High levelsl ruined low level event



  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I have the fourth post on the first page, and I'm pretty sure I read the first post yesterday. Because the thread was started yesterday, "The Event" was actually the Assault on Archosaur, not a single Wraith attack on one the outlying towns (of which there was probably more than one).

    Gate of Antiquity is one of the Untamed starter towns. OP was talking about a wraith event, not the assault on Archosaur.

    I'm a big believer in incentives/disincentives to discourage this type of behavior, not punitive actions like calling a GM or bans. Just make it so the drop rates for high levels at these low-level events is pitifully low. Or even make it so if you kill >20 consecutive deep green mobs that didn't aggro on you, you start losing exp.

    I was at Wellspring Village (the last of the 4 Untamed starter towns) when my barb was 20 and a wraith event happened there. I managed a handful of kills, maybe a dozen, despite the high level folks there. Most people seem polite enough that if you engage a mob first, they'll leave it to you. But I can see how a single a**hole ranged high-level one-shotting everything, even mobs you're currently fighting, could really ruin things.
  • Shizuma - Dreamweaver
    Shizuma - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    OMGLAZERZ - Solar is complaining about the wraith event held today, not the Assault on Arch event. I'm not sure why the Assault event was even brought up except to show that the same thing was happening during that event too.
  • Teeki - Dreamweaver
    Teeki - Dreamweaver Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I have the fourth post on the first page, and I'm pretty sure I read the first post yesterday. Because the thread was started yesterday, "The Event" was actually the Assault on Archosaur, not a single Wraith attack on one the outlying towns (of which there was probably more than one). The only "low level" event yesterday was the assault on the West Gate to Archusaur (10-30) which probably had more than a few high levels wiping out the mobs the GMs were spawning there.

    No, they did make announcements as to what level ranges should go to which gates before the Assualt on Arch event began because they know that not everyone reads the forums.

    To address the phrase in red, this post was started 3 hours ago... Seems impossible that you could have read this post yesterday...
    Remember, some people are alive only because it is illegal to shoot them.
    Perfect World International, customer dissatisfaction is guarenteed.
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Somehow, I don't believe you.
    Hmm... I may be remembering things more favourably than they actually happened. I just asked my girlfriend what she remembers and she estimated about 30 element dust each. I think that's a low estimate by my memory, but maybe I'm wrong.

    Basically my strategy was to pick two spawn points near the edge of the action, activate whatever damage boosting items I had, and repeatedly kill those two spawns. Meanwhile my girlfriend would pick two other spawns and do the same.

    Perhaps these events are more competitive now? This would have been back in November~ish. I stopped doing them because at about level 26 or so the drops became far stingier and we were getting way less, even though we could kill quicker.
    PWI Merchanting Guides: warrenwolfy.wordpress.com
  • Viper_girl - Heavens Tear
    Viper_girl - Heavens Tear Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I KS everything I can at wraith events, 'cause it's fun and I can . . . Also it would be a complete waste of time for a lvl 60 or a lvl 80 or w/e to come to a low level event if they didn't KS, because you could make more money on mobs your level and get dog tag or stamps inside an fb instead.

    This is precisely the point of the OP. If they made it so the high levels DID NOT get much benefit from KSing then there wouldn't be so much of it.

    Why don't you high levels allow the low levels to have some fun? There are plenty of high level areas the newbies can't go.

    I'm glad I made it to the 20s without getting too discouraged. It really isn't that much fun before that and I would have left PWI if I hadn't made it to Archosaur. OR had a horrible experience with nasty high levels like you. b:angry

    GMs PLEASE help out the lower level players by NOT encouraging KSing by the high levels. I mean it in a way that can be automated. Such as giving the low level the credit for the kill or nerfing the drops for the high levels to nothing. Maybe it should be the first player to make a hit that gets the credit, at least in Wraith events.
  • Solar - Dreamweaver
    Solar - Dreamweaver Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Thx all for replies I hope the GM's make it so the special mobs are UNTARGETABLE by ANYONE over 10 levels above the event mobs lvl

    so lvl 20 mobs cant be hit by any1 lvl 31+
    lv 40 mobs cant be hit by any1 lvl 51+ etc

    so that the event area stays with the lvls that its meant for - just making no drops or rarer drops would not deter the people I saw yesterday - They would still show up and KS everything because that's what they do for fun - They are the ones that shout 'come on everyone try pk me' etc and ask you for a duel only when they know they can win easy or 1 hit you

    BTW no idea what the Archosaur event was THIS POST was about a wraith attack on GATE OF ANTIQUITY a lvl 20 start town in barb/veno area

    The event was a bloodbath of 1 hit kills and no fun for the lvl it was aimed at

    edit - spelling :)
  • Corwin - Harshlands
    Corwin - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited April 2009

    2 wrongs do not make it right

    True, but 3 lefts will!

    Maybe they SHOULD ban higher levels from participating in ALL interaction with lower levels. Like pk, FBs, trading, events, and forums. Get the point? They have every right to be there or anywhere they want regardless of level. I can't wait until you do something that someone else disagrees with and they report you. I hope you get banned for it.

    The whole idea of a fantasy game is to live out your fantasy, so if someone wants to be a jerk, they can. Live with it, turn the other cheek, cry, tell your mom/gm(his mom has a lvl 8x archer b:surrender), whatever. There doesn't seem to be any abuse of the ToS so why should support care? If you were getting owned by the monsters in the event and a lvl 6x cleric saved your **** or was nice enough to super buff you or even rez you, idk if you would have made this post.

    Maybe you should try a game for just one player if all these other players are making your life so miserable. This way when you fail you have no one else to blame but yourself.b:cry
  • Viper_girl - Heavens Tear
    Viper_girl - Heavens Tear Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Yes Corwin ... this is a GAME and the point is to ENJOY living out your FANTASY. This is not meant to be a NIGHTMARE or no one would play. (well maybe a few masochists).

    The majority of high level players are nice. But it only takes a few who have a BULLY mentality to ruin it for everyone well below their level. Something has to be done to help the newbies.

    At low levels you are learning the game and what is the point of an Event that is meant to be a FUN learning experience for a multitude of low levels, to be ruined by a few high level A-holes.

    And as for res and buffs they are nice but not essential at all in a lvl 20-30 area. A few nice Clerics do not make up for a ton of newbies that leave the game with a bad taste because of nasty players who have to get their kicks from virtual bullying.
  • Qwentomec - Heavens Tear
    Qwentomec - Heavens Tear Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The drops for high levels already are nerfed. We still get a decent amount of items just because of the sheer amount we kill, but it's usually just DQ which really isn't worth it. If the dog tags or celestones dropped more, you would have a hell of a lot more high lvls to deal with.

    As it stands the drop rate sucks, so a only a *relatively* small number of high lvls come, but its usally more of us than the lower lvls already in the area.

    In regards to KSing, only a few ******* do it intentionally. Usually accidental KS comes from wizzes or clerics or other classes with long channeling times. They start channeling, a lowbie runs towards mob, channeling finishes just as lowbie starts whacking, and lowbie gets all upset.

    Me being a BM I dont have long channeling times, so rarely do I KS. I just camp one particular spot and make sure I react faster than everyone else. Some newbies take this fast reaction to spawning mobs as a KS just because they were running towards it when my Drake Ray/Spirit Chaser hits, but those types are rare.

    So in the end it all comes down to channeling times and reaction times, with only the occasional **** intentionally KSing

    To lower lvls wanting to get some kills, I advise camping a spot like I do. If you can react fast enough you usually get to mob just after it spawns. Most people (*most*) won't attack your monster if you've already been attacking it for a couple of seconds.
    you thilly gooses... feather set is thuper fabulous! -Bowlinbob

    Qwentomec 94 BM / _Zappy_ 99 Wizzy / xLysander 6x Cleric / MoneyBagz 5x Veno / BaNaNa 3x Barb / _Flappy_ 2x Archer / xKnifey 2x Sin / Spoo_Ney 3x Psy

    (cookie for anyone who gets the simpsons reference in those last 2 names)
  • Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear
    Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear Posts: 998 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    so lvl 20 mobs cant be hit by any1 lvl 31+
    lv 40 mobs cant be hit by any1 lvl 51+ etc

    how are venos supposed to lvl new pets then? :]

    when I participated in my first wraith event there were high lvls too which one-shot the mobs. I managed to kill a few by myself but then decided to just run around and pick up the drops^^ it was fun, and it was worth it :3

    Thanks to Torhn for coloring!
  • Divine_Demon - Heavens Tear
    Divine_Demon - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Today I went to my 1st PWI event (on Dreamweaver server) as I was on when it happened

    The Event - lvl 20 higher than normal mobs surrounding Gate of Antiquity

    TOTALLY ruined by hi lvl chars - namely SHIZUMA and others incl members of bloodpact standing by each wall of the town and 1 hitting every mobs as soon as it appeared

    There were several people there trying to hit mobs but you couldnt even get 1 hit in before a hi lvl 1 hit it

    GM's need to rethink these events and change mobs so that anyone over lv 30 wont be able to target them - this should be easy done as they are special mobs so wont need much work

    Hi lvls get their own events outside hi lvl towns and should not be able to ruin it for others

    I have also sent this to GM's at support to try and sort this

    lol life's not fair view it from a gm's point of view. high lvls play more and they pay more its not there fault you started late or didnt play enough. stron win weak fail thats all.
    "When life gives you arrows give them back ", Divine_Demon b:sin
  • Wolfgang - Dreamweaver
    Wolfgang - Dreamweaver Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Why don't you high levels allow the low levels to have some fun? There are plenty of high level areas the newbies can't go.

    There may be plenty of high level areas the noobs can't get to, and if there are two wraith events the higher levels will go to the higher level event.

    The high levels should also have their fun. I'm not saying they have to KS, usually people will stake out an area and take out all the mobs in range if they are a ranged character.

    At level 20 there are many quests and other things to do. At level 80 there aren't so many quests . . .

    As someone else already mentioned, MOST of the higher levels don't bother with wraith events, but if you're in the area, why not?
  • Cambriella - Sanctuary
    Cambriella - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Today I went to my 1st PWI event (on Dreamweaver server) as I was on when it happened

    The Event - lvl 20 higher than normal mobs surrounding Gate of Antiquity

    TOTALLY ruined by hi lvl chars - namely SHIZUMA and others incl members of bloodpact standing by each wall of the town and 1 hitting every mobs as soon as it appeared

    There were several people there trying to hit mobs but you couldnt even get 1 hit in before a hi lvl 1 hit it

    GM's need to rethink these events and change mobs so that anyone over lv 30 wont be able to target them - this should be easy done as they are special mobs so wont need much work

    Hi lvls get their own events outside hi lvl towns and should not be able to ruin it for others

    I have also sent this to GM's at support to try and sort this

    Is it just me or is there that few of people who understand the purpose of this event? The event or any "Wraith's Are Attacking!" events, are for us to band together and make sure our towns aren't wiped out. I know that won't really happen, but that is why when there was too many people at South Gate, they had them distribute to the other gates. They had different levels so everyone could participate in some way or another, but the POINT, ladies and gentleman, was to unite and defend our city!

    When the wraith events go on, it is our jobs as player to come in and destroy the enemy. Whether we are level 100 or lvl 20, it makes no difference. If the high lvls come in and one shot everything, so be it, they are doing their part. If you are able to get a mob or two in by yourself, great! You're doing your part. There is NO KILL STEALING in events where we're supposed to ALL be killing the mobs.

    If the event said, kill xx amount of xx mob, then report to GM, yes I can see how people would be pissed and KSing would occur. This wasn't the case. This was EVERYONE defend our city!

    QQ more... wow.
  • bellaberri
    bellaberri Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    These events just pits the players against each other instead of bringing them together as a community. I think the real people to blame here is the event planners for a poorly executed event and not the high level players for doing what comes so easily for them either in ignorance or meaness, and you can't blame the lower level from getting upset for having their fun yanked out from under them.

    Here is a thought GMS...and I hope you read this...
    Implement a structure or a boss (that is mostly a tank and not a damage dealer) in which needs people to band together to take down. Once this item is taken down, a stationary structure/item will appear in its place. This structure will only stay there for...oh 1 minute...and the players can click on this which will give them a lucky card sort of item...or it can give them a ticket which they can collect and redeem for a higher prize at a later date...this will encourage people to attend more future events so they can collect more tickets for bigger prizes.

    So this solves the issue of ksing, people just coming to event to ks for loot, higher and lower levels working together to have fun, and everyone walks away with a prize and fun. Problem solves. Thank you very much.
  • Solar - Dreamweaver
    Solar - Dreamweaver Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    how are venos supposed to lvl new pets then? :]

    when I participated in my first wraith event there were high lvls too which one-shot the mobs. I managed to kill a few by myself but then decided to just run around and pick up the drops^^ it was fun, and it was worth it :3

    I was talking about the special event mobs so that hi lvl chars couldn't interfere with a low lvl event

    (and the same could be done in reverse so low lvls couldnt ks hi lvl mobs -
    oh yeah we cant do that cos we r low lvl )

    People ALWAYS ks because they can but special events should be for the level they are meant for - we all know the town will be safe whether the mobs are killed or not so let EVERYONE have some wraith killing fun in and around the town of their lvl
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    b:laugh I think this QQ is funny.

  • Divine_Demon - Heavens Tear
    Divine_Demon - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Is it just me or is there that few of people who understand the purpose of this event? The event or any "Wraith's Are Attacking!" events, are for us to band together and make sure our towns aren't wiped out. I know that won't really happen, but that is why when there was too many people at South Gate, they had them distribute to the other gates. They had different levels so everyone could participate in some way or another, but the POINT, ladies and gentleman, was to unite and defend our city!

    When the wraith events go on, it is our jobs as player to come in and destroy the enemy. Whether we are level 100 or lvl 20, it makes no difference. If the high lvls come in and one shot everything, so be it, they are doing their part. If you are able to get a mob or two in by yourself, great! You're doing your part. There is NO KILL STEALING in events where we're supposed to ALL be killing the mobs.

    If the event said, kill xx amount of xx mob, then report to GM, yes I can see how people would be pissed and KSing would occur. This wasn't the case. This was EVERYONE defend our city!

    QQ more... wow.

    nothing would happen if no one came to "defend city" its al about the drops
    "When life gives you arrows give them back ", Divine_Demon b:sin
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    nothing would happen if no one came to "defend city" its al about the drops

    Which is the very problem. Make the monsters drop nothing, and actually attack the towns, killing the NPCs. That would give a reason to defend them.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Which is the very problem. Make the monsters drop nothing, and actually attack the towns, killing the NPCs. That would give a reason to defend them.

    Lol @ killing npcs. Let's all defend the kitty shops instead. I'm sure everyone will go for that. b:laugh
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Which is the very problem. Make the monsters drop nothing, and actually attack the towns, killing the NPCs. That would give a reason to defend them.

    I don;t care if they kill all the NPC's. I would only care if I get reward by protecting the NPC.
  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Protect the catshops. Your reward are its contents.b:victory
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Protect the catshops. Your reward are its contents.b:victory
    Oh in that case... Pull AOE bosses into the cat shops. b:pleased

  • Viper_girl - Heavens Tear
    Viper_girl - Heavens Tear Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    There may be plenty of high level areas the noobs can't get to, and if there are two wraith events the higher levels will go to the higher level event.

    The high levels should also have their fun. I'm not saying they have to KS, usually people will stake out an area and take out all the mobs in range if they are a ranged character.

    At level 20 there are many quests and other things to do. At level 80 there aren't so many quests . . .

    As someone else already mentioned, MOST of the higher levels don't bother with wraith events, but if you're in the area, why not?

    Perhaps you and some others have been in the game too long to remember. I had my very first Wraith Event experience at Silver Springs (a day before the Archosaur Event) it was coincidence and it was level appropriate for me.

    I saw a lot of fighting going on and did not know what was happening but it looked fun so I joined in. And it was a ton of fun and it really made me look forward to the Archosaur event. At this event I was high enough to get past 50% damage within 2 hits so I fortunately didn't get too much KSing if I was fast. I got a decent number of drops.

    A friend who was a few levels below me with a weaker attack build was not having such a good time. She was thrilled just to get ONE drop.

    You say high levels should have their fun. Well you have Wraith events at your level which lower levels can't meaningfully participate in.

    I don't advocate locking out higher levels but the incentives such as drops should be non existent for them. So only those who REALLY are going in for fun and not to gank the newbies loot will turn up.
  • Kytari - Heavens Tear
    Kytari - Heavens Tear Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Poor low levels. It must be terrible not having any quests...

    I know. Those mean high levels should been focusing on their tons of quests instead of killing low level mobs for any rep and exp they could possibly get.

    Love your siggy btw defected. Made meh laugh ^^
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I don;t care if they kill all the NPC's. I would only care if I get reward by protecting the NPC.

    Your reward is the npc not being gone for 24 hours and stopping everyone from doing their quests or whatever.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    At this event I was high enough to get past 50% damage within 2 hits so I fortunately didn't get too much KSing if I was fast. I got a decent number of drops.

    I don't advocate locking out higher levels but the incentives such as drops should be non existent for them. So only those who REALLY are going in for fun and not to gank the newbies loot will turn up.

    1. If you can kill the mob in 4 hits, your level is already toward the high side for that area.
    2. As the level difference increases, the drop rate ALREADY decreases. So i am not sure what else you want.
  • Viper_girl - Heavens Tear
    Viper_girl - Heavens Tear Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    1. If you can kill the mob in 4 hits, your level is already toward the high side for that area.
    2. As the level difference increases, the drop rate ALREADY decreases. So i am not sure what else you want.

    If 4+ hits (spell casts) + high attack pet is high for the area, what the heck is a one shotter then? There were many one shotters around.

    The only reason I was able to get a decent number of kills in was that I was able to target and get my two strongest spells in before the one shotters casted.

    The drop rate obviously did not decrease enough for the one shotters because I saw many of them get loot.

    I am just trying to advocate a little more fairness for the newbies. In particular the ones in the 20s or so. Aren't there any decent high levels out there that support this?
  • bzbee
    bzbee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I am just trying to advocate a little more fairness for the newbies. In particular the ones in the 20s or so. Aren't there any decent high levels out there that support this?

    I'm all for helping newbies but when there are no level restrictions to an event, it isn't really fair to blame the higher levels.

    No level restrictions = nothing wrong with high levels going.
    Phoenix plume count: 2450 b:sad

    I want the phoenix because I think its pretty. b:cute
  • Viper_girl - Heavens Tear
    Viper_girl - Heavens Tear Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    bzbee wrote: »
    I'm all for helping newbies but when there are no level restrictions to an event, it isn't really fair to blame the higher levels.

    No level restrictions = nothing wrong with high levels going.

    I am all for free choice and free market etc. Yes there is nothing wrong with the high levels going ... technically.

    That is why the GMs should put in place less or no "monetary" (XP, coin, rep) incentive for players who are too far out of the range. This should dramatically reduce the greedy high levels at newbie events and tend to bring in the carebears.

    I will be a high level one day but I don't see myself going in and making life miserable for the lowbies. If I wanted that I would have joined a PvP server.

    The OP was on a PvE server. And the high level she was complaining about obviously was just enjoying bullying because there would be no way for a nice high level to PK him.
  • bzbee
    bzbee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I am all for free choice and free market etc. Yes there is nothing wrong with the high levels going ... technically.

    That is why the GMs should put in place less or no "monetary" (XP, coin, rep) incentive for players who are too far out of the range. This should dramatically reduce the greedy high levels at newbie events and tend to bring in the carebears.

    Did it occur to you that the event could be as the GMs planned? The drop rates haven't been altered much perhaps because there are no restrictions and it is meant for all levels to participate?
    I will be a high level one day but I don't see myself going in and making life miserable for the lowbies. If I wanted that I would have joined a PvP server.

    I don't see why attending a PW event that is open for all is considered 'going in and making life miserable for newbies'.

    I guess at mid 70s I could be classed as 'high' level and although I hardly ever attend such events (I tend to avoid events that could result in ksing), I did try those events out at lower levels. Yes, it is frustrating when the higher levels 1hit or 2hit the mob but then you just move on to the next mob. They respawn fast enough anyway. If OP found the mobs being 1hitted by someone upon respawn, just move to another spot. The spawns points are pretty wide spread.
    The OP was on a PvE server. And the high level she was complaining about obviously was just enjoying bullying because there would be no way for a nice high level to PK him.

    All the OP said was:
    TOTALLY ruined by hi lvl chars - namely SHIZUMA and others incl members of bloodpact standing by each wall of the town and 1 hitting every mobs as soon as it appeared

    There were several people there trying to hit mobs but you couldnt even get 1 hit in before a hi lvl 1 hit it

    I don't see how that equates bullying.
    Phoenix plume count: 2450 b:sad

    I want the phoenix because I think its pretty. b:cute