People need to stop throwing the word "ks" around.



  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    you could just try killing the mobs with your barb. Ya know, so other people can get their quests done too. jerk.

    I could have done a lot of things, but I didn't. I am following my own rules (first shot gets the mob), and in no way did my rule undermine any of PWI's established rules. If you don't like it, do something about it (or get someone stronger to do something about it).
    If you want something changed, either do it yourself or get others to do it for you. Screaming and spaming chat box won't accomplish anything. And of course... calling me a jerk probably won't help much either.
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I could have done a lot of things, but I didn't. I am following my own rules (first shot gets the mob), and in no way did my rule undermine any of PWI's established rules. If you don't like it, do something about it (or get someone stronger to do something about it).
    If you want something changed, either do it yourself or get others to do it for you. Screaming and spaming chat box won't accomplish anything. And of course... calling me a jerk probably won't help much either.

    *poke* What if we asked please...? =^.^=

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    What did you use to get on that high horse of yours? It's easy acting all big and tough safe in your room, far away from the origin of those pixels. But I doubt you'd cut in any line in the big world out there. I think you got bullied one too many times in kindergarten.

    By the way, why don't you show your level 90 Archer here on the forum? And if Mr. Toughguy is so amazing he's swimming in virtual money, how come he didn't use it to buy oracles or the likes for his Barbarian? If you're trying to boast or enlarge your "e-peen", at least try to provide some proof of your "l33t skillz".

    I didn't get rich by spending money. And hey... if pwi do another oracle thing, you can be sure i will buy more. But sadly, i used my oracles on my archer. And here is the kicker... i don't really feel the need to prove anything to anyone. I do/act how i wanted.
    There are a fair amount of people who know my main. And if they see me in game and can get a stronger person to take the mobs. you can be sure i won't be complaning in a chat box... i'll simply move on and come back later.
    I do believe in one thing thou and it hold true in real life and in game. He who has the gold makes the rules.
  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    *poke* What if we asked please...? =^.^=

    i generally would invite people to squad when questing for mobs if they ask. But that guy didn't ask, and as i said before, i don't go around asking randoms if i can help them.
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i generally would invite people to squad when questing for mobs if they ask. But that guy didn't ask, and as i said before, i don't go around asking randoms if i can help them.'cha. I always ask anyone around if they need help with quests if they're killing the same mobs as me...though I still find it a little unnerving when someone just randomly invites me... <.<;;

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Wrathfulsynn - Heavens Tear
    Wrathfulsynn - Heavens Tear Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Oh geez. T_T

    Ok. I would say that it's been covered in several of the posts before mine what KSing is. However, you should apply it in a different sense. Did the person do it intentionally? Did they do it multiple times? Has this person followed you?

    In what limited experience I have, in any kind of game, an individual attempting to steal your kill generally has a motive. Either they don't care who you are and only seek to use you as a meat shield, or they dislike you and wish to make you miserable. Sometimes, you can tell them apart.


    Aaron arrives at the Native Vipions. He sees that nobody is killing them and he needs them for a quest. Aaron starts killing. Suddenly, Bob arrives and finishes off Aaron's kill. Aaron decides to ignore Bob and attacks another one, further from Bob. Bob attacks Native Vipions in the area of his arrival, but does not pursue Aaron.

    Aaron is a victim of an accidental KS. Bob is a bit near-sighted, but not a KSer.

    Aaron arrives at the Native Vipions. He sees that nobody is killing them and he needs them for a quest. Aaron starts killing. Suddenly, Bob arrives and finishes off Aaron's kill. Aaron decides to ignore Bob and attacks another one, further from Bob. Bob follows and finishes off the kill, again. This happens over and over until Aaron leave, to fight Tauroc Leaders. Bob does not follow.

    Aaron was the meat shield. Bob was leeching, but still KSing.

    Aaron arrives at the Native Vipions. He sees that nobody is killing them and he needs them for a quest. Aaron starts killing. Suddenly, Bob arrives and finishes off Aaron's kill. Aaron decides to ignore Bob and attacks another one, further from Bob. Bob follows and finishes off the kill, again. This happens over and over until Aaron leave, to fight Tauroc Leaders. Bob follows and continues to finish off Aaron's monsters.

    Aaron is being punished. Bob is an angry KSer

    In conclusion, the the barb was not KSing. The OP was not KSing, but he was poaching.
    Good post? d=(^_^)=b
    Bad post? q=(-_-)=p
    Troll post? t(^_^)t
  • Karst - Dreamweaver
    Karst - Dreamweaver Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I didn't get rich by spending money. And hey... if pwi do another oracle thing, you can be sure i will buy more. But sadly, i used my oracles on my archer. And here is the kicker... i don't really feel the need to prove anything to anyone. I do/act how i wanted.
    There are a fair amount of people who know my main. And if they see me in game and can get a stronger person to take the mobs. you can be sure i won't be complaning in a chat box... i'll simply move on and come back later.
    I do believe in one thing thou and it hold true in real life and in game. He who has the gold makes the rules.

    Nowhere did I mention you did. However, you did mention you didn't care about drops (because you seem to have 100m+).

    Of course you can act however you want. In a game that is. Civilized people tend to act on the internet just like they do in real life. People like you have a need to draw attention to themselves and a want to feel superiour. That only implies you have a lack of those in real life.

    You seem to forget that every character you see, is a real person somewhere just like you and me. You could bump into every person you'd come across on the street if you want, but you won't do that. Because you're afraid of the consequences. But you don't have these on the internet, right?

    And I don't know in what world you've been living in, but here we have laws. Hate to break it to you, but money doesn't make you stand above the law. Not even social ones.
  • qwanyinli
    qwanyinli Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    KSers do get annoying...
    tis only KSing if sum1 steals aggro and kills it,and they get teh exp

    Exactly! But there are a lot of children playing and children think its all about THEM.
  • Kittennice - Heavens Tear
    Kittennice - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I think OP has right. In his case we need a new term. Is there a term in biology when a high in foodchain predator gets into the closed ecosystem and eats it empty? Like when otter gets into a fishpond.

    If there is then that would be appropriate term instead of KS

    A hyena?b:question
    The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
    Having fun since lv1
    5 more levels baby!
    {=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )

    I'm for The Cursed!
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009 do realize that if the OP was going through mobs for her alt, it'd be for a quest right? a quest where she'd kill 50 or whatever and move on.

    if OP does this, then she probably left relatively quickly, probably less than 10min if the mobs spawn well, there shouldn't be any problems at all. you guys are forgetting the fact that if she used the barb to fight instead, she'd still have to kill the same number of mobs before moving on. perhaps even less than 10min jeez...i average 25-30 min killing 80 mobs for my justice quest

    also, i wonder what defected would say b:chuckle
  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Kazue is a waste of bandwidth, Ignore the fool and continue grinding, only so much 1 extra PW noob can do.
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • Aoe - Heavens Tear
    Aoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Of all the people who have said to me some variant of "Get out of here. This is my area. Can't you see that? I've been here for hours." not one of them has ever checked whether there was some other place that I could go to get the same mobs without similarly inconveniencing someone else. Perhaps you are different. If so, feel free to interpret my post as applying to someone other than yourself. However, since I have never seen such behavior, I chose to ignore your assumption about what the conditions were like in some area other than the one you were in as merely a self-serving assumption and get directly to the issue. And, the issue remains, why does the amount of time you have been in an area count as a good thing in terms of your right to impose all of the inconvenience on me (or on people in another area where the mobs might be found)? From my perspective, it seems more credible to see this as a reason for you to say "I've had my fun, now it's time for me to either share or move on." I recognize that sharing or moving on to the assumed less populated location is inconvenient. What I don't get is the notion that it has to be my inconvenience because you have been enjoying the game without any inconvenience in this particular location for longer than I have. That sense of entitlement is what I consider the hallmark of a mob hog.

    Again, if that is not your attitude or some other part of my scenario does not apply to you, feel free to use your open-minded approach to forum discussions and recognize my dislike for the above argument does not apply to you.

    Although i understand that you feel that someone would inconvience you... and again i see how you feel but this is a response more in my defense. One i have no problem showing a player that there are other mobs. Two actually I'm a cleric i'm looking for the lesser populated corner instead of the area of doom. Third on my veno i look for less farmed less populated area so that i am not ksing with my pet on people who are questing. As questing area's can get very tight. Fourth if i see someone in an area killing i will move to another because of common courtesy to that player... you might think i'm foolsih but I do not like ksing others nor do i like forcing them to move. Fifth I will share if it is crowded and there are other player, even if I am farming if someone is questing i will offer an invite to help them. However, on a few occasions when I am farming in a wide area where there is lots of the same mob players will come over and start to kill in the same spot as me... even ksing me to force me out of the spot for themselves. If they were polite and asked for help i don't have a problem, but that isn't the case with everyone as you know. I even had a person would ks the mob when i hit it treating me like a tank so that they wouldn't die and wouldn't party with me either. So you know although people do hog a spot for themselves i dont jump on there case about it. Some people do like to come into an mmo and have peace an quiet. The annoying part isn't the taking over the spot, its the infringement upon disrupting that person's peace and routine. A lot use this game just to get some stress release. Why do you think people fly off the deep end when they get ksed. Because people are disrupting their winding down process.
  • erethizon1
    erethizon1 Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I agree that it is quite rude for people to hog a resource for hours on end and then act like they have some god-given claim on all the resources they can see because they have been hogging them longer than anyone else.


    Very well put. While I do not make a habit of bothering people that were already grinding when I get there, I have to agree that you are not entitled to a public resource simply because you were hogging it before others arrived. The idea of having a "camp" in an MMORPG seemed really strange the first time I heard it in my first MMORPG (Everquest). At the time I thought the person telling me about it was just being selfish (which he was when I think about it) but I quickly learned that it was public policy. It seemed odd that the proper way to play a multiplayer game was to stake out a territory and make sure that no one else used it. Luckily, it is not much of a problem in this game since creatures of the same type are usually in plentiful supply so there is enough to go around. Much better than in Everquest where you would go from camp to camp until you found a spot that was not taken.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Kazue is a waste of bandwidth, Ignore the fool and continue grinding, only so much 1 extra PW noob can do.
    you sir, are the worst troll ive ever seen
  • Rakthor - Lost City
    Rakthor - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    WTH is that? Two accounts??? On the same PC??? and you have the nerve to complain?

    You are illegally running 2 accounts, plus KS'ing other players WTH do you think you are? What next, you'll complain about not being able to **** other people's account? GTFO for pete's sake, it's freaks like you that kills this game. Sheesh...

    okay, if he's on one character on a comp, how would he get another character on while still playing the other one you idiot..... have you thought he's got another computer or laptop or something???
  • Stupidus - Heavens Tear
    Stupidus - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I could have done a lot of things, but I didn't. I am following my own rules ... bla bla bla... excuses... If you don't like it, do something about it (or get someone stronger to do something about it).
    If you want something changed, either do it yourself or get others to do it for you. Screaming and spaming chat box won't accomplish anything.
    I dont think you see how hypocrite you are
    your follow your own self ingorant rules but yet complain when ppl say something to you
    you say to ppl dont spam your chat box but yet you spam and open topic in forum... yeaaaa how smart are we b:thanks
  • Drmelvin - Heavens Tear
    Drmelvin - Heavens Tear Posts: 258 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Just get rid of the veno class to stop ksers
  • Meca - Harshlands
    Meca - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ive noticed mainly on these PvE servers actualy...that there is a huge amount of incredibly lazy assed people its nearly unbelievable, around the lowbie areas there seems to be ppl helping alot with noobie quests...even the easy ones its pathetic, you will just have to grind mobs to lvl up eventualy anyway so why get high lvls to do the quests for you,

    i cant stand ppl that get high lvls to do the quests for them which makes other ppl around them that are trying to do it normaly unable to do F all cos most the mobs are gone, or possibly KS'ed. Imo either do your quests properly on ur own or with some1 ur level, or gtfo.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    erethizon1 wrote: »
    I have been accused of ninja-looting resource nodes when we both flew toward a node and I got there first. It is like the moment they spot it they assume it is theirs and that anyone that takes it after they spot it is a ninja-looter or kill-stealer.

    I used to get that all the time. I'd run towards one in a grinding spot, which I chose specifically for those, and have someone swoop down on a Flying Mount, or speed up on a Riding Mount. Now... I have a grinding Genie which comes equipped with Holy Path. I see, I get. I'm happy. b:pleased
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Still searching for new term. Already read through articles of invasive species, seizing control over resources, unbalancing ecosystems, predators, migratory locusts... but though there are terms, none of them is catchy. Moving onto diseases now...

    temporarily it could be called "plaguing"
    for example "Would you kindly stop plaguing the area?" or...
    "Yes we're very impressed that you can do all ten plagues to the mobs but please could you hurry up with your exodus, we need them too!"

    but I'm sure it's possible to come up with better term than this.
  • Drmelvin - Heavens Tear
    Drmelvin - Heavens Tear Posts: 258 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ive noticed mainly on these PvE servers actualy...that there is a huge amount of incredibly lazy assed people its nearly unbelievable, around the lowbie areas there seems to be ppl helping alot with noobie quests...even the easy ones its pathetic, you will just have to grind mobs to lvl up eventualy anyway so why get high lvls to do the quests for you,

    i cant stand ppl that get high lvls to do the quests for them which makes other ppl around them that are trying to do it normaly unable to do F all cos most the mobs are gone, or possibly KS'ed. Imo either do your quests properly on ur own or with some1 ur level, or gtfo.

    Ive noticed that this is the case mostly with quests around The Mines area because people get scared about having a timed quest and then onto the werewolf spearmen where people believe its actually a long quest. Everytime ive had quests at the werewolf spearmen someone is always mass aoeing them and it takes me a good hour to get to 10 kills its so annoying. Also the high levels stop the lower levels from actually getting exp in the area and the high level get no exp for it anyway so no one actually benefits from it.
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ive noticed mainly on these PvE servers actualy...that there is a huge amount of incredibly lazy assed people its nearly unbelievable, around the lowbie areas there seems to be ppl helping alot with noobie quests...even the easy ones its pathetic, you will just have to grind mobs to lvl up eventualy anyway so why get high lvls to do the quests for you,

    i cant stand ppl that get high lvls to do the quests for them which makes other ppl around them that are trying to do it normaly unable to do F all cos most the mobs are gone, or possibly KS'ed. Imo either do your quests properly on ur own or with some1 ur level, or gtfo.

    this is so true. my guild has these ppl that do this all the time. "need help for torgirns plz". and if we tell them we're grinding like a full length map away, they'd get the idea that their quests is more important than our grinding because we're just grinding..."well you're selfish b/c you have nothing to do and we have quests". i was like, HA PLEASE explain to me how in the world me filling up my 5.45mil exp bar is less important than you filling up your 50k exp bar.

    then theres the lvl 30s asking our clerics to come rez. what the ****...they can suck it up and regrind that in 10min for all i care. hell, i've sucked it up at my lvl when theres no clerics around me because i didnt want to rip faction clerics from across the map. some people are just so inconsiderate these days

    but luckily those members never stay long, or never lvl very high. sooner or later they realize they have to grind, and they can't take it.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    mbrunestud wrote: »
    this is so true. my guild has these ppl that do this all the time. "need help for torgirns plz". and if we tell them we're grinding like a full length map away, they'd get the idea that their quests is more important than our grinding because we're just grinding..."well you're selfish b/c you have nothing to do and we have quests". i was like, HA PLEASE explain to me how in the world me filling up my 5.45mil exp bar is less important than you filling up your 50k exp bar.

    I used to have a guy like that in my faction. Every five minutes he'd ask for help with a quest. "What quest is it?" "[Insert Wimpy Melee Mobs Here]" "You can handle those guys easy! You're a blademaster, man." "but their 2 lvls highr than meeeeee... Plz help, plz help, plz help!!!" Needless to say... He's no longer around.
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    mbrunestud wrote: »
    this is so true. my guild has these ppl that do this all the time. "need help for torgirns plz". and if we tell them we're grinding like a full length map away, they'd get the idea that their quests is more important than our grinding because we're just grinding..."well you're selfish b/c you have nothing to do and we have quests". i was like, HA PLEASE explain to me how in the world me filling up my 5.45mil exp bar is less important than you filling up your 50k exp bar.

    then theres the lvl 30s asking our clerics to come rez. what the ****...they can suck it up and regrind that in 10min for all i care. hell, i've sucked it up at my lvl when theres no clerics around me because i didnt want to rip faction clerics from across the map. some people are just so inconsiderate these days

    but luckily those members never stay long, or never lvl very high. sooner or later they realize they have to grind, and they can't take it.

    Damn right. Metal Gear.

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    And I don't know in what world you've been living in, but here we have laws. Hate to break it to you, but money doesn't make you stand above the law. Not even social ones.

    Maybe you would like to point out which law/rule of PWI that i broke? As I said before and will say again. I may be a jerk, but i have yet broken any rules.
    And get out of your bubble for a change. Like it or not, people with money have more rights. Even disneyland have a seperate line for VIP (who pay the extra $10 or whatever) and regular admission.

    I dont think you see how hypocrite you are
    your follow your own self ingorant rules but yet complain when ppl say something to you
    you say to ppl dont spam your chat box but yet you spam and open topic in forum... yeaaaa how smart are we b:thanks

    Here is the difference. I did not direct any of this at you, you can in here of your own free will and choose to read the whole (or part) thing. While in game, that guy was spamming my pm, which i am forced to read/ignore. Look at it this way. There is a difference between flyers posted on the wall at the nearest super market, then the ones that people plaster all over you car. I couldn't care less if someone fill up the message board at a local super market with stuff. But i am gonna be pissed is someone cover my car with the same junk.
  • _makina_ - Sanctuary
    _makina_ - Sanctuary Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    erethizon1 wrote: »
    That is highly debatable. I suppose if you think it is more civilized to kill the person that is competing with you than to ask them to leave then sure, they are more civilized.

    Well it always depends but my experiences from both the pvp and pve servers (played lost city and sanctuary) is that on pve people are more vocal in terms of trash talk because there are no real problems they gain from ksing, taking mats when you are clearing the area to pick mat, mob hogging (like wannabe aoe grinding but way less efficient i can understand cleric doing it on poison mobs but metal o.o and water mobs thats just dumb and bm doing that on melee mobs is fine but magical @.@). Yeah i get on pve server you blacklist them so you know not to invite to fbs etc but do you really think people are only gonna believe your side and that the offender wont make friends of his own who will believe them over you. Blue name saves you any real terms of kos or revenge. On lost city only the pk really ends up as trash talk and there isnt enough of it honestly on lost city to really can ask any RQ, Shortbus, RH, or any other active pvp guild if there are really any pkers stopping you from lvling. CQ only kills kos so i dont really count them as a pk guild. If you just make a char on lost lvl 1 cleric and fly around you will see all the white named people theres a butt load of them there. On lost if someone takes your mats when u just cleared the area for it then you kill them, someone kill steals then you kill them, someone spams wc super anoyingly you go kill them. Only reason i stuck to pve servers is that its cheaper for me since i provide for my gf and me on the game. I wont have to plus her gears and buy angels till i chose to. Yeah, im a cheap punkb:surrender. I have met really nice people on the pve servers though and found a great faction and it feels nice to not feel pressured to lvl to be a factor.

    @OP i belive ks is thrown around too much as well. I was killing turoc warlords with my veno and i get mobbed by another monster so i send herc to get it then this guy kill the quest mob i was after even though it was past halfway in terms of life. I even let the person have some mobs (stood there for 5ish min and he did nothing)but he kept going after the ones i was killing then after a while he called me a kser and did the b:angry face i was like
    are u serious? I just left though since there was lotta people there i left and decided to come back later when theres less people.
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    And get out of your bubble for a change. Like it or not, people with money have more rights. Even disneyland have a seperate line for VIP (who pay the extra $10 or whatever) and regular admission.

    And how does this apply to you? Do you have an Icon above your name that says "Paying customer - Clear The Way"?

    Let me know when you get that one - I'd *love* to follow you around and watch the reception you get.
    Here is the difference. I did not direct any of this at you, you can in here of your own free will and choose to read the whole (or part) thing. While in game, that guy was spamming my pm, which i am forced to read/ignore. Look at it this way. There is a difference between flyers posted on the wall at the nearest super market, then the ones that people plaster all over you car. I couldn't care less if someone fill up the message board at a local super market with stuff. But i am gonna be pissed is someone cover my car with the same junk.

    You know - I'm gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that the objections you have read here don't come from your "enthusiasm" toward your fellow players.

    I'd bet it's your Pride in being so "enthusiastic" that really tickes 'em off.

    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    And how does this apply to you? Do you have an Icon above your name that says "Paying customer - Clear The Way"?

    Let me know when you get that one - I'd *love* to follow you around and watch the reception you get.


    In all honesty, everyone else that does not spend money in this game should bow, fall to their knees and thank that "Paying Customer", since it is ONLY because of him, and other players like him, that the freeloaders get to play the game for free. Of course it would never happen, since this younger generation seems to believe they are entitled to everything, even if they do not work for it.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Anders - Lost City
    Anders - Lost City Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I'm gonna try to kill this thread
  • Alaprozam - Dreamweaver
    Alaprozam - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Probably. Might be the reason why i didn't even respond to him. I play the game how i want. And since in my view, my time is more important then his. I am not going to wait for him. All i am saying is that the word ks gets thrown around too much... enough that it lose all meaning. Sooner or later, people will complain that i am ksing them half way across the map.

    Hmm no wonder you have a 9x archer and a 4x barb, not to mention probably many others at 4x or 5x.

    This is the only life you have. These are the only friends you have, (or may not have).

    People like you I truly feel pity for. Had you been born 20 years earlier you would have probably chewed the barrel of a shotgun by now. But luckily for you you are able to overshadow your meager excistence here on earth with an illusionary fantasy one...