Barb Just got a lot more OP



  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    well you do have some advantage, if i was a cleric i would -> sleep, mdef debuff him, cyclone, run repeat. dont let him catch you lol.

    i'm not only slowest class, but sleep makes me even slower. that means i have to stop right after the sleep, use the mdef debuff, and them purify myself so i can move at my normal sluggish pace. then i can unload one attack and he's all over my **** like a fly on ****.

    excellent plan.

    try being a cleric before u assume ****, k
  • Chocooo - Lost City
    Chocooo - Lost City Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Its really not practical at all to say "kite" in pvp or pk...
    BMs definitely aren't kiteable, and barbs will always get hits in because of the way the skill system is designed.
    Clerics and wizards have cast times and the minute we start tryin to cast something, barbs and bms are already right in our face ready to make it happen.
  • varf
    varf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Its not really a problem with new add-on's with barb skills, it's a combination of no foresight by PWI and skill changes again.
    The skills alone are LOL in the realm of things but they all seem to work together along with the genie buffs so makes it seem OP atm.

    I am more concerned with the changes with everyone else's skills. So... yeah give barb some 100 acc skills they hit like **** before and needed to do something more then distract things in pvp.
    But holy **** what happened to evasion and accuracy?!?!? thought it was just me or lag at first but the same group of mobs that did not touch me before as a archer are now ping **** me due to less misses on their part.
    It's a joke to play charm ticks with a barb before the update but now its ridicules, I run them around same as before blowing their hireos apart only to get a lag spike or they get a lucky stun in and bam 3 hits floored due to new add-on's "AND" our evasion being narfed.
    I have notice I miss 80 percent more now and if that's not enough one of our roots is now 90 percent? Can't do any damage if all we are doing is missing.

    Even if we do manage to get off a luck streak with our stuns, since the update they don't over lap anymore.
    I have been noticing me canceling allot of stuns out with the chained jail stun.
    BM's run in cast thier stun and my bow procs bam stun falls off in 2 seconds not 6+, I cast my stun and bam someone knocks it off, cast my root same problem... This makes it impossible to even get off a stun lock anymore, even if you have great timing on skill casts.

    So at the end of all the qq's and moaning fests its not the fact that these new add-on's are OP, its the fact that something with the last patch screwed up allot of things.
    I say keep the stupid add add-on's its nice to see barbs off their rumps and attacking, but fix other classes **** now.
  • Rubix - Harshlands
    Rubix - Harshlands Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Armageddon does not make a Barbarian OP.

    1. It's a double spark move
    2. It takes away half of the barb's health.
    3. It will tick their heiro.
    4. It's meant to hurt things a lot.

    At level 80 if a barb can get up to 10k health unbuffed, without ToP (Tree of Protection) and Beast King's Inspiration, they will have 13k health (20k w. ToP), and the most they will do before the opposing players DR is accounted for is 7500 damage (11400 w. ToP), and that is if the imaginary barb is at full health.

    Something to remember people is that ToP has a duration of 5 seconds (+1 s/40 Dex the genie has) meaning the Barb must pop it before they Armageddon, and it has to tick at least once for the barb to get the full effect for Armageddon since it halves the amount of health they actually have left that means if they use Armageddon when it only ticks once, they won't be at ~18k health.

    Information for ToP taken from here:

    IMHO, Barbarians are neither "more" OP, or OP. If you have a problem with Armageddon doing so much damage with a 5 second buff, then go complain about Tree of Protection. It's like complaining about a Phoenix when the problem is Flesh Ream.

    Is this the only smart person in the forum? Once tree of protection is used the charm ticks. Meaning if Armageddon misses the barb is useless. Its ridiculous how people QQ about barbs having 1 skill to one shot robes and LA. Are you kidding me? Mages can 1 shot every single class in game with skills that NEVER miss and yet you guys are complaining about a skill that DOES miss coming from a LOW ACCURACY class. STFU Pls!!! Seriously at the lvl it takes to get 10k hp how much dmg can a Mage dish out? that 2k mag dmg absorption is a joke at high lvls. Both Wiz an Cleric will eat that up and some with one skill.

    1)The speed increase. Come on, OP? You play barb and tell me how annoying it is trying to chase down a wiz or cleric that uses gush or cyclone on you. "you can always fly and fight" dont even try to use that argument cuz every time u catch up to them u stop and get 1 skill in lol.

    2)Plus prior to getting Demon, you have to deal with a sever dmg reduction if u lvl'd tiger form, while clerics get spirits gift. so i use alacrity of the beast with a 50% dmg reduction which freezes u for 3 secs, while u sleep me, debuff and nuke(as cleric), or while u FoW, gush, Distance shrink and nuke (mage w/o 2 spark). mage with 2 spark=FoW, sutra, and nuke the hell outta u while u look stupid standing in the wiz face lol.

    hmmmm......OP my ****. Just Deal with the change. Until u see a Lv100 barb 1 shot another Lv100 barb with same gear STFU
    I have nothing to say.
  • OPbarbi - Heavens Tear
    OPbarbi - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    aww ima OP b:dirty b:kiss
  • Venton - Lost City
    Venton - Lost City Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    DestroyTokyo hit a 25k crit on me with predition.

    I think that may be a bit over powered.
  • Pandaberr - Lost City
    Pandaberr - Lost City Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Everyone is QQ'ing about how Barbs are OP because of Perdition and Zerk weapons. But has anyone thought about what would happen if you nerfed those on us? We'd stand no chance in PvP against anyone our own level because we'd have no way past the hiero tick, one shot or not. We're already one of, if not the least effective PvP classes due to our low damage output. No need to make us non-effective at all by killing the best things for us. We'd be stuck with getting replaced by hercs, and PKing lowbies.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    you can have anti veno genie, anti BM, or anti cleric, not both :I

    I'm not quite sure on that one, Tear. As soon as I get the properly levelled skills, I'll have a genie that is anti Veno/BM/Barb and another that is anti Cleric/Archer/Wizard. A little affinity manipulation, and I could shuffle those across genies. It really depends on what you call "Anti" Because, I consider MP drain and Stun immunity Anti BM/Barb, and Wood immunity Anti Veno, and I consider Metal immunity Anti Cleric/Archer, since my natural Fox Def/skills cuts their physical prowess, and I have Tree for when I'm in Fox wearing Robes, to cut Wizards down to size. I have antis for all 6 classes on 2 seperate genies.

    Now, back to the original topic, which is OP barbs. I say one thing, and one thing only. "About damn time."
  • Pandaberr - Lost City
    Pandaberr - Lost City Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Now, back to the original topic, which is OP barbs. I say one thing, and one thing only. "About damn time."

    About damn time barbs got tweaked?
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Allow me to clarify. About damn time barbs actually gained some power. When a 7x Veno can outlast/outpower an equal barb, something just isn't right.
  • ADvEnTcUrSe - Sanctuary
    ADvEnTcUrSe - Sanctuary Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Coloring area where I think you answer your own question as to why barbs got what they did.

    i believe he answered it perfectly

    im glad barbs got pumped : )

    im obviously not one, but for everything they do, it's about time i say b:thanks
  • Ayano-chan - Sanctuary
    Ayano-chan - Sanctuary Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I wonder what they'll gonna improve for venos as this might seem to be a contest on who is the most OP between them and barbs.Some ppl fail to think that other classes already have it very HARD vs untamed ones both pvp and yea pve.2 of the most needed classes(aside from clerics) in tts,fbs etc,yup u know them venos and barbs already have the pve advantage while owning in pvp too,now just to own more and more.Heh as sad as it may sound I won't be surprised if I see who know's what godly veno improvement while other classes get **** just to say they got some update,guess we'll see..They can improve your "prideful untamed race"all they want and leave this gimped wiz class gimped forever but I'll be damned if that's gonna stop me from pvping,it'll just make me laugh more and more on how you can loose with so many advantages(gah I know << is on the wrong server,but harshlands is a no-no,and lost city is pretty dead atm....sigh b:cry ).

    Oh yea something off-topic,tear I never see u in sp or near orchid and I pk there allot or other guildies do when I'm not so basically I know what's happening there or what's happened when I was away almost all the time.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Allow me to clarify. About damn time barbs actually gained some power. When a 7x Veno can outlast/outpower an equal barb, something just isn't right.

    They could have nurfed the wf instead. b:cute
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    seriously, was there any need to revive the flamefest after it already quieted down?

    lol ayano... i play early in the morning and middle of the night. when do you pvp :P? im there like 1-5 AM xD
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    They could have nurfed the wf instead. b:cute

    Well, truthfully, it's because of how I'm built that I survive Barbs quite well. I'm a hybrid La/Vit Veno with emphasis on Fox. No Barb is going to be able to take out a foe that can decrease their accuracy by 70%, take the hits dished out, and use a Leech spell to recover the hits they do take. Then again, I'm one of those thinkers who fight others. Like knowing that Ironheart functions as a buff, so it can be purged off of clerics, or that as long as you stay on top of archers, and keep their accuracy down, you're not going to have much problems, or that wearing robes, while meleeing a Wizard is going to make it easier on you.

    Of course, here's the fun bit of info for today. Using genies will allow you to have skills that are almost, if not better than my fox skills. You've got a genie version of Amp, a genie spell that decreases Accuracy and Channeling speed, you've got a life leeching spell, that while actually pretty useless for Venos could do a nice bit of healing for Barbs, since it's a % gain. You've got ones that immobilize your foes, ones that drain MP, ones that eat Chi... Basically, any effect I can use against you in Fox Form? You can now use against me with a genie.

    So, I'm actually looking forward to fighting barbs again. They'll have backup power, in addition to the power they've gained from being tweaked. And, besides the obvious PvP attributes, I'm loving the fact that these things will make them better tankers.
  • Chocooo - Lost City
    Chocooo - Lost City Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    What a rip off... Alacrity of the beast doesn't stun.. it just freezes.
  • Ence - Lost City
    Ence - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Why the heck whine...these skills have impact on PvP yes, bu the more obvious reasoning is; better tanking. I say as a cleric, people who are against that are stupid. I realize the original thread was "why did other classes not get upgraded?"

    I suppose then from the point of view as far as PvE is concerned...what could we do with various classes skills/PvE ablilites?

    Following the classification
    In general:
    -DD's skills do less aggro?

    -Can stun bosses?
    -Do more dmg?

    -Even MORE dmg?
    -Skill effects that reduce mdef?
    -Their heal does as much healing as a cleric's...?


    -Skills now do more dmg, lasting poison?
    -Herc gets x10 defense on both p.def and m.def?


    -Even Better heals?
    -BB now makes dmg absorb to 90%?

    -Can do magic dmg as well?
    -Fire rate x100?
  • Rakthor - Lost City
    Rakthor - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    lol shut up about these things! some people actually like em!! stop qqing before they take it away from us barbs b:cry
  • Pandaberr - Lost City
    Pandaberr - Lost City Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    And, besides the obvious PvP attributes, I'm loving the fact that these things will make them better tankers.
    Thank you for this.
  • Ayreon - Harshlands
    Ayreon - Harshlands Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    barbs are useless outisde tanking prior to this you tard
    PVEfag pretends to know stuff outside of their PVE roles.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    PVEfag pretends to know stuff outside of their PVE roles.
    newfag forgetting rules 1&2, go die if you cant remember those rules.

    as usual stupid PVP server player with an ego to conpensate their tiny dicks outside PW, i feel sorry for you, i do.
  • Pandaberr - Lost City
    Pandaberr - Lost City Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    If you have 17k max health, and you tick your health charm (or you have tree of protection running) with berserk and you land a critical hit with armageddon...?

    thats 0 dmg and hiero tick if it misses, which, it does a lot. Not to mention, if you've used tree of protection, your hiero has ALREADY ticked. High high dmg from armagedon/perdition has 3 separate variables it relies on. 1 that it actually hits, 2 the chance of berserk, 3 the critical rate. At lvl 71, I have...500 something acc, 1.4k after Bloodbath, zerk is just a chance, idk what the actual chance is, and my critical rate is 6%. Perdition is our kamikaze move, so it SHOULD hit for a lot. If it doesn't one shot you, we're screwed.
  • Schism - Harshlands
    Schism - Harshlands Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I wonder what they'll gonna improve for venos as this might seem to be a contest on who is the most OP between them and barbs.Some ppl fail to think that other classes already have it very HARD vs untamed ones both pvp and yea pve.2 of the most needed classes(aside from clerics) in tts,fbs etc,yup u know them venos and barbs already have the pve advantage while owning in pvp too,now just to own more and more.Heh as sad as it may sound I won't be surprised if I see who know's what godly veno improvement while other classes get **** just to say they got some update,guess we'll see..They can improve your "prideful untamed race"all they want and leave this gimped wiz class gimped forever but I'll be damned if that's gonna stop me from pvping,it'll just make me laugh more and more on how you can loose with so many advantages(gah I know << is on the wrong server,but harshlands is a no-no,and lost city is pretty dead atm....sigh b:cry ).

    Oh yea something off-topic,tear I never see u in sp or near orchid and I pk there allot or other guildies do when I'm not so basically I know what's happening there or what's happened when I was away almost all the time.

    Hi Ayano b:bye
    Onslaught failed pretty bad, you're missing out on a real server, i've never looked back on my pve days why did you quit! Q_Q
  • Ayano-chan - Sanctuary
    Ayano-chan - Sanctuary Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Meh lost city would've been good ,harshlands is not the same ,it's just a nix infestation from lvl 30+ where not even a bm can tank it.

    Sry for the off topic post:P
  • Reevoive - Lost City
    Reevoive - Lost City Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Haven't really checked out the genie skills much yet. But the combo Tree of protection + perdition sounds kinda OP. The 60% extra hp is not just a nice little dmg add-boost when u use perda. It seems more like a lvl 80 barb suddenly gets 20k hp and can 1 shoot me b:shocked

    sorry if im late on this....
    but you are an archer
    our perdition isnt 100%
    what are the odds of us actually landing a hit on you

    go QQ some more
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    why is it every time whiner threads like this seem to have died down, they always seem to be magically dug up from the back few pages and posted in again?
  • Nalroth - Sanctuary
    Nalroth - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    and through out all this you do not see the barbs compalining cuz they got the good end of this stick.W/e no biggy well get ours man b:victory