Nowitsawn's signature emporium



  • Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    >Your name & server: Aedrian, Lost City

    >A screenshot/image for me to use: Here(With my favourite fash and the kind of look I love) and a face shoot.

    It would be awesome if you could make it an animated one, but if you can't, are too busy or just don't feel like, it is ok, I still thank you for all the effort and keeping this, you are awesome.

    Something extra about me, I love black, red and silver, I am the fastest casting wizard on the server, and if you want to make it an animated one, I love Mountain's Seize, the first skill I use after I spark on this video (From back when I just had -95% chan)

    Or if not, something classy, nice and simple, as Azura's siggie (The awesome one you made)
    <"shameless self-bump :D" Alexenokin - Lost City>
    -102% channeling self buffed wizzie, ready to shoot ^.^ (And -107% on Demon Spark, **** refines, I got turbo)

    *WTB: -12~-18% chan stuff, pm me in here or in game for details*

  • Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    So, I've been quite busy (and ill) lately, but I figured I'd post a little update.


    Your signature is far from done yet (and it's probably still going to take a while), but I've at least got a little preview to show you:

    I'll give credit for the used sprites (something I'll be paying a bit more attention to from now on) after I'm done with the signature.

    Let me know if you'd like some changes there (little less/more pink, different color for the border etc.)

    @Aedrian and Fieryblade

    With the ''I'm not taking any more requests before I'm done with the current one'' I put up the main post I mean I don't want people posting requests while I'm busy working on one, it's just so I don't get to the point where I finish one request and have 5 new ones waiting for me when I check back b:chuckle
    It's alright for now though, I'll do Fieryblade first and then Aedrian.
  • Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Thanks and sorry about that, I misunderstood it as only working in one at a time (Since you were working with 3 at the same time before) And no prob, it is not as if you were obligated to, you are doing this from your own time, so, no rush or anything.

    Have a great week, you rock.
    <"shameless self-bump :D" Alexenokin - Lost City>
    -102% channeling self buffed wizzie, ready to shoot ^.^ (And -107% on Demon Spark, **** refines, I got turbo)

    *WTB: -12~-18% chan stuff, pm me in here or in game for details*

  • Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    ohhh i likey, maybe a little less pink though -giggle-

    so yeah i love it though. Just a little less pink, a hint of bad *** ;)

    I love it overall <3

    pro stuff hun.
    Retired nonfactor archer.
  • Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited December 2011

    Well it has been a week or two, but here you go. Toned down the pink just a little bit and added more lasers (always a good thing, right?).

    The bottom edge of the signature may look transparent, but it is actually the exact same color as the current forum background. If the forum background changes again (probably with the next expansion) you can contact me here and I'll give it a quick fix.

    Credit goes to:
    Female archer (dragon emblem)
    Charge (Megaman Zero)
    The rest was made by myself.
  • Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited December 2011

    It's awesome!!!

    I can't wait to get home and put it on :)
    Retired nonfactor archer.
  • Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Epic siggie
    <"shameless self-bump :D" Alexenokin - Lost City>
    -102% channeling self buffed wizzie, ready to shoot ^.^ (And -107% on Demon Spark, **** refines, I got turbo)

    *WTB: -12~-18% chan stuff, pm me in here or in game for details*

  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Hello! Can you make me a sig please? I've posted here but there is already too much time since i asked for a sig and didnt got any answer.
    These are all my requests and details :
  • Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited December 2011

    I'm not taking more requests right now, read the main post. You said you made a request here before but that was in Dorset's thread.

    If you want a signature made by me, then you'll have to wait until I'm done with Aedrian's signature. It's first come, first serve after that, though.



    Credits go to:
    Tornado Sprites (megaman 2)
    Background (megaman 9)
    Character sprite (Megaman series)

    As an added bonus, the sprites I made myself:

    The fabled 8-bit Rebirth Claymore!


    Character sprites:


    And that's all for today, happy holidays everyone!
  • Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Interesting siggie, The tornado touch loooks very cool.
    <"shameless self-bump :D" Alexenokin - Lost City>
    -102% channeling self buffed wizzie, ready to shoot ^.^ (And -107% on Demon Spark, **** refines, I got turbo)

    *WTB: -12~-18% chan stuff, pm me in here or in game for details*

  • Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited December 2011

    I'm not taking more requests right now, read the main post. You said you made a request here before but that was in Dorset's thread.

    If you want a signature made by me, then you'll have to wait until I'm done with Aedrian's signature. It's first come, first serve after that, though.



    Credits go to:
    Tornado Sprites (megaman 2)
    Background (megaman 9)
    Character sprite (Megaman series)

    As an added bonus, the sprites I made myself:

    The fabled 8-bit Rebirth Claymore!


    Character sprites:


    And that's all for today, happy holidays everyone!

    wow its really awesome thx a lot

    Sig made by me f:sneakyf:despise

    I don't have a bad attitude, I just have a personality you don't like
  • Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited January 2012

    Well that took a while, but I'm back.


    Credits go to:

    Font: Carolingia
    Background: ingame screenshot
    Character sprite: Megaman series
    Explosion sprite: Starcraft
  • Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Welcome back, and OMGOMGOMG, that one totally looks like an 8-bit version of my wizard, cat ears and all!

    Dude, awesome job, I love it, there is nothing else I can say, dude, you rock.

    And the fact that you used the slowest wiz skill for the animation is amazing >.<

    If you were here I'd give you a hug and a cookie (no h0m0 ^.^)
    <"shameless self-bump :D" Alexenokin - Lost City>
    -102% channeling self buffed wizzie, ready to shoot ^.^ (And -107% on Demon Spark, **** refines, I got turbo)

    *WTB: -12~-18% chan stuff, pm me in here or in game for details*

  • Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I saw you were taking one request and i so did not wanna pass up the opportunity :D i love the charm you put in your signatures

    Name : Exiirah, if possible to not add the server name though

    Screenshots: Most recent ones are here and here

    Animated would be awesome. Anything to do with Fairies/Magic (don't laugh Q_Q) Or kingdom hearts is awesome. Swords ect. Blacks/Blues colours i love.

    Anyway i'd really appriciate if you can do it :]

    Welcome back btw b:cute
  • Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    And I'm back again.

    Sorry for suddenly disappearing (again), but I've had a few things come up that made me quit PWI for a while.

    Exiirah, if you're still around then give me a heads up and I'll do your request. Until then I'll be taking new ones.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Ty Nowitsawn for the amazing siggyb:cute
    ♫Darling turn me inside out, destroy me just for fun
    Curse my generations dear, together we shall burn♫
  • Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited April 2012
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Animated or not animated?

    animated b:dirty n tyb:thanks
    Ty Nowitsawn for the amazing siggyb:cute
    ♫Darling turn me inside out, destroy me just for fun
    Curse my generations dear, together we shall burn♫
  • Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited April 2012

    You didn't specify any colors or theme, so I just went with something mystic-ey b:chuckle



    Credits go to:

    Font: Celtic Bit
    Character: Disgaea: Hour of Darkness - Cleric (female)
    Background: Rayman 1 (Game Boy Color) - Spellbound Forest
  • Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Whoo my turn ^_^

    Name - Nigoshi

    Server - Raging Tide

    Screen Shots : 1 2 3

    Animated please, my fav attack is the Drake bash (axe stun) so if you could animate that it'd be great.

    I can't exactly settle on any particular color or theme, though i do like back and blue 0_0 just not too dark. But the fah i have in the SS's is what i TW in so i'd like that in the sig if you can xD

    Wait...Wait...There will be large posterior wenches?! -Impatiens - Blademaster PvP videos and TW
  • Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Gotcha. I'm not sure if black and blue would fit with the orange pumpkin head and bash effect, but I'll figure something out.

    How about a brown/orange halloween-ish theme?
  • Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    that'll work :D
    Wait...Wait...There will be large posterior wenches?! -Impatiens - Blademaster PvP videos and TW
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    another epic sig made by youb:victory TY so much i love it b:cute
    Ty Nowitsawn for the amazing siggyb:cute
    ♫Darling turn me inside out, destroy me just for fun
    Curse my generations dear, together we shall burn♫
  • Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I'm still around if your interested in doing mine, sorry this is late.
  • Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I really dig your sigs, I wish I had of said something sooner. Very cool stuff, really dig the 8bit sprites.
  • Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    You still doing those animated siggies? I like 'em so much. b:dirty
    If yes, I'd like one!
    Some black and lilac theme. My char is a silent cat veno. Main pets are Armored Bear and Kowling.
    Some pic here:
    Click Click2
    Rather than my nickname, I'd like it says Meow!
    About the animation... Maybe she jumping and ordering an attack of the Bear/Kowling. And then "Meow!" appear on the center. @_@

    Thank you. <3
    M A D N E S S IS A P L A C E M A D N E S S IS A P L A C E M A D N E S S
    I wonder what their faces will look like... As they lose all hope.
    I can't wait. Call for me when that happens,
    I'll come to watch, with some of the best black tea and dried plums.
  • Posts: 865 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Quick one, is there any chance you'd do a simpler but maybe slightly more extravagent looking signature? I'm thinking of a memorial gif showing the 3 chars I used to play and their names, but polished and fading between :<

    If not, 'tis cool, was just a poke :P
    I've quit excluding TW for my faction. But I still hang around to help out those who still enjoy the game under PWEs horrific handling and to have fun in the forums. b:cute
    #Shame about PWEs absolutely craptastic handling of the goons glitching. Remember kids, there's no punishment for breaking the rules here!#
    If you make a valid complaint, your thread will disapear. Don't post it here, post it on other sites where PW can't hide it.
  • Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Quick one, is there any chance you'd do a simpler but maybe slightly more extravagent looking signature? I'm thinking of a memorial gif showing the 3 chars I used to play and their names, but polished and fading between :<

    If not, 'tis cool, was just a poke :P

    Sounds like 10 minutes of work if you provide screenshots.

    I'll probably start my livestream again later today so I'll probably be able to slip that in there.
  • Posts: 865 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Well I was trying to get the best screenshots I could so I linked up my old CRT monitor (Looks like **** but it has a higher res than my laptop).

    Was playing with the screeshot tool and accidentally took a screenshot of 11200 x 8400 after clicking 8x zoom out of curiosity. Thats some **** translation really, thought it would zoom in, not do a single frame-draw at 8x my current resolution. 269mb Bitmap btw.

    So A: I was wasting my time, the changes to the in-game sceenshot were cool if you accidentally click 8x zoom or something (The jpeg instead of bitmap thing pissed me off at first).

    B: My GOD that picture is detailed and high res. Heres a screenshot of a screenshot chunk at something close to 1400x1050 just to show the spastic level of resolution. (Original pic is full character height with space at either end). pic

    So your "P.S.: Instead of using the ingame screenshot function, please make a printscreen of your character and save it as a .png or .bmp image (paste it in MSpaint for example, and save it). This increases the quality of your image, making things a lot easier for me and the end result much better." line might be changable to use the F9 tool and select a zoom level. Just don't freak out when the client stops moving for about 2 minutes (At least on my PC, it's not the quickest in the world, only a 2Ghz Dual core and it's also dealing with my graphics as it's shared). Still needs a change to PNG tho :P

    ~I got lost with this and now have to go out, but I'll assemble proper screenshots when I'm home, just htought you might want to know of my discovery since it could potentially help you too.
    I've quit excluding TW for my faction. But I still hang around to help out those who still enjoy the game under PWEs horrific handling and to have fun in the forums. b:cute
    #Shame about PWEs absolutely craptastic handling of the goons glitching. Remember kids, there's no punishment for breaking the rules here!#
    If you make a valid complaint, your thread will disapear. Don't post it here, post it on other sites where PW can't hide it.
  • Posts: 2,561 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    these are so cool :O
    i would appreciate if you can use my bms name (SpazzMcAps) but do the sig of my psy souburning

    here are three reference pics if you need them to be better just ask


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