Compensation, What Was It?



  • Conavar - Heavens Tear
    Conavar - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    They're showing a willingness to compensate and fix bugs...yet you're still unhappy?

    Not being funny Kritty but fixing Bugs is their JOB ( well getting the Dev's to fix them ).
    You make it sound like because we have been good children they will be so kind as to fix a bug for us.

    Also since there isn't a time frame for the glitch to be fixed (We all know PWI it could be 6days or 6 months or Never ) isn't not turning x2 on just penalizing those players that don't use the glitch and actually makes it a more attractive solution than it previously was ?

    But hey if that worried about it then just turn on x2 drops
  • Kehrendorh - Archosaur
    Kehrendorh - Archosaur Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I still think PW-CN and PWE need to employ the people who are developing new material and fixing glitches on private servers. Apparently, they get the coding. b:chuckle

    Anyway, 2x is great and all...but I thought it would be something like, a free mankini or something sexeh b:dirty
  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    the point I am making is that the company willingly throwing out a 2x event without a fix on a very broken part of the game would be highly irresponsible. Now, they do have to wait until China can send them a patch which will fix this "glitch", so they really don't know how long it will be.

    That glitch, like all the other multiple hundreds of them will remain untill the game dies. It makes them money, why would they fix such a "wonderful" profit-making problem?

    It's like nix being able to kill anything that moves be being above it. the mob never fights back, but because it's nix and not a freebie pet that bug remains. (since patch 166, when I started playing)

    This is just some of what I have seen, but I don't wish to beat a dead horse. In fact I even submitted code to go to the devs TO fix the glitch (save I didn't have the variables, because I don't have PW source code... and it was never implemented. If the game was open source it would have been fixed in literally, a day)

    @Kehrendorh - Archosaur:

    Yes there is an amazing set of tools to make content for PW servers, all written against closed source, think of how good these people must actually be
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • Fintan - Lost City
    Fintan - Lost City Posts: 1,245 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    OK. I know I'm about to tread into dangerous water here, wearing nothing but a wetsuiit... Mods, please forgive me my transgressions, but I feel it's relevant to the conversation at hand. b:shocked

    Since there's lots of talk about p. servers, and I'm not terribly familiar with them (beyond having seend evidence that they don't suffer from some of the bugs that PWI does, including some it "inherited"...), can someone tell me if they have Frost?

    AFAIK, they don't have Genies or any content released after, but a cursory hunt isn't telling me whether they have Frost, and if so, whether it's "original/gear Frost" or "new/uber-EXP Frost". If they have "new/EXP Frost", how are they getting around the issue of "the glitch"? Is it a bug that was added to the code base more recently? Is it that they've found a fix prior to PWE/PWRD? Is it that their playerbase "respects" the game more? Is it that they enforce their policies? Is it that people do it and no one cares?

    If they've got "new Frost" and it's a non-issue on p. servers due to anything other than "who cares?", it may be worthwhile for at least the playerbase here to know why it's a non-issue. That way we can know how feasible it is to be fixed in a timeframe soon enough where we can actually benefit from 2x before all of us who actually were impacted by the DoS have left the game... b:surrender

    Again, I ask solely because p. servers have been mentioned a few times in this thread, and I (like much of the player base) know little of them. And knowing if people without access to "the code" have surmounted this issue, it is useful data regarding the proposed compensation.

    Though, like others, I wonder how those exploiting the glitch would benefit from a few days of 2x drops (not exp). Personally, I'm hoping for 2x drops soonish for a selfish reason: maybe then I could find people to run TT with instead of just repeatedly being told "glitch Frost and buy Rank 9". b:cryb:surrender

    (At this point, I'd almost be happy with an orange "Sebestimated" above my head, like my bard in FW has... b:surrender)
    MuSHRooMS - Lost City (currently inviting new members) b:victory
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The biggest problem with this glitch: They tell *some* of us that it's bannable offense. People that know otherwise exploit it. The do-gooders lose out. Either ban all who abused /abuse it or make it open for the rest of us that abide by your hypocritical rules.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Kehrendorh - Archosaur
    Kehrendorh - Archosaur Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    OK. I know I'm about to tread into dangerous water here, wearing nothing but a wetsuiit... Mods, please forgive me my transgressions, but I feel it's relevant to the conversation at hand. b:shocked

    Since there's lots of talk about p. servers, and I'm not terribly familiar with them (beyond having seend evidence that they don't suffer from some of the bugs that PWI does, including some it "inherited"...), can someone tell me if they have Frost?

    AFAIK, they don't have Genies or any content released after, but a cursory hunt isn't telling me whether they have Frost, and if so, whether it's "original/gear Frost" or "new/uber-EXP Frost". If they have "new/EXP Frost", how are they getting around the issue of "the glitch"? Is it a bug that was added to the code base more recently? Is it that they've found a fix prior to PWE/PWRD? Is it that their playerbase "respects" the game more? Is it that they enforce their policies? Is it that people do it and no one cares?

    If they've got "new Frost" and it's a non-issue on p. servers due to anything other than "who cares?", it may be worthwhile for at least the playerbase here to know why it's a non-issue. That way we can know how feasible it is to be fixed in a timeframe soon enough where we can actually benefit from 2x before all of us who actually were impacted by the DoS have left the game... b:surrender

    Again, I ask solely because p. servers have been mentioned a few times in this thread, and I (like much of the player base) know little of them. And knowing if people without access to "the code" have surmounted this issue, it is useful data regarding the proposed compensation.

    Though, like others, I wonder how those exploiting the glitch would benefit from a few days of 2x drops (not exp). Personally, I'm hoping for 2x drops soonish for a selfish reason: maybe then I could find people to run TT with instead of just repeatedly being told "glitch Frost and buy Rank 9". b:cryb:surrender

    (At this point, I'd almost be happy with an orange "Sebestimated" above my head, like my bard in FW has... b:surrender)

    Most p. servers do not have the 'new' frost, as the xp values are already extremely high. Most p. servers had already converted certain instances to be xp farming instances, as well as gold farming instances.

    But now that Psytrac mentions it, it would be pretty freakin' sweet if this game were open sourced. I think that would inject a whole new life into this game that has been living on life support for awhile.
  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Most p. servers do not have the 'new' frost, as the xp values are already extremely high. Most p. servers had already converted certain instances to be xp farming instances, as well as gold farming instances.

    But now that Psytrac mentions it, it would be pretty freakin' sweet if this game were open sourced. I think that would inject a whole new life into this game that has been living on life support for awhile.
    server tools svn has the NEW frost files.

    (I'm an enthusiast, I like to knwo the works of the game, what can I say..)
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • HeavensRage - Raging Tide
    HeavensRage - Raging Tide Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    They're showing a willingness to compensate and fix bugs...

    Ahahahaha joke so fanneh.
  • kirbyyyy
    kirbyyyy Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    While you're right about the stacking (2x scrolls not stacking with 2x), if they were to just flippantly activate 2x, many players would use that to get 13x with hypers and no scroll. Thus, it would actually be cheaper for them to exploit the glitch for more experience.

    They're showing a willingness to compensate and fix bugs...yet you're still unhappy? People really do amaze me sometimes.b:surrender

    The thing about this is, it doesn't even cost money for the exp scrolls. Being a Mod, I thought you'd know that you can get them through the 'Token Shop' For free, just saying ^^.
  • oxytorch
    oxytorch Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Wrong month o_o the 2x during June (when the filter was implemented that affected people with certain character names) was for the 250k facebook likes & that did get extended by a day. I'm talking about 2x during the ddos attacks towards the end of March and the related posts that there was going to be additional compensation. Chat filter was not implemented during March, that happened in June, the two aren't related.

    Maybe they've started combining compensation , like every few months now they'll offer something and that will be compo for eg. Glitch number eight thousand and eight , Glitch number eight thousand and nine , loss of this or that , botched something else etc. LOL b:surrender
    b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry We love this game STOP RUINING IT !! b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry

    "Sometimes the strongest are the ones that walk away . Enough is Enough ".
  • trickymfer
    trickymfer Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    They ought to at least tell us if they have attempted to compensate for this drastic matter. I'm assuming since they haven't stated anything about it, they don't want any talk of it that may sway people from playing an unstable game. The compensation was what they were GOING TO use to repay everyone that was unsatisfied with the loss of gaming time and such.

    Hopefully a CSR will take a look over this and tell us what's going on for real. The compensation has not been layed out. If they have used other forms to compensate for it, they need to let us know.
  • FateMakerr - Heavens Tear
    FateMakerr - Heavens Tear Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    ...didn't you know?

    PW's method of compensation is...... Pack/Rank/Orb sale! Woooo! I feel sooooooo compensated!!
    Semi Retired Psychic of Radiance faction//Entering full retirement upon the release of ĠuildẂars2 or an otherwise drastic change in PWI management.
    "Exploiting a glitch is a violation of the ToS under User Conduct:
    (l) Using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair advantage over other players"-frankieraye ............guess he changed his mind.
  • Nanekud - Heavens Tear
    Nanekud - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Well if that is the form of compensation, then they need to let us know. Otherwise we have to assume they never compensated us.

  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited August 2011
    I've been trying to get to talk to frankie for a week, but he hasn't been back to the office yet since getting back from China. I'll poke him again when he gets back in the office tomorrow, just letting him know you guys would like an update.

  • SugarPrinces - Sanctuary
    SugarPrinces - Sanctuary Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I don't post very often as everyone can see ^^; I was thinking today though and talking with some friends. We were thinking back in March when there were the ddos attacks. Many got the e-mails from PWI & it was discussed in forums that 2x wouldn't be extended, but additional compensation was on the way ... I might be mistaken but I don't recall anything happening in reference to it. Everyone has probably forgotten by now, I'm just curious what the whole point of that was. It's been nearly ... 4 months now?

    It seems I can't quote it (if I can I fail to see how from the closed thread o_o;), but the post frankie put regarding it:

    So, does anyone know what happened with all of that? b:question

    Well considering the compensation for dropping DQ item vendor sale prices was this horrible DQ point system (which STILL has very little useful things on the list), i dont really think i want any more "compensation" from PWI..
  • Titsania - Lost City
    Titsania - Lost City Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    do you guys honestly think that PWI is likely to give out any worthwhile compensation for this.. May I remind you of the name censorship. 2 weeks of no pms, no easy way to get invited to squad and missing out on multiple nirvana runs because of it. The compensation was a "Rare" Untradeable mount that they give out to any Tom, **** or Harry that charges 50 zhen right now and 50 event gold with which we can buy more untradeable highly over priced items. We lost out on approx 50mill in profit and got a mount most of us had and event gold most of us had. I know i keep saying this over and over but wanna know what PWI said when I told them this in ticket. We will look into it and let you know if we decide on any further compensation in the future. In other words go away and stop bugging us.

    Its not much but I refuse to charge any more zhen until PWI make that right.. If everyone was to do the same this game would be fixed in less than a week. As long as people continue to charge real money there is no incentive for them to fix anything. Just add more packs and more sales to encourage more people to spend money. You want PWI to treat you like a valued customer??? then take away your business. They have lost approx 100-200 a month off me which is nothing to them, but if we all stopped charging??????
  • Troca - Heavens Tear
    Troca - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    While I'm sure that is true, it isn't going to happen. There will always be people who are satisfied with mediocrity and will continue to charge. Sad fact of life, ijs. =/
  • Tigerninja - Heavens Tear
    Tigerninja - Heavens Tear Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    No one's being ignored, bloody_fox, we're just working out how exactly to do this. First I had to verify that you were right in the first place. Remember, we did have 2x on the weekend at the end of the attacks, so those were part of the original compensation. However, you're right that no further compensation as promised by the email was actually given.

    So it looks like what we will be doing is taking a time when we would normally turn on 2x (Like for a holiday weekend or expansion release), and then have it run for a few days longer than it usually would. Due to the fc glitch, though, we're a bit wary of turning on 2x before we can get a fix in.

    We'll definitely let you know when it's coming.

    b:kissb:kiss I'm suggesting 4x Event as compensation!!! b:victoryb:victoryb:victory
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited August 2011
    Just a couple of days ago there was another thread on this. Basically it was stated that until the Goons are fixed, there will not be any 2x event, and they were aware that we are still due some extra 2x. They implied that they would be giving it to us by extending a holiday 2x or somesuch. Sec and I'll find the post..

    Doh! it's in this thread, and it's quoted directly above me.

    Seriously guys, you've gotta give the noob dev's in China a chance to figure it out.

    Here's the other thread I was thinking of.
  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Just a couple of days ago there was another thread on this. Basically it was stated that until the Goons are fixed, there will not be any 2x event, and they were aware that we are still due some extra 2x. They implied that they would be giving it to us by extending a holiday 2x or somesuch. Sec and I'll find the post..

    Doh! it's in this thread, and it's quoted directly above me.

    Seriously guys, you've gotta give the noob dev's in China a chance to figure it out.

    Here's the other thread I was thinking of.

    The problem here is that the "noob devs" have had ages to figure out how to fix a problem that half the community knows how to fix. I think people have a right to be irritated.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT?
  • frankieraye
    frankieraye Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I don't post very often as everyone can see ^^; I was thinking today though and talking with some friends. We were thinking back in March when there were the ddos attacks. Many got the e-mails from PWI & it was discussed in forums that 2x wouldn't be extended, but additional compensation was on the way ... I might be mistaken but I don't recall anything happening in reference to it. Everyone has probably forgotten by now, I'm just curious what the whole point of that was. It's been nearly ... 4 months now?

    It seems I can't quote it (if I can I fail to see how from the closed thread o_o;), but the post frankie put regarding it:

    So, does anyone know what happened with all of that? b:question

    2x will be longer during this anniversary than it would have normally been :)
This discussion has been closed.