what crimson has become



  • Walterthewf - Harshlands
    Walterthewf - Harshlands Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Oh **** The Ships Going Down

    ABANDON SHIP MUST LEAVE FAST OMG RUN WERE DOOOOOOOOOMED..>NO LONGER...best...by..far....in...every...category...must...
  • Funlolz - Harshlands
    Funlolz - Harshlands Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Oh **** The Ships Going Down

    ABANDON SHIP MUST LEAVE FAST OMG RUN WERE DOOOOOOOOOMED..>NO LONGER...best...by..far....in...every...category...must...

    join us walter b:dirty we need a guild of all the people that win at forums b:chuckle
  • Epic - Harshlands
    Epic - Harshlands Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    before i assasinate this thread with more QQ spelling posts, i think ill stop there before to many ppl get upset b:chuckle

  • Uiztrollin - Harshlands
    Uiztrollin - Harshlands Posts: 358 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    LF> Kiwi to do the anger meter.
  • Nurfed - Harshlands
    Nurfed - Harshlands Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    o ****, he mad.
  • Meca - Harshlands
    Meca - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited April 2009

    looks like somebody got all worked up cos i must of upset Epic, so i got a nice spelling lesson by looking at every possible error i did while typing in a game...not an english essay b:surrender
  • Uiztrollin - Harshlands
    Uiztrollin - Harshlands Posts: 358 Arc User
    edited April 2009

    looks like somebody got all worked up cos i must of upset Epic, so i got a nice spelling lesson by looking at every possible error i did while typing in a game...not an english essay b:surrender

    Wait let me get my magnifying glass to see that picture.
  • Aragorn - Harshlands
    Aragorn - Harshlands Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    So we get a bunch of random PK together in a "flavor of the month" guild to put their real life on hold to level real fast and PK a bunch of lower levels that are grinding.. Oh noes! b:chuckle

    In the end we will all be the same level. So it's not even a big deal to me right now. It's actually more fun for me to lead you all into nowhere and hear you cry about why I won't let you kill me. You guys cry more when you can't catch me than I have ever heard someone cry about getting killed lol. b:cry

    So come back in a month or two and let's get this started for real. Will QQyou still be here?
  • Skeptical - Harshlands
    Skeptical - Harshlands Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited April 2009

    looks like somebody got all worked up cos i must of upset Epic, so i got a nice spelling lesson by looking at every possible error i did while typing in a game...not an english essay b:surrender

    Oh, Meca. If only you knew how easy you make it for other people to **** you off.

    My PMs were the equivalent of PMing BatGirl "DANANANANANA BATGIRRRRRL!" after her world shouts, or offering 1 coin to a seller whining "serious offers only". If I truly were worked up, I could do much better than meaningless spam.
  • Meca - Harshlands
    Meca - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Oh, Meca. If only you knew how easy you make it for other people to **** you off.

    My PMs were the equivalent of PMing BatGirl "DANANANANANA BATGIRRRRRL!" after her world shouts, or offering 1 coin to a seller whining "serious offers only". If I truly were worked up, I could do much better than meaningless spam.

    well atm, ur all barly a blip on my radar but if u think ur somewhat pissing me off, keep going if it makes you feel good lol
    at the end of the day, to me now, ur just like kiwi and suwaki, 2 idiots that generaly think they pwn at everything by giving out a simple reply.

    if i was actualy pissed off about something, i would have made a massive post with lots of hate in it :D

    atm the only person that actualy seems to no what hes posting with some relevence in it is funlolz
  • Nova_ - Harshlands
    Nova_ - Harshlands Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    well if it wasnt the 4 horsemen of the apocolypse to start the thread off,
    well spin my nipples and call me sue

    even i can admit that Crimson hasnt the co-ordination atm, truth is barly any1 cares to pk or do anything with any1 apart from maby party at the main grind spots to kill mobs and thats about it.

    well aslong as QQme has there fun, jolly good as thats what the server is about, and ofcourse the no life ppl such as Suwaki that just proved that sentence by saying
    "oh snaps, you might as well be sucking my e-peen right now crimson, because you're making it rock hard"
    over a game :D

    ^^ long post with lots of hate in it... lolwut b:bye
  • Skeptical - Harshlands
    Skeptical - Harshlands Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    well atm, ur all barly a blip on my radar but if u think ur somewhat pissing me off, keep going if it makes you feel good lol
    at the end of the day, to me now, ur just like kiwi and suwaki, 2 idiots that generaly think they pwn at everything by giving out a simple reply.

    if i was actualy pissed off about something, i would have made a massive post with lots of hate in it :D

    atm the only person that actualy seems to no what hes posting with some relevence in it is funlolz

    Blips on your radar deserve an entire forum post devoted to them? Wow, I'm flattered! <3
  • Aragorn - Harshlands
    Aragorn - Harshlands Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Oh, Meca. If only you knew how easy you make it for other people to **** you off.

    My PMs were the equivalent of PMing BatGirl "DANANANANANA BATGIRRRRRL!" after her world shouts, or offering 1 coin to a seller whining "serious offers only". If I truly were worked up, I could do much better than meaningless spam.

    You mean you get worked up over this game? Wow.. Get outside or something. I am hiring if you would like a job?
  • Meca - Harshlands
    Meca - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    ^^ long post with lots of hate in it... loltuwt b:bye

    lols, if u call that lots of hate, i wud love to see an actual hate post then

    Blips on your radar deserve an entire forum post devoted to them? Wow, I'm flattered! <3

    just to be funny, i mentioned funlolz in there, so it wasnt devoted to you :D
    also that was barly a long post, just made it into small paragraphs which made it seem longer lol, i generaly mean like something on the previous page with about 15-20 lines or somert crazy.
  • Skeptical - Harshlands
    Skeptical - Harshlands Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    You mean you get worked up over this game? Wow.. Get outside or something. I am hiring if you would like a job?

    IF I truly were worked up.

    "If" being the keyword here.
  • Meca - Harshlands
    Meca - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    IF I truly were worked up.

    "If" being the keyword here.

    You realy like english lessons, i suggest you slowly step away from your keyboard...and get a job as a teacher...but do it nice and slowly so i can see your hands...
  • Skeptical - Harshlands
    Skeptical - Harshlands Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    You realy like english lessons, i suggest you slowly step away from your keyboard...and get a job as a teacher...but do it nice and slowly so i can see your hands...

    Does my typing **** you off? ;D I wasn't even trying to correct you or rub my superior English in your face at any point (in the post you quoted). Though I could do a bit of that now, if you like.
  • Meca - Harshlands
    Meca - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Does my typing **** you off? ;D I wasn't even trying to correct you or rub my superior English in your face at any point (in the post you quoted). Though I could do a bit of that now, if you like.

    sure go ahead, entertain your self and ill give you some more grammer to check in this sentence if u like.
  • Uiztrollin - Harshlands
    Uiztrollin - Harshlands Posts: 358 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    sure go ahead, entertain your self and ill give you some more grammer to check in this sentence if u like.


    (post extender >9000)
  • Ultimate - Harshlands
    Ultimate - Harshlands Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    HOLY FAWK!!! b:shocked LOL xD i cant stop laughing this is do damn hilarious. xD

    Bad thing is that if Meca keep on raging every 2~5 post this is gonna get closed, as this will be over spam thread.
  • Suwaki - Harshlands
    Suwaki - Harshlands Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    So we get a bunch of random PK together in a "flavor of the month" guild to put their real life on hold to level real fast and PK a bunch of lower levels that are grinding.. Oh noes! b:chuckle

    In the end we will all be the same level. So it's not even a big deal to me right now. It's actually more fun for me to lead you all into nowhere and hear you cry about why I won't let you kill me. You guys cry more when you can't catch me than I have ever heard someone cry about getting killed lol. b:cry

    So come back in a month or two and let's get this started for real. Will QQyou still be here?

    Just had to say, everyone is lower leveled >>
  • Meca - Harshlands
    Meca - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    HOLY FAWK!!! b:shocked LOL xD i cant stop laughing this is do damn hilarious. xD

    Bad thing is that if Meca keep on raging every 2~5 post this is gonna get closed, as this will be over spam thread.

    its fun to spam, join the ze clubz, but yea ill attempt to stop the random posting in this thread, its just people keep quoting me cos i seem to get to every1 to easy :D
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    its fun to spam, join the ze clubz, but yea ill attempt to stop the random posting in this thread, its just people keep quoting me cos i seem to get to every1 to easy :D

    quoting so you can post again.
  • Walterthewf - Harshlands
    Walterthewf - Harshlands Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I demand the police take action about this hacking of the Crimson forum. b:angry
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I demand the police take action about this hacking of the Crimson forum. b:angry

    Itskay ill give you my guilds forum info.
  • Eragon - Harshlands
    Eragon - Harshlands Posts: 465 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    My e-peen is as hard as a crystal ATM. TY for not booting me out cuz of forums.
  • mprkeller
    mprkeller Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited April 2009

    i believe that there is enough said in those screenshots from their forums. as much as they may try to deny it, this is the truth of crimson. i have no problem with the people in crimson, simply one with what the guild has become. it pleases me that crimson members feel the same way. the problem is the way the guild was made. they started off as one of the largest guilds and basically set themselves up on the pedestal of believing they are the best. sadly, having a number and level advantage doesnt make a guild the best. it only makes that guild a random assortment of people. and that is what crimson is. whats the point of calling 20 people if those 20 people dont coordinate. whats the point of leveling faster than anyone else if you level alone. i never intended qqme to be a real guild. simply a group of friends that level and pvp together who watch out for each others backs. it turns out we are more of a real guild than crimson ever was.

    btw qqme recruiting any ex-crimson or any ex-other guild, for some rule free playing of this game. b:pleased

    Well well. Spying and sneaking out strictly confidential forum contents from another guild. Such is the ETHICS of these people. This is too low, even for you funlolz. You must be real proud of this. Know that these are posts are exclusively by guild members and knowing these are protected from outsiders, they are free to express their opinions from within.

    It has come to this? Even with competing guilds, privacy should be respected. What does this impression you just gave to your guild now? It seems lots of people are delighted at doing such things. Know that Crimson will never ever resort to such underhanded tactics. And that's what separates it from the rest.

    What's next? Do you also sneak into your neighbors house and steal compromising pictures and post them on the web and blackmail? True, Crimson is not an invincible guild nor perfect as you guys thought it to be. I dunno who started this impression about Crim being a god guild.

    Nobody's perfect. Even with members of diverse backgrounds, language/cultural barriers and such and other problems, we always try to make the best of it. People can come and leave if they want. Nobody's stopping them. As in real life, there are people who just run from problem/quit or give up and there are those who try to do something about it. It's up to them who they want to be. b:victory
  • Aragorn - Harshlands
    Aragorn - Harshlands Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I think the whole point the OP was trying to make was to ask how long QQme will last.

    I am taking bets right now.

    1 week pays 100-1
    2 weeks pays 50-1
    3 weeks pays 25-1
    4 weeks pays 8-1
    5 weeks pays 15-1
    6 weeks or more pays 50-1

    You got a full guild of random PK guild hoppers with no discernible leadership. These guild come and go, and guaranteed once this one fails like all the others these players have been in some other 12 year old will try their hand at leadership as well.

    Carebears, Leviathan, Eminence, BloodCult (flavor of the week for powerlevelers), and now QQme.

    I am also taking bets on what the new name will be once QQme fails. I am thinking it will be called Welikethedik. lol
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I think the whole point the OP was trying to make was to ask how long QQme will last.

    I am taking bets right now.

    1 week pays 100-1
    2 weeks pays 50-1
    3 weeks pays 25-1
    4 weeks pays 8-1
    5 weeks pays 15-1
    6 weeks or more pays 50-1

    You got a full guild of random PK guild hoppers with no discernible leadership. These guild come and go, and guaranteed once this one fails like all the others these players have been in some other 12 year old will try their hand at leadership as well.

    Carebears, Leviathan, Eminence, BloodCult (flavor of the week for powerlevelers), and now QQme.

    I am also taking bets on what the new name will be once QQme fails. I am thinking it will be called Welikethedik. lol

    Watch for this guy. When crimson dies and a new guild is #1 he will be in it.
  • Jeffreys - Harshlands
    Jeffreys - Harshlands Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Watch for this guy. When crimson dies and a new guild is #1 he will be in it.

    who will be the new #1b:dirty
    [Kylin Organizer]Having Fun In The New Serverb:thanks