3 TW's this week?



  • Starr - Harshlands
    Starr - Harshlands Posts: 331 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    >nice paycheck
    >spend 4-5m average per tw

    Pic Related.


    >nice paycheck

    Pic Related.

    i call bs here. if you are spending 5 mil per tw something is really wrong with how you play. bm goes in stuns, retreats... repeat infinity. i haven't done tw on bm since the BLT/CQ/RQ/GDNZ days but it can't have changed all that much. even 5 mil per weekend tw (2 tw @ 3 hrs each) seems pretty off. maybe take that statement back or explain further why people should feel sorry for the poor Essence.
    That obviously was when spectral could stand 3 hours of tw. Spectral is just a joke now.

    i think a better statement would be that entire game is sort of a joke now. even the stupidiest of players wakes up at some point and says "what the heck am i doing wasting time here" Devs have finally found a better way to kill the game than packs. i haven't had my "aha" moment to where i wake up and finally quit, but i find that since the update i log in about 60% than before.
    the good Starr
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    i call bs here. if you are spending 5 mil per tw something is really wrong with how you play. bm goes in stuns, retreats... repeat infinity. i haven't done tw on bm since the BLT/CQ/RQ/GDNZ days but it can't have changed all that much. even 5 mil per weekend tw (2 tw @ 3 hrs each) seems pretty off. maybe take that statement back or explain further why people should feel sorry for the poor Essence.

    Just an FYI....I was going through 3/4 to a full plat HP charm in these wars. Add an MP charm, pots, hp/mp food, Genie fuel...

    Now...charms alone will run you a good amount if you are going through the above said amount.

    It was/is not uncommon for our barbs to run through 3-4 gold hp charms and the same can be said for many of the BM's who have 15-20k (unbuffed) hp.

    So needless to say, TW's have changed...

    PS --> Now...BM's run, stun, die b:chuckle
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Phaige - Lost City
    Phaige - Lost City Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    That obviously was when spectral could stand 3 hours of tw. Spectral is just a joke now.

    This is just from an outsiders point of view, I been playing this game long enough to see the same pattern repeat. While doing nothing as the same as all other guilds in the server.
    Essence = The new CQ, they will take the map by force. They have the correct players and a great amount of land to dominate.
    Spectral = if they disband will be like BL all over again but are the only ones that stand up for the fight. They may loose and get charm ***** in TW but they stick to fighting regardless.
    Kamizama = Same alliance as GuardianZ had with CQ and eventually end up the same. It's just a matter of time till they make Essence put them on kos. Great guild but instead of making fun on Spectrals loses in TW to Essence. Just for the fun of it attack Essence and try your luck.

    All in all in 6 months map will belong to 1 guild.
  • Zerhee - Lost City
    Zerhee - Lost City Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    i call bs here. if you are spending 5 mil per tw something is really wrong with how you play. bm goes in stuns, retreats... repeat infinity. i haven't done tw on bm since the BLT/CQ/RQ/GDNZ days but it can't have changed all that much. even 5 mil per weekend tw (2 tw @ 3 hrs each) seems pretty off. maybe take that statement back or explain further why people should feel sorry for the poor Essence.

    Yeah it hasn't changed at all broseph, there were so many 15k hp WRs and jun8/nirvana +12s back then. Get real.
    Far Beyond Driven
  • lolitrolu
    lolitrolu Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    i haven't done tw on bm since the BLT/CQ/RQ/GDNZ days but it can't have changed all that much.
    shouldnt you not be talking about stuff you haven done in more than a year? and saying that the game hasnt changed "all that much" in the past year is just plain ****. are you blind? can't you see that now everyone has a ****load of hp and a +10 weapon? charms tick more, DUH
    Kamizama = Same alliance as GuardianZ had with CQ and eventually end up the same.
    not likely
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    obama will shows us the change we need to get through these tough times. just go rpk lol **** guilds.
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    3m/mirages < nothing

    faction w/o territory get nothing if they do tw...
    but if you don't wanna spend 4-5m on "crystalwalks"...
    just dont attend tw...b:chuckle

    pics totally related


    hi Zerhee b:laugh

    $50 be worth moar then 3m/mirages.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Susamajii - Lost City
    Susamajii - Lost City Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    tw sucked because most people with decent lv&gear were joining essence for a nice paycheck rather than attacking essence with another faction...b:bye

    Just because i feel like saying it.

    3 hour war for me comes with the following.

    1. Easily 5 gold charms. 1.8mill per charm
    2. 100-200 hp pots. 36 tokens for 200 pots
    3. 100k stamina off genie. 150? chi stones to refill
    4. 600k-800k in cata scrolls.
    5. 20-30 immunepots and a few various other pots. 25k per pot.

    Do the math on that one, throw in i got 2 extra mill to cover charms and tell me how I made money please? Oh don't forget having yet another 3 hour war the day right after. Of course this was back when TW was still competitive.
    Push me,
    And then just touch me.
    Tilll I get my,
  • Regenbogen - Lost City
    Regenbogen - Lost City Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    $50 be worth moar then 3m/mirages.

    actually its -50$ D:
    Just because i feel like saying it.

    3 hour war for me comes with the following.

    1. Easily 5 gold charms. 1.8mill per charm
    2. 100-200 hp pots. 36 tokens for 200 pots
    3. 100k stamina off genie. 150? chi stones to refill
    4. 600k-800k in cata scrolls.
    5. 20-30 immunepots and a few various other pots. 25k per pot.

    Do the math on that one, throw in i got 2 extra mill to cover charms and tell me how I made money please? Oh don't forget having yet another 3 hour war the day right after. Of course this was back when TW was still competitive.

    if you as catabarb have to pay everything from your own wallet you were screwed over...b:bye
    anyways didn't you decided on your own to spend this much for tw...b:chuckle
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • Marzenia - Lost City
    Marzenia - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    zerhee urank8b:shocked
  • KedgeSniper - Lost City
    KedgeSniper - Lost City Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    If ya look to spectral TW formations.. almost 1/3 of their members are gone already b:shutup

    Spectral needs better leadership
    Face the fear. Face a war. Face the world.
    Leeching CQ salary since 09'
    Many names, Common Faces.
  • Xnastyx - Lost City
    Xnastyx - Lost City Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Tbh i don't think the core members of Spectral, whatever is left of them really care about the territory map anymore. Most of there players that stood out aren't active. Also the importance of tw to a guild has dropped drastically since the patch. Top priority being world pk and maybe world bosses now. Oh Joy lol....
  • SilverCleric - Lost City
    SilverCleric - Lost City Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I thought TW sucked before the patch (not many wars and very short wars).. but it doesn't get much worse than this.

    The funny thing is that the GM's said that that patch was suppose to make more low lvled guilds do TW's and yet now there's less TW's going on now. >_>

    I bet next week there won't be any TW's. ijs

    ✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰

    ★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★

    ✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    lol an entire week of anticipation and all the TW's for the week are over in less than 20 mins. Lame.
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Wadzio - Lost City
    Wadzio - Lost City Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Let me state some facts for those Kami/Ess ppl talking loud here.

    1. Athran didnt bid b4 the changes were even announced. It has nothing to do with TW payment. For many months Spectral had 2-3 days of wars during the weekend that with 140M income that we had in the best moment was not giving more than 1,5M salary for our members. With 1,5M You can maybe buy 1 gold HP charm - for 3 days wars is absolutely not enough. Spectral never cared abt salary, it was always obvious that in Spectral You have to spend more for TW than You will receive. Spectral never attacked non-factors guilds to build up the land+salary potential as Essence did. I gotta say at least Kamisama was mostly bidding on us, but when they had troubles with quantity of members avaible for TW they started to bid on other guilds like Koi, ThaClick or NcN.

    2. Actually our guilds never had many 3h wars. Specially the TW Essence vs Spectral was always fast, not many TWs lasted more than 1h (unless Sunday wars). In past Spectral used to win many wars in less than 20 minutes. Currently Essence is doing that.

    3. Some of Spectral members are not playing anymore, some are on vacations, some lost interest to play PWI and wanted to focus on their rl. Do You guys want to say that LTX, FleaBag, Ehee quit the game because of the leadership? Come on!! Be realistic. They actually quit when we were still wining. When You dont have 30% of members that used to be ur guns in TW and week after week You dont have 80 ppl for TW there is no way You can make a good TW and put a good fight. We gotta wait till summer holidays are over, our members come back to play again, the new guys will accomodate and then we will go on.

    4. I was always saying in other topics to not get ever too c0cky (specially I was referring this to Adroit - he always come on forum when he is on winning side for a while, talks a lot then dissapear for weeks when he is on the losing side). After CQ gave up the map, Spectral was fighting Kamisama every week on a very tough and bloody TWs. Most of them Kamisama won. Then Spectral had few TWs with Essence that were tied (3 wins for each side). After this Spectral was continuosly wining TWs with Essence and Kamisama for almost 4 months. Depending which land we decided to defend or attack we were wining it. Currently Essence is in that phase, you guys have more ppl active, You have changed the TW system aswell, You recruited some new ppl and this is the result. As for some ppl leaving guild, it has nothing to do with leadership. Some ppl leave the guild because of rl issues, some just go emo - but guys be honest with urself. Didnt Zerhee, Susamajii, Miss_Tika, etc ragequit Essence because of losing TW, getting zerged in PvP, etc? Susa was ragequiting after losing TW (great F**K spec topic), RedsRose were qq'ing abt 4 nixes + Wadzio **** her cata team, Zerhee abt lack of PvP action in Essence and that every pvp You had to call Kamisama, Miss_Tika as pvp officer abt when to leave pvp when Ehee comes, Amour that Essence have pusy members and not many come for PvP or the guild get rolled during nien beast event. There are so many factors that make ppl stay in guild that like talking smart and smack specially when You are not in such guild is just way stupid. I think every guild faced this during last 6-8 months, so I dont think there is a reason to make such a big deal and drama.

    PS. @ Azura & Kedge just make sure Kamisama dont lose TW to a joke/fail guild, because in 3 weeks we may place bid on ur land and how are You going to look after saying such words and losing TW? Once again look at point 4 and be more modest. TW is to have some challenge and fun.
    Because size really MATTERS!!!
  • Pepper - Lost City
    Pepper - Lost City Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    dot dot dot
    I never thought I`l said that or read this forum ever again for its stupid threads,
    but Wadzio... i agree with every word you said.
    (exept for part why essence members left/rejoined, dunno what happend there and dont really care)

    about TW with us, sep. 17-19 will be perfect i have weekend off due to holydays

    Metal raging Perfect Worlds since 2007
  • Zerhee - Lost City
    Zerhee - Lost City Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Didnt Zerhee, Susamajii, Miss_Tika, etc ragequit Essence because of losing TW, getting zerged in PvP, etc?

    What? My reasons were different, and you even read the topic on our forums. Maybe you're thinking about NyKage.
    Far Beyond Driven
  • Wadzio - Lost City
    Wadzio - Lost City Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Pepper, Kami also had this troubles in past, when Kuyaa and ArchEvil couldnt play, LLama, Showharu, Nahemah and some other quit the game. For a while You guys didnt even have catapullers and had Fiddy_yen and IchigoThePKK to pull catas (true story, no joke). Currently, You may face the same trouble again as many of ur members left to Essence lately, but well at the end its a game. Lets have fun and play. I believe a lot will change soon. Some ppl will come back after summer holidays, some will leave to play Forsaken World ro whatever is the name of the other game, some ppl will have to go back to school and wont stay online that long.

    Zerhee, amore mio, you ' re right my little minchia!! b:dirty
    Because size really MATTERS!!!
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Spectral never attacked non-factors guilds to build up the land+salary potential as Essence did.

    Right after the reset, there were two established factor guilds. Kamisama and Spectral. Essence was a small group which merged with, I think it was, Entity and PuFanClub... not sure, I wasn't in until Ominous disbanded and our core moved to Essence on the 2nd weekend of new wars. The rest were randoms. Like everyone, at first we crystalwalked CQ, then both Essence and Spec took land from non-factors. We then wiped GZ off the map (which you shouldn't complain about, it strengthened Spectral greatly judging by the next series of wars we had) and proceeded to expand as you did. Our first war with you was a crystal walk, you chose not to defend. After that it was brutal facing a well prepared and experienced Spectral as a group of inexperienced Essence.

    There was a period when we started attacking you and lost the first two then proceeded to with the other three. We took a land from Free Reign and then two from Ruthless and came back to you and already we had forgotten what we learned and lost to you a number of times before coming back to win. You may not remember them all that much but they were very brutal on our side. After that it was almost always war against you, while you were hell bent on taking land from Kami. Ignoring the difficult wars because of your hatred of CQ/Kami.

    I gotta say at least Kamisama was mostly bidding on us, but when they had troubles with quantity of members avaible for TW they started to bid on other guilds like Koi, ThaClick or NcN.

    We've had 31 wars with you. We've lost 12 of them. Instead of Spectral fighting tougher wars with Essence, you chose to take land from Kami. So who was the stronger preying on the weaker? That's a cop-out.

    Spectral was fighting Kamisama every week on a very tough and bloody TWs. Most of them Kamisama won. Then Spectral had few TWs with Essence that were tied (3 wins for each side). After this Spectral was continuosly wining TWs with Essence and Kamisama for almost 4 months. Depending which land we decided to defend or attack we were wining it.

    There was never a 3-4 month period where you were always winning. There was a 3 month period where you won 8 out of 12 wars. Your victories were usually quick. Our victories were much longer and brutal wars. We were still learning.

    I actually don't disagree with most of what you said, I just felt I needed to set your facts straight. I also hope you do get back key members and do put up a better fight. There is no real victory winning a 12 minute war.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Wadzio - Lost City
    Wadzio - Lost City Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Spectral took land from CQ, then attacked some non-factor guild, then took city of plume, then was attacking suteki (which was KOS since CQ days) then we went after Kamisama that we actually didnt plan at start. but Schooled was QQ'ing abt Harvester getting owned, so we wanted to help. We all know what Schooled did later and where he is now... Meanwhile You guys were taking lands on bottom, including the new lands and city on bottom of the map, You had 1 TW with GZ and later You were getting lands from those non-factor, non-kos guild. Took long time till You guys touched any of our land and actually Elayne decided to have practice/training TW. I gotta admit it - I enjoyed those 6 TWs we had, the fights were close, and the best part was waiting for other TW to be done till we start ours 1 vs 1. Both guilds waited once. I always respected this, later it never happened since Kami and Ess couldnt put a good fight in TW.

    As simple as it is, when You are facing double attacks from 2 good guilds You have to focus on 1 of them, specially if both (Kami and Ess) are aiming to go after 1k. It means we would have to defend 1k every single week from Kamisama or Essence, while both guilds could surround 1k, etc. It means You have to play hard defensive wars having to defend 8 catas that is always more complicated. This is strategy, its not any fear of any guild. Trust me, the day Essence will start to face serious double-triple attacks every week like Spectral did, You will also decide to focus on 1 guild. TBH, many guilds would give up having so many TWs as we had (around 70 TW in 8 months).

    Well I dont have the exact record of wars, I would need to check on forum on how many victories/loses we had in 1 vs 1 TWs (Im not counting crystal walks), tho im pretty sure besides Sunday wars for 4 months we never lost a TW vs Essence on battlefield. To be completely honest - we didnt pick on weaker side - actually Kamisama always performed better in TW than Essence (You can ask UVF), we always had hell lot of fun when we saw Essence catapullers trying to DD, wasting sparks on perditions, ticking charms and losing the survability (Hi there Susa) abilities instead of using invoke of spirits etc. We went after Kamisama, because of the situation on the map, we wanted to push into a situation we gonna go 1 vs 1 with Essence and let Kami have the lands on bottom, but when that moment happened we started to have troubles with many core members leaving, quitting, having vacations, pc troubles, moving to new places, etc. We gave up on 1k, we let You have crystal walk there for this reason. Not willing to exagerate but 50% of our normal TW members are not avaible atm for TW, we barely have 80 ppl for TW. Try to come for TW without 50% of the ppl and less than 80's, You will feel the difference aswell.

    Anyway, losing TW is not a big deal. We are used to it. We lost many TWs in past to CQ, even during triple attacks, so that its not something new to us. I remember a lot of ppl were saying aftr CQ disbanded that the map and the TW will be between Kami and Ess. I think we entertained the server enough and made them change their mind. Currently Essence is the best TW guild on server, probably Spectral is the 2nd, followed by Kamisama. Tho it may change 1 day again. As not long time ago we were on the top. But yea im also looking forward to see our members back and have some more even TWs, cuz its fun.
    Because size really MATTERS!!!
  • TruthWarren - Raging Tide
    TruthWarren - Raging Tide Posts: 1,028 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    In all seriousness...can you shorten this up? I mean, I don't wanna be like "tl;dr" but this is like an essay. Just a few sentences will do. Thank you for your time.

    Because I Can,
    Mr. Warren

  • SilverMinx - Lost City
    SilverMinx - Lost City Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I actually like this wall of text LMAO

    Oh me! Oh my! Can it be a real conversation going on here?! Heaven forbid!

    Wadzio b:kiss

    Michael b:victory
  • Ignation - Lost City
    Ignation - Lost City Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I don't know about all the others, but I actually liked Spectral winning streaks, and them taking lands.

    Not that I don't want my faction to win, but that would have created more lands to bid on.

    And just because of the fact that, we can have more good TWs, if one side wins all, there is no competition.

    I hope to see spectral get back on their feet and become the force they once used to be.

    "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I hope to see spectral get back on their feet and become the force they once used to be.

    ^ Agree 100%

    Although I am admittedly not the biggest fan of TW, I can live with or without it, I still do it. However, it is a waste of preparation in going to a 12 minute war but you never know so you must prepare as if going to a 3 hr war. A lot has happened to Spec, Kami and Essence within the past few months and as such the changes are expected.

    TBH, it is not whether one guild is the "best" or the "worst," if all comes down to (imo) the state of the server and why many still play. Which in this case is TW for many.

    But in all honesty, TW's are a blur to me b:surrender How the hell you all remember them is beyond me...From Spec to CQ to Kami to Essence = fml TW's...there have been amazing and crappy TW's...all I know b:chuckle

    I just hope Spec gets whatever they need to get together...Athran deserves as much.
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • KedgeSniper - Lost City
    KedgeSniper - Lost City Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    we gonna go 1 vs 1 with Essence and let Kami have the lands on bottom, but when that moment happened we started to have troubles with many core members leaving, quitting, having vacations, pc troubles, moving to new places, got kick out of the guild, Left cause of dropzio and We gave up on 1k

    Fixed for you b:bye
    Face the fear. Face a war. Face the world.
    Leeching CQ salary since 09'
    Many names, Common Faces.
  • Susamajii - Lost City
    Susamajii - Lost City Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Let me state some facts for those Kami/Ess ppl talking loud here.

    1. Athran didnt bid b4 the changes were even announced. It has nothing to do with TW payment. For many months Spectral had 2-3 days of wars during the weekend that with 140M income that we had in the best moment was not giving more than 1,5M salary for our members. With 1,5M You can maybe buy 1 gold HP charm - for 3 days wars is absolutely not enough. Spectral never cared abt salary, it was always obvious that in Spectral You have to spend more for TW than You will receive. Spectral never attacked non-factors guilds to build up the land+salary potential as Essence did. I gotta say at least Kamisama was mostly bidding on us, but when they had troubles with quantity of members avaible for TW they started to bid on other guilds like Koi, ThaClick or NcN.

    2. Actually our guilds never had many 3h wars. Specially the TW Essence vs Spectral was always fast, not many TWs lasted more than 1h (unless Sunday wars). In past Spectral used to win many wars in less than 20 minutes. Currently Essence is doing that.

    3. Some of Spectral members are not playing anymore, some are on vacations, some lost interest to play PWI and wanted to focus on their rl. Do You guys want to say that LTX, FleaBag, Ehee quit the game because of the leadership? Come on!! Be realistic. They actually quit when we were still wining. When You dont have 30% of members that used to be ur guns in TW and week after week You dont have 80 ppl for TW there is no way You can make a good TW and put a good fight. We gotta wait till summer holidays are over, our members come back to play again, the new guys will accomodate and then we will go on.

    4. I was always saying in other topics to not get ever too c0cky (specially I was referring this to Adroit - he always come on forum when he is on winning side for a while, talks a lot then dissapear for weeks when he is on the losing side). After CQ gave up the map, Spectral was fighting Kamisama every week on a very tough and bloody TWs. Most of them Kamisama won. Then Spectral had few TWs with Essence that were tied (3 wins for each side). After this Spectral was continuosly wining TWs with Essence and Kamisama for almost 4 months. Depending which land we decided to defend or attack we were wining it. Currently Essence is in that phase, you guys have more ppl active, You have changed the TW system aswell, You recruited some new ppl and this is the result. As for some ppl leaving guild, it has nothing to do with leadership. Some ppl leave the guild because of rl issues, some just go emo - but guys be honest with urself. Didnt Zerhee, Susamajii, Miss_Tika, etc ragequit Essence because of losing TW, getting zerged in PvP, etc? Susa was ragequiting after losing TW (great F**K spec topic), RedsRose were qq'ing abt 4 nixes + Wadzio **** her cata team, Zerhee abt lack of PvP action in Essence and that every pvp You had to call Kamisama, Miss_Tika as pvp officer abt when to leave pvp when Ehee comes, Amour that Essence have pusy members and not many come for PvP or the guild get rolled during nien beast event. There are so many factors that make ppl stay in guild that like talking smart and smack specially when You are not in such guild is just way stupid. I think every guild faced this during last 6-8 months, so I dont think there is a reason to make such a big deal and drama.

    PS. @ Azura & Kedge just make sure Kamisama dont lose TW to a joke/fail guild, because in 3 weeks we may place bid on ur land and how are You going to look after saying such words and losing TW? Once again look at point 4 and be more modest. TW is to have some challenge and fun.

    lolwut? Wadzio you are truly sad get off my TW map.

    1. I have never left Essence just get your spy to check and see who is at the top of the list of names by level then join date. That would go Elayne, Zerhee, Me. So if I left how could I be on the top?

    2. Didn't you leave guild because you're a complete failure as a player and a leader. Dropping your gear is truly pathetic when you have played a game as long as you have and are director of a faction. It shows irresponsibility and lack of focus. (also you died to alts when you lost it LOL)

    3. Our first 3 wars went 1 hour loss 1 hour loss 3 hour tie. Then after that you guys got rolled over and over till OUR members started going inactive due to boredom and vacation and other things as well. Suddenly you guys start doing good again, see a trend here?

    4. I'd have to go look but pretty sure I never made a hate thread about spectral on our forums ever lol.

    5. Athran tried to bullly Daikoku then Midnight when they were in a rough patch by saying they would continue attacking Kami lands until they stopped being Essence allies and attacked us as well. TRULY sad and i love Dai and Mid for telling your guild to shove it up their ****. We even split our salary with them on any new lands gained while you guys took theirs and gave us yours cuz both you and Athran have lost your edge as leaders. Personally Devlinne is a smart guy and I think he would be a good leader. Sure he's a bit extreme and ragey but hey I'm that way too so I can appreciate it.

    But honestly hope your joke of a guild gets it's act together because there's really no challenge out there for us anymore. We'll enjoy walking over your last 3 territories. Tell Shin we'll sell him the rank 9 badges 1billion coins each.

    @SilverMinx hiya b:cute

    @Rose nixes do suck sista.

    PS: Wadzio dragoned me for 5k crit in our last TW LOLUBAD?

    Edit: BTW We weren't attacking you because we were letting you and Kami battle it out, would have been no fun 2v1ing (at this point in time).

    Push me,
    And then just touch me.
    Tilll I get my,
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    @Rose nixes do suck sista.

    b:kiss Susa...My fav barb to heal b:cute <3
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Susamajii - Lost City
    Susamajii - Lost City Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Spectral took land from CQ, then attacked some non-factor guild, then took city of plume, then was attacking suteki (which was KOS since CQ days) then we went after Kamisama that we actually didnt plan at start. but Schooled was QQ'ing abt Harvester getting owned, so we wanted to help. We all know what Schooled did later and where he is now... Meanwhile You guys were taking lands on bottom, including the new lands and city on bottom of the map, You had 1 TW with GZ and later You were getting lands from those non-factor, non-kos guild. Took long time till You guys touched any of our land and actually Elayne decided to have practice/training TW. I gotta admit it - I enjoyed those 6 TWs we had, the fights were close, and the best part was waiting for other TW to be done till we start ours 1 vs 1. Both guilds waited once. I always respected this, later it never happened since Kami and Ess couldnt put a good fight in TW.

    As simple as it is, when You are facing double attacks from 2 good guilds You have to focus on 1 of them, specially if both (Kami and Ess) are aiming to go after 1k. It means we would have to defend 1k every single week from Kamisama or Essence, while both guilds could surround 1k, etc. It means You have to play hard defensive wars having to defend 8 catas that is always more complicated. This is strategy, its not any fear of any guild. Trust me, the day Essence will start to face serious double-triple attacks every week like Spectral did, You will also decide to focus on 1 guild. TBH, many guilds would give up having so many TWs as we had (around 70 TW in 8 months).

    Well I dont have the exact record of wars, I would need to check on forum on how many victories/loses we had in 1 vs 1 TWs (Im not counting crystal walks), tho im pretty sure besides Sunday wars for 4 months we never lost a TW vs Essence on battlefield. To be completely honest - we didnt pick on weaker side - actually Kamisama always performed better in TW than Essence (You can ask UVF), we always had hell lot of fun when we saw Essence catapullers trying to DD, wasting sparks on perditions, ticking charms and losing the survability (Hi there Susa) abilities instead of using invoke of spirits etc. We went after Kamisama, because of the situation on the map, we wanted to push into a situation we gonna go 1 vs 1 with Essence and let Kami have the lands on bottom, but when that moment happened we started to have troubles with many core members leaving, quitting, having vacations, pc troubles, moving to new places, etc. We gave up on 1k, we let You have crystal walk there for this reason. Not willing to exagerate but 50% of our normal TW members are not avaible atm for TW, we barely have 80 ppl for TW. Try to come for TW without 50% of the ppl and less than 80's, You will feel the difference aswell.

    Anyway, losing TW is not a big deal. We are used to it. We lost many TWs in past to CQ, even during triple attacks, so that its not something new to us. I remember a lot of ppl were saying aftr CQ disbanded that the map and the TW will be between Kami and Ess. I think we entertained the server enough and made them change their mind. Currently Essence is the best TW guild on server, probably Spectral is the 2nd, followed by Kamisama. Tho it may change 1 day again. As not long time ago we were on the top. But yea im also looking forward to see our members back and have some more even TWs, cuz its fun.

    Not gonna lie I did perdition people while pulling and you seemed to like to die to it enough, but this was a bad idea. Was my first couple months of ever being in a real guild in a real TW. Infact many said I pull alot like Devlinne lol seems we have a few things in common. However, I quickly learned/was told this is a bad idea and seeing as I haven't died in a TW versus your guild in at least a month well wait now I did die right after your crystal did that one week when i was the last catapuller alive and your entire guild was hitting me, but I still took out the crystal. Wadzio if you weren't such a complete moron and hadn't lied about so many things in the past then I'd be able to read your posts with a little respect. Sadly though you are full of **** and I can't take anything you say seriously.
    Push me,
    And then just touch me.
    Tilll I get my,
  • MaiaElais - Lost City
    MaiaElais - Lost City Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Lol Dropzio you are so full of **** it's hilarious.

    And fyi Essence's tw record is

    51 Victory's
    9 Defeats
    1 Draw

    Think those numbers really speak for themselves tbh. b:bye
    ~Carpe Diem~
  • Elayne - Lost City
    Elayne - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    For those of you who do not have Essence's spreadsheet link here is our bid history and war outcome history. (PS I would format it better but the information is already in a spreadsheet...go get the link from my forums if you want it).

    I will interject comments about our strategy at the time just for those who don't know...

    Date Time Type Who Where Value Outcome How

    <This is the start of the bidding, Essence is formed because we did not want to just reform CQ under a new name and take the server again - Notice that we immediately go after Guardianz which at the time was a bigger faction then we were.>

    21-Nov-09 9:12 Attack Conqueror Dreaming Cloud 0 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    27-Nov-09 20:03 Attack Wildcats Swamp of the Wraiths 80 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    28-Nov-09 20:00 Defend EagleSPL Dreaming Cloud 20 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    6-Dec-09 20:03 Attack GuardianZ Hidden Orchid 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    12-Dec-09 20:18 Attack GuardianZ Dreamweaver Port 70 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    11-Dec-09 20:09 Defend GuardianZ Hidden Orchid 30 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    19-Dec-09 20:12 Attack NPC Shattered Cloud Island 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    26-Dec-09 20:18 Attack NPC Tiderage City 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal

    <We bid on ADC because we wanted it, however, after this war you will see we turned our sights on FinalOath for awhile, this was for 2 reasons. First, we were KOS with FinalOath and they were getting a lot of land and secondly, Spectral opted to not defend us and we didn't want crystal walks>

    2-Jan-10 20:03 Attack Spectral Archosaur 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    9-Jan-10 20:09 Attack Yakuza King's Feast 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    15-Jan-10 20:03 Attack FinalOath Shining Tidewood 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    22-Jan-10 20:03 Attack FinalOath Tradewind Village 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    29-Jan-10 20:12 Attack FinalOath Sanctuary 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    5-Feb-10 20:15 Defend PILIPINO Swamp of the Wraiths 10 Victory Destroyed Crystal

    <We turned our sights on Spectral at this point because FinalOath disbanded and was finished. We accomplished our goal here and moved on. Notice the 2 loses, 1 Time-out, and then a win. Took us awhile but we got it.>

    6-Feb-10 20:06 Attack Spectral Plume City 100 Defeat Destroyed Crystal
    13-Feb-10 20:12 Attack Spectral Plume City 100 Defeat Destroyed Crystal
    19-Feb-10 20:03 Attack Spectral Plume City 100 Defeat Ran out of Time
    20-Feb-10 20:00 Defend SG1Owns Shining Tidewood 40 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    20-Feb-10 20:03 Defend Spectral Archosaur 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    26-Feb-10 20:12 Attack Spectral Plume City 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    27-Feb-10 20:09 Defend Spectral Archosaur 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal

    <We again gave some time off for Spectral to regroup because at the time they weren't winning against Kamisama and we wanted to give them some time. We moved to the north against guilds that we could still attack (non-allies)>

    6-Mar-10 20:12 Attack FreeReign Fragrant Hills 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    13-Mar-10 20:18 Attack Ruthless Mount Lantern 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    20-Mar-10 20:03 Attack Ruthless Misfortune 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal

    <Got bored of easy wars and moved back to Spectral TW. Notice the pattern again of a few loses followed by us getting our act together and winning. At this point forward we only focused on Spectral because there were no other factions we wanted to bid on. We left 3 lands for small to mid size factions to have TW's on and isolated them from the other factions as best we could.>

    28-Mar-10 20:00 Attack Spectral WellSpring Village 100 Defeat Destroyed Crystal
    3-Apr-10 20:03 Attack Spectral WellSpring Village 100 Defeat Destroyed Crystal
    11-Apr-10 20:00 Attack Spectral WellSpring Village 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal

    17-Apr-10 20:12 Attack Spectral Silk Ridge 100 Defeat Destroyed Crystal
    25-Apr-10 20:00 Attack Spectral Silk Ridge 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal

    30-Apr-10 20:03 Defend DlamSucks Hidden Orchid 10 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    1-May-10 20:09 Attack Spectral City of the Lost 100 Defeat Destroyed Crystal
    7-May-10 20:03 Attack Spectral City of the Lost 100 Defeat Destroyed Crystal
    15-May-10 20:03 Attack Spectral City of the Lost 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal

    21-May-10 20:03 Defend FAKE Shining Tidewood 10 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    22-May-10 20:06 Attack Spectral Broken Plain 100 Defeat Destroyed Crystal
    28-May-10 20:03 Attack Spectral Plain of Farewells 100 Defeat Destroyed Crystal
    4-Jun-10 20:03 Attack Spectral Plain of Farewells 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal

    6-Jun-10 20:03 Defend Yiff Shattered Cloud Island 10 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    12-Jun-10 20:00 Attack Spectral Thousand Streams City 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    18-Jun-10 20:12 Attack Spectral The Frozen Path 100 Defeat Ran out of Time
    19-Jun-10 20:09 Defend Kamisama_ Tradewind Village 10 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    19-Jun-10 20:12 Defend the_beast Sanctuary 10 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    26-Jun-10 20:00 Attack Spectral The Frozen Path 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal

    2-Jul-10 20:00 Defend SG1Owns Mount Lantern 10 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    2-Jul-10 20:03 Defend Celistine Shattered Cloud Island 10 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    3-Jul-10 20:00 Attack Spectral The Harshlands 100 Defeat Destroyed Crystal
    9-Jul-10 20:00 Defend Squirrels Fragrant Hills 25 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    9-Jul-10 20:03 Defend ThaClick Plume City 50 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    9-Jul-10 20:06 Defend NcN Dreaming Cloud 25 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    10-Jul-10 20:00 Defend Spectral Thousand Streams City 50 Victory Destroyed Crystal

    10-Jul-10 20:03 Defend SG1Owns Shining Tidewood 25 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    10-Jul-10 20:06 Defend KageBushi Silk Ridge 25 Victory Destroyed Crystal

    11-Jul-10 20:00 Attack Spectral The Harshlands 50 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    17-Jul-10 20:09 Defend Spectral Thousand Streams City 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    18-Jul-10 20:03 Attack Spectral Ancient Wall 80 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    23-Jul-10 20:00 Defend Spectral The Frozen Path 70 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    24-Jul-10 20:06 Attack Spectral Etherblade City 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    30-Jul-10 20:03 Attack Spectral Avalanche Canyon 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    31-Jul-10 20:09 Defend Spectral Etherblade City 50 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    31-Jul-10 20:12 Defend Nightwish Sanctuary 40 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    6-Aug-10 20:00 Defend Dojos Sanctuary 10 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    7-Aug-10 20:12 Attack Spectral Windswept Grasslands 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal
    14-Aug-10 20:00 Attack Spectral Thousand Wood Ridge 100 Victory Destroyed Crystal

    For those who don't want to read the wall of text here is the record (yes, some victories are due to crystal walks).

    20 Wins - 2 Ties (Time Ran out) - 10 Loses

    For the Spectral who want to go "time ran out you still lose" then go ahead and add the two together. It's still 20 - 12.

    Also, I would like to point out to Wadzio out there Essence has NEVER lost a defensive war against you guys. So, you've never had a successful attack on our territory even at the height of your "power". Please get your facts straight, keep better records, but lying, while a common trait of yours, does not become you. The majority of Essence's wars were against bigger guilds than us at the beginning and once we started to grow we moved onto primarily Spectral TW's, we did diverge to smaller guilds but that was to give Spectral a chance to regroup and not get double attacked by Essence + Kamisama every single week.

    Also, your point about Essence + Kamisama ganging up on Spectral is equivalent to what you did to Kamisama when they were bigger and stronger than you. You used other guilds to help you out (Hai ThaClick). Don't pretend we used strategies you, yourself did not.

    I would address the rest of your lies but I really don't want to waste that much of my time.