FB tabbers dont deserve drops



  • Temptresss - Lost City
    Temptresss - Lost City Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    They don't, period, end of story. It is ridiculous that these children have the audacity to sit back and do nothing most of the time, then expect to reap the rewards, and leave us runners empty handed.

    Far from empty handed. You get xp for doing something other than endlessly grinding on mobs, which is nice for a change, and you get the chance to be included in fbs of friends that you invite along. Or later on that person may continue to request you to come along on fbs, which equals even better xp/spirit rewards. This also gives you a chance to test your metal against bosses and mobs and see just how effectively you can solo so you can know your limits if faction members require assistance with non-fb bosses. I have no trouble doing fb's and helping the tabber as best I can to ensure they get their drops.

    And another thing, half the time the tabber has no idea what's going on. They know nothing about the fb run or the chance for drops on the boss. It is a courtesy to give the drops to the tabber, not a rule. If your so self-centered that you can't give the drops to someone who could use them more than you, then don't. Be your greedy self and keep what you get.

    Otherwise, don't do fbs. More for me! XD
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Actually is more like the herd mentality. People are conditioned to go with the flow, and even if deep inside one agree's with the OP, most people will go with the herd instead of standing their ground. You also have a little cross into the entitlement-generation here, people keep thinking they are "entitled" to things, on both sides of the argument.

    It's actually not because of a "herd mentality", but because it's a seller's market due to a limited supply with respect to the tab, and it's a buyers market if the tabber is shopping for a group to help. If the tabber is looking for a group, then they can be picky because they have the tab, so they can choose the group with the terms they like the most, such as, the one that lets them get the mold/three star if it drops. They can ignore the group that stands there demanding an equal chance at the drops from the boss because those aren't terms that the tabber will necessarily like.

    So, by looking at it from a capitalistic perspective, it's not a herd mentality, it's a matter of supply and demand.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    It's actually not because of a "herd mentality", but because it's a seller's market due to a limited supply with respect to the tab, and it's a buyers market if the tabber is shopping for a group to help. If the tabber is looking for a group, then they can be picky because they have the tab, so they can choose the group with the terms they like the most, such as, the one that lets them get the mold/three star if it drops. They can ignore the group that stands there demanding an equal chance at the drops from the boss because those aren't terms that the tabber will necessarily like.

    So, by looking at it from a capitalistic perspective, it's not a herd mentality, it's a matter of supply and demand.

    When was the last time you saw anyone reply to one of these threads and admit that the reason they give the drops to the tabber is because if they don't the tabber can just go find another group to run their FB? They just use the herd excuse. That was what I was referring to, not so much trying to explain why it happens, which I agree with you, it is because of supply and demand for those FBs.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    i just dont run fbs very often in general...exp without monetary reward is...undesirable to me, such that i fear i might reach a certain level and be too poor to buy the equipment that i want. so i just grind, a...lot.

    i dont think this issue is so clear cut. if the molds are not called beforehand, and the run is not wined, then the drops are free for all. it's really about just being nice to the lower levels. i mean if i get some sort of mold in fb51, i'm not going to use it, might as well let the tabber have it, since he/she probably can make use of it or probably can use the coin, right? but that's my decision, not the tabber's right, especially if the mold was not called, the run not wined. it's more about the attitude of the tabber than anything. when something drops, you can't refuse a "can i have it please?" very easily, but you sure as hell can say no to a "give it to me".

    i think both tabber and helpers should be nice for a fb run to go smoothly.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Sarugami - Sanctuary
    Sarugami - Sanctuary Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    If you think it's unfair then don't ask or beg to do their FB. There are plenty of others who willing to do it unconditional. I personally think molds and 3* should belong to the tabber and other drops put it on random. When it come to my time doing my FB....i will hope that the people who do my FB will do the same for me as I've done for others.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    My own personal views aside, look at it from a simple balanced perspective.

    Tabber supplies: Tab
    Runners supply: Power.

    Tabber recieves: Quest completed, Double Rep, but less EXP than Runners.
    Runners recieve: Half Rep, but more EXP than Tabber.

    Now at this point, saying Tabbers DESERVE the molds/3stars because of what they supplied, and what they get is pointless, as both sides got and gave an equal amount.

    So, I can see the OP's view on this. Tabbers don't DESERVE everything, as they haven't supplied any more to this run than the Runners have. The Tabber could run the FB with similar leveled friends, but instead chose to run it with a high leveled group to take out the effort and pain. Either side could use that mold, the Tabber could use it for actual gear, the Runner could have a friend, who has been desperate for it, or need it for money.

    That's all I'm going to say on this. I have my own opinion, but from a purely logical perspective, neither side deserves the molds more than the other. How you take that is up to you.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    My own personal views aside, look at it from a simple balanced perspective.

    Tabber supplies: Tab
    Runners supply: Power.

    Tabber recieves: Quest completed, Double Rep, but less EXP than Runners.
    Runners recieve: Half Rep, but more EXP than Tabber.

    Now at this point, saying Tabbers DESERVE the molds/3stars because of what they supplied, and what they get is pointless, as both sides got and gave an equal amount.

    So, I can see the OP's view on this. Tabbers don't DESERVE everything, as they haven't supplied any more to this run than the Runners have. The Tabber could run the FB with similar leveled friends, but instead chose to run it with a high leveled group to take out the effort and pain. Either side could use that mold, the Tabber could use it for actual gear, the Runner could have a friend, who has been desperate for it, or need it for money.

    That's all I'm going to say on this. I have my own opinion, but from a purely logical perspective, neither side deserves the molds more than the other. How you take that is up to you.

    I think the point has been missed that, from what I've seen in game, the drops in question are the boss drops, not everything else, so...

    Tabber: boss drops
    Everyone else: splits everything else
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I think the point has been missed that, from what I've seen in game, the drops in question are the boss drops, not everything else, so...

    Tabber: boss drops
    Everyone else: splits everything else

    That would make sense, however, most squads set it to random, so the tabber is also getting his chunk of those random drops as well. And, yes, it is the boss drops we're talking about, I should have clarified that in my post.
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    That would make sense, however, most squads set it to random, so the tabber is also getting his chunk of those random drops as well. And, yes, it is the boss drops we're talking about, I should have clarified that in my post.

    If you're running your FB with massively higher levels, which I've done before, I haven't seen a single one yet stop to pick up those drops. If they don't want them enough to pause ten seconds to pick them up...

    Nah, I have no problem with giving the runners every drop except the molds/3*. If I'm tabbing+wining the dungeon, I usually ask to be the 3*/mold bank, and I use the ones I can, and sell the ones I can't. Then I mail my runners their share of the profits.

    Why do tabbers deserve their drops? It's their quest. It's like helping them with a culti boss and expecting a cut of their spirit reward.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    If you're running your FB with massively higher levels, which I've done before, I haven't seen a single one yet stop to pick up those drops. If they don't want them enough to pause ten seconds to pick them up...

    Nah, I have no problem with giving the runners every drop except the molds/3*. If I'm tabbing+wining the dungeon, I usually ask to be the 3*/mold bank, and I use the ones I can, and sell the ones I can't. Then I mail my runners their share of the profits.

    Why do tabbers deserve their drops? It's their quest. It's like helping them with a culti boss and expecting a cut of their spirit reward.

    Now you're throwing wine into the equation. In that case, the tabber does deserve the drops, as they have supplied more than the runners.

    And before anyone accuses me of being greedy, I do give molds, etc to tabbers, but I don't run random FB's. I only do them with friends. So seeing the politics behind random FB's is actually quite amusing.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited July 2009

    Why do tabbers deserve their drops? It's their quest. It's like helping them with a culti boss and expecting a cut of their spirit reward.

    And that is why you see tons of rooms labeled "We do cult bosses" and "factionX cult boss room" and people using teles to WC "join room 4 for your cult bosses"
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    That would make sense, however, most squads set it to random, so the tabber is also getting his chunk of those random drops as well. And, yes, it is the boss drops we're talking about, I should have clarified that in my post.

    The type of loot distribution used isn't really relevant to whether the tabber getting the boss loot (or what they want of the boss loot) vs everyone else getting the other loot is balanced.

    Note: random looting is the default, and most players probably don't take the time to change it to free looting or possibly even know how/that there are other settings.
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I actually wasn't making an equation at all, I just wanted to point out that most high levels don't even bother with DQ piles much less coin poiles :p

    The wine is just what I do. I understand your equation, and it makes a lot of sense, but most random FB runners won't do 59+ without wines, and very very few will wine for the tabber (Rose, I know you do <3 You save people so many mid mats I am sure b:chuckle), so wines really *have* to be part of the equation for the FBs spoken of.

    I still stand by my point though.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    they cant just 'wait' till they can solo it, as theres a limit on levels above the fb in which tabs work.

    isala's post seems to make the most sense here so far.

    *blink* *blink* You do know that tabs cannot be used when soloing a FB, right?

    And, when we want your opinion about what makes sense, we'll tell you, ok?
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    boo4u wrote: »
    the person who started this thread is stank..yeah tabbers deserve all drops because they provide US or YOU the fb runs for exp/rep.So eat monkey buttb:laugh

    Actualy, the only reason they do that is because THEY CANNOT do them alone with their friends or they do not want to spend 3 hours doing one quest.... or do you really think they would even be talking to you if they were able to do those quests in a timely manner with their friends?
    They want the convinience of having a FB39 done in 20 minutes instead of spending 3 hours or more doing it with people their level. Obviously the high levels want a break from grinding and get some decent exp/rep in 20 minutes.
    If you took that away, you would have as many people advertising FBs and rooms open for FBs as you have now for Cult bosses or Wrath Ploy help....

    Both parties are getting something out of it. Whoever deserves what is something for people that are doing the FB to talk about before they start.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • MentalEdge - Heavens Tear
    MentalEdge - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Tabber should get mold on their fb,the end.

    If you want to be a greedy prick and take someones chance of getting a rare genuinely usefull item or coin for once,then you won't be on anymore fbs,word gets around servers fast.
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
  • Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear
    Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Personally I think the drop grabs should just be set on Random and left there. That way everyone has a chance at something and if they do not want it they can give it to the Tabber. If they do want it to help recoup their costs for tanking, pot using, etc... then they have a chance to get something.

    When the Tabber starts having to use Wines (FB 59 etc...) things do start getting more ugly as far as compensation because the Wines are VERY expensive for someone of that level if you work out the cost so in that case the Tabber should get their Drops. In FB 51 considering how much **** you have to go through and even without Tabs the runners should get everything to make up for the inanity of the quest.

    I for one have always hated FB's when I am the Tabber. You are so WORTHLESS as the tabber even though you are supposed to be "leading"...Yeah right. You do not know what to expect or do at all and most of the time you could only offer token resistance to the enemies at the level you GET the quest at. The idea that you could be helpful is laughable as you will struggle to kill or tank even the normal minions and do not even THINK about messing with the bosses...When I had my 59 done (when I was 66 or so) the runners kept telling me I could join in on the boss kills but I just did not bother. I figured "Why even try? Killing these bosses is not for me because I am too weak to hurt them and I already paid these guys to kill them for me with the Tabs & Wine so I may as well just sit back and let them do all the work and get all the damage." and so that is exactly what I did. I followed them around and tabbed when needed and otherwise did nothing at all (just like on my FB 19 back in the day). Then they thanked me for the FB LOL...I thanked them and told them they did not need to thank me because I did not DO anything. Well that was a lie because I provided the wine but besides that...

    That is why I skip any FB I do not HAVE to do until much much later. I do not need to deal with that BS and to be frank the rewards from FB's are often not nearly worth the resulting expenses and time wasted unless something amazing were to drop so unless you are doing them for a friend or guild member (as I still do frequently) you are getting jipped.
  • Reivi - Sanctuary
    Reivi - Sanctuary Posts: 742 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    my opinion regarding FB runs. ( I'll speak for all my faction)

    1st = we only do Runs for of faction/ friends.
    2nd = Some time we invite people to our runs.

    You all talk about profits from Xp/ Rep you get from the fb runs
    - The only profitable Fb is the 59 in terms of Xp / Rep
    Before they dont give much and after, you get less than doing a 59.
    (i do get more rep in 10 minutes every day, than doing Fb 39/51 - And being a veno with Herc i do farm FB 59 unwinned for darkness stamps)

    Regarding molds/3*
    - IMHO drops should be given to the one that may most profitate from it, use it. After asking the tabber if he wants it or not (Resale is not an issue)

    - FB 69 + can be farmed (mats are easily farmable for these ones) and they have a decent loot ratio when running untabbed.

    Now, lets get to back to the subject:

    this will only talk to people 89 + (and its not a good exemple, i could find better, but this ones comes easily to mind)

    - imagine your running in an FB89, the tabber is a barbarian, some boss loots the book youve been trying to farm for 2 mounths... (the book isnt for barbs)
    You'd kill for this book, but the tabber gets it and dont want to give it.

    How do you react?

    [- Isala was the first person to have good POV and arguments in this post so far.]
    I look at all the trollers, and Pvpers.. and know they wouldnt have lasted 30sec on Camelot.

    Rules= Know your enemy (players and NPCs) gives you more chances to survive.
  • MentalEdge - Heavens Tear
    MentalEdge - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    my opinion regarding FB runs. ( I'll speak for all my faction)

    1st = we only do Runs for of faction/ friends.
    2nd = Some time we invite people to our runs.

    You all talk about profits from Xp/ Rep you get from the fb runs
    - The only profitable Fb is the 59 in terms of Xp / Rep
    Before they dont give much and after, you get less than doing a 59.
    (i do get more rep in 10 minutes every day, than doing Fb 39/51 - And being a veno with Herc i do farm FB 59 unwinned for darkness stamps)

    Regarding molds/3*
    - IMHO drops should be given to the one that may most profitate from it, use it. After asking the tabber if he wants it or not (Resale is not an issue)

    - FB 69 + can be farmed (mats are easily farmable for these ones) and they have a decent loot ratio when running untabbed.

    Now, lets get to back to the subject:

    this will only talk to people 89 + (and its not a good exemple, i could find better, but this ones comes easily to mind)

    - imagine your running in an FB89, the tabber is a barbarian, some boss loots the book youve been trying to farm for 2 mounths... (the book isnt for barbs)
    You'd kill for this book, but the tabber gets it and dont want to give it.

    How do you react?

    [- Isala was the first person to have good POV and arguments in this post so far.]

    The books in 89 are a dime a dozen,not like they're rare lol easy enough to pick one up,if you're waiting for 2 months for a book,what have you been doing up to lvl 89?
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
  • Reivi - Sanctuary
    Reivi - Sanctuary Posts: 742 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    The books in 89 are a dime a dozen,not like they're rare lol easy enough to pick one up,if you're waiting for 2 months for a book,what have you been doing up to lvl 89?

    no need for trolling.; just read ;)
    myself wrote:
    and its not a good exemple, i could find better, but this ones comes easily to mind

    and be more constructive
    I look at all the trollers, and Pvpers.. and know they wouldnt have lasted 30sec on Camelot.

    Rules= Know your enemy (players and NPCs) gives you more chances to survive.
  • Eternalnub - Heavens Tear
    Eternalnub - Heavens Tear Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    i didnt read any posts just OP's ...wat kind of tard u are ? ofcourse tabber keeps drops or u out of money ? make veno and stop crying...glad i quited this game...but i like forum trolling :P
  • Eleckzar - Heavens Tear
    Eleckzar - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    They don't, period, end of story. It is ridiculous that these children have the audacity to sit back and do nothing most of the time, then expect to reap the rewards, and leave us runners empty handed. That is a quest they could not accomplish otherwise alone, and they are recieving a favor. Undoubtedly, one could expect more than just a miniscule amount of reputation and experience as gratitude!

    On the other hand, for every person like me, there is a conformist willing to abide by these rules in order to fufill his own agenda as reputation is hard to come by. One can attempt Justice Quests, and One Man Armies within about an hours time, amass some experience, and a sliver of rep. Or they can work in a similar amount of time for nearly double the reputation these give.

    Either way, one is working, and one should recieve rewards for doing such.

    The tanker, he will undoubtedly have rapidly diminishing durability on his equipment, and charm as he holds the aggression of the mobs at hand. The healer, will suffer the same fate as the tanker if not even more if he required to use Regeneration Aura for said mob. The list can surmount to numerous reasons of why the runners would need disbursment from a share of expensive molds!

    Little noobs do not 'deserve' million dollar molds, and the thought that they do makes them as 'greedy' as he who wants a share or to take that mold!

    So hats off to you greedy piglet noobs!

    This post is Pure WIN.

    The OP has desended into such a state of morbid stupidity because of a cursed video thats doing its rounds on the internet.

    Documentary on Ghosts captured on film ~Directors Cut~
  • MissEbil - Heavens Tear
    MissEbil - Heavens Tear Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    ur a idiot frankly, the reward helpers get is exp and rep the reward the tabber gets is drops, ur obviously a drop stealer which is y not postd on ur main or even put pic/lvl/server, and moaning that helpers dont get enuff if u dont want exp or rep then dont help on fb's simple, also im a tank and i couldnt give a toss how much dmg i take on fb's cos i get exp and rep to make up for it b:thanks

    Can't be bothered to read most of the thread, but I agree with Pp.
    Really, you're a coward not to post your char picture, because you know you'd never get invited to another fb ever.
    At my level, I help with a lot of fbs, I get like 20k exp for fb19, which is frankly a walk in the park as I can one shot everything. Your reward is exp, spirit and the Rep you don't get from grinding for literally no work.
    I say GTFO and go grind yourself stupid if you don't like FBs.
    Proud member of the VenoMafia.

    b:flower Read my FanFic! b:flower
  • Vincent_son - Sanctuary
    Vincent_son - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Eh I feel that for FB's 19-59, it doesn't really matter what the drop situation is. Most or all of the molds that drop up through 59 aren't worth a substantial amount of money, and it is more likely the tabber would be able to put them to use.

    I wouldn't do an FB69+ without random drops though, the thought of giving up, for example, a Tauran Cape, Misty Ring, Demon Slaughter Belt, or Cape of Elite Leather seems silly to me. b:chuckle
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I wanted to respond to a lot of comments, but it's really simple.

    1) If you don't like giving tabber drops, don't do tabbed fbs. Farm your own.

    2) You are NOT obligated to run another's FB, you are not entitled to their 3* and mold drops.

    3) You are getting PAID XP and REP to help with their quest.

    It's really just that simple.

    If you want to call that XS or cape or LY or whatever, get a group together, farm FBs without a tab and stop whining like a neglected, greedy little brat. People do that you know? :P
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • BratFury - Heavens Tear
    BratFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Tear I'd like to point you to the forum rules, and point out that in this post alone you are breaking about 3 to 4 of them. Which would explain why you are banned in the first place and then using another alt to post. Which is against the rules too if you read them.

    They are not harsh with the rules, it specifically states in there that insulting is against them. Altho I see lots of people do this and never even get a slap on the wrist, my guess is you did something fairly serious to get the ban hammer. (will you learn from it)? I doubt it as a leopard doesn't change its spots.

    That said, I brace myself for the next insult you'll hurl. After all as you proved with this post the last word has to be yours.

    Oh and just because people do not agree with your opinions doesn't make them idiots, cry babies, whiners, morons, or mentally disabled. Its quite possibly that someone who disagrees with you is rather intelligent and because of that they see things differently than you do.
    all the conclusion jumpers make me lol. it was established on page 2 i was the OP. read my sig, and use referances from posts as context clues.

    hell yes i take drops if theyre on random and i get it. do i still get FBs? yes i do, many of them, daily.

    all the rest of you are pretty much broken records and idiots yourselves. all you all do is say 'WUT KINDA IDIOT R U!? O COURSE DEY GET DROPS!' without explicitly listing one reason why these people deserve them any more than anyone else. yeah, so a low level could use a mold, but a runner could also use the money, or mold to help a guildie/friend. dont be so tunnel minded.

    drops belong on random, period. everyone deserves a chance at them. it you wanna go on that whole 'someone deserves them more' mentality, its just like clerics and tanks mentioned in the original post.

    i am a veno as my main dingus :P you arent a very good troll. if you want, i can teach you how to be a thread arsonist and get more flames going than a **** bar in san fransisco.
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    all the conclusion jumpers make me lol. it was established on page 2 i was the OP. read my sig, and use referances from posts as context clues.

    hell yes i take drops if theyre on random and i get it. do i still get FBs? yes i do, many of them, daily.

    all the rest of you are pretty much broken records and idiots yourselves. all you all do is say 'WUT KINDA IDIOT R U!? O COURSE DEY GET DROPS!' without explicitly listing one reason why these people deserve them any more than anyone else. yeah, so a low level could use a mold, but a runner could also use the money, or mold to help a guildie/friend. dont be so tunnel minded.

    Your opinion.

    Basically, it's exactly like saying something like "Mirage Stones should only be worth 15k. You could make up some excuse like "nubs get them all the time free from quests" and say "I'm only paying someone 15k end of".....

    ...but in the end it doesn't change the fact that people are willing to pay 25k. And the majority are willing to pay that price, which is why the market has set at that value. Supply and demand. If someone is willing to share on random, fine. But if people are willing to offer all drops in exchange for exp, then you can't blame tabbers for choosing to take drops, same as you can't blame someone selling an item at market value.

    You...of all people, should be able to solo an FB easily. So why do you even care? If you wanted to post your honest opinion and explain it logically, maybe you wouldn't have been flamed so much.

    Myself, I have fb59 to do, and after spending several hundred thousand worth on wine, I'm not even going to bother unless I get drops. I'm perfectly willing to share darkness stamps, dq items and normal equips too. If no one felt I deserved drops and wouldn't help, then I'd accept it and move on.
  • Seveneyes - Harshlands
    Seveneyes - Harshlands Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    all the rest of you are pretty much broken records and idiots yourselves. all you all do is say 'WUT KINDA IDIOT R U!? O COURSE DEY GET DROPS!' without explicitly listing one reason why these people deserve them any more than anyone else. yeah, so a low level could use a mold, but a runner could also use the money, or mold to help a guildie/friend. dont be so tunnel minded.

    drops belong on random, period. everyone deserves a chance at them. it you wanna go on that whole 'someone deserves them more' mentality, its just like clerics and tanks mentioned in the original post.

    Just to quickly state my opinion on this. My own view on the situation is that all molds should go to the tabbers.

    The reason being is quite simply, where else should they go that takes into account the fairness for all parties? Imagine doing a fb59 and getting one mold drop from each boss. The molds are set to random and it's agreed they don't go to the tabber. How hard done by would you feel if one went to each other player but you? Would it be a worse feeling than if the 5 had all been traded to the tabber?

    Beyond what I stated above, every player should experience each fb for themselves once, so if they get a chance getting the molds in each of their own fbs, then every player on the server gets the chance of getting the molds in each tabbed fb once.

    Is that not fair throughout?
  • _malkavian_ - Dreamweaver
    _malkavian_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I wanted to respond to a lot of comments, but it's really simple.

    1) If you don't like giving tabber drops, don't do tabbed fbs. Farm your own.

    2) You are NOT obligated to run another's FB, you are not entitled to their 3* and mold drops.

    3) You are getting PAID XP and REP to help with their quest.

    It's really just that simple.

    If you want to call that XS or cape or LY or whatever, get a group together, farm FBs without a tab and stop whining like a neglected, greedy little brat. People do that you know? :P

    +3 lml ~_~ lml

    and if you didnt get a mold or even a penny in your FB well bad luck go and farm FB`s if you dont want to farm FB`s make a new character get your tabs again and do it xP at least my rule is : THE TABBER KEEPS THE DROPS xP

    @ Eleckzar : cant stop watching the video @_@ its awesome @_@
  • Arliana - Dreamweaver
    Arliana - Dreamweaver Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Okay then. There is 1 solution to your problem. Just run the fb without tabs. Go ahead. Spam fb 19 and farm molds. No one is stopping you.
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