Best PVPer You've ever faced



  • Starr - Harshlands
    Starr - Harshlands Posts: 331 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    QQ, high 8x with a nix complaining pvp is too easy, having 2 nixes wins a LOT of fights by itself. But enough people have hit 90 by now that there is actually some nice serious pvp going on.

    Also you can try fighting Xulin again now that he's 90+ and spent as much money as you probably did on this game b:chuckle

    i guess you need to attend the Zoolander school for boys that can't read good. i was not attacking Xulin. he actually kept mobs off me while letting me loot his drops. i thought it was really sweet b:cute

    i have yet to spend any money on this game. i believe that free 2 play really means free.
    the good Starr
  • Starr - Harshlands
    Starr - Harshlands Posts: 331 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Noone in SP?

    I'm so sorry for you, level 30 RPKing gets boring.

    please find 1 person that has ever seen me pk ing in SP or pk ing lvl 30 ish.
    please learn basic math and then try again.

    the good Starr
  • Ixta - Harshlands
    Ixta - Harshlands Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    please find 1 person that has ever seen me pk ing in SP or pk ing lvl 30 ish.
    please learn basic math and then try again.


    I did, wasn't in SP, but you did..

    next question?

    PS. Seriously who cares?
  • MD - Harshlands
    MD - Harshlands Posts: 577 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    hmm nix veno will stay top no matter what, no one can lie about the facts

    but as level getting closer and closer to 100, every class become more stronger compare low 7x/8x
  • Starr - Harshlands
    Starr - Harshlands Posts: 331 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I did, wasn't in SP, but you did..

    next question?

    PS. Seriously who cares?

    i guess you do because you bothered to bring it up. ss plox cause i call you out as a big fat hairy liar.
    btw, go back and read the black text. you may seriously be the last one on the server to figure out there are 2 Starr(r) s b:victory
    the good Starr
  • Ultimate - Harshlands
    Ultimate - Harshlands Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I did, wasn't in SP, but you did..

    next question?

    PS. Seriously who cares?

    i hate how ppl talk **** about SP w/o even knowing why ppl first started playing there. It's such a misconception.

    In a land far far away there was real PvP and a weekly even named Arenas where ppl could PK non stop each other for some nice income and without worrying about freaking nixes or doll burning. The dev and Gms looking down on the mere gamers felt jealous and took the arenas out of the game(A.k.A More income if they actually have to burn dolls)
    In a fail attempt to keep the non-flying fights alive ppl moved to instances and SP got popular.
    The years passed and all high lvl ppl left the game and the few remaining just started to kill what was left..... The poor noobies.
    In commemoration of such a **** ceremony the GMs felt bad and created the PK rank list. Since them such brave legends such as Ascii have raised on the server all server. Long Life to the lowbie PKing b:embarrass

    P.S: real lowbie PKing for PK rank doesn't even go off in Sp to start with. Why stand in a small place when you can pay 3000 coins a tele and kill 10~30 ppl each time from orchid to heaven's tear.
    Anyway, WTB Arenas, fully functional cube, Forrest ruins, non glitched instances, bleed fix, and non-cash shop updates.
  • Iffy - Harshlands
    Iffy - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Ultimate its time to start doing GV again so get on vent =)
  • Ultimate - Harshlands
    Ultimate - Harshlands Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Ultimate its time to start doing GV again so get on vent =)

    O-o U seriously doing GV? i may come for that. Still need a whole bunch of old book pages. Only Icon can afford to run cube96+ rooms everyday for them.
  • Iffy - Harshlands
    Iffy - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Yeah we got a new 9x bm to take bearies spot ^^
  • Ultimate - Harshlands
    Ultimate - Harshlands Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Yeah we got a new 9x bm to take bearies spot ^^

    b:shocked more BMs to the top of the rank. ZZZZZ meh all fun i guess. I'll log in the weekend. Im actually taking classes + helping my brother in some university's orientations. Bored as hell b:infuriated
  • Xprestigex - Harshlands
    Xprestigex - Harshlands Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    i hate how ppl talk **** about SP w/o even knowing why ppl first started playing there. It's such a misconception.

    In a land far far away there was real PvP and a weekly even named Arenas where ppl could PK non stop each other for some nice income and without worrying about freaking nixes or doll burning. The dev and Gms looking down on the mere gamers felt jealous and took the arenas out of the game(A.k.A More income if they actually have to burn dolls)
    In a fail attempt to keep the non-flying fights alive ppl moved to instances and SP got popular.
    The years passed and all high lvl ppl left the game and the few remaining just started to kill what was left..... The poor noobies.
    In commemoration of such a **** ceremony the GMs felt bad and created the PK rank list. Since them such brave legends such as Ascii have raised on the server all server. Long Life to the lowbie PKing b:embarrass

    P.S: real lowbie PKing for PK rank doesn't even go off in Sp to start with. Why stand in a small place when you can pay 3000 coins a tele and kill 10~30 ppl each time from orchid to heaven's tear.
    Anyway, WTB Arenas, fully functional cube, Forrest ruins, non glitched instances, bleed fix, and non-cash shop updates.

    you can fly in arenas and use nixes, areana fights arn't just ground fights anything and everything goes, only thing that can't be used in arenas are dolls (thank god), so really if they opened arenas i think they would get more money because people would be useing charms in them a lot, arenas are good charm burners, they may not use dolls but when people see that they don't have to worry about dolls more will come to the arena and this makes more charms tick.

    Im pretty sure more people went to sp to kill low levels then to just hide from nixes (or mabye they do both), but both ways u could call them cowards. BTW pwi hasnt been alive long enough to say "The years passed", pwi hasn't even been out for 1 year, let alone "years".

    forest ruins without the glitch would be nice too....
    Our GMs, which art invisible,
    Hallowed be thy Alma,
    Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in godless valley,
    As it is in fb29.
    Give us this day our daily quest.
    And forgive us our banning,
    As we forgive those who ban us.
    And lead us not into random pk,
    But deliver us from Hell
    For yours is the Perfect World, the power and the glory,
    Untill the server crashes
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Yeah we got a new 9x bm to take bearies spot ^^

    soz im irreplaceable
  • Iffy - Harshlands
    Iffy - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    soz im irreplaceable

    actually I need to ask you what auras and **** you did so come on vent
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    i'm sure the other bm is capable of clicking npc's
  • Escobar - Harshlands
    Escobar - Harshlands Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    For the record, the fight between xheart and I took place in SP. He was full buffed and I was self buffed. Full buffs + true emptiness Zzzz
  • Ultimate - Harshlands
    Ultimate - Harshlands Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    you can fly in arenas and use nixes, areana fights arn't just ground fights anything and everything goes, only thing that can't be used in arenas are dolls (thank god), so really if they opened arenas i think they would get more money because people would be useing charms in them a lot, arenas are good charm burners, they may not use dolls but when people see that they don't have to worry about dolls more will come to the arena and this makes more charms tick.

    Im pretty sure more people went to sp to kill low levels then to just hide from nixes (or mabye they do both), but both ways u could call them cowards. BTW pwi hasnt been alive long enough to say "The years passed", pwi hasn't even been out for 1 year, let alone "years".

    forest ruins without the glitch would be nice too....

    +1 for the sig b:laugh

    BTW my post was just spam. you can ignore the whole "story" and just read the rest andd it will be still the same.