Please show more respect to other's



  • Damselfish - Sanctuary
    Damselfish - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Every person deserves a certain amount of initial respect. How they behave and act determines for me, if I gain or lose respect for them after that point.
    I swim therefore I am.
  • Black_wolve - Sanctuary
    Black_wolve - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    That's very true Damselfish those who are rude and nasty i brush it off i figure if they act that way then they dont deserve my respect or even help as i said i help those who help me one hand wash the other that's what it's all about there should not be any bad mouthing or swearing but as we all know that it will still happen regardless.

    Pretty sad it's a great game and you dont have to pay monthy for it it's free to play and also it's a place to injoy your friends and meet new friends .

    Not a pre school to act like 2 year olds any how iam only asking for what most want is to be treated with a little respect .
  • Magicgabe - Lost City
    Magicgabe - Lost City Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    DD see big number pop up on screen. Hence big e-pe3n.

    Barbs see a different kind of big number pop upon the screen. Hence bad morale.

    Clerics see no numbers pop up on the screen. Hence "little" e-peen == big ego.

    Assassin - derived from the english word ****-****-in. [need I say more?]

    Psychics - ok

    BM = (DD+Barb)/2
    and this isn't a story.

    All people are idiodic but some are more idiotic than others.
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    b:nosebleed this thread is still going
  • Zikai - Heavens Tear
    Zikai - Heavens Tear Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    b:surrender Age does not decide someone behaving as adult or not.

    I agree with this. It may occur that most rude people you meet are young, but we shouldn't assume that all young people are rude. That, my friends, makes all the difference.
    Who heals the healer?
  • Black_wolve - Sanctuary
    Black_wolve - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    What's amazing some say that Barbs have bad attitudes or bad moral in any case that is not correct iam a barb i never had a bad attitude or called any one names or ever swore at them maybe because i grew up with manner's or better yet growing up in a military family knowing if i open my mouth i would get slaped for it.

    Time's have changed sense i was a kid growing up in the late 70's and early 80's now days a parent cant say boo to there kid with out that kid threating there parents for abuse and they wonder why kids are getting prego at age 13+ or even in to drug's,etc.

    I see a lot of threats,swearing every talking sex, on pwi in the past year and trust me this aint the first game i seen it on .

    But in any case back to pwi just tonight a lady friend started a bm and in blade this kid come up kept asking her to fight her while doing a quest even called a rat and a hoe and when she said she was going to report him to the GM's he acted as he didn't care and reply to her go ahead you rat and hoe nice mouth on this kid this is a exsample of disrepecting other player's.

    Question some of you dont have kid's some may do my question is would you allow your child to bad mouth others or talk dirty or threaten other's believe it or not some parents do care if the kid acts this way on a game you kind of figure this young adult acts like this at home and school to .

    I mean dont any one ever read the tearms of service or did they just skipt that part?
  • ShadowDrag - Lost City
    ShadowDrag - Lost City Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I've always been a cleric... and honestly I've hardly ever been "abused". Annoyed by clueless blademasters trying to tell me how to do my job? Yes. By and large people seem to think healing is boring, and treat people who have fun doing it for them well. Every now and again, I'll have stand offs. For example, with a lv.80 tank who I considered to be too low for a TT:2-3, and wanted to blame me for the heavy damage they were taking (A full magic cleric with maxed skills and a gem-studded Frost weapon.). But things like that are few and far between. People welcome clerics into their squads, love our buffs, and revives make the death nothing more then a pinch. Barbarians are also welcome additions to squads, and typically are valued even more highly. I fail to see the abuse. Good support characters are adored.

    Of course there will always be jerks, but seriously... they're not worth your time. Leave them behind and rage on mobs. If someone demands that you cross the map to save them a percentage point of experience and you're busy or just teleported to Twlight Temple... refuse. If they think they're such a high level that their exp is worth that much they can carry a Guardian Scroll. Or they could ask friends closer to them. If you're helping them tank a boss, perhaps they'll compensate your teleportation fees so you're not wasting unnecessary time.

    I would spread this topic to cover all classes, not just clerics and barbarians. Treat each other with respect. That includes the fish-sticks (they're awesome too!).

    Yes.... I can't read anyof this due to **** layout
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Try highlighting it SD probably will work better
  • /
gellus - Heavens Tear3
    / gellus - Heavens Tear3 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    So much if it I think I'm going to be sick. Until then, I am going to add a bit of my own.

    1. Yes, if you are being an ignorant ****, I will get pissy.
    2. If you are disrespectful to anyone in my squad, see ya. b:bye

    1. We get **** for everything.
    2. I like it when I am told I can't lure with a herc, then BAM I do it. (Just dont turn on the bramble people, it isnt that hard)
    3. Repairs arent so bad as a veno so stop with the QQ about that. A few DQ items will cover that.
    4. We dont need charms. Soul transfusion, metabolic boost and natures grace are good enough for me. (Though it is nice to have a bronze charm maybe when I go afk while healing herc)
    5. If I can aoe a bunch of mobs and live, I will.
    6. Dont worry, I wont try to out-DD you. I am more concerned about Amping the boss and giving it little status effects to do any real DD.
    7. I like it when clerics heal me after a soul transfusion.

    1. You tell me how to do my job and you are getting **** for it. Period.
    2. I have one macro. Party buff.
    3. Yeah repairs can get on the annoyance scale (100k isnt bad but still QQ)
    4. I WILL DD. Get over it. Spark + elemental seal + tempest = win. I am able to heal and DD juuuuust fine. Don't think clerics can't make a dent. That is what we got offensive skills for. Used correctly, they can hurt. Bad.
    5. Dont you dare say "dont worry about healing me." I'm a damn cleric. That is what I do.
    6. There are such things are aggresive clerics. I happen to be one of them.
    7. I solo healed FF at level 78.

    1. I love you.
    2. There is only ONE instance in which you should get ****. If you go AFK while tanking.
    3. Ok sorry 2 instances. If you are a level 70 barb with 50 armor and axes.
    4. Sunder looks cool btw.
    5. My husband and I, (Axeborn) have gone through everything up to FB89, both eden and brim. It's nice not having a full squad to QQ at me for being a level 81 in an FB89.
  • Black_wolve - Sanctuary
    Black_wolve - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    As i said i seen many ask why i didn't mention other class'es not just barbs and cleric's well in this case i believe i had said every class get's it no matter what lv you are but as a barb we tank a lot if not us i seen bm's and veno's tank but the point is that as much i been dealing with it sense i first started this game back in late april last year you can only take so much .

    I cant tell you how many times i been kicked out of squad for f cc or t-t and gamma infact i never got to learn gamma do to getting told im doing it wrong or im no good last 2 i did levels ago i was told of by a veno so i gave up on it all together no sense and why deal with it.

    When i started a cleric im thinking a worse mistake on that one i get yelled at in some squad HEAL HEAL HEAL i get told omg i say im healing hard in some bh's with 1 cleric i had this one assassin said no bb i can tank i said ok i started to heal him he got aeo we all died dont ask how in any case i go back in that bh i revived every one i said u want bb now he said yes please i said to myself well if he listen in the first place we would of not all died omg lol.

    Any how iam fair to every one when i do a bh i dont charge high for wine cost infact when people ask me how much i tell them and they seem to be happy with that but i had a few who didn't pay so i dont forget names so easy next time i do a run i dont invite them i learn not to take any **** from any one and im very strait forward.

    And im not saying not every class does not get **** from others we all do but a lot of barbs i spoke to all told me there tired of getting yelled at for not keeping argo or not doing it right i had some who got ripped of in t-t like my self never do that again unless i know the party im with some wonder why it's hard to find a barb or in some cases a cleric or any other class been mistreated.

    That includes the fish-sticks (they're awesome too!).
    Sorry i cant eat sea food or fish bad reaction no fish sticks for me lol but very funnyb:laugh

    As i said we all have are issues and it's hard to deal with it and some complain when they die or blame others not keepiing me healed or u did that wrong etc insted i just laugh when i die i figure oh well just a game move on i died 4 times tonight oh well it happends.
  • Jiblet - Sanctuary
    Jiblet - Sanctuary Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I've got no issues with clerics, barbs, or any other classes at all. I do have issues with some people that play these (and other) classes, but that's down to the person behind the keyboard/screen.

    I do think that a lot of the ppl that complain the most about disrespect are probably (not always) the ones that may need to take a good look at themselves and what they are doing - if one or 2 people complain then maybe they are just jackasses, but if you are getting a lot of grief then maybe you are doing things wrong?

    Oh, and practically any class can tank a lot more than is commonly accepted. I happily tank BH99's and TT bosses if needed. Not saying i can do them all, but I've seen pretty much every single class tank before now (try running BH99 with 1 cleric, 3 archers and 2's fun xD)

    Respect is earned, not given, although it is polite to be civilised to others. As I said above, if everyone seems to be beating on you then perhaps it's not them, it's you.
  • Black_wolve - Sanctuary
    Black_wolve - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Say as you like i always say but the point is no one is perfect and no one is god it realy dont matter what some say it always turn's out you didn't heal or the barb didn't take argo or a bm is on a ramp page drawing all mobs in one circle as i seen many times in fcc wich has caused some deaths and people getting mad or a veno that lures a boss get mobs as well there all mistakes that people make.Unless there not allowed to be human and make a mistake.

    And i think if any one thinks there better and dont make any mistakes and blame others or say maybe your the one thats the problem why judge other's befor u get to know who they are.I also noticed some say or brag iam better than you or your a looser your setting your stats wrong what realy gives them the right to judge or pick on other's because they think there better than the other i seen that to it's almost a race to see who's the best on here last i knew it it was just a game nothing more not real life.

    I been called a rat all kinds of names i dont take any **** some one swear's at me or make's nasty commit's i take screen shots of everything and block them i dont deserve that type of garbage im here to have fun not to be called names or swore at etc .

    As i said i dont realy trust to many people on any game till they earn my respect and friendship lord only know's how many times i been ripped off here and some keep begging me to do a t-t i say sorry i cant they ask me why i tell them the truth some dont like it well iam sorry i aint going to get burn again unless i know and trust the people iam with.

    And then i get some who complain to me why u charge for wine again if some of thease people allow people to gather mats i wouldn't have to keep buying them online and this is a response from a GM that was sent to my yahoo mail.After i mention about the people who claime the mats are there's just because they own land or the one's who farm all day in the same spot not allowing other to dig mats.


    Thank you for your report. You are indeed correct owning a land does not entitle you to the minerals in it. I will pass this along to our respective teams to look into making this knowledge more well known. In regards to the bad names please report them and we will investigate. If you have any other issues please feel free to contact us anytime.

    I dont mess around any more and earning RESPECT is earn by showing RESPECT to other's being nice helping out not bad mouthing etc .

    Iam not here to show off or think im better than any one else iam sure not GOD so i think im allowed to make few mistake's I realy dont need to be orderd around being told off or getting the blame or getting swore at iam not in the dark ages.

    I bet i have already made a few enemy's on here if i did so be it iam not here to please any one i do my best on here i do help other's when i can i dont sit there and badmouth any one or call name's etc most of the time iam alone unless theres a bh or a marriage quest or a fb that some ask me to help them with.

    And what realy get's my goat is some of my women friends my age some are younger have told me they beed called very rude name's name's i wouldn't dare to mention on here i tell them to report them as i said above a woman friend was called name's up in blade for no reason all because she was doing a quest and ask him to leave her alone.
  • Dunes - Dreamweaver
    Dunes - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    People in general that play this game need to grow up. Yeah, there's some good people out there, but, the 'masses' are generally childish people that think this is a free-for-all because their actions won't affect them in the 'real world'. I've been told off for little things that I didn't even mean in a bad way, and it's to the point that I will only squad with people when most, if not all, of them are people I know (or I'm helping newbies, but, that can get annoying too. Some think they should be handed it-- ask if anyone needs BH29 and you get a squad invite and "Dismal plx", or even better, me just be in a newb area and get an invite and "hlp me kll mobs")

    That said, it's not just barbs or clerics that get the bad treatment. I've been asked to leave multiple times for a more 'useful' Cleric, or a barb that suddenly became available. Other classes, to do their job better, do have just as many costs. A BM that has to tank (in an emergency/in the absence of a barb), for example, has just as high repair cost, and possibly more charm burn than a barb. An archer or wizzie with charms or pots burn through MP like a Cleric (maybe not quite as much, but, still...)

    That said. I think Clerics get a fair amount of 'want' from other players. That might translate to 'bad treatment'. I've even found myself scanning my friends list for a cleric on occasion. Barbs, not nearly as much as clerics. I can see where they might equate the 'help me naow' thing into bad treatment. But then again, the other classes could translate their 'you can't help me' into bad treatment, too.

    I know on my BM, level 65, people have joined a squad when I'm helping others (BH29, or BH39) and asked... "Who's tanking? We need a barb." Or a squad with a level 7x Veno (as well as a 6x veno, and two other venos) (in FB39), they called in a cleric just in case and the cleric went, "You were stupid to come in here without a barb." And left.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I know on my BM, level 65, people have joined a squad when I'm helping others (BH29, or BH39) and asked... "Who's tanking? We need a barb." Or a squad with a level 7x Veno (as well as a 6x veno, and two other venos) (in FB39), they called in a cleric just in case and the cleric went, "You were stupid to come in here without a barb." And left.

    I have been told the same thing when I offer to tank any FB or BH between 19 to 59 (although I haven't really ever tanked a 51 and I know I wouldn't manage Wyvern, given his debuff). I am perfectly capable of tanking all of these BHs and the majority of my friends who know me well have asked me to tank for them in the absence of a barb or BM who needs the same BH that they do.

    And more than once did we have random clerics say "An 8x archer? What's she doing in here? Oh well, who's going to tank?" and then later ragequit the squad when we point out that I'll be the person tanking. Ironically, though, these people end up having to wait a lot longer to get their BH done while leaving in their fantasy world that only a barbarian can tank monsters.

    Personally, if you think barbarians are the only tanks in this game, you need to be shot, nuked, slapped and then quite possibly shot again. If you aren't dead after all of that we'll leave the mobs that we apparently "can't tank" to finish you off. =)
  • deadlyvirus
    deadlyvirus Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I have been in FCC squad not that long ago. Almost halfthrough I been kicked and replaced because I been told I just hold back the squad Im slow I cant hold aggro blah blah blah. And that just left me at a lost for words . It left me seriously seriously upset and ever since then I been very picky on who I go with now.
  • Iredyn - Sanctuary
    Iredyn - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    ummm I agree the game has too many fail ppl diminishing it for others but....

    can't we quit necro-ing this thread & just put it to bed?

    I think it's starting to sound pretty redundant
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    ummm I agree the game has too many fail ppl diminishing it for others but....

    can't we quit necro-ing this thread & just put it to bed?

    I think it's starting to sound pretty redundant
    Ermm.....from what I've seen, this thread has never been necro'd. Hell, it was started on Feb 23d

    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • Black_wolve - Sanctuary
    Black_wolve - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The fact is others who choose not to respect others in this game no matter what race you are or what lv you are they complain that they cant get help gee i wonder why.

    I think im making a good point though there are a lot of people who mistreat this game by swearing making fun disrespecting others granted some are kids but also some are grown adults to why cant thease people realize it's a game to have fun not be like the high school bully who push every one around.

    And if this forum turn in to a flame war well maybe it's affecting others to a point where they realy can understand what this is all about so we all make mistakes so what but why some sit there and judge others that they never met or even spoke to or put all the blame on a person or persons if your in a squad every one should help each other not go afk while in battle or sit there and yell heal or your not keeping argo and so on.

    And what i understand is this aint the first forum that has been started do to the same thing come on now it's very simple treat others how you want to be treated you treat some one bad as they say it comes back to you and than what .

    Just tonight some one said in wc in sanctuary **** the barbs what kind of thing is that to say is like some one saying heck with other classes then they wonder why they dont find any one to do a f cc or t-t etc we are all human beings some of us have feelings regardless .

    Some dont care to them there playing behind the screen and decide to bad mouth others well that just shows me how immature they realy are maybe they think there better than any one else or think they are the better class at least i can say i dont judge any one at all infact i have a rule if they disrespect me or rip me of in t-t or kick me out of squad or even bad mouth me i black list them and refuse to help any one like that again trust me i have a long list of those i blocked lol.
  • Duke_Atticus - Sanctuary
    Duke_Atticus - Sanctuary Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If this is just a game not to be taken seriously, there is no real need to get so upset either is there?

    If you've gone all the way to take screenshots at every single negative attitude directed at you etc, then you've taking it way too personally. More than a good half of these guys won't even remember you after some time, so there isn't much point paying them so much attention.

    You seem like a decent guy, but your ability to express seems a bit limited. I'm not too sure what you mean by 'disrespecting'. If people are acting as asses, it's strictly their problem, not yours.
    It's more important to think about how you as an individual are going to react and handle such mistreatment. Asking people who have trouble being sensible to act sensibly is just...well, not very sensible in itself.

    Seems to me you just need to be more sure of yourself, and maybe a bit more forgiving.
  • Black_wolve - Sanctuary
    Black_wolve - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    serving in the us army for 4 years teach's you discipline,duty and honor and respect i treat others as they treat me regardless of race,color,etc.

    As for a game it's people who sit there and make it bad for every one else i seen some online games change there tearms of service infact 2 games i know got to the point the gm's right there watching everything said on world chat and banding them right on the spot no question's ask.

    Let me ask you something if some one decides to call your mother a name or better yet your wife or your girl friend or sits there insults you or any one you love in world chat so every one can see how would you take it ? would you report them ?

    I realy dont think that some dont care what happens on pwi reading some of the commits here but who am i to judge i dont know any one here.

    as for disrespecting some one is being a good friend than turn around and stab them in the back or going on world chat and broad casting how bad you are etc if that aint disrespecting some one then lord know's what is.In any case i have spoke to many friend's on here some are grown women telling me there disgusted by some on here all they talk about is sex and tring to get there address and phone number or some come controlling and think they own you that becomes personal .

    Some got band from that i dont think any one wants to be treated like that same as who owns what land some think they belong to a faction who has land ownership they believe the mats are there's only and tell's people blank-off it's there's again if you read the first post when i started this it had to do with a lot of friends i know went out of there way to help out then get insulted and kicked out of squad because they where not good enough or some i know quit this game went to another trust me i play jade dynasty to take a break from this game i had spoken to people on it they told me they dont want to come back to pwi.

    I know who iam and i do follow the tearms of service and i respect those who are nice and willing to admit there wrong even i have admited it when i am wrong so what i dont get mad and sit there and cry like a baby if i die so what i loose some exp i sit there and laugh and say it's just a game some get realy mad and sit there and yell or call names etc for what over a game.

    Some do have feeling's on this game there here to have fun not to be pushed around or called names etc .

    As a barb i choosed my char because i injoy it i dont show off what i have or think im better than any one and my point is the only time i ever got botherd is when they need a tank for t-t or f cc as i said i learn from my mistakes they figure let the barb take the damage and when the runs over they take the mats and run leaving the barb with nothing but a big repair bill now i only help those who at least share mats or are very thankful and say ty good job take care etc that right there shows respect being nice to others .

    (If people are acting as asses, it's strictly their problem, not yours)

    To be honest it become's a issue when they sit there insult you on world chat and then get wispers from friends or other swearing at you as i said i dont take any **** from any one and as i said some dont care who they hurt or how they treat other's i often wonder the way they ack like this on this game then they have real issues at home to so they take there anger out on other's i was taught this keep your problems at home dont take them to a game or work just because you had a bad day i have spoken to friend's who had there butt chewed off for no reason or swore at and yes my friend's do as i do block them then report them thease people young or old dont care if there reported .

    Iam sorry pwi as realy turn out to be a hudge soap opra no matter how u look at it i dont bother i stick to my self now unless i have a bh or a fb to help with and if they want to act like a jerk so be it but i give them fair warning if they decide to sit there and insult or call names they wont get my help again you have my word on that and if they push the issue and keep at it then it becomes personal i block them and take a screen shot and do what the gm's told me to do and if they get mad at me for reporting them so be it .

    well take care peeps i to have a life a real life to tend to pwi is my play time after work etc.
  • Yulk - Heavens Tear
    Yulk - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,951 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I believe that brat teens are the ones are just lonely, desperate little brats. I am pretty sure you encountered a bunch of teenagers there. I remember before, I used to argue with teens a lot. They get very ugly, the most annoying age group ever. I remembered in my teen years, them snobby brats try to mock me all the time and disrespected me a lot. I was an idiot just to fight them back. Even on an mmo game, they were very much of a headache to me back then. Reason why I don't PVP much at all either, some stupid up to no good teens always brag or QQ. Its a freaking game, where would they go with all that stupid behavior?

    Best solution is to laugh at them :P . Works. Play polite but it will make them angry and back off of you. Maybe it will make them give more respect

    Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool

    VIT > STR > DEX > MAG... GG
    HA > LA > AR... GG

    HA + VIT = win b:bye
  • oxytorch
    oxytorch Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I believe in a little thing called Karma . Dont worry , dont get upset.. they will get theirs . And the longer they dont , the longer it builds up like a snow ball effect. A snow ball rolls towords a town . Small it will not do much damage , very large it will cause much destruction . Know what im sayin
    b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry We love this game STOP RUINING IT !! b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry

    "Sometimes the strongest are the ones that walk away . Enough is Enough ".
  • Black_wolve - Sanctuary
    Black_wolve - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Thats the thing in all thease games all it takes is a few bad eggs to ruin it for every one else or make it harder in some games i played in the past i seen change's made on pirates i used to play befor this there was no swearing cussing or even a bad word of corse it's from disney but in that game the gm's take it very seriously there they dont put up with any garbage.

    I also know another game as some of you know myth wars in that game if your caught swearing or using any kind of bad words they band you quick and if you want to talk on wc you will have to pay 2 mil that is the punishment there now what if it's a big if if pwi decided ok we going to that to how would thease teens react?

    Or even change it so there's no wc like it would realy happend but what if it did.

    I do believe that some on here are realy good people from all ages and there's other's who make people's lifes a living hell but in any case to be nice to some one who treats you wrong make them wonder why cant i get them mad or why aint they ripping my head off

    because it take's more of a man or woman to walk away then stoop down to there level.

    But we can relate in some things here we all share the **** from other's as i said those who mistreat other's get it back worse they get mad on wc need a barb need a cleric or need a bm or a veno or archer etc they dont get it they fly of the handle gee i wonder why .

    so for now on if i was do a t-t run i sub it im bank so at least i know every one gets treated the same and every one gets something .And i can say this im fair to every one i fell like a thearapist at times to lol call me dr. black or to get people laughing on wc i go on and say as pwi turns a new soap opra i even said wait i grab my pop corn i dont want to miss a thing now that it self made a few laugh i end up getting a ton of pm's on that one.

    But in any case all i ask from others is to try to get along and rember it's just a game it's not real life and learn to bite your tongue rember there are kids on here at ages 9 and up playing i thought there was a age limit guess i was wrong well take care peeps stay safe and have a good time playingb:laughb:victory