Hypocrisy of Enrage on HT



  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I don't think I've seen enough of you to hate or make stabs at you Kym but I'm glad you're not ashamed of something that you can't help and somehow got out into the public. I aim none of my posts at you (for now), but at the people who jumped so...enthusiastically on a simple comment that, to be honest, wasn't really their business anyways.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • TheGoliath - Heavens Tear
    TheGoliath - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I think this thread went too far
  • SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear
    SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,225 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    This thread has become fail, it's no longer about flaming Enrage as much as it has become a tool for personal attacks.
    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu

    "Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
    ~Iron Mike Tyson Enrage.omgforum.net
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    karmas a ***** huh guys? this is why trolling is a srz business, gotta be careful when u troll,

    <3 kymkat ;)
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Nekhebet - Heavens Tear
    Nekhebet - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Ok since my health is being talked about maybe you should know what kind of 'health' it is. I am not ashamed at all about it. I hope Nek takes good care in listening since I do educate many doctors on the topic.

    I do not have a mental illness for one. lol. Nek got that from XforbiddenX cus forb was saying that to make insults at me, not that it was a fact. forb is cool though cus he atleast knew he was trying to get to me and not giving real information.

    I have Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. PPH or PAH for those that want to look it up.

    This is a terminal illness of the lungs and heart. Terminal in meaning there is no cure and I do have to be on a medication to keep my pulmonary arteries open and my hear.t pumping.

    There are a few kinds of medication for this illness depending on what works for your system and how far long the illness is. I am on Remodulin (for those that want to look it up).
    I am also on warfin (a blood thinner) since I did have open heart to remove clots in my pulmonary arteries. The doctors felt I had this PPH due to clotting in the arteries and heart. We were hopeful and all went well, but sadly for me it was not the answer. I was told I had 1 to 2 years left to live. I was 28 at the time. I first was on Flolan and many other medications to keep my heart going, my lungs going, and medications for pain as I later found out I had Rheumetiod Arthritis and then had to be on Embrel to help that.

    So as you can see I do not have a mental illness. I am simply human and get upset and yell just like anyone else. The difference is I am pretty squishy and take too much to heart and let some things get to me, when I should just shrug it off like the rest of you. I am working on this daily but again I am squishy.

    I do however value life and everyone's life as well. So saying anything about hoping one gets HIV is really too much. I have seen so many people die of HIV, Cancer, and PAH that live needs to hold a bit more value. Yes we are on a game but we all have our personalities, people that love or dislike us, but mostly we are real people with real emotions and real lives that some will end far too soon.

    I would never ever tell even XforbiddenX or Nek that I hope they die. yes they tick me off but I rather ignore them than say something like that.

    So hate me if you want...you don't really know me anyway...so the hate you feel is about as real as that. But don't undermind what I am going through each day to just live. I have a 9 year old son that thinks I am the best mommy in the world and a loving husband that games with me and loves me even tough I will be gone all too soon, this is what matters so keep them in mind when you hate and say things about me. They both play this game btw.

    That is the full story. Please stop saying I take drugs for mental issues. Not saying anyone that is going through that kind of stuff should be mocked in any case.



    ok so where did i say i hope u die..where did i mention anything about ur health problems....i didnt.....u told me once in vent about ur problems and the only people that i talked to about that are close friends that never posted on this forum(and eaven whit them i never said something bad about it)......i may have a problem whit u insulting me but that is it. U may be a "..........." in game but in RL u are a surviver who fights whit an illnes and wins that i respect...so pls next time u involve me in something read my coments...ty and good luck.

    srry for my englishb:bye
    Just another veno!!!