PWI Dying

Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear
Posts: 25 Arc User
Firstly, i'd like to state that i am not some **** private server kid, who thinks he knows how things work, i have worked with other games as a gm, dev, and freelance script editor, the advise i'm giving is professional knowledge based.
the game currently is going downhill both pvp and pve wise, the release of two new classes and the release of an entirely new race after over year of open beta/release, is never good for this sort of mmorpg platform.
i will try to keep this as short as possible, but be blunt and direct about some important points.
first off, many a players have openly admited they are far from happy with what has been happening with the recent new patches, and others have stated that it isn't what they wanted/expected.
i personally understand, that gm's and "devs/admins" can't do as they please with the scripts/updates, you can only do so much with editing until getting the go-ahead from the main HQ, however these are some things i've run into issues with on many other games i've played and/or worked on, and i'm not trying to be a jerk about it, or what new-aged gamers call "ZOMG NERDRAGE FTW PWNT OWNT FTW"
Psys have made, and i'm being serious, they have made Veno DD builds, cleric DD builds, and wizards all USELESS, venos are used purely for luring now, and randomly tanks, when barbs complain "me no bill repair cost high" or some other braindead ****, cuz barb players usually have no intel and think they can do whatever the hell they want, clerics are used purely for group heal/res, and wizards are greatly over powered by psys in every aspect.
venos have become very unuseful since gm's allowed the nix/herc to be nerfed, two pets which equal up to 190-350$ each, are hardly worth getting anymore, when you can take a glacier walker, give it the 3 buffs+bash and be just as good as a herc, and as far as nix's go, their attacks were weakened, and they aren't very helpful against the things people want them for, world bosses, jewelscalen, and thousand streams legion spawn, TW.
The only time people want a veno, is if they are very high leveled with awesome items *negative channel items* and a herc that is same level as them, and they are used purely "poor" tanks, which psys/sins complain "they no hold aggro, veno useless get sin tank barb tank"
with that said, i will try to focus on wizards now, as far as wizards, they are underpowered compared to psys, psys cast faster, and do more damage...what the hell is the point of a wizard then? nothing, useless, just delete it from being able to be made if you're going to release a more powerful version of it, like seriously, as soon as sage/demon comes for TB's REAL gamers will quit, and new-aged gamers, will take over and try to talk like they know everything about online games.
Clerics.....Psys a have group healing skill that is just as good, if not better then clerics, way to go...make it harder for clerics, their regen buffs are jokes compared to the apoth made regen items, their resist buff is the only good one for warriors, and magic attack for psys....great, not.
Clerics have a hard enough time leveling up, unless they are "ORACLE ORACLE ORACLE, TIME FOR 12X EXP GRIND FEST!!!" no one has respect for them clerics, and i'm not bashing oracles, because yes they can be useful, especially with the current factions going on about "REACH 90 FROM 80 IN 2 DAY OR U KICK NUB!" seriously these people need to be slapped.
Clerics need respect, and props, they have LOW defense, and burn mana insanely, only to save the idiots who suck at the game.
moving onto Archers now, so tell me, what the hell is the point of having an archer now? Assassins crit rate is higher, their crits do more damage, they have higher health, they have skills which reduces damage/receives no damage, they have lifeleeching skills, they attack twice as fast, and do more damage in general, thank you...archers = useless as hell now
and i'll explain it more too, archers were gimped to begin with, a PROPER archer could steal aggro more then most classes, because they use to be huge DPS due to their crit/range ability, now they've added a class which can tank, and do the same, if not higher dps then archers.
Blademasters, okay, sure high damage, decently high phys defense..sounds good? was for a while, but low and behold, assassins have just as good as defense, if not better! and do alot more DPS then blademasters, i know i said a similar thing earlier, but if you're gunna release a class that over powers one or more other classes, just delete the others.
right now, its completely unbalanced, an assassin with same weapon level as an archer, does about 45% more damage per second, then the archer does...and about 15-20% more damage then a pure damage build Blade master, this has been proven by the players of the game.
everyone was looking forward to the sins and psys being nerfed, instead, GM'S WILLINGLY ACCEPTED AND RELEASED A PATCH TO MAKE THEM BETTER! ontop of that, they release oracles into the cash shop for people to power level their sins/psys, then ontop of that, they release non-stop double exp/spirit events, oh and this just takes the cake, they added EXP stones, which stack with events! so now they can earn 13x exp/spirit. just great, just flipping fantastic.
i'm far from downing on exp/spirit events, but we don't need them non-stop for weeks at a time, a weekend now and then is fine, and weekend = 2 days, not 5 days, and the exp stones should have level requirements, depending on the bonus stature you're applying, 12x should be for 90+ only! heck even 5x should be!
well anyways, these are all the points of where things have gone down hill, and i'm only hoping the gm's will notice and fix it, before PWI as we know it, is completely dead
and hey, some people will fight the whole noob battle way "well what event can they do if not exp ones! you noob you just trash talk blah blah, i play WoW level 75 in 3 day" seriously, all you new aged gamers that are going to bash comments, go away, unplug your PC, if you can even call what you're using a PC, REAL gamers, who've been playing mmorpg going onto 14 years, will agree
for those noobs whom are gunna say "i been mmorpg for 15-17 year!" umm...sorry check back when you're not a liar, the very first MMORPG! was Ultima Online, AND YES! it is a freaking fact you Ruin Scape rejects! Ultima Online was launched for selective alpha testers, 250 people, in the year of 1996, and released EARLY, 1997.
(im aware the games name isnt ruinscape, but they blocked the real name)
mmorpg does not mean "ONLINE GAME" online games were around before that, MMORPG'S WERE NOT!
now as for them noobs who think double events are the only type of events, i've compiled a short list of events, i've seen, and/or helped MAKE with my own ability and know-how of coding/scripting.
Man Hunt
King Of The Hill
SERVER WIDE BOSS! where every player gets a small reward, and maybe a random amount of players get secret rewards
Capture the Flag
Destory The Castle<--- yes there is a similar event, which is TW, but destory the castle is more fun, its like Red Vs Blue sort of.
these are a few events where players can come together, and enjoy it together, not quests that they can do solo, or kill things that have 100 hp.
i<3PWI, and support it greatly, which does mean, yes i cash shop, but it is required for the game to stay active.
the game currently is going downhill both pvp and pve wise, the release of two new classes and the release of an entirely new race after over year of open beta/release, is never good for this sort of mmorpg platform.
i will try to keep this as short as possible, but be blunt and direct about some important points.
first off, many a players have openly admited they are far from happy with what has been happening with the recent new patches, and others have stated that it isn't what they wanted/expected.
i personally understand, that gm's and "devs/admins" can't do as they please with the scripts/updates, you can only do so much with editing until getting the go-ahead from the main HQ, however these are some things i've run into issues with on many other games i've played and/or worked on, and i'm not trying to be a jerk about it, or what new-aged gamers call "ZOMG NERDRAGE FTW PWNT OWNT FTW"
Psys have made, and i'm being serious, they have made Veno DD builds, cleric DD builds, and wizards all USELESS, venos are used purely for luring now, and randomly tanks, when barbs complain "me no bill repair cost high" or some other braindead ****, cuz barb players usually have no intel and think they can do whatever the hell they want, clerics are used purely for group heal/res, and wizards are greatly over powered by psys in every aspect.
venos have become very unuseful since gm's allowed the nix/herc to be nerfed, two pets which equal up to 190-350$ each, are hardly worth getting anymore, when you can take a glacier walker, give it the 3 buffs+bash and be just as good as a herc, and as far as nix's go, their attacks were weakened, and they aren't very helpful against the things people want them for, world bosses, jewelscalen, and thousand streams legion spawn, TW.
The only time people want a veno, is if they are very high leveled with awesome items *negative channel items* and a herc that is same level as them, and they are used purely "poor" tanks, which psys/sins complain "they no hold aggro, veno useless get sin tank barb tank"
with that said, i will try to focus on wizards now, as far as wizards, they are underpowered compared to psys, psys cast faster, and do more damage...what the hell is the point of a wizard then? nothing, useless, just delete it from being able to be made if you're going to release a more powerful version of it, like seriously, as soon as sage/demon comes for TB's REAL gamers will quit, and new-aged gamers, will take over and try to talk like they know everything about online games.
Clerics.....Psys a have group healing skill that is just as good, if not better then clerics, way to go...make it harder for clerics, their regen buffs are jokes compared to the apoth made regen items, their resist buff is the only good one for warriors, and magic attack for psys....great, not.
Clerics have a hard enough time leveling up, unless they are "ORACLE ORACLE ORACLE, TIME FOR 12X EXP GRIND FEST!!!" no one has respect for them clerics, and i'm not bashing oracles, because yes they can be useful, especially with the current factions going on about "REACH 90 FROM 80 IN 2 DAY OR U KICK NUB!" seriously these people need to be slapped.
Clerics need respect, and props, they have LOW defense, and burn mana insanely, only to save the idiots who suck at the game.
moving onto Archers now, so tell me, what the hell is the point of having an archer now? Assassins crit rate is higher, their crits do more damage, they have higher health, they have skills which reduces damage/receives no damage, they have lifeleeching skills, they attack twice as fast, and do more damage in general, thank you...archers = useless as hell now
and i'll explain it more too, archers were gimped to begin with, a PROPER archer could steal aggro more then most classes, because they use to be huge DPS due to their crit/range ability, now they've added a class which can tank, and do the same, if not higher dps then archers.
Blademasters, okay, sure high damage, decently high phys defense..sounds good? was for a while, but low and behold, assassins have just as good as defense, if not better! and do alot more DPS then blademasters, i know i said a similar thing earlier, but if you're gunna release a class that over powers one or more other classes, just delete the others.
right now, its completely unbalanced, an assassin with same weapon level as an archer, does about 45% more damage per second, then the archer does...and about 15-20% more damage then a pure damage build Blade master, this has been proven by the players of the game.
everyone was looking forward to the sins and psys being nerfed, instead, GM'S WILLINGLY ACCEPTED AND RELEASED A PATCH TO MAKE THEM BETTER! ontop of that, they release oracles into the cash shop for people to power level their sins/psys, then ontop of that, they release non-stop double exp/spirit events, oh and this just takes the cake, they added EXP stones, which stack with events! so now they can earn 13x exp/spirit. just great, just flipping fantastic.
i'm far from downing on exp/spirit events, but we don't need them non-stop for weeks at a time, a weekend now and then is fine, and weekend = 2 days, not 5 days, and the exp stones should have level requirements, depending on the bonus stature you're applying, 12x should be for 90+ only! heck even 5x should be!
well anyways, these are all the points of where things have gone down hill, and i'm only hoping the gm's will notice and fix it, before PWI as we know it, is completely dead
and hey, some people will fight the whole noob battle way "well what event can they do if not exp ones! you noob you just trash talk blah blah, i play WoW level 75 in 3 day" seriously, all you new aged gamers that are going to bash comments, go away, unplug your PC, if you can even call what you're using a PC, REAL gamers, who've been playing mmorpg going onto 14 years, will agree
for those noobs whom are gunna say "i been mmorpg for 15-17 year!" umm...sorry check back when you're not a liar, the very first MMORPG! was Ultima Online, AND YES! it is a freaking fact you Ruin Scape rejects! Ultima Online was launched for selective alpha testers, 250 people, in the year of 1996, and released EARLY, 1997.
(im aware the games name isnt ruinscape, but they blocked the real name)
mmorpg does not mean "ONLINE GAME" online games were around before that, MMORPG'S WERE NOT!
now as for them noobs who think double events are the only type of events, i've compiled a short list of events, i've seen, and/or helped MAKE with my own ability and know-how of coding/scripting.
Man Hunt
King Of The Hill
SERVER WIDE BOSS! where every player gets a small reward, and maybe a random amount of players get secret rewards
Capture the Flag
Destory The Castle<--- yes there is a similar event, which is TW, but destory the castle is more fun, its like Red Vs Blue sort of.
these are a few events where players can come together, and enjoy it together, not quests that they can do solo, or kill things that have 100 hp.
i<3PWI, and support it greatly, which does mean, yes i cash shop, but it is required for the game to stay active.
Once a legend, always a legend.
Your best is my worse.
Your skills are unfounded.
Read it and obey, Chuck Norris approves of my skills.
Your best is my worse.
Your skills are unfounded.
Read it and obey, Chuck Norris approves of my skills.
Post edited by Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear on
Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear wrote: »i will try to keep this as short as possible
But skimming through your post, I don't see anything other than the usual doom-saying. Meanwhile the servers are packed, cat-shop sales are up, the starting zones are still filled with new players, the company is still the darling of NASDAQ, etc..., etc...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
PWI Merchanting Guides: warrenwolfy.wordpress.com0 -
me can has:
Man Hunt
King Of The Hill
SERVER WIDE BOSS! where every player gets a small reward, and maybe a random amount of players get secret rewards
Capture the Flag
Destory The Castle<--- yes there is a similar event, which is TW, but destory the castle is more fun, its like Red Vs Blue sort of.
b:begdarthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
Hawk:Do this. closing thread
frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
58% chance to get tokens
41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
After I read the I will keep this short I closed the page you a Big liar...If you think the game is dying then why waste your time playing then in fact why did you even play this game to begin with?
^ my barbs built, full buff in tiger.b:bye
I'm not going to troll anymore T_T0 -
oh yea, and /10charsDarkSniper - 83 archer - quit
The only way to win the game is to leave it0 -
for those noobs whom are gunna say "i been mmorpg for 15-17 year!" umm...sorry check back when you're not a liar, the very first MMORPG! was Ultima Online, AND YES! it is a freaking fact you ********* rejects! Ultima Online was launched for selective alpha testers, 250 people, in the year of 1996, and released EARLY, 1997.
hahaah..lmao really..cause last time I check mmo mean massive multi online..or somthing to that affect..and ya their were others before need to wake up on the other side of the bed or get a brand cup of jo0 -
What I got from this is that Tideborn is over-powered and ruined the game, which I completely agree with. You brought up some good points and its pretty obvious that all the other classes were outdone by Tideborn. Way to go developers!Say my name 3 times, I dare you.
TrueMyths.Guildplex.com0 -
oh yea and
assassins have just as good as defense
As a BM......... your joking right? You've obviously never played a class that uses light armor to a higher level than 60 have you?DarkSniper - 83 archer - quit
The only way to win the game is to leave it0 -
irony = SINS WILL KILL THE GAME...from a fishstick avatar
edit:oh wait archer...should not post at 4 am gonna leave it for the lol's though
psys have low weapon adds and almost no bounus from - channel...severly gimped endgame without massive CS
sins hae great damage for spike but will never kill HA without massive CSing
and they both have **** poor defence without massive CSing
pwi has made the tides its greatest monatary scheme yetGifs are hard to make work here0 -
Actually i think these thread show how op cared about pwi and how long pwi can survive in future. b:thanks
Me myself don't really agree with what you saying, especially that first mmo things
ultima is just taking part as the first MMORPG to reach the 100,000 subscriber base.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...0 -
i just dont like that new class assassin its more powerful than the rest and i cant even fight back when one attacks me its like the classes arent event equal anymore why would you make a class thats stringer than all the rest makes me feel like the 7 months i put into my charaacter was a complete waste and now it only takes those tideborns 2 months to get to my lvl bcuz of all the updates
its like what the hell i worked so hard on this character just t o get 2 shot by an assassin 10 lvls below me0 -
Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear wrote: »Firstly, i'd like to state that i am not some **** private server kid, who thinks he knows how things work, i have worked with other games as a gm, dev, and freelance script editor, the advise i'm giving is professional knowledge based.
venos have become very unuseful since gm's allowed the nix/herc to be nerfed,
They haven't been nerfed.
with that said, i will try to focus on wizards now, as far as wizards, they are underpowered compared to psys, psys cast faster, and do more damage...what the hell is the point of a wizard then?
This is completely incorrect. It is mathematically impossible for a psy to outdamage a mage, skill for skill, unless the psy's weapon is refined over 5 levels more than the wizards. Fast casts don't mean anything either when PvP in this game is based on charm bypassing. Even with their fastest skills, a psy can't kill anything that a wiz cannot.
Clerics.....Psys a have group healing skill that is just as good, if not better then clerics, way to go...make it harder for clerics, their regen buffs are jokes compared to the apoth made regen items, their resist buff is the only good one for warriors, and magic attack for psys....great, not.
This had better be a joke of some sort. Psy heal = long-**** cooldown. Ironheart = best healing skill ever.
Clerics have a hard enough time leveling up.
Good ones don't.
Clerics need respect, and props, they have LOW defense, and burn mana insanely, only to save the idiots who suck at the game.
what the hell is the point of having an archer now? Assassins crit rate is higher,
Wrong. It's the same.
their crits do more damage
Only with buffs.
They have higher health,
Wrong. Archers get more HP per level and per vit. Completely wrong.
they have skills which reduces damage/receives no damage,
Archers have a shell.
they have lifeleeching skills,
Which suck.
they attack twice as fast, and do more damage in general
They also have no range advantage, though they can deal more damage in certain situations.
and i'll explain it more too, archers were gimped to begin with, a PROPER archer could steal aggro more then most classes, because they use to be huge DPS due to their crit/range ability, now they've added a class which can tank, and do the same, if not higher dps then archers.
Blademasters, okay, sure high damage, decently high phys defense..sounds good? was for a while, but low and behold, assassins have just as good as defense, if not better! and do alot more DPS then blademasters, i know i said a similar thing earlier, but if you're gunna release a class that over powers one or more other classes, just delete the others.
Please tell me you're trolling.
right now, its completely unbalanced, an assassin with same weapon level as an archer, does about 45% more damage per second, then the archer does...and about 15-20% more damage then a pure damage build Blade master, this has been proven by the players of the game.
**** me, I think you're serious.
everyone was looking forward to the sins and psys being nerfed, instead, GM'S WILLINGLY ACCEPTED AND RELEASED A PATCH TO MAKE THEM BETTER! ontop of that, they release oracles into the cash shop for people to power level their sins/psys, then ontop of that, they release non-stop double exp/spirit events, oh and this just takes the cake, they added EXP stones, which stack with events! so now they can earn 13x exp/spirit. just great, just flipping fantastic.
Adding a longer buff timer did nothing but save them hassle, nothing more. And all classes can oracle and hyper XP, you know.
Any idiot can say they've got GM experience. I don't believe you. Your post was incredibly inaccurate on most every count, poorly spelled, punctuated, and structured, and was basically the longest and most pointless rant I've ever seen.0 -
Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear wrote: »with that said, i will try to focus on wizards now, as far as wizards, they are underpowered compared to psys, psys cast faster, and do more damage...what the hell is the point of a wizard then? nothing, useless, just delete it from being able to be made if you're going to release a more powerful version of it, like seriously, as soon as sage/demon comes for TB's REAL gamers will quit, and new-aged gamers, will take over and try to talk like they know everything about online games.
Nothing can replace the amount of AoE power that a wizard has.Clerics.....Psys a have group healing skill that is just as good, if not better then clerics, way to go...make it harder for clerics, their regen buffs are jokes compared to the apoth made regen items, their resist buff is the only good one for warriors, and magic attack for psys....great, not.Clerics have a hard enough time leveling up, unless they are "ORACLE ORACLE ORACLE, TIME FOR 12X EXP GRIND FEST!!!" no one has respect for them clerics, and i'm not bashing oracles, because yes they can be useful, especially with the current factions going on about "REACH 90 FROM 80 IN 2 DAY OR U KICK NUB!" seriously these people need to be slapped.moving onto Archers now, so tell me, what the hell is the point of having an archer now? Assassins crit rate is higher, their crits do more damage, they have higher health, they have skills which reduces damage/receives no damage, they have lifeleeching skills, they attack twice as fast, and do more damage in general, thank you...archers = useless as hell nowand i'll explain it more too, archers were gimped to begin with, a PROPER archer could steal aggro more then most classes, because they use to be huge DPS due to their crit/range ability, now they've added a class which can tank, and do the same, if not higher dps then archers.Blademasters, okay, sure high damage, decently high phys defense..sounds good? was for a while, but low and behold, assassins have just as good as defense, if not better! and do alot more DPS then blademasters, i know i said a similar thing earlier, but if you're gunna release a class that over powers one or more other classes, just delete the others.right now, its completely unbalanced, an assassin with same weapon level as an archer, does about 45% more damage per second, then the archer does...and about 15-20% more damage then a pure damage build Blade master, this has been proven by the players of the game.
This just sounds like a rant from someone that knows little about the game, other than reading other peoples interpretations.●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
Joshcja - Sanctuary wrote: »*facepalm*
irony = SINS WILL KILL THE GAME...from a fishstick avatar
psys have low weapon adds and almost no bounus from - cahannel...severly gimped endgame without massive CS
sins hae great damage for spike but will never kill HA without massive CSing
and they both have sh*t poor defence without massive CSing
pwi has made the tides its greatest monatary scheme yet
for those noobs whom are gunna say "i been mmorpg for 15-17 year!" umm...sorry check back when you're not a liar, the very first MMORPG! was Ultima Online, AND YES! it is a freaking fact you ********* rejects! Ultima Online was launched for selective alpha testers, 250 people, in the year of 1996, and released EARLY, 1997.
hahaah..lmao really..cause last time I check mmo mean massive multi online..or somthing to that affect..and ya their were others before need to wake up on the other side of the bed or get a brand cup of jo
umm mmorpg = massive multiplayer online role playing game, not mmo.
and no, it's even listed that uo was the first mmorpg made.
unless you're talking about things such as LegendMUD<--- yes i even played that server of MUD gaming, and know about it, how many others can say that?
"After I read the I will keep this short I closed the page you a Big liar...If you think the game is dying then why waste your time playing then in fact why did you even play this game to begin with? "
i played before the game was dying, and enjoyed leveling slowly, doing all quests.
"As a BM......... your joking right? You've obviously never played a class that uses light armor to a higher level than 60 have you? "
my archer is low, cuz i don't spam oracles, and refuse to do all 3 BH's every day, and in some cases people abuse the system and actually do 6 bh's a day.
"I don't think you succeeded." b:laugh i tried, but failed, it's okay i'll be forgiven.
"What I got from this is that Tideborn is over-powered and ruined the game, which I completely agree with. You brought up some good points and its pretty obvious that all the other classes were outdone by Tideborn. Way to go developers! "
fun fact time! mentioned by more then 1 Psys in the faction im in, Psys attacks are not effected by "Increased Magic Resist" monsters.Once a legend, always a legend.
Your best is my worse.
Your skills are unfounded.
Read it and obey, Chuck Norris approves of my skills.0 -
lol Astoru, I ninja'd your post with pretty much exactly the same points. :P
MAGE RAGE >:(0 -
hemoglobin wrote: »i just dont like that new class assassin its more powerful than the rest and i cant even fight back when one attacks me its like the classes arent event equal anymore why would you make a class thats stringer than all the rest makes me feel like the 7 months i put into my charaacter was a complete waste and now it only takes those tideborns 2 months to get to my lvl bcuz of all the updates
Adapt or die comes to mind here.Nukesrus - Harshlands wrote:lol Astoru, I ninja'd your post with pretty much exactly the same points. :P
Well, mine looks prettier. b:surrender●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear wrote: »Blah blah blah blah
Please use quotes, that was painful to read.
EDIT: Wups, double posted without thinking. Morning sucks.●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear wrote: »
venos have become very unuseful since gm's allowed the nix/herc to be nerfed, two pets which equal up to 190-350$ each, are hardly worth getting anymore, when you can take a glacier walker, give it the 3 buffs+bash and be just as good as a herc, and as far as nix's go, their attacks were weakened, and they aren't very helpful against the things people want them for, world bosses, jewelscalen, and thousand streams legion spawn, TW.
The only time people want a veno, is if they are very high leveled with awesome items *negative channel items* and a herc that is same level as them, and they are used purely "poor" tanks, which psys/sins complain "they no hold aggro, veno useless get sin tank barb tank"
My herc and nix is just as OP as they where a couple of months ago b:chuckle
Nix still QQ-bleeds people for 1-2k each tick, my herc can tank majority of TT-bosses. No clue what you're talking about O_O0 -
Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...0 -
So much fail ehre, I hardly know where to begin. I'll start with wizards. They have dragon's breath, and psychics can't touch that. I don't care what the cooldown is on your aoes, and how well you play your class. Dragon's breath>Psychic. The End.
Venos are not simply for luring. Herc pets can tank bosses, and every pet does *full* damage to mobs level [?]. This makes them extremely useful in FC and TT, even without a herc pet.
As for barbs "not having a brain" or whatever it is that you said....meh. I won't even bother.
My two centsb:pleased0 -
If tideborns completely replace all the other classes then how come all day I see tideborns basically saying "WHY WON'T ANYONE TAKE US TO GAMMA"DarkSniper - 83 archer - quit
The only way to win the game is to leave it0 -
people post in these thread like flood b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...0 -
Tojop - Dreamweaver wrote: »So much fail ehre, I hardly know where to begin. I'll start with wizards. They have dragon's breath, and psychics can't touch that. I don't care what the cooldown is on your aoes, and how well you play your class. Dragon's breath>Psychic. The End.
Venos are not simply for luring. Herc pets can tank bosses, and every pet does *full* damage to mobs level [?]. This makes them extremely useful in FC and TT, even without a herc pet.
As for barbs "not having a brain" or whatever it is that you said....meh. I won't even bother.
My two centsb:pleased●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear wrote: »
fun fact time! mentioned by more then 1 Psys in the faction im in, Psys attacks are not effected by "Increased Magic Resist" monsters.
Fun fact time: Your faction mates are idiots.
I can make a video proving this if necessary.0 -
umm mmorpg = massive multiplayer online role playing game, not mmo
Hmmm..last time i check diablo and ******** did come out before Ultima..they are rpgs..and i do believe that their are massive multiplayers that have or still play them..oh ya lets not forget starcraft as well..omg0 -
Psy did kill the veno/cleric/wiz in elemental damage. Wiz = ALL ELEMENTAL ATTACKS! Psy is overpowered as hell. Psy has a more powerful thorns than veno, like... thats the only buff a veno has. And psy has an extremely powerful aoe heal which out-does the cleric. cleric = healer. there should be no question who is a better healer. I don't care about cooldown, if you're going to give psy a heal, make it weak such as the wizards heal. Not incredibly strong and takes forever to cast. Psy is overpowered.
Assassin killed barb/bm/archer. I've seen assassins tank their own FBs from the amount of crit and damage they do, combined with the 2% vampire. BM is good for stuns especially in PK. Assassin has teleport stun... I don't care it cost a spark, my aim low cost spark and you can just tele faster than me and stun me out of it. Like its been said before, assassin = higher and more powerful crit than archer. Archers are the same as wizards in average damage, the only thing archers have going for them is the extremely high crit. Well way to go asssassins, you killed that to. Not to mention you're 100% invisible in duels. We can't even hit you. When you cloak, I think it should make you 85% invisible at level 10. Sage = 95% invisible, Demon = 90% invisible but 100% invisible for 2 seconds. That would be a good invisible move. At least we can still hit you.Say my name 3 times, I dare you.
TrueMyths.Guildplex.com0 -
Technotic - Sanctuary wrote: »Psy did kill the veno/cleric/wiz in elemental damage. Wiz = ALL ELEMENTAL ATTACKS! Psy is overpowered as hell. Psy has a more powerful thorns than veno, like... thats the only buff a veno has. And psy has an extremely powerful aoe heal which out-does the cleric. cleric = healer. there should be no question who is a better healer. I don't care about cooldown, if you're going to give psy a heal, make it weak such as the wizards heal. Not incredibly strong and takes forever to cast. Psy is overpowered.●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
I mentioned that... do you read?Say my name 3 times, I dare you.
TrueMyths.Guildplex.com0 -
umm mmorpg = massive multiplayer online role playing game, not mmo
Hmmm..last time i check diablo and ******** did come out before Ultima..they are rpgs..and i do believe that their are massive multiplayers that have or still play them..oh ya lets not forget starcraft as well..omg
actually something like those games is a lan game (dia***o, st*r*c**ft, and ag* *f em*p*r* were local area connection, but they has battle net feature so yeah can online but not like mmorpg)
mmo = massive multi player online game
mmorpg = just like what you say
mmorts = massive multi player online real time strategy game
mmofps = massive multi player online first person shooting game
and many other b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...0 -
This thread has to be full of trolls. That's the only rational explanation my mind can provide for people being this stupid.0
This discussion has been closed.
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