Hypocrisy of Enrage on HT



  • Krasava - Heavens Tear
    Krasava - Heavens Tear Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    By the beard of Zeus, i swear, Rawthorne's was the best **** bottom line i've seen to date! b:chuckle
  • akemiz
    akemiz Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    So its quite obvious that caesar wasn't involved in the whole "renting enrage for war" issue. But i don't see the "one" claiming that apologising? For a moment i was thinking, how many enrage are there in caesar? (using my fingers to count) WoW! less than 5? or even less! How is that even possible for the war to be successful? So radiance is not gonna admit thier mistake is all i can see.

    And i cant believe how naive they are to believe something solely one the words of ONE person and about ONE person.

    Next, i have very reliable info on what rawthrone said, all current radiance could be the witness( if u do uphold justice). That merging with elysium, and Queenbil wanted a piece of caesar.(from his very own speech on forum) --> so this is the reason of attacking? Ha! now i know.

    If you're saying to have some actions in TW, radiance already got it? With so many guild (including enrage and triad) attacking.

    noticed i underline some words like perhaps/probably ---> a possibility

    Next i'm thinking why would they flame caesar? Probably finding reason to attack a growing guild to avoid being named " evil "? On map, weakest would be evolution, but they couldnt attack due to "u know what" Next comes caesar which is obviously why they bidded on it this week. Ha! perhaps is jus finding a way to make them look good.

    If you're saying radiance isnt about money (as u're saying enrage are). Then what's the rationale of taking weaker guilds everyweek to cover the "lost"? Wouldnt it be better to build up and fight enrage head on?
  • Nekhebet - Heavens Tear
    Nekhebet - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yes your heard it right!!! Enrage are Hypocrites!!!

    All we hear from members of Enrage is that they wanted Competetive TWs and yet they keep attacking Radiance of whom has changed so much with the loss and changes of leaders and the loss of its high levels. And Enrage knows this...so don't try to play the "We didn't know that." game.

    They even went as far as renting out their own members to Triad and Caesar to help in attacks and defending against Radiance last week.

    They are going as far as having 'defected', an Enrage loyal member, make a fake guild called 'defected' to out bid on one of Radiance land to ensure we will have as many TWs as they want us to have.

    They have gone as far as fake bidding...yes sir...fake bidding. Fake bidding on Immolation Camp (Enrage) then to have 'defected' out bid them to take it. It is not just about Fake Bidding...it is about splitting our forces so it is impossible to have a fair fight.

    Now we all hear and read in game and in forums about how Enrage flammed on Radiance about how Radiance went after RoC even when RoC was dead. Well ya Radiance did...but Radiance never QQ'd about how they where in TW to fight the toughest guild. Radiance attacked land because it was land they wanted. Now Enrage says all the time and everywhere...'We want competative TWs!!!!We don't care about land we want good fights!"

    Hmmmm really now Enrage...looks like you are going after high paying land knowing that Triad is much stronger since Enrage put their 'rented out' players there and some are still in there for this week to help take out the 'orange'.

    Enrage is not about Competive TW...it is all a sham to make take money.

    Hope all those ex-rads are having fun in all those TWs they have been doing for the past month. We miss you guys...we get to fight 20 TWs in a week and you only do how many???

    Flame on Enrage...b:thanks

    U are dam lucky this is a pve server or i would show u 24/7 how Hypocrite i am.
    Who the...do u think u are?....what makes u think u are in the position to say anything or make observations about other guilds when u are part of the reason Radiance is now just a por excuse for a guild .....u schould realy(and i will repeat what i said a few months ago to u on vent ) stfu ....and go play Tetris. Look who is talking about fake bids...the one that suported "Emo Charity" in all her decisions ...and now that Radiance si a few weeks far from total distruction u come here and talk trash about other guilds?....hell i will tell Clunker to stop attaking Rad the day u are left whit 1 land..and then we will have fun TW's whit real guilds..and yes most of the so called ex-Rad have more fun in other guilds then ever had in Radiance.

    Huh i was a bit(maybe alot) hard whit the words but i don't like to be insulted..AS LONG AS I DON'T INSULT i espect the same from others.

    Have a nice day and lots of fun b:bye

    Ahh and another thing next time try to get some info....u know that nfo u get by actualy playing this game.....cause just doing daylies and cube is not actual game play.
    Srry for my english not the best :P
    Just another veno!!!
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Disclaimer: I didn't read any post except OP at the time I post this

    Lolz, I love it when people post before they find out the truth behind things. It always makes them look stupid to anyone who knows what's going on. The funnier part is the other people who dont' know what's going on believe it, then go speculate the most outrageous things resulting in even more lol.

    And don't QQ just cuz we eat up your land after all your efforts of deterring us. You think not showing up week after week is making us cry? All it does is give us more guild jokes and more land and more income. QQ we so sad. It doesn't matter as much that you DON'T retaliate but you CAN yet choose not to.

    Lastly, we don't lend out members. We joke about it but srsly, no.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Rifkind - Heavens Tear
    Rifkind - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Let's see now. Radiance is still the largest faction on the map. They successfully defend their territory against everyone but us, week after week. They beat all the other guilds. So, if we are looking for a good TW, where else SHOULD we look?

    Are you asserting, Kym, that Radiance is guaranteed to never show up to a war with Enrage? Because otherwise, we have the hope each week that you will show, and that we'll finally get a good fight from what is apparently still the strongest faction out there. I see a post from Rawthorne saying he wants to fight us. He is leader now, so we still have hope of a fight.

    Or are you asserting that you are really so weak and lame that if you did show up, you wouldn't give us a good fight? If so, then how are you beating these other guilds every week? And what was the point of merging with EIysium?

    We're attacking the biggest, strongest target out there. It's not our fault that it's a faction of whiners sitting on a bunch of territory they didn't earn and won't defend. It's not our fault you won't make the effort to build yourselves back into a decent faction, but instead keep failing with your leadership and haemorrhaging members. When another target shows itself as bigger and stronger, THEN you can question our choices.

    As far as your crazy conspiracy theories about why our members left, well, KillerByte has aired enough of our troubles, and accurately as well. I am just happy that Enrage was strong enough as a group to (barely) hold together through those troubles and pull itself back together. Having a good leader who really cares about all the individual faction members helps - you guys might try that sometime, when you get tired of abuse and favoritism and a leader with a great deal of money stuffed in his pants.
  • Lleela - Heavens Tear
    Lleela - Heavens Tear Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    So many walls of blah blah... I think KymKat touched a nerve somewhere.

    Couple of thoughts after reading some of the responses

    "Lolz, I love it when people post before they find out the truth behind things. It always makes them look stupid to anyone who knows what's going on."

    Considering your not a Radiance member, you seem to believe you have the "TRUTH behind things" in statements about Rad in the past. Please take your own advice here.

    "U are dam lucky this is a pve server or i would show u 24/7 how Hypocrite i am."

    Please re-roll on LC, seriously did it take you 30 levels of character investment before you realized HT was not PvP.

    "Enrage helping Triad is an investment. It's training a future foe who will show up and fight for a change"

    Uhm.... Thanks for knowing whats best for everyone on server I guess...Oh and if you missed last week, thanks for waiting 10 minutes on the 50people we could field for Enrage as we spent our time checking all the fake bid TWs to see where our small force would be most effective.


    "The thieves 'Desi and bookman' were welcomed into Radiance even after admitting their actions, and were not only then welcomed into Tao, but also made officers (says alot for Tao's integrity)."

    Thanks for bringing this up, Desi and Bookman were allowed to join Rad despite MUCH debate to not allow them in based on their prior actions with Enrage. With intense pressure from the then Director and several of the now "Tao" click, Desi and bookman were invited. I suppose by Bookmans, disruption of TW's, out of context sig file dirty laundry airing, and tag along with Edya and click, his real motivations are just to create disharmony.

    This thread is taking me away from having FUN. Continue to SPIN SPIN SPIN your truth, and rationalizations. Just remember, what comes around goes around, and nothing remains the same forever, well except some of your levels.

    Do try to relieve some of your anger today and have some fun.
  • Torm - Heavens Tear
    Torm - Heavens Tear Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i tried to say it the first time but maybe I put to many words with my post.

    Call us hypocrites we dont care.

    We are taking your land cause you have the most out there and no other guild is gonna put up a fight either.

    Yes that is callng out the other guilds- if it was up to me Enrage will take every lvl 2 land on the map and leave them open for all the guilds to attack at once.

    There is no competition on the map atm so we will force guilds to crumble or get stronger till their is.

    Rad is trying to rebuild, **** that they are already dead, let those Elysium members and the few left in Rad go to make some other guilds stronger.
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    All this time I thought we were attacking Radiance cus their lands stood in the way of us drawing a picture on the map. Guess I was wrong.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Rifkind - Heavens Tear
    Rifkind - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i tried to say it the first time but maybe I put to many words with my post.

    Your first post was excellent, and really did say it all. But you know how hard it is to shut Enrage up...*grin*...and the thread DOES have our name on it! We were starting to feel neglected...
  • Veltore - Heavens Tear
    Veltore - Heavens Tear Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    That's for a good chuckle.Keep up the hate plz.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Considering your not a Radiance member, you seem to believe you have the "TRUTH behind things" in statements about Rad in the past. Please take your own advice here.

    Since I tend to troll without minding what I say, I'd like you to point me out to one so that I can either laugh at myself or explain why I said it. Additionally, I found irony that you'd argue for a "YOU DO EET TOO." Hm? Confession? Hypocrisy?
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Kymkat - Heavens Tear
    Kymkat - Heavens Tear Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    LOL... yes it seems I hit a nerve.

    first off Edya left on her own because she wanted leadership with only her friends in officer positions. She ignored the lower levels and didn't want to invited anyone into the guild that wasn't her friend. I am sorry but everything she stood for was not Radiance in anyway...and Charity would die today if she saw her as the leader of Radiance. Well Charity will have a major headache seeing Rawra, but she will see how much better it is and how much everyone is getting along and actually helping eachother now.

    I am pleasently surprised how well things are going now.

    Akaiaiaiaa?? however you spell that name. your just QQing because Charity didn't give you leadership. I took Radiance that was dead because of no leader and gave it hope again and that was all I intended to do so I could the next leader would have an easier time.

    Nekaflamebait...omg you are such a flammer and angry little man. Get over yourself please.

    To Enrage...in no way do I hate your guild. I was simply pointing out some issues that have been going around true or not. Hey if cat and say Radiance is this and that with no proof but her own daydreams, I think I can state things that are actually seen and heard in this game.

    Killerbyte..I respect what you say. Again it was something that was heard and relayed. Cystabella might want to watch how she says things because it seems that was a big part in why people thought that way.

    defected and anyother Enrage member that is still in Enrage and make a 1 man or small guild to make bids on either Radiance or Enrage land....you should be banned. simple..your stacking the bids and fights in a way to benefit Enrage no matter how you want to type it. Nothing personal...but you should get banned.

    Triad...I have nothing at all against Triad members. Not sure about the new leadership because they did hire Enrage members to help fight. Yes Enrage even posted their supposed 'Joke' about loaning out their members just the week before on these forums. So nothing you say will change my view on that...you rented players from Enrage because Enrage offers that and can because they only have 1 TW a week with Radiance who most of the time simply cannot show up because they are fighting other TWs at the same time.
    Triad...as I said before when talking with a few of you...I liked Triad, you are good fight and a better match for what our strength is at that time.

    Tao...pay for more recruits...shows your real side. lol Oh I better not say anything about Tao cus all the mental damage I did when I typed to Edya in those normal fonts and no caps.

    Now for me QQing. I don't care about land. I don't care even though EVERY SINGLE one Radiance has I was there and fought for it from the START.

    but this is a game. land is land and coin is coin. I wouldn't mind fighting Enrage...do I think we will win or even be close? No.
    Does it bother me? No.

    I was simply stating some things that all can see and have been talking about for a few weeks now. I just brought the topic from IG to these forums that Enrage likes to play all big and bad for those sancurary PvP players so they can see Enrage hasn't had a good TW or TW training for over a month. So if they post all big and bad about themselves and try to kick dirt at those sancurary players..sancurary can just sit back and have a chuckle. 'Look at those cute PvE QQers. Can I take one home?'

    Flame on..

    oh btw..I am not upset like neky there...I am having fun again with this game and just sitting back have my own chuckle. b:thanks
    Thanks to Bellrose for the great sig!!!
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    *Pops in for a special appereance*

    Please! Please! No pictures..

    Okay maybe just a few b:kiss

    Nothing else needs to be said.

    Kym=pwned b:victory

    Kill Rad take their land, and wait for a guild that actually deserves to have it come take it from us. I believe I been saying that for the past 2 or 3 weeks now.b:bye
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • Scarecrowsid - Heavens Tear
    Scarecrowsid - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    *takes picture of cat* b:pleased

    ok!....*pulls out flamethrower*

    where to start b:chuckle

    P.S. Cat can i has a cool enrage siggy plz :P
  • Nekhebet - Heavens Tear
    Nekhebet - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    LOL... yes it seems I hit a nerve.

    first off Edya left on her own because she wanted leadership with only her friends in officer positions. She ignored the lower levels and didn't want to invited anyone into the guild that wasn't her friend. I am sorry but everything she stood for was not Radiance in anyway...and Charity would die today if she saw her as the leader of Radiance. Well Charity will have a major headache seeing Rawra, but she will see how much better it is and how much everyone is getting along and actually helping eachother now.

    I am pleasently surprised how well things are going now.

    Akaiaiaiaa?? however you spell that name. your just QQing because Charity didn't give you leadership. I took Radiance that was dead because of no leader and gave it hope again and that was all I intended to do so I could the next leader would have an easier time.

    Nekaflamebait...omg you are such a flammer and angry little man. Get over yourself please.

    To Enrage...in no way do I hate your guild. I was simply pointing out some issues that have been going around true or not. Hey if cat and say Radiance is this and that with no proof but her own daydreams, I think I can state things that are actually seen and heard in this game.

    Killerbyte..I respect what you say. Again it was something that was heard and relayed. Cystabella might want to watch how she says things because it seems that was a big part in why people thought that way.

    defected and anyother Enrage member that is still in Enrage and make a 1 man or small guild to make bids on either Radiance or Enrage land....you should be banned. simple..your stacking the bids and fights in a way to benefit Enrage no matter how you want to type it. Nothing personal...but you should get banned.

    Triad...I have nothing at all against Triad members. Not sure about the new leadership because they did hire Enrage members to help fight. Yes Enrage even posted their supposed 'Joke' about loaning out their members just the week before on these forums. So nothing you say will change my view on that...you rented players from Enrage because Enrage offers that and can because they only have 1 TW a week with Radiance who most of the time simply cannot show up because they are fighting other TWs at the same time.
    Triad...as I said before when talking with a few of you...I liked Triad, you are good fight and a better match for what our strength is at that time.

    Tao...pay for more recruits...shows your real side. lol Oh I better not say anything about Tao cus all the mental damage I did when I typed to Edya in those normal fonts and no caps.

    Now for me QQing. I don't care about land. I don't care even though EVERY SINGLE one Radiance has I was there and fought for it from the START.

    but this is a game. land is land and coin is coin. I wouldn't mind fighting Enrage...do I think we will win or even be close? No.
    Does it bother me? No.

    I was simply stating some things that all can see and have been talking about for a few weeks now. I just brought the topic from IG to these forums that Enrage likes to play all big and bad for those sancurary PvP players so they can see Enrage hasn't had a good TW or TW training for over a month. So if they post all big and bad about themselves and try to kick dirt at those sancurary players..sancurary can just sit back and have a chuckle. 'Look at those cute PvE QQers. Can I take one home?'

    Flame on..

    oh btw..I am not upset like neky there...I am having fun again with this game and just sitting back have my own chuckle. b:thanks

    hmmm i would say something but there is nothing else to say ...ur post shows what type of person u are...

    Ok this angry little man goes back to work....doing small things like a cezarotomie

    Bbye have fun!!!
    Just another veno!!!
  • Chansore - Heavens Tear
    Chansore - Heavens Tear Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    LOL... yes it seems I hit a nerve.

    first off Edya left on her own because she wanted leadership with only her friends in officer positions. She ignored the lower levels and didn't want to invited anyone into the guild that wasn't her friend. I am sorry but everything she stood for was not Radiance in anyway...and Charity would die today if she saw her as the leader of Radiance. Well Charity will have a major headache seeing Rawra, but she will see how much better it is and how much everyone is getting along and actually helping eachother now.

    I am pleasently surprised how well things are going now.

    Akaiaiaiaa?? however you spell that name. your just QQing because Charity didn't give you leadership. I took Radiance that was dead because of no leader and gave it hope again and that was all I intended to do so I could the next leader would have an easier time.

    Nekaflamebait...omg you are such a flammer and angry little man. Get over yourself please.

    To Enrage...in no way do I hate your guild. I was simply pointing out some issues that have been going around true or not. Hey if cat and say Radiance is this and that with no proof but her own daydreams, I think I can state things that are actually seen and heard in this game.

    Killerbyte..I respect what you say. Again it was something that was heard and relayed. Cystabella might want to watch how she says things because it seems that was a big part in why people thought that way.

    defected and anyother Enrage member that is still in Enrage and make a 1 man or small guild to make bids on either Radiance or Enrage land....you should be banned. simple..your stacking the bids and fights in a way to benefit Enrage no matter how you want to type it. Nothing personal...but you should get banned.

    Triad...I have nothing at all against Triad members. Not sure about the new leadership because they did hire Enrage members to help fight. Yes Enrage even posted their supposed 'Joke' about loaning out their members just the week before on these forums. So nothing you say will change my view on that...you rented players from Enrage because Enrage offers that and can because they only have 1 TW a week with Radiance who most of the time simply cannot show up because they are fighting other TWs at the same time.
    Triad...as I said before when talking with a few of you...I liked Triad, you are good fight and a better match for what our strength is at that time.

    Tao...pay for more recruits...shows your real side. lol Oh I better not say anything about Tao cus all the mental damage I did when I typed to Edya in those normal fonts and no caps.

    Now for me QQing. I don't care about land. I don't care even though EVERY SINGLE one Radiance has I was there and fought for it from the START.

    but this is a game. land is land and coin is coin. I wouldn't mind fighting Enrage...do I think we will win or even be close? No.
    Does it bother me? No.

    I was simply stating some things that all can see and have been talking about for a few weeks now. I just brought the topic from IG to these forums that Enrage likes to play all big and bad for those sancurary PvP players so they can see Enrage hasn't had a good TW or TW training for over a month. So if they post all big and bad about themselves and try to kick dirt at those sancurary players..sancurary can just sit back and have a chuckle. 'Look at those cute PvE QQers. Can I take one home?'

    Flame on..

    oh btw..I am not upset like neky there...I am having fun again with this game and just sitting back have my own chuckle. b:thanks

    This is just another example of why Rad is a shell of what was once a great guild.
    Founder of United Lions Liberation Front
    not to be confused with the
    ..Liberators Movement for Lions
    or.....Lions United Front
    or........United Lions Front for Liberation of all Lions

    Retired b:bye but still trolllinnnnnn
  • Mono - Heavens Tear
    Mono - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Since Rad is not going to defend Enrage....
    I am guessing Raw gonna put a full 4 cats 2 strike 3 adv 2 wiz 2 stuns 80 people against Memories?? b:laugh b:victory

    Thanks Raw for your kindness and I can have a fun TW b:dirty

    Btw, I got a Pink Teeth Formation too but with 2 people :)

    See you guys tonight and have fun in TW with us b:pleased

    Classic =)
    Especially Thanks to FrostFlowerb:victory
  • Sacredxstar - Heavens Tear
    Sacredxstar - Heavens Tear Posts: 916 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    It will be interesting to see Radiance go all out on Memories and not on Enrage since Memories was unfortunate to have the same time frame as the "Fake" faction defected has made and Enrage.

    Sorry we took your competition Enrage. We didn't plan it to be that way. b:surrender

    I will be pulling a cat!! Not. ;3 b:chuckle
    I call it how I see it.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thanks Santacruz! :D
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Btw, I got a Pink Teeth Formation too but with 2 people :)

    One of those 2 people wanna go watch a movie.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    *looks around* I sense much dying...of me... >.<;; Ah, well...at least I'll be gettin' some good TW experience under my belt! Whoo! I can't wait for my very first TW tonight! We may be small now, but we're gonna give it all we got! b:victory

    By the way, 'nother Memories member here, if y'didn't know...and yeah I just used two apostrophes in a word...'cause I'm awesome-sauce like that. :P

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • missqq
    missqq Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    so you want your lands back.
  • Crystabella - Heavens Tear
    Crystabella - Heavens Tear Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    LOL... yes it seems I hit a nerve.

    first off Edya left on her own because she wanted leadership with only her friends in officer positions. She ignored the lower levels and didn't want to invited anyone into the guild that wasn't her friend. I am sorry but everything she stood for was not Radiance in anyway...and Charity would die today if she saw her as the leader of Radiance. Well Charity will have a major headache seeing Rawra, but she will see how much better it is and how much everyone is getting along and actually helping eachother now.

    I am pleasently surprised how well things are going now.

    Akaiaiaiaa?? however you spell that name. your just QQing because Charity didn't give you leadership. I took Radiance that was dead because of no leader and gave it hope again and that was all I intended to do so I could the next leader would have an easier time.

    Nekaflamebait...omg you are such a flammer and angry little man. Get over yourself please.

    To Enrage...in no way do I hate your guild. I was simply pointing out some issues that have been going around true or not. Hey if cat and say Radiance is this and that with no proof but her own daydreams, I think I can state things that are actually seen and heard in this game.

    Killerbyte..I respect what you say. Again it was something that was heard and relayed. Cystabella might want to watch how she says things because it seems that was a big part in why people thought that way.

    defected and anyother Enrage member that is still in Enrage and make a 1 man or small guild to make bids on either Radiance or Enrage land....you should be banned. simple..your stacking the bids and fights in a way to benefit Enrage no matter how you want to type it. Nothing personal...but you should get banned.

    Triad...I have nothing at all against Triad members. Not sure about the new leadership because they did hire Enrage members to help fight. Yes Enrage even posted their supposed 'Joke' about loaning out their members just the week before on these forums. So nothing you say will change my view on that...you rented players from Enrage because Enrage offers that and can because they only have 1 TW a week with Radiance who most of the time simply cannot show up because they are fighting other TWs at the same time.
    Triad...as I said before when talking with a few of you...I liked Triad, you are good fight and a better match for what our strength is at that time.

    Tao...pay for more recruits...shows your real side. lol Oh I better not say anything about Tao cus all the mental damage I did when I typed to Edya in those normal fonts and no caps.

    Now for me QQing. I don't care about land. I don't care even though EVERY SINGLE one Radiance has I was there and fought for it from the START.

    but this is a game. land is land and coin is coin. I wouldn't mind fighting Enrage...do I think we will win or even be close? No.
    Does it bother me? No.

    I was simply stating some things that all can see and have been talking about for a few weeks now. I just brought the topic from IG to these forums that Enrage likes to play all big and bad for those sancurary PvP players so they can see Enrage hasn't had a good TW or TW training for over a month. So if they post all big and bad about themselves and try to kick dirt at those sancurary players..sancurary can just sit back and have a chuckle. 'Look at those cute PvE QQers. Can I take one home?'

    Flame on..

    oh btw..I am not upset like neky there...I am having fun again with this game and just sitting back have my own chuckle. b:thanks

    I actually thought people were joking when they said you were on meds b:shocked
  • Xsabbyx - Heavens Tear
    Xsabbyx - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i just read this whole post but cant help myself laughing.

    What amzes me is the power people ahve with words.

    I can picture everyone just sitting on there PC at home typing this stuff.

    Its Hillarious, considering this realy doesnt matter at all. But i hvae to say it absoloutly intregues me how people(inclding me btw) can become so emotional,cocky,arrogant over complexed pixels and programming lines

    ALL YOUR SOULS ARE MINE MWAHHAHAHAHA. Now get back ingame and get stronger!!!

    Enraged - are gods, seen as egotistic monkeys - but in the end are ok
    Rad - seen as monkeys were goods - but in the end the futre aint bright
    Traid - loved, liked will be next god? - in the end a same fate awaits
    Ceasar - Same as above.

    Defect i love you
  • Quarka - Heavens Tear
    Quarka - Heavens Tear Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    This is just another example of why Rad is a shell of what was once a great guild.

    Agreed... I thought Radiance was supposed to be all that is good and respectable on the server.. That wall of text was just insults and flaming, no wit no good arguements. So what does Rad stand for now?
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Cotto - Heavens Tear
    Cotto - Heavens Tear Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    Tao...pay for more recruits...shows your real side. lol Oh I better not say anything about Tao cus all the mental damage I did when I typed to Edya in those normal fonts and no caps.

    Edya pays for recruits? You seriously making yourself and Radiance look bad right now.

    Edya hasn't paid one person to join Tao. Actually - PEOPLE PM us interested in joining us, plain and simple.

    It's kind of funny as a former leader of Radiance your seriously starting more drama and giving Radiance a even worse look right now. Why can't you simply ignore what other guilds are doing/say about you and just carry on rebuilding? Why sit here waste your time and look stupid in it trying to get at it? And you were appointed leader? Sorry, but you show lack of keep things [and facts] straight.
  • Ricecake - Heavens Tear
    Ricecake - Heavens Tear Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Agreed... I thought Radiance was supposed to be all that is good and respectable on the server.. That wall of text was just insults and flaming, no wit no good arguements. So what does Rad stand for now?

    Radiance stands for QQ and drama now

    I used to be a cleric like you, then I took a Plume Shot to the knee.
  • _imnothere_ - Heavens Tear
    _imnothere_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Time to start calling them Rat instead of Rad???
  • Detharos - Heavens Tear
    Detharos - Heavens Tear Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Lol, I don't think there were any "rentals" of Enrage members. They went their own ways for their own reasons, be it looking for more fun, or helping build a future opponent it matters not. And hate to burst any bubbles, but with the kind of defense that was fielded, with or without the Enrage members, you would of lost those wars against Triad last week. Heck, many were expecting your loss before the unfortunate drama bomb (BOMB ARMED!1!) and departure of 20 or so of your high end levels. Its too bad, it would of been a great battle, but hopefully it will be a difficult fight this week with the Radiance-Elysium merge.

    Edit: Also thought I'd throw this in here, the way things were stated in the OP remind me of something I heard someone say in another post about the Radiance not defending topic. "Us not showing up Enrage's fights is the single greatest act of defiance by Radiance against Enrage" LoL, not to drag down awkward idealistic interpretations of the scenario, but it seems more like some weird kind of fetish of bending over and obediently accepting a one-sided ****.

    Edited also for ar not te spel gudz.
  • Sonnestark - Heavens Tear
    Sonnestark - Heavens Tear Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I actually thought people were joking when they said you were on meds b:shocked
    Disgraceful conduct, you ****ing worthless bigot.

    Personally, I think you'd do better off throwing your ****ty life away popping oxycotton pills.
    Men should be either treated generously or destroyed, because they take revenge for slight injuries - for heavy ones they cannot.
  • Chansore - Heavens Tear
    Chansore - Heavens Tear Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Disgraceful conduct, you ****ing worthless bigot.

    Personally, I think you'd do better off throwing your ****ty life away popping oxycotton pills.

    Example #2.
    Founder of United Lions Liberation Front
    not to be confused with the
    ..Liberators Movement for Lions
    or.....Lions United Front
    or........United Lions Front for Liberation of all Lions

    Retired b:bye but still trolllinnnnnn