Still a prestiege class



  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    because both skills are pretty much the same. Earth Vector is just a nerfed version of mountain seize that uses the same mana.
    Can you stop bringing up stupid ****? 3k mana costs like 800 coins. I go through one hour of TW and use maybe 30 pots. I use less than 5 pots for a full 99 or 3-3 run, less than 10 for a nirvana run. Nobody cares about mp costs.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    You're crazy if you'd take MS over earth vector.. The only reason I ever use MS is for the stun.. and getting it off in 2 seconds rather than 6.4 seconds (before channeling bonuses) is WAY more valuable than 85 -> 95% chance to stun. Not to mention it only takes one spark, and the cooldown is 10 seconds less.
    most of the times when i use MS, i use it to stun and take out a good chunk of HP after my target has tick to keep them still while i whittle down their HP(mostly on clerics and high HP BMs).
    Can you stop bringing up stupid ****? 3k mana costs like 800 coins. I go through one hour of TW and use maybe 30 pots. I use less than 5 pots for a full 99 or 3-3 run, less than 10 for a nirvana run. Nobody cares about mp costs.

    I was saying that because somebody try to say mountain seize uses more mana than earth vector but they were comparing lvl 11 MS to lvl 10 EV. I really dont care about mana just adding on why i believe lvl 11 EV will have the same mana cost as MS.....
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Skippy - Dreamweaver
    Skippy - Dreamweaver Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Amount of lvl95+ wizards with lunar +10 or equal/better I know on my server: About 10-15

    Amount of 40k hp barbs on my server I know: 0

    Anyone can tell you that Lunar +10 is nothing special anymore.
    Do yourself a favor and look at this:
    This barb has really pimped out equip, way better than mine. And even he has only 30k hp. So yea..

    I fought barbs with HH100 poleaxe +10, charmed of course, and won. Maybe they were just stupid, but I don't think so. Kristoph is right if he says they have a lot of counters, so it takes luck of course. But you can force luck if you try often enough. The last equally geared barb I killed died becaue I bypassed his charm with a 11k Glacial Snare crit while he was in human form...

    And again: Thx for commenting all the points I mentioned, discussing with you is awesome!

    yep thad was me, dont have HH 100 anymore tho its nirvana G15 :D try again

    and yea, when you wizzards fight a good barb, rely on luck and counter attack on his mistakes.

    the thing is i get killed vs wiz when they get lucky on crits, or when they snatch me out of tiger form and force all my turtle skills in CD, usely doesnt happen but honestly a PK barb will not have 30k hp,,, well,,, would be nice if i had thad but oh wel..

    i can give ya dudes 1 tip tho, i usely wait till u used your distance schrink, force of will, and sleep , for some reason you dudes always use these things after each other forcing them all in CD. thads the moment i or we strike.

    and well, barbs are stupid from own nature lol so take advantage of it.
  • PacheckoWiz - Sanctuary
    PacheckoWiz - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Where are we good at PVE?

    What good is a psy's amount of AoE's when a wizzy stands in DB?
    Psy can't replace a wizzy as zhenner cause wizzy has booth high power and defences

    And wizzy's simple don't exist for DPS. Wiz = Nuke. Nothing else. A wiz is made for massive dmg per shot.

    And you're kidding on the BH59 part right? BH5=wizzy tank.

    Lmao same here..I agree 100%

    My wizzy tanks BH59 all the time due to shortage of barbs. Who cares about DPS? I love the spike dmg that is all.
  • PacheckoWiz - Sanctuary
    PacheckoWiz - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Yea, tell us more about weapon damage in skills being non factor the next time you compare a cleric's tempest, a veno's nova and a wizards bids damage wise. Not only that, wiz have three 2 spark ultimates to adapt to different situations in group pvp. Yea I know, you said it often enough, wizards channeling is slow. Who cares? If you play correctly you get your ultis off in TW, I promise you. And why would bleed not suffer any damage reduction? It's a bug on the pet skill flesh ream, all other bleed effects work accurately, so it's just speculation from your side.

    There are advantages psychics have over wizards, but don't come and try to make a psy look better in every aspect, even when it is two spark aoes. You just make yourself look biased and stupid.

    200% weapon damage on a two spark aoe? That is the same as stone rain (costs no chi, sage version channels in 1.6 seconds). And I can assure you that my ults hurt way, way more. Endgame weapon damage factors in, the more you refine your weapon and the better rings you get. 200%.. Even clerics get double that... And by the way, every bit damage counts, because it is very important to be able to bypass charms. You cannot bypass charms with bleed, can you?

    You create totally weird connections:
    "Just remember next time you gush someone, and you have 1 spark to begin with, imagine you can stun them for 6 secs with 85% certainty."

    To be honest I's rather kite that barb a little more and get more chi to be able to break through his charm.

    One more thing: Ignoring channeling gear because "it's not the skill itself" is invalid. You cannot cut channeling gear from the equation because the very way the "skill itself" is designed makes the channeling gear any endgame caster gets less efficient on a psychic than on a wiz. Facts do not vanish because you ignore them. ;)

    /Edit: My assumption that there are too many fishes and no/few factor wizards on RT seems kinda correct... I saw that coming the very day the server opened, because it was at the same time the expansion came out. Pretty messed up.

    ^^Agree 100%
    Wizard will always be the best endgame class ever. Borsuc needs to **** and reroll a lame psychic :P
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    there is still holy path and flymounts b:surrender

    oh heck i should refresh before posting after 1 hour afk

    was to skippy lol
    i like potato
  • XmasBunny_ - Archosaur
    XmasBunny_ - Archosaur Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    honestly i think psys didn't got the wizard place. i am not going to say which is better, i am trying both as alts and i just found that wiz is more my thing but both have pros and cons. i know i may have not lvled enough these alts for now to be able to speak about it but still, with both on lvl 25+ (yh i know lame XD) i can see some differences (from self-experience and by looking to the skills tree). besides i even read some stuff from experient ppl so i am going to post what i think, trying not to hurt no1:

    1) for me wizys rule cause i am too used to be a veno, and consequently i hate being dependant on pots -.-'.... so wizys own because their WAY LARGER mp pool

    2) still because i hate pots XD (ok i am forced to use pots in dungeons and bosses but i hate doing that while questing/grinding, it's boring and i hate being counting my powders like i do on my cleric or having to stop to meditate+common pots after a few kills) the wizy shields rock, specialy the water shield that slightly increases the mp regeneration rate (i used to use the fire shield to restore hp but i am stop lvling it cause i want some other skills and at these lvls u guys know how spirit lack is anoying besides i got the heal skill).... so psys lose here cause even their soul of vingiance (or whatever sorry XD) consumes mp but of course THIS IS BASED ON MY GAME PLAYING STILE so no flaming here pls

    3) why r u only mentioning voodos and forgeting soul of vingiance( or whatever again, sorry i can't remember the proper name of the skill and i am too lazy to search for it XD)?
    well let me tell u that here, compared with wizys, psys only loose cause this skill BURNS mp if u let the enemy touch u (not my kind of game again but possibly this doesn't matter that much for some1 else) besides it doesn't decrease the attack power of psys (cool down though is another problem that means many times u will rather to use it on ur self than giving it to some1 but this can be less important to some1 else, so it's only not my game playing style again)

    4) at lvl 25+ psy hits much harder BUT: i HAVE to consider my psy has still that amazing gear u get at lvl12+ quests that gives A LOT of magic points plus the mold weapon that is awesome compared to the wizy's fb weapon -.-' ; besides, when i rolled an archer and searched for info i read that archers start hiting harder than wizys but that changes in high lvls, plus i read from some wizy that wizs start hiting really hard at lvl 60+, so another factor to consider.

    5) honestly, and as some1 else said WHAT MATTERS IS IF U LIKE THE CLASS OR NOT. every class has its ups and downs. imo wizys r the ones who hit harder, psys r the ones who hit faster(non considering -chan gear), wizys r the GREAT END GAME thing, psys r cool at any lvl, wizys r harder to play at low lvls (which IMO r the critical lvls since u lack spirit and cool/usefull skills only can be gotten later) so u can be proud about being a high lvl wizy (not every1 has enough patience to make it), and both r DDs no matter which 1 is best in each situationTHEY R BOTH DDs periode :p.

    so this was pretty much my opinion i hope i helped some1 and i am sorry for any tipo/grammar mistakes (english is not my mother tongue :p). btw pls stop saying 1 class is better than the other cause they r both good and NONE takes the other's place.
  • anwynd
    anwynd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *sighs* another one of the threads where wizards & psychics try to say one class is better then the other
    the 2 classes have different jobs so it might be kind of hard to compare psy can never replace what wiz do best with there set of skills & wiz can never replace what psy's do best with ther skills both classes are pretty awsome i would say more but my brain is frickin fried from reading this whole dang thing( soooooo much math its like being in school again *crys)b:worried
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle
  • XmasBunny_ - Archosaur
    XmasBunny_ - Archosaur Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    anwynd wrote: »
    *sighs* another one of the threads where wizards & psychics try to say one class is better then the other
    the 2 classes have different jobs so it might be kind of hard to compare psy can never replace what wiz do best with there set of skills & wiz can never replace what psy's do best with ther skills both classes are pretty awsome i would say more but my brain is frickin fried from reading this whole dang thing( soooooo much math its like being in school again *crys)b:worried

    ^amen to this :p