Top five guilds



  • Zoroaster - Harshlands
    Zoroaster - Harshlands Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I am loyal to my husband, someday, you might understand that is more important.

    i understand it very well like i said its just a game and is all about fun i left so many guilds on
    this server so i know what im talking about.b:laugh you helped alot in crimson i dont blame ya for anything

    btw Taboo is serious about his idea but i dont think its a good one at least for crimson .
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I really dont understand how merging would be bad for crimson members.....You bid every week and show up every week. Dont you want to win? There is no reason to TW at all if you dont want to win. Mean while zulu and kylin are gaining a layer of dust over their guild because there is no competition and they clearly dont want to fight each other.
  • AsHeZ - Harshlands
    AsHeZ - Harshlands Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Dont you want to win? There is no reason to TW at all if you dont want to win.

    Of course we want to win b:laugh

    That's why we keep trying and improving b:victory
  • Zoroaster - Harshlands
    Zoroaster - Harshlands Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I really dont understand how merging would be bad for crimson members.....You bid every week and show up every week. Dont you want to win? There is no reason to TW at all if you dont want to win. Mean while zulu and kylin are gaining a layer of dust over their guild because there is no competition and they clearly dont want to fight each other.

    first of all crimson is not a rpk guild and even if crimson agree with rpk the atmosphere of crimson is very important for all of our members and merge with kd will destroy the atmosphere for sure.your right its better to merge with kd if crimson wants to win any tw atm.with crimson members kd can defend the lands for sure .
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • LadyTsukiyo - Harshlands
    LadyTsukiyo - Harshlands Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    first of all crimson is not a rpk guild and even if crimson agree with rpk the atmosphere of crimson is very important for all of our members and merge with kd will destroy the atmosphere for sure.your right its better to merge with kd if crimson wants to win any tw atm.with crimson members kd can defend the lands for sure .

    I don't see how going from non rpk to rpk would ruin the atmosphere. I think having two factions merge for similar interests would be a great idea. Those similar interests being winning a TW..
    "If God gives you lemons, then get a new God"-Powerthirst
  • Zoroaster - Harshlands
    Zoroaster - Harshlands Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I don't see how going from non rpk to rpk would ruin the atmosphere. I think having two factions merge for similar interests would be a great idea. Those similar interests being winning a TW..

    lol well just one example for all respect for ligeia i dont want be under one tag with mali ever again b:laugh that would ruin the atmosphere for me b:laugh
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • AsHeZ - Harshlands
    AsHeZ - Harshlands Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    two factions merge for similar interests would be a great idea. Those similar interests being winning a TW..

    Similar interests definition of winning a TW as in defending KD land?
  • TheBigOne - Harshlands
    TheBigOne - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I vote for a crimson merge into KD....both guilds are stuck being unable to compete with KY and Zulu, and the reason being we are missing different classes and players that the other faction has. WTB fun 3 way battle for the top spot, instead of a 12 v 1 boring gankfest.
    hahahah sorry man i usualy dont check PWI forums and thats my first comment here but i had to Lol so hard on that merging idea b:laughb:chuckle
  • Sauron_ - Harshlands
    Sauron_ - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    hahahah sorry man i usualy dont check PWI forums and thats my first comment here but i had to Lol so hard on that merging idea b:laughb:chuckle

    I LoL since 5 houres ago and i still can`t stop. b:laughb:chuckleb:
  • Crescendia - Harshlands
    Crescendia - Harshlands Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    This applies to any guild in any game. What disappoints me that you seem to be passing judgment on how crimson did or is doing with your comments "crimson is not organized in TW / KD had 30 people etc etc" ...

    Well my advice is don't worry about Crimson. We can manage and we have managed so far and i don't think we ever took a backward step since we started rebuilding. Oh and all that without any prospect of salary or being tagged in one of the "big player guilds" where every one wants to belong to ...

    And people are not forced into PW slavery as well. If you think people did FC all the time and didn't farm TT then it's their choice. We can only advice whats best and fight with what we have dear.

    So i suggest you focus more on how KD is doing atm and how you can help them win TW against the big guns rather than come here and comment on "how unorganized crimson is in TW"..

    Don't tell me what I should focus on, Dear, because I am doing what I can already. My comment was just my opinion and 1 person doesn't carry a guild in TW so your suggestion is obsolete.
    I think if crimson members are actually serious about TWing it is the best possible option for them.

    Tabby.... Kingdom name isn't worth reviving after all the bad history it has. Merge into Crimson would probably be better lol.
    please dont post your opinion about a faction wich u dont even know it well, even u been an officer. I just wonder if , now, when KD need his ppl help as much as possible u will apply to another faction. just wonder.

    Keep wondering, I haven't left Kingdom have I? And the first opinion I posted was how Crimson isn't organized in TW against Kingdom. and I went on to defend that opinion about when I was there.

    Did I say anything wrong? nope. Are you guys offended about my opinion? Looks like a yes..
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • Malilizi - Harshlands
    Malilizi - Harshlands Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Lol what? I don't think I've ever even talked to that kid in my life. Butt hurt about something, apparently. b:laugh
  • Crescendia - Harshlands
    Crescendia - Harshlands Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Beat u to reply #100 Mali b:laugh b:pleased
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • Zoroaster - Harshlands
    Zoroaster - Harshlands Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Lol what? I don't think I've ever even talked to that kid in my life. Butt hurt about something, apparently. b:laugh

    you never said anything to me but just the way you talk with all other ppl in guild is not nice you know ? always bit ching around on vent like a little girl b:chuckle "kid"? i wish
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • UberSkillz - Harshlands
    UberSkillz - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I really dont understand how merging would be bad for crimson members.....You bid every week and show up every week. Dont you want to win? There is no reason to TW at all if you dont want to win. Mean while zulu and kylin are gaining a layer of dust over their guild because there is no competition and they clearly dont want to fight each other.

    I think that most members don't really care about winning in general but playing with a group of players that they have come 2 know and winning is just a cherry on top
  • Crescendia - Harshlands
    Crescendia - Harshlands Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I think that most members don't really care about winning in general but playing with a group of players that they have come 2 know and winning is just a cherry on top

    And this is why no one takes Crimson TW seriously. Thank you for posting what I would never literally say.
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • UberSkillz - Harshlands
    UberSkillz - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    And this is why no one takes Crimson TW seriously. Thank you for posting what I would never literally say.

    I say it the way i see it. Enjoying game with friends>Land Ownership. Who cares is some1 takes u seriously in a game. Games made for fun go fool around b:bye
  • Chovan - Harshlands
    Chovan - Harshlands Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    The good ones are coming across (or haven't you noticed?) to Crimson and are welcome however a merge ...... b:bye b:shutup

    Seems like KD are panicking since we almost got the measure of you last time and all we do is get stronger and wiser with each passing TW.

    That means you'll soon be losing 3 lands per week since you no-show against Kylin and Zulu each week.
  • Crescendia - Harshlands
    Crescendia - Harshlands Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I have Chovan b:laugh Hopefully with all the apps/players you're getting from Takoda and others, this changes. But when the majority of people think like this how do you change their goal?
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • Zoroaster - Harshlands
    Zoroaster - Harshlands Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    And this is why no one takes Crimson TW seriously. Thank you for posting what I would never literally say. Hopefully with all the apps/players they're getting from Takoda and others, this changes. But when the majority of people think like this how do you change their goal?

    ok your right dia if the price of win is giving up crimson and join kd then we dont take tw seriously ^^
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • Malilizi - Harshlands
    Malilizi - Harshlands Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    If you say so. To be honest I barely even remember you being in guild and I wouldn't want to be under the same guild tag as someone who can barely form a complete sentence. So I guess it works out just fine. b:cute
  • Crescendia - Harshlands
    Crescendia - Harshlands Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I say it the way i see it. Enjoying game with friends>Land Ownership. Who cares is some1 takes u seriously in a game. Games made for fun go fool around b:bye

    Also, if this is how it is, why try being a TW guild when all you guys do is TW for fun and then be disappointed when people don't take you seriously?
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • UberSkillz - Harshlands
    UberSkillz - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    And this is why no one takes Crimson TW seriously. Thank you for posting what I would never literally say.

    Its true that we need to learn 2 tw as a unit.Maybe in future we can learn 2 tw as a unit and not rambo defensive squadsb:shocked

    But how things going right now in weeks i think we can purely over power u and win tw...dunno if its true just what i think will happen.
  • AsHeZ - Harshlands
    AsHeZ - Harshlands Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I have Chovan b:laugh Hopefully with all the apps/players you're getting from Takoda and others, this changes. But when the majority of people think like this how do you change their goal?

    Not sure where you got your majority of players in the first place.

    But how do you change the goal? Simple ... You get Taboo to ask for a merge b:chuckle
  • Crescendia - Harshlands
    Crescendia - Harshlands Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Well, lets just see what happens b:mischievous
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • Malilizi - Harshlands
    Malilizi - Harshlands Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Just remember...if you do ever win against KD it's not because Crimson got stronger or better, it's because KD got weaker.

    The fact that KD is losing/lost most of it's members means they're easy to beat. So kicking around a guild with less members than you isn't anything to be proud of. It's like when we crystal sprint some lowbie guild. There's no sense of accomplishment.
  • Zoroaster - Harshlands
    Zoroaster - Harshlands Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    If you say so. To be honest I barely even remember you being in guild and I wouldn't want to be under the same guild tag as someone who can barely form a complete sentence. So I guess it works out just fine. b:cute

    main thing is that we agree to each others opinions b:victory
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • Crescendia - Harshlands
    Crescendia - Harshlands Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Not sure where you got your majority of players in the first place.

    But how do you change the goal? Simple ... You get Taboo to ask for a merge b:chuckle

    And lol!!!!!!!!! I dont understand what this means but it made me laugh somehow b:laughb:chuckleb:victory
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • AsHeZ - Harshlands
    AsHeZ - Harshlands Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Just remember...if you do ever win against KD it's not because Crimson got stronger or better, it's because KD got weaker.

    The fact that KD is losing/lost most of it's members means they're easy to beat. So kicking around a guild with less members than you isn't anything to be proud of. It's like when we crystal sprint some lowbie guild. There's no sense of accomplishment.

    True. So when KD took the Crimson land there was no sense of accomplishment?

    But we are not kicking around a guild that is easy to beat. You yourself said it was a 10 mins roll after you got your main cata parties?

    So by that alone i would say Crimson is on an uphill battle which would actually give a sense of accomplishment.

    Also it works both ways so i beg to differ on the Crimson didn't get stronger but KD got weaker statement.
  • UberSkillz - Harshlands
    UberSkillz - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Just remember...if you do ever win against KD it's not because Crimson got stronger or better, it's because KD got weaker.

    The fact that KD is losing/lost most of it's members means they're easy to beat. So kicking around a guild with less members than you isn't anything to be proud of. It's like when we crystal sprint some lowbie guild. There's no sense of accomplishment.

    Doesnt this remind u of when crimson members started leaving and papa started awakening and crimson was getting spanked b:sad seems u are experiencing the other side of that situation now.
  • AsHeZ - Harshlands
    AsHeZ - Harshlands Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    And lol!!!!!!!!! I dont understand what this means but it made me laugh somehow b:laughb:chuckleb:victory

    Yep .. It made me laugh too the minute i heard it b:laugh