Cleric Self rez

GSnipes - Raging Tide
GSnipes - Raging Tide Posts: 104 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Suggestion Box
this would be an awesome skill for all clerics
a passive skill that has liek a 45 mins or 1hr cooldown for self rez and they loose the same exp as their lv or resurrection
My Arrows shall block out the sun
Post edited by GSnipes - Raging Tide on


  • Technotic - Sanctuary
    Technotic - Sanctuary Posts: 591 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Rez scroll
    Say my name 3 times, I dare you.

  • GSnipes - Raging Tide
    GSnipes - Raging Tide Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    but cleric is a support class an not every time they would hav
    i dont see any disadvantage of implementing this
    My Arrows shall block out the sun
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    b:surrender It'd be nice but then clerics would get OP a bit, not too OP but OP a bit because of self-rev/res. Think about it, if you die you might as well wait out the time and then res/rev yourself and then yeah.....

    Good idea, but bad for the game b:surrender
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Side note: Passive skills can't be used.
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • GSnipes - Raging Tide
    GSnipes - Raging Tide Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    it would be like a rez scroll with around the same cool down time, it like they rez their self
    and how would that make clerics OP??
    and its would be like a skill u cant use but only in a certain situations
    My Arrows shall block out the sun
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Mhmm I guess it just really depends on the skill? b:surrender
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • GSnipes - Raging Tide
    GSnipes - Raging Tide Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    its jus a passive skill that cant be used unless ur dead an has like the same cool down time as rez scroll an the exp loss wil be equal to the clerics rez lv
    My Arrows shall block out the sun
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    how about me even make up a back story for it?
    teh clerics of the winged elves went to teh assassins of the tideborn and learned their self resurrection technique and made their own version.

    Cleric self res:
    revives oneself, through teh knowledge of the tideborn also through powah of pangu's blessing, the cleric will be placed out of any nearby monster's range or something...

    now they can revive themselves once every 2 hours (give it a long time to be more "fair")
    and teh exp lose be directly proportional to their current level of resurrection (which would also give teh incentive for all clerics to level their res as high as it can go...)
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
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    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
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  • Risingson - Lost City
    Risingson - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Are you serious when you're asking why a class that could res itself would be overpowered ? Come on xD

    If such a skill would get implemented, it should have like a daytime cooldown, AT LEAST.

    But it will never be. So there.
    Risingson - 7x Psychic
    Indalecio - 3x Cleric
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Are you serious when you're asking why a class that could res itself would be overpowered ? Come on xD

    Assassins can revive themselves!
    Gasp! Deaden Nerves
    personally me don't really see deaden nerves as really overpowered.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • GSnipes - Raging Tide
    GSnipes - Raging Tide Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    so can any1 point out a downside??
    My Arrows shall block out the sun
  • Technotic - Sanctuary
    Technotic - Sanctuary Posts: 591 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Are you serious when you're asking why a class that could res itself would be overpowered ? Come on xD

    If such a skill would get implemented, it should have like a daytime cooldown, AT LEAST.

    But it will never be. So there.

    WOW!!! You can stfu about being overpowered. You recharge yourself when you die anyways. Stupid **** assassins. You say you're not overpowered but when another race gets your ability its overkill.

    If anything is done about this, just set the cool-down time for rez scrolls lower for clerics. Like a passive skill. When maxed out, cool-down time is like 5 minutes.
    Say my name 3 times, I dare you.

  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    These will help a lot, especially when squad can't save cleric.
    Or the cleric heal before tank get agroo or cleric heal die hard agroo stealer. b:chuckle

    b:surrender These will helping them from their already high cost for each instances.
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Risingson - Lost City
    Risingson - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    WOW!!! You can stfu about being overpowered. You recharge yourself when you die anyways. Stupid **** assassins. You say you're not overpowered but when another race gets your ability its overkill.

    If anything is done about this, just set the cool-down time for rez scrolls lower for clerics. Like a passive skill. When maxed out, cool-down time is like 5 minutes.

    For the last time, I'm a Psychic. You can keep your whiny flame to yourself, moron.

    Not to mention Deaden Nerves is not litterally a rez, it's a way to avoid death, which is quite different.
    Risingson - 7x Psychic
    Indalecio - 3x Cleric
  • Hazumu - Dreamweaver
    Hazumu - Dreamweaver Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Idon't think this would make Clerics overpowered. Actually right now clerics have a huge disadvantage in the sense that if a suad wipe occurs, it's the cleric that goes to town to give a exp saving rez to teammates, everytime. In a realy bad run I can lose up to nearer 10% and that's quite honestly very frustrating, especially so, if a squadie then starts moaning about losing 1%.

    Keeping that in mind, giving clerics a self rez to save at least a small portion of exp would BALANCE them out in regard to other classes instead of making them OP.

    Clerics already are way weaker than other classes in battle (I know there are kickass clerics, that makes no difference) so it'd be nice to have at least somekind of advantage over the other classes. And no, heals don't count since most classes can self heal as well and hits way harder.
  • Irrianna - Harshlands
    Irrianna - Harshlands Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Idon't think this would make Clerics overpowered. Actually right now clerics have a huge disadvantage in the sense that if a suad wipe occurs, it's the cleric that goes to town to give a exp saving rez to teammates, everytime. In a realy bad run I can lose up to nearer 10% and that's quite honestly very frustrating, especially so, if a squadie then starts moaning about losing 1%.

    Keeping that in mind, giving clerics a self rez to save at least a small portion of exp would BALANCE them out in regard to other classes instead of making them OP.

    Clerics already are way weaker than other classes in battle (I know there are kickass clerics, that makes no difference) so it'd be nice to have at least somekind of advantage over the other classes. And no, heals don't count since most classes can self heal as well and hits way harder.

    i agree with u hazumu my cleric have to lose xp when squad dies lose money on teleporting and sometimes the party saying: is ur fault! everyobe who have cleric knows what i mean
  • Risingson - Lost City
    Risingson - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It's kind of the role of Clerics, isn't it ?
    Risingson - 7x Psychic
    Indalecio - 3x Cleric
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    For the last time, I'm a Psychic. You can keep your whiny flame to yourself, moron.

    Not to mention Deaden Nerves is not litterally a rez, it's a way to avoid death, which is quite different.
    It's TechnoQQ, pay him no heed :P

    I really wouldn't have a problem with a cleric having this skill, since it's not really very self-beneficial. You still lose experience, but you have a chance of preventing a failed run (TT, FF, etc etc)
    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • Irrianna - Harshlands
    Irrianna - Harshlands Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It's kind of the role of Clerics, isn't it ?

    to rezz the others? yea but is unfair when u get killed to sacrifice money and xp
    and have the ppl in squad scold u ans telling u: "is ur fault! why u didnt heal faster?" (we cannot heal faster we have to wait for the cooldown between the skills and we cannot go faster like the other classes we have some limits) also in fbs when we enter again in the cave to ress the others some mobs has already respawn and we end up fight them or get killed again until someone bring other cleric to help. Also not all the clerics know the right way and they lost in the cave and of course i support the self ress idea
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    As i know playing as cleric is kinda hard not because the game but because other people actually . . .

    I always admire a high lv good cleric action in squad b:sad
    really great dedication but people seem don't care b:cry
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Irrianna - Harshlands
    Irrianna - Harshlands Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ppl think that cleric are some kind of super duper extra fast healers and they cannot die! real fact: we r killing the last boss in fb 51 with the bm tank
    when the boss start aoe the wizz by mistake stole aggro and he lure the boss next to me the boss hit me and i died the bm died to and he blame for that the wizz told him that is his fault not and not mine i told sth to bm and he called me noob!
    @ moonusagi: clerics only heal in fbs and tt (some times attack to but is rare)
    we need bm and barbs holding the agrro cuz the only way to heal the squad and ourselves is 1 aoe healing we have but it takes lot of time to cast it
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    @ moonusagi: clerics only heal in fbs and tt (some times attack to but is rare)
    we need bm and barbs holding the agrro cuz the only way to heal the squad and ourselves is 1 aoe healing we have but it takes lot of time to cast it

    I know lol b:laugh my post just showing how i admire dedicated cleric that can keep playing their class even though sooo many annoying people can make you quit playing cleric. b:laugh
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Irrianna - Harshlands
    Irrianna - Harshlands Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    is times that i want pk them!!!b:angry
    so i telling them "my skills have cooldown like urs" and when i use combo:
    squad:"heal faster"
    me: "i use combo my hands hurts"
    squad: "......"
  • Technotic - Sanctuary
    Technotic - Sanctuary Posts: 591 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It's TechnoQQ, pay him no heed :P

    I really wouldn't have a problem with a cleric having this skill, since it's not really very self-beneficial. You still lose experience, but you have a chance of preventing a failed run (TT, FF, etc etc)

    you always QQ back <3 a majority of the people find my arguments correct, you just like to QQ against the masses. sry you're fail.
    Say my name 3 times, I dare you.

  • ElderSig - Dreamweaver
    ElderSig - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This skill could only help in PvE (and yes it would need at least one hour cooldown, just to be fair).

    My question is: how would this affect things PvP? i've not a lot of experience in that field, but i would think it would suck to kill a hp/mp charmed cleric, start fighting someone else, only to have the cleric *poof* back to life. XD

    But, then again, anyone with a res scroll can do that too, so i guess it's not that bad.

    I'm for the cleric self-res skill, and i'd say let it lower exp loss also.
  • Technotic - Sanctuary
    Technotic - Sanctuary Posts: 591 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i think it should just reduce cooldown timer for rez scrolls. like psy has cooldown reduction for charm, pots, and w/e else. cleric should get reduction time on rez scrolls, like down to 3 minutes or something.

    And if there is an exp loss, have it be equal to their revive level.
    Say my name 3 times, I dare you.

  • Risingson - Lost City
    Risingson - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    you always QQ back <3 a majority of the people find my arguments correct, you just like to QQ against the masses. sry you're fail.

    I can't help but notice that most of the people here disagree with you on the Tideborn being imba issue. You keep getting spit on and you keep throwing back the same dumb answers. I think you're schizophrenic and only listen to the voices in your head, you're probably not even able to read what most people write here.

    PRECOUNTER : No, you're wrong, most people don't agree with you on the TB issue, read the thousands of topics you've created and watch : it's like 5 against 20. Cya.
    Risingson - 7x Psychic
    Indalecio - 3x Cleric
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I can't help but notice that most of the people here disagree with you on the Tideborn being imba issue. You keep getting spit on and you keep throwing back the same dumb answers. I think you're schizophrenic and only listen to the voices in your head, you're probably not even able to read what most people write here.

    PRECOUNTER : No, you're wrong, most people don't agree with you on the TB issue, read the thousands of topics you've created and watch : it's like 5 against 20. Cya.

    Agree with your post . . . b:surrender
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Merchant > Misc > Purchase Rez scroll.

  • Technotic - Sanctuary
    Technotic - Sanctuary Posts: 591 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I can't help but notice that most of the people here disagree with you on the Tideborn being imba issue. You keep getting spit on and you keep throwing back the same dumb answers. I think you're schizophrenic and only listen to the voices in your head, you're probably not even able to read what most people write here.

    PRECOUNTER : No, you're wrong, most people don't agree with you on the TB issue, read the thousands of topics you've created and watch : it's like 5 against 20. Cya.

    I respond with the same post because you haven't answered it. You just keep saying, "uhh.. no we're not overpowered because... well just because!" Lets flip it AGAIN. Let someone hit you 2-3 times in PvP before you attack back. Lets see how well you do. Until then, stfu
    Say my name 3 times, I dare you.
