Random word of the day.

Lairian - Sanctuary
Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
edited July 2012 in The Fanatics Forum
For no real reason, I'm starting a new thread.

Every day (well, at least until I get bored or people lose all interest. Whichever comes first) I will give one word at random off the top of my head. What you people do with this word is up to you.

With that being said, today's random word of the day is:


Have a nice day. b:bye
Be nice to people
Post edited by Lairian - Sanctuary on


  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Once upon a time there was a cat named pickles. He was a magical cat that could transform into a brave female warrior whenever he wanted to. Of course, he was a little perturbed that when he transformed he got a sex change, but the supposed that having the power to get his own cream out of the fridge more than made up for it. One day, he was walking down the street when he heard a cry for help. He ran to see what the problem was and was shocked when.....

    I'll finish if you post another word, or someone else continue it with whatever the next random word is. XD
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Troller - Sanctuary
    Troller - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I like to bite pickles, especially the hard and crunchy ones, letting all the salty stuff run down my throat. b:sin

    Despite the name, only a part time troll. b:victory
  • Jellytoast - Sanctuary
    Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I like to bite pickles, especially the hard and crunchy ones, letting all the salty stuff run down my throat. b:sin


    Annnnyways... When I was younger, I never knew pickles were actually cucumbers. I didn't find this out until much later. x.x
    jellytoast - Demon Cleric
    Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same
    thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Good morning people of the internet.

    Today's random for of the day is:


    Have a nice day b:thanks
    Be nice to people
  • Drazomyst - Dreamweaver
    Drazomyst - Dreamweaver Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I love lamp.
    [Retired from PWI]
  • Jellytoast - Sanctuary
    Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I love lamp.

    ^ That.
    jellytoast - Demon Cleric
    Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same
    thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    He saw a woman cowering in fear from a tiny creature, no bigger than a fairy through a tiny window. The fairy looking creature turned Pickles and flew forward. Swirling around him before unleashing a mighty earthquake! Pickles flew backwards but landed on his feet, his sharp talons digging into the bark of the tree he landed on. Pickles pounced on the fairy sized creature quickly, his sharp talons digging into it. But it easily flew out of his grip. Pickles narrowed his green eyes and pounced again but once again the small creature evaded him. Then he knew what he had to do, he transformed into a beautiful woman again. The only thing remaining of her catlike form being a long tail that swished at his side. "If I can't kill it, maybe I can tame it!" Pickles thought outload. He cast a magic spell at the genie but it easily evaded it and then trapped him inside a purple bubble. Pickles was unable to move, he stared in fear as the creature moved towards him when suddenly a man seem to land in front of him, crouched on all fours a streak of blue light coming from the heavens themselves. He flashed Pickles a crooked smile and then captured the small creature inside a lamp with one deft movement and Pickles was unleashed from his prison.

    "Who are you. What are you doing here!" Pickles hissed, readying a magic attack.

    "I am the watcher of the Earth!" The man said, the blue light still shining from him. "And I am here because Pangu has chosen you mighty warrior, to save the world. Well you and the mighty team you must assemble. It seems you already met your first member."

    The woman from before stepped out from the window and flashed him a small smile. "Hello. I am Calmara."

    "What possible use can she be?" Pickles hissed.

    "It seems that you are injured." Calmara said worriedly, holding Pickles arm.

    "Tch, seen worse." Pickles exclaimed.

    "Let me heal you." Calmara said, seeming to bow her head in prayer. Pickles rolled her eyes, when suddenly a prism of blue light left Calmara's hands and shot into the heavens only to form a warm blue glow around Pickles. He looked down at his injury, which quickly healed itself before his eyes. Pickles widened his eyes and stared up at Calmara.

    "I suppose you have your uses. Tch, just be careful to leave the fighting to me." Pickles said, cocking his head arrogantly. Calmara just gave him a calm smile. Pickles turned toward the Watcher of the Earth. "Tell me what I need to do."

    "Well first take this genie, it shall serve you well." He replied easily, shrinking the lamp so small that it could easily be hidden on Pickles even in his true form. "Now then....."

    And that's it til I get another word. XD
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Well, It's certainly an...interesting story so far Venus. b:chuckle

    Anyway, today's random word of the day shall be...


    Have a nice day. b:thanks
    Be nice to people
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    "First things first, you must assemble a mighty team of brave warriors. Then you must go and find the source of the evil wraiths power and destroy it. You know, no big deal." The Watcher of the earth said, yawning and stretching. Pickles transformed back into his true form and stretched.

    "Well if it's no big deal, why don't you do it?" Pickles asked.

    "My job is more of a desk job. You see I'm the Watcher of the earth, not the do'er or the take actioner of the earth." The Watcher of Earth replied, rubbing the back of his head with a nervous laugh. Pickles rolled his eyes.

    "Alright, then where can I find the next guy then." Pickles replied.

    "He lives inside a teepee on top of a hill on night scream island. Be careful brave warriors, it is quite dangerous this time of year." The watcher of the Earth replied, and with that he leapt in the air and in a flash was gone the blue light signaling his arrival disappearing with him.

    "How the heck are we supposed to find this stupid island anyhow!" Pickles yelled into the air, but there was no reply. "Great, just great." Pickles mumbled.

    "I..." Calmara mumbled in a breathy voice. Pickles hated the way she talked, it was so always so eerily calm and light.

    "You, what?" Pickles asked. "Do you know where it is, out with it woman." The woman shook her head no, still as serene as ever. "Then what?"

    Calmara merely bowed her ahead again, seemingly in prayer. Pickles was about to yell at her for ignoring him when he saw beautiful white wings suddenly unfold from her back. She spread them out and then flapped them gently, causing them to rise slowly in the air.

    "That's...a new one." Pickles said, his eyes widening.

    "Jump on that roof and wait for me. Oh and you may want to transform again." Calmara said calmly. Pickles did as he was told for once and Calmara jetted off into the sky. No sooner had she left though did she come back with a giant bird chasing her. Pickles transformed into a woman again and was about to cast a magic spell to weaken the creature so that he'd have time to tame it. When suddenly lightning seemed to appear in Calmara's hands and then rain from the sky. Pickles grinned and tamed the creature and then jumped on it's back.

    "Never seen a bird quite this big before, nice work! Now then let's go to Nightscream island!" Pickles exclaimed.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • krisnda
    krisnda Posts: 4,655 Community Moderator
    edited June 2011
    This is sounding awesome btw ^^ keep it up.
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Mod support, yay! b:pleased

    Anyway, today's random word shall be...

    Be nice to people
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Blue potatoes. 'nuff said.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Pickles and Calmara flew great distances, searching far and wide for Night scream island. To find the next member of their party. They finally found a small area that looked promising. IT was lush and full of plants, they could see small farmers harvesting crops and herding animals. They walked up to one of the farmers, a potato farmer who had happened to catch their eyes. A strange jewel glowed on top of his forehead.

    "Hello, gentle farmer could you please direct to us to Nightscream island?" Pickles asked.

    "Get lost." He spat, turning back to his work. Pickles glared at him as he tossed another Potato into his basket.

    "Please sir, we mean you no harm. We seek a powerful warrior on Nightscream Island so that we may save the world." Pickles insisted, transforming again into his female form. He placed a hand on the man's shoulder. "If you could just tell us where maybe we can help you, I am quite good at taming beasts." Pickles insisted, looking at where some of the strange people were herding animals.

    "You, save the world? Don't make me laugh." The man said again, turning his attention back to his work.

    "It's true sir." Calmara interjected quitely.

    "Yeah, and I'm Thrahn. Now if you excuse me some of us have work to do. I don't have time for you little games. Every year our crops grow smaller and smaller as the wraiths destroy this land and poison our animals." He hissed again.

    "You act as though you care, but you clearly don't! Or you would help us find..." Pickles didn't get a chance to finish his statement though when suddenly he had to leap back as the farmer picked up a giant claymore from the ground and swung it at Pickles head. Pickles leapt backwards deftly and hissed.

    "You asked for it buddy!" Pickles yelled, hurling a magical green ball of energy at the warrior. The man quickly dodged it and then smirked. Pickles watched as it suddenly glowed red in color. Pickles smirked.

    "Nice trick let me show you mine." Pickles replied hurling another ball of energy at the man. He quickly dodged it however and dashed towards Pickles, dragging his sword against the ground and then lifting it back up. The sand seemed to merge with some strange form of lighting, it's strike transforming into a fearsome warrior of it's own and blasted Pickles backwards. Pickles landed against a tree, the force of which caused the tree to crack in half. He felt a warm blow and felt his wounds healing quickly though.

    The man turned his attention to Calmara, and hissed. "Ah, so you are also adept at the healing arts. Sorry girl, but I can't have you doing that anymore." He said charging towards her. Pickles eyes widened and he dashed towards Calmara, quickly transforming back into his true form to gain speed. Calmara readied the lightning in her hands, hoping that her slow but powerful attack would land before the warrior got to her. Her eyes widened when Pickles leapt in front of her just as the warrior had come towards her. The warrior quickly spun his sword towards them, intending to strike them both down with one blow when suddenly he stopped, inches away from Calmara's neck. Calmara's lightening attacked fizzled out and Pickles found himself similarly unable to move.

    All three warriors stared at the Purple devil that now stood calmly next to them, it appeared to have been summoned out of thin air.

    "Sister what is the meaning of this!" The warrior yelled. A strange woman also with the strange jewel on her head walked forward. Pickles widened as the strange creature called for it's master and ran toward her side.

    "I couldn't have you killing Earth's heros, brother." She said calmly. The warrior dropped his blade as feeling returned to his body. Pickles stretched his claws and Calmara dropped her arm, rubbing it slowly.

    "Earth's heroes?" He asked. "We are the Earth Guard, if anyone should be protecting things it us!"

    "And so you shall. I've talked to the watcher of the Earth, and he has foretold their arrival. Brother, as a member of the Earth Guard it is your duty to join them and defend this land. Take them to Nightscream and hurry their isn't much time." She replied, a small green glow leaving her hands and petals surrounding Altheon. Pickles watched in awe as the petals landed softly of Altheon, quickly healing the small scratches he had acquired in their battle.

    Altheon ran a hand through his thick brown locks. "Fine, let's go. But if you try anything funny, I will strike you both down." He finally growled after some, tossing his large claymore on his back with one hand. Grabbing a kite off the ground, he ran forward and leapt into the air flying high into the sky. Pickles smirked, and jumped on the large bird he had tamed and flew off after him.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Drazomyst - Dreamweaver
    Drazomyst - Dreamweaver Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Oh hi. So, how you are holding up? Because I'm a potato.
    [Retired from PWI]
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Good morning everyone. Or afternoon. Or evening. Or night. Whatever it may be where you are.

    Today's word of the day is:


    Have a wonderful day.b:thanks
    Be nice to people
  • Drazomyst - Dreamweaver
    Drazomyst - Dreamweaver Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    [Retired from PWI]
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Good morning people. Hope it's nicer where you are then it is here. b:surrender

    Today's word of the day is:

    Pineapple. b:dirty
    Be nice to people
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Altheon stopped in front of the large teepee as Pickles jumped off his bird and landed on his feet. He quickly transformed into a human again, not wanting anyone to freak on him like Altheon had.

    "This must be the place." Altheon said, folding his arms on his side.

    "What is the proper etiquette for knocking on a teepee?" Calmara asked quietly. Pickles shrugged his shoulders.

    "Warrior, come out!" Altheon shouted, grabbing the cloth door of the TeePee and shaking it. No word came from the TeePee and everyone looked back and forth at each other. Pickles transformed into a cat again and snuck inside. If anyone saw him, they'd just think he was a stray pest instead of a home invader anyway. He saw no one was home, but a strange glowing ball on the ground. He ran over and rolled the ball back and forth from between his paws, watching as it glowed with a strange energy. Before he could contemplate this though, the ball suddenly rose up and hit in his face flinging him backwards with a shot of energy. He turned towards the door and saw fly into the hands of a distracted looking woman with strange blue skin.

    "Oh, sorry!" She said quickly, waltzing over towards him and setting a large basket on the ground. He saw a ton of peanuts lay inside of it. Altheon and Calmara followed behind her.
    She placed the strange sphere on a shelf and wiped her hand on her apron.

    "What's with all the peanuts." Altheon asked, helping himself to some. Pickles gave him a disapproving glare before transforming.

    "I'm sorry to intrude but we couldn't waste time. My name is..."

    "Pickles. And that's your friends Calmara and Altheon. And you need me to save the world. I saw it, so I know the score." The woman grinned, searching around for something. "That's why I've been gathering food. The name is Psylana, by the way. I'm a psychic."

    "All I see here is peanuts." Altheon said gruffly.

    "I like peanuts." Psylana shrugged. "Oops, sorry." She said.

    "For what?" Altheon asked, when suddenly her sloppily built shelf fell over and large baskets of pineapples, coconuts, and countless peanuts fell on top of him.

    "That. Without a supporting wall, that shelf falls over sometimes because the ground is uneven." She replied, gathering the food and stuffing a bunch of haphazardly into a backpack. Altheon grumbled and climbed out of the pile of food before tripping and falling face forward again. He finally got on his feet though and picked up his blade, which now smelled like pineapple juice. A coconut was stuck to it and he banged the sword against the ground, but it was stuck to it. Psylana eyes widended suddenly and she tackled Calmara and pickles to the ground.

    "What are you..." Pickles protested before Altheon let out a growl of frustration and began spinning his blade so fast that a vortex of air, debri, pinapples and peanuts began flying around him. The force of his blade ripped apart the teepee and sent it flying away. Finally the coconut swung loose and then collided with something invisible. They watched in surprise as another strange fish man suddenly appeared out of thin air, and fell over. The coconut landing next to his head.

    Psylana blinked in surprise, "Didn't see that part coming. Yeah, we need to get out of here now before Drake over there wakes up and realizes what you just did. It's never a good idea to be on an assassins hit list."

    Altheon sheepishly glanced at his blade and all the food he had tossed over all over the place and the assassin he managed to knock out. Before huffing and folding his arms across his chest as Calmara, Pickles and Psylana slowly stood up.

    "Alright, then let's get going. Since you are a psychic, can you tell us what our next step should be?" He asked.

    "Yeah...my psychic powers are really more selective. I can't control them, like at all." She said, holding out her hand as her magical sphere rushed towards her and hovered in her palm. "It's rather inconvenient."

    "Great. Now what?" Pickles asked.

    LOL had to do both since I missed the last one. You think of a lot of a random food words, lol.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    What can I say. I like food. b:surrender Is that really so bad?

    Anyway, today's random word of the day is:


    It's not a food word this time. b:cute
    Be nice to people
  • Synsae - Sanctuary
    Synsae - Sanctuary Posts: 651 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    There's a pineapple in the speaker, we should use a potato masher to get it out so we can enjoy it with our pickles and peanuts as we sit next to the lamp in this teepee.
    Thanks for the sig Silvychar
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Just as Pickles was about to lose hope a blue flash shot out from the sky and the watcher of the Earth appeared, grinning widely.

    "I've seen you found your last party member." He said, surveying the group. "I'm surprised you got Altheon to agree to go so easily." He grinned. Altheon grumbled and Pickles huffed. Easy? The lunatic had almost killed them all, twice.

    "Now then, before you can finish you quest your rag tag team is going to need some proper equipment." The Watcher of the Earth said in bemusement. "Elect a speaker and go see the Elder of the Raging Tides, I'm sure with his blessing you will be able to procure something good enough for the time being."

    "I can talk to him." Psylana said once the Watcher of the Earth disappeared.

    "Nonsense, as the clear leader of this group it should be I that speaks with the Elder." Altheon announced, patting his chest loudly.

    "You, leader? Don't make me laugh." Pickles growled.

    "The leading of the Raging Tides is our sacred leader for countless milennia. He gives us guidance. He passes us down sacred rituals and rites of passage. None of you have any comprehension of the magnitude of trouble you could find yourselves in if you say the wrong thing! If anyone approaches him it should be me, not you outsiders!" Psylana rumbled.

    "Outsiders!" Pickles and Altheon yelled, at the same time. "Who cares about that the world is at stake here!" Soon there yells became indistinguishable as their voices grew louder and louder. Calmara glanced at the three and then shrugged her shoulders, calmly spread her wings and flew off, unnoticed by the rest of the group.

    When she arrived at the City of the Raging tide, she wasted no time in flying straight to it's highest point. Where the elder was said to live. She smiled softly as she landed gracefully, in front of him when suddenly she felt a dagger pressed to her throat. Two more assassins appeared out of nowhere and grabbed her wrists.

    A young warrior looked up from his position kneeling before the Elder. The Elder regarded Calmara calmly, then turned his attention to the warrior.

    "Until we learn more about the crystals, I want you to go our stone on Dreamweaver port and find out what you can about these people Goshiki." The Elder said calmly. Goshiki looked up at Calmara and gave her a distrusting look before spreading wings of his own and flying off with a salute to the Elder.

    "Sir, this woman is clearly an outsider. Probably a spy who..." One of the guards said, holding his dagger closely toward Calmara's throat when the Elder silenced him with a wave of his hand.

    "He turned towards his council but they said nothing, just watched calmly. Satisfied that she hadn't angered him he snapped his fingers and a strange man walked towards him, wielding the same strange sphere that Psylana wielded.

    "Sir, I cannot read this woman's future, but I can tell that her journey will be perilous. She and some other warriors who are fighting outside the city gates near night scream are preparing to fight the wraiths. Psylana is with them." He replied, saluting and sinking back into the shadows. The Elder considered this for a moment, before giving the motion to let Calmara go.

    "Sir, we just a simple band of warriors wondering if we may borrow some gear. We're willing to pay for it. We were told to seek your blessing from the Watcher of the Earth." Calmara said calmly, giving her own eleven salute and bowing gently. The Elder considered her words for a moment and then stood up.

    "You are brave young warrior for attempting to undertake such a difficult task. And you are an elf too, what reason have you to fight with the Tideborn." He asked her, circling her and studying her. "It is partially your fault we had to go into hiding, you those untamed warriors, and the humans."

    "I don't know much about the old days, but I do know that the wraiths make no distinction between the races sir." Calmara replied gently when she noticed a cut on his hand. She shot a small beam of light from her hand and it bathed the elder in what appeared to be a laser like beam of blue light. She quickly had a dagger pressed to her throat but the Elder smiled as the pain in his hand subsided. He quickly motioned for her release and they reluctantly let go.

    "You may have your wish and any other resources you deem necessary. Go now to your friends, you shall find your armor there."

    Meanwhile, Pickles and the others jumped backwards in shock as a large red chest appeared from the sky and slammed into the middle of them over spilling with armor and weapons.

    "What just happened? And Where is the elf?" Altheon asked in confusion.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Good (Insert whatever time it happens to be where you are here) everyone.

    Today's word shall be


    Yeah, by now, I'm just posting these to see if I can use a word that stumps Venus, but hey, it's fun. b:chuckle
    Be nice to people
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Altheon opened the chest and his eyes widened. "This is some of the finest gear I've ever seen!" He exclaimed excitedly, quickly disrobing and changing into it right there. Psylana blushed and turned her head, grabbing an arcane robe that pulsed with power instead.

    "Indeed it is." She agreed. Pickles nodded his approval, digging through the chest and frowned. Searching around. "Humph, never trust a fish." He muttered at last, after grabbing his armor and storming off to change.

    "What's crawled up his butt and died." Altheon asked gruffly. Psylana merely shrugged and then flew off to change into her own gear. Altheon crossed his arms and muttered darkly. "Nobody tells me nothing."

    Calmara suddenly landed next to Altheon and smiled at him, already decked out in her own gear.

    "Where is Pickles?" She asked after Psylana had returned but Pickles had not.

    "Dunno, he muttered something about not trusting fish." He responded. Just as they were about to search for him, Pickles emerged transformed into his human female firm his face grim.

    "I'm never going to get used to that." Altheon commented as Pickles grabbed his Pataka and slung it over his shoulder.

    "We need to go to the frostcovered city." Pickles commented at last.

    "Why?" Altheon asked.

    "So I can find an animal companion to fight alongside." Pickles responded again, rolling his eyes.

    "You gotta be kidding me." Psylana responded furiously. "The creatures around here are as fearsome as they come, you surely wouldn't suggest we travel so many miles just for that."

    "Yeah. Besides Psylana's a fish, why can't she be your companion?" Altheon asked.

    "Yes, exactly...hey!" Psylana yelled, shooting Altheon a dirty look.

    "Not just any old animal will do. If you guys don't want to come with me, it's fine you can go search for clues. My uncle happens to be the only male teleport operator in all these realms though. He owns a lot of property. We can just stay in his igloo up north and I can try to tame a bear out there. Maybe I'll even find a legendary ice phoenix." Pickles responded.

    "I've heard rumors from my brethen that the area surrounding the old frost covered city has been over run by wraiths." Calmara said nervously.

    "I thought it was just the old city itself, it's long since been buried and they are all trapped in that cave." Pickles responded. "Has the magical barrier been breached?"

    "That's the rumor." Calmara nodded.

    "I sense that if we go there, we're likely to run into a large battle." Psylana answered.

    "Battle? Wraiths? Now you're talking my language!" Altheon said excitedly, sheathing his claymore on his back. "Let's go now! For the Earthguard!!!" Altheon yelled, grabbing his kite and bolting forward.

    "For once we agree." Pickles nodded, whistling in the air and jumping on his bird before it even had a chance to land he took off after Altheon. Calmara placed a reassuring hand on Psylana's shoulder and then flew off. Psylana frowned and then spread her own wings when suddenly her eyes widened as a vision of Altheon getting knocked into a wall clouded her vision. She couldn't see the enemy, but she could see the way it knocked everyone away and then crushed his through his armor and killed him with one mighty blow. There were so many of them surrounding the rest of them and she couldn't understand how they could possibly win that battle. Her thumped in her chest at the vision of the future, but she called her soulsphere and flew after them anyway. Hoping that it wouldn't come true.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited June 2011

    Yeah, by now, I'm just posting these to see if I can use a word that stumps Venus, but hey, it's fun. b:chuckle

    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited June 2011


    Let's see... today I shall use...

    Be nice to people
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Altheon grumbled and yawned as the mighty adventures flew, already bored of the long journey to the old frostcovered city. They weren't even to archosaur yet, and already he was bored.

    "This is so dull." Altheon complained, suddenly halting in his tracks. "Why aren't we using a Thrahn blasted teleport agent.

    "It's a waste of money, of which we have precious little." Pickles replied.

    "Can't you just ask..." Altheon began before Pickles cut him off, raising his paw.

    "No." He replied, narrowing his eyes.

    "We shouldn't rush into battle, at any rate." Psylana warned, still preturbed by the vision she had seen though she said nothing. In her experience, though she was determined to attempt to change the things she had seen and prayed that it was wrong, she knew that doing so was easier said than done. In fact, it was next to impossible.

    "I'm ready to handle anything that comes my way." Altheon bragged, pounding his fist against his chest. "Besides, I'm not wearing some fancy robe, this here is cold hard metal." He said knocking against it. "Nothing is getting through this."

    "Altheon..." Psylana began, biting her lip.

    "What?" He grumbled. "Look even if someone dies we can all be replaced. I don't even remember much about my life." Altheon confessed at last. "We Earthguard were recently awoken only to find that we had to relearn how to use our own bodies, connected to our third eye I can hear the screams of this planet but not knowing what to even do to stop it. We were supposed to be Earth's guardians, and instead I wake up to find you people have taken our place and done a terrible job at it. We were Thrahn's chosen warriors and now look I'm stuck playing second fiddle to a talking cat with gender issues. All of us are replaceable, everything dies and changes so you might as well enjoy life while you can. And make yourself useful while you're at it." He muttered angrily. Silence reigned heavily on the group for a moment, before Pickles turned and stared at the jewel looking thing on Altheon's forehead.

    "Wait, that's an eye?" He asked. The silence was broken with Altheon's boisterous laughter followed by everyone elses. When suddenly something slammed into Calmara sending her and the object hurtling towards the ground. They all paused in shock for a moment before Altheon cursed and flew after them, Pickles and Psylana hot on his tail. Before they could reach them in time though a large blue bubble shot from the ground just before both Calmara and the strange object collided into the Earth with a loud bang. The bubble disappeared no sooner than it came.

    Pickles got there first, quickly running towards Calmara while Altheon began to attack the strange metal object with his sword. He saw a strange man and in even stranger clothes buried in the rubble.

    "Ah, my head." The man moaned sitting. He stopped and stared at the woman he was currently pinning to the ground. "Now theres a fine article. You okay?" He asked her. Calmara groaned and sat up just as Pickles reached the pair.

    "Calmara are you alright?" Pickles asked.

    "I'm alright, I was able to soften the impact." she said, setting to work at healing herself. The man widened his eyes and backed up as her wounds began healing itself. He glanced around in bewilderment, at his surroundings when noticed a man banging a sword against his bike.

    "Hey! Get away from my motorbike!" He yelled at Altheon, who glared at him. Altheon growled and pointed his sword at the man.

    "So this is your doing. You're going to be pay for attacking us like that!" He yelled, pointing the sword at the man.

    "Eff off and don't be annoying me." The man grumbled, checking on his bike and finding while it wasn't totally ruined it was in dire need of repair. Altheon growled and yanked the man by his shoulders so he was facing him again.

    "Prepare yourself for combat." He reiterated. The man ignored him and the strange fish woman who was staring at him curiously. Instead turning towards the strange woman talking to the cat who was surprisingly to him seemed the more normal of the bunch.

    "Do you have a telephone I can use by any chance. I need to repair my motorbike."

    "What's a....telephone?" She asked. The man stared at her in confusion again and walked over to his bike.

    "Ah, I've gone and made it all arseways!" He complained, realizing in horror that the year on the bike was indeed the correct year.

    "What kind of spell is he trying to cast." Altheon asked, as Psylana shrugged.

    "Look, I know this is hard to believe. But I'm not from the same year as you lot." He began, when Altheon eyes widened and he knock the guy down and put a sword at his throat.

    "So he's a wraith!" He yelled.

    "Lay off and listen would ya!" He complained. "I'm not a weight or whatever ya call it! The name is O'malley. I was being chased by some creature that suddenly appeared and I accidentally came here and destroyed my bike. I don't know what to do."

    Psylana closed her eyes and held his hand hoping to get some kind of glimpse at his future. "I think he's telling the truth. I can't read his future but i saw many strange things, buildings that reached into the heavens. People riding these strange metal horses that look like those..." She began, pointing towards his bike.

    "If you take me to the closest town, I'll find some way to pay ya!" O'Malley insisted. Pickles considered this for a moment and then nodded his head.

    "Well we do need some supplies." He agreed at last.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Time travel Venus, seriously... b:sweat meh, whatever, as long as it works, I guess stranger things have happened. b:chuckle

    Anyways, today's word shall be

    Be nice to people
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Time travel Venus, seriously... b:sweat meh, whatever, as long as it works, I guess stranger things have happened. b:chuckle
    Ish legit, O'Malley told me so when he dropped in on his chronobike. b:mischievousb:laugh

    After the brave warriors had dropped O'Malley off, and resupplied with the money they had from selling the blacksmiths a percentage of the investment of rebuilding and selling copies of O'Malley's metal steed, they finally arrived at the igloo Pickles had told them about near the frostcovered city.

    "S-so cold." Psylana complained rubbing her hands up and down her arms in an attempt to keep herself warm. Pickles shrugged, glad that his fur kept him nice and warm.

    "Why would anyone live inside an igloo?" Altheon complained, coming back with some food after their long journey. He tossed the pile of cooked fish and pineapples on small chunks of ice and handed everyone some.

    "It's not that bad." Calmara commented, taking a bite of her meal. Elves of course had a natural affinity towards surviving extreme temperatures though she herself preferred the sea and the feel of lush grass beneath her feet.

    Psylana grabbed a piece of fish and took a small bite at first, doubting the safety of Altheon's cooking skills given how brutish he was with everything else but it was surprisingly delicious. She looked up and saw Altheon staring at her intensely.

    "What?" She asked.

    "Does that count as cannibalism?" He finally asked.

    "For the last time, I'm not a fish! The tideborn are more like mermaids to use a phrase you can understand."

    "That's still part fish." He countered.

    "It's closer to a shark than a...I'm not having this discussion." She decided at last, snapping off a piece of a food angrily.

    Pickles ears perked up when he heard a loud crash and he grinned broadly. "Bingo." He said rushing out of the cave. The other warriors stared at each before dropping their meal and running after him. They were greeted by the sight of Pickles running after a large yellow ogre, that had knocked down a tree and appeared to be looking for a small animal to eat.

    "Yes, finally battle!" Altheon grinned rushing towards Pickles as he leapt in the air and transformed into a female again, landing on his bird in one fluid motion.

    "Altheon you guys weaken it's defenses, I"ll aid you from up here. When the timing is right, I need you guys to try to hold it down so that I can tame it." Pickles yelled. Altheon nodded and rushed towards the creature, drawing out his blade and infusing it with a red energy again. "And don't overdo it! I need that thing alive." Pickles mentioned.

    "Got it!" Altheon yelled running towards the creature as Pickles hurled a ball of magical energy at the thing from the sky, drawing it's attention. It ran towards Pickles but Altheon grinned and sped up, striking the creature with his blade. The ogre roared and struck Altheon sending him flying backwards, but he black flipped in the air and landed on his feet skidding to a halt. Psylana called her soulsphere and hurled the ball at the creature unleashing a wave of energy at it that caused the Ogre to stumble forward.

    Altheon dragged his blade against the ground infusing it with energy that transformed into the shape of a man, striking the creature and causing it to screech in pain. It rushed towards him and struck him again, sending him flying to the ground and through a tree. He groaned in pain,but felt his wounds quickly healing. He turned towards Calmara and grinned, before rushing towards the creature again and leapt in the air, striking the creature in the head.

    The Ogre grabbed Altheon by the neck and flung him into Psylana as she continued to hit it with blasts from her soulsphere. Altheon growled as Pickles flew over towards them and began hitting the creature again with it's magical blasts. The ogre rushed towards them, Psylana rolled her soulsphere against the ground letting it gain enough momentum to rip through the earth and knock the creature backwards and against a tree. Altheon used the opportunity to drag his sword against the ground sending a wave of energy and sand at the creature. The Ogre hissed and rubbed it's eyes but Altheon was already next to it, leaping towards it and striking it in the shoulder with his blade.

    The creature turned it's attention back towards him and swung towards him but he dodged it's attacks effortlessly, striking blows in the openings that it unveiled with each swing. The Ogre roared angrily as it was struck from behind with blasts of energy from both Psylana and Pickles, swatting where the blasts struck it's back painfully. Altheon swung his blade in a circle so fasts and with so much energy that it seemed it whirled around him and struck the creature in the arm and sent it hurtling the to ground.

    "Now pin it down!" Pickles yelled, halting his attack.

    "I got it!" Calmara yelled, hurtling a small ball of energy at it that froze it in place as it was standing up. She bowed her head in prayer as a colorful wave of energy shot forward from her hand, healing everyone one at once while Pickles cast something on the creature causing it to slump forward and disappear from sight.

    Pickles grinned in triumph letting out a cheer from his place in the air, as Altheon leaned against the tree, trying to catch his breath.

    "What was that thing anyway." Psylana asked, trying to catch her breath.

    "A legendary creature known as...." Pickles started before his eyes widened as a dagger suddenly appeared through Psylana's stomach. Her eyes widened in shock as blood spilled from her mouth.

    "Sorry, Psylana but I can't have you interfering." Drake whispered, removing his dagger. She slumped forward, her eyes closing and falling face forward. Altheon growled and rushed forward but he disappeared from sight. He quickly checked her pulse as Calmara sent a rush of feathers around her body, shielding her from impact. Altheon turned towards Pickles.

    "She's dead." He growled. Pickles was about to respond when suddenly he felt a presence behind him , before he could even move he felt his body frozen in place. Drake laughed and slit his throat. Altheon eyes widened as Pickles fell from the sky landing on the ground with a thud. Calmara rushed towards Altheon and the two stood back to back. She quickly used her magic sword and cut her own leg, grabbing a scroll and writing her name on the piece of paper.

    Altheon stared at her in confusion when he saw Drake appear before her before he could stab her however he blocked it with his own blade and knocked the assassin to the ground. Altheon went to strike him but before he could the Assassin disappeared again. Altheon tried to steady his breathing as waited for Drake's next attack. As expected he appeared again and moved so fast he seemed to teleport toward Calmara again.

    "Your fight is with me." He exclaimed, shooting a blast of energy at the assassin again. The assassin hissed and disappeared and hit Calmara instead sending her backwards. Altheon growled and ran towards her when he felt the Assassin behind him, stabbing into his armor. It didn't work however and Altheon raced towards Calmara standing over her and began spinning his blade around so that he couldn't be hit. Drake disappered again, but Altheon knew better and continued spinning his sword hoping to outlast the assassin. When no attack came for a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief and stopped his onslaught. Panting he knelt down offered Calmara a hand up when he felt a knife pierce his armor finally and sent him flying towards the tree. Before he could stand up he felt the dagger pierce his heart. His eyes widened for a second and then his lolled to the side. Drake teleported toward Calmara before she could get her feathered shield back up and stabbed her in the heart, she slumped forward and he grinned as she fell to the ground.

    "Nobody knocks me out and gets away with it." He growled at the fallen warriors bodies, not noticing Calmara's name disappear off the paper and the soft glow that stopped the flow of her blood and surrounded her body before disappearing just as quickly.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Ish legit, O'Malley told me so when he dropped in on his chronobike. b:mischievousb:laugh


    Ok then, let's see, what shall be the word for today...

    I think Painting will do.
    Be nice to people
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Drake walked over to Altheon and slowly began going through the fallen warriors belongings, trying to find anything of value. He found some healing salves and potions and grinned, dipping his fingers in the warriors blood and mixing it together with the healing salve. Drake massaged the back of his shoulders and then began painting the light wounds he had sustained with it. Once they were completely coated, he tossed his dagger at small animal, killing it instantly. His wounds suddenly began to heal themselves, and he grunted in relief.

    "Much better." He mumbled, cracking his knuckles. Moving away from Altheon he walked over to Psylana, frowning deeply. "Why'd you have to get involved with the outsiders?" He asked, knowing he wouldn't receive an answer. He scooped her body up, intending to give her a proper warriors burial when he heard a faint rustling in the trees. He looked around but didn't see anyone, so he bent down to pick up Psylana's soulsphere, which no longer glowed as it waited for a new owner to link with.

    When suddenly he heard the noise again. He glanced around and saw a strange woman jump down from the tree, holding an axe in each hand. He expected her to say something but she slammed her axe against the ground near his feet. He suddenly felt two orange streams of light surge out of the ground and bind him in place. He hissed as he was unable to move at all. She smirked and tossed the axes to the ground, and reached into her pocket and pulled out a pair of gloves that glowed with an unearthly energy when she balled her hands into a fist and punched him in the face with so much force he went flying backwards.

    "Who the heck are you?" He asked, but she said nothing rushing towards him. He grinned as felt feeling returning to his body. "I guess it doesn't matter now. Soon you'll be dead." He said turning invisible. He rushed towards her with his dagger, and attempted to paralyze her himself from behind but it didn't work. His eyes widened as she crossed her arms against her chest and a wave of energy paralyzed him in place again. She turned around and he glanced about as suddenly red dragons began slowly circling him. She leapt towards and him punched again, hitting him in the chest so hard that his armor began to crack.

    Meanwhile, Calmara groaned in pain, opening her eyes slowly. She slowly stood up, panting from the effort and wobbled over to wear her bag lay a few feet away from her. She could feel her energy returning to her slowly and stared at the empty and now useless resurrection scroll that she had bound herself too moments before her demise, surprised that the merchants talk of cheating death had worked. She reached into her bag and pulled out a small vile of blue liquid and slammed it down, feeling her energy return to her instantly. She looked over and saw Drake and the human woman battling each other, but neither seemed to have noticed her. She used this to advantage and slowly crawled over to Pickles, and grinned when looked over his body. He hadn't been dead long, which meant she could still save him. She held out her hands and pulled out life energy from the air around her, once there was enough in her hands she sent it to Pickles and grinned as his life ending injury healed itself. Pickles body rose from the air a protective aura around it and Pickles eyes opened as he was gently set on his feet.

    "Where? How?" Pickles began, before Calmara placed a finger over his mouth. He glanced over and saw Drake and other woman battling fiercely, their speed unlike anything he had ever seen before. He had heard of reviving animals before but never knew that the elves could revive people. He had heard rumors that they lived far longer than anyone else but had never placed any stock into it. But if they could resurrect the dead, cured of whatever it was that had ended their life, then the rumors were probably true. He watched as Psylana was slowly awoken in the same manner, who crawled over to her supplies as well. Altheon was awaken last, with Calmara covering his mouth with her hand the second he woke up as he predictably tried to charge into battle despite the fact that even though he was alive he was still not yet in a position to battle anyone.

    He finally snuck back over with Calmara to the rest of the group, who had finished preparing themselves for battle.

    "Who is that woman?" He asked.

    "I don't know, but she can't keep this up forever." Calmara replied. "Everytime she gains the advantage against him, he disappears. Not only that but every time he hits her the damage she has done heals. I can't figure it out."

    "That's his blood paint." Psylana replied. "It's an ancient Tideborn art where you can take the blood of your fallen enemies and mix it with a secret ingredient along with a regular healing salve. It's absorbed through the flesh and reacts to it. The more you flex your muscles and injure something, the more powerful a healing agent it becomes. It's literally connected to the adrenaline rush you get from the kill." She replied. "Anyone whose blood isn't mixed with the arcane arts can use it, but the tideborn are the only ones who know how to make it." She explained with begrudging respect and pride.

    "Excellent!" Altheon exclaimed. "So why don't we go over there, help that lady out and then take it from him!"

    "I agree." Pickles answered, calling out the legendary creature he had just tamed. It reappeared, now docile. "This time, I will take him down. He caught us unprepared but he can't stay invisible forever against all of us."

    "For the Earthguard!" Altheon suddenly yelled, charging towards Drake and attracting attention. Drake teleported towards him and was about to aim for the weak point in his armor when Calmara shot a disc of energy at him paralyzing him.

    "Stay out of my way." The human woman shouted at them jumping towards Drake.

    "Not a chance!" Pickles exclaimed, transforming into true form and rushing towards Drake. The two ended up colliding with each other and growled. Altheon swung his sword at Drake as the feeling returned to his limbs but Drake quickly turned invisible and then rushed towards Psylana. She grinned and quickly let a red energy over take her body, he fell backwards as the energy absorbed the attack and forced it back towards him.

    "How can you help these outsiders! They forced us into hiding!" He shouted, when suddenly he was knocked to the ground by Altheon who had rushed towards him while Pickles and the human woman argued. He rolled backwards and away right into Pickles pet who swung at him, striking him in the back. He began dodging its attacks, and jumped backwards when he saw Altheon charging towards him. He looked and felt magical energy begin gathered around him and saw he was next to Calmara, he quickly turned invisible to once again try to get the upper hand but the energy she had began gathering radiated out around her before he could get away and knocked him to the ground anyway ending his cloaking spell.

    "You'll pay for that." He shouted, picking up his daggers and racing towards her, not noticing that Altheon was right behind him now. Altheon spun his sword at the weak point in his armor created by the human female, hitting him so hard that the gear shattered and he fell to the ground. His eyes falling shut. A soft glow enveloped his body and the injury began to heal. His eyes slowly opened but before he could get back up, Pickles animal companion quickly punched him into ground hard. He coughed up blood and his head lolled to the side for the last time. Altheon reached into Drake's bag and pulled out the now useless resurrection scroll.

    "Heh, no you don't." He grinned, tossing it to the side.

    "I'm the one that is going to be claiming that bounty." The human growled, walking over to them and picking up Drake's daggers. "He's killed far too many members of my guild."

    "What's your problem?" Pickles growled. "We saved your butt back there."

    "Well considering you were all dead, I'd say it was about even." She retorted.

    "Yes, thank you." Calmara replied. "You are a very skilled warrior."

    "You know if you're looking for money, we could use a warrior of your talent in our fight against the wraiths. What is your name?" Psylana asked at last.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit