Mistrust in Sanctuary..

Sarunya - Sanctuary
Sarunya - Sanctuary Posts: 117 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
Hey everyone who is interested enough to read this,

I will try to keep it short.

A few days ago my faction (Enelysion) and I apparantly stirred something by overbidding others in our attempt to be able to fight a land (we got overbidded first, but no one is interested in that anyway). We promised our members a TW so I did my best. It was even exiting! After bidding time was closed, some apparantly felt the need to call us fake bidders. Don't see the point in that, but hey, there are always cry-babies. We didn't care too much about it.

Now, last night we had our attack on Nefarious, the harshlands. We got in with about 30 man and tried our best. We did manage to bring down a nice percentage of their crystal, but unfortunately our defense wasn't strong enough and our crystal was destroyed quickly. I am proud of my sweeties though, for working so hard while having so little manpower and such a strong enemy.
Again, someone (who I will not name) screams in worldchat that we're fake bidders. If you've opened your eyes for once you might've seen that there others walking around pwi too. And around your 100+ level I'd expect more from you. Seriously, where is your honor?

..Not long after the TW my friend from our faction asked me to come to Archosaur. We had a chat with Miriade, our old friend back from Steel. Apparantly her husband turned out to be there too and we had a laugh. I mean, I just tried to kill him in TW and now we're chatting there without a care in the world.
That was, untill someone from Regicide passes by and sees us. Immediately she starts pointing with the finger and shouting "YOU ARE GETTING PAID BY NEF". Oh sure, I would sooo do that in public. Anyway we try to make a joke out of it but she's persistant with her accusation. Supposed to have screenshots. Of what? Our tea party?
Apparantly she couldn't wait to spread this little gossip, because me and my friend got pm's with people asking if Nef paid us, why we overbidded other factions, and more weird stuff. Who are you to decide I can't overbid anyone? I can say we've worked hard for the money to be able to go to TW and a part of it even came from member donations. Fair enough that we can decide which land we want to attack, and not get pushed aside because we are "less known".

But back to the point, has this come so far that people can't even have fun with eachother because they are in diffirent factions? I feel sorry for Nef leader because this way he won't be able to chat with anyone outside his faction at all.
Ofcouse we all have our opinions at Legendary/Nefarious but in the end (most of them, lol) are all normal people, and generally friends of many too.

Still, some people who are displeased with the situation try to ruin the fun that's left. Has the mistrust become this big in Sanctuary? I always had such a good time on this server but this.. -sigh- This is what displeases ME. Unreasonable accusations, gossip, faction haters, mistrust, unloyalty.. I think you get my point so I'll shut up now. :\

Sorry about my rant and thank you for reading. Maybe I'm just taking this all too serious but.. I don't know :\ Please share your opinion and be nice.

Love, Sar.
Post edited by Sarunya - Sanctuary on


  • RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary
    RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    You want my opinion?

    This is a weak attempt to derail Regicide's good name off of the track.


    Like you didnt know Miriade's husband was Devalis, Leader of Nefarious. Give me a break.

    Also, if your story is true, i doubt nefarious allowed you to even touch their crystal. They roll down everyone in their path.

    Can it lady.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International

    b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye
  • Narkral - Sanctuary
    Narkral - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Its an unfortunate situation, I mean i have seen both Leg & Nef players working side by side, does this mean they are in each others pockets, well i for one dont dont think so, it is only the small minority that just cant handle their own Jealousy of others.

    It would not supprise me in the least if there are some players out there who are so evil-minded that they purposely go out there way to pull down this faction or that person. For instance, I have been wandering around Archosaur for past two days and have yet to glimpse one Member from either EQ Faction or Hopeless Faction, could it be that someone out there is trying to discredit Nef by making these factions and making it look like it originates from Nef? I seen plenty of other players from say like HalfMoon & Phsycotic to know they are actuall factions an not phantoms.

    So if players want to have a go at someone then have a go at those who go out there way to Harrass innocent players, make snide remarks about this or that faction. Playing PWI is meant to be an enjoyable experience, pity some go out their way to spoil the fun.
  • _makina_ - Sanctuary
    _makina_ - Sanctuary Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    If you tw your will have ur guild name dragged through the mud cause there is always people who wanna complain (famed triple attack didnt get the right three guilds or they just got owned hard) or talk trash just cause they want to with no facts. Its like when Nef was saying Leg is hacking in tw, Recluse was said to be saving legendary by out bidding Regicide a couple weeks back, Regicide being paid by Leg or swaping some members with Leg so Reg lasts longer in tws, Leg going to die out cause Asterelle isnt serious enough a leader to group them up about three weeks ago, even though they are false accusations, be prepared to be talked about.
  • Sarunya - Sanctuary
    Sarunya - Sanctuary Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    You want my opinion?

    This is a weak attempt to derail Regicide's good name off of the track.


    My point here is not to "derail Regicide's good name". My point is that there is too much gossip going on and people trying to wreck eachothers factions.
    I was honestly thrilled to see that regi made a change in the map after such a long time.

    It HAPPENED TO BE someone from Regicide. Excuse me if I used their name but it is just a fact. The person from worldchat wasn't though.
    You want my opinion?

    Like you didnt know Miriade's husband was Devalis, Leader of Nefarious. Give me a break.

    Ofcourse I know who she is married to. What is your point here?

    Like makina said.. It's like people feel the need to drag eachother trough the mud while I think we all have the same goal. I've given a situation in which such a thing happens.
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Unfortunately, factions, especially large successful factions, sometimes get not-so-great people in them. But this happens in every faction.

    And people's accusations are often silly.

    (But legendary and nefarious have zillions of territories and any faction bid on them, and I do not understand how anyone can be seriously "outbid" when both have idle territories.)
  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    If you were outbid, rebid your original territory. Don't outbid someone else's. It's only natural for drama to occur, especially if you do it to strong guilds like Regicide. The fact is, they stand a chance, you do not. If you damaged Nef's crystal, it's because they let you, simple as that. It may sound harsh, but the fact you can't possibly win is undeniable.
  • PELZwife - Sanctuary
    PELZwife - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    You want my opinion?

    This is a weak attempt to derail Regicide's good name off of the track.


    Like you didnt know Miriade's husband was Devalis, Leader of Nefarious. Give me a break.

    Also, if your story is true, i doubt nefarious allowed you to even touch their crystal. They roll down everyone in their path.

    Can it lady.

    phoenix ur a ****in ****

    1. she wasnt attempting to derail regicides 'good' name, however you attacking the **** out of her sure as hell did derail it
    2. duh she knew who her husband was, she said she didnt know he was GOING TO BE THERE, learn to read u dumb ****
    3. nefarious has a lot of battles at the same time so their entire faction isnt at the same place so its possible they got to nefs crystal before nefarious got reinforcements.
    4. "can it lady." seriously? you seriously used that insult? this isnt the 70s u god damn **** dumpster
  • Protanganist - Sanctuary
    Protanganist - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    This story doesn't make any sense. You say Nef's crystal was touched? Lies. Unless....they didn't make any towers what so ever. Post some screen shots.

    If you "did" touch the crystal, then we're sure your daddy faction got pretty angry.

    So many idle lands, yet you kept outbidding the other factions. Same applies to RedRaiders. *waits for Nef alt to respond..coughs _ _ _ _Abuse*

    Why don't you "ally" factions just admit..that yes you are being paid to **** up the TW times for others. We all know it. Its part of politics.

    But at some point, why don't you start taking pride in YOURSELVES and stop depending on the big two. This is just crazy.

    We fail to see why you even tried to make valid faction name..it should have been Nef1, Nef2, ect.
  • PELZwife - Sanctuary
    PELZwife - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    This story doesn't make any sense. You say Nef's crystal was touched? Lies. Unless....they didn't make any towers what so ever. Post some screen shots.

    If you "did" touch the crystal, then we're sure your daddy faction got pretty angry.

    So many idle lands, yet you kept outbidding the other factions. Same applies to RedRaiders. *waits for Nef alt to respond..coughs _ _ _ _Abuse*

    Why don't you "ally" factions just admit..that yes you are being paid to **** up the TW times for others. We all know it. Its part of politics.

    But at some point, why don't you start taking pride in YOURSELVES and stop depending on the big two. This is just crazy.

    We fail to see why you even tried to make valid faction name..it should have been Nef1, Nef2, ect.

    once again you ****ing **** noobs didnt read what she said.

    she said she bid FIRST and got outbid by SOMEONE ELSE so she just had a bid war with that faction. learn to read and play and nefs forces would of been divided and towers arent hard to take out unless ur a ****ing noob like u
  • Protanganist - Sanctuary
    Protanganist - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    once again you ****ing **** noobs didnt read what she said.

    If the majority of people say an orange, is well the color of orange. Then it must be really orange. The minority might need to have vision checked..color blindness perhaps?

    My my someone is getting a little defensive.
  • Reminissions - Sanctuary
    Reminissions - Sanctuary Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    If the majority of people say an orange, is well the color of orange. Then it must be really orange. The minority might need to have vision checked..color blindness perhaps?

    My my someone is getting a little defensive.

    That is w-r-o-n-g . Majority isn't right , but give the feeling they are , because they're a lot to say one thing .
    In some psychology test , psy demonstrated that people tend to follow the majority , even if it's clear that the majority is wrong , they just do not want to be left out .

    Minority simply have less right to talk , and in consequence , less chance to be listened. Means that even if they are right, people will go the easy-way , to be accepted .
  • Sarunya - Sanctuary
    Sarunya - Sanctuary Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Well you can go and hate but that's just sad. ^^ Because this is exactly my point, Protanganist. I have friends in Nef and so you immediately assume I'm getting paid? You're ridiculous. Aswell for the unreasonable accusations rofl.

    You're the living proof of all I just said. Ty for that. b:thanks

    Our first bid was on the hashlands, not overbidding anyone. We ended again at the harshlands again and had our TW there.
  • Protanganist - Sanctuary
    Protanganist - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Ah so a p-l-a-y-e-r speaks out.

    Majority isn't correct? Oh..so the psycho that thinks its ok to butcher people up and eat them is also correct in doing so. Duh why can't we just get these things?

    Then again this is also coming from p-l-a-y-e-r that joined a faction that threatens other factions...oh wait...those other factions make up the majority of the server. We're so confused.
  • Dominatiger - Sanctuary
    Dominatiger - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Drama... QQ and much more on this topic.

    Sarunya really dont bother with people saying " you are fake factions and you are doing fake bidds", they said the same thing about my faction around 2 months ago. I trully belive you could hit the Nef crystal,, since I was able to hit Leg crystal a few times, and they dont use towers against weak factions (its really rare if they use towers against weak factions).

    Oh... and dont feed the trolls... they use an avatar with level 1 to hide his true self
    Happy Sauce face

    Manufactured by Konariraiden
  • tenj#7625
    tenj#7625 Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Having fun is good, but I thought it was against the rules to bid if you have no real intention of winning.

    Enelysion's constant overbid of Legendary makes questions arise. I'm not sure what this is supposed to accomplish except block a legitimate attack?
  • SarahC - Sanctuary
    SarahC - Sanctuary Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    This is great, thanks for posting this Sarunya, it's amazing that a faction can no longer have fun in TW, without these accusations. I think it's quite interesting that people think we couldn't of damaged the crystal, that there was NO POSSIBLE way, but in fact we did. b:chuckle

    I love Miriade and Sarunya, they have both been friends of mine for awhile in this game and both are always there if I need them for support or a laugh. b:kiss Makedians stick together right? hehehehe

    Continue the accusations and drama if that lets you sleep at night...

    GF Nefarious!
    GJ Enelysion, very proud of all you guys! b:victory
    "Anyone wanna doing cube atm?" - Aya
    "I click Release Corpse and it tells me I can't perform this action while dead." -Saveless
  • Reminissions - Sanctuary
    Reminissions - Sanctuary Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Ah so a p-l-a-y-e-r speaks out.

    Majority isn't correct? Oh..so the psycho that thinks its ok to butcher people up and eat them is also correct in doing so. Duh why can't we just get these things?

    Then again this is also coming from p-l-a-y-e-r that joined a faction that threatens other factions...oh wait...those other factions make up the majority of the server. We're so confused.

    The point I was making is that your previous post was wrong in his conclusion , I wasn't applying it to ingame thingies .
    I don't see since when Nefarious-Legendary are threatening others factions , I don't even see how they can makes pressure on them ? Because there is no way to . No KOS etcetc .

    I just know enelysion is a true faction started by former member of Rebirth , who left when it was a sinking ship .
  • Katzyn - Sanctuary
    Katzyn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,270 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    One thing I've learned from this game - there are always douchebags lurking in the shadows, trying to tear down anyone they can, whether they have a good reason or not.

    I'm sure you guys gave your best, and that's ALL that matters. Don't let some petty accusations ruin the fun you had, or take away from this learning experience.
    Katzyn, level 101 Demon Veno
    Kylenea, level 99 Demon Cleric
    ForestSonata, level 6x Mystic
    Proud wifeh of Yudai <3
    ~Courtesy of the amazing Forsakenx~
  • Reminissions - Sanctuary
    Reminissions - Sanctuary Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Having fun is good, but I thought it was against the rules to bid if you have no real intention of winning.

    Enelysion's constant overbid of Legendary makes questions arise. I'm not sure what this is supposed to accomplish except block a legitimate attack?

    When did Enelysion outbidded Legendary ? There'd be no interest for them to do that , since they know LG would win the bid anyway <.<
  • EThantos - Sanctuary
    EThantos - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Oh... and dont feed the trolls... they use an avatar with level 1 to hide his true self

    You know that always makes me wonder, all these lvl 1 avatars hiding in the shadows. I guess they aren't man enough to speak their mind with their true identity. If you can't say words with your true identity then you're opinions are meaningless.

    As to Sarunya, there are going to be those who will knock down others when they get the chance because they themselves feel more powerful doing so. If in your heart, you know you aren't doing anything wrong or fake bidding then that's all that matters. Keep your head high and fight the good fight.
  • Ayano-chan - Sanctuary
    Ayano-chan - Sanctuary Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I don't see since when Nefarious-Legendary are threatening others factions , I don't even see how they can makes pressure on them ?

    Oh really now? Perhaps you don't check your own chat box often enough of seeing how sinangel was saying some weeks ago on how regi will get a charm bleed TW and loose their land if they dare to step up against nef again. And here's the proof this week,attacking the land that regi took from us.

    As to Sarunya ,tell me...out of all those lands leg/nef have ,why do you bid on specific ones only. And "fun"? *Cough* since when is it fun getting steam rolled in 5-10 mins?
    Seriously now,who are you trying to fool? Seem's some ppl need to get banned,next week we'll be more cautious. Have a nice day.
  • Reminissions - Sanctuary
    Reminissions - Sanctuary Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Oh really now? Perhaps you don't check your own chat box often enough of seeing how sinangel was saying some weeks ago on how regi will get a charm bleed TW and loose their land if they dare to step up against nef again. And here's the proof this week,attacking the land that regi took from us.

    As to Sarunya ,tell me...out of all those lands leg/nef have ,why do you bid on specific ones only. And "fun"? *Cough* since when is it fun getting steam rolled in 5-10 mins?
    Seriously now,who are you trying to fool? Seem's some ppl need to get banned,next week we'll be more cautious. Have a nice day.

    You're making me laugh actually .
    First, one person aint a faction. You know it as well as I do, I believe and hope. Second, Nefarious attack on Regicide territory is a fact, but please notice Nefarious didn't attacked this territory the first week Regi got it, but the week after, and that is after Regi attack Nefarious. You can say "LG wouldn't have acted like that." I don't care , it's still legitimate defence .
    Plus , a threat would have as a goal to make them not to bid. Nefarious never did anything to prevent a faction from bidding on their lands.
  • Briegg - Sanctuary
    Briegg - Sanctuary Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    Now i've stopped playing but i still most of the factions
    and members on this server

    Enelysion i do not doubt that you could have touched their crystal
    most faction's can you just have to bull rush straight down the middle

    But that's not the point
    I'm very sorry that a regicide member accused you of fake bidding
    but this is not something that needs to be posted on the forums
    In regicide we try to hold our members to high standards be fair
    don't flame, and be a good sport about everything

    If you have a problem with one of our members or want to report abuse
    please talk to one of our guild officers and we will try to deal with it a best we can
    But please refrain from posting topics like this
    that as anyone can see will only lead to a flame fest
    and won't solve anything
  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Drama aside, the fact remains that you, leading a weak faction that has no chance of winning, outbid a large faction that has chance of winning at the last minute. This could have saved Nef a land. The net effect is the same, no matter what your intentions are.

    Of course people will make those reasonable assumptions, given the net effect. When enough people qq, gms will look into trade records, and if you just happen to make a large trade with a Nef member, ban hammer comes down. Is that worth it? There are lots of lands. Do what others do, rebid your own land, instead of overbidding larger factions like Regicide, Recluse, Outlaw, etc. Do that and you will never be in hot water.

    Besides, why do you feel the need to compounding your troubles by making a flamebait thread like this? Always keep one thing in mind: the net effect of your actions were the same no matter what your intentions are. You have possibly saved Nef a land, and so people will talk. Learn a lesson and not repeat the same mistake, instead of making excuses.
  • Miriade - Sanctuary
    Miriade - Sanctuary Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Oh yeah... There we go again! As I said in some thread, Sanctuary without drama isn't fun...

    Yeah Saru and SarahC, I felt very disturbed with what happened yesterday. Even more because those who really know me and the girls know that we are friends for a long date... Me, Sarunya, SarahC and Makeda was guildmates in Steel. Actually, in the last weeks in Steel, we was in the same squad for tw. Btw, tw against Nef, a faction that, in those days, I was used to just hate. I was used to hate Nef because most of the Neffies I knew was rude and arrogant. And, after join many guilds, I arrive in Nef and yes, I can say I was wrong, because in Nef - as Saru said - we have normal ppl, as in any other faction. And today, I love the faction I'm in. But it doesn't make me unrespect the other factions.

    Yes, we had 10 tws this weekend. So, all of these that can't win agains us are fake bid? Give me a time! In the last weeks just 2 factions won against Nef: Dreaming and Legendary. So it means just they can bid on us? Ah come on!

    Tw is one of the most fun things to do in PWI. For this motivation the factions that usually tw are those that have more members. Because yes, it's fun.

    Regarding one of the points that Saru talked about, it's ridiculous that ppl can't talk with those in other factions. Honestly, it's a big BS. I have friends in many factions, in Regicide, in Legendary, in LIONSOUL, in Outlaw, in Recluse, in Enelysion and many other factions. So, if me and my husband talk to any person in any faction it means we are paying them? Wow! That's fantastic... So yeah, thinking like this, we pay every faction to attack us. Come on...

    I respect my friends. I respect those who are clever and nice with ppl from other factions. And, if was like this (that we can't have fun with players from other factions) would be expected that we, ppl from Nefarious, don't talk to ppl from Legendary... You know what I think about it? Fluffy! I have some friends inside Legendary and I really respect them. Why? Because before anything, they are nice ppl that desearves my respect. Before being Legendary ppl, they are human beings.

    Seriously, there isn't a rule that forbid us to talk to players from other factions. And, if it was a rule inside PWI, I would've stopped playing for a long time already. We are not in one apartheid by faction, we are not in a dictatorship world.

    After all, I don't give a **** for those who think that me, Saru, SarahC and Deva can't talk to each other. Devalis and Sarunya are leader of factions? Yes, they are. But also they are human beings and they have the right of talking to any person they want.

    But of course, gossips and this sort of ignorant coment will come... And... Fluffy it!

    And for those who will talk some trash about all I talked here: don't expect me to answer, because I won't waste my time with ppl that just want to bring drama for a game that was supposed to be fun. b:angry

    Saru and SarahC: all my love and respect for you. b:kiss
  • Katzyn - Sanctuary
    Katzyn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,270 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Amen, Miriade. Very well said.
    Katzyn, level 101 Demon Veno
    Kylenea, level 99 Demon Cleric
    ForestSonata, level 6x Mystic
    Proud wifeh of Yudai <3
    ~Courtesy of the amazing Forsakenx~
  • Bobbyjoe - Sanctuary
    Bobbyjoe - Sanctuary Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    You want my opinion?

    This is a weak attempt to derail Regicide's good name off of the track.


    Like you didnt know Miriade's husband was Devalis, Leader of Nefarious. Give me a break.

    Also, if your story is true, i doubt nefarious allowed you to even touch their crystal. They roll down everyone in their path.

    Can it lady.


    20% how many catapults did you send?
  • Singsung - Sanctuary
    Singsung - Sanctuary Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    This story doesn't make any sense. You say Nef's crystal was touched? Lies. Unless....they didn't make any towers what so ever. Post some screen shots.

    If you "did" touch the crystal, then we're sure your daddy faction got pretty angry.

    So many idle lands, yet you kept outbidding the other factions. Same applies to RedRaiders. *waits for Nef alt to respond..coughs _ _ _ _Abuse*

    Why don't you "ally" factions just admit..that yes you are being paid to **** up the TW times for others. We all know it. Its part of politics.

    But at some point, why don't you start taking pride in YOURSELVES and stop depending on the big two. This is just crazy.

    We fail to see why you even tried to make valid faction name..it should have been Nef1, Nef2, ect.

    Yes, my alt barb is in RedRaidrs but that in no way makes RedRaidrs a Nef alt faction. They are as legitimate as it comes. When I first joined RedRaidrs, I told them that whatever is discussed in RedRaidrs stays in RedRaidrs and whatever is discussed in Nef stays in Nef and they were okay with that. I know that RedRaidrs were looking for a favorable TW time slot so they might get lucky and get a territory like Dreaming once did. I believe Sarunya's faction was doing the same thing, thus not willing to give up the bid on a particular TW land. I guess whatever faction I join with my barb will be a Nef alt now. I was in Law for a while, maybe they're Nef alt too. b:shocked
  • __Necro__ - Sanctuary
    __Necro__ - Sanctuary Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I lol at you accusing RedRaidrs of being a nef side faction.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    what was your purpose for entering tw? if it was simply to have fun, why does it matter which land you bid on? some factions went in with the purpose of acquiring a specific piece of land, that's why some factions wanted to bid near the northwest area of nef. leg for example, i'm assuming they wanted a 2nd land next to 1k, so they placed a bid on ancient wall.

    if you were outbid on harshlands, why not outbid them back on harshlands or bid somewhere else? why did you have to go around outbidding everyone else? was it that important to you that you had to have tw around 1k? if your answer was yes, then are you saying that you seriously went in with the intention of capturing a land near 1k? or did you just want to **** everyone else off? of course there's speculation - you guys kept bidding near 1k, outbidding larger factions with more refund value. care to explain those bids and outbids so the veil of speculation is taken away?

    of course, there's no contempt on my part toward enelysion or nef, i don't even know you guys. it's just something i've wondered ever since seeing that large string of bids last week. whether you wanted to mess up timeslots, raise every other faction's bids, or just to flat out troll everyone, that's all fine by me, but i want to know! b:chuckle
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
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