If You Restat for Decide How Much Dex You Need to Leave



  • ImNotFiveAps - Dreamweaver
    ImNotFiveAps - Dreamweaver Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'll wrap this up for everyone so they all know.

    With a claw sin, you attain 5 aps for about 300mil cheaper. (You no longer need the nirv pants, and Deicides are 180 mil cheaper than a Pan Gu).

    This is cool, for a cheap farming alt. Unfortunately, using this build will cause you to deal 37k less damage per second compared to +10 R8 with a tome. Kindly look below me and see the comparisons.

    Rank 8 +10 Sparked
    Demon no tome 125,380
    Sage no tome 94,129
    Demon w/ tome 152,662
    Sage w/ tome 109,154

    Deicide +10 Sparked
    Demon no tome 115,835
    Sage no tome 115,835
    Demon w/ tome 118,602
    Sage w/ tome 118,602

    So all in all, the conclusion to draw from all this is if you want a cheap farming alt that is less efficient than a dagger sin, make a claw sin. But don't be butt hurt when the G13 user gets picked over you for a nirv run, (assuming you use WC to find nirvs). Also, expect nirv/TT/FC runs to take longer, especially when running with other claw sins, the 37k damage per second adds up fast ;)
    Think we're running in circles here because we're arguing different things. We started looking at cost:benefit analysis of dagger/fists and we are all setting different baselines of what we could consider "worth it." Some say Rank 8 for the armor plate is worth the cost of 200k rep. Some say Deicide and 3.33 base is more worth it. Or 2.86 base. Some say the 220 mil for G13 is worth the cost. Others compare the cost of Rank 8 + a tome vs. the cost of G13 with a factor of 1 or 2 sockets(90% 1 socket chance, 10% 2 sockets) worth the cost because there is a small chance of increased dps. Some stop refining at +5. Others +7. Others +10. Others +12. They all have different baselines and goals for their equipment and this scews any mathmatics we can throw out as we are now arguing "what'd be worth it" without considering opportunity costs (having HA gear already, farming speed) or about 50 different intangibles.

    Basically, "What is it worth to you?" when deciding equipment maybe different for each person.

    Btw, the OP hasn't posted for almost 40 posts, and made another thread detailing his Deicide experiences.

    Think we can use a summary of Deicides vs Daggers, I guess.

    Already did. I quoted myself so you can see my wrap up. Now we're just arguing to argue.