[Discussion of Territory War Changes 8-5-10]



  • SneakyStalk - Harshlands
    SneakyStalk - Harshlands Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    With these new changes, we believe Territory Wars will become a more fun and competitive activity, with less opportunity for exploitation, and the chance to get some of the most powerful items in the game!

    I don't see how can a faction be more competitive with 300 mirages to have fun with. I don't think anything else needs to be added.
  • Noob - Raging Tide
    Noob - Raging Tide Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Now ppl who cant afford charms are forced to buy zen in order to enjoy tw and not get 1 shot by those who spend $100000000 on the game
  • Darcwolf - Lost City
    Darcwolf - Lost City Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Way to ruin TW, for people like me who play this game cause its free and still give you guys money occasionaly this is ridiculous. I rely on salary to pay for my charm for TW. And being a cata puller thats not cheap.

    Just like the whole lowering of DQ prices and blaming it on botters, this is nothing but another attempt by PWI to make more money. I for one am done giving you people ANY money! You no longer deserve anything, you neglect patching major bugs like cleric magic def buff that has been around FOREVER! Or the major graphics bugs around Orchid Temple and Forest ruins, SERIOUSLY HUGE BLOCKS OF BLACK! How do you miss that????

    I hate this game more and more every patch it seems.


  • Sherae - Lost City
    Sherae - Lost City Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Your recent TW changes remove the benefit of owning land. I know for a major TW faction we spend huge amounts of money both in-game coin and ZEN for our wars each week. You want to remove the reward which makes all of that worthwhile and you think we'll continue to do TW? You've got to be kidding.

    You destroyed World PK with the implementation of Bounty Hunters which removed the need for people to grind on the world map. Okay, we lived with this. But Mirage Stones as a reward for TW? 150 Mirages for a level 3 land...that's what 3 BH rewards? Let's see I can do 1 BH everyday so that's 7/week. That's a potential 350 mirages from BH and I get 150/200/300 for 1 land each week. You have no sense of what actually goes on in this game.

    Personally, I am sick and tired of changes being implemented on this game with no thought on how it impacts the dynamic of how the game works. Just because the Chinese servers are messed up doesn't mean you have to break what is working here. Yes, TW has its problems with people who fake bid, but overall the system worked and it was worthwhile to invest time and money into it. Your recent change is going to destroy this.

    If you think smaller factions will TW because of these changes you're sadly mistaken as well. Smaller factions will be hurt by this more than the larger factions will. Larger factions can afford to TW without charms and still destroy the smaller factions. The poor will get poorer and your server will die. You *may* recover as the people who currently don't do TW get into it, but you will lose a HUGE portion of your cash shopping core who pay for this server.
    Thank you...
    Lost City FTW
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    are they forced to implement it? or do they have no free will?

    These GMs are like server and forums cops. They are simply given content packages to update the game with on the North American servers, and I'm sure they signed a contract to do so. They police the forums and the game, taking care of basically grunt work.

    The developers in China are the ones who actually came up with this stupid stuff.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    GREAT update. I love it. Lets get the greedy players OUT and the people who are here to have fun IN.

    I will continue to TW and like it better knowing that these changes are in effect.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • UntamedFurey - Heavens Tear
    UntamedFurey - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    *skips to the end* i have one question ... what is the motivation for guilds to bid on us, Enrage? yes theres the shot at the rank 9 medal ... but most people are really far away from that and only 12 people are year can really obtain that if it takes 4 medals and only 1 medal per week and guilds cant make money from tw .... so whats the motivation left?
  • Rikuza - Heavens Tear
    Rikuza - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Ehem,TW..For.Fun. You can be a big faction and still use that basic fundamental value to it.Read Its been a coin sink for months,and everyone still comes charmed and prepared.

    It all depends how you set up your faction:Now its gonna be like a ghost comming back to haunt some people.
  • Proclivity - Archosaur
    Proclivity - Archosaur Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    title says it all, personally i think the packs are 3 steps too far. the TW changes i can see possibly why they were done seen as its a super coin sink, but it makes no sense, amount of charm sales will drop massivly, afew people with RANK IX will not change that.

    Jungle ruins looks cool, Celestial Tiger looks like, well, Nein beast but with better rewards i think. Wedding looks awsome. the Item - Link option (seen it on Jade Dynasty) is real handy lets hope it dosnt cost anything. and the bidding hall, not sure on that yet, depends on the "rare items they put in"

    your thoughts? rants? b:surrender
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Perfect Horns.

    This is the ONLY thing EVER changed by your company when complaints came. Sadly, this was a changeable thing. Changing the way TW works, is a big thing and we KNOW it won't happen. Everyone is upset. During Maint, people are going to go mad in this thread. It's funny how when I make good threads, good replies etc to you Frankie, you quote the minor things I say. When I give good advice to you and your company etc, you don't respond. Not that I'm exeactly looking for a response, but meh - Would seem as though for the past 20+ times I've made posts commenting on your posts, that have been detailed and giving you advice on things, and thus I am ignored. Oh well, such is life. All good things must come to an end. Will be interesting to see how PWI falls, servers merge together, etc.
  • Noob - Raging Tide
    Noob - Raging Tide Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Reserved for after i read this
  • Steopie - Heavens Tear
    Steopie - Heavens Tear Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Id like to point 'the GMs' (franky?) to this news post made by yourself:

    The question now is: What about us? What about the PWI version where there is hardly any gold-farmers, spammers, or botters? Why are we getting punished for another version
  • Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear
    Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    These GMs are like server and forums cops. They are simply given content packages to update the game with on the North American servers, and I'm sure they signed a contract to do so. They police the forums and the game, taking care of basically grunt work.

    The developers in China are the ones who actually came up with this stupid stuff.

    last time i checked GM means "game manager"

    so why call yourself a game manager if you don't actually manage anything in the game atall?
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    If larger factions decide not to use charms or even participate, doesn't it actually make it more likely for smaller factions to bid on their land?

    1 bid per faction. So if another faction bids higher, only one faction gets to attack. In the old system, they could start a bidding war or pick a different territory. There will be less action overall.

    No-refund doesn't hurt the big factions. The small factions bidding on that one small piece of non-factor land or two on a server will probably not bid if they think the chances of them not winning the bid is likely. That bidding money is far more important than it is to them.

    Nobody using charms only equals less revenue for PWI.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Sherae - Lost City
    Sherae - Lost City Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The fact that we saw this update comming, complained widely and still got ignored, is a perfect example as to how nothing will ever change. Devs just don't care about their players anymore. Maybe the devs will finally listen when they're **** **** broke cause no one on international bothers to play anymore. Your biggest shoppers did it for TW, and now that the incentives gone, you can kiss your money goodbye. GF devs, you still lose in the end

    i hope they actually care about the game in this instance

    this will truly kill the game..

    I dont get it....gms get paid .... this is their job at stake.... WHAT THE HELL?
    Lost City FTW
  • DemonFox - Dreamweaver
    DemonFox - Dreamweaver Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    *Looks for PWE stocks to see how far they go down over the next 24 hours*
  • drjiggle
    drjiggle Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Finally, we've gotten our compensation for the DQ price drop! b:beatup
  • DW_Vane - Sanctuary
    DW_Vane - Sanctuary Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    *skips to the end* i have one question ... what is the motivation for guilds to bid on us, Enrage? yes theres the shot at the rank 9 medal ... but most people are really far away from that and only 12 people are year can really obtain that if it takes 4 medals and only 1 medal per week and guilds cant make money from tw .... so whats the motivation left?

    How about.. FUN ? Wow amazing how many players forgot what does Fun actually means..
    5 pet skill slots TVM :: venos will $hare more oFc ;)
  • Sherae - Lost City
    Sherae - Lost City Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    How about.. FUN ? Wow amazing how many players forgot what does Fun actually means..
    When you hit end game all you have is tw nirvana hh and bh....

    it isnt fun end game unless u have good tw

    Where is the fun for the higher levels .-.
    Lost City FTW
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    last time i checked GM means "game manager"

    so why call yourself a game manager if you don't actually manage anything in the game atall?

    I didn't design the system, but that's the way it works. These GMs have little to no power in actual development of the games. That's why the "developer" and "GM" categories are separate.
  • Rikuza - Heavens Tear
    Rikuza - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    Why not do it simply for fun? I farm for my charms apoth and other TW related goodies as said:BEcause I love TW:Having Fun:and being together with my faction to fight the good fight.

    Youd be supprised how much the word FUN makes people wanna do.
  • Kephras - Heavens Tear
    Kephras - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    *tosses post in to be lost in the masses of wailing, gnashing teeth*

    Perfect Horns aren't fixed. People who stocked up when they were on sale still have them, and can still chat across all channels if they feel like burning one.
    Until the implementation of Horns is corrected, either through filter or removed entirely, all you can say is you don't sell them.

    It beats the alternative, but it's still a black mark on the dev's record, and doesn't really win you any points in this discussion - if indeed one is keeping track, which is about QQx9001 to 0 right now.
  • Proclivity - Archosaur
    Proclivity - Archosaur Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Considering that multiple TW related threads went up within minutes of the Content Update post being published, I'd say there's a lot to discuss.

    there was ALOT of anni pack related threads the second time u brought that out, the topic went 150+ pages with no gm response, the polls said something like 97% remove. what happened, you reinvented the packs like 5 diffrent times.

    what exactly are you going to do about tw, it was fine as it was it just needed small tweaks like more defenses per day, not a 90% TW pay cut, possible R9, super coin sink
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • Sherae - Lost City
    Sherae - Lost City Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    Why not do it simply for fun? I farm for my charms apoth and other TW related goodies as said:BEcause I love TW:Having Fun:and being together with my faction to fight the good fight.

    Youd be supprised how much the word FUN makes people wanna do.
    its no fun for a higher level faction to be attacked by a lowbie faction for 5 minutes
    my faction doesnt make a formation or buy charms for lowbies

    this is making end game ppl leave... sure the people who dont cash shop will have fun now if all the end game cash shoppers quit...but pwi will die from lack of money
    Lost City FTW
  • Paramedic - Dreamweaver
    Paramedic - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    i dunno.. that could work if tw map was blank (no rush to join red faction for tw pay)

    but now?..

    well, im curious how will map look in 4-8 weeks and then after half of year
    BUILD EFFICIENCY CALCULATOR: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1129681

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  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Your recent TW changes remove the benefit of owning land. I know for a major TW faction we spend huge amounts of money both in-game coin and ZEN for our wars each week. You want to remove the reward which makes all of that worthwhile and you think we'll continue to do TW? You've got to be kidding.

    You destroyed World PK with the implementation of Bounty Hunters which removed the need for people to grind on the world map. Okay, we lived with this. But Mirage Stones as a reward for TW? 150 Mirages for a level 3 land...that's what 3 BH rewards? Let's see I can do 1 BH everyday so that's 7/week. That's a potential 350 mirages from BH and I get 150/200/300 for 1 land each week. You have no sense of what actually goes on in this game.

    Personally, I am sick and tired of changes being implemented on this game with no thought on how it impacts the dynamic of how the game works. Just because the Chinese servers are messed up doesn't mean you have to break what is working here. Yes, TW has its problems with people who fake bid, but overall the system worked and it was worthwhile to invest time and money into it. Your recent change is going to destroy this.

    If you think smaller factions will TW because of these changes you're sadly mistaken as well. Smaller factions will be hurt by this more than the larger factions will. Larger factions can afford to TW without charms and still destroy the smaller factions. The poor will get poorer and your server will die. You *may* recover as the people who currently don't do TW get into it, but you will lose a HUGE portion of your cash shopping core who pay for this server.

    I recently cash shopped to improve my gear for the TW scene and now, frankly, what's the point? It's already expensive enough funding a war of 80 people potentially 2-3x times a weekend for a potential of 9 hours of TW with the money we get now (especially since gold prices have quintupled since server release). Even if one guild had owned the whole the map it would perhaps just cover the tw costs of extensive wars. I'm not saying we do not profit in the long run (weekends we have no wars) but what's the point in even WANTING to own the map when the return is MIRAGES. Mirages are already 11k each on Lost City, at this rate people will just NPC them for 10k or sell for 10.1k each.

    Speaking for myself, I will not invest anymore money and I probably won't play much (if at all) due to these changes. TW is why I play, and now there's no reason to TW.
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear
    Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    can i just ask something, Franky are you actually reading this, will you "actually" do anything about this if enough of us protest? or is this all pointless like the anti-packs threads
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Hey guys,

    Use this thread to share your thoughts on the recent TW changes.

    Please keep it civil so we can get a good discussion going.


    Try affording 5-8 (depends on how many wars i'm in) platinum charms off 50 mirages @ 10k each and see if you don't want to make half the server quit. Lets not forget about the 24 hours I now have to spend also farming herbs for apoth and other HP/MP pots. This is just to stay EVEN in TW.

    Now how am I suppose to be happy and feeling awesome to charge zen to up my equipment when 99% of my days will be spent gather **** for just TW and nothing else?

    Grats on having no one participate or getting anywhere in this game. b:bye

    Might I also add how badly you killed anyone making any money in this game. You can all ***** about the top factions being greedy, but when it comes down to it those 180-200 players in the top 2-3 factions buy 80% of all your "non-greedy" faction members event **** or goods from packs. Now you can QQ when we don't have money to buy it because it's all sucked up in TW pay.

    Have a nice day b:pleased
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    How about.. FUN ? Wow amazing how many players forgot what does Fun actually means..

    Players don't know what fun is. They lost that in their immense greed that is clearly visible on this topic.

    This change will keep me playing PWI for much longer than I had expected. Keep up the good work!b:victory
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Yukkuri - Heavens Tear
    Yukkuri - Heavens Tear Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Let's see...

    1. Am I in a TW faction? Yes
    2. Am I a barb? Yes
    3. Do I rely on charms? No
    4. Will this change affect me negatively? No

    I have to say that this move is golden! I really don't have much to say except that I support this completely.Don't give in to the players and reverse this on a future date... b:surrender

    I am so gonna enjoy people complaining about this tommorow.
    Information: It is proven that the majority of the Perfect World International player base suffers from "Motorcylophobia".

    -Every single patch to an MMO causes players to cry: "They Changed It, Now It Sucks". Every. Single. Patch. -Taken from TV Tropes.
This discussion has been closed.