SG1OWNS.Where are your brains??!!



  • TemptingYou - Lost City
    TemptingYou - Lost City Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    This is too funny...

    Let me point out a few things for some of you:

    Number 1 - CQ did not attack Spec this week either. Therefore neither guild can say anything about attacking, not attacking, etc.

    Number 2 - TW does not have to be every weekend. Obviously CQ lives for the 10 minute lame wars, GG to them, although proves the boredom point (one in which I actually agree.

    Number 3 - Tatuaje, no idea who you are, and why you feel the need to comment in here like you know something about TW as a level 45.

    Number 4 - War, your troll in the forums is getting boring at best, get in game and level or gtfo. You have already stated that you are rarely in the game as it is.

    Number 5 - Ever think people are bored with CQ? Ah hah!! The QQ masters that cannot PvP 1v.1 and even when in a group like to hug the sz. The egos in CQ are laughable at best. Half the members are there for the lousy salary. But if they do not know how to make their own money then so be it.

    Number 6 - Tokyo, you are a hypocrite. If you were still in RQ you would be on the opposite side of this argument. The ego fits the guild.

    ---> You are all LAME!! GTF over yourselves!! Here is a hint = IT IS A GAME!!
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    This sort of backtrackery is why I left RQ.

    *poke* your sig still says ragequit :x
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    *poke* your sig still says ragequit :x

    Rather ironic don't you think?

    Its ok he is part of the "original" RQ not the PWI based RQ b:chuckle

    He will leave once (game name omitted) comes out, he is not on much as it is.
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    This is too funny...

    Let me point out a few things for some of you:

    Number 1 - CQ did not attack Spec this week either. Therefore neither guild can say anything about attacking, not attacking, etc.

    Number 2 - TW does not have to be every weekend. Obviously CQ lives for the 10 minute lame wars, GG to them, although proves the boredom point (one in which I actually agree.

    Number 3 - Tatuaje, no idea who you are, and why you feel the need to comment in here like you know something about TW as a level 45.

    Number 4 - War, your troll in the forums is getting boring at best, get in game and level or gtfo. You have already stated that you are rarely in the game as it is.

    Number 5 - Ever think people are bored with CQ? Ah hah!! The QQ masters that cannot PvP 1v.1 and even when in a group like to hug the sz. The egos in CQ are laughable at best. Half the members are there for the lousy salary. But if they do not know how to make their own money then so be it.

    Number 6 - Tokyo, you are a hypocrite. If you were still in RQ you would be on the opposite side of this argument. The ego fits the guild.

    ---> You are all LAME!! GTF over yourselves!! Here is a hint = IT IS A GAME!!

    1) Attacked riot to stop them from being able to attack a city next week... even if we took 1 rq land they still can and Spec can't either since they only have 1.
    L2STRAT K, Thanks

    2) If the 10 minute wars are so lame. Why bother bidding on cq then?
    TW's SHOULD be every weekend when Athran promises "Devine Punishment"
    He is full of hot air and pretty much backed him and his guild into a corner they cannot get out of.

    3) Skipped

    4) I did GV with war last night and got him 3rd map And he is lvl 95... fairly sure that's better than 95% of the server.

    5) No, the whole reason I left RQ was because I could no longer argue on their side because I didn't agree with anything they or the "Tri-Zerg" was doing. Hence why I'm here not there.

    Unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful TemptingYou... bb lulzb:victory
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    (not trying to start something) didnt YourMom leave RQ too? :o *Ganders at her sig.. GASP!*
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited July 2009

    Number 3 - Tatuaje, no idea who you are, and why you feel the need to comment in here like you know something about TW as a level 45.

    If you don't know who I am by now that's not my problem. This is only my forum character so don't jump so quick to conclusions because you see a lvl there.

    Atleast I show a picture of one of my characters.

    Another one of your points.

    When you are the size of CQ why do they need to take more. They can just sit back and wait for people to challenge them. The rest of us need to step up to the plate every week or shut up about them having so much control over the map. b:bye
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • TemptingYou - Lost City
    TemptingYou - Lost City Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    1) Attacked riot to stop them from being able to attack a city next week... even if we took 1 rq land they still can and Spec can't either since they only have 1.
    L2STRAT K, Thanks Said SPEC, put glasses on, I said nothing about Riot.

    2) If the 10 minute wars are so lame. Why bother bidding on cq then?
    TW's SHOULD be every weekend when Athran promises "Devine Punishment"
    He is full of hot air and pretty much backed him and his guild into a corner they cannot get out of. What's a matter, sad no extra TW for CQ? Well, not all of the TW's are lame but CQ and there ego's like to think that 10 minutes is some kinda of victory. Other guilds have and could do it too.

    3) Skipped

    4) I did GV with war last night and got him 3rd map And he is lvl 95... fairly sure that's better than 95% of the server. I stated that he was not on as much, rather he is in the forums more then the game. And getting the 3rd, I will give him a cookie when I see him next.

    5) No, the whole reason I left RQ was because I could no longer argue on their side because I didn't agree with anything they or the "Tri-Zerg" was doing. Hence why I'm here not there. Hypocrite I maintain, please do not make me pull up all the things you have said about CQ on this and the RQ forums. Too cumbersome really and I have better things to do.

    Unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful TemptingYou... bb lulzb:victory

    Oh and if you think I am trolling you are greatly wrong. I was making a few points that would be lost had my main posted. And has I been trolling, I would not have been so "nice". b:bye
  • Yukiko - Lost City
    Yukiko - Lost City Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    When you are the size of CQ why do they need to take more. They can just sit back and wait for people to challenge them. The rest of us need to step up to the plate every week or shut up about them having so much control over the map. b:bye

    b:cute Nicely put.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    1) Attacked riot to stop them from being able to attack a city next week... even if we took 1 rq land they still can and Spec can't either since they only have 1.
    L2STRAT K, Thanks

    2) If the 10 minute wars are so lame. Why bother bidding on cq then?
    TW's SHOULD be every weekend when Athran promises "Devine Punishment"
    He is full of hot air and pretty much backed him and his guild into a corner they cannot get out of.

    3) Skipped

    4) I did GV with war last night and got him 3rd map And he is lvl 95... fairly sure that's better than 95% of the server.

    5) No, the whole reason I left RQ was because I could no longer argue on their side because I didn't agree with anything they or the "Tri-Zerg" was doing. Hence why I'm here not there.

    Unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful TemptingYou... bb lulzb:victory

    This made me laugh. It has been a good morning.
    When you are the size of CQ why do they need to take more. They can just sit back and wait for people to challenge them. The rest of us need to step up to the plate every week or shut up about them having so much control over the map. b:bye

    I agree with you on this, but I personally also think that there needs to be more then just a few guilds attacking them.
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited July 2009

    Its ok he is part of the "original" RQ not the PWI based RQ b:chuckle

    He will leave once (game name omitted) comes out, he is not on much as it is.

    So am I , I don't see what the deal really is.

    Oh and if you think I am trolling you are greatly wrong. I was making a few points that would be lost had my main posted. And has I been trolling, I would not have been so "nice". b:bye

    Troll doesn't know what Trolling is. /facepalm
    Well, not all of the TW's are lame but CQ and there ego's like to think that 10 minutes is some kinda of victory. Other guilds have and could do it too.

    Even when we lost to Riot under 3way attack where we had like 3-4 party max @ their war, we lasted longer than 10min.

    4)I stated that he was not on as much, rather he is in the forums more then the game..

    I log when I have something to do, if I'm not in game I'm usually still in vent so if something comes up I can log. That is until that famous date.
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Oh and if you think I am trolling you are greatly wrong. I was making a few points that would be lost had my main posted. And has I been trolling, I would not have been so "nice". b:bye

    Sounds like a lot of backtrackery to me imo.

    You can't troll if you don't know how hence why I said "Unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful"

    And War straightened you out on his "inactiveness"

    So I fail to see why you're still posting ?

    Oh! Please bring up my post tid bits since you're so familiar with them b:thanks
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    no one is quoting my shenanigans Q~Q

    (Yes i googled shenanigans to make sure it was spelled correctly..)
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    no one is quoting my shenanigans Q~Q

    (Yes i googled shenanigans to make sure it was spelled correctly..)

    You do not count....LOL!!! b:cute

    And I fail to see why people always get caught up in an alt posting nonsense...b:chuckleb:surrender
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • MyNameIsPooh - Harshlands
    MyNameIsPooh - Harshlands Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    You do not count....LOL!!! b:cute

    And I fail to see why people always get caught up in an alt posting nonsense...b:chuckleb:surrender

    Whatever, bob is awesomesauce. He does count.

    And me either, alts who post are stupid.

    Wtf no picture under my avatar, what the b:fatb
    I R NO ALT >:O
  • Column - Lost City
    Column - Lost City Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Omg this is all too much for me, b:cry "heads to CQ" b:surrender
  • TemptingYou - Lost City
    TemptingYou - Lost City Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Oh! Please bring up my post tid bits since you're so familiar with them b:thanks

    A personal favorite:
    I think you CQ people... or perhaps just the forum warriorz really over estimate themselves.

    Your guild won't be able to stop 3 wars @ once. Esp when 2 of those wars bring 80 people now.

    Your guild has all these numbers but how many of those are banned 9x? (ala fiery and DREDD) Or others alts now (ChaosLegened)

    I won't even begin to try to argue the fact that conq has the top 80 for a tw with relative ease.... because it's true.. however

    You had trouble fielding for 2 fake wars and an rq war with 40 members....

    Someone is in for a rude awakening in another 2 or 3 weeks.

    I can just see the threads now


    You Versus War
    Lol, you fail to see the point, I'm well aware we lost. I was never arguing that fact. I was merely arguing the point saying rq was the worst coordinated guild was terribly inaccurate :3

    Tip- Stating facts is not bragging. Saying your crystal was down to 40% is a fact. Bragging would somehow insist I was boasting about the accomplishment ( or lack there of) or trying to rub it in your face.

    Thanks for playing though.
    Oh, I'm sorry I can't hear you over the sound of your BACKTRACKERY.

    So by your own guilds mouths apparently we were the biggest threat during that tw night (despite having the lowest turnout). And you've all of a sudden have backed off saying we are the worst coordinated guild.... Your moonwalk towards the exit is sexy. Let me see more <3
    I wish Riot, RQ and Spec would all merge into one guild... That would make for an epic 3 hour tee dubwa!
    I'm in this game for the lulz and funzies. The game was boring in rq. Whenever pvp broke out it was call spec/riot zerg. Pvp consisted of me trying to get to someone in time to hit them before they died because we always out manned cq 2,3 ,4 to 1. Not what I signed up for when the server started and I was with the real original RQ.

    TW is no diff. 20 minute tw's consisting of ninja to the crystal while minimal forces are trying to defend us because of a 3 guild attack also doesn't do it for me.

    ----> I am out now. Bored, but thanks for playing! It was fun b:bye
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Whatever, bob is awesomesauce. He does count.

    And me either, alts who post are stupid.

    Wtf no picture under my avatar, what the b:fatb


    ---> And LMAO to the above from TemptingYou
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Column - Lost City
    Column - Lost City Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Ouch. b:victory back to saving IRL b:thanks

    Although i do give credit to Trev for the invention of "backtrackery" i was actually there that day!!!
  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Big lol @ the fact that you brought up the argument me and tokyo had. Just proves how seriously people like you take this game, expecting us to hold grudge over past forum trolling.

    Sorry we're too smart to go that low.
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    You quoted a lot of stuff but what are you getting @?

    So far I get I've argued with warmachine about rpk in SP

    And Me QQ about wanting better TW's

    How is that Flipping sides and being a hypocrite?

    Besides you're post things that happend 4 5 6 months ago.

    Server is a lot different now =o

    People guild etc change.

    Picking fights with individuals in a guild is not picking a fight with that guild.

    *looks around* Looks pretty hypocrisy clean to me.. feels good man

    K, thanks bye.
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • TemptingYou - Lost City
    TemptingYou - Lost City Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    1. The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.
    2. An act or instance of such falseness.
  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited July 2009

    How is that Flipping sides and being a hypocrite?

    That's actually pretty funny, so much for calling people hypocrites about changing side when those ex-bloodlusts that are now in Spectral and Riot used to hate RQ and now they teamed up together.
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    *stamps thread*

    Further proof that all PvP Server-Goes shall be called RAEGbears.


    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    dekciw wrote: »
    That's actually pretty funny, so much for calling people hypocrites about changing side when those ex-bloodlusts that are now in Spectral and Riot used to hate RQ and now they teamed up together.

    I know right?

    I mean @ least the posts I made were true... CQ ended up not being able to field enough people to defend 3 wars because CQ HAS lost land.

    I was stating a fact and apparently that makes me a hypocrite because I didn't stay in RQ to keep tw against Conq QQ.b:surrender
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    dekciw wrote: »
    That's actually pretty funny, so much for calling people hypocrites about changing side when those ex-bloodlusts that are now in Spectral and Riot used to hate RQ and now they teamed up together.

    This is why I am glad to have never hated RQ b:chuckle

    Although it is amazing how sides shift when people move from guild to guild. Not sure though about all this hypocrisy stuff, still thinking on this. But it is a game after all b:cute
    *stamps thread*

    Further proof that all PvP Server-Goes shall be called RAEGbears.



    ---> This thread is great!! Keep up the good work...go go go!!
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited July 2009


    ---> This thread is great!! Keep up the good work...go go go!!

    I'm here to entertain. ~.^

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I'm here to entertain. ~.^

    Thats my job, gtfo. ಥ~ಥ
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Sigh... I happily joined RQ cause there were so many people in there I wanted to be in a guild with... most of them left the guild.
    There are... *counts fingers* I think about... 5 or 6 people left in RQ (aside from the friends I've convinced to join with me) thats keeping my **** in RQ.
    If those people ever leaves RQ, then I'm gone for good too.

    SG1OWNS... good job.
    My charm can take a nice relaxing break this weekend! =D
    I'm broke down to the very penny... I gotta pick up lil coins here and there outside arch west just to fund my dailies. Its no fun :(

    Sigh.. I wanted to write something meaningful, but I really can't think of anything.
    The wars are fun, the game is fun, why get so angry over each other for?
    Consider it a break. Insulting each other isn't gonna help anyways... yawn.

    P.S I'm so carebear. :o
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Thats my job, gtfo. ಥ~ಥ



    ಢ_ಢೂ PEW-PEW!


    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited July 2009


    ಢ_ಢೂ PEW-PEW!


    ಥ~ಥ <-way better