Work For it or Dont Worry about it

sabelia Posts: 1 Arc User
edited July 2010 in Tideswell (East)
I have been reading and talking and doing some thinking. I have to say that some of what I have heard is totally sad and discouraging. Here are things as I see it.

When I am told that the server is broken... and there is no way at all for a small faction to win. I dont believe it. I do agree that if the same tactics are used that are used right now... very little will change for quite some time. What that means to me is that different tactics need to be used.

If it is true that not one faction has the ability at this point to stand up to calamity, then fix that. That is hard to fix... but not impossible. I think that with some sacrifice, trust and the server working together that possibly some big changes can be made.

Instead of multiple little hits from many many weak factions, it seems to me that it would make a lot more sense to do big hits. If the factions were to work together with a strong strategy and everyone followed thru with the plan... maybe something could happen. Its not a guarantee but it is a chance.

What I would propose is that high level players from all factions come together in one of the factions that has a good chance. If the big guys of the server that are no longer in the big factions on the server worked together in either Inversion or Tempest for example worked on strategy, teamwork... gave some added muscle... not with the intent of staying there forever or even for very long... but long enough to get a couple of the smaller factions with the most potential a couple of lands each... I think that could be do-able.

EQ has always blown the trumpet-voiced the call for small factions to fight. I would challenge some of EQ to lead the war, take the first step and offer to help smaller factions win a few. Ajay... lend your fists and bring some friends, that could turn the tide in this things. You want more colors on the map. help put them there. You may lose a few lands in the process of helping the server and i know that would be no fun. This is where it is hard... yeah i think it can be fixed but no, i dont think people are willing to do what it takes to get it back on the right track. I would love to be proved wrong on that.

I talked to people today that said this is a great idea...but Im sure it wont work. People have too much pride, too little trust. No one wants to leave their own faction to go help someone else. Im sure most feel like they would gladly take the help but no one wants to take the chance and be the one willing to help.

Another thing that was said today was that even if someone else got land, it would just be taken away. All the big guys are in the big factions and no one stands a chance. Here is a little tidbit of information. There are a lot of people that arent happy on this server. There are a lot of bored people in this server. I personally know of several people in Calamity that stay just for the money and because they dont see anything worth leaving there for. So give them a reason to leave. Make something fun and exciting happen and dont just stand there with your hand out waitng for something to be placed in it.

I am sure that there are all sorts of things wrong with my idea. I am not a strategy girl. The point is that its an idea. Probably someone else has a better one. Get some big ideas going. If we cant be stronger and beat them that way... lets be smarter and figure something else out.

ps can someone tell me how to change my forum name plz
Post edited by sabelia on


  • Teppeii - Dreamweaver
    Teppeii - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,206 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    If some big super faction took over all of Calamity's land...then wouldn't we just be back where we started but with a different, even stronger faction?b:shocked
    On indefinite hiatus :3
  • GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver
    GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,695 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    sabelia wrote: »
    I talked to people today that said this is a great idea...but Im sure it wont work. People have too much pride, too little trust.

    As seen on real life ... Btw, your idea is good, ppl will have something to fight for, but it will be better if there is restart on the territories, cuz if now EQ takes all of the Calamity territories, then we are back to stage 1 - one faction rules the world. If there is res, many factions will have the chance to get their own territory and defend it. At least this is my point of view.
  • Hazumu - Dreamweaver
    Hazumu - Dreamweaver Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    +1 for Teppeii and Grim

    Crusade against Calamity is senseless and hypocritical since eventually it'd just make you the next "Calamity". What then? Gonna fight yourself?

    But I do still agree with the basic idea. This server needs more "Calamity" lvl factions that can challenge, but not necessarily overthrow Calamity. The problem is, there are several factions that want to be the one challenging them and I have suggested mergings several times, but so far it just haven't happened. Everyone wants to make their own faction to be the one doing it and this is why nobody can. Right now anyway.

    Grim, I don't pray, you might want to change that bit to something else on your sig. ^^
  • sabelia
    sabelia Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I know that I wasn't just real clear. The idea wasn't for there to be another superpower. The idea is for all of the baby powers (and lone individuals that were interested in helping) to band together and help each other. If people worked together as a unit for a while, instead of individual factions doing their own thing maybe something could happen. For a while if the leaders of the factions put aside their individual goals, chose some high level, well geared players that have tw experience and all worked together for a few weeks. First helping one faction get a couple of pieces of land, then going to another faction and doing the same thing.

    For example if everyone helped Tempest get land and I believe that they have to get at least 2 lands for this to work... so people come together in tempest and they get 2 then they move to Dynasty and help Dynasty get 2.... if that was possible for people to work together in that fashion and be able to pull it off, I see several benefits to that. The main benefit might be a rekindling of enthusiasm for a lot of people.

    One of the issues that everyone is having is some lack of enthusiasm and lack of turn out. This is happening everywhere including Calamity and EQ. So if a full 80 people showed up charmed, with apo and ready to do some serious **** kicking... if nothing else, it could be fun as hell. The call isnt to help EQ take Calamity. The call is for the server to help itself and for those willing to take on the challenge... possibly to be renegades and come help. EQ has always called for a revolt... I thought maybe they might help lead one. I suppose, there might be people in Calamity willing to help with it but I doubt it. Calamity has always fought against this sort of thing... I sort of think that people could leave EQ to come help and be welcome to go back to their home... I dont think that people that left Calamity would be welcomed back quite so warmly, but I could be wrong. The people that I imagine would be leaving Calamity are the ones that are unhappy there but that have stayed for a long time simply for the pay and for the "cool" factor. There are quite a few of them. Lol dont look for any of those people to be replying to this thread. They keep a low profile.

    If this were to happen only 2 or 3 factions would be helped. Probably 2 I would imagine. As i said... I am not a strategist so I cant fully think this thru but the goal would be more of people temporarily working together and seeing what could be accomplished that way rather than factions individually trying to attack at the same times. Even if it was taken away sort of fast... we would be trying to help ourselves and not just asking for someone to hand out something to us or call for a reset.

    The reset idea might be great at the start of a game. To do it at this point... idk... I think the company could be in for legal trouble or something maybe. People invest their real life money into this game because the game is presented in a certain way. If suddenly everything is changed around and what you have spent hundreds of real life money (sometimes thousands) is no longer functioning as originally presented... I think that could be some big time trouble. I for one would be supremely pissed if i invested in gear like that and then the game rules changed.

    Even without this... if factions worked together... groups of likeminded people came together and worked oh gear... focused gear runs. Set at specific times so time isnt wasted begging and finding squads. Groups come together fast, work hard and gear up more efficiently. When the server was new, that was one of the things that set Calamity apart was the focus.... not the money. If that focus and momentum was restarted... big things could happen. That is what will make change right now. Not tons of money and not a server reset. Continual focas, unconventional thinking... and perserverance.
  • GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver
    GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,695 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    +1 for Teppeii and Grim

    Crusade against Calamity is senseless and hypocritical since eventually it'd just make you the next "Calamity". What then? Gonna fight yourself?

    But I do still agree with the basic idea. This server needs more "Calamity" lvl factions that can challenge, but not necessarily overthrow Calamity. The problem is, there are several factions that want to be the one challenging them and I have suggested mergings several times, but so far it just haven't happened. Everyone wants to make their own faction to be the one doing it and this is why nobody can. Right now anyway.

    Grim, I don't pray, you might want to change that bit to something else on your sig. ^^

    You are right (lol I`m leader of a faction ^^).

    P.S. : Everybody is praying in one or other way :) Trust me :)
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Yes, you are right, as of right now, a lot of capable people that are able to help 'change' the servers.... FEARED outcome are split up in multiple 'little-league' factions.

    I really don't think that is the only problem keeping people from beating calamity.

    As I am sure you noticed both Dynasty, and vanquish were able to take a land from calamity in a GANK, but the next week... or two weeks down along the line, calamity came back after them, and took it back with little to no trouble... for them.

    What this server needs is not only another power house guild that can beat cala one on one, as in to hold them off when they come back after the land, but also the 'coordinating' of attacks on calamity's land.

    I mean for example... (not naming any actual faction here... hopefully other then the two aforementioned in this thread)

    If calamity were to defend against EQ, and the attacks are split, where the 2nd and 3rd strongest are on a separate day from eq's attack, while eq is attacking with the 4th, and 5th strongest it would serve almost no purpose for them all to attack at the same time, because as we have seen calamity has been able to hold off ganks from many factions.

    The ones I noticed they struggled against were, when dynasty, equinox, and vanquish were all on the same night, and hour, that is when we well almost undoubtedly see calamity struggle, but it obviously still wont be easy for any of them, not unless one of those smaller factions are on the same caliber as EQ, or calamity, no offense to dynasty, vanquish, or any other smaller faction.

    EDIT: One more thing, since I forgot to mention it before I posted.

    I think that some of the smaller factions might too have a problem with it, there really is no telling how a players mindset might change after several weeks away from there home faction there is no telling how they will like it in the new factions. What you suggested sounds like they would need to be in it for a while until calamity lost some of its strength.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • sabelia
    sabelia Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Part of my theory that might happen that would be so good is if something so fun and new happened that people wanted to be part of it... and would motivate some of those Cala people to make the step that they want to make so bad... to go out and help build another. For that to happen... they have to see some serious motivation out here... something that is more valuable than the income they have coming in. If that happened, it could help balance things some.

    Yeah Slivaf... people not wanting to leave what they have started and fear of people not being willing to come back are things that will hold a plan like this back. Fear is what will keep things as they are. For things to change... something has to change.

    Also... I just picked a couple of known factions... I am not sure who the best ones for a plan like this are.

    If this cant work... I do think that someone really smart can figure out something. Enthusiasm, brains, charisma and a plan. But as long as everyone complains about what cant be done... nothing is getting done. There is a quote and i cant remember how it goes... something about people complaining about the impossible while those that are uninformed and dont know its impossible... are out accomplishing it. We need some faith. We need a plan and we need to work together.

    And yeah, I know... its a nice little fantasy world i live in. :D
  • Esnemyl - Dreamweaver
    Esnemyl - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,079 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    If some big super faction took over all of Calamity's land...then wouldn't we just be back where we started but with a different, even stronger faction?b:shocked

    true.. then another one would show up and then... an armogeddon that only chuck norris could solve b:shocked
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
    Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3

    '...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru2
  • Lylfo - Dreamweaver
    Lylfo - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    sabelia wrote: »

    EQ has always blown the trumpet-voiced the call for small factions to fight. I would challenge some of EQ to lead the war, take the first step and offer to help smaller factions win a few

    And look at the map now and see who has benefit-ed the most from this b:chuckle
    Thanks Chillum for the nice Sig.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Hazumu - Dreamweaver
    Hazumu - Dreamweaver Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Lylfo is right. In the end EQ has always fought for themselves, as has Calamity and every other faction.

    Honestly, it doesn't matter if you can gain A land, or two. You also need to be able to keep it. But likewise it doesn't matter if you lose a land, or two, as long as you can still up to par.

    Having no people makes defending impossible and the only thing you're really doing is to cling on to Calas leg until it shakes you off.

    But I have to remind everyone that a crusade against Calamity is silly, pointless and childish. Just because they hold most of the land doesn't make them the enemy that EVERYONE has to attack. If we can get some sort of balanced status quo with let's say 4 factions, it doesn't matter who attacks whom, it would eventually balance itself out even if not everyone attacks the top dog everytime.

    And Grim, no, I'm not praying in any fashion, or form, trust me. lol
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    And look at the map now and see who has benefit-ed the most from this b:chuckle

    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • sabelia
    sabelia Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Ahh This isnt anger toward Calamity and I sure dont want to see them be the only ones attacked. This was a starting point to generate a discussion on what might be possible if people work together. I know some of Calamity people well enough to know that they would probably actually like to see something happen. One thing that has been said there a lot is that if someone can actually take land from them... then they have earned it. They respect that. They arent so impressed with people saying they should just give things away. While they might not like losing, who does? If we find a way to work together and do something strong and smart, some people will respect and understand it.

    The long term goal that we all have is to figure out how more people can have more fun and participate. That means that the ultimate goal is for there to be more factions with land that can fight, not only cala and EQ, but each other. Just like Calamity didnt take over the server bc they hate everyone... people coming together to figure out how to play and beat a big guy doesnt mean that we hate Calamity or anyone else. It means we want to play and see what we can do.
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Sabra, at the PS in your first post, since I don't think anyone's answered this...? There is a silhouette at the top left of the forum screen that says "Edit Your Avatar". Click there and select your toon.
  • Sabra - Dreamweaver
    Sabra - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Test to see if changing avatar picture changes forum name. Sorry for off topic. TYVM for the response lieal.
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    sabelia wrote: »
    Part of my theory that might happen that would be so good is if something so fun and new happened that people wanted to be part of it... and would motivate some of those Cala people to make the step that they want to make so bad... to go out and help build another. For that to happen... they have to see some serious motivation out here... something that is more valuable than the income they have coming in. If that happened, it could help balance things some.

    Yeah Slivaf... people not wanting to leave what they have started and fear of people not being willing to come back are things that will hold a plan like this back. Fear is what will keep things as they are. For things to change... something has to change.

    Also... I just picked a couple of known factions... I am not sure who the best ones for a plan like this are.

    If this cant work... I do think that someone really smart can figure out something. Enthusiasm, brains, charisma and a plan. But as long as everyone complains about what cant be done... nothing is getting done. There is a quote and i cant remember how it goes... something about people complaining about the impossible while those that are uninformed and dont know its impossible... are out accomplishing it. We need some faith. We need a plan and we need to work together.

    And yeah, I know... its a nice little fantasy world i live in. :D
    Yea, indeed unfortunately fear holds a lot of us back, myself included. :( xD

    It is a very powerful tool used to slay our will... so to speak, or it can be what leads us to many of our... finer moments in life. :)

    I like the quote, reminds me of the one that's in the book I am reading now. "Don't believe something is impossible, only think of the solution." Or something like that, so I am paraphrasing too.... I tend to do that with certain quotes... but nonetheless it doesn't change how true of a statement it is.

    As far as someone needing to 'emerge' as a 'leader' of sorts, and bring us all together to take down, and keep calamity suppressed I sure ain't going to nominate myself for that, don't want the position. xD

    As I am sure you know, being a leader does take a certain... finesse which in some ways I lack, and I also can't nominate anyone person for that job, there are so many factors to take into consideration when trying to lead people to a common goal, just look at what happened to Spartacus. =x Unfortunately there are almost always people who will disagree with how the leader is running things, not saying that is wrong, but I believe if we really want to see something like this happen, and for it to remain in effect, we all need to be united, and not fight each other for power... in other words we all really need to RESPECT that leader who is 'trying' to join us all together to prevent world domination... without the enslave part :D =x <3 Calamity.

    EDIT: Aha, so it is you, despite the signature at the close of your original post... I still had a little bit of a doubt that it was you... =x

    Been too long since I actually paid attention to this game... =x

    /end off topic... ish xD
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Jeeeez, people.,. There's already a thread for this called "Challenge for Calamity?" b:chuckle

    There were so many walls of text here that I couldn't settle on who to quote for what. But I will give my own suggestions to those of you who would like to see some other challenge for Cala besides EQ.

    You gankers should have figured out by now that this is an ineffective TW tactic. You can't depend on the schedule and hope you get to attack at the same time EQ is attacking - first of all, if you win, good for you, but I don't consider a gank a true win. If you can face Calamity's full force and win, great job. But ganking earns you no honor and maybe a land, but you won't have it for long.

    The leaders of these small factions that keep attacking really need to get over themselves and start working together - what I mean by that is MERGE. No one wants to merge because no one ever wants to give up leadership of their own faction. To the members of those factions, I say let it go, give up the faction name, and give up on the leader who won't do what's best for his/her people, and join another faction.

    I know Zumi and Bushido have been working on other, smaller factions, trying to effect a merge of some sort, yet these smaller factions want to hold on to their name, their leader, their pride, whatever. It's just a game, guys, and if you want to win, you have to DO SOMETHING.

    When I was leader of my own faction, I was able to recognize that we weren't strong enough and were unlikely to ever be strong enough to be a real TW contender. I did what I thought would be best for my faction and myself by merging with Bushido. Maybe the end result wasn't perfect, but I got my little faction in TW, on the map, where they wanted to be. It may have been under another banner, but we all gained valuable experience, new friends, a new family. And I've seen nearly every one of those people further themselves, either by staying with Bushido or by moving on to bigger factions.

    You small leaders out there need to get out of your own small heads and let go of your pride. Merge those little factions, work together to form a real community and a real contender for some prime map real estate. Otherwise you're only going to spend months trying to convince your guildies that someday you'll stand a real chance. And while you're doing that, some of those guildies are going to outlevel you, get lonely at the top, and move on.

    I'm in Calamity, do I want to see us lose? Heck no, don't be crazy. But I would like to read about more on the forums than a bunch of disgruntled people trying to figure out how to take us down. And it's just a fact that we all have more fun when a TW lasts more than 6 minutes. No, we don't like being ganked, but it challenges us, our teamwork, our planning, and, in my opinion, it only makes Calamity's morale stronger the more we succeed in holding off those ganks. However, I personally would rather have only 3 TWs a week and have each of them be challenging rather than having 10 a week and only be truly challenged by 1 or 2 of them.

    But until some of these smaller faction leaders can pull their heads out of their own rear-ends, it's gonna be the same **** week after week. Stop holding on to some imagined pride in being leader and make some tough decisions on how to make your FACTION stronger, how to give them the opportunities they need. But until some people start letting go of that Leader title over their heads, things will likely remain the same for months to come.

    It should be clear by now that ganking isn't the most effective way to try to grab a land from Calamity. Open your minds and try something new, because repeating the same actions over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
  • Yorkin - Dreamweaver
    Yorkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Jeeeez, people.,. There's already a thread for this called "Challenge for Calamity?" b:chuckle

    When I was leader of my own faction, I was able to recognize that we weren't strong enough and were unlikely to ever be strong enough to be a real TW contender. I did what I thought would be best for my faction and myself by merging with Bushido. Maybe the end result wasn't perfect, but I got my little faction in TW, on the map, where they wanted to be. It may have been under another banner, but we all gained valuable experience, new friends, a new family. And I've seen nearly every one of those people further themselves, either by staying with Bushido or by moving on to bigger factions.

    You small leaders out there need to get out of your own small heads and let go of your pride. Merge those little factions, work together to form a real community and a real contender for some prime map real estate. Otherwise you're only going to spend months trying to convince your guildies that someday you'll stand a real chance. And while you're doing that, some of those guildies are going to outlevel you, get lonely at the top, and move on.

    That's there whole problem. They are small, tiny, in character. As much as I like your post, I don't think it will make a difference. Good luck.

    A small tribute to elven mathematician from a human physicist. b:pleased

    Yorkin - The Retired Wizard
  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Oh... and btw.... anyone who's in Calamity "for the money" is a fool. Trust me, with a TW against EQ every week, the TW pay doesn't go that far. You all know how screwed the economy is, how expensive gold is. At at least 1.5 million for a gold HP charm - and I burn at least one of those per EQ war - believe me, the pay isn't a good reason to join Calamity.

    Calamity has a wonderful community, we care about each other, help each other and other factions. We are not a greedy lot who are only in it for the pay, so I really wish everyone would just drop that line as quickly as possible.

    TW costs money, you can't go in uncharmed, without apothecary, attack charms, defense charms, etc., and expect to be any use to your family in TW. Our TW pay goes for our TW costs and that's about it. Being the stupid squishy archer I am, trust me when I say I have very little TW pay left over every week - I buy everything mentioned above, usually X2, plus ammo and repairs. And I use nearly every bit of it in the matter of 3 TW days. The rest of my week is spent farming to rebuild what I've used in TW.

    You can paint us as evil and money-grubbing as you like, but until you've joined and lived the Calamity experience for a while, you'd be wise to just be quiet because you are speaking of something you know next to nothing about and only making yourself look foolish to the near-200 people in Calamity who know why we're REALLY here.
  • Sabra - Dreamweaver
    Sabra - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Wow that seemed to be an angry post. Maybe I am not expressing myself real well. I did not say that Calamity is an evil awful machine. I said they want to win like everyone else. I know that they worked hard for their land and they would be idiots to just hand it over. Not only that, but I for one, like to work for things, not just be a beggar.

    Also, if you will read what I wrote, a merger is exactly what I called for... i just didnt call that. The big people on the server coming together. Temporarily. It might be temporary or it could be permenant if people found that they liked it and could work together and it was more fun that way. But it was an idea. A place to start. A different idea than a map wipe and I think stronger than multiple ganks.

    Of course not everyone in Calamity is miserable. Just like everywhere else in the game... some arent happy. Some are there just for the pay or friends or whatever. Those were the ones that I was referring to. Some people in Calamity are glad to see people try to think up new ways to do things and would like more competition. Working that hard for your gear and levels... well as has been state in other places-it isnt fun to work to be that good and then not have much real competition. Sure while a 7 min TW is maybe great for the ego, it isnt a lot of fun.

    One of the things that I know is how much work it takes to get to the point that Calamity is at. People all like to point fingers and say that certain factions have all the cash shop players or whatever and that isnt so much usually the case. Calamity got big and ahead by continual focus on the goals and doing what it takes to get things to accomplish things. Others will get there, its just taking more time. Personally, I dont care. I'm not in one of the factions that wants a piece of land at the moment. But Like Calamity members, Im tired of the whining and crying. The poor pitiful me attitudes. I hate it that my post was seen in that light but ok. My main message was basically... either be quiet, level your asses off and work on your gear... or do something different. The call to attack calamity wasnt anything against calamity. It was directed that way bc if people take out EQ, then there is less people to compete with and that isnt what we are trying to accomplish.

    Basically, you restated everything that I am suggesting, just with a different tone. Willow, I do know what Im talking about. I was in Calamity for a long time. I actaully am one of the ones that helped build it. I know that the money isnt nearly what a lot of the people on the server think is... I have blown a couple of charms in one TW. I also know that not every class does that and I am simply saying what some of the people that are in calamity have told me.

    Feeling like everyone is out to get you... hmm, well there arent that many people on the map to get. Those of us that are discussing this are trying to find a way for others to have a bit of fun... It isnt an individual personal attack. Relax.
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Oh... and btw.... anyone who's in Calamity "for the money" is a fool. Trust me, with a TW against EQ every week, the TW pay doesn't go that far. You all know how screwed the economy is, how expensive gold is. At at least 1.5 million for a gold HP charm - and I burn at least one of those per EQ war - believe me, the pay isn't a good reason to join Calamity.

    Calamity has a wonderful community, we care about each other, help each other and other factions. We are not a greedy lot who are only in it for the pay, so I really wish everyone would just drop that line as quickly as possible.

    TW costs money, you can't go in uncharmed, without apothecary, attack charms, defense charms, etc., and expect to be any use to your family in TW. Our TW pay goes for our TW costs and that's about it. Being the stupid squishy archer I am, trust me when I say I have very little TW pay left over every week - I buy everything mentioned above, usually X2, plus ammo and repairs. And I use nearly every bit of it in the matter of 3 TW days. The rest of my week is spent farming to rebuild what I've used in TW.

    You can paint us as evil and money-grubbing as you like, but until you've joined and lived the Calamity experience for a while, you'd be wise to just be quiet because you are speaking of something you know next to nothing about and only making yourself look foolish to the near-200 people in Calamity who know why we're REALLY here.

    now, I know you're proud of being a part of Calamity, but let me tell you a few things: There are some of us that are playing this game much longer that you would expect. Dreamweaver opened almost 18 months ago, and some of us were in Calamity since day1. I personally joined Calamity probably in the 2nd week of the server going live.
    Sabra (Hi hun b:kiss) , me and many, many others were part of the non-written history of the Dreamweaver server. Our first battles with EQ were absolutely epic, with no blessing, charms, nirvana and rank8. Just plain old almost naked fist fight if you look at it by today's gear and weapon standard. And we walked the same path of sweating during the week to be competitive in the week-end TWs. We were the ones who took NPC controlled territories with a bunch of lvl 30-50 ppl half of them in NPC gear. We were the ones that were 87 online out of 95 faction for TW. We sent so called "powerful" factions into oblivion. You probably don't know who Zeldor, Qultor, ProGrinder, Seraphim, Q_Q ,CHILLI, ChaosCrusher, Zaviere and others were (I'm naming here only a few ppl I remember from the top of my head , they quit or aren't playing/retired their old main anymore), but those guys painted the map red, those guys created the foundation of what you enjoy now under the name of Calamity. Sabra was a part of it too, a big one as she was an officer for a while, so I'm kinda' offended to see some newb talking down on someone without even realizing he's actually drawing the benefits of something the other person put a lot of time and hard work into.
    Please next time be careful to whom you're trying to preach your faith, some of the "old" ones left around might have been the ones who wrote your bible.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    now, I know you're proud of being a part of Calamity, but let me tell you a few things: There are some of us that are playing this game much longer that you would expect. Dreamweaver opened almost 18 months ago, and some of us were in Calamity since day1. I personally joined Calamity probably in the 2nd week of the server going live.
    Sabra (Hi hun b:kiss) , me and many, many others were part of the non-written history of the Dreamweaver server. Our first battles with EQ were absolutely epic, with no blessing, charms, nirvana and rank8. Just plain old almost naked fist fight if you look at it by today's gear and weapon standard. And we walked the same path of sweating during the week to be competitive in the week-end TWs. We were the ones who took NPC controlled territories with a bunch of lvl 30-50 ppl half of them in NPC gear. We were the ones that were 87 online out of 95 faction for TW. We sent so called "powerful" factions into oblivion. You probably don't know who Zeldor, Qultor, ProGrinder, Seraphim, Q_Q ,CHILLI, ChaosCrusher, Zaviere and others were (I'm naming here only a few ppl I remember from the top of my head , they quit or aren't playing/retired their old main anymore), but those guys painted the map red, those guys created the foundation of what you enjoy now under the name of Calamity. Sabra was a part of it too, a big one as she was an officer for a while, so I'm kinda' offended to see some newb talking down on someone without even realizing he's actually drawing the benefits of something the other person put a lot of time and hard work into.
    Please next time be careful to whom you're trying to preach your faith, some of the "old" ones left around might have been the ones who wrote your bible.

    Wow... did you even read my post? The whole point was that I doubt many of us are here for the money that basically only covers the costs we spend on TW to keep getting said money. It balances, TW cost vs. TW pay, so saying someone is only in Calamity "for the money" is just silly.

    And, as a matter of fact, yes, I knew Seraphim. We were friends on Sanctuary and remained friends until he quit the game. I supported him and all of Calamity from the sidelines for a year before joining. I came to this server at the request of my RL husband and he was the only thing that prevented me from joining Calamity the first day I logged on to DW - Seraphim asked me to join on several occasions, but I had to decline for RL reasons.

    Maybe others "created the foundation" of what I enjoy about Calamity, but I doubt they built the friendships I've gained, the bonds I'm forming, because they aren't here anymore. I am not "some newb." I've been playing PWI for nearly 2 years now across 2 different servers. I've been in Calamity for probably over 2 months now and I've helped countless times to defend that which was earned before me.

    I was in no way preaching anything here, only stating that people need to get off this whole stupid idea that everyone who's in Calamity is only here for the money. Yes, I joined Calamity because I enjoy TW, and having the TW pay to cover my TW costs is highly beneficial - without it, I would be unable to TW because I do not cash shop and would be unable to afford the charms alone needed to participate in TW.

    So, if you want to preach about how you built Calamity from the beginning, wrote a bible or whatever, explain to me this: Where are you now? Why did you not continue to support the great thing you helped to build? Calamity has gained many new members just in the time since I joined, and it is us, the "newbs" you choose to talk down to, who are helping to defend the greatest faction on the server.

    I may be fairly new to Calamity, but I love it here. The community, the family and friendships, are all that hold me, not the TW pay. Anyone here solely for the money will eventually be sorely disappointed - if they don't spend their pay on TW costs, new charms, etc, they won't be welcomed to TW again and they'll stop getting that pay.

    I was in no way attacking Sabra or anyone else here, only stating the fact that saying people are in Cala only for the pay is a ridiculous, uninformed, rather ignorant OPINION of people who don't know any better because they aren't in the faction and obviously don't know the first thing about what being in Calamity means to some of us.

    Calamity makes me smile, every day, without fail. They make me laugh, I have a great time with them, and I enjoy partying with them even for things I don't need, just to be with friends and family. I enjoy the teamwork, the maturity, the level of intelligence of my guildies. I am learning new things all the time with the help of my Cala family and I'm becoming a better gamer because of that. Yes, I'm proud to have the Calamity name over my head, even if I sometimes feel I may not deserve it because my gear isn't perfect or I'm not totally pro at everything.

    And you'll notice, Ursa, that I didn't quote ANYONE in my post. It was a shout to all those who keep preaching the same stupid line: Everyone's only in Calamity for the money. I pointed no fingers, it was just something I happened to notice that someone said in one of the many replies here and I thought it should be addressed YET AGAIN because obviously people are thick-headed if they still believe this is the only reason Cala has so many members. They can't even begin to conceive that IT'S A NICE PLACE TO BE and that's enough reason for me and many others to want to be here.
  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Oh, and one last BTW for you, Sabra, before I'm just done with this whole thread...

    Read my first post - I was agreeing with you if you only could have seen it that way. People need to put up or shut up, quit the whining and crying that Cala has everything and they have nothing, and DO SOMETHING about it.

    Am I stupid enough to believe that NO ONE in Calamity is only here for the pay? No, I'm not that naive. Am I stupid enough to believe that everyone in Calamity is happy as a clam (or crab :P)? No, I realize there will always be unhappy people in every faction - every single person can't agree on every little thing all the time. But I do feel the need to step up and defend my family when people would attack it and try to make us all out to be a bunch of greedy people.

    I'm well aware how hard Calamity has worked for the last near 18 months to get where it has. I'm also well aware that I had very little to do with any of that. But everyone else needs to be aware that some of us feel some real loyalty to the family that has welcomed us with open arms, made us feel happy and at home with them, and helped us achieve some of our goals. Regardless of why anyone is in Calamity, the fact is that we are very family-like and we work very hard together and I don't think that is deserving of so much ridicule.

    And, as I stated in my first reply, I would love to see some more challenging TWs. Because I agree with you, Sabra - 7 minutes = good for the ego, but not really as much fun. I spend all week building up to be ready for TW, sure I'd like to spend more than 7 minutes in there, lol. After those quickie wars, I find I'm always at a bit of a loss for what to do next. It's like a certain bodily function that we all like to experience that is over in 7 minutes and you're left thinking... "Hmm... wish that had lasted a bit longer..."

    Sabra, Ursa, I don't even know either of you, so I had absolutely no intention of offending you. I guess at this point I actually owe you both some thanks for helping to build the wonderful machine that is Calamity, for making it possible for us "newbs" to have such a great place to call home.
  • Sabra - Dreamweaver
    Sabra - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Hey Ursa :D /hug
    You brought back some nice memories there. Thanks.
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    just to answer were are we?
    well, me, I'm rarely on, can't make it to TWs at all anymore, I joined some small factions helpind lowbies with bosses and FBs...basically doing nothing important for the last 4 months or so. I don't have the time required in a TW faction, especially in week-end. So I'm just wondering around on DW, raising alts, killing some free time I have here and there.

    You enjoy Calamity? great! I'm glad it goes on and it's still a nice place to be. You're pretty defensive on Calamity, that means you really love some part of it if not all. Glad to see someone that really loves that faction, 'cause I met a few members in the past moth or so that couldn't care less.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    ebil plan wurking.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Sabra - Dreamweaver
    Sabra - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Going along with Ursa, Ill say where I am. Im here on the server. Until now I have been very vocal but it was within factions and not on PWI forums. I loved Calamity for a long time and part of me still does. If thats the case, why am i not there? Hmm, well that isnt something to be addressed here in PWI forums, but Im sure if you ask around in Cala, you will get some interesting, varied opinions of why I am no longer there. If the information I recieved lately is correct, that happened to be mentioned in a long post in Calamity recently.

    Im not here to stir Cala drama or to make enemies. And for those in Calamity that still have the fighting spirit that was originally there... a big hello. I miss being part of something like that.
  • Yorkin - Dreamweaver
    Yorkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    If I remember correctly, Seraphim was the first leader of Calamity, right? I do remember reading his introduction post on faction long ago.

    A small tribute to elven mathematician from a human physicist. b:pleased

    Yorkin - The Retired Wizard
  • Sabra - Dreamweaver
    Sabra - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Yes he was and lol at the mention of the introduction post. Even back then when we were new... there was Cala attitude. I remember thinking when i read that thing... wow, now that sounds a bit arrogant. The tone of the post even back in the beginning was that Calamity owned the server and it was ours... and we were welcoming everyone to "Our" land. I think I need to go back and try to find that thing and re-read it just for giggles.
    ahhh here it is! Interesting to read looking back at the history. Post made in april. Server very new. Already they were recruiting levels higher than a lot of factions do now. While somewhat arrogant and condescending in my opinion, this shows the focus and goals that were there in the beginning... and have been maintained to make Cala the best of the best. Not just money from cash shop players. A continued focus on the goals that they set for themselves. Anyone else can do it too if they show that sort of persistance.

    As far as the comment that i hear a lot about Calamity "stealing" the best or highest level players. They dont have to be stolen. Players with like mindsets tend to congregate togather.
  • Yorkin - Dreamweaver
    Yorkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Yes he was and lol at the mention of the introduction post. Even back then when we were new... there was Cala attitude. I remember thinking when i read that thing... wow, now that sounds a bit arrogant. The tone of the post even back in the beginning was that Calamity owned the server and it was ours... and we were welcoming everyone to "Our" land. I think I need to go back and try to find that thing and re-read it just for giggles.

    That's exactly why I mentioned it. XD

    A small tribute to elven mathematician from a human physicist. b:pleased

    Yorkin - The Retired Wizard
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    You gankers should have figured out by now that this is an ineffective TW tactic. You can't depend on the schedule and hope you get to attack at the same time EQ is attacking - first of all, if you win, good for you, but I don't consider a gank a true win. If you can face Calamity's full force and win, great job. But ganking earns you no honor and maybe a land, but you won't have it for long.

    There is no room for honour in an online game. Take your self-righteousness elsewhere. You have land and everyone wants it. They'll take it however they please. Also, I believe many have already discussed charm costs in the past. I am not going to go quote old posts. The fact is you have pay whereas other factions do not. That's a step up, whether you deem it as such or not.

    I don't mean to come of as bitter, I'm not. Calamity earned their TW pay and they are entitled to it (which is why I defended Calamity when people QQ about a TW reset). I just do not think this is a logical point to make.

    Back on topic, Sabra, you're idea has merit. But in the end, it falls on the shoulders of people to unite and defeat a common enemy. Unfortunately, not everyone sees it that way.
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
This discussion has been closed.