I take issue with PWI and TW bidding



  • _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver
    _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    150k is chump change. Lord forbid you won the bid and had to spend 1.2 mill on tower just to lose.
  • PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear
    PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    1. If you would of read my initial post in this thread you would see I supported the OP in saying that they bidding system needs to be fixed. I was simply stating that if they were having problems getting together funds for bids then they will have some problems actually doing the TW.

    2. If the devs didn't put any restrictions on who can do what why can't I do Nirvana?

    3. You are you and I am me. I work for a living, I manage myself just fine. If I am able to balance myself out to get things that I want then what is the problem if the thing that I want is PWI gold?

    1) There was no need to say anything about their ability to gather funds for TW, since that was not an issue for them.

    2) I don't do Nirvana, but I am assuming there are prerequisite's you haven't met. That's not a restriction on "who". It a restriction due to whatever you haven't completed yet.

    3) True. But I am speaking from experience. I was once in the working class of America, then I became disabled due to no fault of my own. I struggle now. I just want people to realize they are not immune to the same or similar things that has happened to me. As Nahktuul said, spend wisely. I know all about money management (my major was accounting). But when something unfortunate happens... and you cannot say it never will... no amount of good management can make ends meet when your household expenses equal or exceed your income. But if buying PWI gold is more important to you than saving for an emergency, then so be it. And I am not saying "never" buy zen, I am saying be wise in how much and how often you do and don't put it before things such as food and other real life necessities.
    There's no such thing as a "Perfect World" full of Jade, diamonds, gold, and other riches and treasures. There is only an imperfect world, with an imperfect society, full of imperfect people, with imperfect idea's about how to be perfectly rich and perfectly perfect. No one cares about being perfectly kind, perfectly fair, or perfectly content.
    It's a perfectly sad world.
  • PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear
    PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    150k is chump change. Lord forbid you won the bid and had to spend 1.2 mill on tower just to lose.

    It's not chump change to those who GRIND out EVERY SINGLE coin!

    There's no such thing as a "Perfect World" full of Jade, diamonds, gold, and other riches and treasures. There is only an imperfect world, with an imperfect society, full of imperfect people, with imperfect idea's about how to be perfectly rich and perfectly perfect. No one cares about being perfectly kind, perfectly fair, or perfectly content.
    It's a perfectly sad world.
  • _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver
    _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Gaming is not a basic necessity. If this complaint was about water, electric or food. I'd be right there with you.

    Yes it is chump change. Tell me if it isn't, how you expected to pay to build towers to protect your base. That is 1.2 mill coins. Not to mention cata scrolls etc.
  • ZeaKuro - Raging Tide
    ZeaKuro - Raging Tide Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    1) There was no need to say anything about their ability to gather funds for TW, since that was not an issue for them.

    2) I don't do Nirvana, but I am assuming there are prerequisite's you haven't met. That's not a restriction on "who". It a restriction due to whatever you haven't completed yet.

    3) True. But I am speaking from experience. I was once in the working class of America, then I became disabled due to no fault of my own. I struggle now. I just want people to realize they are not immune to the same or similar things that has happened to me. As Nahktuul said, spend wisely. I know all about money management (my major was accounting). But when something unfortunate happens... and you cannot say it never will... no amount of good management can make ends meet when your household expenses equal or exceed your income. But if buying PWI gold is more important to you than saving for an emergency, then so be it. And I am not saying "never" buy zen, I am saying be wise in how much and how often you do and don't put it before things such as food and other real life necessities.

    1. Let's just atop arguing over the ability to gather funds and leave it at PWI should change the bidding system but think of something else to weed out fake bids. [If they do we are just going to get QQ TW bidding spam threads though. XD]

    2. I was just responding to your statement about anyone being anywhere they wanted to be, I myself have played for almost a year now and I am just lvl 93 so I know this not to be true. Though setting the goal will get you there.

    3. If you worked in accounting then you know that everyone should have a budget that they spend on themselves. Most people go out to the movies or out to eat. Well, I hate people. Plain and simple, I want nothing to do with people. My kids are all I need, I buy them what they need and want. I take them out to where they want to go, but as for my personal "this is my money that is meant for me not to go crazy" PWI is where it goes. Enough said on that subject.
    1. One who murders by surprise attack, especially one who carries out a plot to kill a prominent person.
    synonyms: murderer, killer, gunman, executioner, informalhitman, hired gun.
    Latin assassnus; Greek δολοφόνος
  • PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear
    PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Gaming is not a basic necessity. If this complaint was about water, electric or food. I'd be right there with you.

    Yes it is chump change. Tell me if it isn't, how you expected to pay to build towers to protect your base. That is 1.2 mill coins. Not to mention cata scrolls etc.

    No it is not. Well, only if you are a gold seller. As for how someone would pay for all that stuff in TW *without* selling gold... the answer is clear and I already stated it... they WORK HARD and GRIND for those coins. So the loss is upsetting when a bid isn't returned after being out bid (which is the subject of this thread). Grinding is tedious and it would take a LOT of it to make the necessary funds for TW.

    And on a personal note: If I bought zen to sell gold for TW and got outbid and my real money investment was not returned... I'd have a hissy.
    There's no such thing as a "Perfect World" full of Jade, diamonds, gold, and other riches and treasures. There is only an imperfect world, with an imperfect society, full of imperfect people, with imperfect idea's about how to be perfectly rich and perfectly perfect. No one cares about being perfectly kind, perfectly fair, or perfectly content.
    It's a perfectly sad world.
  • _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver
    _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    You need to learn to farm then if 150k is a huge amount of money. 150k can be farmed in no time.

    No gold selling needed.

    Still no answer on how you planned to build towers. Since thats like 10x the 150k tw bid.

    And "all that stuff in tw" is necessary to win a tw. What I think you guys are doing is trying to have tw and not know a damn thing about it. Complaining about 150k is just redundant.
  • PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear
    PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    3. If you worked in accounting then you know that everyone should have a budget that they spend on themselves. Most people go out to the movies or out to eat. Well, I hate people. Plain and simple, I want nothing to do with people. My kids are all I need, I buy them what they need and want. I take them out to where they want to go, but as for my personal "this is my money that is meant for me not to go crazy" PWI is where it goes. Enough said on that subject.

    Having a budget to spend on yourself is not a necessity as concerns entertainment. My budget allows me at MOST $15.00 a month for such. That is my monthly fee for another video game, which I still would not be paying for if it weren't for the fact that it is something that my son and I do together... and my son is more important to me than anything or anyone else on this entire planet. But outside of that, I do not go out to eat (not even to McDonalds), I don't go to movies, I don't have cablevision or satellite. I do have internet, but my son helps me with that bill. Even my telephone is basic (no call waiting, no caller ID, not even inside wire maintenance, nothing).

    Ignore what I said about being prepared for emergencies and learn it the hardest way possible if/when that time comes for you. I don't care anymore. (I've always tried to advise people to be prepared because of my own experience, but I see now that CARING is FUTILE and POINTLESS!)
    There's no such thing as a "Perfect World" full of Jade, diamonds, gold, and other riches and treasures. There is only an imperfect world, with an imperfect society, full of imperfect people, with imperfect idea's about how to be perfectly rich and perfectly perfect. No one cares about being perfectly kind, perfectly fair, or perfectly content.
    It's a perfectly sad world.
  • PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear
    PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    You need to learn to farm then if 150k is a huge amount of money. 150k can be farmed in no time.

    No gold selling needed.

    Still no answer on how you planned to build towers. Since thats like 10x the 150k tw bid.

    I know how to farm, tyvm... >_>

    I didn't make my millions by selling gold... I farmed it, tediously and NO, 150k takes over an hour to farm... selling ALL drops. And my millions is probably "chump change" to those who sell gold, but unlike them, I don't scare away from hard work when I want or need something.

    And this thread isn't about ME, since I DO NOT do TW or any end game ****.

    There's no such thing as a "Perfect World" full of Jade, diamonds, gold, and other riches and treasures. There is only an imperfect world, with an imperfect society, full of imperfect people, with imperfect idea's about how to be perfectly rich and perfectly perfect. No one cares about being perfectly kind, perfectly fair, or perfectly content.
    It's a perfectly sad world.
  • _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver
    _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I know how to farm, tyvm... >_>

    I didn't make my millions by selling gold... I farmed it, tediously and NO, 150k takes over an hour to farm... selling ALL drops. And my millions is probably "chump change" to those who sell gold, but unlike them, I don't scare away from hard work when I want or need something.

    And this thread isn't about ME, since I DO NOT do TW or any end game ****.


    Ok then if 150k is a lot to "them", then they are not ready for tw. TW costs millions of coins per week. PERIOD.

    There's no reason to go back to refunds.
  • ZeaKuro - Raging Tide
    ZeaKuro - Raging Tide Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Having a budget to spend on yourself is not a necessity as concerns entertainment. My budget allows me at MOST $15.00 a month for such. That is my monthly fee for another video game, which I still would not be paying for if it weren't for the fact that it is something that my son and I do together... and my son is more important to me than anything or anyone else on this entire planet. But outside of that, I do not go out to eat (not even to McDonalds), I don't go to movies, I don't have cablevision or satellite. I do have internet, but my son helps me with that bill. Even my telephone is basic (no call waiting, no caller ID, not even inside wire maintenance, nothing).

    Ignore what I said about being prepared for emergencies and learn it the hardest way possible if/when that time comes for you. I don't care anymore. (I've always tried to advise people to be prepared because of my own experience, but I see now that CARING is FUTILE and POINTLESS!)

    I have. At one point in my life I couldn't afford to eat everyday, I had to spend money on what my son needed (at that time I was still married and my daughter wasn't born yet). I have been through those points in my life. I know what I can handle and what is too much. I do thank you for the advice, however everyone and every situation is different. I am now a single father of two. Their needs come first, then once everything is sorted out I do spend a little bit on myself. But what is the difference in me spending money to eat at work as opposed to me spending a smaller amount of money than it would of taken me to eat on PWI. And yes, I do have a nice chunk of money for emergencies still.

    Well, I'm leaving work now. It has been nice chatting with you, didn't mean for anything to come across as being negative. b:bye
    1. One who murders by surprise attack, especially one who carries out a plot to kill a prominent person.
    synonyms: murderer, killer, gunman, executioner, informalhitman, hired gun.
    Latin assassnus; Greek δολοφόνος
  • PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear
    PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Ok then if 150k is a lot to "them", then they are not ready for tw. TW costs millions of coins per week. PERIOD.

    There's no reason to go back to refunds.

    It never ceases to amaze me how stupid some people can be at times. o.o

    Just because 150k is a lot to them, that doesn't mean they are not ready for TW. It just means they are not lazy and worked hard for their coins. And YES, if they are out bid, they (and everyone else who is out bid) SHOULD get their coins back. This has got to be the absolute DUMBEST implement in PWI yet. And I say that and I do not even do TW.
    There's no such thing as a "Perfect World" full of Jade, diamonds, gold, and other riches and treasures. There is only an imperfect world, with an imperfect society, full of imperfect people, with imperfect idea's about how to be perfectly rich and perfectly perfect. No one cares about being perfectly kind, perfectly fair, or perfectly content.
    It's a perfectly sad world.
  • PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear
    PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I have. At one point in my life I couldn't afford to eat everyday, I had to spend money on what my son needed (at that time I was still married and my daughter wasn't born yet). I have been through those points in my life. I know what I can handle and what is too much. I do thank you for the advice, however everyone and every situation is different. I am now a single father of two. Their needs come first, then once everything is sorted out I do spend a little bit on myself. But what is the difference in me spending money to eat at work as opposed to me spending a smaller amount of money than it would of taken me to eat on PWI. And yes, I do have a nice chunk of money for emergencies still.

    Well, I'm leaving work now. It has been nice chatting with you, didn't mean for anything to come across as being negative. b:bye

    I'm somehow doubtful...

    Is your "chunk of money" for emergencies sizable enough to get you through... pay for your housing, bills, etc... should you become disabled, permanently? I'm not talking about someone getting sick. I am talking about permanent LOSS of income. I hardly think that it is so... I wasn't prepared when it happened to me... most people aren't. And now I don't care. People do stupid things and live their lives stupidly. I'm of the old school... the old school and the school of HARD knocks. I don't have room in my life for stupidity.
    There's no such thing as a "Perfect World" full of Jade, diamonds, gold, and other riches and treasures. There is only an imperfect world, with an imperfect society, full of imperfect people, with imperfect idea's about how to be perfectly rich and perfectly perfect. No one cares about being perfectly kind, perfectly fair, or perfectly content.
    It's a perfectly sad world.
  • sig1043a
    sig1043a Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    All flames and QQ about 150k aside, you gotta laugh a PWI's failure of logic.

    Instead of informing people how the TW money-sink bidding system works, they just **** out the change and let the players sift through their **** to figure out how it works. So instead of properly informed players making each bid count and spending lots of money, the players have no idea what to do and spend less money.

    Seriously, money sinks are necessary in any mmo. But if the devs make the money sinks so stupidly ridiculous that people just avoid the money sink all together because it is worthless, its a failure. You gotta make money sinks unavoidable or worthwhile. Not avoidable and worthless.

    Guild bases were a perfect opportunity to add some quality to the game and implement an effective money sink. In predictable PWI fashion, they failed at both goals. They alienated a majority of the factions by making it ridiculously expensive and forced PVP and the factions that weren't alienated by the guild base are quickly realizing how worthless it is. PWI should have taken some notes from other MMOs on how to make guild bases worthwhile and a good money sink.
  • PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear
    PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    sig1043a wrote: »
    All flames and QQ about 150k aside, you gotta laugh a PWI's failure of logic.

    Instead of informing people how the TW money-sink bidding system works, they just **** out the change and let the players sift through their **** to figure out how it works. So instead of properly informed players making each bid count and spending lots of money, the players have no idea what to do and spend less money.

    Seriously, money sinks are necessary in any mmo. But if the devs make the money sinks so stupidly ridiculous that people just avoid the money sink all together because it is worthless, its a failure. You gotta make money sinks unavoidable or worthwhile. Not avoidable and worthless.

    Guild bases were a perfect opportunity to add some quality to the game and implement an effective money sink. In predictable PWI fashion, they failed at both goals. They alienated a majority of the factions by making it ridiculously expensive and forced PVP and the factions that weren't alienated by the guild base are quickly realizing how worthless it is. PWI should have taken some notes from other MMOs on how to make guild bases worthwhile and a good money sink.

    Regarding those Guild Bases. They are similar to the Guild Halls in another mmo, with the exception of the expense to build/upgrade them AND the fact that the Guild Halls in the other game cannot be destroyed. They simply lose the battle and it has it's consequences, but the Hall is still intact (along with it's upgrades). I don't do PVP in that game either, but it's a much nicer setup AND Guild's CAN be PVE ONLY and still have their own Hall. THAT game is all about fun in PVE and PVP competition... not aggravation and disappointment.
    There's no such thing as a "Perfect World" full of Jade, diamonds, gold, and other riches and treasures. There is only an imperfect world, with an imperfect society, full of imperfect people, with imperfect idea's about how to be perfectly rich and perfectly perfect. No one cares about being perfectly kind, perfectly fair, or perfectly content.
    It's a perfectly sad world.
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    sig1043a wrote: »
    Instead of informing people how the TW money-sink bidding system works, they just **** out the change and let the players sift through their **** to figure out how it works. So instead of properly informed players making each bid count and spending lots of money, the players have no idea what to do and spend less money.

    Bidding has been like this for months. I would assume most people would know how it works by now.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver
    _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    It never ceases to amaze me how stupid some people can be at times. o.o

    Just because 150k is a lot to them, that doesn't mean they are not ready for TW. It just means they are not lazy and worked hard for their coins. And YES, if they are out bid, they (and everyone else who is out bid) SHOULD get their coins back. This has got to be the absolute DUMBEST implement in PWI yet. And I say that and I do not even do TW.

    Yes it does. There is no way for them to hold that land if 150k is a lot of hard worked coins.
    Costs are costs. People will bid upwards of 10 mill just to bid the lowest grade land if they really want it. If 150k is a lot of coin, no doubt they will not be prepared for the attack, which they still lose the coins anyway. I guess they would want a refund then too.

    Point is at 150k they cannot afford to TW.

    TW bids are an essential coin sink. Just because you think it is dumb, doesn't mean it is. It also helps to negate fake bidding.

    Gear up Level up. Learn to farm is all I can say.
  • PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear
    PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Yes it does. There is no way for them to hold that land if 150k is a lot of hard worked coins.
    Costs are costs. People will bid upwards of 10 mill just to bid the lowest grade land if they really want it. If 150k is a lot of coin, no doubt they will not be prepared for the attack, which they still lose the coins anyway. I guess they would want a refund then too.

    Point is at 150k they cannot afford to TW.

    TW bids are an essential coin sink. Just because you think it is dumb, doesn't mean it is. It also helps to negate fake bidding.

    Gear up Level up. Learn to farm is all I can say.

    No, it doesn't. 150k may be a lot to them because they worked hard for it... it does not mean that it was all they had available to bid. They simply started low, with the expectation that if they were out bid, then their bid money would be returned and they could apply it to a higher bid. But that didn't happen. PW kept their coins, which is the complaint of the OP.

    Elitism and/or snobbishness is very unattractive and I have seen it all throughout this thread.

    There's no such thing as a "Perfect World" full of Jade, diamonds, gold, and other riches and treasures. There is only an imperfect world, with an imperfect society, full of imperfect people, with imperfect idea's about how to be perfectly rich and perfectly perfect. No one cares about being perfectly kind, perfectly fair, or perfectly content.
    It's a perfectly sad world.
  • Hl/ - Harshlands32
    Hl/ - Harshlands32 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    This +1.

    Bidding only 150k on a land, especially right after map reset, is about the stupidest thing you can do. Bid at least 500k (a lot more if it's a highly sought over land) or you're probably not gonna get the bid.

    The TW bidding system acts as a coin sink and as a deterrent to fake bidding. It works very well now.

    Life must be wonderful with half of the server's major Cashshoppers funding your TW's, huh Eoria? You've got no room to be talking on the behalf of lower level factions.
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    No, it doesn't. 150k may be a lot to them because they worked hard for it... it does not mean that it was all they had available to bid. They simply started low, with the expectation that if they were out bid, then their bid money would be returned and they could apply it to a higher bid. But that didn't happen. PW kept their coins, which is the complaint of the OP.

    Elitism and/or snobbishness is very unattractive and I have seen it all throughout this thread.


    I gotta admit I agree in part that if your faction considers 150k to be a lot then it's not ready for TW.

    Let's not forget that with TW you'll need to cover fees for the cata scrolls, plus build towers, you'll want charms for your barbs, etc. It's not cheap in the least and, at the end of the day, if you consider 150k to be a large sum of coin then there's no way you'd be able to keep funding going to maintain a TW land.

    I'll admit that I dislike that the current bid system is silent, only lets you make one bid, and is non-refundable. In fact, if they were to simply use any two of those three it would be a vast improvement. However, I also recognize the coin sink for what it is and acknowledge that, thanks to best luck spam, it's rather needed at this point in time.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Money sinks like that are rather important for an economy where money literally grows on trees. Just know the bidding system and place your bid carefully.

    Also, 150k couldn't buy a single piece of level 100 gear. That being the case, it's probably not a worthy bid amount.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear
    PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    truekossy wrote: »
    I gotta admit I agree in part that if your faction considers 150k to be a lot then it's not ready for TW.

    Let's not forget that with TW you'll need to cover fees for the cata scrolls, plus build towers, you'll want charms for your barbs, etc. It's not cheap in the least and, at the end of the day, if you consider 150k to be a large sum of coin then there's no way you'd be able to keep funding going to maintain a TW land.

    I'll admit that I dislike that the current bid system is silent, only lets you make one bid, and is non-refundable. In fact, if they were to simply use any two of those three it would be a vast improvement. However, I also recognize the coin sink for what it is and acknowledge that, thanks to best luck spam, it's rather needed at this point in time.

    Take a look at the in-game economy... the coin sinks are not working as they were intended. They're doing just the opposite, because the gold sellers are keeping the prices high, which increases the cost of pretty much everything... which devalues the coin.

    No one said they couldn't afford all the stuff for the TW if they happen to win a bid. The complaint was about not getting a refund when they were out bid. And again, no one said that that was all the coin they had. And, no (again), just because it is a lot to them, does not mean they aren't ready for TW. Just means they worked hard for it and not getting it back after being out bid is like a slap in the face.

    I beginning to realize that many of the people who play this games end-game/pvp content aren't very smart. They think in only one narrow direction, even though there are a multitude of forks in the roads. And most of them, no doubt, support their characters/activities with real cash, while those who know how to use the brain God gave them, work hard for what they get.

    Hopeless! The whole lot of you!
    There's no such thing as a "Perfect World" full of Jade, diamonds, gold, and other riches and treasures. There is only an imperfect world, with an imperfect society, full of imperfect people, with imperfect idea's about how to be perfectly rich and perfectly perfect. No one cares about being perfectly kind, perfectly fair, or perfectly content.
    It's a perfectly sad world.
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Take a look at the in-game economy... the coin sinks are not working as they were intended. They're doing just the opposite, because the gold sellers are keeping the prices high, which increases the cost of pretty much everything... which devalues the coin.
    Skipping that because it gets into a whole different argument that would simply derail this thread even more.
    No one said they couldn't afford all the stuff for the TW if they happen to win a bid. The complaint was about not getting a refund when they were out bid.
    truekossy wrote: »
    I'll admit that I dislike that the current bid system is silent, only lets you make one bid, and is non-refundable. In fact, if they were to simply use any two of those three it would be a vast improvement..
    And again, no one said that that was all the coin they had. And, no (again), just because it is a lot to them, does not mean they aren't ready for TW. Just means they worked hard for it and not getting it back after being out bid is like a slap in the face.
    You can grind 150k worth of DQs/gears in ~an hour with one person solo. A fac that's ready for TW shouldn't have any problems with getting 150k and wouldn't consider it to be anything of major value. I have to wonder if you even bothered to read any of the posts or if you're just frothing at the mouth with unjust rage. Again, if you consider 150k to be a large sum, regardless of how you earn that amount, then you aren't ready for a real TW. Period. The millions you'd need to invest just into being able to TW on a weekly basis is bad enough. Then when you consider that you'd actually need good gear to survive and battle your opponents? 150k can't even cover a single piece of TT90 green, so if 150k is a large amount for your ENTIRE FACTION to cover, then even if, by some miracle, you managed to bid on a land... all that would happen is that you'd get steamrolled. We've already gone over the fact that we don't like how the bidding system works. There were plenty of threads when they changed it and many of us still find it stupid. We're not arguing with you over that point so accept it and move on to what we are debating.
    beginning to realize that many of the people who play this games end-game/pvp content aren't very smart. They think in only one narrow direction, even though there are a multitude of forks in the roads. And most of them, no doubt, support their characters/activities with real cash, while those who know how to use the brain God gave them, work hard for what they get.

    Hopeless! The whole lot of you!
    Says the one who cannot seem to grasp the point of the posts they're probably not fully reading and who refuses to look at the big picture.

    Seriously, just sit back and think for a minute about some of the things you've been saying instead of trying to argue in circles with a bunch of ghosts. I find it utterly ironic how even though I agreed with what you were saying about the bidding system being screwed up (even though it IS a coin sink you can't deny), you decided to try to argue with me over that point. Then, when it came to what we disagreed on, you decided to completely ignore logic and reason just to have an argument.

    Here's a little math for you. Faction A has 50 people online and able to TW. Each person goes out and kills 15 level 80-90 monsters. Assuming each person is able to obtain 1 DQ (and ONLY 1 DQ) during these kills, they are able to donate this to the faction and... voila! 150k without any major effort needed. This shows that, to this faction as a whole, 150k does not amount to much of anything.

    Now tell me, if a faction as a whole considers an amount that can be gained from that little effort to be a large sum and a major amount, how is that faction going to deal with all the other expenses TW brings? I mean think with your head about this for a second over the possible scenarios.

    Small faction with few members: Fair enough that you're unable to gain 150k easily enough to consider it a minimal cost instead of a major amount, however that would also mean your members are likely undergeared and ill-prepared for a TW. In other words, you're not ready for it.

    Mid-sized faction with decent members: Okay, so maybe you can't get enough interest for everyone to pitch in. However, you should still be able to.. say... run a TT 1-2 or 1-3. One, maybe two runs of those should get you mats you could sell for 150k. If your faction's unable to run that a few times a week for income, clearly you won't survive in a TW for very long, if at all.

    Large faction with many members: There's no excuse here. You should be more than capable of gaining 150k easily from many different methods. At this point in time, the only thing keeping you from doing TW is interest and gear. If you lack one or the other, you clearly won't survive in a TW anyways.

    I can make a fresh alt on a brand new account and have well above 150k on that character before I even get to level 30 and without needing to charge zen (less than two days of work for an experienced player assuming they solo everything outside of FBs). That, in and of itself, shows that even at a level that low, 150k is not a big deal to me. So what excuse does a faction of 40 online players who can TW have for finding that as a significant amount? Better yet, if they DO find that a significant amount, what do they think of the millions more it would take to adequately TW? Like I said before, I agree that the current bidding system sucks and it screws players over. However, I see it for the coin sink that it is and, even if it may not seem too effective, every bit helps with the massive influx of best lucks running around. However, any FACTION that considers 150k to be a major amount is not prepared to TW. If the FACTION as a whole finds that as a large amount, then the FACTION is in serious trouble if they ever do try to TW because the FACTION will be unable to survive or handle the basic costs for each week.
  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Yes, I dislike this bidding system also. My faction took a shot this week and lost 10 million. Makes your 150k look a little sad, I must say... :P But nevertheless, we are on the same page on feelings about how PW has set up this system. I myself having not known much about TW before the map reset did some research and fortunately found out about the horrendous bidding system beforehand, so we knew what we were getting into, and were lucky to win our first bid on a PvE land the first week. But while I think the map reset was a great idea, I think the bidding system still discourages most smaller (well, even mid-size) factions from attempting TW. Unless you have wads of money to throw around like the major players, it makes it pretty difficult.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT? pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=760842
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Life must be wonderful with half of the server's major Cashshoppers funding your TW's, huh Eoria? You've got no room to be talking on the behalf of lower level factions.

    Aren't you that guy that thought I was in Zulu in some other thread?

    In any case, my point stands. Bidding only 150k right after map reset is about the stupidest thing you can do. You will not get the bid. Period.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Bictorr - Lost City
    Bictorr - Lost City Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    QQer: I bid 150k on a land but somehow i lost and it ate my money!

    Reasonable people: Bid more if you actually wanna win.

    QQer: I should get 150k back!

    Reasonable people: TW is a coin sink, helps drain coins out of economy!

    QQer: I never took economics class, But I'm a genius at economics so I think draining coins actually lowers the value of coins!

    Reasonable people: 150k is chump change, shut up.

    QQer: No it's not! I have no idea how to make money so i just grind it, 150k is a good 2 hours of hard work!

    Reasonable people: If you can't afford 150k then you will get creamed in TW anyways.

    QQer: High levels people are stupid! They use real money on their characters! THE WHOLE LOT OF YOU ARE HOPELESS!
  • _Nuriko_ - Lost City
    _Nuriko_ - Lost City Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    QQer: I bid 150k on a land but somehow i lost and it ate my money!

    Reasonable people: Bid more if you actually wanna win.

    QQer: I should get 150k back!

    Reasonable people: TW is a coin sink, helps drain coins out of economy!

    QQer: I never took economics class, But I'm a genius at economics so I think draining coins actually lowers the value of coins!

    Reasonable people: 150k is chump change, shut up.

    QQer: No it's not! I have no idea how to make money so i just grind it, 150k is a good 2 hours of hard work!

    Reasonable people: If you can't afford 150k then you will get creamed in TW anyways.

    QQer: High levels people are stupid! They use real money on their characters! THE WHOLE LOT OF YOU ARE HOPELESS!

    ah how this made me laugh XD

    And honestly 150k is maybe 45-60 min work if i lazy lol. Thats just by grinding on spiders. If i wanted actual profit, 2-3 NV on average would give me about 1mill profit.

    at OP, dont bid on TW if your not ready, im almost positive there's actually a thread by Kantorek saying hey, guess what TW changed, these are the changes.
    Ahira is a spyb:cryb:cryb:cry
  • angelmunchkin
    angelmunchkin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    truekossy wrote: »

    Says the one who cannot seem to grasp the point of the posts they're probably not fully reading and who refuses to look at the big picture.

    Seriously, just sit back and think for a minute about some of the things you've been saying instead of trying to argue in circles with a bunch of ghosts. I find it utterly ironic how even though I agreed with what you were saying about the bidding system being screwed up (even though it IS a coin sink you can't deny), you decided to try to argue with me over that point. Then, when it came to what we disagreed on, you decided to completely ignore logic and reason just to have an argument.

    I grasp the point of the posts, I simply disagree with them. Get that straight, please!

    I have been saying the same one thing over and over again, so what "things" do you want me to sit back and think about? I believe what I am saying. You might as well be telling me there is no God (an extreme example, but the same concept, but lets not go into that, tyvm). I believe what I believe and no amount of telling me I am wrong or flaming me (as has been done to me multiple times on these forums, not just in this thread) for what I believe to be truth, is going to make any of you right. You may be on some things, but certainly NOT on EVERYTHING.

    Just for the record, about farming for coins, 150k is not easy to come by if you have to spend an hour or more to get it. I have never made that much in an hour of farming (except during double dq drops) at my level. And I can farm straight through, without resting, as a veno, because a veno my level NEVER runs out of mp. As long as one knows how to avoid getting overwhelmingly aggro'd, thus getting killed, then it is non-stop farming.
    Even if 150k could be farmed in an hour, if you're expected to have 5mil or more, do your math and figure out how much time out of a persons real life they would need to spend farming... JUST farming, NOT improving their character or completing objectives. Maybe you don't have a life outside of this game, but I am sure other people do.
    "People are capable of kindness beyond angels, yet we also commit sins that would put a demon to shame... We all stand precariously on the edge between darkness and light... And when we fall, we are greeted by only madness and chaos." ~Raogrimm: Galkan Talekeeper, FFXI.
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    Just for the record, about farming for coins, 150k is not easy to come by if you have to spend an hour or more to get it. I have never made that much in an hour of farming (except during double dq drops) at my level. And I can farm straight through, without resting, as a veno, because a veno my level NEVER runs out of mp. As long as one knows how to avoid getting overwhelmingly aggro'd, thus getting killed, then it is non-stop farming.
    Even if 150k could be farmed in an hour, if you're expected to have 5mil or more, do your math and figure out how much time out of a persons real life they would need to spend farming... JUST farming, NOT improving their character or completing objectives. Maybe you don't have a life outside of this game, but I am sure other people do.

    At your level yes. That's kinda the point. If leaders/officers in a faction are so low level that they cant even work together and farm around 3-5mil for a decent bid they shouldn't bother with TW in the first place.

    And lol at someone bidding 150k and complains about no re-fund. I know guilds who bid 6-8 mil and lost their bid and didn't get shiet back. I dont really like the TW-bid system either for that reason. Its also hard to plan stuff during weekends, since no one knows if they will have a TW or not until late Thursday. Its a system that encourages players to spy in other factions to, to see where and how much everyone is gonna bid.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    QQer: I bid 150k on a land but somehow i lost and it ate my money!

    Reasonable people: Bid more if you actually wanna win.

    QQer: I should get 150k back!

    Reasonable people: TW is a coin sink, helps drain coins out of economy!

    QQer: I never took economics class, But I'm a genius at economics so I think draining coins actually lowers the value of coins!

    Reasonable people: 150k is chump change, shut up.

    QQer: No it's not! I have no idea how to make money so i just grind it, 150k is a good 2 hours of hard work!

    Reasonable people: If you can't afford 150k then you will get creamed in TW anyways.

    QQer: High levels people are stupid! They use real money on their characters! THE WHOLE LOT OF YOU ARE HOPELESS!
    Pretty much sums it up
    Just for the record, about farming for coins, 150k is not easy to come by if you have to spend an hour or more to get it. I have never made that much in an hour of farming (except during double dq drops) at my level. And I can farm straight through, without resting, as a veno, because a veno my level NEVER runs out of mp. As long as one knows how to avoid getting overwhelmingly aggro'd, thus getting killed, then it is non-stop farming.

    Then you aren't ready for TW, end of discussion. If you aren't able to make around 1mil an hour then you aren't even ready to be a member of a TW guild, much less a leader of one.

    Say you win the TW bid. Now you need to spend around 1.5mil on towers. You'll need to get about 500k or so in catapult scrolls unless you lose within 5 minutes (which is likely to happen) Your members all need to be charmed, with a good amount of apoth, with good gears, since the map is new TT90 green is probably a minimum for TW, but in a month or two you shouldn't even think about going into a TW with anything short of rank 8 or nirvana.

    Some examples to show how little 150k is:

    150k isn't even enough to take a level 29 skill from lvl 9 to lvl 10

    150k wont cover the average persons teleport costs for a week.

    150k wouldn't even buy you the lowest of charms (bronze)

    150k wont even cover 100 hp event pots.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."