Is QQme QQing?



  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    Sure it may not be the "official policy" or it may not be what it was created for. But if you're going to sit there and say that a ton of your members aren't focused solely on "destroying the white beast" then I'm going to be inclined to call you a liar.

    Well,I'm sure no faction is free from at least a few people like this and I personally dislike them,a lot because if they keep going at it they start making the rest of the faction look bad as well and not just themselves.I do hate generalizing so I will say & hope that no faction will be blamed entirely by the acts of a few people,such as these :

    I know one of the ppl in question used to post a lot of BS on the forums while trying to look smart but haven't seen any of his posts lately so if he realized that those butthurt rants were making him & the rest of us look stupid & stopped then good for him & no hard feelings.

    I hope the guy with the "getting revenge on QQme" obsession stopped too,either he did or I just missed his posts.

    Then there's that guy whom I never liked in Levi either and I was stupid for not booting him for being in a TW faction and barely coming to any TWs yet being online & playing/talking,not "busy" with work all the time like he always claimed to and doing w/e else.I remember when I asked him why he didn't TW for Levi all those times in wc once and I got a "Because I didn't feel like it." I wonder if he did the same for QQme since his psy was there at 1st.He tends to wc from time to time and I truly hope he stopped since he's not trolling any1 as he thinks and only making himself look dumb.But from my experiences with him,even from the 1st time I met him in a fcc when he was in QQme on psy he did give the impression of one of the high e-peen heavy CSers that likes to suck up to any1 that has some "power or influence"so that they can back him up when he starts being "attacked"(by some1 like me for instance < ).

    Won't name these ppl but I'm sure some of you will realize who I'm talking about.Last one's pretty easy anyway and if I happen to log and I see him acting dumb again on wc I won't hesitate to reply ,all my leftover coins from alts & w/e unbound gears that I have & might sell are gonna be used to buy teles anyway <3.b:mischievous

    That's all for now folks ! Tune in for more of Pimpy's RT gossip later.
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Well,I'm sure no faction is free from at least a few people like this and I personally dislike them,a lot because if they keep going at it they start making the rest of the faction look bad as well and not just themselves.I do hate generalizing so I will say & hope that no faction will be blamed entirely by the acts of a few people,such as these :

    I know one of the ppl in question used to post a lot of BS on the forums while trying to look smart but haven't seen any of his posts lately so if he realized that those butthurt rants were making him & the rest of us look stupid & stopped then good for him & no hard feelings.

    I hope the guy with the "getting revenge on QQme" obsession stopped too,either he did or I just missed his posts.

    Then there's that guy whom I never liked in Levi either and I was stupid for not booting him for being in a TW faction and barely coming to any TWs yet being online & playing/talking,not "busy" with work all the time like he always claimed to and doing w/e else.I remember when I asked him why he didn't TW for Levi all those times in wc once and I got a "Because I didn't feel like it." I wonder if he did the same for QQme since his psy was there at 1st.He tends to wc from time to time and I truly hope he stopped since he's not trolling any1 as he thinks and only making himself look dumb.But from my experiences with him,even from the 1st time I met him in a fcc when he was in QQme on psy he did give the impression of one of the high e-peen heavy CSers that likes to suck up to any1 that has some "power or influence"so that they can back him up when he starts being "attacked"(by some1 like me for instance < ).

    Won't name these ppl but I'm sure some of you will realize who I'm talking about.Last one's pretty easy anyway and if I happen to log and I see him acting dumb again on wc I won't hesitate to reply ,all my leftover coins from alts & w/e unbound gears that I have & might sell are gonna be used to buy teles anyway <3.b:mischievous

    That's all for now folks ! Tune in for more of Pimpy's RT gossip later.
    While you "respond' can you solo some fcs for me
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • Uko - Raging Tide
    Uko - Raging Tide Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I want to just say that Vertu made the choices they did because of the factions that ended surrounding us in the south. We made some bad choices, sure, but in the end we came out. Our wipe off the map didn't lose us any members (one or two left, though they assured us it wasn't because of the getting wiped off the map thing).

    We got wiped off the map, and now we're in the north where we can stay quiet and not be involved in any ganking of any sort :D In no way are we QQme controlled or a QQme alt faction.

    Just throwing that out there for the "arms" comment. We probably would have never ended up getting involved in the Vicious ganking had we stayed in the south - though I can't say for sure seeing as how we didn't look that far at the time lol
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    How much do you know about Vicious? please answer that question then you can spit out words. If you tell me you heard it from other people then I'll tell you, your an idiot for accepting random words from people and believing everything they say.
    I guess Lana is a random person then
    If you didnt notice, the factions we took out (i like to call them QQmes dogs) were all under the influence of QQme (im talking about Murr/Vertu here) that just acted under their command. So taking out those, is like cutting off an arm of the bigger faction, dont you think so?
    Your attacking Murr/Vertu to inadvertently hurt QQme later on is what I gathered from her post. So there's some proof that Vicious does care about beating QQme
    Vicious was never created to take down QQme, we had other plans. How do I know that? Well guess who created the faction. Even if NPC people had the intentions to destroy QQme, other things happened thru the way and their goals were changed.
    Granted, whatever intentions you created the fac for were your intentions, there is absolutely no denying that. But the intentions of the people who joined the fac, and what they believed it stands for is another thing. And to say that their goals were changed is a risky statement, because you never know what the person behind the keyboard is really thinking.
    Between Vertu and NPC, I've seen at least a dozen good bye threads stating they were leaving to fight QQme with Vicious. And that's only the people who made a thread saying good bye, no telling how many simply left without a goodbye to "fight the good fight" as so many of them say.
    Now to my last point that I think is quite funny...How is it that now that you're a We<3Rice you finally decided to think you're a big baller?
    What does me being in We<3Rice have to do with anything? I've only been in for like what, 3 days? ArchMichael offered me instant membership, no app/wait needed, and I wanted to be in a TW fac, so I said sure why not. Besides, We<3Rice has some good TWs. I haven't seen them engage in 5minute rolls.
    I mean if I could remember it right, you wanted to be a Vicious but didnt get accepted. Is that a thing with everyone who gets rejected. "I GOT REJECTED I R GONNA TRASH ON FORUMZ CUZ I R NOT GOOD ENOUGH".
    Alright, let's lay this out for all eyes; I applied to Vicious twice, was denied twice.
    Now let's look at each app; first one was a serious app. xHeavenly suggested I app, so I did. I wasn't accepted on grounds that I wasn't a high enough level- fair enough.
    Second application- I applied because at the time you guys were fighting Varden and were having some good 1 hour+ TWs, which is exactly what I wanted. I didn't take the 2nd app so seriously, kinda joked around in my answers. I don't know if that's why my app was rejected or what, but I was denied.
    Btw, when was that app? Because I've only said anything negative about Vicious recently since I don't believe they're backing up their claims. If I was truly butthurt about the apps, wouldn't there of been a more immediate response, rather than the 6+ month wait for what you think is me QQing about Vicious not accepting me?
    In my eyes, all I see is QQ QQ QQQ QQQQQQ QQQQQQQ, get over it...its a game. We play to have fun not to start drama, people can believe whatever they like about Vicious but for those who know us we are imo the best faction on the server, loyalty skyhigh and amazing friendship.
    No QQ, simply stating what my views are. The way people in Vicious act and talk leads me to believe they want QQme gone, so when Vicious doesn't attempt to attack QQme I'm going to call bull****.
    Also; I'm well aware it's a game, are you? As someone else posted, my first app was at lvl 89, and 2 months later the next one was at 91. 1 level a month. I'm not exactly an avid gamer, I play PWI when it suits me.
    I truly am not the type to get butthurt over an app. I'm the type who logs on for maybe 2 hours a day, does FC for 1 hour, and then helps out nubs with bhs and fbs for the rest of my time. I'm a helpful good guy ingame, I'm not the type to hold grudges over anything.
    Like I said, I have nothing personal against Vicious, but based on the premise that Vicious' goal is to eliminate QQme, you guys aren't doing what you say you want to do, while QQme is doing exactly what they said they wanted to do.
  • Notgood - Raging Tide
    Notgood - Raging Tide Posts: 347 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    wow so much hate...i think you all should leave b:bye
    At least my team doing the Harlem Shake.
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I know one of the ppl in question used to post a lot of BS on the forums while trying to look smart but haven't seen any of his posts lately so if he realized that those butthurt rants were making him & the rest of us look stupid & stopped then good for him & no hard feelings.

    I hope the guy with the "getting revenge on QQme" obsession stopped too,either he did or I just missed his posts.

    you can feel free to use my name pimp. i still post about QQme and no one by any means should take MY goals as the FACTIONS goals. in all the "BS" ive posted, i made it quite clear they were personal feelings, not vicious' policy.
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    you can feel free to use my name pimp.

    why don't you post on your main anyways?
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    you can feel free to use my name pimp. i still post about QQme and no one by any means should take MY goals as the FACTIONS goals. in all the "BS" ive posted, i made it quite clear they were personal feelings, not vicious' policy.

    There are 3 examples in my last post,you're the 2nd,the "BS" guy is some1 else :P

    And ya I know,well every1 did/does both Vicious & QQme.Problem with things like that are when they go out of hand which they did and not saying you were the only one in the wrong as I think the fact that some ppl from QQ using the fake bastilla was totally not required either.

    And you should know that ppl are also stupid and won't get something like " i made it quite clear they were personal feelings, not vicious' policy." or they will but just use it against you & the faction you're in.

    Here's a story : When I played on sanctuary on my tranny redhead wizard Ayano-chan, I RPK'ed a lot and didn't care for much besides PvP(loved it thought<3,my best time in PWI was there :P).The faction I was in,Legendary which was 2nd strongest & close to 1st one at the time had an amazing leader who valued the faction reputation more than it's strength.I was the guy(and kinda still am)that didn't give a damn about that but I obviously understood that not every1 was like me.Usually,there were a lot of ppl whom I just ganked/rpk'ed when they were questing/grinding that used to pm my leader,letting her know what I was doing.Here's where I used to say the same as you but it never actually worked even thought that was a NORMAL game feature, but alas...there was always some drama over it and we didn't have nearly as many ppl that are just waiting for a reason to start drama(hiya Spell & crew) in the opposing faction(s) as Vicious does.

    If you know that it doesn't bother most of the faction thought then I guess it's okay but you'd have to figure that out yourself but even if the whole faction wouldn't mind it,you'd still be feeding quite a few trolls,ijs.

    Hmmm,I wonder if ppl can guess who the 1st & 3rd persons in question are from my previous thread. b:chuckle
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Hmmm,I wonder if ppl can guess who the 1st & 3rd person in question are from my previous thread. b:chuckle

    I remember my Sanc days as well b:cute

    Yes Legendary was very much like Levi in that it managed to actually take a tier 3 land for a short amount of time before Nefarious/QQme could get it's **** together.

    Btw can you give me a hint for the third person? It's a psy right? Do you perhaps know what his last 2-3 factions were, because I'm pretty sure I know who it is.
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I remember my Sanc days as well b:cute

    Yes Legendary was very much like Levi in that it managed to actually take a tier 3 land for a short amount of time before Nefarious/QQme could get it's **** together.

    Btw can you give me a hint for the third person? It's a psy right? Do you perhaps know what his last 2-3 factions were, because I'm pretty sure I know who it is.

    Psy in QQme,wiz in levi,wiz in Vicious.No idea if he's still there or even playing anymore now.

    Lol it's too easy now...
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Psy in QQme,wiz in levi,wiz in Vicious.No idea if he's still there or even playing anymore now.

    Lol it's too easy now...

    I meant do you know who the last 3 facs of the psy, not the facs of the 3 people lol.

    I'll guess the last wizzy is xHeavenly. Don't know about him being involved in WC drama, but you said you don't know if the vicious wizzy is still playing, and I don't know if xHeavenly is still playing lol.
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I meant do you know who the last 3 facs of the psy, not the facs of the 3 people lol.

    I'll guess the last wizzy is xHeavenly. Don't know about him being involved in WC drama, but you said you don't know if the vicious wizzy is still playing, and I don't know if xHeavenly is still playing lol.

    And I was only talking about 1 person who had a psy then switched to wiz & was in those factions.And it's obviously xHeavenly,he used to be a psy called martinenzska or smth like that in QQme.
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    And I was only talking about 1 person who had a psy then switched to wiz & was in those factions.And it's obviously xHeavenly,he used to be a psy called martinenzska or smth like that in QQme.

    what do I win? b:pleased
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    why don't you post on your main anyways?
    cant discuss it here. pm me if you really wanna know
    There are 3 examples in my last post,you're the 2nd,the "BS" guy is some1 else :P

    And ya I know,well every1 did/does both Vicious & QQme.Problem with things like that are when they go out of hand which they did and not saying you were the only one in the wrong as I think the fact that some ppl from QQ using the fake bastilla was totally not required either.

    And you should know that ppl are also stupid and won't get something like " i made it quite clear they were personal feelings, not vicious' policy." or they will but just use it against you & the faction you're in.

    Here's a story : When I played on sanctuary on my tranny redhead wizard Ayano-chan, I RPK'ed a lot and didn't care for much besides PvP(loved it thought<3,my best time in PWI was there :P).The faction I was in,Legendary which was 2nd strongest & close to 1st one at the time had an amazing leader who valued the faction reputation more than it's strength.I was the guy(and kinda still am)that didn't give a damn about that but I obviously understood that not every1 was like me.Usually,there were a lot of ppl whom I just ganked/rpk'ed when they were questing/grinding that used to pm my leader,letting her know what I was doing.Here's where I used to say the same as you but it never actually worked even thought that was a NORMAL game feature, but alas...there was always some drama over it and we didn't have nearly as many ppl that are just waiting for a reason to start drama(hiya Spell & crew) in the opposing faction(s) as Vicious does.

    If you know that it doesn't bother most of the faction thought then I guess it's okay but you'd have to figure that out yourself but even if the whole faction wouldn't mind it,you'd still be feeding quite a few trolls,ijs.

    Hmmm,I wonder if ppl can guess who the 1st & 3rd persons in question are from my previous thread. b:chuckle

    i may be blind, but i only see 2 examples there.....and i was never in levi and havent missed a TW

    EDIT: ok im dumb, i read example 1 and example 2 as 1 example
  • INexperience - Raging Tide
    INexperience - Raging Tide Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    After all these blazing fingers typing their hearts out,
    After Luci's wife leaves vicious,
    After 6 months,
    We all know map will be white in 6 months deep inside
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    After all these blazing fingers typing their hearts out,
    After Luci's wife leaves vicious,
    After 6 months,
    We all know map will be white in 6 months deep inside

    Hopefully it's more than 6 months b:surrender
  • The_love - Raging Tide
    The_love - Raging Tide Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    i see vicious winning 1-2 more weaks but
    i wonder how many QQ threads butthurtboogie willmake when qqme and rice start attacking vicious. discuss\
    [SIGPIC]sometimes love hurts and baby i love you A LOT[/SIGPIC]
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    when qqme and rice start attacking vicious.b:bye

    wait so you expect QQme to multiclient TW?
  • Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide
    Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    they can totally multi client TW they have pro PCs
    and pro alts
    Attacking at the speed of Suck since 2009
  • The_love - Raging Tide
    The_love - Raging Tide Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    ofc babeb:cute and not every QQme has alt in rice ijs there are some noneQQme in rice 2
    [SIGPIC]sometimes love hurts and baby i love you A LOT[/SIGPIC]
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I would totally multi client TW but my BM is on the same account.

    Although totally worth it, there's no way in hell I would refarm nirvana claws/legs/TT99 ornaments/wrists + chest/lunar cape/etc.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    i see vicious winning 1-2 more weaks but
    i wonder how many QQ threads butthurtboogie willmake when qqme and rice start attacking vicious. discuss\

    b:laugh Think you meant "weeks" dear.

    Rice can hardly defend itself (3 hour defense) against RoadKill. I doubt you can consider them even half of a factor against the main faction of Vicious itself.

    I wonder how many people are gonna /bum lick QQme. /discuss b:thanks
  • Ambition - Raging Tide
    Ambition - Raging Tide Posts: 1,152 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    b:laugh Think you meant "weeks" dear.

    Rice can hardly defend itself (3 hour defense) against RoadKill. I doubt you can consider them even half of a factor against the main faction of Vicious itself.

    I wonder how many people are gonna /bum lick QQme. /discuss b:thanks

    It's funny how you say that since 90% of the server is riding Vicious' diick hard. And you are too. Hop off, hater.
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    It's funny how you say that since 90% of the server is riding Vicious' diick hard. And you are too. Hop off, hater.

    Lmao QFT
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    It's funny how you say that since 90% of the server is riding Vicious' diick hard. And you are too. Hop off, hater.

    Hard to ride my own d1ck, sorry I'm not that flexible. b:chuckle

    Nice try to make me seem like a hypocrite though, would have worked if you knew what you were talking about.

    Also, I don't hate QQme, I've got a ton of friends in QQme. I hate the non-factors who troll Vicious (or QQme for that matter) without knowing or having had anything to do with Vicious/QQme. People are entitled to their own opinions, sure. But when it's a discussion of a faction as a whole and what it stands for, you would think people would practice what they preach and take a stand against QQme or Vicious besides trolling from the sidelines, no? b:cute
  • Ambition - Raging Tide
    Ambition - Raging Tide Posts: 1,152 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Hard to ride my own d1ck, sorry I'm not that flexible. b:chuckle

    Nice try to make me seem like a hypocrite though, would have worked if you knew what you were talking about.

    Also, I don't hate QQme, I've got a ton of friends in QQme. I hate the non-factors who troll Vicious (or QQme for that matter) without knowing or having had anything to do with Vicious/QQme. People are entitled to their own opinions, sure. But when it's a discussion of a faction as a whole and what it stands for, you would think people would practice what they preach and take a stand against QQme or Vicious besides trolling from the sidelines, no? b:cute

    I suppose you're referring to DaKillanator, which part about Vicious was he wrong about?
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I suppose you're referring to DaKillanator, which part about Vicious was he wrong about?

    Only the past 6 pages or so. I'm on my phone now so I'm not going to quote + paste evidence in this post. I will do so later when I reach home though. Gist of what he has said, however, is completely subjective, sure. But when subjective topics are demanded to be facts due to word of mouth/one's own opinion, you prove your own argument useless. Of course I realize my opinion on his opinions are, needless to say, opinions as well so feel obliged to disagree.

    Side point aside, if he hated vicious so much, why does he not do something about it other than troll from the side? b:pleased
  • Ambition - Raging Tide
    Ambition - Raging Tide Posts: 1,152 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Only the past 6 pages or so. I'm on my phone now so I'm not going to quote + paste evidence in this post. I will do so later when I reach home though. Gist of what he has said, however, is completely subjective, sure. But when subjective topics are demanded to be facts due to word of mouth/one's own opinion, you prove your own argument useless. Of course I realize my opinion on his opinions are, needless to say, opinions as well so feel obliged to disagree.

    Side point aside, if he hated vicious so much, why does he not do something about it other than troll from the side? b:pleased

    I believe what he said was he doesn't hate Vicious at all, he's just merely calling out "BS"
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I believe what he said was he doesn't hate Vicious at all, he's just merely calling out "BS"

    "BS" based on word of mouth? Sorry but most rumors are "BS". How does one know what a faction stands for without having been in the faction itself, or scrutinizing the faction's every move? And if the conclusion the Vicious was made solely to "kill" QQme was drawn from the fact that Vicious used to TW against QQme every week before the map reset, it was badly interpreted.

    Maybe he should call out the GMs on their BS updates instead. That'd be more factual. b:pleased

    And yet he jumps at any and every opportunity to troll Vicious. b:surrender
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Maybe he should call out the GMs on their BS updates instead. That'd be more factual. b:pleased

    This me on my "GMs are full of BS" soapbox

    you're welcome for TW changing backb:bye