Isn't it ironic, doncha think?
XxZavxX - Raging Tide wrote: »Despite your failure to use proper grammar and spelling I will reply...
Actually, I simply said that Varden was disorganized. IE a ton of squishy people were told to do stuff with their own levels.. whilst no tanks were available, getting ***** by foolish TW strategies (and there are other people who could validate that claim if they want to be brave enough to speak). Varden is like Empire, leadership doesn't lead the faction, and it doesn't act as a collective, which is important if you want to remain on the map. I have no negative feelings towards Varden, and the majority of the members in it, I just thought in comparison to Haven (who coincidentally managed to defeat Leviathan, even after Araemus and drama drove 30 of the better members out) at its height, that Varden was underachieving from a lack of unity and organization. I got booted for stating it. The end.
QQme on the other hand is a breath of fresh air. People actually interact with one another. People teach one another things. Things get done.
I left DarkDream because you were running people out of the faction, and others were leaving on their own accord. I joined Perdition, which was a solid core of people, who I followed throughout their time on RT. The leader never was petty like you towards other players. He was kind, and it bit him in the ***.
If you wanna take potshots at me, go ahead, just take a look in the mirror once in awhile.
QQmoar about people deleting you off their friend's list...
Bro...Your eather trolling or your that dumb, Varden has a good set of people and lead by a great person. Dude enough with trying to find ways to complain about people, your only making yourself and your faction look bad.Kali - Raging Tide wrote: »lol wut is dis i dont even.
This thread is ridiculous.
Good job, giving QQme that bad image as usual, sadly this comes from our own members. I've been in QQme for a while now and the faction has become more mature. b:cute As much as I loved those 3h fun TW's with Levi, I hope they manage to come back just like QQme did, for more future fun TW's.
Great post Farseer. b:kiss
Justine baby, time to marry mehh. b:dirty[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Kali - Raging Tide wrote: »lol wut is dis i dont even.
This thread is ridiculous.
Good job, giving QQme that bad image as usual, sadly this comes from our own members. I've been in QQme for a while now and the faction has become more mature. b:cute As much as I loved those 3h fun TW's with Levi, I hope they manage to come back just like QQme did, for more future fun TW's.
Great post Farseer. b:kiss
I know what you mean Kali, it is a stupid thread with the only result of making some people think less of QQme. and I totally agree that Farseer's post was top notch and shows a lot of class.
Now Zav, maybe you should quit making up things in your head about how you are so great and wonderful and everything/one not endorsed by you is trash..... Also quit talking like you know all the ups and downs each faction has gone through, if I remember right you were gone from the game for 3 months or something and have been back for less then 2....
Fact is you were in varden less then a month, during that time you B***hed, whined, complained you had no good gear then ask for FC instead of TT. You were flat out rude to most the officers, an annoying know-it-all in faction chat and never helped anyone but yourself. Sorry you got kicked but when the choice come down to a helpful, friendly officer that has proved time and time again they contribute to the guild and you (know-it-all, self centered new member) we had to go with the person that is better for the faction. It did make me sad at the time because we had been friends for a long time.
As far as "messed up TW tactics" FFS when you were here we had TWs against QQme or Levi and still was doing better then most other factions at that time (and I checked your 'solutions' to our 'messed up TW tactics', it was to have people rush out our base without waiting to be buffed and that the leaders should gear up every member).... and you told me over a week before you were kicked you were going to leave to join QQme; I just feel bad for my friends in QQme that you are working so hard to give them a bad rep and will not hold your behavior against them.0 -
XxZavxX - Raging Tide wrote: »I have no negative feelings towards Varden, and the majority of the members in it, I just thought in comparison to Haven (who coincidentally managed to defeat Leviathan, even after Araemus and drama drove 30 of the better members out) at its height, that Varden was underachieving from a lack of unity and organization. I
Obvious troll here. Lay off the drugs"I'm the best ever. I'm the most brutal and vicious, and most ruthless champion there's ever been. There's no one can stop me. Lennox is a conqueror? No, I'm Alexander, he's no Alexander. I'm the best ever! There's never been anybody as ruthless! I'm Sonny Liston, I'm Jack Dempsey. There's no one like me. I'm from their cloth. There's no one that can match me. My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart! I want to eat his children!" ~ Mike Tyson0 -
Farseer - Raging Tide wrote: »So I dont really post much unless its something I really wanna say hence the post count. So I have been in QQme awhile and been through different kinds of times it has faced. And during these times we have seen many loyal and unloyal members come and go. I know many of you will think I am biased but I am honestly providing an honest view.
Tackling the faction hoppers and band wagon jumpers or W/E........... Yes we had tymirichy, ItzElysium and Russiee defect to Levi. I can assure you 100% that we never treated either of them badly or ignored them and if they say that I'm afraid its a total lie. Been the person who is in charge of distributing TW money for QQme ( yes before and after the diamond change) tymirichy and Itz have been the two biggest QQ'ers to me. So often they use to TW uncharmed and when it got so bad I started issuing charms (instead of the coin) to them which obviously didnt go down well. So especially once coin was replaced with Mirages I wasn't surprised to see them leave, although I must admit I was surprised they got accepted to Levi anywho thats a diff story but this is why I and many others who know classify them as band wagon jumpers, jmo anyways. In no way am I upset that they left in fact if they are doing better in Levi it only makes me glad. The only person I am sad that left QQme for levi is Russiee. Yes he maybe crazy and stuff but he is a great person, friend and was always loyal to QQme attending TW and helping out as much as he can.....
Ok now so back to the topic at hand. I think Levi's choice of choosing not to attend TW's against us is part of their strategy and we need to respect that. If they feel doing this is what will help them rebuild and lift their morale who are we to argue. When we faced a similar situation we actually chose to attend Levi and give up land against NPC and once Poseidon but that was our way and this is their way.
I think it was mentioned somewhere by someone not sure who that we voted and decided to attack COTL last week so this is how it will be this week too.
I fully expect Levi to get out of this down moment soon as they too have a great set of core members. I know I shouldn't say this but the reason QQme has been able to rise back up is the response of many core members. People like Bastilla, Kali, Asheera, Woodwic, Umbra really stood up to be counted when it was needed. When we coupled this with our already pro bunch of Man, Enemy, SpellCaster, Whomper, linc, Asheera, Cupcake, Ben etc.... it was truly somethin special. This was the week when we took 1k back and defended Archo in abt 20 mins.
So I know for a fact that Levi has these type of ppl too and will no doubt re emerge stronger so am waiting for those fun TW's we used to have again.
My 2 cents and I apologize for it being this long, but hey like I said I only post if I only really wanna say something
Nice Post farseer.
I agree with Choco that Tyymerichi is pretty cool. The people who gave him a hard time are now either gone from the game, or in Leviation. With the exception of Rawrgh. Someone like Tyrmichi adds salt and pepper to the game.
I have to say Terymichy learned from the best b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Man - Raging Tide wrote: »I have to say Terymichy learned from the best b:victory
She learned how to Delta from TigerSensei ijsb:laugh"I'm the best ever. I'm the most brutal and vicious, and most ruthless champion there's ever been. There's no one can stop me. Lennox is a conqueror? No, I'm Alexander, he's no Alexander. I'm the best ever! There's never been anybody as ruthless! I'm Sonny Liston, I'm Jack Dempsey. There's no one like me. I'm from their cloth. There's no one that can match me. My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart! I want to eat his children!" ~ Mike Tyson0 -
If you've left a faction, at take your manners with you
b:bye0 -
Nuff_Said - Raging Tide wrote: »She learned how to Delta from TigerSensei ijsb:laugh
No pro comment about me nuffy baby? Imsohurt. b:sad[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Nadis - Sanctuary wrote: »No pro comment about me nuffy baby? Imsohurt. b:sad
*exits instance* nuff said"I'm the best ever. I'm the most brutal and vicious, and most ruthless champion there's ever been. There's no one can stop me. Lennox is a conqueror? No, I'm Alexander, he's no Alexander. I'm the best ever! There's never been anybody as ruthless! I'm Sonny Liston, I'm Jack Dempsey. There's no one like me. I'm from their cloth. There's no one that can match me. My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart! I want to eat his children!" ~ Mike Tyson0 -
Rawrgh - Raging Tide wrote: »Uh........ what? Why is it when people join QQme when it's winning they are immediately "bandwagon jumpers" when most of the people that are winning the TWs have been there before TWs were wined and Leviathan was winning.
Yet when Leviathan is winning and people leave QQme for leviathan, you welcome them with open arms. Welcome Tymirichy, welcome ItzElysium, Welcome a dozen or so other members!
Fortunately you only got our nonfactors like Tymirichy and ItzElysium.
They didnt accept me QQ
Btw love this post, make it a lil less text and more pictures cuz it gets boring to catch up atm
Also, Choco i am over my love for u, u werent there for me b:cry
So Levi haz been losing some TWs now, who cares. seems like they still having fun.
also they been losing ppl since i posted.... must be coincidense, who cared bout my post anyway.
last but not least, Choco i love u again...b:surrender0 -
Nuff_Said - Raging Tide wrote: »*exits instance* nuff said
lolololol sooo mean..That was totally not my fault ijs. b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Nadis - Sanctuary wrote: »lolololol sooo mean..b:surrender
Its true tho, you really fail. b:cute[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Kali - Raging Tide wrote: »Its true tho, you really fail. b:cute
Baby dont hurt me, dont hurt me..No more...b:cry[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Man - Raging Tide wrote: »Nice Post farseer.
I agree with Choco that Tyymerichi is pretty cool. The people who gave him a hard time are now either gone from the game, or in Leviation. With the exception of Rawrgh. Someone like Tyrmichi adds salt and pepper to the game.
I have to say Terymichy learned from the best b:victory
If those people were in "Leviation" she wouldn't have joined which probably means those people are in QQme or gone. b:pleased0 -
Asheera - Raging Tide wrote: »Itz left to join Levi because we were losing, that was obvious. He and all the other LatinoS that went to that faction as soon as TW pay changed clearly showed to us they only joined QQme because of highest land count and pay, so I'm glad they left. Itz on the other hand was the only one to join Levi when it was "better" than QQme so he's the worst kind of glory chaser b:bye
Tymi stayed for a while but when she got killed in tourney (when digging a chest she wasn't supposed to) she rage quit faction. As I said communication problems again, I feel sorry we couldn't avoid that >.<
Tym is cool, though I get where you get about Itz from. Tym stayed loyal to levi and helps us a lot, Itz however.... I have no idea where he is now just not in levi :P[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I am disgusted at the original poster. Inb4 QQme kicks him for being a fail troll.0
People always get pissy when someone says something they don't want to hear. *Shrug* QQ? I don't know.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
iwotm8?0 -
Russiee - Raging Tide wrote: »The only problem with this, is that whilst Leviathan does have lots of valuable members. Our members do not have gear as amazing as all of those players listed. Nearly all those players have full TT99 Gold, Cube/Warsong stuff, TT99 Gold/Lunar Weapons with gems with the exception of Umbra. Levi doesn't have that.
im unrefined/unsharded. im a one shot. get out russieeboo0 -
LMAO this thread is full of fail0
OptimusRhyme - Raging Tide wrote: »im unrefined/unsharded. im a one shot. get out russieeboo
Yet the +15 Vit probably does more than all my refines put together qq.0 -
Nuff_Said - Raging Tide wrote: »2)Man and I decided to take a break from attacking each other back on the last time Leviathan bid on 1k and QQme bid on plains of fairwell. I guess QQme had a change of heart this past week or Man flat out lied.
True or false, Man said to nuff that he might attack City of the Lost this last week, in which we did?
We talked about attacking each other every other week and stuff like this, but nothing was decided upon, or agreed upon. Mainly put of for another week, even with this i told you the week after plain of farwells we might attack City of the lost. QQ why saying i lied b:cry[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
XxZavxX - Raging Tide wrote: »Despite your failure to use proper grammar and spelling I will reply...
Actually, I simply said that Varden was disorganized. IE a ton of squishy people were told to do stuff with their own levels.. whilst no tanks were available, getting ***** by foolish TW strategies (and there are other people who could validate that claim if they want to be brave enough to speak). Varden is like Empire, leadership doesn't lead the faction, and it doesn't act as a collective, which is important if you want to remain on the map. I have no negative feelings towards Varden, and the majority of the members in it, I just thought in comparison to Haven (who coincidentally managed to defeat Leviathan, even after Araemus and drama drove 30 of the better members out) at its height, that Varden was underachieving from a lack of unity and organization. I got booted for stating it. The end.
QQme on the other hand is a breath of fresh air. People actually interact with one another. People teach one another things. Things get done.
I left DarkDream because you were running people out of the faction, and others were leaving on their own accord. I joined Perdition, which was a solid core of people, who I followed throughout their time on RT. The leader never was petty like you towards other players. He was kind, and it bit him in the ***.
If you wanna take potshots at me, go ahead, just take a look in the mirror once in awhile.
QQmoar about people deleting you off their friend's list...
you make me laugh so hard you fail so badly.This is the first time i have ever seen someones own faction members state they are full of ****
thats so sad to fail as a real team player your not even worth my time.ill let your faction mates down you more gives us all satisfaction.As far as my grammer bite me or fight me so i can show you my butt as you lay on the ground dead.And by fighting i mean alone not with your faction you wuss.
signed the real RT PS my grammer what the heck is WHILST mean ??0 -
Kali - Raging Tide wrote: »lol wut is dis i dont even.
This thread is ridiculous.
Good job, giving QQme that bad image as usual, sadly this comes from our own members. I've been in QQme for a while now and the faction has become more mature. b:cute As much as I loved those 3h fun TW's with Levi, I hope they manage to come back just like QQme did, for more future fun TW's.
Great post Farseer. b:kiss
as i stated above you FAIL.DarkDreams was better with out you as well as Varden is and continue on this road im sure QQme will feel the same in time.And yet you still believe you are GOD.Oh and by the way doing BH and quests with your own level squad makes you a better player and you learn how to play your class.What good is it to wine a BH of all mobs with a high level to get it done so that in future when you help lowbies your squad wipes cuz the higher level being you sux.Seems kinda pointless.That is why Varden chooses to run like that makes sence.Common sence which is something we are all seeing you lack.And dont worry your not a friend on here and im proud to have been deleted from your list i got tired of doing all the work while you cried about nothing.You have im sure been deleted from many peeps friends list and im sure the list is daily getting longer.
the real RT0 -
Okay i have to say thread opener is speaking abit out of line atm, less time spent hating on forums, more time spent being productive in game is always good. Not sure what the agenda of the post was, be it to shoot leviathan down when they are currently down, or to take the opportunity to diss people, but in the end he forgot that he's creating a bad image of QQme.
Just want to say that every faction may have a couple of hot-headed people, trollers, haters etc, but a faction's direction and stand is based on its core and management. Let's just say that in QQme we promote activeness in TW+events, teamwork and guild spirit. No Man Is an Island as they say.
I don't understand why there is so much time spent talking on the forums when it is the results or actions in the game that speak for themselves. QQme and Leviathan are both top-class factions that have alternated between being the top TW faction in the last few months. Both guilds should grant each other mutual respect and not be dissing each other, as they say meet on the field of battle, not over the phone.
The game is not dead there is no dominant faction that rules the entire map and all events for 2years+ like what some other servers may be. Ups and downs there will be for any guild, temporary dominance maybe. Whatever it is, can I reach out to the masses, and implore everyone to fight within the arena which is Raging Tides with your swords and bows and wands, in honourable combat and RESPECT instead of fighting and flaming with words.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me. "0 -
Farseer - Raging Tide wrote: »So I dont really post much unless its something I really wanna say hence the post count. So I have been in QQme awhile and been through different kinds of times it has faced. And during these times we have seen many loyal and unloyal members come and go. I know many of you will think I am biased but I am honestly providing an honest view.
Tackling the faction hoppers and band wagon jumpers or W/E........... Yes we had tymirichy, ItzElysium and Russiee defect to Levi. I can assure you 100% that we never treated either of them badly or ignored them and if they say that I'm afraid its a total lie. Been the person who is in charge of distributing TW money for QQme ( yes before and after the diamond change) tymirichy and Itz have been the two biggest QQ'ers to me. So often they use to TW uncharmed and when it got so bad I started issuing charms (instead of the coin) to them which obviously didnt go down well. So especially once coin was replaced with Mirages I wasn't surprised to see them leave, although I must admit I was surprised they got accepted to Levi anywho thats a diff story but this is why I and many others who know classify them as band wagon jumpers, jmo anyways. In no way am I upset that they left in fact if they are doing better in Levi it only makes me glad. The only person I am sad that left QQme for levi is Russiee. Yes he maybe crazy and stuff but he is a great person, friend and was always loyal to QQme attending TW and helping out as much as he can.....
Ok now so back to the topic at hand. I think Levi's choice of choosing not to attend TW's against us is part of their strategy and we need to respect that. If they feel doing this is what will help them rebuild and lift their morale who are we to argue. When we faced a similar situation we actually chose to attend Levi and give up land against NPC and once Poseidon but that was our way and this is their way.
I think it was mentioned somewhere by someone not sure who that we voted and decided to attack COTL last week so this is how it will be this week too.
I fully expect Levi to get out of this down moment soon as they too have a great set of core members. I know I shouldn't say this but the reason QQme has been able to rise back up is the response of many core members. People like Bastilla, Kali, Asheera, Woodwic, Umbra really stood up to be counted when it was needed. When we coupled this with our already pro bunch of Man, Enemy, SpellCaster, Whomper, linc, Asheera, Cupcake, Ben etc.... it was truly somethin special. This was the week when we took 1k back and defended Archo in abt 20 mins.
So I know for a fact that Levi has these type of ppl too and will no doubt re emerge stronger so am waiting for those fun TW's we used to have again.
My 2 cents and I apologize for it being this long, but hey like I said I only post if I only really wanna say something
U forgot urself farseer... despite that one time u left for i forgot what reason... ur still core and pro forum talker b:pleased
and in da words of my fav rapper:
We'll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, you're not alone
Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty0 -
I didn't take the time to read that, but I'm getting a lot of complaining about "he left, she left" going on here. Something about "So and so is a traitor! Burn him!" I also am getting something about honor and loyalty. It's a laughable concept. People are gonna do what they wanna do. Why not just let them? Then we can focus on moving on.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
iwotm8?0 -
TruthWarren - Raging Tide wrote: »I didn't take the time to read that, but I'm getting a lot of complaining about "he left, she left" going on here. Something about "So and so is a traitor! Burn him!" I also am getting something about honor and loyalty. It's a laughable concept. People are gonna do what they wanna do. Why not just let them? Then we can focus on moving on.
Easiest way to put it you didnt read it thats fine but this thread was made by the one that everyone is talking about.But i do see what you are saying.Maybe next time he will choose not to call others out.And if you laugh about honor or loyalty thats a shame with out honor and loyalty you would have no wars in a game or real word and we would all be in the same faction think that would be a very boring game if you ask me.Traitors are how we all have enemys and loyalty is how we all have friends. So im really not understanding your thought on this part.If dramaless threads are what you seek maybe you are looking in the wrong places or maybe even the wrong game.The build up of drama may not be something you like but it tends to make TWs more fun.Or maybe we should all b:shutup and hold hands at camp fire and sign songs b:laugh
ReinsTerror - Raging Tide wrote: »Easiest way to put it you didnt read it thats fine but this thread was made by the one that everyone is talking about.But i do see what you are saying.Maybe next time he will choose not to call others out.And if you laugh about honor or loyalty thats a shame with out honor and loyalty you would have no wars in a game or real word and we would all be in the same faction think that would be a very boring game if you ask me.Traitors are how we all have enemys and loyalty is how we all have friends. So im really not understanding your thought on this part.If dramaless threads are what you seek maybe you are looking in the wrong places or maybe even the wrong game.The build up of drama may not be something you like but it tends to make TWs more fun.Or maybe we should all b:shutup and hold hands at camp fire and sign songs b:laugh
I have an appreciation for honor and loyalty in the real world, but this isn't the real world. There are real consequences should you decide that you want to betray someone. Morals (or lack thereof) are the only law here. You can use people, spread slanderous lies, and disrespect others to your heart's content. At the end of the day the only thing you have to deal with is your own conscience and the possibility that the people you do wrong will decide to do the same to you.
As far as dramaless threads? Nah, I find them entertaining. Sometimes I just wish it was something a little more meaningful. Oh wait...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
iwotm8?0 -
Rawrgh - Raging Tide wrote: »Yet when Leviathan is winning and people leave QQme for leviathan, you welcome them with open arms. Welcome Tymirichy, welcome ItzElysium, Welcome a dozen or so other members!.
This made me laugh at the hypocrisy of it all following recent events.0 -
Russiee - Raging Tide wrote: »...the hypocrisy of it all...
Fuzzy a bit confused on why it even matters who comes or goes? People will leave factions and join different ones all the time. It happens every day. Once they have decided to leave why care where they choose to apply?
If they left in bad taste or burned their bridge to ever get back, so be it. Some people are like this, some aren't. Others perhaps give a legitimate reason for leaving and if they ever wish to come back they are welcome to. Fuzzy has seen this from all factions.
Bandwagon jumping or whatever else you want to call it...... its completely irrelevant from Fuzzy's point of view. If someone leaves let em go an not worry about where they choose to go or what other faction chooses to have them. Once they are gone it ceases to be your problem.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
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