TW Schedule 5/8 - 7/8
JanusZeal - Heavens Tear wrote: »^ Tesla was good at what he did but if you really think electricity wouldn't have got where it was today if it wasn't for him, you obviously ignore the contributions of the rest of those involved, and there were many. Also, a very important fact was that Tesla got the funds and the means to do his research while in the U.S., not in Croatia. So this cannot even remotely be considered a Croatian accomplishment other than by which Tesla happened to be born on that piece of land. If Croatia were so awesome he would have done all of this in Croatia. Instead, he went to the U.S. to do it. So Tesla is actually an American accomplishment. Sucks for Croatia.
You should find someone else to fap to, Vanilla Onion, Tesla's accomplishments are not related at all to Croatia.
Oh really now, so you gonna tell me that Tesla didnt got his education in Croatia and Austria, that he didnt came to work in USA as adult and educated person with his patents that made americans to offer him to work for them in first place ??
That he didnt invented his first most important inventions here in Croatia ???
Dang then i guess we should close two museum's that we have here in his honor. (one in Zagreb and other one in Lika where his birth home is)
I guess that we should close the college that has his name on and where he was a student and created his first inventions.
Ty for an "eye opener"...OMG how much more **** can you actually write here and stay alive.0 -
Vallenion - Heavens Tear wrote: »Oh really now, so you gonna tell me that Tesla didnt got his education in Croatia and Austria, that he didnt came to work in USA as adult and educated person with his patents that made americans to offer him to work for them in first place ??
That he didnt invented his first most important inventions here in Croatia ???
Dang then i guess we should close two museum's that we have here in his honor. (one in Zagreb and other one in Lika where his birth home is)
I guess that we should close the college that has his name on and where he was a student and created his first inventions.
Ty for an "eye opener"...OMG how much more **** can you actually write here and stay alive.
Yes, you should close the museum in ZaCrap. But build another one to house the sweat towels of the glorious Goatia past. Close the college too, if it turns out braindead goat boys like you.0 -
Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear wrote: »prosciutto is italian,sry val you were wrong on that. Neckties,so you guy invented one of the most uncomfortable articles of clothing ever devised.Good job. My comment wasn't at how long croats have been around it was directed at how long its been a country,about 20 years. It doesn't matter if its been around 300 years as a people because there wasn't always accurate ways to keep track of violence,accomplishments or anything else of substantial worth. Even the US doesn't try to pull sht out of our ***** from 200 years ago saying 'see what we are'. What was stated was that you cannot compare the two COUNTRIES because of age difference and population differences. You could compare croatia with say slovania but cant compare croatia and the US due to age differences being too wide.And what makes you think that the US makes up their historical figures? Wyatt Earp and billy the kid were very much real. I don't remember who else you said but theres so much bull sht in your post that its just spewing all sorts of nastiness.
Prosciutto is croatian invention that Roman Emperor Dioklecian took over from Drnis (Croatia) originaly is called Prsut...its a ham on wraped in salt dryed on coastal wind and smoked in spetial room. I was on Cuisine college in Wiena (Austria) straight A student.
This only mean that you never tryed real prosciutto in your life exept that fast manufactured Italian **** that they export.
You cant count one nations history from 1990 if their history started at 7th century.
And there are old documents that can actually help you to find accurate facts about history.
Whyat Erap was alcoholic and coward in his RL, not a allmighty sheriff how he is presented, when i say they make them up i reffer on that they pump them up to be someone that they havent been in RL he as a person did existed.
What in 200 years you guys will claim that Superman was real too ???
I gave you all facts you asked for, you will say that they are invalid, that i'm stupid etc.
Who cares, i know my country's history and ppl from all around the world that actually visited Croatia were impressed with everything they saw here...
That is enough for me, you think whatever you want.
I can give you the credit that you are inteligent person, but you know nothing about Croatia.
Like i tould you i traveled allmost whole USA 7 years ago and i got my personal impression about it, when you do the same here, talk whatever you want and i will be the last one to tell you anything.
World is a beautiful place travel, see and then talk.sundaymonday wrote: »Yes, you should close the museum in ZaCrap. But build another one to house the sweat towels of the glorious Goatia past. Close the college too, if it turns out braindead goat boys like you.
I would reply, but since you are noname troll whats the use in doing that.
Where do you live ??? Share it with ppl like i did.
And consider yourself ignored from my side, i dont talk to ppl that are obsessed with goats, i preffer human females.0 -
Let's get ontopic: **** -
Bloyse - Heavens Tear wrote: »I'd like to take this time to say, Brits had the biggest empire b:cute
With a dutch king b:avoid[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
playing Faction Wars Again.0 -
Vallenion - Heavens Tear wrote: »Oh really now, so you gonna tell me that Tesla didnt got his education in Croatia and Austria, that he didnt came to work in USA as adult and educated person with his patents that made americans to offer him to work for them in first place ??
That he didnt invented his first most important inventions here in Croatia ???
Dang then i guess we should close two museum's that we have here in his honor. (one in Zagreb and other one in Lika where his birth home is)
I guess that we should close the college that has his name on and where he was a student and created his first inventions.
Ty for an "eye opener"...OMG how much more **** can you actually write here and stay alive.
It's not that you should close the museums and all that, but you're far too high and mighty about Croatia and the mentioning of Tesla and beating your chest about Croatia is rather funny because Croatia had nothing to do with his inventions.0 -
I already admitted I don't know much about croatia. I also admit that our schools should do more to teach the history of the world. We get taught a few things about europe in elementary school, most what we taught is in middle and high school. All I said about croatia was it wasn't a nation, and this is by the EU standards, until 1991. Before then it may have been tribe a tribe but it wasn't a recognized nation of its own.
And yes Wyatt Earp was an alcoholic, I have never seen him portrayed other wise, but he was far from being a coward. AND SUPERMAN IS REAL,just like santa clause and the easter bunny.mmmmmm tacos mmmmm
Retired for good.0 -
JanusZeal - Heavens Tear wrote: »Every one of his major inventions from the coil and on were from the US, following arriving in his 20s. Obviously this could not have happened in Croatia. Ironically, upon his first major invention, he became a U.S. citizen.
It's not that you should close the museums and all that, but you're far too high and mighty about Croatia and the mentioning of Tesla and beating your chest about Croatia is rather funny because Croatia had nothing to do with his inventions.
Lol, and how do you explain that we have all those things originaly made by Nikola Tesla before he went to USA in this museum ???
And first street where he tested all this that he sold to americans at one part of Bogoviceva street is protected property in his honor.
He got bigger founds for his projects in USA, and he earned it with his hard work.
So you will tell me now that Toni Kukoc that played 7 seasons in Chicago Bulls and now lives half of the year in USA is also USA citizen even doh he is Croatian ??
He is a Croat with US passport just like Tesla was.
What you think that he came to USA as a noname drifter that never made anything ???
Zagreb had electric power before any town in USA did, how do you explain that ???
And most important thing, any person that goes to work in some other country is still a member of his original ever heard for dual citizenship (i have it for example Croatian & Australian, my wife has the same so as my daughter) Tesla had it too Croatian and US.
You are so persistant to discredit Croatia, and you use such a nonsence that is funny.0 -
Still discussing this ****?0
Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear wrote: »I already admitted I don't know much about croatia. I also admit that our schools should do more to teach the history of the world. We get taught a few things about europe in elementary school, most what we taught is in middle and high school. All I said about croatia was it wasn't a nation, and this is by the EU standards, until 1991. Before then it may have been tribe a tribe but it wasn't a recognized nation of its own.
And yes Wyatt Earp was an alcoholic, I have never seen him portrayed other wise, but he was far from being a coward. AND SUPERMAN IS REAL,just like santa clause and the easter bunny.
Croatia is a nation from a day one, nation that was member of different systems trough history.
So England, Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland are not nations too if we will follow what you claim, since they are part of UK ???
I was sure that you are inteligent person, why cant you understand it ??? I mean dang lolHellraisor - Heavens Tear wrote: »Still discussing this ****?
Yeah, wanna join in ???0 -
Nah I dun like civil war and all that croatian stuff...0
Hellraisor - Heavens Tear wrote: »Nah I dun like civil war and all that croatian stuff...
Ok, dont tell us later that you were not invited b:chuckle
dinner time for me anyway...0 -
What you have to remember is, Britain rules the world b:thanks All other points are null.0
Yeah when talking bout riots, they do...0
Vallenion - Heavens Tear wrote: »Ahoy Billy Bob, everything is baseless when you are prooven wrong.
I could actually bet that i know more about USA history than you, for example.
That is why i said word "lack of quality education" to you earlyer, couse USA school system is 97% based on USA history, and to learn other things you need to go to college and actually pick the subject you are interested in (my best friend played college basketball in USA so i know how that goes there from 1st hand).
In Europe (I will say for Croatia), in elementary school you learn about Croatian history and World's history so its all covered in thoose two subjects.
Croatian Elementary school kid learns their own language + english and german, and have to pick one by personal choice to learn (Italian, French etc).
So that leaves Croatian kid to study 18 different subjects + leisure activities (they must have atleast one) that help us to keep our kids off the streets (reason why we have no gangs like you guys do for example)
Now imagine the knowledge advantage that Croatian kid has compared with american kid when he/she finishes 8th grade and goes to High School.
And we have lots of High Schools & College's with a long tradition and big reputation.
You ever heard for Nikola Tesla ??? He is Croatian for example.
You ever heard for "tie" ??? Croatians invented it.
You ever tryed "prosciutto" ??? Croatians invented it.
etc. etc.
not bad for how you call it "3rd world country" huh ??
You should take your own advice and not lecture on countries you know jack **** about. I didn't even take history for any type in both high school and school. I fulfilled my high school grad requirements taking a few weeks of summer classes that somewhat revolved around history and that was it. 97% history my ***.
Did you take math before 8th grade? Because you said 18 subjects but you seem not to have counted the subjects you listed properly. No, our schools require only one foreign language instead of fifty, but we do have 'leisure activities' as you call them, except we call them 'extracurricular' activities. The difference between our education and yours it seems is that we can get more of it IF WE WANT TO whereas the less motivated children can join gangs as they choose, since you're so fascinated with that particular part of US culture. I have some suspicion that you considered each individual class a 'subject' so let's hear these 18 subjects shall we?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing your country. I just think you are an idiot, especially because you are trying to insult other countries.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
SkyKoC - How long is yours?0 -
Is val really comparing one or two things that was made/invented in crotia/crotain w/ the things thats invented in US/rest of the world?0
Aesthor - Heavens Tear wrote: »You should take your own advice and not lecture on countries you know jack **** about. I didn't even take history for any type in both high school and school. I fulfilled my high school grad requirements taking a few weeks of summer classes that somewhat revolved around history and that was it. 97% history my ***.
Did you take math before 8th grade? Because you said 18 subjects but you seem not to have counted the subjects you listed properly. No, our schools require only one foreign language instead of fifty, but we do have 'leisure activities' as you call them, except we call them 'extracurricular' activities. The difference between our education and yours it seems is that we can get more of it IF WE WANT TO whereas the less motivated children can join gangs as they choose, since you're so fascinated with that particular part of US culture. I have some suspicion that you considered each individual class a 'subject' so let's hear these 18 subjects shall we?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing your country. I just think you are an idiot, especially because you are trying to insult other countries.
I didnt listed them all anyway, in total there is 18 of them.
Yes difference is that we want to get our kids ready for life on a propper way is that a sin ???
And we have professionals that work with less motivated kids, so it still turns out good in most of cases.
1.Croatian, 2. English, 3. German, 4. 3rd language you pick, 5. Croatian History, 6. World History, 7. Geography, 8. Biology, 9. Chemistry, 10. Art, 11. Music Art, 12.Ethics Class, 13. Religius Class (any religion exept Satanism and Budism is on choice) 14. Society (maybe i didnt translated this well), 15.Physics, 16. Gym class 17. Orientation (subject that comes in 4th grade where you get 1st inputs about job you plan to do etc and lasts till end of elementary school) 18. Astronomy
Happy now??
Im not insulting any other countries, if you payed attention i am the one who gets insulted here, dont flip the words.
Last time i checked SgtHillBilly is not a country...he is a troll.
And feeling is mutual, I also think that you are an idiot... so cheers b:bye0 -
Vallenion - Heavens Tear wrote: »I didnt listed them all anyway, in total there is 18 of them.
Yes difference is that we want to get our kids ready for life on a propper way is that a sin ???
And we have professionals that work with less motivated kids, so it still turns out good in most of cases.
I never said it's a sin. I said you know jack **** about how another country works.
1.Croatian, 2. English, 3. German, 4. 3rd language you pick, 5. Croatian History, 6. World History, 7. Geography, 8. Biology, 9. Chemistry, 10. Art, 11. Music Art, 12.Ethics Class, 13. Religius Class (any religion exept Satanism and Budism is on choice) 14. Society (maybe i didnt translated this well), 15.Physics, 16. Gym class 17. Orientation (subject that comes in 4th grade where you get 1st inputs about job you plan to do etc and lasts till end of elementary school) 18. Astronomy
This isn't that different from US school system. We have tons of sports instead of tons of languages. We also have music instead of whatever 'music art' is. We don't have ethics or religion, they're simply taught in social studies classes. I don't see what subject "orientation" is or even why that needs to be studied, but we do have health and safety. I make my point, you know too little to be pointing fingers at anyone. Just because you don't know how much education is available in the US doesn't mean we don't have it at all.
Happy now??
Im not insulting any other countries, if you payed attention i am the one who gets insulted here, dont flip the words.
Last time i checked SgtHillBilly is not a country...he is a troll.
And feeling is mutual, I also think that you are an idiot... so cheers b:bye
You are TRYING (but not doing very well) to insult the USA. Don't get me wrong, I'm not very patriotic and I couldn't care less if you make stupid american jokes. I'm more proud of my Asian heritage than my US upbringing. My point is you don't practice what you preach. Shut up about other countries you know squat about. And no I was not paying attention to anything in this thread, and I probably will not go back and read who was flaming who. It's just your post that I read and is stupid.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
SkyKoC - How long is yours?0 -
Vallenion - Heavens Tear wrote: »I would reply, but since you are noname troll whats the use in doing that.
Where do you live ??? Share it with ppl like i did.
And consider yourself ignored from my side, i dont talk to ppl that are obsessed with goats, i preffer human females.
Uhhh, I said I live in Australia already. It not my fault that you've never heard of it. Now go and try to dig up something on it.
I don't know who's obsessed with goats, I mean you do live in ZaCrap in Goatia righ? what's there besides **** and goats?
And about the "i preffer human females" part, in light of your recent posts, I would suggest that you lower your standard by a lot, goat boy.0 -
Aesthor - Heavens Tear wrote: »You are TRYING (but not doing very well) to insult the USA. Don't get me wrong, I'm not very patriotic and I couldn't care less if you make stupid american jokes. I'm more proud of my Asian heritage than my US upbringing. My point is you don't practice what you preach. Shut up about other countries you know squat about. And no I was not paying attention to anything in this thread, and I probably will not go back and read who was flaming who. It's just your post that I read and is stupid.
Well i would like to say that i'm honored that you read my posts only...but im not.
What USA joke did i made, all that i said exists right ???
You are very limited person if you find that as an insult.
When your guildmates use words like "Goatatia" for Croatia or "ZaCrap" for Zagreb...that is an insult.
Its just one example of many that were posted here on my account.
Im no preacher and my moto is: "Who treats you good, you treat him even better...Who treats you bad, treat him even worse", so i pratice what i belive in very well tyvm.
I know that is annoying for ppl like you are when someone actually defends himself or dont get affected by your group bashing, word flipping and trolling, but hey word submissive is not in my dictionary.
For last two weeks you guys were stamping on me in every possible way (ingame, race, nation, family, faction) and im still here plus i got a confirmation of everything bad that i was thinking about Enrage members.
So keep up, im not going anywhere...i'm a very stubborn member of GoldDigrz and proud Croat.
Cheers & TC b:byesundaymonday wrote: »Uhhh, I said I live in Australia already. It not my fault that you've never heard of it. Now go and try to dig up something on it.
I don't know who's obsessed with goats, I mean you do live in ZaCrap in Goatia righ? what's there besides **** and goats?
And about the "i preffer human females" part, in light of your recent posts, I would suggest that you lower your standard by a lot, goat boy.
Too late for that lol, i allready married Australian girl and she was very happy to move to you keep the goats noname nonfactor boy.0 -
This girl is right u know...0 -
Vallenion - Heavens Tear wrote: »Well i would like to say that i'm honored that you read my posts only...but im not.
What USA joke did i made, all that i said exists right ???
You are very limited person if you find that as an insult.
When your guildmates use words like "Goatatia" for Croatia or "ZaCrap" for Zagreb...that is an insult.
Its just one example of many that were posted here on my account.
Im no preacher and my moto is: "Who treats you good, you treat him even better...Who treats you bad, treat him even worse", so i pratice what i belive in very well tyvm.
I know that is annoying for ppl like you are when someone actually defends himself or dont get affected by your group bashing, word flipping and trolling, but hey word submissive is not in my dictionary.
For last two weeks you guys were stamping on me in every possible way (ingame, race, nation, family, faction) and im still here plus i got a confirmation of everything bad that i was thinking about Enrage members.
So keep up, im not going anywhere...i'm a very stubborn member of GlodDigrz and proud Croat.
Cheers & TC b:bye
I don't give a damn about your moto. If you don't understand figure of speech it's not my problem.
I already told you what you "know" is nothing. I don't get annoyed when people defend themselves. I get annoyed when people do dumb things like preach about education and then make ignorant comments about it, or when they defend their country by attack another, or basically anything where they preach one thing and do it themselves. I don't really give a damn what my guildies say about it, nor did I read what they said, so make more fail assumptions please. Also I don't know who the nameless trolls are and neither do you. I don't assume they are GD, but you assume they are Enrage, so that kinda shows who is the touchy insulted one who likes to make presumptions.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
SkyKoC - How long is yours?0 -
Hellraisor - Heavens Tear wrote: »Yeah when talking bout riots, they do...
Psh they weren't riots, they were just a bunch of idiots taking advantage of a lack of policing presence. Riots are what happened in the 1980s. When the men were men and the woman stayed home and made dinner.
And I approve of **** b:cute0 -
Vallenion - Heavens Tear wrote: »Croatian Elementary school kid learns their own language + english and german, and have to pick one by personal choice to learn (Italian, French etc).
You want to know why I don't bother learning Croatian or any Serbo-Croatian dialect? Because its not time efficient to... and the return on investment is miniscule to none. I know English, Chinese, and some Japanese... with those 3 I got the top 3 GDP nations covered. And lets not forget that I can communicate with half of the world population.Vallenion - Heavens Tear wrote: »And we have lots of High Schools & College's with a long tradition and big reputation.
Everyone can claim that they have a long tradition and reputation. The problem about tradition and reputation is... if no one other then you know about it... it doesn't count. The top 10 university in the world in all practical fields is dominated by US and UK (both English speaking countries). I am pretty sure Croatia didn't make the top 25... and would be surprised if they made the top 50.
You can argue for your country for all you want... but lets face reality here. Croatia has received over 300 (or is 350) million from USAID in its earlier days. During US's earlier days... I can't vouch for Croatia's whereabouts.1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.
Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf0 -
True, just a bunch of foreigners now, who should just get send back to their own continent and rob/steal/whatever as much as they want there.
(May sound racist but look at the videos and watch the people's color)
What's actually the cause of the medieval situation there?0 -
Aesthor - Heavens Tear wrote: »I did not find it as an insult. That's why I said you are TRYING and FAILING. Do try to read, since I know you can't write. But your effort is quite obvious.
I don't give a damn about your moto. If you don't understand figure of speech it's not my problem.
I already told you what you "know" is nothing. I don't get annoyed when people defend themselves. I get annoyed when people do dumb things like preach about education and then make ignorant comments about it, or when they defend their country by attack another, or basically anything where they preach one thing and do it themselves. I don't really give a damn what my guildies say about it, nor did I read what they said, so make more fail assumptions please. Also I don't know who the nameless trolls are and neither do you. I don't assume they are GD, but you assume they are Enrage, so that kinda shows who is the touchy insulted one who likes to make presumptions.
Word flipping again huh ???
I compared education, did not attacked and i never even attempted to insult USA, how stupid would that be from my side since i also hang out with americans.
I actually said that USA is no.1 country in the world...God how rude of me (i'll punish myself later lol)
You should also work on figure of speech couse you are completly wrong about this.
And yeah blah blah even if i would discover new medicine that would cure cancer you would still say that i know nothing, so im not giving any importance to that.
Nameless troll actually said that he is Enrage (check on previous posts).
And if you agree im done talking with you, its useless anyway i have much better things to do than to waste time on you.
So keep up with Enrage frame and leave troll's to me, i'll handle them.
Normal civil convo between you and me is impossible it seems.
Cheers & TC b:bye0 -
X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear wrote: »Psh they weren't riots, they were just a bunch of idiots taking advantage of a lack of policing presence. Riots are what happened in the 1980s. When the men were men and the woman stayed home and made dinner.
And I approve of **** b:cute
He has a point.
The reason these "riots" happened was pretty much because David Cameron and ****, sorry, Nick Clegg was on holiday...
See, when it started off, it was a "civil disurbance", therefore all the police could do is shepherd them in the direction they wanted them to go, but couldn't lay a finger on them.
Once the degenerate pricks decided to loot, Cameron was still abroad, so the same rules applied. Once he was back, it could then be declared "rioting" because it had been passed through office, and then the police could start using their batons, rubber bullets and water cannons. And now, alas, almost 1000 arrests and no trouble in any street (at the moment)
@Retsuko That is true :P, but we did have a few leaders over the Empire's expansion.
Also, **** are good.ALSO KNOWN AS Bloysius Fliiiickingsly, Esquire
~Almost original Tao member & Former Tao Director ~
~ Former Enrage Executor ~
Bloyse - 101 Wizard - Wizard of Fliiick
>Official Mr. Grammar of HT< according to DarkFury0 -
Hellraisor - Heavens Tear wrote: »True, just a bunch of foreigners now, who should just get send back to their own continent and rob/steal/whatever as much as they want there.
(May sound racist but look at the videos and watch the people's color)
What's actually the cause of the medieval situation there?
An Indian person got gunned down by police because he was carrying a loaded gun with intent to use it. His family protested for answer why outside the police station, for some reason. That same night is when the disorder started, so people blamed this guy getting shot and the police's silence on it and the spark. After seeing the lack of police because of cuts to their numbers, kids as young as 10 took advantage and done what you seen on the news. Wonder where their parents were ...
When I become PM, I will close our borders, give police back the rights to kick the **** outta people, and deport every single foreigner involved in that ****, because yes, the overwhelming majority were from a different background from English0 -
Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear wrote: »You want to know why I don't bother learning Croatian or any Serbo-Croatian dialect? Because its not time efficient to... and the return on investment is miniscule to none. I know English, Chinese, and some Japanese... with those 3 I got the top 3 GDP nations covered. And lets not forget that I can communicate with half of the world population.
Everyone can claim that they have a long tradition and reputation. The problem about tradition and reputation is... if no one other then you know about it... it doesn't count. The top 10 university in the world in all practical fields is dominated by US and UK (both English speaking countries). I am pretty sure Croatia didn't make the top 25... and would be surprised if they made the top 50.
You can argue for your country for all you want... but lets face reality here. Croatia has received over 300 (or is 350) million from USAID in its earlier days. During US's earlier days... I can't vouch for Croatia's whereabouts.
I never denied that we got help to rebuild after the war, lol even Germany and other top nations got help after war too, didnt they ???
And yeah languages that you speak are most spreaded, more than 400 years old university in Zagreb means tradition and reputation dont you think, and guess what its still open and working.
I never claimed that Croatia is any big factor in the world (we are in sports lol), all i did was defended my country when group of troll's started with insults thats how all this started.
If it was on the level you presented the facts, i would have no problem at all, but to claim that we are like some uneducated, dirty, poor tribe...i will not allow that.0 -
Vallenion - Heavens Tear wrote: »Too late for that lol, i allready married Australian girl and she was very happy to move to you keep the goats noname nonfactor boy.
LOL! maybe in your Goatian dreams. I doubt someone would be willing to be labeled "the second dumbest frog at the bottom of a ZaCrap Goatian well." So not only you are braindead, but also a liar. Just what I expected coming out of ZaCrap in Goatia.0
This discussion has been closed.
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