Perfect Horn Filter...



  • oyamajio
    oyamajio Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    Are you listening? You need to fix the horns so they don't show in Faction Chat set so they only show in common, trade and world chat. In the last hour the spam coming through because of the new horns is starting to build my black list very large. Or maybe just have it so black list can be unlimited.

    Are you guys reading the forums, do hear us, do you even care?

    No, they don't hear and don't care. They hear only hornnnn...and care only hornnnn....b:victory
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    A GM response is required for this. Required.

    If they don't show up in this thread, I say we might wanna start PMing them en masse... -_-
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Vankron - Heavens Tear
    Vankron - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    And I am sure it will continue till some one takes notice and makes the change.
  • oyamajio
    oyamajio Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Rumor: Horn is just the latest communication product offered by PWI to complement their next product, so-called "Blacklist Extension Stone".
  • GrYnnAn - Sanctuary
    GrYnnAn - Sanctuary Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    oyamajio wrote: »
    Rumor: Horn is just the latest communication product offered by PWI to complement their next product, so-called "Blacklist Extension Stone".


    hm.. feels like a 1gold for 7days kind of item..
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    A GM response is required for this. Required.

    If they don't show up in this thread, I say we might wanna start PMing them en masse... -_-

    They wont respond its not required quit being like that.

    They can't do anything right now and you shouldn't expect them to its not breaking the game. your just complaining to hear yourself speak. (addressed at all you complainers)
  • wtvdie
    wtvdie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    A GM response is required for this. Required.

    If they don't show up in this thread, I say we might wanna start PMing them en masse... -_-

    gms arent gonna be online for another 3-4 hours. i think their work day goes from 9am-1am so let them have those 6 hours of sleep at least
  • axt57
    axt57 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I hate these horns the same as the next guy and hope we will get filters next week, but I really think you guys are greatly over exaggerating the issue.

    The initial hype has already died down (atleast on sanc) and you'll be lucky to see 1 horn in ~5 mins. They are also not exactly cheap - costing about 45k per use. The few who can afford to spam using them can easily fit into the blacklist.
  • BarbHammer - Heavens Tear
    BarbHammer - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Maybe we are just ****ing annoyed by the damn things. They should have had the damn things fixed before they released but they don't know why? Because they care to much about the damn money not the player.

    note: Not meant for GMs or Mods. It is targeted straight at the Developers.
    I do as the Romans do, I wash my hands of thee.
  • wtvdie
    wtvdie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Maybe we are just ****ing annoyed by the damn things. They should have had the damn things fixed before they released but they don't know why? Because they care to much about the damn money not the player.

    note: Not meant for GMs or Mods. It is targeted straight at the Developers.

    devs arent really the ones in charge, its the devs' bosses that told em to do it that way.

    so aim higher.
  • StormChaos - Heavens Tear
    StormChaos - Heavens Tear Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Not been online long enough yet to experience the spam, but to be frank it's not going to be anything new.

    People could already talk in world chat using cyan and green; confusing enough if you don't have that blocked. The fact I have never once turned WC means I can ignore the drama without much of an issue.

    You kinda miss the point.. Turning Wc off doesnt work . It shows up in Faction/Squad chat aswell with no way to remove it.

    Atleast if idiots where spamming WC in the past you could ignore it.. now no chance
  • BarbHammer - Heavens Tear
    BarbHammer - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    wtvdie wrote: »
    devs arent really the ones in charge, its the devs' bosses that told em to do it that way.

    so aim higher.

    But the Dev's are the ones that make sure it's right not glitched so the the blame goes to the Devs
    I do as the Romans do, I wash my hands of thee.
  • Esnemyl - Dreamweaver
    Esnemyl - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,079 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    WHY did the devs come up with this? to get on our nerves?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
    Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3

    '...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru2
  • xxunseenspecxx
    xxunseenspecxx Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    kerenta wrote: »
    *clings* I'll follow you, bro. Plus all actives in faction wanna come. They are on MSN, they don't wanna play lol. Mark found a new game for us already. Congrats PW, you're gonna lose half of your playerbase (if not more) b:laugh

    Sorry to break it to you but you and a few of you're friends doesn't even make up 1% of the playerbase.
    Guild History:
    Unlimited [retired guild]
    Conqueror [retired guild]
    BloodLusT [FAIL OF EPIC PROPORTIONZ/retired guild]
    RageQuit [retired guild]

    Current Guild:
    Wouldn't you like to know?

    Current Status:
    Been jumping rooftops in ADC for the past year and a half<3
    Actively PvP'ing foramz style b:cute
  • wtvdie
    wtvdie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    But the Dev's are the ones that make sure it's right not glitched so the the blame goes to the Devs

    devs didnt make it glitched.

    they expect an initial sales spike, followed by a steady decline of sales till it reaches a plateau. now this decline should take place over 1-2 weeks, but they will probably have the new chat option available by next week during which time, since its limited, instead of having a steady decline, it will experience a steady peak for a week, followed by a steady decline.

    they've effectively found a way to keep sales high instead of having them drop quickly.\

    its not a bug or a glitch, it was very well planned out.
  • EthikaII - Heavens Tear
    EthikaII - Heavens Tear Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    All I can say and i think everyone totally agrees is for this **** to be taken off our faction chat, the one place we need to see things from faction the important things. we shouldn't even be here atm on this thread talking about a problem that didn't even need to happen. im sure us players would have already thought to make the ability to block it on faction chat and every where else like you can WC, its like rediculous this wasn't thought of . possibly this is just a chance for them to break out blacklist expansion stone.

    Retired Sage.
    Moving to alts till they fix GBA boss ;(
  • wtvdie
    wtvdie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    All I can say and i think everyone totally agrees is for this **** to be taken off our faction chat, the one place we need to see things from faction the important things. we shouldn't even be here atm on this thread talking about a problem that didn't even need to happen. im sure us players would have already thought to make the ability to block it on faction chat and every where else like you can WC, its like rediculous this wasn't thought of . possibly this is just a chance for them to break out blacklist expansion stone.


    i just realized something. TW is gonna be hilarious for faction with no vent that always suicide themselves on the big factions.

    actually, tw is gonna suck for anyone without a mic.

  • EthikaII - Heavens Tear
    EthikaII - Heavens Tear Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    wtvdie wrote: »
    i just realized something. TW is gonna be hilarious for faction with no vent that always suicide themselves on the big factions.

    actually, tw is gonna suck for anyone without a mic.


    oh gezz... just thought of somthing

    PWI vent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    10 gold to use their vent for 1 week XD
    Retired Sage.
    Moving to alts till they fix GBA boss ;(
  • wtvdie
    wtvdie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    oh gezz... just thought of somthing

    PWI vent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    10 gold to use their vent for 1 week XD

    limit 0.25 persons per vent server...
  • Smarie - Sanctuary
    Smarie - Sanctuary Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Sadly this will probably be like all the other bugs they haven't bothered to fix. PWE doesn't care about the players at all.

    PWE would rather just rake in all the money form people to fill their pockets, rather than fix things. Like, why the hell are three servers using the same name server? When the hell are the Cube bugs going to get fixed? WTF happened to the tournament? Monthly race? Hell even the regular quests that are bugged haven't been fixed.

    When the hell is PWE going to get off their asses and have the Devs fix some of this **** instead of making new ****? Hell can't even make the new **** the right way. Where the hell are the 79+ skills for TB's? Sage/Demon? You can't expect people NOT to get up there when you make BH mania and Oracle noobs.
  • wtvdie
    wtvdie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Sadly this will probably be like all the other bugs they haven't bothered to fix. PWE doesn't care about the players at all.

    PWE would rather just rake in all the money form people to fill their pockets, rather than fix things. Like, why the hell are three servers using the same name server? When the hell are the Cube bugs going to get fixed? WTF happened to the tournament? Monthly race? Hell even the regular quests that are bugged haven't been fixed.

    When the hell is PWE going to get off their asses and have the Devs fix some of this **** instead of making new ****? Hell can't even make the new **** the right way. Where the hell are the 79+ skills for TB's? Sage/Demon? You can't expect people NOT to get up there when you make BH mania and Oracle noobs.

    then quit.
  • XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver
    XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    It's linked to System Chat? Wow. THE Chat filter you can't uncheck (along with PMs).

    Right now I'm on, but no one's spamming it.

    Seriously though, we want an option to be able to hide it. I need focus on squad / faction when I'm doing some stuff, which is why I have nearly everything disabled BUT squad / faction / PMs like 90% of the time. Even GM chat bugs the **** outta me because I can't ignore it - I find it funny for the first 5 minutes, than I want it gone. Imagine perma-GM chat -_-;;.
    Due to constant PMs: I'm not German, sorry folks D:
  • Felizia - Lost City
    Felizia - Lost City Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    agreeing with Kitress.
  • Absoluth - Heavens Tear
    Absoluth - Heavens Tear Posts: 764 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Im really hoping that this new horn system was an error and that its not supposed to reach those who dont want to read world chat. Just when i think you couldnt **** up more, you go and surprise me. Seriously, do you guys sit around thinking of ways to offend the base population of the game? Have you any idea how disruptive this new chat system is? Even the cash shoppers hate it. Its annoying and distasteful. You're making players hate others for spamming and doing massive amount of blacklisting. Is this what you'reaiming for in PWI?

    I know you want players to quit pwi to go play other games, but there are easier ways to go about it.

    PS: Increase blacklist filter to 100 slots or more. Me and all my friends/factionmates filled the 20 slots ni less than 5 mins.
    "Free to play. Pay to win"

  • FoxyCleo - Raging Tide
    FoxyCleo - Raging Tide Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I will quit this game if this isn't being fixed ASAP.
  • Shezmu - Lost City
    Shezmu - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This new horn channel keeps popping up in all chats.... People use it for useless chat please allow us to filter it out.... why did the devolpers nvr consider this its annoying OR give me a limitless black list!!!!!!
  • Roto - Heavens Tear
    Roto - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I will quit this game if this isn't being fixed ASAP.

    I don't know about that... the amount of time and money I've put into PWI will keep me playing for another week or 2 even if the Horn problem continues... But if its not fixed soon, I doubt even the most staunch supporters of PW will want to continue playing the game... b:angry
    "Hey, I don't make the rules, I just twist them to my purpose." -Celia (Order Of The Stick)
  • Starr - Harshlands
    Starr - Harshlands Posts: 331 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    Are you listening? You need to fix the horns so they don't show in Faction Chat set so they only show in common, trade and world chat. In the last hour the spam coming through because of the new horns is starting to build my black list very large. Or maybe just have it so black list can be unlimited.

    Are you guys reading the forums, do hear us, do you even care?

    GM's just log into a server, any server, after 5 mins of reading world chat you will see that the new horn is annoying and the players HATE it. even with 2x on i am really considering finding something else to do. now the people who bypass tos with all the sexual chat and cursing, can invade my personal space.

    my kids will no tbe playing until this feature is either removed or blockable. so your loss on 2 legendary veno pets on the pve server. glad i didnt buy them last week.b:chuckle
    the good Starr
  • BarbHammer - Heavens Tear
    BarbHammer - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    wtvdie wrote: »
    devs didnt make it glitched.

    they expect an initial sales spike, followed by a steady decline of sales till it reaches a plateau. now this decline should take place over 1-2 weeks, but they will probably have the new chat option available by next week during which time, since its limited, instead of having a steady decline, it will experience a steady peak for a week, followed by a steady decline.

    they've effectively found a way to keep sales high instead of having them drop quickly.\

    its not a bug or a glitch, it was very well planned out.

    Okay, first let me say you trying to explain a business set up to me is just sad.

    second, sales wont increase or decline for the fact people will buy more packs than the horns. The horns are just something there for show not a major profit part, maybe some but not a lot. Even if it was made that way on purpose, it wasn't a smart idea for the fact it pisses a lot of people off. But it wont stop people from buying Packs, but it will stop the people it pissed off from buying the horns. There for it may or may not decrease the sales from them.

    Note: A glitch is a glitch they are always around, and not made on purpose.
    I do as the Romans do, I wash my hands of thee.
This discussion has been closed.