[Server Maintenance] 12-28-2010 [Complete]



  • Lupumid - Sanctuary
    Lupumid - Sanctuary Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    Weren't you the guy who tried to renew himself as a "Killerwoo" when you realized everyone hated you? You said something like "Pandawoo is my brothers toon" or something like that. TheDan is the leader of the most powerful faction on sanctuary, grown up or not, hes accomplishing more than you are trolling these forums.

    Besides the point...I was in Kamisama most of my time. A small faction on Sanctuary, close little family of people. Eventually others drifted and played other games and it fell apart. Fun times though.
  • mrsliceanddice
    mrsliceanddice Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    So here's a branch to the faction question, what made your favorite fac good? Convo, mini games, help, active, TW, TT, FF, BH, what makes those facs tick?

    Just figure this might help new leaders develop the next great fac.
  • Daphe - Sanctuary
    Daphe - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    everyone from Sanc learnt from Wizzeled, a master in trolling :P

    This. So...much....this.

    Good times WC spam, "good" times with him indeed.

    ~This is Llux on AltMain#1~
  • Pandawoo - Sanctuary
    Pandawoo - Sanctuary Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Alsoif your crying over me asking how to become a MOD you have majiior problems. I dont care if uyou call it trolling. personely you dont think for your self and the only reasyon you ever reply is because you need some attchion. i call it investagating my posibilits. and have fun corecting my spelling its not like you have a real life to go to.
  • Lnsomnia - Lost City
    Lnsomnia - Lost City Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    oh stop complaining PC, its not like you really need to sell things to buy stuff in the Boutique, you're probably the biggest cash shopper in this whole game. >.>

    -points finger- its Ringstinger . Now go diaf.
  • AItaria - Raging Tide
    AItaria - Raging Tide Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Lol look at you trying so hard to bag on me. if u dont think thats english maybe u should lean the english language. and i quote ======>kthxbai<====== your spelling. let me corect you. while yu think u know english. first its okay not (k) also its thank you not (thx) last but not least its by not (bai) u need to start growing up TheDan because thats all you do is act lika a child. if u ever want to be a an and talk trash on me you can come to my house and tell it to me to my face. stop hiding behind a computer. because of corse ur safe to say what ever u want behind a computer. buy i garente you wouldent talk like a child to my face. so plz grow up and act your age unless im right and you rare 5 years old. the by o meens act like the kid you want to be ty.

    If you want to teach someone English, better get a dictionary. I lol'ed hard reading this.
    Too many grammar mistakes to count them all.

    about the faction questions ;3
    As for now I was only in two factions, the first one was <meeeh>, I think you know what I mean. On this moment I'm in a faction called Forbidden. There're many cool and funny people, so far we're having a great time together.
  • Evanera - Heavens Tear
    Evanera - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,423 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Lol look at you trying so hard to bag on me. if u dont think thats english maybe u should lean the english language. and i quote ======>kthxbai<====== your spelling. let me corect you. while yu think u know english. first its okay not (k) also its thank you not (thx) last but not least its by not (bai)

    Here we go. *points down* Yes, I suck at quote organization.
    u need to start growing up TheDan because thats all you do is act lika a child. if u ever want to be a an and talk trash on me you can come to my house and tell it to me to my face. stop hiding behind a computer. because of corse ur safe to say what ever u want behind a computer. buy i garente you wouldent talk like a child to my face. so plz grow up and act your age unless im right and you rare 5 years old. the by o meens act like the kid you want to be ty.

    1. Spelling has nothing to do with someone's maturity level.

    2. Spell check: You* that's* like* If you* a an and..wtf is that?

    3. Asking someone to come to you in real life, isn't that slightly immature?

    4. Spell check 2: Stop* , because* course* you're* whatever* you* But I guarantee* wouldn't* So* please* I'm* are* Then* all means* thank you.*

    So let's see here, you just made fun of someone for misspelling *kthxbai* No comment from that really but..don't ever make fun of someone's spelling when you yourself can't spell 50% of your words.
  • mrsliceanddice
    mrsliceanddice Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Please do not talk about English after the above post. b:surrender

    PS --> I have only been in one guild. :)

    Seriously? You all are going to rag on each other for spelling and poor English? Sorry there are other countries out there that English is foreign to them, just relax, and be happy they have taken the time to learn any English at all, after all they could be QQing at you in Cambodian b:pleased
  • Ariana_doe - Heavens Tear
    Ariana_doe - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Ok, i know maint is important but UGH, its my loves day off :( *cries*

    depending on the alt, i've been in a few facs.... my main alt now, I've only been in 1 faction, the one my love created _Sorrow_ a quiet lil family, but loyal and helpful.... :)
    b:dirtyb:dirty TUSA MO GHRA MO CIA ZU!!!!!b:dirtyb:dirty
    b:heart LOVE MY FACTION FAMILY!!!!!!b:heart
  • Pandawoo - Sanctuary
    Pandawoo - Sanctuary Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Weren't you the guy who tried to renew himself as a "Killerwoo" when you realized everyone hated you? You said something like "Pandawoo is my brothers toon" or something like that. TheDan is the leader of the most powerful faction on sanctuary, grown up or not, hes accomplishing more than you are trolling these forums.

    Besides the point...I was in Kamisama most of my time. A small faction on Sanctuary, close little family of people. Eventually others drifted and played other games and it fell apart. Fun times though.

    if i where trying to renew my self i would make a name nothing like pandawoo. personley fctions are over rated i dont have to be in a faction to enjoy the game. and personley i have a accomplished a lot of things to we all have so start thinking for your self and stop trying to make your self look better. because to me all you do is try to be accepted by someone on line.
  • Evict - Harshlands
    Evict - Harshlands Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Besides the small faction I hopped; I've been in 3 factions.
    Quote - Born_Free - Harshlands.
    Except me. b:chuckle
  • LadyYueliang - Sanctuary
    LadyYueliang - Sanctuary Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Seriously? You all are going to rag on each other for spelling and poor English? Sorry there are other countries out there that English is foreign to them, just relax, and be happy they have taken the time to learn any English at all, after all they could be QQing at you in Cambodian b:pleased

    Totally agree with you on that one.
    I hold all the keys to every realm... You killed me my love so in turn I shall be your reaper till the end of time.
  • Faynalia - Sanctuary
    Faynalia - Sanctuary Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Seriously? You all are going to rag on each other for spelling and poor English? Sorry there are other countries out there that English is foreign to them, just relax, and be happy they have taken the time to learn any English at all, after all they could be QQing at you in Cambodian b:pleased

    It is acceptable to not know the English language 100% if it is not native to you. However, do not tell someone to "learn English" and yet write a post that is, well...I do not think that I need to say more on that. b:surrender

    PS --> He lives in Co. Check his Core Connect.
  • threepointone
    threepointone Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    after all they could be QQing at you in Cambodian b:pleased

    Or American. D:
  • Pandawoo - Sanctuary
    Pandawoo - Sanctuary Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Please do not talk about English after the above post. b:surrender

    PS --> I have only been in one guild. :)

    the above post there is nothing wrong with it. so stop trying to be someone your not. like i said in the past al your is a begger. a clenger. if nothing goes your way you cry like a baby
    you make TheDan leave his own faction just for you. your nothing but a leach. who sucks off of others.
  • Evanera - Heavens Tear
    Evanera - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,423 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I type too slow.

    Too many things to correct, gotta sleep soon b:surrender.

    Buuuuut, I'll bring back the immaturity thing, since you called Dan immature. You do realize you said I don't have a real life, right? Like that's overly mature? You have no logic behind your posts, and you're making yourself look like an idiot.

    Lastly (for now) I'm not wasting my time because quite frankly, I'm having fun picking you apart.
  • _Yukari_ - Dreamweaver
    _Yukari_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    What time does the so called "maintenance" will be overrrrrrr D:
  • mrsliceanddice
    mrsliceanddice Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Or American. D:

    How inconsiderate of me, yes English included.
  • Daphe - Sanctuary
    Daphe - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Seriously? You all are going to rag on each other for spelling and poor English? Sorry there are other countries out there that English is foreign to them, just relax, and be happy they have taken the time to learn any English at all, after all they could be QQing at you in Cambodian


    b:chuckle b:surrender

    ~This is Llux on AltMain#1~
  • LovesTragedy - Lost City
    LovesTragedy - Lost City Posts: 474 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Dont know the number off hand so im gonna think out loud and add up at the end. Not counting alt guilds, so this is just gonna be for my 3 mains, starting with Veno then to my Cleric where I am now.

    Ok so started off with my friends and we made a friends guild called DTHackers (1). Stayed there till 5x when I got bored of me and my brother being the only people left that still played. Went guildless for a short time then joined Radical (2). Loved that faction to death till drama tore it apart and it disbanded. A few of us then made Stoploss (3) which didnt last long. I then, sick of drama and the like, asked Babyeaters to join his "friends only" guild, Rogue (4). Loved Rogue, but eventually again, I became one of the only actives left so I left for bigger things. I then joined Ruthless (5) mostly because I wanted the experience of TWing. Fought in a few TWs when Ruthless was at its strongest. Around this time I had been playing my lowbie cleric (now my main) and it was an exe in ..Lotus.. (6). Eventually when the previous director of ..Lotus.. left, I took my veno out of Ruthless to fill the position. I absolutely LOVED that guild until yet again, drama unfolded and I was forced to find a new home. At this point Booj was just restarting RedHawk (7) so i joined them. Then due to some rl drama I ragequit the guild and went guildless till I get invited to the newly reformed NoAngels (8).

    Few weeks after that I quit the game and eventually got booted for inactivity.

    Once I returned to the game, I put my veno in Nagare (9), and I loved it. Amazing group of people, but by this point my veno had too many bad memories so I wasnt playing it as much as my alt cleric. Eventually I gave up on the veno and removed it from Nagare, and it has just floated around random alt and friend's guilds. Thats when I started making my cleric my main, and it found its first home in Rangers (10). Nice people, but tbh, not knowledgeable enough at the game for me to feel comfortable. I left there and went guildless till I got bored and joined Warlegion (11) where I stayed for a little while, but there were not enough people in the guild to keep me interested. I then rejoined RedHawk on my cleric in my 7x's, and have been there ever since.

    So 11 guilds. RedHawk is my favorite simply because they are my family. That, and I am free to rpk, which when I've had a bad day irl, is something I need to cool down. Second favorite, as much as I hate to admit it was ..Lotus.., because again, they were my family before the drama struck.
    CptMaggots 101 sage R8/NV Seeker
    LovesTragedy 100 demon R8 Cleric

    ~Finally quit this god forsaken game~
    Enjoy the rest of the downward spiral. See you in SWtOR b:bye
  • _Yukari_ - Dreamweaver
    _Yukari_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    a clenger

    what the... is this?
  • Lupumid - Sanctuary
    Lupumid - Sanctuary Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    if i where trying to renew my self i would make a name nothing like pandawoo. personley fctions are over rated i dont have to be in a faction to enjoy the game. and personley i have a accomplished a lot of things to we all have so start thinking for your self and stop trying to make your self look better. because to me all you do is try to be accepted by someone on line.

    Surprised someone remembered that eh? If i recall you were looking for a faction today. You WCed and i guess no one wanted you. So now your on a little trolling IAHTEF4CT10NSGRRR4NGRYMAD thing.
  • Alissarose - Sanctuary
    Alissarose - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Let's See!
    My two barbs PapaTuff and BigPapaTuff are in their own guild (FurBalls) I did want (WhosUrDaddy) but was too long b:chuckle,

    My two girls are in their own (MeMyselfI), again i wanted (The Ambrosias) but meh.

    Currently my main is in Down Under... used to be in 4U2NV, i got kicked coz i was absent for 6months, im cool with that, I played another game.

    The rest of my girls are either unguilded/factioned or in Ambiguous.
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Seriously? You all are going to rag on each other for spelling and poor English? Sorry there are other countries out there that English is foreign to them, just relax, and be happy they have taken the time to learn any English at all, after all they could be QQing at you in Cambodian


    b:chuckle b:surrender

    I didn't know Colorado qualified as a country foreign to English. Look at his Core Connect. b:surrender
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • Pandawoo - Sanctuary
    Pandawoo - Sanctuary Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I type too slow.

    Too many things to correct, gotta sleep soon b:surrender.

    Buuuuut, I'll bring back the immaturity thing, since you called Dan immature. You do realize you said I don't have a real life, right? Like that's overly mature? You have no logic behind your posts, and you're making yourself look like an idiot.

    Lastly (for now) I'm not wasting my time because quite frankly, I'm having fun picking you apart.

    Like i said this post u maketwards me has no logic either. do u have a point you are trying to prove or are you just lonley. yes you have no life no you dont know who i am. and the only reason why you even talk to me is because you want to look better, you want to feel better. keep picking me apart because. theres nothing to pick apart. your just a kid who is insecure of your self. i dont care how i spell. honstley if ur going to QQover spelling then you only prove me right.
  • Faynalia - Sanctuary
    Faynalia - Sanctuary Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    the above post there is nothing wrong with it. so stop trying to be someone your not. like i said in the past al your is a begger. a clenger. if nothing goes your way you cry like a baby
    you make TheDan leave his own faction just for you. your nothing but a leach. who sucks off of others.

    If you think there is nothing wrong with your above post then so be it. Just proves that there is a reason some people go into certain professions or do not graduate high school.

    As far as the rest of you statement, you are vastly mistaken and misinformed. However, I have no need to defend myself against you since the only thing you have to some-back with are words that you "think" will hurt when in fact it makes some laugh. Oh and yes, I did laugh b:chuckle Also, can you please inform some of us as to what a "clenger" is because last time I was a "beeger". b:surrender

    Additionally, Dan gets whatever he wants before there is even a thought as to what I might need or even want. b:cute
  • mrsliceanddice
    mrsliceanddice Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Food for thought on languages. Ever tell someone to learn English? Ever thinking about learning their language instead? Always about you never anyone else.

    Fact: There are more Chinese speaking people in one country than there are English speaking people in the entire WORLD... maybe we all should learn Chinese.

    Nice fuzzy thought, I was in FF with a Barbarian that spoke no English at all, he was doing fine, but at the same time no one knew where he was pulling to, and he didnt understand when people were asking for buffs, he only spoke Spanish, I took 3 semesters of Spanish and nearly flunked 2 of them and did flunk the 3rd, however i was able to use my little knowledge to speak to him as best I could to help him and the squad, he has been a kind a reliable friend ever since who does not hesitate to help those who show the same kindness.
  • Pandawoo - Sanctuary
    Pandawoo - Sanctuary Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I didn't know Colorado qualified as a country foreign to English. Look at his Core Connect.

    you can bag on me all you want thedan. you must love me to go out of your way to bag on me for asking a qusthion on the forms. so i take this a good thing that you love me. other wize you wouldent put all your enegry to make your self look good just because you are all talk. thats all you do is blow hot air. infact thats all of you do who thinks that talking trash on a websight makes you feel good or powerful. thts all they r is words. nothing more why do you all get so bent out of shape. because someone asks a qusthion.? I dont get that.
  • kantorek
    kantorek Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Severs are up! Thanks for waiting. There is no new patch tonight. Enjoy the rest of your holidays! b:victory
    Maintenance is my Constant. b:surrender
  • Lupumid - Sanctuary
    Lupumid - Sanctuary Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I didn't know Colorado qualified as a country foreign to English. Look at his Core Connect. b:surrender

    He also has a archer named \/\/izzeled (lol), i found Killerwoo there, which he claimed to be himself and Pandawoo his brother, and if that were true thats account sharing buddyb:laugh

    Also he listens to Fall Out Boy....nuff saidb:surrender