Psys, useless?



  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    well thats proving your point that the channeling time of a wizzy is enormous compared to a psys and the magic damage is just practically similar.....(sarcasticaly)---> Sir you are without a doubt you are very right.......O__o

    Point is this.

    We have sage BIDS.

    You're a fish out of water.

    I win.

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    from a DD standpoint

    i consider them in 2 groups

    assuming i open with 2x spark and fist....

    theres DD's who at my level i can safely HF without aggro loss

    sword,pole,axe bms
    wizzies(pre 79)
    archers with x-bows

    and those i dont dare stop spark chaining on

    archers with -int and a sling
    other fist/multi weapon bm's
    wizzies post 79 (blasted undine strike)

    so i'll agree that before 8x psys are a scary good DD but after they become sort of...meh as the other DD's begin getting decent weapons to make use of their higher

    A)attack rate

    B)higher weapon adds

    still waiting for psys to realize that their DOT's are their best DPSso things might change after that
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • FireWizardEX - Dreamweaver
    FireWizardEX - Dreamweaver Posts: 463 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Point is this.

    We have sage BIDS.

    You're a fish out of water.

    I win.

    sutra->FOW->BIDS->Dpyro->GS on a undined psy(ps dont worry is natural if u cant finish this combo as ur target get out of hp b4)

    stone barrier and the psy earth dmg get reduced as hell,,,,

    switching bids for bt is also a good idea(or not cuz that may 1shot the black voodoo psys and 1shot isnt funny anymore)

    anyway psys need a debuff skill and a ulty like wiz to compare the dmg,
    cuz undine strike is just like black voodoo but wihtout all the squishness, and stone barrier is sexy...
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    sutra->FOW->BIDS->Dpyro->GS on a undined psy(ps dont worry is natural if u cant finish this combo as ur target get out of hp b4)

    stone barrier and the psy earth dmg get reduced as hell,,,,

    switching bids for bt is also a good idea(or not cuz that may 1shot the black voodoo psys and 1shot isnt funny anymore)

    anyway psys need a debuff skill and a ulty like wiz to compare the dmg,
    cuz undine strike is just like black voodoo but wihtout all the squishness, and stone barrier is sexy...


    Way to take it serious. I'z trollin', don't you know who I am?

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • FireWizardEX - Dreamweaver
    FireWizardEX - Dreamweaver Posts: 463 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    Way to take it serious. I'z trollin', don't you know who I am?

    hmmm? what did i lost?b:surrender
  • XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary
    XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i asked to tank today in my bh.. the whole squad went silent.
    I said are you all afraid of a psy tank? still nothing..
    then the cleric finally said i could tank after a couple minutes of silence.. before we got going, a couple of off comments were said about how they better not die because im tanking.
    I tanked well.... and got it done faster than what they were doing to the previous 2 bosses with their battle pets. :)
    Q - How to win on Perfect World?
    A - Throw money at it.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I have done BH with psys in squad, or without them 99% of the time.

    Quite frankly, doing BH without a psy is much safer and smoother.

    Reason as follows:

    1. No suicidal psy to keep pulling aggro.

    Without the aggro snatching from barbs or bms, clerics have an easier time healing and also no cleric will die trying to heal the psy all the time when he snatched aggro with less than savoury HP, that can decrease real quick.

    I have seen failz psys with Black voodoo on in BH, with the thinking that they are the new kids on the block.

    They have always pulled aggro without fail even with white voodoo on.

    In my eyes, they have failed to time their castings which resulted in them pulling aggro all the time. Being a DD, our job is not to snatch aggro, but to assist the barb or tanker to complete the kill.

    It's really that simple. I am not able to understand why there are so many psys who have failed to understand this and enjoys pulling aggro or simply brush it off because they are not dead.

    If I am a cleric, I will never heal people who have pulled aggro from tanker. I will heal tanker and people who are saving me from certain doom. People who repeatedly pulls aggro shows that they have a lack of understanding on the game mechanisms.

    I have been on alot of BHs without psys in the squad and we handled all situations fine without them.

    In terms of dps, they could never win a pure archer in terms of speed/ crits. In terms of aggro management, they will never do well in this faculty too.

    So save yourselves some frustration (applies to barbs or clerics), get a conventional squad and have a smooth run.

    You will not have to worry about failz psys who fire early without giving you a chance to have full aggro and have a boss running to your squad and potential squad wipe.

    Seriously, how hard is it not to chain-cast?
  • Kawailele - Sanctuary
    Kawailele - Sanctuary Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    and its the barbs job to keep argo and they have skills to do so....and what if a mob slip pass the barb (because i seen it a lot of time's) and they pull argo so u dont get hert and so that u stay unhurt....what u gonna do not heal them huh?

    and this class is still young it will take time 4 every 1 to learn how to use it right but u r right ABOUT THE ARGO THING TIP:SPACE OUT YOUR SPELLS PLZ.
    what comes up must come down what goes in must come out! b:chuckle b:surprisedb:mischievous
  • PurpleBomber - Dreamweaver
    PurpleBomber - Dreamweaver Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I have done BH with psys in squad, or without them 99% of the time.

    Quite frankly, doing BH without a psy is much safer and smoother.

    Reason as follows:

    1. No suicidal psy to keep pulling aggro.

    Without the aggro snatching from barbs or bms, clerics have an easier time healing and also no cleric will die trying to heal the psy all the time when he snatched aggro with less than savoury HP, that can decrease real quick.

    I have seen failz psys with Black voodoo on in BH, with the thinking that they are the new kids on the block.

    They have always pulled aggro without fail even with white voodoo on.

    In my eyes, they have failed to time their castings which resulted in them pulling aggro all the time. Being a DD, our job is not to snatch aggro, but to assist the barb or tanker to complete the kill.

    It's really that simple. I am not able to understand why there are so many psys who have failed to understand this and enjoys pulling aggro or simply brush it off because they are not dead.

    If I am a cleric, I will never heal people who have pulled aggro from tanker. I will heal tanker and people who are saving me from certain doom. People who repeatedly pulls aggro shows that they have a lack of understanding on the game mechanisms.

    I have been on alot of BHs without psys in the squad and we handled all situations fine without them.

    In terms of dps, they could never win a pure archer in terms of speed/ crits. In terms of aggro management, they will never do well in this faculty too.

    So save yourselves some frustration (applies to barbs or clerics), get a conventional squad and have a smooth run.

    You will not have to worry about failz psys who fire early without giving you a chance to have full aggro and have a boss running to your squad and potential squad wipe.

    Seriously, how hard is it not to chain-cast?

    May i ask you some questions without you trying to tear of my head.

    1. Giodia you don't seem to like this class very much because i have never seen you post anything good. Is it that you don't like the class or you don't like people who behave like they know it all but still cause a bh party to fail in the end result and blame the barb/cleric for their failure for pulling aggro.

    2. Out of ten how much do you think this class gets assuming you played one before.

    Also i for one think those you squadded with, does not know the meaning of spacing out and helping the tank kill. I have myself had to learn to ease down and attack at the right moment.

    I who is level 60 psy have seen new psys literally drawing aggro straight to the cleric which is very foolish cause the cleric will instantly aggro healing them and may die.

    One thing i have learned through many fb and bh runs that always attack whatever the tank attacks you will be helping him kill faster but i only do it when tank has taken down more 40% life.

    The last thing isn't it a bit harsh to say we are not needed period, whether it be a simple bh run or a lengthy one. I mean psy may belong to alot of jobs but we are useful whether it be dd,support, etc. b:sad
    Its like when you look into the eyes of a cute kitten or puppy it silently steals your soul.

    But cmon THEY'RE CUTE!!! [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

    Cute punchy kitty. Please don't punch me with your cuteness. >_<
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    and its the barbs job to keep argo and they have skills to do so....and what if a mob slip pass the barb (because i seen it a lot of time's) and they pull argo so u dont get hert and so that u stay unhurt....what u gonna do not heal them huh?

    and this class is still young it will take time 4 every 1 to learn how to use it right but u r right ABOUT THE ARGO THING TIP:SPACE OUT YOUR SPELLS PLZ.

    I have stated clearly that if the psy is saving me from certain doom, yes, I will heal him/ her. But if they are intentionally pulling aggro from the barb, then please use your bubble or white voodoo to tank till you either kill the mob, or someone else helps you kill it.

    That is if they are doing that intentionally not to save anyone. But wilfully snatching aggro when they know they would and they can, so that they can stroke their ego.

    There is a brag thread in the psy forum that clearly shows that.

    Class is new? Yeah sure, how about listening to what others have to tell you then?

    How about that nonchalant attitude when I tell them not to chain cast?

    They feel that it's their right to chain-cast and if they pull aggro, so be it. They are clearly not bothered about pulling aggro is the worst mistake they could have done, as long as it satisfy their ego.

    That is also partly the reason why I hear psys that kept asking for squads on BH platform. Whereas other teams accepted my archer in a heartbeat.

    They have got no one else to blame, except for themselves. Eat the humble pie, remove the brag thread and start showing some respect.

    Psys are not here to replace any classes.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    May i ask you some questions without you trying to tear of my head.

    1. Giodia you don't seem to like this class very much because i have never seen you post anything good. Is it that you don't like the class or you don't like people who behave like they know it all but still cause a bh party to fail in the end result and blame the barb/cleric for their failure for pulling aggro.

    I do not like the player behind the psys because:

    1. Arrogance (talks on taking over classes and pwning them without researching)
    2. Attitude problem (unable to listen to people)
    3. Ignorance (on aggro management)

    These factors combined, can make any BH run into a nightmare where you do not know what will happen on your next group of mob. My job as a DD, I do it safely and know my job well to contain my urges on auto-dpsing away.

    The problem is, I do not see it happening on psys. With the factors listed above, it seems that they have no concept of teamplay at all and how close they are at killing everyone else with their irresponsible behaviour.

    Even some psys claiming to have played other classes snatches aggro 9/10 mobs that we have encountered in the BH, and it's really quite appalling to know they have their mains and couldn't do something right.

    Talks on replacing classes just adds to that image that the sheer arrogance of psys. Their ego have gotten so inflated that they created a thread to enshrine their aggro snatching records.

    To me and many others, it's pure ego at it's best. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who said that. Even EvilVisage has mentioned it in that thread.

    2. Out of ten how much do you think this class gets assuming you played one before.

    Also i for one think those you squadded with, does not know the meaning of spacing out and helping the tank kill. I have myself had to learn to ease down and attack at the right moment.

    I who is level 60 psy have seen new psys literally drawing aggro straight to the cleric which is very foolish cause the cleric will instantly aggro healing them and may die.

    One thing i have learned through many fb and bh runs that always attack whatever the tank attacks you will be helping him kill faster but i only do it when tank has taken down more 40% life.

    The last thing isn't it a bit harsh to say we are not needed period, whether it be a simple bh run or a lengthy one. I mean psy may belong to alot of jobs but we are useful whether it be dd,support, etc. b:sad

    I would give it a 8/10 being close to what I prefer on DD. They have the speed. They have nice all-rounded skills and this is entirely my opinion on the class itself.

    Sadly purplebomber, not every psy can be as responsible as what you did in BH. Due to numerous bad run-ins on BH squad wipes, people tend to go 'rainbow' squad these days, they know they are alot safer.

    These psys are out there, asking for BH squads...

    With the bad image generated by the majority of failz psys, can you blame us for not asking a psy into the BH run?

    Without a psy, we still did well to contain the situation. Be it a squad of 3 clerics with a tank and 2 archers or whatever setup (without a psy) we still did not suffer much efficiency in killing bosses.

    In situations that happens with more than 1 mob, cleric goes BB mode and everyone else goes into tanking mode and we survived, without anyone dying.

    Seriously, there isn't a situation that without a psy, would result in our failure.

    This may sound harsh, but the reality speaks for itself. Squads without Psys will not fail. Squads with irresponsible psy(s) will probably failz.
  • PequetteV - Lost City
    PequetteV - Lost City Posts: 1,202 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    They will reduce psy agro in incoming patch htat might help us
    If u party with only fail player it not out fault i do my bh everyday and pulled agro once without dieing cuase i stopped dd and tank took agro back

    fail archer and fail mage even sometime fail bm can pull agro from tank.
    Sin will probably take agro more often then psy with their really high crit but u wont notice it cause they will just stealth and wait
    genesis (r.i.p.) ===> conqueror (r.i.p.) ===> zen (r.i.p.) ===> iam (r.i.p.) ===> guardianz (r.i.p.) ===> spectral ===> essence
    starting to be a nice guild hoppers b:surrender

    go on my website it contains lots useful informations about PWI

  • HitsTwice - Raging Tide
    HitsTwice - Raging Tide Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Psychics are very powerful. We have very fast casting times for our spells, have powerful buffs, can take out monsters easy, and we look awesome b:laugh
    Native Pride
  • Swdgy - Heavens Tear
    Swdgy - Heavens Tear Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Who cares if you take agro in a bh? ^^
    Mele mob: Psychic will, white voodoo, done
    Ranged mob: Psychic will, white voodoo, run up to it and hit it with your ballz
    Magic mob: you can take it 1 on 1 if you pot and landslide

    Only applies to bh29 - 59 ^^

    and these only work for single mobs cuz if you aoed in a bh then you fail thinking that your tiger can grab all those mobs for you with a 60sec cooldown roar
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] yay :) ^.^
    stuffed a bunch of my favorite animes into 1 signature lolz
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    fail archer and fail mage even sometime fail bm can pull agro from tank.
    Sin will probably take agro more often then psy with their really high crit but u wont notice it cause they will just stealth and wait

    Once in a while, you will pull aggro because you have reach a certain point in your stats stacking.

    I do not see other classes failing more than Psys do. It's the general psy population that make up that perception.

    The general make up of Bh teams excludes psys...period.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Psychics are very powerful. We have very fast casting times for our spells, have powerful buffs, can take out monsters easy, and we look awesome b:laugh
    Who cares if you take agro in a bh? ^^
    Mele mob: Psychic will, white voodoo, done
    Ranged mob: Psychic will, white voodoo, run up to it and hit it with your ballz
    Magic mob: you can take it 1 on 1 if you pot and landslide

    Only applies to bh29 - 59 ^^

    and these only work for single mobs cuz if you aoed in a bh then you fail thinking that your tiger can grab all those mobs for you with a 60sec cooldown roar

    Thanks for reinforcing the egoistic psy image.

    While rainbow squads are doing fine without psys, I do not see any need for psys in the squad.
  • Lacrimarine - Raging Tide
    Lacrimarine - Raging Tide Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    sutra->FOW->BIDS->Dpyro->GS on a undined psy(ps dont worry is natural if u cant finish this combo as ur target get out of hp b4)

    stone barrier and the psy earth dmg get reduced as hell,,,,

    switching bids for bt is also a good idea(or not cuz that may 1shot the black voodoo psys and 1shot isnt funny anymore)

    anyway psys need a debuff skill and a ulty like wiz to compare the dmg,
    cuz undine strike is just like black voodoo but wihtout all the squishness, and stone barrier is sexy...
    Definitely no for extra debuff skills or ultis.
    Don't u realize that psy has a lot more of buff/debuff skills already compare to wiz?

    You cast fast, decent damage, fast cool down.
    Extra buffs to max your attack or your defense.
    All kinds of the "soul" spells that give you a lot of benefits.
    Like, soul of silence, when you face a wiz.
    Doesn't that make you have enough already?

    And you still want wiz's ulti?
    Sage BIDS for example? +30% crit and mostly one shot everything?

    Seriously, I don't mean to flame here.
    But it's more than enough.
    Why don't you guys know your limit.
    If you were to get those ultis, you're obviously OP b:angry
  • Bellois - Dreamweaver
    Bellois - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Hmmm, so I have a psy and I did learn they take aggro very easily because they do DD faster. I quickly figured out the way to avoid stealing aggro, which btw, every class can take aggro on accident, is to space my casts. It takes practice to learn any class. I'm not sure why people are hating so hard on Psy's and classifying all Psy's to be arrogant and what not. I have never went around bragging about my DD or how quickly I can snatch aggro and kill the mob faster. I look at it this way, it's a new and exciting addition to PWI and I want to have fun with it. Also, I NEVER have a problem getting a squad and it's not because I squad with people I know.

    In my opinion, people are complaining about Psy's as a whole just to have something to do and just so you all know, and I hope you do, you cant judge anything as a whole as being bad just because there are few people rude and obnoxious people.
  • Nyrlathotep - Heavens Tear
    Nyrlathotep - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I still believe it has to do with the man behind the wheel, so to say...

    I really have no problems finding squads at all, and if a fail psy annoys you
    what about fail clerics and barbs...all clases are dependant on the person driving it.

    Giodia, lol if a squad gets wiped because of one failed psy,
    i mean LOL what the **** we're u rest doing!?? b:chuckle

    Clerics are there to control the situation, the most fails i had in BH
    (meaning momentary loss of control, resulting in someone dying NOT SQUAD WIPE!) were coz of fail Venos and fail Clerics...
  • Risingson - Lost City
    Risingson - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    You have a serious problem Giodia. It's really enerving to read you, you know. You're so damn judgemental it almost makes you racist in a weird way. Every post you make is full of anger and hatred towards Psychics, you make it sound like only idiots play this class.

    Let me tell you something. It's a new class, there are probably plenty of people that discovered the game and got attracted to that class and rushed to it. Just like a lot of other people that discover the game and rush to any other class, you only notice them less because it's less harmful for them not to know about the mechanics because they can't pull aggro as much as Psychics. Let the noobs be noobs, everybody has to learn at some point.

    If you're unhappy make some kind of petition against Psychics and stop posting and spitting on the class on its dedicated thread. I think the whole damn forum got it by now, you don't like Psychics, good for you. You don't need anymore advertising on that point, we know that the Psychics you play with take aggro from Barbs in your BHs. We know you will let them to die when they do.

    You gotta chill...

    edit : By the way, I'm a lvl 69 Psychic and I have NEVER struggled to find a squad, never ever. I did pull aggro when I started but now I rarely do, to be honest I only pull it when I hit a crit. Nobody ever complains about me pulling aggro, but some other Psychics I played with do pull aggro, so yeah there are idiots, but give the class a break and blame it on the player, because the character is only as good as its player can make it.
    Risingson - 7x Psychic
    Indalecio - 3x Cleric
  • Aurores - Heavens Tear
    Aurores - Heavens Tear Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    My psy was able to kill one of the lvl 41 vipon outside west arch and she was lvl 22~23 at the time, with only her buffs and a charm. b:victory
    Retired b:bye
  • MindNurf - Harshlands
    MindNurf - Harshlands Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Jeez this thread still going on.

    Stop crying about psy being useless and l2pb:surrender
  • Vorhes - Dreamweaver
    Vorhes - Dreamweaver Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Point is this.

    We have sage BIDS.

    You're a fish out of water.

    I win.

    And your point being ?????..........
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Also, I NEVER have a problem getting a squad and it's not because I squad with people I know.

    In my opinion, people are complaining about Psy's as a whole just to have something to do and just so you all know, and I hope you do, you cant judge anything as a whole as being bad just because there are few people rude and obnoxious people.

    So anyone reading it would assume you have squaded with people you know MOST of the time.

    I think we should face the facts that the majority of the psys projected that image, in a arrogant way, on how they could replace mages and how fast they could kill. They have a shrine in the forums to showcase the people whom they have taken aggro from.

    Are these acts of arrogance ?

    At the end of the day, how you perform reflects how people view your class and as a whole.

    If they have been meeting failz psys, naturally, they will have a negative perception of them.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    You have a serious problem Giodia. It's really enerving to read you, you know. You're so damn judgemental it almost makes you racist in a weird way. Every post you make is full of anger and hatred towards Psychics, you make it sound like only idiots play this class.

    The door swings both ways. It's unnerving enough to read how much arrogance and stupidity that some members in your psy community, have been actively projecting.

    Everyone reads the forums, everyone forms their opinions on what has been written. Do you not agree that these failz psys are projecting a negative image on your class, especially when the whole pwi community can read what is written?
    Let me tell you something. It's a new class, there are probably plenty of people that discovered the game and got attracted to that class and rushed to it. Just like a lot of other people that discover the game and rush to any other class, you only notice them less because it's less harmful for them not to know about the mechanics because they can't pull aggro as much as Psychics. Let the noobs be noobs, everybody has to learn at some point.

    If you're unhappy make some kind of petition against Psychics and stop posting and spitting on the class on its dedicated thread. I think the whole damn forum got it by now, you don't like Psychics, good for you. You don't need anymore advertising on that point, we know that the Psychics you play with take aggro from Barbs in your BHs. We know you will let them to die when they do.

    You gotta chill...

    The forum needs to be aware of failz psys and they are usually the ones that post senseless comments.

    People also need to know the truth, psys are not the next best invention and it's either the failz psys learn to perform in squad or they are out.

    It should be made known to them that People are not willing to die for their stupidity.
    edit : By the way, I'm a lvl 69 Psychic and I have NEVER struggled to find a squad, never ever. I did pull aggro when I started but now I rarely do, to be honest I only pull it when I hit a crit. Nobody ever complains about me pulling aggro, but some other Psychics I played with do pull aggro, so yeah there are idiots, but give the class a break and blame it on the player, because the character is only as good as its player can make it.

    I have been blaming the idiots who sit behind the pc that are playing the failz psy. Have I not stated clear enough?

    Since if they themselves are failz (the human operator), naturally their character (which is failz psy in this case study) would failz terribly.

    If there is one thing to do, it's to make a guide on how psys should perform in the psy forums.

    The day I see that, it's the day I will refer psys back as Psychics.

    Edit: Congrates that you have been lucky so far on lost city.
  • Reico_M - Dreamweaver
    Reico_M - Dreamweaver Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I have seen more Assassins charge in like Leeroy's than I have seen Psychics drawing aggro and squad wiping people. (And I should know, having started the "People You Have Taken Aggro Off Of" thread) Which, for your information, was started to become a discussion as to just how ridiculous agghoes we can be if we don't manage ourselves. Not a SHRINE to how well we aggro the **** out of things and kill ourselves and everything around us, that's just dumb.

    I have seen more people fail at genie-pulling mobs away from a boss with an AoE only to wipe the party than I have seen Psychics drawing aggro and squad-wiping people.

    Just because a few of you had issues with a few psychics while doing some runs, doesn't mean we are all idiots. That would be like me saying that every archer I have ever met was a god damn gun toting cowboy, every bm was a lunatic, every cleric was a carebear, and every barb a moron with no brain in his head good only to act as a punching bag. Which, is like saying, all black people are criminals, all white people are pretentious cheese-eating a$$holes, and all asians are good at math!

    I have seen Venomancers running around City of The Lost wielding bows and swords. I have seen heavy armored Wizards in Etherblade. I have seen Archers in the City of The Plume with dual-swords so they could be like Legolas from the lord of the rings FFS!

    Funny part is, as I get higher level, I see less and less noobs around! Broken Bow Bluff, full of noobs! Swamp of the Wraiths, full of good players! GO FIGURE!

    Seriously though, having played a wizard to level 78, I can honestly say that I think in the future, as people calm the hell down over this expansion, or straight up ragequit the game, the psychic will be more sought after for a squad. If only for the fact that they have useful buffs, some debuffs, and a decent heal.

    Wizard adds a bit of water damage to the melee toons' weapons. (If you read it carefully, the buff only adds to your *normal* attack.) Psychic makes the tank a powerhouse, debuffs the boss, DD's, and if necessary, can act as a secondary healer, with bubble of life, and purging as a venomacer does with Psychic Will, removing debuffs and... what? Making the target immune to physical damage for a short period of time? Psychic Reflects stack with a Veno's Reflects, so the tank becomes a DD just from doing what he does best, taking hits. Cleric's heals heal him better with Empowered Vigor, and you can't deny at all that psychics hit ****ing hard. Sure it's "not as hard as a wizard" but we strike fast, and speed really is everything if you plan on doing anything in PvP. And believe it or not, we AoE just as well.

    So far, we just don't have level 79 or demon/sage skills. Whooo!

    In response to "Psychics make BH runs faster." I can tell you right now we don't improve anything speed-wise. We just have a few new toys to bring to the table, that's it. Unless you've got some fancy build where you've got a million HP, and somehow still dish out a lot of damage. If you try and speed-run anything you are going to aggro the **** out of everything and die, and get people killed. Which =/= a fast run.

    I still believe it has to do with the man behind the wheel, so to say...
    In my opinion, people are complaining about Psy's as a whole just to have something to do and just so you all know, and I hope you do, you cant judge anything as a whole as being bad just because there are few people rude and obnoxious people.
    a psy is about as useless as the person playing it. if the person playing the psy sucks then the psy will suck. if the person playing the psy is good then the psy will be good.

    thats how it works in almost all MMOs

    The three of you who said all that, congratulate yourselves for having a brain in your head. The rest of you hating on this class just because you've tunnel-visioned your opinions based off of one or two bad experiences. Grow up.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I have seen more Assassins charge in like Leeroy's than I have seen Psychics drawing aggro and squad wiping people. (And I should know, having started the "People You Have Taken Aggro Off Of" thread) Which, for your information, was started to become a discussion as to just how ridiculous agghoes we can be if we don't manage ourselves. Not a SHRINE to how well we aggro the **** out of things and kill ourselves and everything around us, that's just dumb.

    I have seen more people fail at genie-pulling mobs away from a boss with an AoE only to wipe the party than I have seen Psychics drawing aggro and squad-wiping people.

    Just because a few of you had issues with a few psychics while doing some runs, doesn't mean we are all idiots. That would be like me saying that every archer I have ever met was a god damn gun toting cowboy, every bm was a lunatic, every cleric was a carebear, and every barb a moron with no brain in his head good only to act as a punching bag. Which, is like saying, all black people are criminals, all white people are pretentious cheese-eating a$$holes, and all asians are good at math!

    I have seen Venomancers running around City of The Lost wielding bows and swords. I have seen heavy armored Wizards in Etherblade. I have seen Archers in the City of The Plume with dual-swords so they could be like Legolas from the lord of the rings FFS!

    Funny part is, as I get higher level, I see less and less noobs around! Broken Bow Bluff, full of noobs! Swamp of the Wraiths, full of good players! GO FIGURE!

    Seriously though, having played a wizard to level 78, I can honestly say that I think in the future, as people calm the hell down over this expansion, or straight up ragequit the game, the psychic will be more sought after for a squad. If only for the fact that they have useful buffs, some debuffs, and a decent heal.

    Wizard adds a bit of water damage to the melee toons' weapons. (If you read it carefully, the buff only adds to your *normal* attack.) Psychic makes the tank a powerhouse, debuffs the boss, DD's, and if necessary, can act as a secondary healer, with bubble of life, and purging as a venomacer does with Psychic Will, removing debuffs and... what? Making the target immune to physical damage for a short period of time? Psychic Reflects stack with a Veno's Reflects, so the tank becomes a DD just from doing what he does best, taking hits. Cleric's heals heal him better with Empowered Vigor, and you can't deny at all that psychics hit ****ing hard. Sure it's "not as hard as a wizard" but we strike fast, and speed really is everything if you plan on doing anything in PvP. And believe it or not, we AoE just as well.

    So far, we just don't have level 79 or demon/sage skills. Whooo!

    In response to "Psychics make BH runs faster." I can tell you right now we don't improve anything speed-wise. We just have a few new toys to bring to the table, that's it. Unless you've got some fancy build where you've got a million HP, and somehow still dish out a lot of damage. If you try and speed-run anything you are going to aggro the **** out of everything and die, and get people killed. Which =/= a fast run.

    The three of you who said all that, congratulate yourselves for having a brain in your head. The rest of you hating on this class just because you've tunnel-visioned your opinions based off of one or two bad experiences. Grow up.

    For your long wall of text, I have seen some lvl 60 - 70 intellectual-challenged psys still chain casting, except doing much more damage and harder to take aggro off. Please figure.

    Also, Psychics will is self cast. No so squad purging. Thank you very much.

    Your buffs are limited to: Empowered vigour and the cooldown is at 90 seconds. Limited usefulness. Main use will be last ditched effort to save someone.

    Also, except for dots, Psychics are just another DDer.

    Wizards for the elemental nukes, Archers for pattk.

    Pardon me, but putting your class as 'sought' after seems to be too much.

    Without psys in squads, we still function well with old school classes, there are no instances that we need them srly.

    'Sought after' ? Maybe in your dreams. b:chuckle
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    what Giodia said....
    and you need to play your character more Reico_M....preferably with others....

    also can cast souls on the tank but...
    you do know that doing so burns off the MP of the target?
    (me was in a BH51 with a psychic...and he used it on the tank which did pretty much nothing but waste the tank's MP lol....)

    and Empowered vigor isn't that useful in regular
    don't you know that clerics can and have kept squads alive just fine before tideborns came out?
    In PvP sure 11% extra healing/faster charm cooldown = nice
    but shared cooldown = you has to choose between diminishing or empowering.

    and um what kind of useful debuff we talking about here?
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Daose - Harshlands
    Daose - Harshlands Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    For your long wall of text, I have seen some lvl 60 - 70 intellectual-challenged psys still chain casting, except doing much more damage and harder to take aggro off. Please figure.

    And this still doesn't apply to EVERYONE, stop going off of this lame generalization. It really isn't helping your argument.

    Your buffs are limited to: Empowered vigour and the cooldown is at 90 seconds. Limited usefulness. Main use will be last ditched effort to save someone.

    Yes, but it also lasts 90 seconds (going off ecatomb here, feel free to correct me). That extra healing can probably be the difference in whether or not someone can tank a boss. Obviously it won't be needed in all situations, but still handy nonetheless.

    Also, except for dots, Psychics are just another DDer.
    Wizards for the elemental nukes, Archers for pattk.
    Pardon me, but putting your class as 'sought' after seems to be too much.

    I think Reico has a point. Wizards are just pure DD's. While they may be stronger than psychics, I feel that the only thing they really bring to the table is...damage. Psy's can't exactly do the same damage, but they have considerably quicker casts which can somewhat make up for the gap in power. And on top of that, they still have more buffs to bring along, like that AoE heal, empowered vigor, soul of vengeance to stack on reflect. While it's not much, it's still something to consider when choosing who you want on the team. I actually think having a wiz and a psy would be cool.

    Without psys in squads, we still function well with old school classes, there are no instances that we need them srly.

    No one is arguing that things won't work without psy's, we're arguing your claim that psy's just make all squads fail. And to be honest, the only thing you NEED in most instances is a tank and a cleric. The rest of the team can consist of whoever for the most part.

    Replies in color...b:victory
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Replies in color...b:victory

    me noob power be great enough to counter your supposed beneficial buffs even before you posted.
    also can cast souls on the tank but...
    you do know that doing so burns off the MP of the target?
    (me was in a BH51 with a psychic...and he used it on the tank which did pretty much nothing but waste the tank's MP lol....)
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"