs that I get nothing from instance runs. I never request payment. I help people because I want to.

    I have been known to absorb wine costs for Clerics/Barbs (maybe not as often as I should). I've also been known to give some of my drops to Clerics/Barbs when they get nothing.

    As for expecting payment? I think it's futile.

    @KrittyCat: Since I am in no faction I appreciate the pick-up squads and you telling people no to do them kind of suxors.
  • Kazmere - Heavens Tear
    Kazmere - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    btw, there are some real idiot clerics out there. the one that kills me is the little hotshot that overwrites MY CLERIC BUFFS. thanks idiot. now magic shell will fail from the bug and odds are yours are lower level spells than mine. then they say how rude when you decide to go easy and not cuss them out.

    but yeah, like that one cleric listed above, i'm pretty detailed getting set to heal a dungeon run. i pot/orb, not charm, but i have several stacks of mana stuff ready. i establish who the lead tank is.
    i tell the sins etc, no gold genie, im not running with you. if we do not take this dubgeon down smooth and orderly i will leave the squad.

    i tell them to lose the crit gear or take off jones or make damned sure they arent stealing aggro.

    then they are running down the hall before i can even get buffs out. heh.

    FINAL ANSWER: no pickup groups like for bh's EVER


    ALSO, i farm a lot and i watch all these high level nab clerics, some even in land owning factions, totally choke out there in avalanche trying to farm or w/e..incredibly pathetic. they cant even sensibly kill mobs .
    For example: you dont toe to toe a nivestock and have to IH-IH-plume-repeat the whole fight.. then sit down after 2 mobs OOM. i just laugh. im L92 and ill clean a whole squad of L95 nivestocks out without any of them ever touching me (5 shots apiece if no crits or sparks), using efficient shots to kill them in minimum # of shots, plus slow them up a hair so they never get to you.

    these peeps have zero clue about aggro and picking mats..on and on like they just started playing today.


    but i study and practice. L92 been running my cleric for almost 2 yrs. no powerlevelling here. no patience for the super nabs and plain jerks anymore either.

    i still enjoy my cleric but not once did i say thx were needed, just would be nice. i'm not picky but if i die cause the squad sux i'm gone. i agree with the farming. some things can be done and some can't i won't lie. but when the "nab" ppl as you call them go off an a rant then yeah it's annoying as all get out. the "nab" clerics give us hard working ones a bad name and then we get treated even worse. i do have alts to play but my cleric is my fav <3 lvl 91 only have done a few ff's and i've been playing on and off for about 3 1/2 rs or so. still love my cleric, just gettin tired of ppl being so rude. there are more good than bad some days but when the bad outdo the good and the cleric feels used by the end of the day and broke it tends to get a tad painful. i won't retire my cleric til she's maxed if i even do then. like the game, have great friends, & enjoy my time but just some days... those are the days i speak of... i see ppl in wc all the time, buying buffs from barbs,bms,sins and sometimes archers too but very very rare to see anyone buying cleric buffs... j
  • Kazmere - Heavens Tear
    Kazmere - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I love clerics.

    But this is dumb. Why would you strike? If you dont want to be a cleric then you don't have to play one. If we need or want a cleric we will take one who is willing. I wont drag you into my squad kicking and screaming. Keep in mind clerics also rely on DDs and tanks, it's not just the other way around, so do not assume a status that you do not rightfully have (the god status).
    ty for your the love of clerics =)<3 back to ya! but, like i've said, i love my cleric, just saying it would be nice to get the love in return for the tough trails we tend to go through for some of these people.
  • CheetahWoods - Raging Tide
    CheetahWoods - Raging Tide Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    i still enjoy my cleric but not once did i say thx were needed, just would be nice. i'm not picky but if i die cause the squad sux i'm gone. i agree with the farming. some things can be done and some can't i won't lie. but when the "nab" ppl as you call them go off an a rant then yeah it's annoying as all get out. the "nab" clerics give us hard working ones a bad name and then we get treated even worse. i do have alts to play but my cleric is my fav <3 lvl 91 only have done a few ff's and i've been playing on and off for about 3 1/2 rs or so. still love my cleric, just gettin tired of ppl being so rude. there are more good than bad some days but when the bad outdo the good and the cleric feels used by the end of the day and broke it tends to get a tad painful. i won't retire my cleric til she's maxed if i even do then. like the game, have great friends, & enjoy my time but just some days... those are the days i speak of... i see ppl in wc all the time, buying buffs from barbs,bms,sins and sometimes archers too but very very rare to see anyone buying cleric buffs... j

    ^ya blow that stuff off. just dont play to it. no one can bait me or wreck my day anymore.

    i refused to let other people ruin my cleric fun, so i cut out all the loser stuff that bummed me out. this game is to have fun. i keep that in mind. i run my cleric several hours a day usually. i dont even hassle with people anymore, just BL them right there and pretend they dont exist if they bug me. if they are still butthurt idiots and start stealing my mobs or w/e, i leave.
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Keep in mind clerics also rely on DDs and tanks, it's not just the other way around, so do not assume a status that you do not rightfully have (the god status).

    Actually... I am not sure if that part is (mostly) true anymore. The last time I was forced on PWI... i can tank both bh sot and abaddon without heals or charm ticks (even though I did log my own 7x cleric for buffs). Factor in the trend that more and more DDs are getting 8k+ hp and 5aps... its more and more like the (remaining ****) clerics needs the DDs.

    i tell them to lose the crit gear or take off jones or make damned sure they arent stealing aggro.

    If you need DDs to tone down their damage for you as a barb to hold aggro. Then really... what good are you... other then buffs. A better plan is whoever has aggro tanks... if you die... don't expect the squad to wait for you.

    i still enjoy my cleric but not once did i say thx were needed, just would be nice. i'm not picky but if i die cause the squad sux i'm gone. i agree with the farming. some things can be done and some can't i won't lie. but when the "nab" ppl as you call them go off an a rant then yeah it's annoying as all get out. the "nab" clerics give us hard working ones a bad name and then we get treated even worse.

    Ever wonder that its your own fault that you are treated the way that you are? I have yet seem any refined cleric complain about their squad. All the complains come from under geared disposal buff machines.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Dr_Jeckyl - Heavens Tear
    Dr_Jeckyl - Heavens Tear Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    We clerics are tired of having to help everyone and yet get no sort of recognition, payment of any kind anything at all!

    We get spammed to help people but when it comes time to be done and go separate ways there is barely even a thank you for you time or any such proclamation of thanks.

    Most of the clerics I know have said that they are tired of having to pay the tanks and DD's to do things for them.

    We very rarely get payment for anything we do but o boy if someone dies it is our fault even if the character is being suicidal!

    We have to buy our own pots to heal you and repair ourselves after we die for you,

    To OP are you seriously complaining about this! *facepalm*

    I have alts of almost every class and I don't know when as a Tank I've been paid or thanked any more than a Cleric, or have not had to buy Pots and charms.

    Actually as a Cleric I find I get thanked more and appreciated more than any other class I play. I have never been paid nor have I ever had to pay a Tank.

    Also having played a well geared and prepared cleric, HP/MP Charmed, stocked with res scrolls & Pots, maxed buff/heal/rez skills, I can easily tell when on an alt a Cleric is weak or fail.

    Such as the time when on my Seeker I was Tanking a boss and having to Tick my Charm and burning Crabmeat because the Cleric was BBing out of range and didn't even realize it. Not that she even needed to BB because I was taking all the aggro. IH would have been more appropriate. (I couldn't move because my Seeker was Vortexing, yes I could have canceled Vortex and move closer but I wasn't sure if the Sins would take aggro and die before I pulled the Boss within BB range) Or how about the time when the Cleric ran out of mana Pots in the middle of fighting a boss and again, I had to heal myself while I watched my squadmates die all around me.

    On all my toons I always thank the entire squad for the run. I don't single out one or the other unless I think they did a particularly amazing job.

    Also contrary to most others, I actually enjoy random BH squads. You actually learn how to play your class really well when you have to deal with a diverse set of skill levels and squad makeup.
  • GaurdianMira - Archosaur
    GaurdianMira - Archosaur Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Actually... I am not sure if that part is (mostly) true anymore. The last time I was forced on PWI... i can tank both bh sot and abaddon without heals or charm ticks (even though I did log my own 7x cleric for buffs). Factor in the trend that more and more DDs are getting 8k+ hp and 5aps... its more and more like the (remaining ****) clerics needs the DDs.

    If you need DDs to tone down their damage for you as a barb to hold aggro. Then really... what good are you... other then buffs. A better plan is whoever has aggro tanks... if you die... don't expect the squad to wait for you.

    Ever wonder that its your own fault that you are treated the way that you are? I have yet seem any refined cleric complain about their squad. All the complains come from under geared disposal buff machines.

    Dude, that post just made the perfect example of everything that's wrong with this game=> essentially 5aps/gear snob or gtfo. I never ever want to squad with anyone like you.b:bye

    As for clerics, I have one and I enjoy playing her but regardless of what class I play I find that if I start off the round of thanks for everyone at the end of the run people generally respond with their own gratitude, just a suggestion.
  • TolanSky - Heavens Tear
    TolanSky - Heavens Tear Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I am personally insulted that this poll includes only clerics as those who are allowed to vote on the poll. So what, suddenly the Cleric is the only class capable of healing parties and providing resurrection support to said parties? What happened to the Mystic?

    Oh and before anyone asks. Seriously? You have nothing better to do than complain about how your humanitarian based character class is treated inside of a video game?

    I mean come on, if all the great Healer type characters in video games across the years had always required the characters that they were healing to THANK them for their healing or else not be healed the next time... do you realize how difficult it would be to win games that way not to mention encoding all those thank you's into the games? The simple fact that people in this game that play healing classes expect thank you's is based solely on the classification of this game as a Massively Multiplayer game, in which we are dealing with other human beings, and thus feel that somehow we deserve additional affirmation of our video game granted ability to heal other digital characters. I fail to see how being thanked for providing a service in a purely digital realm really matters in the grand scheme of things.

    I mean its not like you are a real world doctor who is saving the life of a real world human being every time you cast Ironheart Blessing.

    EDIT: I will say this much though. When I am playing my characters, I make an effort to try to remember to thank anyone who helps me out, regardless of what class they are. So there is that. Though paying people to help me out is usually a thing I rarely do unless it is paying to have someone open TT for me or some silly thing like that.
    Acc 1: TolanSky ~ ● Seeker / Daearena ~ Mystic / ThornLily ~ Veno
    Acc 2: Veilana ~ Sin / QueenBlubrry ~ Cleric / Lemondrop ~ Psychic
  • Kazmere - Heavens Tear
    Kazmere - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    um 1st off, it doesn't say : only clerics.... it says for the clerics.... i doubt clerics are the only ones that vote... if ur that gullible though eh not my problem. 2nd, i never said mystics didn't exist. 3rd i'm not saying ALL the ppl on here do that, just tired of the ones that do. 4th, once again never said we needed to be paid, but that it would be nice since i know on many occasions the cleric has to pay the tank, dd for repairs, i normally do simply as part of the thank you i always give whenever i get help.
  • Dr_Jeckyl - Heavens Tear
    Dr_Jeckyl - Heavens Tear Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    um 1st off, it doesn't say : only clerics.... it says for the clerics.... i doubt clerics are the only ones that vote... if ur that gullible though eh not my problem. 2nd, i never said mystics didn't exist. 3rd i'm not saying ALL the ppl on here do that, just tired of the ones that do. 4th, once again never said we needed to be paid, but that it would be nice since i know on many occasions the cleric has to pay the tank, dd for repairs, i normally do simply as part of the thank you i always give whenever i get help.

    I dunno what kind of squads you run in, but I have never had to pay the Tank and I have lvl 90+ Chars.

    Usually, the Cleric/Mystic gets free wines in BHs. As far as costs, Barbs, Seekers and Mystics cost far more too run than a Cleric.
  • Foxy_Fiona - Heavens Tear
    Foxy_Fiona - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Feel free to go on strike. One of the last things I want in any party is a stuck up cleric that doesn't want to be there. I'm sure as hell not kissing *** or showering you with cash for joining the group and doing your job. We all play a role. Don't enjoy yours? Shut up and roll something else.

    I rarely ever see anybody telling the cleric that they are fail or blaming them for deaths unless it was deserved. I see far more verbal abuse aimed at tanks and certain overpowered DDs that don't know how to control their damage.

    What's up with talk of these BH squads that give the clerics or mystics a free ride? That only fuels the fire. As I said above, we all play a role. It's beyond stupid that we have reached the point where healers don't even want to join groups unless they get special treatment. You're in the group for the same reason everyone else is? Pay the 35k and stop whining. If you're there just to help, that's another story... but it seems like some people think they should be given special treatment simply because they are a healer.

    I have a few characters that have spent a lot of time doing BH, FF, and other instances and I can't think of even one occasion where the tank asked for help with repairs. There have been a couple of occasions where some of us have offered the tank cash for their repairs, but I really can't remember a time when we were asked to. Assuming they do ask, I would imagine that everyone would be chipping in. That includes the cleric because... you know... you were part of the group.

    Don't you dare try to say that it's not fair for people to offer a little money to the tank's for their repairs. The cost of herbs doesn't even come close to what the tank has to pay for repairs after being beat on for a long period of time. Like I said, most don't even ask the party to help them! Boohoo... had to use a bunch of herbs... QQ moar! You're not special! Mystics, psychics, and pretty much every other mage class eats herbs like candy. Are we crying and wanting to go on strike because nobody gives us money to help with our expenses? Nope! Herbs aren't even expensive.

    When I get to the end of a run, I always say thanks to everyone for the party. That includes the cleric. If that's not good enough, you might be a self absorbed d-bag with a god complex. =)
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Totally serious here! I know quite a few clerics that are tired of the BS and unkind treatment we receive from other toons. Yet we seem to be the most sought after!

    We clerics are tired of having to help everyone and yet get no sort of recognition, payment of any kind anything at all!
    I know some clerics that have made new toons just to get away from the monotonous trials of being a cleric and having to deal with the BS!

    We get spammed to help people but when it comes time to be done and go separate ways there is barely even a thank you for you time or any such proclamation of thanks. Most of the clerics I know have said that they are tired of having to pay the tanks and DD's to do things for them.

    We spend more of our time helping any and all than we do working on our own quests! We very rarely get payment for anything we do but o boy if someone dies it is our fault even if the character is being suicidal! You want a clerics help!

    Make one of your very own and realize just what we really go through! Until some sort of miracle happens and we get better treatment or other toons start to realize just how much we deal with and take that into consideration I say we should go on strike!

    We have to buy our own pots to heal you and repair ourselves after we die for you, and yes most of you have to do the same but i think it's time we clerics take a break and do for ourselves even though we already do most times, but if we stand together maybe just maybe we might be heard!

    Fixed it a bit gosh, dont you know what spaces are?

    As of your post, wow O_o you can't take anything :D LOL and you havent even reached nirvana where a tank doesnt exist just aggro ping pong, THATS where you're gonna go woop the boop!

    1. Get in a faction

    2. Stop squadding with random people

    3. If you need to squad with random people, make sure you start the squad, if someone dies and QQs the hell outa you, just kick them and let next one come in. Yep, that simple.

    4. Sage/Demon revive is a must on higher levels, if clerics are valuable, with a demon/sage revive, they're x2 valuable.

    5. If someone cant take 2 hits without dying, its not your fault - ijs.

    Don't QQ, I love my cleric as is, and I play with people that really appreciate it, I help them and they help me, perfect relation.

    Yes I got tired of that when I was lower level, but now, its better now that I know how my diferent faction mates play.

    Guess its something you have to learn.
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Feel free to go on strike. One of the last things I want in any party is a stuck up cleric that doesn't want to be there. I'm sure as hell not kissing *** or showering you with cash for joining the group and doing your job. We all play a role. Don't enjoy yours? Shut up and roll something else.


    If you act that way, I don't care where you are, Nirvana, HH, anywhere... act up and you're dead and removed from party. lol

    Yes, I've pk'd and booted clerics a few times for being arrogant *****.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I haven't read any of this yet but 2 things:

    1: If clerics go on strike, I assume you mean they're not going to join pick up groups? Then how will the clerics get their BHs or whatever done? I mean I thought that's why clerics join groups to begin get their stuff done. Now you can always make a squad of 6 clerics but k, have fun killing things there.

    2: Seen this before, seen it "in action," nothing really changed.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Rich_Rahl - Dreamweaver
    Rich_Rahl - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    As a DD/mini tank I feel the cleric is more important than any other member, in my faction one of our first rules is keep the cleric happy. This is due in part to the fact that with out the cleric we aren't going anywhere without major damage or death. I feel that for the most part the problem discussed in this thread is widespread across Dreamweaver. When I form a squad and am lucky enough to have a cleric that doesn't think he/she is rambo I make sure everyone stays with the cleric at all times or I boot them, one warning then they are out. This also applies to a cleric in the 2nd cleric role as there are many ways for 2nd cleric to support the first i.e. heavens wrath etc. Most of the the problem in my humble opinion is due to what I like to call "psycho sin syndrome", this isn't just a dig on sins, however, I see it mostly in sins, with psychics in a close second. This behavior is evident when any class player runs off and starts attacking mobs on there own, gets damaged or killed because they out ran the group (especially the cleric). Because of most clerics guilt drive to help someone who has died under his/her watch the cleric then runs up and tries to res the player or even kill the offending mob(s). This is were the squad wipe begins. The second issue that is a parent problem to this one is player not fulfilling their role in a squad. My best way to describe this is with my own character, as DD and back up tank, I feel my role is to deal damage as I can according to the tanks capacity, catch stragglers or runners when they break from the tank, and last but most important protect the support toons. I can tank 79 by myself with a cleric (that doesn't try to DD) but if I am not the tank I am not going to open the whole 55 gal drum of whoop ***, only tap it as needed. In short anyone that wants to charge a cleric for wine is silly in my opinion just put the squad to free and ask the cleric not to pick up drops. On the other hand if the cleric doesn't want to pay the fee or doesn't like the way they are treated they can always break squad and let the squad die at the next boss. Then come find Rich_Rahl the true seeker of truth and I will do as ordered assuming you don't show up and turn out to be a psycho sin in clerics clothing. Finally I would like to add that clerics and other support classes are loved by me and mine because God knows I don't have the patience to play as a support class and probably couldn't pull it off anyway. Love Clerics and similar classes for what they do, without them I wouldn't look so good when I do finally open that 55 gal drum of W.A.
    Seeker of Truth FTW
  • Ny_Naeve - Dreamweaver
    Ny_Naeve - Dreamweaver Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I have seen some awesome clerics and also seen some clueless ones...appreciation is based on that for me. I have several alts as well as a cleric main - so I have ran with and been both. I love getting instruction from higher lvls who have ran an instance before when it is my first time - I often ask for it like... "do these boss's have AOE? If you want me to BB you have to tell me otherwise I am IH the tank/whoever has aggro...Does this boss have debuff/will I need to be ready with purify? Good communication goes a long way towards keeping everyone alive. And, when running with a GOOD squad, they were understanding and happy to relay this information so that I could be more effective in my role as the cleric. I have also been on the other side of the coin. People running off everywhere leaving mobs and me behind dying repeatedly because of squad members pulling aggro then running to me for healing (I died alot that run). I have made more than my share of mistakes for sure, and I doubt I'm done with making them. I understand the frustration of random squads, but I also understand the frustration of dealing with a cleric that wants to BB at every mob or wants to BB when only one person is tanking - sometimes not even in range (for my group we utilize a seeker with a sustainable vortex alot). It's all frustrating at one time or another. Best thing you can do is like others have said: minimize contact with randoms and run with a regular group of ppl or faction mates so you can learn their play style and be the best cleric you can be for their skills and needs. We all ahve our talents and place in this game - most people love clerics and sure aren't shy about asking for buffs. Sometimes it irritates me, sometimes I love it - depends on my mood...hey I'm a woman. Most are pretty nice and say please...if I dont feel like it I telestone to some where else and ignore them, lol. I hope you continue to play and dont get too discouraged. I love my cleric and playing her at the end of the matter what some jackwagon says or how rude they are. Good luck!
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I'm not going to give special treatment to anyone just because they are playing a particular class and doing their job in a squad.

    I don't give special treatment to barbs who tank, or BM's who DD, or archers who DD.

    I don't expect any thanks either when I do my job properly in a squad.

    Just because someone plays a particular class in a game doesn't mean they deserve to get special treatment and thank yous for doing their job when no other class gets it.

    I don't see why you are complaining about not getting special treatment. Healing and Rezzing is your job, just like tanking/DD/luring is the job for every other person. Yet I don't see Archers making threads on forums about how their squad never gives them arrows even though they have to buy their own arrows, or how no one thanks archers for DDing and speeding up a run.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
    |Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Dude, that post just made the perfect example of everything that's wrong with this game=> essentially 5aps/gear snob or gtfo. I never ever want to squad with anyone like you.b:bye

    LOL. I already given players more leeway then they deserves. Never mind about r9 or 5aps. The majority of players can't even hold a candle against my gear from over a year ago. That's just beyond pathetic. Even though my archer never really made it much pass 1aps... there is nothing wrong with 5aps arch/sin/bms... but there IS something wrong with the majority of whining non-factor weaklings... you included.

    Back on topic. If any cleric want to go on strike... feel free to do so. You are actually doing the whole server/game a favor... removing yourself (aka the weakest link) from the game.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    The sense of self-entitlement in this thread is overwhelming

    You're not entitled to anything for doing your job, no other class expects this for doing their job so why would a cleric expect getting thank yous.

    Expecting payment, lol. Your 'payment' is getting the BH done and getting ~400k exp.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
    |Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Also, if you're getting continuously blamed for letting squadmates die and 'receiving abuse', then you're probably just a bad cleric.

    In every squad, the only common element is you.

    Get off your high horse, no one else gets paid in squads

    so why should you? Because you play a particular class?

    Stop marching into squads and acting as if you are the

    "god" of the squad (what someone said earlier in this


    EDIT: oops double post.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
    |Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|
  • Kazmere - Heavens Tear
    Kazmere - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    As a DD/mini tank I feel the cleric is more important than any other member, in my faction one of our first rules is keep the cleric happy. This is due in part to the fact that with out the cleric we aren't going anywhere without major damage or death. I feel that for the most part the problem discussed in this thread is widespread across Dreamweaver. When I form a squad and am lucky enough to have a cleric that doesn't think he/she is rambo I make sure everyone stays with the cleric at all times or I boot them, one warning then they are out. This also applies to a cleric in the 2nd cleric role as there are many ways for 2nd cleric to support the first i.e. heavens wrath etc. Most of the the problem in my humble opinion is due to what I like to call "psycho sin syndrome", this isn't just a dig on sins, however, I see it mostly in sins, with psychics in a close second. This behavior is evident when any class player runs off and starts attacking mobs on there own, gets damaged or killed because they out ran the group (especially the cleric). Because of most clerics guilt drive to help someone who has died under his/her watch the cleric then runs up and tries to res the player or even kill the offending mob(s). This is were the squad wipe begins. The second issue that is a parent problem to this one is player not fulfilling their role in a squad. My best way to describe this is with my own character, as DD and back up tank, I feel my role is to deal damage as I can according to the tanks capacity, catch stragglers or runners when they break from the tank, and last but most important protect the support toons. I can tank 79 by myself with a cleric (that doesn't try to DD) but if I am not the tank I am not going to open the whole 55 gal drum of whoop ***, only tap it as needed. In short anyone that wants to charge a cleric for wine is silly in my opinion just put the squad to free and ask the cleric not to pick up drops. On the other hand if the cleric doesn't want to pay the fee or doesn't like the way they are treated they can always break squad and let the squad die at the next boss. Then come find Rich_Rahl the true seeker of truth and I will do as ordered assuming you don't show up and turn out to be a psycho sin in clerics clothing. Finally I would like to add that clerics and other support classes are loved by me and mine because God knows I don't have the patience to play as a support class and probably couldn't pull it off anyway. Love Clerics and similar classes for what they do, without them I wouldn't look so good when I do finally open that 55 gal drum of W.A.
    you are about one of the very few that actually got what i was saying. thank you for stating something i was having issues with since most of my toons aren't tanks or dds. i only know some parts of those roles.
  • GaurdianMira - Archosaur
    GaurdianMira - Archosaur Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    LOL. I already given players more leeway then they deserves. Never mind about r9 or 5aps. The majority of players can't even hold a candle against my gear from over a year ago. That's just beyond pathetic. Even though my archer never really made it much pass 1aps... there is nothing wrong with 5aps arch/sin/bms... but there IS something wrong with the majority of whining non-factor weaklings... you included.

    As mentioned previously I never want to squad with anyone like you aka: a snob, so why do you think I care if you think I'm a weakling? Also I don't whine I believe I said when I'm finished with the run I'm the first person thanking everyone for their help, I just get tired of the oh so superior attitude of some players on these forums.

  • DraknessDuir - Sanctuary
    DraknessDuir - Sanctuary Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    ALSO, i farm a lot and i watch all these high level nab clerics, some even in land owning factions, totally choke out there in avalanche trying to farm or w/e..incredibly pathetic. they cant even sensibly kill mobs .
    For example: you dont toe to toe a nivestock and have to IH-IH-plume-repeat the whole fight.. then sit down after 2 mobs OOM. i just laugh. im L92 and ill clean a whole squad of L95 nivestocks out without any of them ever touching me (5 shots apiece if no crits or sparks), using efficient shots to kill them in minimum # of shots, plus slow them up a hair so they never get to you.

    Especially stupid since a few feet over they could be aoe grinding on spiders instead of fail farming on 1v1 physical mobs.
  • Amixia - Lost City
    Amixia - Lost City Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    What's up with talk of these BH squads that give the clerics or mystics a free ride? That only fuels the fire. As I said above, we all play a role. It's beyond stupid that we have reached the point where healers don't even want to join groups unless they get special treatment. You're in the group for the same reason everyone else is? Pay the 35k and stop whining. If you're there just to help, that's another story... but it seems like some people think they should be given special treatment simply because they are a healer.

    When I get to the end of a run, I always say thanks to everyone for the party. That includes the cleric. If that's not good enough, you might be a self absorbed d-bag with a god complex. =)

    This. Only time I don't pay if is someone offers to pay wine in exchange for all drops, otherwise I want to pay. 35k is pretty much nothing, even with bad drops you usually get stuff that npc's for that amount anyways. I would probably pay when helping too. Just cause I'd feel bad taking potential drops otherwise. x.x And I dooo like drops. It's like mini gamble. "Ooh boss dropped mold. Who's gonna get it. 8D Yaay me. 8D" lol I'm so nub. T.T

    Haha. I wish people would just say Thank you at the end.I feel so bad during some BH runs.
    Buffing people - Thank you.
    Ressing someone - Thank you.
    Healing someone who take aggro - Thank you.
    Dooon't. It's my job. It makes me want to say thank you for every skill the rest of squad uses. >.< I'm just like everyone else in the party.

    But to be honest. One think that slightly ticks me of for few seconds is if some random person comes up, party me and asks for party buffs. Then leave without saying thank you. x)
  • DraknessDuir - Sanctuary
    DraknessDuir - Sanctuary Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Also, if you're getting continuously blamed for letting squadmates die and 'receiving abuse', then you're probably just a bad cleric.

    In every squad, the only common element is you.

    Get off your high horse, no one else gets paid in squads

    so why should you? Because you play a particular class?

    Stop marching into squads and acting as if you are the

    "god" of the squad (what someone said earlier in this


    EDIT: oops double post.

    I seem to remember alot of "paying barb ..." for fcc squads on our server so not quite accurate that NOBODY gets paid in squad. Just saying.
  • Foxy_Fiona - Heavens Tear
    Foxy_Fiona - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Squads resort to offering cash when they get desperate and I swear some people hold out until they start offering cash for their services. I've actually been in FF squads that were looking for clerics and the people that were spamming WC got PMs asking how much they were paying. A few even considered paying them and were shot down for not offering enough. Assuming the cleric they were trying to buy decided to accept the offer, you can bet your *** that I wasn't splitting the cost. I would gladly find another group if anyone had a problem with it.

    I can understand offering cash to the meat shield if they are struggling to survive, but the cleric? I can promise you that the amount of herbs they may use during your average BH, FF, or TT won't even come close to costing the 100k+ that some think their services are worth. Add repairs to that and it still won't come close to that much!

    50 herbs are roughly 30-33k depending on token prices. I think I bought 100 for my psychic roughly a week ago and still have plenty left over. I've done at least 3-4 FF runs, BH every day, a couple of FBs, cube, and even completed a few quests that were in my log. Give me a break! Something is seriously wrong if you're blowing through 150+ herbs in one run!

    I guess scrolls aren't cheap, but I rarely ever see anybody carrying them these days. Most release and walk back. That doesn't cost anything except a little experience. Depending on the situation, the group sometimes goes back as well. It's not ALWAYS the cleric that loses money or experience when things go bad.

    So when shall we start the veno strike? I want to be worshiped and paid for using bramble, amp and debuffs. Having sage amp totally means I'm worth more right?
    ...couldn't type that with a straight face. :P