psychics are the REAL OP class, not sins.

Wolfixxxx - Lost City
Wolfixxxx - Lost City Posts: 52 Arc User
edited March 2011 in General Discussion
now hear me out for a second... i mentioned this in another thread but psys are honestly way up there in the OP chain. they have pretty much the same ammount of control skills as a sin and they are used in such a way that makes it impossible to even touch/dmg a psy. on top of that some of there skills are effected by soul force which in tern is effected by gear. the higher your gear is the more effective a psys skills are. so if used correctly a psy is a extremely OP class.

why are they not acknowledged as such tho? simple, they are out shadowed by sins. a sin is a "simple" OP class where as psys are a "complicated" OP class. in other words sins require no brain power at all to be OP. just get 5 aps, stealth, F2 for demon spark, F1 for auto atk. profit.

psys actually require brain power to use. you need to plan out your atk/combos/skills your gonna use in a match up. this turns ppl off cuz why think when you can just pick sin, faceroll the keyboard, and win?

now lets look at the skills for psy that makes them OP;

white voodoo and black voodoo:
your not gonna have more defense levels then a psy. period. i dont care what you do, you will not even get close. ya sure it decreases atk level by 99 points, but with rank 9, jones blessings, tiger stones, etc etc you can actually get 0 atk levels or more with white voodoo and 71+ defense levels. making the atk decrease void. the vice versa also applies to black voodoo. of course with black voodoo the only class in game that will have more atk levels is sin. but thats not the main problem. the main problem with white and black voodoo is it gives psys amazing flexibility of DDing and atking. no other class can adjust BOTH atk level and defense levels on the fly so dramatically.

Diminised Vigor and Empowered Vigor:
these skills are just superb skills to have in PvP. diminished vigor reduces healing items by 30%, skill healing by 20%, and decreases charm cooldown by 3 seconds. empowered vigor does the exact opposite and instead increases the effects of these items. the demon version increases/decreases it by even more.

Soul of Stunning:
simple. this skill stuns u for 1 second if ur attked. doesnt seem so OP at first glance right? well take another look. its effected by soul force and soul force is effected by the refines of your gear if im not mistaken. so lets assume you have a total of 60k soul force. if you atk the psy you are looking at a automatic 12 second stun. 12 seconds is a LONG time to be stuned. LONG time. if its demon vesion then the stun is 13 seconds. sage version the stun is 15 (FIFTEEN) seconds long! this means you better be damned carefull when atking a psy that has high refines and high soulforce.

Soul of silence:
this skill is usually used either before or after or even in conjunction with soul of stunning. it silences you for 3 seconds. sage version silences you for 5 seconds. so if you atked a psy and got hit with soul of stunning and your miraculously not dead yet, then you have to go through a 5 second silence effect as well if you atk them again. this is a very effective stun lock.

Soul of Retaliation:
this skill basicaly throws your own debuff back at you. a "taste of your own medicine" kind of skill. it also reduces the dmg you take by .5 of your soulforce. it also REFLECTS dmg back at your atker by .5 of your soulforce. so guess what? using Heavens flame or Bids? it will get thrown back at you. and the reflection/reduction is all dependent on your soulforce as well. so the higher the soulforce the better. sage version heals u for 15% HP and demon increases the effect of the reflection to .6.

another skill that makes you terrified to even touch a psy. soulburn reflect dmg equal to your soulforce. so again, lets assume the psy has 60k soulforce. just poking them will reflect 60k worth of dmg back at you. this utterly DESTROYS any kind of APS atker. DESTROYS them like i destroy the toilet when i get diarrhea. use this at the right moment and time and profit.

Psychic will:
all casters WISH they had this skill. first of all not only does it purify you, but it ALSO makes you immune to all physical dmg. great skill and it goes with the "i dare you to atk me *****" theme psys have going.

Disturbed soul:
pretty much a anti caster skill. it increases your channeling time by 80% demon vesion increases it by 100%. so if your a wizzard/cleric using those long channeling skills then i think you know what this means for you.

Sage bubble of life: purifies all negative status effects and costs 0 chi to do so. do i honestly need to say more?

soul of vengence:
this skill is again dependant on your soulforce. it reflect 8% of your soul force and demon version reflects 12% of your soulforce. so if you have a insanely high soul force, your reflected dmg will also be insanely high.

those were just the main debuffs/buffs for a psy. psys also get some of the best level 100 and 79 skills in the game. sandball clash does 300% weapon dmg and 5.4k additonal dmg AND has a chance to silence AND its semi spammable with a cooldown of only 10 seconds.

they also get stone smasher which is 400% weapon dmg +10.2k add dmg + 30% reduction in speed. probaly among the best if not the best lvl 100 skills among all the other 100 skills for other classes.

so with all this, if used CORRECTLY and the psy has high enough refines to push his soulforce over the limit, a psy can be the most OP class in the game. more OP then sins.

if used correctly and if the psy has high refines, any class that touches them will be jacked in the ***.
Post edited by Wolfixxxx - Lost City on


  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    R9 is the real OP, not class.

  • Vindrael - Lost City
    Vindrael - Lost City Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Psys are good, I agree, but if you're out killing mobs and nobody is around, you're probably going to be in black voodoo. And if a sin tele-stuns you and attacks, their very first attack is going to kill you. I got hit for almost 6000 damage (first hit) yesterday while killing mobs for my faction base quest. Because the damage was greater than my hp, it "killed me through my charm".

    Assassin stealth is interesting. It allows the assassin to choose when and how a fight starts, and when and how the fight will end. It also allows you to bypass mobs in instances (especially Frost). I believe that this, when combined with OP gear (rank 9 +12, as Boogiepanda said), makes assassins an unbeatable class PvE and 1v1.

    Assassins have the best chi-gaining ability in the game, hands-down.

    Assassins are more deadly at 5aps than any other class. Their end-game daggers are just ridiculous.

    However, the sin has one drawback. Unless you're like Assaucesin with 12k hp, a sin is a very easy kill for any casting class who happens to be nearby. Without extreme gear, if a ranged caster has you targeted, you're going to die.

    My take on it is:

    Group PvP, psy is awesome.
    TW, psy is awesome.

    Everything else: Assassin laughs and says, "pwnt."
  • SoniMax - Sanctuary
    SoniMax - Sanctuary Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    that's why when i become 100 lvl i'm gona make everything i have 12+ :D
    They see me trollin`
    They hatin`
    Patrolling they tryin` to catch me writin` dirty
    Tryin to catch me writin` dirty X4
    My music so loud
    I'm flamin`
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    that's why when i become 100 lvl i'm gona make everything i have 12+ :D

    Sure, I know one guy on my server who has full +12, and he owns an airline b:chuckle
  • SoniMax - Sanctuary
    SoniMax - Sanctuary Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Sure, I know one guy on my server who has full +12, and he owns an airline b:chuckle

    and he probably sold the % he owned in Microsoft to buy dragon orbs :D
    They see me trollin`
    They hatin`
    Patrolling they tryin` to catch me writin` dirty
    Tryin to catch me writin` dirty X4
    My music so loud
    I'm flamin`
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    At least I can see a psychic. This makes it possible to attack. Assassins are impossible to attack while in stealth, even if you absolutely know one is standing 1m away from you you can't attack. They are free to buff up with wolf emblem, spark, canceled power dash, and pop out of stealth with a 7s stun that has a good chance of being a zerk crit.

    Sins set an impossibly high standard for what is considered OP in this game.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
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  • Wolfixxxx - Lost City
    Wolfixxxx - Lost City Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    a psy with even half decent equips can one-2 hit a sin. that is a sins main weakness. there only hope of survival against any caster class is stealth. without it they are easy as **** to kill even for barbs.

    with a archer they atleast have range so they can kite and and all that, but with a sin they have to get up in your face to atk you. without stealth a sin is honestly a easy easy EASY kill and everyone knows that. thats why so many ppl QQ about stealth cuz if they didnt have it sins would get 1 shot by nearly everyone.

    if you nerf stealth, that ONE skill, it will severly cripple the entire class. i promise you that. they wont even be a problem. they would need to heavily shard/upgrade there gear to even stand a chance outside of stealth.

    i mean dont get me wrong, they will still be a deadly class IF they get close to you. but if your a caster you can kite them to death and 1 shot them with easy.

    also i know someone is gonna bring up "lol they still will have tidal" tidal is only 50% chance to stop a debuff. psys pretty much have 2 skills that 100% removes them.
  • SoniMax - Sanctuary
    SoniMax - Sanctuary Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    the mods should move this thread to the PSY's section in the forums
    They see me trollin`
    They hatin`
    Patrolling they tryin` to catch me writin` dirty
    Tryin to catch me writin` dirty X4
    My music so loud
    I'm flamin`
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Ridiculous. Sins are immune to being 1 shot and have some of the best defensive skills in the game. 50% chance to be immune to any stun or seal and they are impossible to kite with 35 meter teleports / attacks.

    The only reason people think that sins are squishy is because most sins have never found any reason to refine their armors or ornaments because of stealth. A well-geared sin is not squishy.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
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  • Wolfixxxx - Lost City
    Wolfixxxx - Lost City Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    the mods should move this thread to the PSY's section in the forums

    why? there are threads about mystics, venos, sins, and psy all on page 1 of general and those arent moved. so why move this one? its a pretty general topic anyway...
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    why? there are threads about mystics, venos, sins, and psy all on page 1 of general and those arent moved. so why move this one? its a pretty stupid topic anyway...

  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Overly gear psys can be 5.0 aps-proof.

    I know a r9 psy with like...+10-12 gears who has a 24% seal rate on his buffs when you hit him. b:cry
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
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    -Master of Coffee-
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    BTW it is impossible to have 60k soulforce in this game.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
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  • _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver
    _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    57k soulforce is possible.
  • AgentPotato - Archosaur
    AgentPotato - Archosaur Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Psys are very easy to kill for a sin. Come out of stealth 2x sparked and 5 aps, pop an IG or even a tranq orb and the psy seal defense buff is completely useless, making them as squishy and easy as a wizard. So 3 sec max for nirvana 5aps, 1.5-2 sec for a r9 4aps, assuming the R9 doesnt crit and zerk on the first hit. All of the skills you listed as OP are useless when you dont even have time to react and use them. Just admit it, no other class can kill every other class in the game with as much ease as a well-geared sin...
  • Wolfixxxx - Lost City
    Wolfixxxx - Lost City Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Ridiculous. Sins are immune to being 1 shot and have some of the best defensive skills in the game. 50% chance to be immune to any stun or seal and they are impossible to kite with 35 meter teleports / attacks.

    The only reason people think that sins are squishy is because most sins have never found any reason to refine their armors or ornaments because of stealth. A well-geared sin is not squishy.

    ok 2 shotted since there immune to 1 shot. and not only that but it has a 288 second cooldown. so once again, without stealth that skill would normaly be used only once every fight realistically. it has way to long of a cooldown to be relied upon often.

    also tele stun can be avoided if you know what your doing. in a intense pvp situation WITHOUT stealth you pretty much only have 1 shot at tele stun and then its on a 90 second cooldown. if it fails to stun because of anti stun pots or w/e the case may be, you can just holy path and continue to kite... with stealth however that disadvantage becomes void cuz a sin can just go into stealth and wait on the cooldown.

    and trust me, ive seen a 16k sin get one shotted by wizzards, psys, and even r9 clerics and archers. its not that hard if your in equal gear... hell gorg on HT does 20k NON crits with her psy in pvp. and she isnt even full rank 9 yet.
  • L_grimmjow_l - Archosaur
    L_grimmjow_l - Archosaur Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    b:angry i'm sick of these OP remarks FOR ALL CLASSES seekers mystics sins psy's everything
    stop ur ******** all the classes have they're up n down and if use right they can become powerful u could say the same ANY class like the tank with its high hp n def i dont know how many times i'av been killed by a tank just though chiping away at it and it taking forever or the veno with its pet and that bramble hood or whatever OR the cleric healling its self in duels or archers with they're fast running and long range attacks u can pick n mix they're skills and find OP things

    the down fell of the psychic is they CAN be AWESOME in DUELS but n pk/tw they get ***** they lack def and hp and can only be OP (not really) 1v1 in a duel
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    The surprise and annoying score is much more lower than assassin. (b:thanks)
    Not mention the progress needed to reach such a score that match with assassin.
    A well-geared sin is not squishy
    Makes me remember a conversation of a barbie and sins.
    Sins : " ima have more hp than you "
    Barbie : " impossible you us la "
    Sins : " 14000 no buff "
    Barbie : " what *** **** holy **** "
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    You need to try playing a Psy, and that's all I'm saying. I could directly answer half of those skills with direct counters to them, but half a Psy's strength is that no one understands us, so I'd rather not sit here and give you a guide to fighting Psys. :P

    But as I said in the last thread you posted this in: the thing that makes a sin OP where a Psy isn't is that a Psy has counters. 15 second stun sounds OP (btw, I believe it's actually capped at 10 seconds, though I'm not sure), but this won't work against anyone with an anti-stun. It's passive: the opponent has to set it off. And as I said, Psys struggle with anyone who can heal themselves, namely Clerics and Mystics. Yes we have all those incredible defense lines, but they're on a time limit, and Clerics and Mystics have the tools to simply outlast those time limits. If we're talking r9 +12 on everyone, then Clerics and Mystics will probably kill us 9 times out of 10. I also promise you that wizzies and archers can kill us, too. Wizzie damage just continues to go through the roof thanks to their 500% weapon damage skills, and a r9 archer can purge Psy will and white voodoo off completely: then we're just squishy and archers don't exactly deal mediocre damage.
    And for your comments on white voodoo, try playing a Psy. If you ever try and fight in White voodoo, you'll see how crippling it is. White voodoo is there for support and for fighting squishies in 1v1 fights: other than that, it's absolutely crippling. If you're talking about using white voodoo to fight another r9, yeah you'll take a while to go down, but so will he. But you're the one that's on a time limit when it comes to your best defenses.
    One type of fighter we will be an absolute pain for when we have end-game gear is 5aps fighters, and there is no way you can argue to me that they don't deserve a counter.

    I'd definitely say a +12 Psy is a force to be reckoned with and I wouldn't be opposed to a nerf to Soul of Silence, but as I said before: we have counters. Lawbreaker on a genie, anti-stun, purge, high damage, the ability to heal yourself: all of those can mess up Psys. Sins? The two counters to sins are barbs and Psys, and they can gladly avoid us altogether or choose to attack when we're weak. Nothing is keeping them in check, and that's what makes a class OP. I'd love to hear how a r9 veno, cleric, wizzie, barb, or archer is supposed to beat a r9 sin.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • ArchSaber - Sanctuary
    ArchSaber - Sanctuary Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    meh high aps glitch sin/bm can kill 100 def level psys
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • Haden - Dreamweaver
    Haden - Dreamweaver Posts: 376 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    You need to try playing a Psy, and that's all I'm saying. I could directly answer half of those skills with direct counters to them, but half a Psy's strength is that no one understands us, so I'd rather not sit here and give you a guide to fighting Psys. :P

    But as I said in the last thread you posted this in: the thing that makes a sin OP where a Psy isn't is that a Psy has counters. 15 second stun sounds OP (btw, I believe it's actually capped at 10 seconds, though I'm not sure), but this won't work against anyone with an anti-stun. It's passive: the opponent has to set it off. And as I said, Psys struggle with anyone who can heal themselves, namely Clerics and Mystics. Yes we have all those incredible defense lines, but they're on a time limit, and Clerics and Mystics have the tools to simply outlast those time limits. If we're talking r9 +12 on everyone, then Clerics and Mystics will probably kill us 9 times out of 10. I also promise you that wizzies and archers can kill us, too. Wizzie damage just continues to go through the roof thanks to their 500% weapon damage skills, and a r9 archer can purge Psy will and white voodoo off completely: then we're just squishy and archers don't exactly deal mediocre damage.
    And for your comments on white voodoo, try playing a Psy. If you ever try and fight in White voodoo, you'll see how crippling it is. White voodoo is there for support and for fighting squishies in 1v1 fights: other than that, it's absolutely crippling. If you're talking about using white voodoo to fight another r9, yeah you'll take a while to go down, but so will he. But you're the one that's on a time limit when it comes to your best defenses.
    One type of fighter we will be an absolute pain for when we have end-game gear is 5aps fighters, and there is no way you can argue to me that they don't deserve a counter.

    I'd definitely say a +12 Psy is a force to be reckoned with and I wouldn't be opposed to a nerf to Soul of Silence, but as I said before: we have counters. Lawbreaker on a genie, anti-stun, purge, high damage, the ability to heal yourself: all of those can mess up Psys. Sins? The two counters to sins are barbs and Psys, and they can gladly avoid us altogether or choose to attack when we're weak. Nothing is keeping them in check, and that's what makes a class OP. I'd love to hear how a r9 veno, cleric, wizzie, barb, or archer is supposed to beat a r9 sin.

    As much as everyone would hate to admit it, LongKnife is right.

    But maybe thats where Mystic's traps, heals, res, pets and seekers Aoes and Quid pro quo comes into play. As a quazi indirect way of fighting a 5.0

    when you have to say using apoth and genie skills is a direct way of countering a class, its not really a counter.
    Good intentions are like peeing yourself in dark leather pants, you get warm feelings inside, but it doesn't show.
  • Wolfixxxx - Lost City
    Wolfixxxx - Lost City Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    a mystic and a seeker are actually pretty good at knocking sins out of stealth. thicket/cragglord + the knockback skill in particular are very good against sins. they also have plants that reduce a sins APS for as long as they are in the area. seekers also deal decent dmg to sins, but there main problem is they lack control skills. but in group situations with there AoEs, they can knock sins out of stealth like crazy which thus reveals them to the rest of the group.

    so thats 2 classes right there that are pretty effective against them. there not a hard counter to them, but a counter none the less. this shows even more so in mass pvp like TW. lysing befudling creeper to give them a 40% atk speed reduction and a 20% physical def reduction then use spider vines to reduce there movement speed 40% as well. and since these plants have a large area of effect then a simple lysing will knock a sin that is in the area out of stealth.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    when you have to say using apoth and genie skills is a direct way of countering a class, its not really a counter.

    I agree with the apothecary part, not so much with a genie.

    I mean, sure we can all pretend Expel, Absolute Domain and Occult Ice are never used in fights, but we'd be lying to ourselves. Expel is a very crucial skill I use to tank and kite barbs. Would I die against them if I didn't have it? Probably, but I do have it. Thus it's only the high STR barbs that can occassionally get to me.

    But yeah, my point is mainly that on paper, Psys look astounding once they have +12 gear. And they are. But so are a lot of other classes. Clerics can almost outheal anything, a wizzie can probably one-shot anyone, an archer will constantly purge and crit you, and I'm sure a r9 BM would be amazing too, if people would put down the fists and pick up the axes for once.
    The issue with sins is that they're free to avoid the classes that are supposed to be countering them, and the classes that sins counter are -LITERALLY- helpless.

    For instance, I say I struggle with clerics. Well, there is a way I can beat them. Stun them, DD like mad, and get soulburn off before they come out of stun. Get my Absolute domain ready in case they try and sleep me and viola: dead cleric. It's very expensive on chi and genie energy, and that's why I hate fighting clerics. I can though.
    A wizzie vs. a sin though? What the balls is he supposed to do? He'll be stunned out of stealth or killed via 5aps before he can react. If he gets Expel off or Badge of Courages the stun, the sin has more ailments waiting to use, and a wizzie CAN'T one shot a sin. Hell, the wizzie risks charging up BIDS to see it only do 1 damage.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I agree with the apothecary part, not so much with a genie.

    I mean, sure we can all pretend Expel, Absolute Domain and Occult Ice are never used in fights, but we'd be lying to ourselves. Expel is a very crucial skill I use to tank and kite barbs. Would I die against them if I didn't have it? Probably, but I do have it. Thus it's only the high STR barbs that can occassionally get to me.

    But yeah, my point is mainly that on paper, Psys look astounding once they have +12 gear. And they are. But so are a lot of other classes. Clerics can almost outheal anything, a wizzie can probably one-shot anyone, an archer will constantly purge and crit you, and I'm sure a r9 BM would be amazing too, if people would put down the fists and pick up the axes for once.
    The issue with sins is that they're free to avoid the classes that are supposed to be countering them, and the classes that sins counter are -LITERALLY- helpless.

    For instance, I say I struggle with clerics. Well, there is a way I can beat them. Stun them, DD like mad, and get soulburn off before they come out of stun. Get my Absolute domain ready in case they try and sleep me and viola: dead cleric. It's very expensive on chi and genie energy, and that's why I hate fighting clerics. I can though.
    A wizzie vs. a sin though? What the balls is he supposed to do? He'll be stunned out of stealth or killed via 5aps before he can react. If he gets Expel off or Badge of Courages the stun, the sin has more ailments waiting to use, and a wizzie CAN'T one shot a sin. Hell, the wizzie risks charging up BIDS to see it only do 1 damage.

    a rank 9 axe bm turns out about the same way all axe bm's do vs equal geared players

    lots of hp lots of def level lots of stuns and you need back to back crits or zerks to win (GoF does make this more likely) while the oponent just needs to get you at 60-51% and pop a 2 spark skill to bypass and with fortify badge and other stun breaks around + blink skills stunlock is no longer a defensive option leaveing bm's as (yet again) squishier barbs

    rank 9 boned bm's so hard most of us still cant see straight (ffs even barbs got interval on their rank set)
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Crit_Heal - Dreamweaver
    Crit_Heal - Dreamweaver Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    R9 all pieces +12 = soulforce??????
    Im a troll ;..;b:cute
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    You can stun-lock a Psychic, you can't stun-lock a Sin.

    Psychics don't kill me because they can't jump me. I can roll psychics with an immune silence genie, or lawbreaker.

    Whereas the only way I can roll a sin is if I use badge of courage on my str genie then use will... 60% success rate. Or if I'm 1 level higher than them and use a detect pot. Sins can usually kill you within 1 stun-lock with G15 zerk daggers if you don't have AD/Badge ready. This applies to HA phys marrowed + Demon Belled BM too (38K phys def).
    BM PvP Guide:

    YouTube channels: and
  • Haden - Dreamweaver
    Haden - Dreamweaver Posts: 376 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I agree with the apothecary part, not so much with a genie.

    I mean, sure we can all pretend Expel, Absolute Domain and Occult Ice are never used in fights, but we'd be lying to ourselves. Expel is a very crucial skill I use to tank and kite barbs. Would I die against them if I didn't have it? Probably, but I do have it. Thus it's only the high STR barbs that can occassionally get to me.

    But yeah, my point is mainly that on paper, Psys look astounding once they have +12 gear. And they are. But so are a lot of other classes. Clerics can almost outheal anything, a wizzie can probably one-shot anyone, an archer will constantly purge and crit you, and I'm sure a r9 BM would be amazing too, if people would put down the fists and pick up the axes for once.
    The issue with sins is that they're free to avoid the classes that are supposed to be countering them, and the classes that sins counter are -LITERALLY- helpless.

    For instance, I say I struggle with clerics. Well, there is a way I can beat them. Stun them, DD like mad, and get soulburn off before they come out of stun. Get my Absolute domain ready in case they try and sleep me and viola: dead cleric. It's very expensive on chi and genie energy, and that's why I hate fighting clerics. I can though.
    A wizzie vs. a sin though? What the balls is he supposed to do? He'll be stunned out of stealth or killed via 5aps before he can react. If he gets Expel off or Badge of Courages the stun, the sin has more ailments waiting to use, and a wizzie CAN'T one shot a sin. Hell, the wizzie risks charging up BIDS to see it only do 1 damage.

    Regrettably you cant take away a sin's stealth. I think people would complain about that more than a aps nerf. One of the most shocking things that I ever saw was when they nerfed Bramblehood. Instantly that brought Sin's to the quazi top of the 1v1 food chain. I know the veno community wouldn't be upset if they could use it, but then there would be a further outcry from wizzys not having a counter to it too.

    I feel for the wizards, I've played them they're not easy. But the sin is a direct melee counter to caster classes. TW's used to be won on the backs of Bm's barbs and wizzies. And venos could easily out match a fist bm with Bramblehood.

    There has to be an answer to Sins guys, instead of just complaining all the time about the stun from stealth, and originally I would've said it was Demon Quid pro quo (which used to take a buff). I still Believe that Seekers and mystics can effectively counter them via constant aoe, and traps. Yes I also realise this alienates the other classes that have issues with them but I dunno.

    Maybe they should give a wizard a force out of stun skill or something.

    Sin's dont do well in a gank, maybe we should impliment the buddy system? ^_^;;
    Good intentions are like peeing yourself in dark leather pants, you get warm feelings inside, but it doesn't show.
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Like I said, Sins can be rolled if you have badge of courage and anti-stun. You just need to pop them before they go back in stealth.... Whenever that is.

    I find if I survive their initial attack I'm 10 times more likely to roll the sin.

    DBB GS rolls LA sins, can kill em unsparked, and yes I've fought against all +10 G15 zerk dagger sins and they can be rolled from DBB GS.

    The problem is, every they go back into stealth they gain chi again and can double spark or do w/e before popping back out. They can often kill before charm even ticks, unlike a psychic.
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  • Kinnacat - Lost City
    Kinnacat - Lost City Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I agree that psychics seem OP, but I still find sins are most OP class. Even though I absolutely HATE IT that a phy's soul of vengeance not only reflects any type of dmg, but it also works in PvP. A veno's bramble guard/hood only reflects melee dmg, and doesn't work in PvP. On a PvP server...

    They stealth > stun lock > crit like hell > ''LOL YOU DEAD YOU FAIL HAHAAAAAA!'' >.> When you're about to kill them, they simply use shadow escape, then they stun lock you and you die. Plus, I recently learned that they also have some type of passive skill that boosts they're stealth lvl or something, so a lvl 9x can't see a lvl 7x sin. I'm able to kill a sin about 50% of the time after they stealth jump me. Of course, almost all the sins that attack me at 100+ with NV and rank 8... Is there anything more OP than that? And then ppl wonder why I hate sins and shoot one when I see one... b:surrender
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I don't see Psy's as OP as Sins. For one, they can't just pop up in the middle, rear, or flank of a formation, squad, or on someone in the middle of nowhere, gank them, and vanish again. And two, since I can see them, I can stun them, which means I have the time to wear down their HP. If they use an anti-stun... Well... Archers have more range, and an immobilize, so just kite until their anti-stun wears off, then immobilize, and hit them from out of range.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level