Fist BM wearing light armor
Greetings dear visitors,
I would like to remind you a crusade for approving fist warriors from large community of blademasters.
I am currently lvl 76 and I rule the dueling grounds on Harshlands. There is no lvl 76 or lower character which Ive fought who would be able to defeat me and till lvl 85 there werent many who could (I can use 5 fingers on my hand and it would be enough)
I still use light armor, fists (lvl 60 legendary= ), Unicorn bow for cowards who try to run away and mostly no genie skills. There were many cases where I wasnt using weapons at all and Ive won too.
So, Lyndura and others, whats your explanation for this? I duel everyday with lot of people, so yes - I might have some experience, but this wont help with bad build considerably.
BTW, for those who know me and my shop at Harshlands, I have decided to write a trading guide, you may find it on I will appreciate any opinion you have about it.
Dyrmagnos/Grammaton0 -
If a lvl 7x/8x BM uses a bow on me on a duel watch me laugh my ****.... why run? damage is going to suck without bow mastery and more in close combat... so tyvm.
Leaving that aside... fists BMs are pretty good despite what many ppl say (most of them pure axe guys) so i can understand why u succeed on duels. Never been a fan of LA on BMs, i personally dont like it at all. I cant do my job properly as a BM with it and BMs have plenty of skills to make up the lack of mag def (plus genies now)
I dont have the EXP playing a LA BM but i cant see how at near end-game lvls u can survive against a good melee player with an LA build. Bow? i dont think so, u are not going to do a scratch on his armor, so u have to get close... that means u need phys def. LA doesnt have much, if u shard with garnets u dont have HP then and thats a prob too because of your low vit using fists. So a good Zerk+Crit can 1 shoot you. And dont expect to high lvls to miss because well, they dont do it much usually.
But gratz if u are doing good with that build, after all the important thing is that u enjoy your char, and **** who says what's right or wrong XD
Take care out there0 -
lol my original build was 2 str 3 dex (i restated once i hit 70 because hunting barbs is quite fun...mmmmmmm ppanda steakb:sin)
i salute you for sticking with it b:victory
and ya bowing a robe to death is just funnyGifs are hard to make work here0 -
I would be so stupid if I tried bow on bm or barb. But on arcanes, this can one-critical-shot any up to 2000 hp if I use doublespark. Also - it are usualy they who try to run from me, because I kinda dont die with light armor and alter marrow magical on +120 % and I stun them all the time or interrupt, see my speed a bit further in text.
Damage is going to suck? With my current dex more than 280 and critical chance 15 % without any rings or critical arrows, luck is on my side pretty often. But bow is just minor part of dueling, I dont use it that much. Next benefit is evasion which with archer buff goes up to 4200 atm. As you probably know, bms have the highest bonus from dexterity, its even higher than archers have.
With fists, on close range, I use citrines (+40x4 on almost all what I wear, plus bracers of blood moon (-0.1 sec between attacks)). With relentless courage skill of my genie, I hit 2.22 times per sec, who hasnt seen this - its pretty cool.
My Vit - what a surprise, base is 3, hp 4155 though and its enough to tank Pyro (bh69). I tank him on long range with my bow, using alter marrow magical during fight. People who havent seen this dont believe it and those who did, dont believe it too. Also, I can tank 3 magical mobs in bh59 at once, virtually no dying at all. Of course, accidents happen, misuse of alter marrow physical meant yesterday that I died by bh59 magic boss one-hit.=
Any other questions or suggestions?0 -
Ummm... grats? Duels accounts for nothing. Go pk from time to time. b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk0 -
Duel accounts for nothing? Says who? I thought that the important thing is what do you care about... I agree only with one thing - Pking is way different from dueling.
But eveything has its advantage and disadvantage. Dueling is safe fun where you can understand basics of PvP and check effects of various skills or spells. Pking is "for real". You can drop items, you dont kill so easily because of charms and people swear on you when you PK. So stick with what you like more. You can easily live on PvP shard without PKing for years.0 -
i want your bracersb:dirty
also note that he said he cany kill meler's in real pk divine
once again i salute you for your original build even if its not as good as the 5:4:1 or 3:2 fist builds (sounds like crazy fun though....might have to make an alt usin itb:chuckle)
its all about havin fun THIS IS A GAME PEOPLE so do what you want and dont listen to the heavy armor/axe ****'s
b:chucklemoment of hipocrisy: restat to the 3:2 build you'll lose about a k of evade but your attack power will jump through the roof and stick relentless courage on a geni with will of bolshi on you'll still have about 6k evade though ya it only lasts 15 seconds but fights shouldent last longer than that if your good also it gives acess to the other weapon trees for even more crazyness (5 weapons counting bow...thats a lot of possibal combo's) and you'll still be able to wear your light armor
have fun and look into getting a +10% evade ornament or 2 if you plan to stick with your current buildb:bye
self necro lolGifs are hard to make work here0 -
Well, what I mean was that they account for nothing because you are using the fact that you are winning at duels to point out the superiority of LA armor.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk0 -
b:chuckle la aint 1/2 bad if used in moderation
and ya you are hearelding your own self claimed awsomness dude... tone it down a little please lol
b:byeGifs are hard to make work here0 -
Joshcja - I havent really understood what and to who you meant your last sentence, sorry.
Btw, you grinded for your restat stones? Maybe the trading guide could help you too.0 -
Joshcja - Sanctuary wrote: »b:chuckle la aint 1/2 bad if used in moderation
and ya you are hearelding your own self claimed awsomness dude... tone it down a little please lol
I'm pointing out flaw in his argument and mentioned nothing of myself.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk0 -
just some things to point out.
1. having alter marrow mag maxed means melee classes and classes with phys damage skills can pretty much 1 hit you. try mag marrowing a cleric your lvl and he will plume shot you to death.
2. duels count for nothing o.o- you are on a ****ing PvP server (last time i checkedb:surrender) in real pk you rarely see whos attacking you and where before the 2nd or 3rd hit. this can pretty much decide the outcome of a fight. bm is axe/sword/spear and he got 7% crit without any addons. got a ****load of acc and getting alot more in a few lvls with misties.
4. ropes are easy kill for all bms nothing proved there...
5. u rule the dueling ground 0.o? Pk bro pk....
6. the only thing that seems usefull is your bow for surprise support attack and grind. but 1v1 pvp thats just stupid.
7. LA suck without cleric buff. ask whoever you wantb:tired0 -
ad 1) - plume shot from lvl 89 cleric when alter marrow magical - I guess it was about 1500 per hit. He managed to use it once. One-hit me? No chance, might be two-hit with sparks, I admit - but only if I am stupid and wont stun him after spark.
ad 2) I am the good guy, I hunt only PKs if I have a chance (and only those who RPK). I still dont have lot of experience in that. I will work on this later.
ad 3) Find me in game, we can duel. Why not to test your build.
ad 4) Ive met lot of robe wearers who said they had no problems with bms so far. Light armor has definitely better chance against them.
ad 5) I dont want to PK atm.
ad 6) Ive heard even worse words than stupid involving bow, mostly from beaten archers on my level.=
ad 7) If I was asking, I would end HA with axes. No thanks, I check myself and I will - according to my experience - stick with LA.0 -
Grammaton - Harshlands wrote: »
ad 6) Ive heard even worse words than stupid involving bow, mostly from beaten archers on my level.=
ad 7) If I was asking, I would end HA with axes. No thanks, I check myself and I will - according to my experience - stick with LA.
6) lol...
7) i hate axesb:angry i just like the aoe grind and extra stunb:pleased
8) suit yourself. best think you can dob:surrenderGrammaton - Harshlands wrote: »ad 3) Find me in game, we can duel. Why not to test your build.
will whisper you when i see youb:victory0 -
Yeah, I use the extra stun with my low-lvl axes when I need it. Thanks to fists speed I have always a spare spark for it. Good 3+6+6 combo if the aeolian works
That brings me to one idea Ive forgotten to say. I am starting with certain skills from different weapon trees. Heavenly flame is second such skill and there are maybe 2 more which are useful.0 -
Grammaton - Harshlands wrote: »That brings me to one idea Ive forgotten to say. I am starting with certain skills from different weapon trees. Heavenly flame is second such skill and there are maybe 2 more which are useful.
farstike(pole) and myriad sword(sword ulti) heres 2 for youb:victory0 -
More than myriad I was thinking on mage bane. You know these ultis are just too expensive, I rather use 15 sec of stun-imunity and heal myself. I dont hurry in duel - I am not forced to because of charm-absence.
But if I have lot of spirit, why not. It could be nice finishing move.0 -
i got oceans edge instead of mage bane.
its a all weapon skill, chi less, spamable, nice DD and the speed reduce is much better. found myself using this as an early finisher/opener0 -
Mage bane slows casting speed. Thats different. Slowing someone with ocean edge if hes not running away from you is pointless. Slowing his attack is essential though. Maxed it slows by 50 % for 8 sec. You can use it every 15 sec. Slowing opponents attack speed has remarkable demoralizing effect too. It makes him think about retreat instead of killing you and without concentration there is no success in PvP - in duel or in PKing.0
The funny thing about stat'ing only for light armor, for properly geared fisters, is they will end up with less mag defense than a heavy armor.
As all fist fanatics should know, we want as much -interval as we can possibly cram on. A major source of this that is relatively cheap is our TT99 source. You must have 2 LA pieces (-.05 int), and 2 HA pieces (-.05 int). Stat'ing for LA only means you can't use any of the 4 armor pieces, and must use the 2 free ornament slots for it. And seeing as how that is where you get some very nice bonuses, it screws them over.
They lose the 5% health bonus, they lose the 14-16 grade necklace that adds atk and def lvl (grade 14 is relatively easy to get for cubers), they lose having mag def ornaments to survive caster spikes, or they lose -.05 interval. And at high end, that means 4 attacks instead of 5.
To put it into reference, a max dex LA build with 1 str 4 dex per level would have 2.41 multiplier, vs. a 3-2 build having 3.75 (both demonized mastery). So attacks and damage combined, the LA build with -.05 less interval would deal 51% of the damage the 3-2 does, for only 10% more crit. It's why it's not recommended right now for people looking for endgame. Now maybe the expansion will make the LA able to keep up with HA/LA mix, but it hasn't been added in all the expansions yet.Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura
Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx
:NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.0 -
Grammaton - Harshlands wrote: »Mage bane slows casting speed. Thats different. Slowing someone with ocean edge if hes not running away from you is pointless. Slowing his attack is essential though. Maxed it slows by 50 % for 8 sec. You can use it every 15 sec. Slowing opponents attack speed has remarkable demoralizing effect too. It makes him think about retreat instead of killing you and without concentration there is no success in PvP - in duel or in PKing.
You're gonna use 1 spark to slow someone's channeling speed by 50% for 8 seconds instead of using that spark to stun them, preventing them from doing anything for 6 seconds...0 -
Filet - Heavens Tear wrote: »You're gonna use 1 spark to slow someone's channeling speed by 50% for 8 seconds instead of using that spark to stun them, preventing them from doing anything for 6 seconds...
Not to mention how much more damage Bash does.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk0 -
look at his build...he cant use axes efectivly with his current seetup folks
the one and only one use i have found for mage bane is its 100% accuracy it makes an ok finisher against pure dex archers if your main combos dont quite kill them and you dont want to risk their charm recharging it also slows their metal attacks wich ccould help agains kiters considerably when mixed with oceans edge
this is all before 77 where you get misties after wich ya its just useless
b:byeGifs are hard to make work here0 -
josh, forum buddy, 1 or 2 misty forest rings USUALLY don't help the user all too much.
just for ****s and giggles, lets say one is an axe user at lvl 90 with minimum str for GXs and rest into dex with a capped vit (50v, 272s, 138d). with 2 MF rings, thats only 2760 accuracy. now a spear user on the other hand (my favourite next to the fist) going the same route (capped vit, min str for wep, and rest into dex makes it 50v, 227s, 183d) would yield a nasty 3960 acc. since a BM gets more acc and evasion per dex point than archers, a full dex BM would be quite hard to hit at 90 (if equipped and refined right, it would push the users evasion over 5k). although said BM would be hard to hit and probably couldn't kill a HA user, he would be nothing more than a nuisance to MOST melee classes. a heavy fist with 2 MF rings would hurt though haha.
and grammaton, you and I have basically the same build type. 'cept i probably have more hp and str than you do, but i'm sure that'll change when you and i hit 90. ^^
if pure dex at 90 is good, i'll stick with it. if its not all what its cracked up to be, then i'll have to restat to heavy. we'll see in 4 levels.Allnighte - knn read pwdatabase laio, rank6 weap needs all of the badges la.
rank8 laio just la needs laio rep la
Naevo - o wait dis be pw-my-en? ding dong la0 -
ya forgot to mention that a pair of mistiys will only doubble your base accuracy
at level 77
1 dex per 10 lvls...dont bother you'll get more use from a acc sharded weapon
1 dex per lvl expect to get 2k acc with a pair of misties
3 dex per 2 lvls 2.5-3k ac with misties you'll still miss archers 1/2 the time but not much on anything else
2 dex per lvl 4k acc with misties or more you dont miss period (me build lol)Gifs are hard to make work here0 -
I still own you Dyr b:victory
Hmm guess who is looking for a faction
this guyThe Black Dragon is the Devil himself
He will put this world in flames0 -
Don't worry about pdef. When you refine rings, you get added pdef. I calculated my endgame gear, and ended up with over 10k def with reasonable refines.
Besides, you can wear heavy armor, just not your level.0 -
...sooooooo what them rings be +12 or somkin? (remember wizzies cheat with somthing called earthbarrier)
no never ever give build info based on assumed +7 or higher refines those are just far to expensive for most people to afford
yes there are LA wizzies at 80+ with 7k or so phys def but thats fully buffed and with +4 refines on all equips and 2 phys ornaments
and yes BM's need phys def simply because it makes our skills/bm oreinted geni skills beter
next rich person to give bad advice because they can compensate with $$$$$$ gets set on fire peopleb:angry
(is irked)Gifs are hard to make work here0 -
Hey, sapphire shards and garnet shards give mdef and pdef, respectively. I was assuming endgame meant past 90, so I went and spent some on shards as well as refines.
Btw, the rings were +5. Everything else was +3 except for the wep.0 -
Thank you guys for really constructive dialogues, Ive found some helpful ideas here. Btw, Ive made 2 misties and its 5680 accuracy. I dont really need them for their accuracy, but unless I have rings of heavenly lord (I hope I name them right), I will stick with them.
From lvl 80, the fighting will be completely different. New bow, new fists, hell of improvements too. I only dont have energy or will to keep questing - killing mobs, I stick with dailies and try to get good squad for rebirth orders gamma. If you have one, please, consider taking me with you (Heavenly flame lvl 8 atm) b:victory0
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