RE: The recent General Summer's Sale



  • Stubbie - Heavens Tear
    Stubbie - Heavens Tear Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    b:surrender lvl 91 wiz in harshland before hyper stone came out. Quit because of the unbalance caused by -int Fist BM and Sin.

    But now I'm considering coming back on my wiz because of Rank 8. With Rank 8/9 and possible even better future weapons, Wizards, whose skills have huge % bonus, will once more become the king of PK. b:pleased

    Bm with 5.0 aps still cant beat wizzy coz they cant even touch u to do 5aps punching well yeah thats dueling only b:laugh ^^ in real pvp u rite wizzy got own by aps after u launch all BIDS BT MS SS blah lah blah and the BM still alive
    b:shockedfk Bm : hihgh hp high magdef deadly aps geez.
  • Genital_Wart - Harshlands
    Genital_Wart - Harshlands Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Bm with 5.0 aps still cant beat wizzy coz they cant even touch u to do 5aps punching well yeah thats dueling only b:laugh ^^ in real pvp u rite wizzy got own by aps after u launch all BIDS BT MS SS blah lah blah and the BM still alive
    b:shockedfk Bm : hihgh hp high magdef deadly aps geez.

    You're right in duels BM can never touch you if played right, but what about Sin? b:cry

    No worries. r9 weapon will soon cost $73 once r10 comes out. With r9, they'll never be alive after BID BT MS SS blah lah lah lol. b:laugh
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    im F2P but i spend a little treat of 45 euros (53 gold) because its xmas, its not that much money...

    and people said the exact same things as your saying to me now when packs come out, people are far over reacting on this just as they did with packs, there will be new stuff coming soon

    I know that (new gear coming from CN patch) usually i am pretty calm but yesterday just . . wow it feel like my back get hit with giant hammer from back. I didn't care about pack at all before, but these rep things just woah . . you know . . hard to keep the feeling under control . . because i am also worried of those new f2p players . . b:surrender

    Btw is that Noel Vermilion on your siggy ? well the look is very close but as i remember it wasn't . . but i am not sure. Do you know is that pic really noel or just same artist ?
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    This is plain bull****, rank8 became doable for those who really wanted when packs came out. However it was hard, so it stayed something "special", something to be proud off. Now, everyone will get it easily. It's not something to work on from lvl1 to 100 anymore. It has nothing to do with "evolving" imo. It's that nobody even bothered with rank 9 after releasing it. And that nobody even bothered with rank9 wasn't the 300k rep, but more the 32 x 9.999 chips needed per item. It would be "evolving the game" if you made those generals tokens some kind of drop from an endgame boss or maybe from world boss. That would have made rank 9 accessible, without **** everyone. The first version of rep sale was a decent price imo, but this 10 silver = 250 rep is just ..... no words for it.
  • Fangxing - Heavens Tear
    Fangxing - Heavens Tear Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Gosh people I'm running on 4 hours of sleep please go easy on me b:laugh

    I respect everything you've said though, and I completely understand what you're feeling and going through. I just hope some of my mentality rubs off on you so you can continue playing the game just for the sake of playing the game and having fun in your own way.

    I know I'm still going to play because I'm not somebody that has to have the best of the best. I just get what looks nice and live my life because I know it's just a game. However, I do feel sorry for those people who's effort and hard work was just turned to trash due to one sale. That "noob" artist is good at what they do, making money and being the best requires work, period, end of story. No artist just "becomes famous and makes millions" overnight. They have to get out there, make a name for themselves, be recognized, and stand out of all the other "good" artists who want millions. There should be no ways around it, or "easy" paths for the average person, because nothing of worth is just going to be handed to you on a silver platter unless you are freakishly lucky, and even so, that comes with responsibility that most people just do not have.

    You can be average, and still have fun, but if you want the best, you have to work to be the best. Nobody gets to be the best by just sitting on their butt all day staring at a wall.

    Now I know that PWE is ran by a bucket of monkeys on speed.
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Remember, these original conditions were created by developers from a different country and different gaming culture--one where it is commonplace and even expected to play for eight hours a day, every day--a place where level 105 was achieved within three months of its release.
    Right, the game-play was correctly balanced for its target audience by people who were very skilled and knew exactly what they were doing. Believe me, I've noticed, and it's always impressed me just how much thought must have gone into the core game-play.

    However, the domestic powers-that-be continue to both and amuse and perplex me. You guys genuinely don't know what you're doing. I don't think you do it maliciously, but I think it really just comes down to a lack of having people who understand things like game-balancing and economics on your staff.

    So, basically, you've got a 21st century video-game developer doing all the right things and producing a high-quality product, but then handing it over to a group of people who know nothing about the past 15 years of video-game history and letting them mis-manage it.

    It's a testament to the skill of the developers that the game holds up as well as it does, despite the actions of the domestic management team.

    Anyway, I don't hold any ill-will towards you guys. I'm sure one day when you're seasoned professionals still working in video game industry you'll look back at all the mistakes you've made here as learning experiences.
    PWI Merchanting Guides:
  • sethh
    sethh Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Dear Frankie,
    We know about that. This game was created to focus in oriental people. But you really need to know about what your player base wants. PWi has the most crowding market in PWE games and it is important try to preserve these status for the company and people as well. Devs cannot keeping ignoring PWi people.One day people will be sick of being ignoring and going to look for another ways to have enterteiment.I hopefully hope we can debate with devs face to face about what PWi community wants. or Make a devs Staff exlusively for PWi...
    b:pleasedI'm ignorant :)
  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I know I'm still going to play because I'm not somebody that has to have the best of the best. I just get what looks nice and live my life because I know it's just a game. However, I do feel sorry for those people who's effort and hard work was just turned to trash due to one sale. That "noob" artist is good at what they do, making money and being the best requires work, period, end of story. No artist just "becomes famous and makes millions" overnight. They have to get out there, make a name for themselves, be recognized, and stand out of all the other "good" artists who want millions. There should be no ways around it, or "easy" paths for the average person, because nothing of worth is just going to be handed to you on a silver platter unless you are freakishly lucky, and even so, that comes with responsibility that most people just do not have.

    You can be average, and still have fun, but if you want the best, you have to work to be the best. Nobody gets to be the best by just sitting on their butt all day staring at a wall.

    Well, technically not true. One example, in terms of money, some people are born into a wealthy family which instantly gives them a name/instant connections/good jobs. Some people will work their entire lives yet get nothing even close to what another person is born with. We have to learn to get over it and continue living.

    A poor person can work a week to get a Christmas meal. If they were to look over to a rich man's home and see that they were able to get an even better meal with a snap of a finger, get depressed and not eat and enjoy what they've worked for - it'd be a sad day indeed.

    It's really a pity when people get upset over that other people can get it with a click of a button failing to realize their achievements of working for it are still there. But like you said, everyone just wants to compete and live according to everyone elses standards and not their own

    The only thing that will bother me is if anyone tells me "I farmed R9" when they clearly didn't. They really are making it easy to cash shop everything (anyone who'd deny that is stupid) but I really hate it when people quit over things like this.
  • obviousalt
    obviousalt Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    People aren't upset that other people can get things with the click of a button. It's the people that GOT the stuff already that're pissed cause what they worked for and have jsut became **** compared to rank 9, which is also ALOT cheaper and made what they HAVE worthless almost (IF they can EVEN sell it in the first place..... *bound*). AND they're pissed cause anyone else that didnt' have the top gear b4 can get it now for chump change compared to b4 (keep in mind some of these people paid thousands).
  • Fangxing - Heavens Tear
    Fangxing - Heavens Tear Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Well, technically not true. One example, in terms of money, some people are born into a wealthy family which instantly gives them a name/instant connections/good jobs. Some people will work their entire lives yet get nothing even close to what another person is born with. We have to learn to get over it and continue living.

    It's really a pity when people get upset over that other people can get it with a click of a button failing to realize their achievements of working for it are still there. But like you said, everyone just wants to compete and live according to everyone elses standards and not their own

    The only thing that will bother me is if anyone tells me "I farmed R9" when they clearly didn't.

    Again, that wealth does not just appear from anywhere. Those children inherited it from their parents, and possibly their parents parents. Nevertheless, work HAD to be done because achievements do not just fall into somebody's lap. Plus, a lot of those children aren't even well known, lest cared about because they either do not do anything or haven't done anything worth wild. However, like I said, even having some money is going to be done from hard work.

    Their achievements of working are still there yes, but they have lost value because everybody can get it. They don't stand out anymore, people don't look up to them or admire them because some chump has the same armor. Anybody would be upset if the value of their work was lost. Sure, "we should be looking within ourselves and realizing that the valued work is still there", but an MMO is all about competition and being the best just to be the best to have a bit of self worth. That self worth is now gone. That is why people are upset, and that is why people are throwing everything up in the air and saying they are done.

    Now I know that PWE is ran by a bucket of monkeys on speed.
  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    obviousalt wrote: »
    People aren't upset that other people can get things with the click of a button. It's the people that GOT the stuff already that're pissed cause what they worked for and have jsut became **** compared to rank 9, which is also ALOT cheaper and made what they HAVE worthless almost (IF they can EVEN sell it in the first place..... *bound*). AND they're pissed cause anyone else that didnt' have the top gear b4 can get it now for chump change compared to b4 (keep in mind some of these people paid thousands).

    Like me and my hubby?

    Guess what. It's frustrating. It's heartbreaking. You either farmed for hours or dumped a whole lot of cash so it seems like a waste.

    If it's so hard, then please have your say and leave (no don't I'd actually like everyone to continue playing haha). We're not the only case that I know of that have done that and are willing to still play regardless, because we recognize it was our choice to do so, and we move on and try again to be better.

    If only everyone thought that way it would all be dandy. Unfortunately they don't. Or maybe we're too stubborn to give up that easily, idk.

    Also I think it's both sides that are complaining. You have people who aren't even high enough level for rank 9 yet complaining.
    Again, that wealth does not just appear from anywhere. Those children inherited it from their parents, and possibly their parents parents. Nevertheless, work HAD to be done because achievements do not just fall into somebody's lap. Plus, a lot of those children aren't even well known, lest cared about because they either do not do anything or haven't done anything worth wild. However, like I said, even having some money is going to be done from hard work.

    Their achievements of working are still there yes, but they have lost value because everybody can get it. They don't stand out anymore, people don't look up to them or admire them because some chump has the same armor. Anybody would be upset if the value of their work was lost. Sure, "we should be looking within ourselves and realizing that the valued work is still there", but an MMO is all about competition and being the best just to be the best to have a bit of self worth. That self worth is now gone. That is why people are upset, and that is why people are throwing everything up in the air and saying they are done.

    The work of parents mean nothing to their children often times. Children don't do anything and just gain everything from their parents work, which is almost the same as gaining something from no work (which is what's happening with the cash shopping, you do no work, yet you use an external source, money, which also had to come somewhere to get it). If money had to come from work, as you said, I also see no point in arguing that cash shopping requires no work (but you said that already, and it's kind of a sketchy topic ~ work irl for cash in game or does not count because you're not actually doing work in game?)

    The second part I won't argue anymore. That is merely a point of view issue; I can't tell you it's wrong, just that I don't agree. I'll say the self worth isn't gone at all, but others say it is so what can I do about what they feel? xP I'm not going to be pious and say I'm not jealous of these bms who got R9, but I'm also not wimp enough to say I'm quitting over it.
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    There is a lot of exciting content on the horizon, and we hope that you'll continue to stick with us to enjoy everything that we have to offer.

    Thanks all.

    translation: we realize that this ****-up surpasses all our past ****-ups by a lot, making all the work you've put into your armor and weapon all but meaningless, and expect that you, our loyal customers who have stuck with us through countless pack sales, and hyper stones, which diminished your accomplishments, will be leaving in droves due to the current sale which nullifies them. we wish we hadn't done this, but genies are hard to put back in bottles. /

    there is nothing to justify this sale. If the future expansion for some reason requires rank 9 gear to participate in, why not have this ridiculous sale when the new expansion comes out? and not make lvl 100 mean buy rank or go away. there are creative ways to make rank armor more attainable. This sale is a shining example of Perfect World lack of vision, and a sure indication that the creative minds behind it have long since moved on.

    *shakes head slowly*
  • Wadzia - Lost City
    Wadzia - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    PWE/PWI done goofed.
  • Fangxing - Heavens Tear
    Fangxing - Heavens Tear Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    The work of parents mean nothing to their children often times. Children don't do anything and just gain everything from their parents work, which is almost the same as gaining something from no work (which is what's happening with the cash shopping, you do no work, yet you use an external source, money, which also had to come somewhere to get it). If money had to come from work, as you said, I also see no point in arguing that cash shopping requires no work (but you said that already, and it's kind of a sketchy topic ~ work irl for cash in game or does not count because you're not actually doing work in game?)

    The second part I won't argue anymore. That is merely a point of view issue; I can't tell you it's wrong, just that I don't agree. I'll say the self worth isn't gone at all, but others say it is so what can I do about what they feel? xP I'm not going to be pious and say I'm not jealous of these bms who got R9, but I'm also not wimp enough to say I'm quitting over it.

    However, even in PWI, cash shopping requires some effort. You can't just drop $200 in gold, go to the cash shop, and buy all your mats for your armor. You have to try and sell it, then have to shop around. It's work, it's easy, but I know it has to be frustrating to be running around the entire map trying to find one more mat that nobody seems to have. With this sale, the only thing you have to do is stand there, right clicking on an icon to open packs. Then if you are trying to buy rep and junk, that's over 10k in cash down the drain, not many people can afford that with ease.

    All in all, you will still lose value on something that is supposed to be hard to obtain when it is easily available to the average person. Happens with goods, jobs, etc. I'm sure people are just saying they are quitting over rage, but I understand why they are upset and would really not care if PWE lost the majority of their player-base by this move.

    Now I know that PWE is ran by a bucket of monkeys on speed.
  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    However, even in PWI, cash shopping requires some effort. You can't just drop $200 in gold, go to the cash shop, and buy all your mats for your armor. You have to try and sell it, then have to shop around. It's work, it's easy, but I know it has to be frustrating to be running around the entire map trying to find one more mat that nobody seems to have. With this sale, the only thing you have to do is stand there, right clicking on an icon to open packs. Then if you are trying to buy rep and junk, that's over 10k in cash down the drain, not many people can afford that with ease.

    All in all, you will still lose value on something that is supposed to be hard to obtain when it is easily available to the average person. Happens with goods, jobs, etc. I'm sure people are just saying they are quitting over rage, but I understand why they are upset and would really not care if PWE lost the majority of their player-base by this move.

    I'm not disagreeing that it takes no work to get rank with this sale b:laugh and that everyone is going to automatically think "cash shopper" when they see someone with rank gear now and that it loses it's appeal because many have it now. And that people who spent lots to get their now mediocre gear are raging.

    I hope people overcome their rage and come back playing a rather fun game regardless (how can you not love their fashion hahahaha although I have seen better) or find another game to play and complain there when something similar happens. I'll stop here (hopefully) because I'll most likely end up repeating myself on my opinions no one wants to hear b:laugh
  • Bearleeable - Lost City
    Bearleeable - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Frankie i really hope you read this AND GET IT!!!
    I've been playing this game almost since day 1. When I started I used to be wow'd by lvl 100 folks of which there was not many. It gave me something to strive for. I would sometimes see someone with +6 gear and be amazed.
    Now, lvl 10x doesn't mean much. I can get that in a month if I cs. So much for that goal.
    oh, wait, I can strive for warsoul and rank 8 gear
    awesome.... BLAM!!! CS strikes again.
    DAMN... ok, so much for that goal.
    Your taking every single thing that drives 10x players to play and work away and handing it to them on a silver platter.
    Incase your not aware those kinds of folks are not the HEART of your commuinity nor should they be. The thing that keeps a game going for a LONG time, is NOT THE CASH SHOPPERS!!!
    they get their stuff, get bored, and leave. Its the little guys like me that have to earn their stuff that keeps the game going.
    If you want the game to survive, by all means, make obtaining some things rep.. but not by pure CS. Make it fair for all, increase rep of envoy, oma, etc. Crank up the drop rate of badges... There are many ways to do this fairly and still accomplish the same thing.
    please create a council of players... those that play this gave actively and really understand things, as an adivisory panel and then LISTEN TO THEM!!! You'll make a far better game and **** off a lot less folks.
  • Demon_sage - Harshlands
    Demon_sage - Harshlands Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    atleast the world chat rage has stopped..and for my reasons of not raging about this is that we can help newcomers to this game with ease...o wait ppl dont care to help b:shutup well anyways i think its a good thing to bring the cost down and make rank 8 easier to get..isnt that why everyone goes to private servers? on other hand ppl will always rage b:shocked just something to get used to. no need to go ballistic on each other over a game...if u reply to this i probly wont see it cuz im out for bed...but seriously i havent found a better game then this that i actually enjoy and play with ease...b:bye night forums
  • LifeHunting - Lost City
    LifeHunting - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I don't think you have any good idea on either of the issues you posted. b:surrender

    Want me to sum up what my post said?


    Thank you and have a good day.
  • Okopogo - Harshlands
    Okopogo - Harshlands Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    Because pancakes and waffles make more sense then your reasonings behind this sale.
  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I like kfc, and french toast!!!!!

    s...s...s...suck it *****


    ....oh wait that's supposed to be in red isn't it?

    >.> Curses.

    I'm considering shipping a rabid wolverine to the office of these d@mn developers....
    >:3 anybody know their address?
  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Want me to sum up what my post said?


    Thank you and have a good day.

    That may be true, but what you posted was bs as well. You don't know how long the majority of the players have to play (they do, they can check), you can't base it off the insane hours you play, and judging by what you posted you have no idea what goes on in the chinese servers.

    It's fine that you're calling his post complete nonsense but at least have something to say why it's BS instead of making assumptions that probably aren't true b:bye

    You have a good night too
  • AzureBeast_c - Harshlands
    AzureBeast_c - Harshlands Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Too true, that's why ive limited how much i use these forums simply because its just a bunch of whiny people finding something to grief someone else over or complain about

    im F2P but i spend a little treat of 45 euros (53 gold) because its xmas, its not that much money...

    and people said the exact same things as your saying to me now when packs come out, people are far over reacting on this just as they did with packs, there will be new stuff coming soon

    i daresay we arent overreacting... this sale messes with the gold price, in a major way... not only that but it messes with the tt market and the nirvana market, meaning there is one less source of making money. and for us noncash shoppers thats slightly irritating. (more than slightly)
  • anwynd
    anwynd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    only thing im pissed about is the high gold prices in AH i couldnt give a dam if rank is easier to get now as long as it doesnt effect my life line to get cash shop items idc but seriously this went way to far like other people have pointed out there were other ways you could have done thisb:cry guess ill keep playing tell most of everyone else leavesb:sadb:worried
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle
  • Kieve - Dreamweaver
    Kieve - Dreamweaver Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Blaming China, Frankie? Really, that's the best PR you can come up with?
    Let's try honestly for a change (oh right, you can't, you get fired for that).
    PWI's stock fell and in a desperate move to rake in the cash, Management decides to have a Sale To End All Sales.
    Now the absolute-best top gear is available from the shop, for less than 1% what Warsoul was projected to cost. It was stupid, short-sighted, and at this point there is no possible way to recover from it.
    Sweet promises of new expansion content will not float a ship that's sunk this far. All you can do at this point is bid your meal-ticket a fond farewell and start sending out resumes.
    Clockwork spider luvs you.
  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Blaming China, Frankie? Really, that's the best PR you can come up with?
    Let's try honestly for a change (oh right, you can't, you get fired for that).
    PWI's stock fell and in a desperate move to rake in the cash, Management decides to have a Sale To End All Sales.
    Now the absolute-best top gear is available from the shop, for less than 1% what Warsoul was projected to cost. It was stupid, short-sighted, and at this point there is no possible way to recover from it.
    Sweet promises of new expansion content will not float a ship that's sunk this far. All you can do at this point is bid your meal-ticket a fond farewell and start sending out resumes.

    Very well made video. b:laugh

    Quick question because I haven't gotten an answer yet -

    If the game is dead to you, why are you still here making it miserable with such posts for those that still enjoy the game?

    Although I think the forums will get a lot less active without all threads like this, I really don't understand why players that no longer enjoy the game think they can keep ruining it for those who still want to give the game a go and distracting new players that should at least give PWI a shot. Especially if you know they don't care and don't even read this ****.

    It's a great thing to have our opinions heard, and it's normal to get mad, but moderation and consideration for the rest of the community who don't like multiple threads would be appreciated (no I'm not referring to you specifically just quoting your post).

    Of course, that's too much to ask for I guess. "Because they screwed us over we have every right to go rampage and do whatever we want." Go figure. b:lipcurl


    if the game's going down, let the players going down with it go down in peace. thanks.
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    when have we ever had a say that, in turn, would translate into changes on their end? never. therefore.....don't invest, simple. pwi can basically create wealth out of no where, so if you concede that you have to then recognize theres no reason for them to be ethical or considerate to your guys feelings with the money making potential they have(had). business > all, end of. spend the minimalist you have to to literally be able to play the game with what should be the only meaningful reason you log in each night (who you play with).

    everybody *thinks* they need money because they let PWI marketing make them their *****, in essence, by having their obsessions be trolled. if you guys had any sort of discipline you'd be sitting fine having a laugh with your buddies, albeit over different things, but still laughs

    now hurry up and go quit so you can come back when every other game out there disappoints your skewed feelings of entitlement. you want to see your money retain value in a real investment? go buy a ****ing car you geeks b:bye
  • ViciousMinx - Dreamweaver
    ViciousMinx - Dreamweaver Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Was it not stated that the changes in tw were brought about to help reduce the price of gold not to long ago? Where are those prices sitting at now? 1mill on dreamweaver currently due to this new sale an the previous ones leading up to it. As for it being too hard for some to obtain rank gear that is how it should be. If i was to play a game that everything in it was easy after a few hours id find another game thats more of a challenge. The issue here is that it is now possible to buy extremely powerful gear with out even having to play the game past the lvl when the cash shop becomes available. Then players just have to spend a little more money to hyper up an gain the lvls needed to wield it. If this was about making it easier to gain equipment why then were drops in fc nurfed to the point that u can only buy the weapons with the items u get in packs from the cash shop. Much easier to farm the mats in game then to pay tons of real money for a chance at gaining the weapons. Same goes for all the drop reductions carried out over the past 2 years that were done to push users to cash shop more. This has nothing to do with difficulty but everything to do with allowing people to buy their way to the top. As for the upcoming expansion I do hope the glitches and bugs that have been around since beta will be fixed before this. Two years is a very long time to allow issues to continue in any game free to play or otherwise.
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    As frankie said, PWI is evolving, and as so, WHO SAID RANK 9 IS THE BEST GEAR THERE WILL BE! DUH!

    You will have to get sooner or later all the stuff again and yes it will cost more :D not to mention the refines and the same bs over and over. b:bye
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Annastasia - Lost City
    Annastasia - Lost City Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    will the players who spent thousand of dollars towards r8 and r9 be refunded ? heard several players talking about taking legal action against PWE for "not meeting expectations of gameplay". can they really do this?

    so many other ways that rep could have been added to game. when you pick and choose what parts of the game to implement from the conception of the game, that is where you start to **** it up. other version have the rep items (forgot the name cause they are so rare)that drop in FB s while PWI i havent seen them drop past fb59. also i thought there was an npc that you can turn 3 star in for rep. but that doesnt work on PWI version either.

    tbh i dont really see the game recovering from this. sad really. i wish that the players could see/interact with the team responsible for these changes rather than just a hand me down comment from Frankie. maybe it is just me but i totally fail to understand how pissing off some of your biggest long time cash shoppers is a "good" idea.

    also, when the forum rages and turns so extremely negative, does it reflect how the PWE stocks go up and down?

    not going to say i am completely quitting, but i will probably cut my pwi time by 95% and look for other hobbies. for sure cutting the small amount i have cash shopped by 100%.
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    not going to say i am completely quitting, but i will probably cut my pwi time by 95% and look for other hobbies. for sure cutting the small amount i have cash shopped by 100%.

    Wot o.o boycotting the CS?, me likes >:3

    For the staff: It is better to have 100 players of which 50 use cash shop than having 50 players of which 10 use cash shop.

    All the long term cash shoppers will be cutting their charges down, I am sure of that.


    For the simple reason that it has no sense to charge gold if you can't accomplish anything ingame, like seriously I've spent over 600 bucks on my cleric (just my cleric) and the gear sucks @ end game, gee.

    Hope you understand what this did to the game, and don't come in blaming china about "their gaming" its the same excuse as the DQ items nerf when it was not even necesary here.

    SO, since PWI does WHATEVER CHINA WANTS (atleast thats their excuse to back up themselves... lol...) and NOT WHAT THIS VERSION NEEDS I will move on :]
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
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