The already revealed truth about Valhalla rerevealed.



  • Angelynna - Harshlands
    Angelynna - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    *waits patiently for something in this thread to matter...waits...waits...waits* oh well I give up.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Can you top the wall of text, Longie?

    Don't look at me, I don't care about guild drama or personal issues.

    I just want Valhalla to stop ruining the PK community so the server can actually enjoy it's damn game again.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Vodevil - Harshlands
    Vodevil - Harshlands Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Is it our fault if you guys got members who only log on for TW and got no back up in pvp?
  • Garaver - Harshlands
    Garaver - Harshlands Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Is it our fault if you guys got members who only log on for TW and got no back up in pvp?

    Well... when other guilds call backup, maybe 2 or 3 ppl with maybe +5 gear come.

    When Valhalla calls backup, 6 or 7 r9 +12 appear, at least 3 of those sins, so... yeah...

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Is it our fault if you guys got members who only log on for TW and got no back up in pvp?

    1. We're not talking about Kylin, and that's not a problem specific to Kylin. A week ago I posted pics showing a squad full of randoms who all teamed up against a Valhalla gank (because we were all being ganked individually), and the result is 14 Val showed up, about 5 or so of them being r9 +12. None of us were even r9, and I think only two of us even had a r8 +10 weapon (hell, I might've been the only one).

    Are you really gonna say it's clearly the fault of EVERY OTHER GUILD ON THE MAP that we don't gank like you, or CS like you? Seems very selfish of you to demand the entire server adapt to YOUR playstyle when the overwhelming majority of the server clearly doesn't like it.

    2. If I fly out to west and have Rocketpower (a r9 AA, which of course is automatically difficult for another AA), I_PK_U_Sin (Holy balls, she makes Nyxyo's ironguard addiction look pathetic....), and a random archer on me (+10 r8 or r9 + anything), what the HELL is stopping any one of you from saying "hey, this seems really unfair. Maybe I should stay out?" None of you ever do this. Some of you will for the MOMENT, but the moment someone's health drops to 20%, holy **** we can't have that, commence the gank.

    See, I was always under the impression that there's this thing called being polite. If you're at the arcade playing your favorite fighting game, and there's this kid you clearly out-match and you beat him once or twice, then maybe, instead of hogging the machine and only offering to fight him again (again, he stands no ****ing chance against you), then MAYBE you should instead step aside and let him fight someone else for a bit. When you hog the machine, then you're just an a-hole that's ruining the fun of the game for the entire community.

    3. How the hell is that style of fighting even fun for you guys? It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

    I mean seriously. Half your guild spent $3000 just to one shot people. SERIOUSLY? You can't think of anything more fun than one-shotting people, or anything that's equally as fun but doesn't cost $3000? Wow....
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    what the HELL is stopping any one of you from saying "hey, this seems really unfair. Maybe I should stay out?" None of you ever do this. Some of you will for the MOMENT, but the moment someone's health drops to 20%, holy **** we can't have that, commence the gank.

    This. During the last Archo event, a Val R9 Sin killed the rest of my squad and I was fighting her alone in the air, barely staying alive over the massive DPS, already undergeared. Of course, Rocketpower, who was on my FL at the time, felt the need to "help" a R9 Sin against a Nirvana BM and killed me. I asked him about it afterwards because I don't attack Rocket in PK at that point. He told me he was "helping his guildmate", who *clearly* needed help being R9 Sin vs a BM, and it wasn't like she picked the fight or anything.

    It all goes back to my point of "who cares if 5 v 1 is boring? It's abut winning".
  • VenomousEmo - Harshlands
    VenomousEmo - Harshlands Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    This. During the last Archo event, a Val R9 Sin killed the rest of my squad and I was fighting her alone in the air, barely staying alive over the massive DPS, already undergeared. Of course, Rocketpower, who was on my FL at the time, felt the need to "help" a R9 Sin against a Nirvana BM and killed me. I asked him about it afterwards because I don't attack Rocket in PK at that point. He told me he was "helping his guildmate", who *clearly* needed help being R9 Sin vs a BM, and it wasn't like she picked the fight or anything.

    It all goes back to my point of "who cares if 5 v 1 is boring? It's abut winning".

    This reminds me of a time where Rocketpower and a cleric were at gbq and decided to gank me while grinding. I asked for 1 backup so it'd be 2v2, and I believe Curses came, so it would be a fair fight. We went out, and I think we managed to kill them both and some point, but right as we went to town, 5 more showed up. So another 3 from our side came out to help.
    5 minutes later, I remember counting 13 Valalala, with 3-4 of them being r9 against the 5 of us. I remember for a fact it was Bludd, Wytche, urdian? Vikkram, Velkran, Rocketpower, that cleric, a couple other sins, and a few more randoms.
    Funny how it's almost the same story every time... I wonder how their GC looks whenever there's PvP.
    "Hey guys, we need 5-10 more people for pk please. There's 2 Catalyst out here"
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    A wise man once said
    "Well sht, we lost on even number? Go back and try gain? **** that, let's call more instead."

    Valhalla GC: "Umm need like 10 more people at west plox."
    Valhalla GC: "How many are there?"
    Valhalla GC: "Like 5."
    Valhalla GC: "K on our way."
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Person was 13 a year ago... add one (if redneck math serves me well) makes you 14 now.... Oh yea you grow up alot in that time period ijs

    Any faction I have run in any game I have ever played... You would not be allowed in by age alone.

    Also I want to join Kylin.....b:dirty

    Oh wait I am in DarkNova Already SHIIIITb:beatup


    I'm 15 now, almost 16.
    Fulltime college student. I think I've grown up quite a bit since the drama that's taken place on the game in previous years. I've been here for 3 years, so I've changed a lot since I started.

    It's your own individual choice to decide whether or not you chose to believe that I've changed, improved or downgraded my maturity level since then. But it's also your own choice to seem like a raging dooshey a-hole. In the case of Aizza, who let me be totally honest I have not had any experience what soever doing anything with her. Unless she had a different name at the time I'm just going to assume she's pulling stories out of her ***.

    I have months worth of bad blood with Omerta and that has no intention of dissolving. Between Isabella thinking I was a girl on vent and hitting on me for weeks on and and Stormy just being. Well, Stormy. It doesn't work out, everyone else that's in Omerta now I have no issues with whatsoever. (To my knowledge, maybe there's someone I'm forgetting).

    As for the Valhalla ganking in PVP, we all gank. But that doesn't justify certain situations. There are several people in Valhalla that I know do have the level of maturity/respect/politeness to stray away from an extremely unfair gank. For example, I'm pvping on my level 92 psychic. I'm just chilling at silver pool having 1v1s with different level 9xes and a few 100s, it's all a fun even fight and it's really cool. Valhalla shows up, everyone else leaves. I asked some of the Valhalla BMs for 1v1, they say "okay sure :D". I mean, what 101+ BM with +10 or higher claws, occult ice and 3 sparks ready wouldn't want to 1v1 a level 92 psychic? So we start our 1v1, I'm kiting around and it's all good fun. About two minutes in about 3 of the Valhalla members who have just been standing around previously all gank me at once. Of course I'm dead in a few seconds. When I try to tell them I was in 1v1 they just ignore me.
    So I go back out and try to 1v1 the BM again, he says okay and so do the other Val's. As soon as I'm out of SZ all 5+ of them run straight at me and bam->gank->death.

    It's just really immature, and I'm starting to feel really bad. Because I'm afraid that I might have been the same way when I was in Valhalla. Before my Veno was in Valhalla I was pretty chill with them to begin with so I didn't have major ganking issues with them. But after leaving & the creation of this thread it's just gotten ridiculous. My veno still doesn't have a lot of problems being ganked by them. But my psychic, who none of them know. Playing on here is really hell in pvp zones when they move in packs to clear out an entire area for hours on end.

    Then you guys make threads saying things like "We're the only people keeping PVP spots alive".

    You're worse than Catalyst in open PvP, at least they have a sense of humor, respect 1v1 and don't camp PVP zones for 3+ hours at a time.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I'm 15 now, almost 16.

    GOD DAMN IT now I have that annoying *** song from the Sound of Music stuck in my head! b:infuriated
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    GOD DAMN IT now I have that annoying *** song from the Sound of Music stuck in my head! b:infuriated

    You wait little girl
    On an empty stage
    For fate to turn the light on

    Your life little girl
    is an empty page
    that men will want to write on

    To write on

    You are 16 going on 17
    Baby its time to think
    Better beware
    Be canny and careful
    Baby you're on the brink

    You are 16 going on 17
    Fellows will fall in line
    Eager young lads
    And grueways and cads
    Will offer you food and wine

    Totally unprepared are you
    To face a world of men
    Timid and shy and scared are you
    Of things beyond your kin

    You need someone
    Older and wiser
    Telling you what to do
    I am 17 going on 18
    I'll take care of you

    I am 16 going on 17
    I know that i'm naive
    Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet
    And willingly I believe

    I am 16 going on 17 innocent as a rose
    Bachelor dandies
    Drinkers of brandies
    What do I know of those?

    Totally unprepared am I
    To face a world of men
    Timid and shy and scared am I
    Of things beyond my kin

    I need someone
    Older and wiser
    Telling me what to do
    You are 17 going on 18
    I'll depend on you
  • Aizza - Harshlands
    Aizza - Harshlands Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    AfterLife obviously will not be happening since you all apparently hate me so much.

    Look - your fancy words do not impress me. Because basically I dont give a fu-ck about how smart you think you are. I don't care - never will.

    All I know is, I joined Omerta to help and I did. All I got from you was static and drama. You treated me with disrespect, not once - but after I quit and came back because you said you'd cut it out. Then you just blamed it on someone else.

    To me this basically means your an annoying little snit, and your thread here basically proves that you still are. Your also a backstabber because you blamed my leaving on a Marshall, who got kicked. Not up to me to remember or give you his name little girl/boy.

    Understand something fast - no one cares about your education, your age or a damn thing about you when you start backstabbing your current and previous guildies - in private to your leader - giving them blame for something you did, or in public trying to make them look worse and buy some fame for yourself.

    Your a snit, and if I see you, I suggest you run to sz fast and ask your daddy/boyfriend or whom ever - for more $$ to throw at the game to gear you up.

    Now get the fu-ck out of my face child because you annoy me.

    I don't hate you - that would mean your worth taking time to think about.
  • Curses - Harshlands
    Curses - Harshlands Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    wow, this thread. I thought I was pro at starting drama threads. GG.
  • apex1predator
    apex1predator Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Look - your fancy words do not impress me. Because basically I dont give a fu-ck about how smart you think you are. I don't care - never will.

    All I know is, I joined Omerta to help and I did. All I got from you was static and drama. You treated me with disrespect, not once - but after I quit and came back because you said you'd cut it out. Then you just blamed it on someone else.

    To me this basically means your an annoying little snit, and your thread here basically proves that you still are. Your also a backstabber because you blamed my leaving on a Marshall, who got kicked. Not up to me to remember or give you his name little girl/boy.

    Understand something fast - no one cares about your education, your age or a damn thing about you when you start backstabbing your current and previous guildies - in private to your leader - giving them blame for something you did, or in public trying to make them look worse and buy some fame for yourself.

    Your a snit, and if I see you, I suggest you run to sz fast and ask your daddy/boyfriend or whom ever - for more $$ to throw at the game to gear you up.

    Now get the fu-ck out of my face child because you annoy me.

    Aizza needs to take some of her own medicine. We also dont give 2 hoots about your past present or future.
    I quoted this because youre so paranoid you'll prolly edit, edit, edit, edit then delete this post like you do with 99% of your other forum posts
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    wow, this thread. I thought I was pro at starting drama threads. GG.

    Take some notes.
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Look - your fancy words do not impress me. Because basically I dont give a fu-ck about how smart you think you are. I don't care - never will.

    All I know is, I joined Omerta to help and I did. All I got from you was static and drama. You treated me with disrespect, not once - but after I quit and came back because you said you'd cut it out. Then you just blamed it on someone else.

    To me this basically means your an annoying little snit, and your thread here basically proves that you still are. Your also a backstabber because you blamed my leaving on a Marshall, who got kicked. Not up to me to remember or give you his name little girl/boy.

    Understand something fast - no one cares about your education, your age or a damn thing about you when you start backstabbing your current and previous guildies - in private to your leader - giving them blame for something you did, or in public trying to make them look worse and buy some fame for yourself.

    Your a snit, and if I see you, I suggest you run to sz fast and ask your daddy/boyfriend or whom ever - for more $$ to throw at the game to gear you up.

    Now get the fu-ck out of my face child because you annoy me.

    I don't hate you - that would mean your worth taking time to think about.

    If I can quote myself again.
    I don't know you.
    Do you honestly think I'd waste time to remember who you are? Some random sin from a faction I've been ignoring for ages. Your being in Afterlife and talking trash alone gives me reason to look down at you.

    Now you're trash talking a cussing out a 15 year old. That's really, really, that's just so bad-*** I don't have words.
    It kind of gave me a boner.

    So I'll just leave you with a quote, darling.

    "I started going out with my first boyfriend Kyle, who was totally gorgeous but then he moved to Indiana--and Janis was like, weirdly jealous of him. Like if I would blow her off to hang out with Kyle, she'd be like "Why didn't you call me back?!" and I'd be like, "Uh, why are you so obsessed with me?" So then for my birthday party, which was an all girls pool party, I was like, "Janyce, I can't invite you because I think you're a ****" I mean, I couldn't have a **** at my party! There were going to be girls there in their bathing suits! I mean right, she was a ****! So then her mom called my mom and started yelling at her and it was so **** and then she dropped out of school 'cause no one would talk to her and she came back in the fall for high school and her hair was all cut off and she was totally weird and now I guess she's on crack."

    I think that somehow magically sums up what this thread now thinks of you.
  • Aizza - Harshlands
    Aizza - Harshlands Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Your being in Afterlife and talking trash alone gives me reason to look down at you.

    Who cares Celeese...I mean Aijou.
    I quoted this because youre so paranoid you'll prolly edit, edit, edit, edit then delete this post like you do with 99% of your other forum posts

    Your hiding behind an anonymous name - so who cares about what you think.

    And it's not about being paranoid idiot, it's about sometimes regretting what you post when your angry and trying to delete to just smooth things over or edit to try to take back what you said in anger.

    So get the fark out of my face. Edit my ***... anyone here that never edits or deletes posts - please step forward.
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    get the fu-ck out of my face child because you annoy me. .

    You want me to get out of your face, yet you're the one who came at your own will to my thread so you could start talking trash to me.

    I haven't even seen your char in game in ages so I don't really understand what you're thinking.

    Is it just me or do you have the mind of an autistic tunnel snake?

    {edited for typo}
  • Aizza - Harshlands
    Aizza - Harshlands Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Is it just me or do you have the mind of an autistic tunnel snake?

    {edited for typo}

    Dun go there - cause TUNNEL SNAKES RULEEEEEE !!!!

  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Dun go there - cause TUNNEL SNAKES RULEEEEEE !!!!


    If the only threat you have available is to PK me, then I think you should got to a carebear server where something like that is unspeakable and actually well a threat..

    I die everyday, am I mad? No.
    I get KOS'd everyday, am I mad? No.

    I log off and go do fun things offline, like fap.
    Something you should really consider doing, your lack of lay is showing a great deal.
  • apex1predator
    apex1predator Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    And it's not about being paranoid idiot, it's about sometimes regretting what you post when your angry and trying to delete to just smooth things over or edit to try to take back what you said in

    Sometimes is true but you take it to a compulsive syndrome lvl. As many have said before me, get some help Niajade.
  • Aizza - Harshlands
    Aizza - Harshlands Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Sometimes is true but you take it to a compulsive syndrome lvl. As many have said before me, get some help Niajade.

    You call me paranoid yet hide behind anonymity.... and insulting someones mental instability is an indication you know alot about it...

    And sorry Aijou, I was not sure to call you a he or she.. Which one are you pretending to be this week?
  • tfi3f
    tfi3f Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Err, before this turns into another gank on Aizza, I think she should just delete her first post there where she talked about Omerta or soemthing, then say something lulzy like, "Dear me, I forgot my tulips".

    I really hope I don't see another thread where I get to hear about cams and not see any pix :| At least this time, please lemme have pix if you're gonna say that Aijou did cams >.> I keep missing out on all these glorious cams. The way Aizza paints a p.r0n you'd swear there were a bunch of black guys with girls passing out after or something, it makes me feel soooo left out that I never saw any of them :|
    Valhalla disband. That is all \o/

    "The thing about winners is... they get to write the history books, and they get to analyze everything from high atop their winner's perch.

    Doesn't matter what the circumstances are." -- Burnout, Harshlands, Wizard.
  • Aizza - Harshlands
    Aizza - Harshlands Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    tfi3f wrote: »
    Err, before this turns into another gank on Aizza, I think she should just delete her first post there where she talked about Omerta or soemthing, then say something lulzy like, "Dear me, I forgot my tulips".

    I really hope I don't see another thread where I get to hear about cams and not see any pix :| At least this time, please lemme have pix if you're gonna say that Aijou did cams >.> I keep missing out on all these glorious cams. The way Aizza paints a p.r0n you'd swear there were a bunch of black guys with girls passing out after or something, it makes me feel soooo left out that I never saw any of them :|

    Ramble on much?

    All I said about Omerta was that they had the misfortune to have Aijou as a member, who caused drama and when people quit - pointed fingers at others as the cause.

    I actually like Omerta.
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    tfi3f wrote: »
    Err, before this turns into another gank on Aizza, I think she should just delete her first post there where she talked about Omerta or soemthing, then say something lulzy like, "Dear me, I forgot my tulips".

    I really hope I don't see another thread where I get to hear about cams and not see any pix :| At least this time, please lemme have pix if you're gonna say that Aijou did cams >.> I keep missing out on all these glorious cams. The way Aizza paints a p.r0n you'd swear there were a bunch of black guys with girls passing out after or something, it makes me feel soooo left out that I never saw any of them :|

    Never in my life would I go on a cam or send a pic of myself for money lol. Aizza, the only part of my gear that has been bought for me was my psychic's weap which was gifted to me by a friend. I've gone through two hackings and farmed/merched my way back to where I am now.

    Maybe if it was a really good offer, but seriously no. Aizza, you've obviously just proven to me that your lack of maturity and respect for people who want nothing to do with you has made you in every way not worth the time it takes me to write these responses.

    So maybe you should be the one getting out of my face, alright?

    Your pixels are nothing to what I am in real life, maybe that's a good counter.
  • Massad - Harshlands
    Massad - Harshlands Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The omerta issues you talk about are over a year old. I don't deny them a bit, but I will say that I was 13 at the time. Sorry for not being as mature and adult like as you as a pre-teen. Also, what barb is this you're talking about? Simply out of curiosity.

    Your assumption about this thread is also, a load of ****. Don't judge people, you're acting like I did when I was 13, at least I've grown up.
    I'm 15 now, almost 16.
    Fulltime college student. I think I've grown up quite a bit since the drama that's taken place on the game in previous years. I've been here for 3 years, so I've changed a lot since I started.

    It's your own individual choice to decide whether or not you chose to believe that I've changed, improved or downgraded my maturity level since then. But it's also your own choice to seem like a raging dooshey a-hole. In the case of Aizza, who let me be totally honest I have not had any experience what soever doing anything with her. Unless she had a different name at the time I'm just going to assume she's pulling stories out of her ***.

    Ok So I may be a southern boy raised in the deep deep DEEEP woods of Tennessee and Georgia... And math may have not been my strong suit.... But 13+1=15 almost 16b:chuckle

    Dammit I am back in the woods and I can hear the banjos playin somebody save me.

    Full time college student at 15.... again RIIIIIIIIIGHT

    I would believe it if I wasn't 25 working on a masters

    raging dooshey A-Hole??? where did I rage in my post exactly? Where did I say anything but the truth in the matter? I made one comment about how immature a teen can be and which... It doesn't matter how much you try to pretend on here... Actions speak louder than words and many people who have been in a faction with you have stated drama and trouble comes from your actions.

    As for every post I have read by you comment on how cata and kylin have both rejected your application.... Now maybe a member of kylin can correct me if I am wrong but don't they have an age limit for in there application forums (thats why I brought it up in the first post).

    I know some of the other big factions have the previous factions and leaders questions on there application (and why you left those factions), in which they try to figure out who you are and how played.

    Alot of those big factions are like a job interview, you answer one question wrong and your out. I have thought about joining kylin because I have a few friends there. And I have even been invited to join on one of my other characters (in which I turned them down on)... But they don't want me on my sin so I just cry in the cornerb:cry
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Other names include but not limited to LOKl_ _ClRCE_, _AnGeal_
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Ok So I may be a southern boy raised in the deep deep DEEEP woods of Tennessee and Georgia... And math may have not been my strong suit.... But 13+1=15 almost 16b:chuckle

    Dammit I am back in the woods and I can hear the banjos playin somebody save me.

    Full time college student at 15.... again RIIIIIIIIIGHT

    I would believe it if I wasn't 25 working on a masters

    raging dooshey A-Hole??? where did I rage in my post exactly? Where did I say anything but the truth in the matter? I made one comment about how immature a teen can be and which... It doesn't matter how much you try to pretend on here... Actions speak louder than words and many people who have been in a faction with you have stated drama and trouble comes from your actions.

    As for every post I have read by you comment on how cata and kylin have both rejected your application.... Now maybe a member of kylin can correct me if I am wrong but don't they have an age limit for in there application forums (thats why I brought it up in the first post).

    I know some of the other big factions have the previous factions and leaders questions on there application (and why you left those factions), in which they try to figure out who you are and how played.

    Alot of those big factions are like a job interview, you answer one question wrong and your out. I have thought about joining kylin because I have a few friends there. And I have even been invited to join on one of my other characters (in which I turned them down on)... But they don't want me on my sin so I just cry in the cornerb:cry

    You missed a word, "Over" a year ago.
    I don't have the exact date all this **** happened, I just know I was 13 at the time and I'm 15 now.

    Yes I'm a college student. You may be 25 working on your masters, but my sister is 22 and she finished her masters last summer.

    Raging dooshey a-hole was directed at Aizza, who is/was acting like a raging dooshey ****.

    Catalyst rejected my application for 2 reasons: According to Barbapapa I had too little HP, according to Curses I was too young/immature to fit in with the faction. I do admit that for an HA veno I don't have the most impressive HP (7k unbuffed, refines are pretty bad) but as for Curses I won't mind him/her. He/she doesn't know me, or anything about me so I'll leave it at that. I'm not going to reapply to Catalyst anytime soon because I already know where I would need to have my veno at to match their standards because of Papa's comment.

    Kylin application was a different situation entirely. I could go deeply into detail about what happened, but I'm an ex Kylin member and when I was in there I didn't leave on the best of terms. There was relationship drama where one half the faction thought I was "seducing" some chick's fiancee and the other half thought he was cheating on her with me. I could go farther into detail but the past is past and it would be stupid to bring it back up. Like Aizza did, except I'm still positive she's pulling stories out of her bum because I don't know who she's talking about at all with the Omerta situation. If another ex or current Omerta member could enlighten me it would be much appreciated. Although as I said, I don't deny anything about the drama in Omerta and Kylin, it happened and it's done. When you keep trying to use it against me you're just making your posts more and more ridiculous.

    I was apparently rejected to Kylin because I had a "reputation" of "stirring drama" and nobody wanted me in. It's fine by me for Kylin to chose who they want and don't want in their faction and I respect their decision, which is why I didn't go crazy QQraging all over them. All I can say is that it was their loss of a Veno who could potentially be a valuable asset in TW based on their ability to actually play veno. (Because I'm really not going to take this back, a lot of venos in Kylin and even just the whole damn server are functionally ****)

    There were only really two things that upset me over the rejections to Catalyst and Kylin.
    For Kylin it was that the majority of the people who voted my application down were people just like Aizza, filled with stories but they've never talked to me or done anything before. You shouldn't judge a person based on second-hand knowledge, I don't do that to anyone so I don't think it's necessarily fair for it to be done to me.
    Which is really the same situation somewhat with the Catalyst application. Obviously I can't be upset that my gear isn't good enough because it's my own damn fault for not charging to pay for +10 nirvana and whatnot. The only thing that bothered me was that my application wasn't even put up for voting or discussion by Curses and/or Papa because (aside from the 10k HP comment) Curses had heard or misjudged or I don't even know what that I was 13 years old and had serious maturity issues. I attempted to talk to him/her about it and it just didn't work. So that's okay, it's their choice as well. I was just really hoping that I would be put up for voting and/or discussion to the rest of the faction because Curses had misheard and misjudged me. Once again I'm not going to let it affect me in anyway and I'm going to move on as always.

    But please don't make assumptions based purely on what you see, just ask me freakin questions and then troll my forum thread. Not like I have anything to hide.
  • Aizza - Harshlands
    Aizza - Harshlands Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Never in my life would I go on a cam or send a pic of myself for money lol. Aizza, the only part of my gear that has been bought for me was my psychic's weap which was gifted to me by a friend. I've gone through two hackings and farmed/merched my way back to where I am now.

    Maybe if it was a really good offer, but seriously no. Aizza, you've obviously just proven to me that your lack of maturity and respect for people who want nothing to do with you has made you in every way not worth the time it takes me to write these responses.

    So maybe you should be the one getting out of my face, alright?

    Your pixels are nothing to what I am in real life, maybe that's a good counter.

    You are aware I did not post this right? (below is the post you are responding to above ^) ---- tfi3f wrote it.

    tfi3f wrote:
    Err, before this turns into another gank on Aizza, I think she should just delete her first post there where she talked about Omerta or soemthing, then say something lulzy like, "Dear me, I forgot my tulips".

    I really hope I don't see another thread where I get to hear about cams and not see any pix :| At least this time, please lemme have pix if you're gonna say that Aijou did cams >.> I keep missing out on all these glorious cams. The way Aizza paints a p.r0n you'd swear there were a bunch of black guys with girls passing out after or something, it makes me feel soooo left out that I never saw any of them :| .
  • Aijou - Harshlands
    Aijou - Harshlands Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    You are aware I did not post this right? (below is the post you are responding to above ^) ---- tfi3f wrote it.

    Sorry, I either got mixed up or epically trolled.
    Regardless, given the attitude you seem to have towards me it wouldn't be shocking if those statements were true.
  • Aizza - Harshlands
    Aizza - Harshlands Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Like Aizza did, except I'm still positive she's pulling stories out of her bum because I don't know who she's talking about at all with the Omerta situation.

    Your a liar.

    It was not my sin in Omerta, it was my Veno, NiaJade and the Leader invited me.

    I remember after I rejoined, and we were at Feather waiting for a TW, the barb that got kicked started talking to me, asking me to ask the Leader why he got kicked. I had already talked to the Leader and could not tell him (the barb/ex-Marshall) why he was kicked.

    I felt so bad. If I told him you did it, then it would cause guild drama. If I went back to the Leader who was already trying to hold things together, then - well I quit after that TW and just went to my alt guild for a bit, before she joined Zulu.

    You can say what ever you want but -- what do I do? - I listen to this guy who obviously loved his guild and stood there watching them go off to TW, w/o him and he had no clue why. And you? Sitting there smug and self-righteous caused it all...

    I went to that TW, just torn. Having fun, but knowing what had happened and I could not stay. At the time - you could do no wrong, and so no matter what I said to anyone, would change a thing.

    And don't pm me ingame again when I pk you and QQ at me. You started this, so I'm finishing it. As far as I am concerned, you are the worst type of guildie there is. You back stab them, get them kicked for what drama you cause and then - rip them up in an open forum.

    I'm done responding to you. And when you quote someone in this thread, make sure you have the right name next to it.