List your greatest accomplishments and regrets



  • Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear
    Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Favorite Moments:
    Listening to Leihn and Wargasm compare their e-peens infront of me for about two weeks.

    Watching Leign Raqequit the game and go "Gwen you'll NEVER make it anywhere without me in this damn game, **** you, bytch."

    All the times in EqualiZeR, making friends and memories I will NEVER forget.

    Stealing Land from TE when they collapsed, then having Triad take it two weeks later.

    Being ninja-invited to Enrage.

    Greatest Achievements:

    Being an awesoem veno BEFORE Hercs and Nixes were around.

    Farming my TT80 Gold weapon with my friend.

    Working on my TT90 Gear, and having a total Char restat.

    Leveling over Leihn. ^^;

    Getting into Enrage. <33

    Biggest Regrets:

    Leaving RoC after one week because of drama.
    Quitting Gwendolynne for 3 months.
    Not getting into TWs in my earlier levels.
    Character Roster:
    Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
    Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
    Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
    Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired
  • Nubble - Heavens Tear
    Nubble - Heavens Tear Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Favorite moments:
    being noobie

    Greatest Achievements:
    still noobie

    Biggest regret:
    marrying wonder why salad became fail guild cause that kind of kiddos in guild b:surrender
  • Monoftalmus - Heavens Tear
    Monoftalmus - Heavens Tear Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Oh this one is fun, i am gonna answer this b:chuckle

    Side not here : I am not quiting and i dont know many that will quit tho players move on - it is normal and always too bad b:surrender

    Favorite moments:
    All the time I spent with my friends

    Greatest Achievements:

    Making many friends and battle mates, I am happy I got to know some people before they quit
    Being in TW guilds that had to fight their way on map with no easy win TWs
    Hard core TW veteran - few enrage bms have as much TW xp as I do.
    Defending ForestOfHaze with Triad- 1 time anyone Won Enrage on HT server

    Blacklist is emptyb:thanks

    Biggest regret:

    Picking up PVE server
    Trying to be nice guy all the time

    Fortune favors the brave

  • Nevlik - Heavens Tear
    Nevlik - Heavens Tear Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Favorite moments:
    Pking with enrage, watching guilds qq
    pulling cats in battles vrs rad

    Greatest Achievements:

    Leaving triad (best move i ever made)
    Getting gx (before fking event when everyone and their mom gets one)
    Hitting pk ranks (i'm a noob!)
    Killing Esemeli in a 1 v1 (owned Ese b:victory)

    Biggest regret:

    Getting married in game and divorced the next day
    Quitting at lvling 2 months ago
  • HeavenlyLove - Heavens Tear
    HeavenlyLove - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    Leaving triad (best move i ever made)

    Interesting enough
  • Yunahh - Heavens Tear
    Yunahh - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Killing Esemeli in a 1 v1 (owned Ese b:victory)

    Lol @ having that an achievement, not a moment. xD
    I be on my Seeker now.
    ign; Amairah
  • Esemeli - Heavens Tear
    Esemeli - Heavens Tear Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Favorite moments:

    Helping triad hold off enrage at forest of the haze.
    Seeing 2 souls drop off Bellial twice one for my gx.
    Tao defending enrage for the first time.
    Tao beating enrage and taking 1k streams.
    Seeing Enrage no show a 1 v 1 tw.
    Seeing Enrage QQ about being ganked at west gate.
    Marrying Hoshi ^^ <3
    Hearing Edya sing (loooveee her Voice)
    Karaoke or W/e with tao. (Yuna singing the **** nun and strippers songs XD.)

    Farming my gx.
    Farming gx for other Tao.
    Becoming an officer of Tao b:victory
    Helping gear up Tao and starting the TT program ftw w/ Lypi and Edya's help <3 you guys.
    Helping Tao become number one on the server.
    Hitting lvl 99.
    Being the 2nd bm with Sage Bell on the server. (back when it was rare XD)
    Getting my sage skills, and my lunar gear.
    Solo tanking that damn 2-3 dog boss and bellial b/c the stupid tank decided to pk the damn clerics.
    Farming every piece of my gear ftw (Took ages but so worth it!)
    Convincing pwi Edya is pregnant, Grats on the baby Edya! ICE ICE BABY
    Holding off enrage with 15% left on the crystal while hearing hoshi, lypi, edya, and yuna and Myself freaking out and screaming on vent.
    Breaking 11k hp Buffed w/o cash shopping :D (no offense to those Who do.)
    Aoeing for 13 hours to hit sage before the Forest of Haze battle xD
    Singing on vent xD

    Triad collapsing (but glad now b/c i have Tao)(and nev was in triad? never noticed o.o) And don't worry Heavenly it was bound to happen <3 miss you :D<3
    Pking at 4am you fight noobs 1 v 1 for 30mins while they qq about buffs and say WAIT STOP 6 different times and you mess up and they think they owned you.
    The two marriages before Hoshi xD god pwi marriage is Expensive
    Getting Married 1 week before the damn wedding sale. Marry alts FTL.

    And yeah Yuna some have accomplished so little when luck hits their way, they don't know what to do xD LOL
  • Fliiick - Heavens Tear
    Fliiick - Heavens Tear Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Favorite moments:

    Helping triad hold off enrage at forest of the haze.
    Seeing 2 souls drop off Bellial twice one for my gx.
    Tao defending enrage for the first time.
    Tao beating enrage and taking 1k streams.
    Seeing Enrage no show a 1 v 1 tw.
    Seeing Enrage QQ about being ganked at west gate.
    Marrying Hoshi ^^ <3
    Hearing Edya sing (loooveee her Voice)
    Karaoke or W/e with tao. (Yuna singing the **** nun and strippers songs XD.)

    Farming my gx.
    Farming gx for other Tao.
    Becoming an officer of Tao b:victory
    Helping gear up Tao and starting the TT program ftw w/ Lypi and Edya's help <3 you guys.
    Helping Tao become number one on the server.
    Hitting lvl 99.
    Being the 2nd bm with Sage Bell on the server. (back when it was rare XD)
    Getting my sage skills, and my lunar gear.
    Solo tanking that damn 2-3 dog boss and bellial b/c the stupid tank decided to pk the damn clerics.
    Farming every piece of my gear ftw (Took ages but so worth it!)
    Convincing pwi Edya is pregnant, Grats on the baby Edya!
    Holding off enrage with 15% left on the crystal while hearing hoshi, lypi, edya, and yuna and Myself freaking out and screaming on vent.
    Breaking 11k hp Buffed w/o cash shopping :D (no offense to those Who do.)
    Aoeing for 13 hours to hit sage before the Forest of Haze battle xD
    Singing on vent xD

    Triad collapsing (but glad now b/c i have Tao)(and nev was in triad? never noticed o.o) And don't worry Heavenly it was bound to happen <3 miss you :D<3
    Pking at 4am you fight noobs 1 v 1 for 30mins while they qq about buffs and say WAIT STOP 6 different times and you mess up and they think they owned you.
    The two marriages before Hoshi xD god pwi marriage is Expensive
    Getting Married 1 week before the damn wedding sale. Marry alts FTL.

    LMAO I wish my mic was louder otherwise you would've heard me screaming to shut up so I could hear my own squad talk lmao
    ~Almost original Tao member~
    Former Tao Director

    IGN: Fliiick
    Cleric 100
    Currently Radiance
  • Fliiick - Heavens Tear
    Fliiick - Heavens Tear Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Favorite moments:

    Becoming a squad leader in Evolution after my first TW.
    The epic battles of Triad vs Evolution
    Farming and getting my TT90 gear
    Getting my demon
    Tao's epic battles with Enrage when we did 2 3 hour battles every weekend
    PK at west gate vs Enrage
    Marrying Anatahsia :D<3


    Getting my TT90 gear
    Getting my demon
    Joining Tao one week after it was founded and helping them to Number 1 on the server
    Becoming a squad leader for my first Tao TW and staying there ever since
    Getting Demon Ironheart
    Getting geared and refined with only a small amount of cash shopping

    Part of the exodus of leavers from Evolution when they fell from their strongest - although If I hadn't I wouldn't be with Tao <3
    Leaving the game for a month when i was level 10 so I've stayed 2 levels below my mother in game xD

    Can't think atm but I'll add more
    ~Almost original Tao member~
    Former Tao Director

    IGN: Fliiick
    Cleric 100
    Currently Radiance
  • Ty - Heavens Tear
    Ty - Heavens Tear Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'm not quitting but here's my list

    Favorite moments:

    -My first PvP TW and first real PvP experience whatsoever, Elysium vs RoC 3hrs of disorganized QQ and raging over guildchat. Elysium should have won according to the numbers but RoC was just way more organized.
    -The 15 sec (or w/e it was) victory over RoC. We (Radiance) just scraped in. Pretty exhilarating fight, funny seeing some RoC putting up catshops only to be denied victory 15 secs later.
    -Finally defending Enrage for 3hrs, then beating them 1v1. This stopped Enrages 'Destroy Tao at all costs' policy. For me was it a much more enjoyable moment than actually joining Tao. The weeks prior to this were a true test of everyones ability to stick it out through a couple of gruelling weekends of 6hr TWs and reduced salaries.
    -Doing the cube everyday for 3 months. o.O Kind of a weird one but I miss the place. Could be frustrating as hell but I liked the anticipation of the dice roll, the 'can I go afk in the bored rooms', the 'OMFG room 34 3 times in a row' moments, b:sad Room 38 and so on. I only really did it from 91-98 to get pages of fate I made 3 skills and picked the other 2 up from the AH so I pretty much stopped after that.
    -Toiling away at the OHT questline with BumGay, OnexLove and Bob_Dylan. Spent almost a whole week doing this but had a lot of fun.
    -Realizing out just how funny some people in Tao are. Some of the best senses of humour I've ever encountered.

    Greatest Achievements:

    -Appearing on the PvP rankings. I don't see it as a reflection of my world PvP skills considering I turned white name at level 100b:surrender but my goal when I started this game was to participate in TW(main reason I chose a Wizard). I've always tried my best to improve my play, gear and level. I started out getting owned by Hong, Kronicus, Wei, ISLEOFPEN and so on which helped me a lot in learning how to stay alive and be effective in TW.
    -Hitting 99. I tripped up a couple of times, lost the enjoyment of the game but I'm glad I persevered.
    -Learning Sage Black Ice Dragon Strike b:bye
    -Participating in level 3(x4), level 2(x2) and level 1(x2) PvE TWs
    -Passing Rebirth Delta as an arcane wizard before the dominance blessings. Only one squad had finished it before I started trying. It was refreshing to find an instance that actually challenged all players and kept them on their toes at all times. Between pretty much having a lead weight on my jiaozi hotkey, alternating expel, squeezing as much HP/pdef as I could out of my char without losing attacking power and making sure the BM worked overtime to keep aggro off of me (Bob_Dylan is Pro BM) it was always a fun time. (plus actually being wanted class was nice too :D) Just learning what to do in an instance rather than following a player that has finished the same FB hundreds of times is a lot more fun IMO.

    Biggest regret:

    -Choosing a Wizard :P
    -Not getting a land mount til level 99 b:chuckle.
    I like pie
  • The_Wall - Heavens Tear
    The_Wall - Heavens Tear Posts: 500 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I helped Ty and the first arcane wizard complete rebirth w/o dominance blessings b:laugh

    Also Ty, am I one of those best senses of humor or one of the most disturbing minds you have ever come across in Tao? b:cute

    RAWR! I might make my template answer to this thread soon
  • Momento - Heavens Tear
    Momento - Heavens Tear Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Favorite moments:

    -Fighting Torm 1v1. First time I ever went white named.
    -Fighting xForbidden 1v1. 30 mins of charm ****. Made me rethink how to kill barbs.
    -Single handedly outdamaging entire squads at world bosses. Just hilarious and embarassing for them.
    -Trying to keep array sentries in old heaven's tear a secret.

    Greatest Achievements:

    -Making the pk rankings within 3 weeks of tw and my 5th week playing the game. Yep, 900 kills in 3 weekends. <3 Avengers.
    -Representing for Triad when everyone thought we were noob cashshoppers.
    -Learning how to rush anything and everything with demon fox form.
    -Taking that screenshot of the map when Triad was at its peak and sending it to Troy. Best wishes man.
    -Taking all that was good in Triad and forming Assault.
    -Getting my wizard to 90 in 3 months. I could have +8 all my gear instead, but probably would have ended up quitting the game.
    -Not having any skills on my wizard except dragons breath and stone barrier until lvl 91. (zhen ftw)

    Biggest regret:

    -Choosing veno. Pretty annoying hearing everyone complain about venos every freaking day.
    -Choosing a PVE server.
    -Farming Lunar, 3-3, and getting my demon veno skills before the event.
    -Not having 1000000 gold at the start of the event.
  • Ty - Heavens Tear
    Ty - Heavens Tear Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I helped Ty and the first arcane wizard complete rebirth w/o dominance blessings b:laugh

    Also Ty, am I one of those best senses of humor or one of the most disturbing minds you have ever come across in Tao? b:cute

    RAWR! I might make my template answer to this thread soon

    Yes indeed Wall. I didn't want to name names in case I left someone out b:chuckle
    I like pie
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Favorite moments:

    -Single handedly outdamaging entire squads at world bosses. Just hilarious and embarassing for them.

    dont you mean your nix?.
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • MsEvilness - Heavens Tear
    MsEvilness - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Favourite moments/achievements:
    - 3 hr TW defence in RoC with 3-4 ppl vs ~30 ppl
    - my first TW with elysium, both pve and pvp
    - Having most rep on the server (before this event)
    - getting to my current level without ever zhenning
    - meeting everyone that i did
    - getting kicked out of rad which enabled me to have a lot more fun in TWs in RoC/enrage plus started going white name after rad

    Biggest regrets:
    - picking a cleric
    - picking a pve server
    - spending so much time farming everything
    - leaving enrage for a few weeks and missing out on non-stop TWs during that time
    Originally posted by LShattered - HeavensTear
    Ohhh...I am dumb b:shutup
  • Darksmiley - Heavens Tear
    Darksmiley - Heavens Tear Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Favourite moments/achievements:
    - Handing Enrage it's first defeat screen in a 3hr def at forest of haze
    - Laying my hands on zerk axes for the first time
    - Joining my first real TW faction (Triad)
    - Returning to PWI after 2 months of leave (only to find out all the expesive stuff i wanted is now dirt cheep WOOOT)
    - Joining Caesar upon my return to HT

    Biggest regrets:
    - watching Triad self-implode... (kinda disheartened me from playing for a while)
    - Not killing MsEvilness more in that 3 hr defence.... yeah i was in that TW MSEvil.., infact i was the highest barb there, Loved ur spankings :P
    - leaving for 2 months
    - CS'ing my gear.. good god.. way to burn a grand quick
    - not meeting sticky
    Darksmiley - A.K.A PWI's old ****

    A look at my time: Chaosgods-->Lostsoulz-->Titans-->Triad-->(break from pwi)-->Caesar-->(break from pwi)-->Hikary-->Titans -.-
    I don't TW atm b:surrender

    Shoulda rolled a PVP server -.-
  • Kaishi - Heavens Tear
    Kaishi - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Favorite moments:

    -joining Honorable as my first guild, playing a noob char is so great... no drama, no grinding, just fun
    -first PvE TWs, 18 newbs (lvl20-60) got lvl3 territory in 2h
    -joining Rad when it was still 'cool', well it probably collapsed because of people like me... but back then it was cool anyway
    -TT with Nitewish
    -TWs in Rad, LVL2&3 PvE, all PvP TWs with RoC/Enrage/Triad, 'everyone attacks Rad' weekend with only 1 territory lost to enrage (best no life weekend ever)

    Greatest Achievements:

    -being pro fail veno, 'if I fail, I make it epic'
    -meeting some great people
    -never spent a single euro on PWI
    -lvl80 gold set... farming tt to get mats worth 15m... I wonder how much are they worth now... b-l-a-h
    -no zhen
    -creating my own 7ru3 'EMO' guild!
    -still having moreless normal life away from PWI
    -finally leaving PWI in March!

    Biggest regret:

    -finding out that my friend started playing PWI and going back to this forum
    -writing this post
    -not leaving Rad before the 'great drama' phase, TWs were fun but huh... it was sick
    -playing veno, it was lame with nix and pointless without it
    -playing on US server... timezone difference fails
    Whenever I fail...
    I make it epic.

    Be nice to your local fail veno before it becomes nice to you.
  • KillerByte - Heavens Tear
    KillerByte - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Biggest Regret: being so bored that I am reading PWI forums again.. nevermind 14hrs 23min and 11 seconds to go :P
  • Defected - Heavens Tear
    Defected - Heavens Tear Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Biggest Regret: being so bored that I am reading PWI forums again.. nevermind 14hrs 23min and 11 seconds to go :P

    Haha, don't you hate when people who quit keep going on the forums?
    Changed my mind. Permanently Retired - Only here to troll.
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This thread looks familiar O_o

    It's great to see my influence spread to other servers b:chuckle
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
    Socket Calculator -
  • Disarmonia_X - Heavens Tear
    Disarmonia_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'm not quitting: got too many people to bug still, :P.

    Favorite moments:

    - Running around in the old days: w/Rule, Trikaya, Micah_Sengir and Jiaoyu
    - Building up Blade and watching my friends progress.
    - Hitting a couple barbs in a Enrage Versus Tao TW for 18k crits. Was in Enrage @ the time. b:pleased
    - Meeting: playing and having fun with my friends. Even the ones which I haven't been able to lately. Things happen for a reason I guess. Even if they don't make since at the time.
    - Watching the server grow... then die, as the game that must-not be named came out...

    Greatest Achievements:

    - Reaching lvl 90+, hopefully soon 100+
    - Soloing Eyes of the Krimson Beyond
    - Being part of the 1st group to summon the Dragon Temple Boss: FancyMan, Mosz, etc.
    - Being able to deal with this servers ups-and-downs.

    Biggest regret:

    - Working my butt off for rare gears... Then, having the game let people w/Mommy and Daddy's Credit Card get them for a few dollars.. in a few minutes...
    - Not spending enough time w/my friends.
    ~PWI status: Retired
    P.S. and happily ever after: with Aneu~
  • Disarmonia_X - Heavens Tear
    Disarmonia_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Haha, don't you hate when people who quit keep going on the forums?


    ~PWI status: Retired
    P.S. and happily ever after: with Aneu~
  • Lypiphera - Heavens Tear
    Lypiphera - Heavens Tear Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Hell, I'm not going anywhere, but may as well participate in the fun

    Favorite moments:

    -Having 13 white named players hunting me around a 1k streams legion event and focusing so hard on it that people I'd enlisted as spotters noted 8 of them not even killing the legion mobs.
    -Non-stop TT runs for 47 hours before passing out in my chair when trying to finish my tt90 gear at level 82...
    -Watching the poor people trying to dig flowers during the valentines day event have Jewelscalen dragged onto them.
    -Doing TT with my "harem" as they chose to call themselves.

    Greatest Achievements:

    -Getting my physical defense higher than my magical defense in tt90+ gear
    -Surviving a flight from Archosaur to DWP with 5-8 people trying to gank me the entire flight.
    -Surviving Glacial Wrath down to 10% before they nerfed frostland and took away some of the gear I wanted.
    -Surviving Ancient Evil in tt 2-3 at level 78.

    Biggest regret:

    -Not being able to maintain Evolution's strength before I left.
    -Allowing myself to be disconnected from many of the friendships I've built throughout the year of gameplay.
    -Giving away expensive gear only to have the person I gave it to go into pk mode without angels and drop it.
    -Spending waaay too much money to maintain my ability to be as generous as possible and improve my character beyond neccessity.
    Another wall of text completed.
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Favorite Moments:

    -Joining Radiance finally after several months of trying.
    -Waiting anxiously for the Rad and RoC battles to end.
    -Marrying Rawthorne after several months of waiting.

    Greatest Accomplishments:
    -Being in Radiance when we conquered Archosaur for the first time (yea the PvE battle).
    -Being promoted to an officer in Radiance
    -Getting 90 and going sage
    -Getting a gold genie

    Biggest Regrets:
    -Spending too much money on the game
    -Not having a lot of in game currency to buy things I really need
    -Spending all my spirit on my genie thus causing me not to have enough for sage skills
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • Torm - Heavens Tear
    Torm - Heavens Tear Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Oh if Defected can come back and post so can I.

    Favorite moments-
    - Tw's against RoC
    - Radiances downfall
    - helping build Enrage to the status it was
    - Ksing Oracle event for hours on end
    - Killing people in the cube before my final exit

    Greatest accomplishments
    - 12k HP BM
    - one of the top Bm's in lvl and kills and still on the list after not playing for almost 5 months
    - Running TW's for Radiance and Enrage - only having 1 loss ever when running TW

    Biggest regrets
    - not rolling on a PvP server
    - ever spending a dime on this game- to easy to play the market
    - not having a game like the one Im playing now come out sooner
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    If Torm and Def can come back and post so can I.

    fav moments:
    - Help building TE
    - Capturing first land on the server.
    - Laughs and giggles with random guildies.
    - 5 hour fb19.

    - my predictions, which other servers admired (and copied).
    - befriending lots of awesome ppl.

    - I didn't stay with TE during its toughest times.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    A 5 hour fb19 o.o?
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • Lypiphera - Heavens Tear
    Lypiphera - Heavens Tear Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    A 5 hour fb19 o.o?

    Yes, back when the cool people started and the highest level was... 20, fb 19 took a while since you had to bring 12s and such along to have enough kill power.
    Another wall of text completed.
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Yes, back when the cool people started and the highest level was... 20, fb 19 took a while since you had to bring 12s and such along to have enough kill power.

    Ooooh, sounds like a lot of work I would have no patience for lmfao.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • Aliella - Harshlands
    Aliella - Harshlands Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Favorite moments:

    -when guard sun was killed and everyone was happy then flipped out when he didnt respawn for 30minsb:victory
    -got into kirisute and made a bunch of friends! like Sam_ and sam2 XD
    - when fox wanted a husband so i made her one XD good times then i got an axe and was having fun killing things.

    Greatest Achievements:

    -getting to lvl 30
    -tamed flying pig TWICE IN A ROW!b:victory
    -being there when guard sun was killed or for part of it XD good times, i was having a panic attack because the pig was coming like like 10-20mins XD
    -being part of history! :D

    Biggest regret:

    -not lvling my cleric more
    -not killing historyX because he killed me TWICE!

    but im not quitting yet, atleast until the tideborns come out. i've seen where they live :victory but im not telling you guys where it is :D