Clerical Protest



  • _Ptah - Sanctuary
    _Ptah - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Dear Finria :

    Thanks for your post... I have a blast picturing my own mementos as cleric on this game. b:pleased

    However, we choose our class, the best in my bias opinion, and we have to outsmart those challenges... Sadly tho no one , but a player with a cleric alt, will acknowledge your work on any situation. (Add a big QQ here) Anyway I was crying so bad at your honesty that have to stop reading more than once. And lvl got nothing to do with this, trust me I have done horrible Nirvana runs w lvls 101 and 102 that well hyper they way to fast or just don't care if we have to run like loonies healing/res/re-buffing b4 boss aoe kill us again lmao. If u r lucky cleric you will stop helping random squad and stick w friends or guildmates that know what they r doing.

    Pax Vobis
  • Umbra - Raging Tide
    Umbra - Raging Tide Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    Seen this thread a million and a half times.

    Get out NightRage.
    Skyrim, ok. b:dirty
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'll say it again.

    Right now, you are a failure cleric? Why?

    Because of all the clerics in the world you are refusing to adapt to a situation. The squad does not and should never have to watch their radar 24/7 for you because you're so busy healing and do you know why? Because the squad has their own jobs, too. In a competent squad:

    if there's a barb or BM tank, he's making sure he still has his aggro and is slacking off like some stupid piece of ****.
    DDs are watching their own radar for themselves because they can't necessarily take a large amount of hits and they're also watching for any stray mobs the main tanker may have accidentally missed. This means they're already looking out for you because the instant you take heal aggro if the main tank did miss a monster they should be on that mob in seconds.

    Yet you are here complaining to a bunch of competent forum goers that your life is so bad, and that you shouldn't have to watch the radar, and that only a barbarian should tank? No. This is the reason why you fail; it's your attitude. And if you are as whiny and as demanding in squads I can see why people aren't giving a **** if they make your life harder.

    If a DD can tank, let them. Do you know what? If they die in four hits without heals and pots imagine what they could do if you actually did your damn job and healed them.
    Barbarians are not called tanks. They are called barbarians. Any class can tank. You just don't like because DDs don't have the same HP pool and this to me SCREAMS OF INCOMPETENCE ON YOUR PART. It screams of incompetence because you're unwilling to heal somebody who could easily tank if you bothered to do your own job with the argument they have a "lower HP" pool. This makes me wonder if you have bothered to learn about timing, because any good cleric worth their salt can easily heal a DD who is able to tank something. It screams of incompetence and screams of "I want to be lazy and only heal the guy with a lot of HP"

    A word of advice: make sure you can do your own job and do it properly before you come here and tell everybody else they are doing their job wrong. This level of hypocrisy is making you look very, very bad.

    [Forum] Lenore: This.

    And to add to it, clerics are just as often to blame for squad wipes than not. No, it's not always their fault, but no, it's not always someone else's fault.

    The DDs' jobs arent' sitting there looking cool. We play aggro ping pong because it's our job to dish out damage and make your run go faster. If it's a normal mob in an instance, then by the time a DD grabs aggro from the designated tank, it might not have that much HP left anyways. You should be aware of where the mob is headed and if you're paying any attention then you only need to toss a few heals to the DD to buy him/her enough time to finish off the mob. It's not that hard. Just pay attention. If that DD is any smart and notices that you're slow on the uptake, they have plenty of ways to buy themselves time: Force of Will, Wings of Grace, etc. They all buy you time, even if you lag. If you can't heal them even after they use their stalling skills then it is YOU who is the failure.

    A tank's primary use is to absorb the damage in places where DDs CANNOT survive with your heals. This usually means bosses and places where many mobs attack at once (such as RBs, or when you are intentionally grabbing many mobs and AoEing). If you're still clearing the instance up to the boss it's not unreasonable for the DDs to grab aggro a few times to make the run go faster, especially if they can take a few hits and allow you enough time to react even with laggy computers. A few people I know was able to do most of the 3-X TTs with just a cleric and an archer, so no, DDs can go quite a long way with heals, contrary to your 2-shotter theory.

    In a BH I'm always looking out for the cleric ready to grab aggro for him/her, but I would only do it if I think that cleric is flexible enough to heal me after I grab it. Who knows, maybe she'd be one of those inflexible clerics who will just assume I grabbed that mob because I couldn't control my huge ego and ***** at me and refuse to heal/buff me because I am not a barb.
  • retardgamer
    retardgamer Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Like everyone else on the server I have 3 70+ chars, barb, archer and veno.

    My barb: I never get every skill available, instead I max out the ones that are most useful, flesh ream, invoke, buffs etc. I very rarely lose agro to anyone, and when it does happen I get it back pretty quick. I spend a small fortune keeping my gear and skills up to date and socketed. Poorly equipped tanks and/or tanks with low level skill because they got them all, are more trouble than they are worth.

    My archer: I have pulled agro off **** tanks with auto attack... eh.. wtf! I tend to get a feel for the tank as early on as possible and adjust my damage accordingly. This is the job of every DD, know your limits and when you feel you're laying it on too thick back off a minute, stop attacking and wait a sec.

    My Veno: I never assume I can take on more than I know I can in a desperate attempt to be cool. Yes I can tank a lot but I would rather play back-up to a decent barb. I hand out bramble and sparks to the barb with out needing to be asked. I will gladly pull when needed but if you chase my pet into a group of mobs and get agro because you're not paying attention, don't run back to the group, suck it up and die.

    ****'s... I mean sins, tho I prefer ****'s, seem to be mostly children, physically, mentally or both. If I see an assassin LF a group I will pass over them for someone else. This class 9x out of 10 is a NUBER, a total moron who thinks he's uber. KTHXBYE.

    Same with herc'd venos, they are ALWAYS more trouble than they are worth. they tend to be very complacent, think they are all that, and more often than not at pre-80 levels will get your party wiped. If I know you have a herc you will not be invited to my group.

    BM's.. where to start... This is another kiddie class. It seems like 95% of BM's have the little mans complex. They always want to rush ahead of the group and agro everything. Please delete and start a barb if you want to tank or a veno if you want to pull......

    People 50+ with full base gear or 1*. Go away, please go away. At this level you should have learned about gear, if you haven't then... you probably haven't learned about skills either.

    People with FULL fashion and **** gear. You are the joke of every group I am in and I will ALWAYS try and get you killed for being a moron.

    Names.... xXx..ISWALLOW..xXx or WhAlE_**** ... Get creative people! IF the name you wanted isn't available don't put xxx, ..., _-, around the name you want. It just shows that you lack creativity in any form. Dragon_Claw or Evil_Eyes and names like this aren't cool and they don't provoke fear, only laughter at you.

    Spamming the pedestal in arch.... I understand you want a group but filling my screen with your little bh39 spam gets you blacklisted. Be patient, members will come.

    I do feel bad for clerics that group with morons, they really do pay the price with xp loss. If I F up and the cleric dies I release as should everyone. Don't take them for granted, it's a difficult class to play. If everyone learned their class and how to properly play it things would go so much smoother for everyone.

    So group leaders... be leaders. Kick idiots at the first sign of stupidity and you'll be much happier...
  • Psudeotrophe - Dreamweaver
    Psudeotrophe - Dreamweaver Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    And yeah, if the archer needs to die and stay down for a minute... it's gonna happen. Same thing for just about anyone else that can't control themselves.

    My cleric friend calls it "giving me a time out" because she knows that I had a nasty thought in my head to play rough.... b:sin

    I dont die often, but, when I do, I laugh about it. The 70's were tough, life goes on.
    Apparently its more difficult to milk a smurf than originally conceived..
  • volst
    volst Posts: 180
    edited August 2010
    [Forum] Lenore:

    You're doing it wrong. Chat only let's you type 2 lines at most.
  • Remmi - Raging Tide
    Remmi - Raging Tide Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    necro ?

  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    volst wrote: »
    You're doing it wrong. Chat only let's you type 2 lines at most.

    [Forum] Lenore: You mean I should have to re-enter my tags every time I want
    [Forum] Lenore: to enter a wall of text?