High levelsl ruined low level event



  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    rsin wrote: »
    Im not making any excuses at all. I personally dont go to raids. I went to 1 at walled stronghold and saw nothing but a bunch of dustwraithers so i left and let the lower levels have their fun because I honestly found it boring. Doesnt excuse the fact though that even the announcements themselves say that it is everybodies duty to fight. Some of us are courtious in a sense when we really dont have to be. Like i refuse to sit there and 1 shot a bunch of easy targets because their is no skill or challenge involved. So I dont see the point of your reply to me at all. I guess some people just have to get a word in i suppose. lol

    Lol, common sense. Since they said "everyone," should lvl 1s join too and get killed? It's to fit in with the "story." Those mobs are never intended for you. But you already know that.

    So why come up with some lame justification if you know no one is going to believe it anyway? It's an insult to everyone else's intelligence. Just tell the truth and say "It's because I can."b:chuckle
  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    To give everyone on the server a chance to thwart an attack of the Wraith Army?

    That Army don't need thwarting. The mobs don't respawn if you don't kill them. And "everyone" includes lvl1s, who don't "have a chance" anyway. It is not meant for "everyone." It is what it is. You insult our and your own intelligence by pretending to not see the painfully obvious game device, one which, apparently, haven't been working as intended, and need tweaking.b:pleased
  • rsin
    rsin Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    That Army don't need thwarting. The mobs don't respawn if you don't kill them. And "everyone" includes lvl1s, who don't "have a chance" anyway. It is not meant for "everyone." It is what it is. You insult our and your own intelligence by pretending to not see the painfully obvious game device, one which, apparently, haven't been working as intended, and need tweaking.b:pleased

    Well like I said, I dont participate in wraith raids. tried it once and it wasnt for me. So what truth are you wanting me to tell other than what I have already which is I do not participate in the raids. Not because I can but because i do not want to. Your reply is an insult to your own intelligence because apparently you didnt understand my previous and clearly stated post.
    And bottom line. Aside from the obvious game device, some people do prefer to go along and role play the story out as it is told by the device itself...so just accept it. lol

    And what exactly is my so-called lame justification anyway. I simply stated that I went to one and it wasnt for me. I clearly wrote in my previous post that I left and allowed the lower levels to have their fun. I did not stay and try to ruin anyones event. So i honestly dont see your arguing point at all. I do not participate. That is not an excuse or lame justification of any form what so-ever. And whether you or I know that some are not intended for us which is common sense. There will be those who role play it for what it is and how the obvious game device portrays it as whether it needs tweaked or not. Its there, its part of the game. the game is meant to be played. I choose not to do that part on my own just as you do. But others will or wont also. And yeah the game itself allows it. So deal with it or dont deal with it. End of story.
  • Minta - Dreamweaver
    Minta - Dreamweaver Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    High levels do this for the SOLE purpose of pissing everyone off. The more you hate them the more they like it because they know you can't do anything about it.

    wrong. i do it for mirages, dog tags and money. i can't grind 100k, i can't get so many dog tags and celestones in 20 mins.

    wraith event for me same as x-mass event where had to kill snowmen. There isn't YOUR mobs KSing. In Easter event you will say that only low lvl wizzies and bms can pick up eggs because they will drop at low level place near Etherblade?
  • Viper_girl - Heavens Tear
    Viper_girl - Heavens Tear Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    wrong. i do it for mirages, dog tags and money. i can't grind 100k, i can't get so many dog tags and celestones in 20 mins.

    wraith event for me same as x-mass event where had to kill snowmen. There isn't YOUR mobs KSing. In Easter event you will say that only low lvl wizzies and bms can pick up eggs because they will drop at low level place near Etherblade?

    Minta can you clarify if you are level 54 as your Avatar says or are you posting on an alt?

    The reason I ask is that at Lvl 54 you aren't considered a high level for most wraith events. The Anglers Village event may have been a bit low for you but you probably got drops at Lvl 54 and probably couldn't one shot.

    My issue is when you have players 30-50 lvls higher than the area. It would be like taking my lvl 40+ char to a newbie starter area. I could decimate the area without even trying.

    From what I saw the 2 lvl 70-80+ players didn't get any drops despite the fact that they decimated the area in a large radius around them. I don't think they even needed to cast a spell or move. All they did was send their superfast pets in for a one shot kill. So no mana usage or value to PWI in charm or Angel costs for them.
  • mastuhsig
    mastuhsig Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I think that most of the people on this thread have good points on both sides. I understand that some higher lvls do it just for fun, and I can't blame them for wanting to kill wraiths. It's only the ones that do it specifically for the drops that I have a problem with. Me and my squad (all about appropriate lvl for wraith attack) weren't having that much trouble getting regular kills. I mean that's why we were in a squad.

    The only time me and my squad really had any trouble was when the commander came out. I was right beside it when it spawned and attacked it immediately with my squad and a few others.

    It was then that two high lvls (apparently also in a squad) came up and killed it in about a total of four hits. We all then just stood there thinking all **** as these two high lvls picked up about 15 different items (including two dogs and at least one celestone, hard to tell with all the text you know). Only then was I actually irritated.
  • Crazy__erik - Heavens Tear
    Crazy__erik - Heavens Tear Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I disagree with the running statement that it's a free-for-all and KSing is tolerated...that is a crutch you are using as an excuse to just throw away you sense of manners and run around the romper room punching other children.
    In most situations in PW you follow the unwritten law of not kill stealing other people's prey, why is this different? Why can you not control your inner-emoness and let others have their fun?
    Because of DogTags? Any Vet of these wars will tell you...you get as many drops, if not more, from NOT trying and failing to ks as you do hitting your own target.
    No...I subscribe to the theory that Wraith Wars, et al, simpily show one's true nature...either you respect other people and their right to kill along side you, or you are a slobbering idiot worried only about how the war benefits you, running around willy-nilly like a Ritalin fiend looking for a fix until you die and then hope the cleric you just rippped-off will rez you.
  • Akuen - Heavens Tear
    Akuen - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    My question to all the high lvls who are telling the lowbies to STFU as they laugh, what will you do if the GMs DO implement level bans? I'm old school Ultima Online and I remember the days of PK-for-all, where there was nowhere safe to enjoy the game from some a$$hat deliberately killing a newbie to "steal their socks" and then shout, "i SkuLL FuXx0rZ jEw!" The lowbies and peaceful players begged the staff to do something and the PKers laughed, saying, "UO doesn't care about you! We pay the most money! They wouldn't DARE **** off their cash cows! We are worth more than you!" Well one day, they split the game so that the peaceful PvE players had an exact copy of the game world that had nice graphics and no PKing. The "favourite of the GMs" PKers? They got a mirror, too. It had ugly/dead graphics and no safe zones except cities. And you know those big, bad, "Hah! You carebears are losers because you won't walk outside of town so I can sKuLl FuXx0R JeW!" PKers? You know what they did? THEY ALL CAME TO THE PvE SERVER! I wandered around in the PK server mirror for nearly an hour before seeing anyone. They were all scared of each other! They didn't have any low-level, innocent "sheeple" to kill. They had to deal with someone who could kill them just as easily as they could try to kill the other, and the god-cursed cowards RAN TO CAREBEARLAND! I laughed for an hour straight!

    And sadly, some of you are just the type, but since you can't force a newbie/lowbie to be your PK sheeple, you hide behind the fact that you can't be PK'd either and look for ANY OTHER method you can do to **** off the new/lowbies, all under the excuse of, "I've been here longer/paid more money than you! It's not my fault you got here late/I'm richer than you! Suck it up, loser! AHAHA!"

    So my question. What will you do when, just like you think they won't, they make it so you can't bust in on low level events anymore? Will you cry like babies the way the Ultima Online PKers did, "It's not fair! Nobody wants to be my victim! The only people I can fight anymore are people good enough to beat me! Where are my lowbie victims?! WAAAH!", and threaten to quit the game, thinking your money is somehow greener than mine is and they'll beg you, "Nooo! Don''t leave, rich mean guy! We'll be forced to live in a cardboard box and eat ramen if you don't play our game! Here! We made new fighting actions for you so that when you kill that lowbie, you can then choose to skullfuxx0r it satisfyingly! It then steals all their account zen, sending it to you, and bans the lowbie's IP forever!"

    I know someone who their mother used to hit them with a metal pipe when they didn't do what she wanted. Because she did it to them, that makes it ok to do it to their future kids? That's what you're saying, some of you. "Someone ruined my fun for me during my lower levels so now it's MY turn to go ruin the fun of low levels now that I have the power! I can't get over the fact that I wasn't server-born as a badda$$ **** and someone was able to mess with me, so now that I AM a bada$$ ****, I'ma go show people what a bada$$ **** I am in any way I can!"

    Proof that some of you are real sparkling gems of examples of why some high lvls give most high lvls a bad reputation are the people hoping that the OP somehow messes up the ToS so he can get banned. That's really proof right there of what gracious people some of you high lvls are.

    No, not every high lvl is being painted with this brush, however, if this post offends you, then you ARE one of those a$$hat, selfish high lvls making a bad name for all the decent ones out there just trying to enjoy the game. Feel free to now stick your thumbs in your ears, wriggle your fingers, and stick your tongue out at me or whatever "Haha! You suk!" posts you're going to do. My money is still pretty green and the ToS is still pretty safe for me, so you pretty much can't do a d@mn thing to me. :) Not to mention my rather close connection to those "communist b@stards", which may well get me perks the rest of you round eyes will NEVER have. XD
  • Asmathi - Sanctuary
    Asmathi - Sanctuary Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I agree with some of the above posts, if you stand in a area with people WITHOUT glowing weapons, you are more likely to profit. In one raid on Village of Brutes, I got 10 Elemental Dust, 1 celestone, and close to 1500 Arrows, not to mention the many potions that dropped. Though i didn't see a single dog-tag drop, So I wonder at that excuse. and am not talking about dropping for me, but for everyone.b:sinb:puzzled

    The Past is but a mere memory. Never Regret, for it can never be changed.
  • BratFury - Heavens Tear
    BratFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ok dude, that was just great.. all I have to say about this whole subject is your post was just GREAT.. and funny too :)
  • Lithandrys - Heavens Tear
    Lithandrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I disagree with the running statement that it's a free-for-all and KSing is tolerated...that is a crutch you are using as an excuse to just throw away you sense of manners and run around the romper room punching other children.
    In most situations in PW you follow the unwritten law of not kill stealing other people's prey, why is this different? Why can you not control your inner-emoness and let others have their fun?
    Because of DogTags? Any Vet of these wars will tell you...you get as many drops, if not more, from NOT trying and failing to ks as you do hitting your own target.
    No...I subscribe to the theory that Wraith Wars, et al, simpily show one's true nature...either you respect other people and their right to kill along side you, or you are a slobbering idiot worried only about how the war benefits you, running around willy-nilly like a Ritalin fiend looking for a fix until you die and then hope the cleric you just rippped-off will rez you.

    Well said, Tiger.
    If all else fails, look cute....and then run like hell.
  • tasibar
    tasibar Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    There have been alot of good posts for both sides...i understand that its an event for everyone...but when you see a lvl 35 working hard to kill a 40 at the event and you make a CONSCIOUS decision to steal that kill, you are rude and a disgrace to yourself/faction..you shouldnt be so hyped up about some stupid tags or dq stuff that you ruin it for everyone else...that makes you a selfish, self centered **** that doesnt deserve to be part of "group" activities, considering you dont "play" well with others...
  • Phoenix - Dreamweaver
    Phoenix - Dreamweaver Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Stay at events for your own lvl and DON'T spoil them for others just because you can or because you are bored

    That's foolishness. Your attitude could also be interpreted as "spoiling the fun of others", because you are in no position to insist you have special rights in a server-wide event based solely on something as arbitrary as level. What's next? Declaring that people who have a certain amount of money should stop showing up and 'spoiling the fun' of those that aren't quite so affluent in the game?

    What gives you your false sense of entitlement, that makes you think you are in any position to dictate propriety given your explicit rudeness here?
  • Livlovelaugh - Lost City
    Livlovelaugh - Lost City Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    It is a little bit unfair, they're meant to be fun.

  • Siege - Dreamweaver
    Siege - Dreamweaver Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    tasibar wrote: »
    There have been alot of good posts for both sides...i understand that its an event for everyone...but when you see a lvl 35 working hard to kill a 40 at the event and you make a CONSCIOUS decision to steal that kill, you are rude and a disgrace to yourself/faction..you shouldnt be so hyped up about some stupid tags or dq stuff that you ruin it for everyone else...that makes you a selfish, self centered **** that doesnt deserve to be part of "group" activities, considering you dont "play" well with others...

    And what about low levels that KS other low levels? As soon as venos arrive on the scene (no offense) that event turns into a KSing event anyway. Singling high levels out like that does not prove how high levels that attend that event truly are. No one signed up for this game to listen to other regular players and have rules set for them that were not originally part of the game.

    As long as I spend real money on this game, I will kill what I want, when I want, and where I want as long as the game allows me to. If I come and spam aoe skills at a low level wraith event...then tough. How I play on a free game doesn't describe how I act towards people in real life. That's like saying if you mindlessly kill mobs on a game then you have the potential to mindlessly slaughter people in real life.

    Now I don't really attend these low level wraith events anyway because I usually have something better to do. But this is a free game, you have no right to set rules for others. You can pass judgment on high levels that attend these low level wraith events all you want, but there's a very good chance it won't mean a thing to them because you're just a regular player like everyone else.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    And what about low levels that KS other low levels? As soon as venos arrive on the scene (no offense) that event turns into a KSing event anyway. Singling high levels out like that does not prove how high levels that attend that event truly are. No one signed up for this game to listen to other regular players and have rules set for them that were not originally part of the game.

    As long as I spend real money on this game, I will kill what I want, when I want, and where I want as long as the game allows me to. If I come and spam aoe skills at a low level wraith event...then tough. How I play on a free game doesn't describe how I act towards people in real life. That's like saying if you mindlessly kill mobs on a game then you have the potential to mindlessly slaughter people in real life.

    Now I don't really attend these low level wraith events anyway because I usually have something better to do. But this is a free game, you have no right to set rules for others. You can pass judgment on high levels that attend these low level wraith events all you want, but there's a very good chance it won't mean a thing to them because you're just a regular player like everyone else.
    Have you not a sense of morality, sir? Paying money, more or less than the man next to you, is irrelevant, it in no way gives you a right to claim rights to such actions. Yes there are no rules about it, but do you not consider the others feelings?

    Whe I first started the game, I remember my first wraith event. I was the only one there, as I was doing Q's around Broken Bridge Village, attempting to kill these ososcary new beasts threatining my little home village. Then, someone with your mentality appeared. My golem would be tanking these beasts, and all of a sudden, out of the blue a 60+ player comes, smacks the thing dead in one hit, and says "get out of here noob."

    I was appauled, how could these people just brutally take everything I attempted to kill from me? It was like.. my mother giving me a dollar for a candy... and some bully takes it from me. You sir, if you support their actions are a supporter of bullies.

    In general, the only area I see low levels take from other low levels is in the cults after 19 - 29 pertaining to the mines and broken bow bluff, where there are too few monsters and too many players. Though it happened often, id rarely get in a fight with another, wed shake it off as if it was nothing, be on with our lives... but occasionally there was another player who would be like your attitude and say: I pay for cash shop items, therefore I have a right to do whatever.

    This aggrivates me to no end when it comes to AOE leveling blademasters and zhen parties... I buy scrolls and charms too, what makes you any better than me, that you think you need every monster in the area and cannot share 1-2 less mobs for the wandering solo'er trying to get a little exp for him or herself. This is one time only where Zoe's mentality that humans only live for their self interest theory can be applied as correct.

    I for one do not like bullies, nor do I believe someone has a right to a monster more than someone else. Those who take advantage of things such as wraith events or zhen with aggresive tactics that are abrasive and detrimental to the rest of the community around them are heavily in the wrong. Thus I close stating, Yes I am just a regular player like everyone else... but so are you.
  • Insanefluffy - Lost City
    Insanefluffy - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    i sense a verbal war going on, given that it is to be expected the highers will be at World Wide events and "mess it up" for lower lvls but u know its an ongoing cycle seriously think of this if you get pushed around when your a low lvl then when your high your going to the same thing people just forget that they were once that lvl instead of wailing on people consider it a right of passage everyone has to go through it. well there is my little..long spiel... mosiltof..have no idea what that means..oh well..te heb:chuckle
  • Siege - Dreamweaver
    Siege - Dreamweaver Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Have you not a sense of morality, sir? Paying money, more or less than the man next to you, is irrelevant, it in no way gives you a right to claim rights to such actions. Yes there are no rules about it, but do you not consider the others feelings?

    Whe I first started the game, I remember my first wraith event. I was the only one there, as I was doing Q's around Broken Bridge Village, attempting to kill these ososcary new beasts threatining my little home village. Then, someone with your mentality appeared. My golem would be tanking these beasts, and all of a sudden, out of the blue a 60+ player comes, smacks the thing dead in one hit, and says "get out of here noob."

    I was appauled, how could these people just brutally take everything I attempted to kill from me? It was like.. my mother giving me a dollar for a candy... and some bully takes it from me. You sir, if you support their actions are a supporter of bullies.

    In general, the only area I see low levels take from other low levels is in the cults after 19 - 29 pertaining to the mines and broken bow bluff, where there are too few monsters and too many players. Though it happened often, id rarely get in a fight with another, wed shake it off as if it was nothing, be on with our lives... but occasionally there was another player who would be like your attitude and say: I pay for cash shop items, therefore I have a right to do whatever.

    This aggrivates me to no end when it comes to AOE leveling blademasters and zhen parties... I buy scrolls and charms too, what makes you any better than me, that you think you need every monster in the area and cannot share 1-2 less mobs for the wandering solo'er trying to get a little exp for him or herself. This is one time only where Zoe's mentality that humans only live for their self interest theory can be applied as correct.

    I for one do not like bullies, nor do I believe someone has a right to a monster more than someone else. Those who take advantage of things such as wraith events or zhen with aggresive tactics that are abrasive and detrimental to the rest of the community around them are heavily in the wrong. Thus I close stating, Yes I am just a regular player like everyone else... but so are you.

    -sigh- I should have known my wall of text was going to confuse someone...

    The real money part was brought up to support my reasons as to why players should not set rules for others. Hence the regular player part as well.

    I do not really care what you think I'm like in real life, but it is a little sad though that you believe you know what I'm truly like just because of what I think an open event should be like on a game. I guess that is what happens when you take the game to heart.

    I never stated that I was better than everyone else because I spend real money on this game. You also fail to understand the meaning of the word bully.

    As I said before, these wraith events turn into a KSing event anyway, so you might as well say you hate anyone that attends the event. I bet most of these low levels complaining, has done their fair share of KSing at a wraith event. Some are just trying to play the role of the white knight.

    If I want to kill a high level mob, I will kill a high level mob. The same goes for low level mobs. I never said I supported KSing, but one thing I will tell you though, is that I will never consider the feelings of a bunch of random players at a wraith event when they themselves are KSing each other as well. Hell, when I played a high level dual blader back on HT, I couldn't aoe any of the low level mobs at the event so I had to do mostly 1v1 yet low levels were still trying to KS me. Players will only bring out the manners argument when things aren't working in their favor and then twist the meaning of manners to fit their way of thinking.
  • Meiko - Dreamweaver
    Meiko - Dreamweaver Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    My son at age 9 was playing basketball with friends at the park. Now mind you there are 6 full courts. Seniors came along and decided they wanted the court my son and his friends were playing on.

    Instead of backing down they continued to play and tried to just ignore the seniors. One got nasty and elbowed one of the younger kids in the head very hard.

    As I was walking over to them, my son looks at the kid and calls him a tard.
    The senior proceed to punch my son in the face. I took out my phone and called 911 and had the kid arrested. He was banned from the park until his
    18th birthday and put on probation. His parents also had to pay all the medical bills.

    My sons reaction to all of this was why... there were 5 other courts open.

    I told him this. There are going to be people in this world that truely believe everything is theirs and will do anything to take it. Right or wrong it is their way. You can't change a bully. You can only work within the system to try and make it better.

    In game there are also bullies that believe no matter what the level of the mob, if they want it, it should be theirs. Doesn't matter if it ruins others enjoyment or not. You are not going to change them... So I suggest you keep putting in your suggestions to try and get a maximum level requirement put on this event depending on the area it is in at the time. All the crying isn't going to change their minds and make them play fair.

    Just keep requesting the change be implemented and at some point your request may just happen. It might not come when you are that level, but will ultimately help the ones that go behind you.

    *Steps off soap box*
    Be yourself...everyone else is already taken.
  • Chrisssss - Sanctuary
    Chrisssss - Sanctuary Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Well in all fairness high lvls got to the game before the low lvls. Believe me I've had my fair share of the same thing happend to me in one form or another. So....all I got to say is quit complaining and lvl. It's harsh but true; why should the high lvls cool it down and let low lvls win the prize? It's hard work getting to that certain lvl, once you low lvls do a 20/20/20 you'll see.
  • Holystic - Sanctuary
    Holystic - Sanctuary Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Its sucks that this happened to you but than again KSing is nothing new to this game. It would be great if the mobs would lock onto you for the duration of the fight, such as in many other MMORPG. This would tone down the KS action that's so prominent in this game. Than again this wont solve your problem of 1 shotting mobs by high lvls..I don't think much can solve that unless they restricted it to a zone only low lvls could enter, unfortunately this being a *free* game..I don't see them overhauling there combat system but we can hope. I avoid 90% of all events in the game because of this, which is a shame because I think the developers do want these events to flourish.

    Best options like many have said is to avoid these events or go in as groups with high lvl friends.
  • Surfer_Rosa - Sanctuary
    Surfer_Rosa - Sanctuary Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I strongly disagree with this view that rules being enforced is the only solution to a problem... Get good at it, practice! Targetting and attacking fast is as important a factor in Wraith Raids as level can be. Chances are you'll be able to hold your own at the mid level range.
  • Arliana - Dreamweaver
    Arliana - Dreamweaver Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Truth is though, you should have no problem ever during a wraith attack. By lvl 50, you should be able to go to any of the wraith attacks, by lvl 10, any wraith attack you reach should give you loot.

    Once your lvl 50, even the lvl 90+ wraith attacks will give you stuff and be doable solo. And at that point, if u have ppl ksing still, your pretty fail.

    Lets say your lvl 1. Hypothetically. Why are you even at a wraith attack?
  • vampirevane
    vampirevane Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    -- Just stop all this BS.. It's a matter of deciding to be a DECENT gamer person or to be JERK gamer person.. in this OR any game.

    When i play.. I judge the person behind the the computer, for the actions of his/her pixels. Nothing more..nothing less
    5 Skill Slots for Pets Please ..Venos will $hare more ;)
  • Sapheon - Dreamweaver
    Sapheon - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    As Wolfgang said, I went for the dog tags. I got KS'ed when I was your level too, it happens. You can't say that "high levels" cant go to an event when it is broadcasted to the entire server. It's an open event for everybody. Sorry that I had nothing better to do at the time and ruined your entire day by keeping you from getting a few precious kills.

    Stumbled upon this post and find this a funny analogy.

    When you were a kid, if your parents told you:
    "You cannot do this because I said so. I am right because I am an adult"

    Of course, kids hated that because that is simply not a reasonable argument.

    When you grow up, what do you do?

    Tell kids:
    "You cannot do this because I said so. I am right because I am an adult. I was told the same thing when I was your age. Deal with it until you get older"

    Talk about passing on a tradition, huh?
  • Teeki - Dreamweaver
    Teeki - Dreamweaver Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    It's been over a month, why are you all still whining about this. b:angry If the GM's or DEV's fix it so all "high levels" (preferably anyone who is lv 21+ b:chuckle) are banned then they do that, if not TOO BAD.

    Life isn't fair, neither is this game; deal with it or get out.

    Nuff said.
    Remember, some people are alive only because it is illegal to shoot them.
    Perfect World International, customer dissatisfaction is guarenteed.
  • Amazonian - Heavens Tear
    Amazonian - Heavens Tear Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I do the wraith invasions but at my level I only go to Town of Arrivals or higher level areas. It's a bit boring going after the low level creatures. Unless of course you've had a crappy day and want to make sure someone else does too.
  • Sapheon - Dreamweaver
    Sapheon - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    really Have To Do This To Get A Point Across, Huh?

    An Eye Sore, But Oh Well. Gotta Go With The Trend. What Do I Know...