Ksing on Striped king spider (oracle quest)



  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    starman17 wrote: »
    higher level characters always have the advantage in this game as well as every other mmorpg. This is like low level venos complaining that high level venos always tame the rare pets before they get a chance.

    I wouldn't consider this KS-ing, because that mob technically is up for grabs, regardless of whether or not a player waits in line for 20 minutes.

    All mobs in the game are for grabs. Still the KSing concept is valid.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    starman17 wrote: »
    ok, so if it's kill stealing, who are they stealing the kill from?

    I guess, we have to explain what is ksing (not my interest to explain that). Keep in mind, ksing is ok, since nobody owns mobs on the game.

    My original question was to find out if the case I had was an exception, since the Ksers admited they did not need the mob.
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Why don't you call some higher level help yourself and have them KS the KS'ers?
    if you don't have the power to stand up against injustice you have choices

    1) call help from a hi-level friend
    2) find a creative and annoying way to disturb the KS'ers so that KS'ing is no longer fun. Look up the WarrenWolfy's post - he had some amusing and rather fun ideas. Half of them don't work in this situation but other half do.
    3) Pray (contact the GM in this context)

    I totally agree with your point.

    People killing the same mob over and over again is nothing other than annoying perhaps. If someone wanted to camp out Charr for instance back near Broken Bluff Ridge and kept killing him for XP what to say he is not allowed. He is a mob to be killed. People need to suck it up and try other routes like BearArm has pointed out.

    People want so much so easy these days.

    Anyone who is complaining needs to come to the PVP sever and see how KSing is done. Your mob is not KS'd but you are killed first then your mob second.b:chuckle
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    . If someone wanted to camp out Charr for instance back near Broken Bluff Ridge and kept killing him for XP what to say he is not allowed.

    Honestly, some people don't get it. Why would a level 80 kill the striper king spider for exp?

    It does not make sense to me at level 50+. It must not make sence for them either.

    The most validate point of the action is that you delay others from getting exps (including the Kser, since he could be doing other things to get better exps, since he does not have the quest).

    The only purpose of the action was too annoy other people.
  • Ratinax - Sanctuary
    Ratinax - Sanctuary Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My bf had that issue the other day. Sure ksing isn't bannable, but if you do it simply to **** up other players it should have some effect eventually. >.>

    My bf and one of my friends sat there for three hours waiting for this lvl 80 bm to leave from ksing it constantly.
  • texian
    texian Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    this is related to a game sanctioned & promoted event. many folks payed real money to participate.

    the lines are the only logical efficient way for all players to enjoy the event equally.

    those who disregard the line for what ever reason, are the same self important folks who do the same in real life.

    that brings us to what can be done about it. idk about where yall are from, but where i live, if someone does that, not only do folks speak up, but someone is liable to make sure the offender doesnt benefit. one way or another.

    so when there is a line jumper, why doesnt EVERYONE in line KS them? chances are it will keep them from geting credit and give it to someone who has waited on it. to keep the line from falling apart, it could just be those with range attack that ks the jumper or simply have higher level faction mates or friends stand on the sidelines to steal the line jumper's kill.


  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    texian wrote: »
    this is related to a game sanctioned & promoted event. many folks payed real money to participate.

    the lines are the only logical efficient way for all players to enjoy the event equally.

    those who disregard the line for what ever reason, are the same self important folks who do the same in real life.

    that brings us to what can be done about it. idk about where yall are from, but where i live, if someone does that, not only do folks speak up, but someone is liable to make sure the offender doesnt benefit. one way or another.

    so when there is a line jumper, why doesnt EVERYONE in line KS them? chances are it will keep them from geting credit and give it to someone who has waited on it. to keep the line from falling apart, it could just be those with range attack that ks the jumper or simply have higher level faction mates or friends stand on the sidelines to steal the line jumper's kill.


    Ksing is within the rules. I don't mind they doing it if they need the mob (even though I don't do it). Since they don't have to agree in doing a line.

    However, if they don't get any worthy befefit from the kill is why I was asking the question.
  • xtinct23
    xtinct23 Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    texian wrote: »
    those who disregard the line for what ever reason, are the same self important folks who do the same in real life.

    This is actually incorrect.

    Yes, they are the "self important" people that nobody else even glances twice at.

    No, they would not do that in real life because they would get their **** kicked in. It's the whole "internet tough guy" scene here.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    texian wrote: »
    this is related to a game sanctioned & promoted event. many folks payed real money to participate.

    the lines are the only logical efficient way for all players to enjoy the event equally.

    those who disregard the line for what ever reason, are the same self important folks who do the same in real life.

    that brings us to what can be done about it. idk about where yall are from, but where i live, if someone does that, not only do folks speak up, but someone is liable to make sure the offender doesnt benefit. one way or another.

    so when there is a line jumper, why doesnt EVERYONE in line KS them? chances are it will keep them from geting credit and give it to someone who has waited on it. to keep the line from falling apart, it could just be those with range attack that ks the jumper or simply have higher level faction mates or friends stand on the sidelines to steal the line jumper's kill.


    They aren't talking about someone who necessarily needs the mob, so trying to ks them back isn't going to do anything, and it might be what they intended to do in the first place: cause chaos.

    I could have, if I had wished, dropped down, and completed my quest and no one could have stopped me or done anything about it. Would it have been KSing? No, because I'm not in the group that decided to form the line, and I need it just as much as anyone else with the quest.

    Also, you are assuming that everyone is intending to enjoy the event in the same manner which is not the case.

    Some have fun doing the quest.

    Some have fun PKing those doing the quest.

    Some have fun helping those trying to do the quest.

    Some have fun KSing others doing the quests and creating chaos out of what seems to be order and cooperation.

    Some have fun watching the chaos produced by those creating/instigating it.

    Also, claiming that "those who do X in a game do so in real life" doesn't hold water.
  • Kagura_O - Sanctuary
    Kagura_O - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I have not done any oracle quests, but if i were too, u expect me a lvl 90 cleric to wait in line for nubs, u must be totally crazy, i worked and spent so much on this game to be POWERFUL and Compete at the highest level. I don't call it call it KSING, I call it, I am Stronger Than You, so U go away.b:victory
  • ArwenFrost - Heavens Tear
    ArwenFrost - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I have not done any oracle quests, but if i were too, u expect me a lvl 90 cleric to wait in line for nubs, u must be totally crazy, i worked and spent so much on this game to be POWERFUL and Compete at the highest level. I don't call it call it KSING, I call it, I am Stronger Than You, so U go away.b:victory

    ^ that is how this game works whether you like it or not
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I have not done any oracle quests, but if i were too, u expect me a lvl 90 cleric to wait in line for nubs, u must be totally crazy, i worked and spent so much on this game to be POWERFUL and Compete at the highest level. I don't call it call it KSING, I call it, I am Stronger Than You, so U go away.b:victory

    I think you are missing the point. Nobody is asking you to make the line your highness/all mighty level 90**

    What we are talking is about people killing mobs just so other people don't get them, as KS'ers don't need the mob. Since they do not have the quest, they does not get any worthy*benefit from it.

    *probably stoping you from getting your quest done is worth it for them. So, it is a matter of interpretation.

    **I hope you are not missing out by not putting this on your working resume on the hobby section of it, don't forget to mention it to you grand kids either. You are so powerfull.b:laugh The funny thing is that you can be level 300 and you cannot kill me or any other low level in santuary unless we go on PK. No so powerfull right?
  • texian
    texian Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i disagree with a bunch of you lol, but thats what a forum is all about.

    1. if someone is a stand up guy/gal in RL, odds are they wont abandon their principles in any kind of game or contest.

    2. yes some do it just to be jerks, but the players who drop in or run up and tell folks who say there's a line to stfu arent the same. it is possible at times to tell the difference.

    3. if a players "fun" is interfering with others game play, then that may violate TOS (idk for sure & im too lazy to find out)

    4. nobody has actually replied to the original intent of my post. in the event everyone there knows someone is line jumping because they simply dont want to wait (those would be the self important ones lol), would the action of those in line, acting in unison, in some cases, prevent the line jumper from getting rewarded for his/her actions?


  • xtinct23
    xtinct23 Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I think you are missing the point. Nobody is asking you to make the line your highness/all mighty level 90**

    What we are talking is about people killing mobs just so other people don't get them, as KS'ers don't need the mob. Since they do not have the quest, they does not get any worthy*benefit from it.

    *probably stoping you from getting your quest done is worth it for them. So, it is a matter of interpretation.

    **I hope you are not missing out by not putting this on your working resume on the hobby section of it, don't forget to mention it to you grand kids either. You are so powerfull.b:laugh The funny thing is that you can be level 300 and you cannot kill me or any other low level in santuary unless we go on PK. No so powerfull right?

    ^ I like this guy b:laugh

    ooohhhh a level 90. Big deal. Anyone that plays for a while will also achieve this awesomeness that you claim. Hell, I've only played since January and have a 74 and 62 with numerous others around 20. The principle remains the same. You feel like you are someone special...I hate to tell you, you're not.

    Go ahead and KS people waiting in line. Make yourself feel important, because you are the only one that will believe you are.
  • tekyo
    tekyo Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Killstealing is not against the rules, however if a person is constantly killstealing you, stalking in the process, it's considered harrasment which could result in a account bann for a few days, permanent bann if the person keeps getting punished for the same reason.
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I Love To Ks
  • tc2r
    tc2r Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ^.^ The GMs showed up today at Heavens tear and oh wow, I guess we know where they stand, It IS infact against TOS to do what the ksers were doing. GRIEFING tons of other players.

    And as such, the GMs begin banning all of them/teloporting them to other sides of the map... you should have heard Enrage crying ... they must have wasted 100WCs just whining about the GMs action. bittersweet, I must say to see the ones telling everyone else to QQ, crying.

    so in general, this debate is failed, as GMs have final say, and "they have spoken".

    Sad to, 3 days ago I saw one of the most awesome things yet... in PW there were LINES formed by other players, that was soo amazing to me. that the community had the sense to come together and work together to achieve their goals.

    and then I saw it ruined by griefing little kids. or whatever they call themselves. they had huge e/nises and wanted the whole server to recognize it.

    Then today, I saw justice served... b:victory
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tc2r wrote: »
    ^.^ The GMs showed up today at Heavens tear and oh wow, I guess we know where they stand, It IS infact against TOS to do what the ksers were doing. GRIEFING tons of other players.

    And as such, the GMs begin banning all of them/teloporting them to other sides of the map... you should have heard Enrage crying ... they must have wasted 100WCs just whining about the GMs action. bittersweet, I must say to see the ones telling everyone else to QQ, crying.

    so in general, this debate is failed, as GMs have final say, and "they have spoken".

    Sad to, 3 days ago I saw one of the most awesome things yet... in PW there were LINES formed by other players, that was soo amazing to me. that the community had the sense to come together and work together to achieve their goals.

    and then I saw it ruined by griefing little kids. or whatever they call themselves. they had huge e/nises and wanted the whole server to recognize it.

    Then today, I saw justice served... b:victory

    Quoted for truth

    A persons level has nothing to do at all with their right to be a prick. These are event quest mobs. There is a limited number of them and many people need them. To Kill them w/o having any need at all for them just to prevent others who need them is a ToS violation. Don't think so? Use your brain and look up the ToS. Get REAL familiar with it.

    You 'think' because your able to you have the right to be a prick... well.. that DOES reflect on your personality and your faction. And not in a good way at all.

    Do you have the oracles quest?

    If your answer is No.. why are you there?

    Do any quests you have need the mobs?

    If the answer is No... why are you there?

    Are you killing them just so others can't complete their quests?

    If the answer is YES.. your violating the ToS. Look it up and don't QQ if you get banned.

    If your a high level and just drop in and kill the mobs because your a high level and you can, it doesn't matter if you need the quest... your simply being a prick if everyone else around is being polite and social and waiting in line for their turn at the mobs.

    Your behavior shows you have little or no morals or ethics when you can get away with it w/o any real repercussions and are a sad, pitiful piece of human garbage. Ethical and moral behavior in a game or the lack thereof DOES show who you are in real life. You can't 'play' at something you don't have the capacity for in the first place.

  • Sigr - Heavens Tear
    Sigr - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Know what I saw today?

    Pompous pricks who think they have the right to tell other people what to do, and have the audacity to expect them to do it without having any authority to back them up.

    You people are just as bad as the people in Enrage, but at least Enrage is upfront and honest about it.

    I may not like Enrage, and you may not like them, but at least they aren't hypocrites.
    Lament of a Hybrid Veno: Where oh where did my spirit go? b:sad

    I hate ranged mobs. b:angry

    I <3 my cactopod. b:pleased
  • tc2r
    tc2r Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    "please don't be an **** to the 20 ppl waiting in line"~ Prompos quote from a person thinking they have the right to tell others what to do....

    "Banned" ~ Quote from GM, a person who has the right to tell a person what to do.

    "I admire enraged from being upfront" ~ what exactly are u again?....

    either way, bittersweet.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Know what I saw today?

    Pompous pricks who think they have the right to tell other people what to do, and have the audacity to expect them to do it without having any authority to back them up.

    You people are just as bad as the people in Enrage, but at least Enrage is upfront and honest about it.

    I may not like Enrage, and you may not like them, but at least they aren't hypocrites.
    lol yeah and Enrage got a few of their members BANNED for what they were doing.. so who got pwnd? yeah that's what I thought.

  • Daibar - Heavens Tear
    Daibar - Heavens Tear Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Good event idea, poor execution.

    I don't think 1/4 of the high levels were there to legitimately kill the mob for the quest, either at Striped Spider King or Mythical Wolfkins.

    -> People can't finish DQ.

    I don't think I'm alone in that, instead of grinding, I prefer to DQ most of the time. If I can't DQ, I don't enjoy myself. If I don't enjoy myself, I'm playing another game, and there goes my money too.

    Fortunately GM's realize this and are punishing the griefers. Anyways, it looks like I'll be playing this game a little less this week, until they make the game enjoyable again.
  • Sigr - Heavens Tear
    Sigr - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    lol yeah and Enrage got a few of their members BANNED for what they were doing.. so who got pwnd? yeah that's what I thought.


    Sorry, but I'm the leader of TmRocket which has nothing to do with Enrage.
    Lament of a Hybrid Veno: Where oh where did my spirit go? b:sad

    I hate ranged mobs. b:angry

    I <3 my cactopod. b:pleased
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Sorry, but I'm the leader of TmRocket which has nothing to do with Enrage.
    Never said you were. I said Enrage got members banned for their behavior. That says it all. Nothing more needs to be said about it. They acted like pricks, and got what they deserved.

  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Never said you were. I said Enrage got members banned for their behavior. That says it all. Nothing more needs to be said about it. They acted like pricks, and got what they deserved.


    You guys make me laugh. You do realize NOONE actually got banned. 2 members from Enrage got suspended from the game for 1 HOUR ONLY...and 1 member for 3 days ONLY!

    Sorry but all those people who are celebrating, start QQ'ing again, because as I post this the members from Enrage who got "banned" are already back in the game lol...
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    You guys make me laugh. You do realize NOONE actually got banned. 2 members from Enrage got suspended from the game for 1 HOUR ONLY...and 1 member for 3 days ONLY!

    Sorry but all those people who are celebrating, start QQ'ing again, because as I post this the members from Enrage who got "banned" are already back in the game lol...
    And if they continue doing what they were doing, they will get more than a temp ban. Ban is ban, be it temp, or perm. Personally, I hope people like that don't learn and manage a perma ban. But then.. i'm not as forgiving as the GM's are. I'd perma - ban them, IP ban them, and make damn sure they never came back on that account. ever.

  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Quoted for truth

    A persons level has nothing to do at all with their right to be a prick. These are event quest mobs. There is a limited number of them and many people need them. To Kill them w/o having any need at all for them just to prevent others who need them is a ToS violation. Don't think so? Use your brain and look up the ToS. Get REAL familiar with it.

    You 'think' because your able to you have the right to be a prick... well.. that DOES reflect on your personality and your faction. And not in a good way at all.

    Do you have the oracles quest?

    If your answer is No.. why are you there?

    Do any quests you have need the mobs?

    If the answer is No... why are you there?

    Are you killing them just so others can't complete their quests?

    If the answer is YES.. your violating the ToS. Look it up and don't QQ if you get banned.

    If your a high level and just drop in and kill the mobs because your a high level and you can, it doesn't matter if you need the quest... your simply being a prick if everyone else around is being polite and social and waiting in line for their turn at the mobs.

    Your behavior shows you have little or no morals or ethics when you can get away with it w/o any real repercussions and are a sad, pitiful piece of human garbage. Ethical and moral behavior in a game or the lack thereof DOES show who you are in real life. You can't 'play' at something you don't have the capacity for in the first place.


    Saitada, I come on these forums and see you a lot. I respect you a lot for the intellect you have shown. However, please refrain from making assumptions about a server you don't play on.

    The people in my guild who were suspended for KSing did in fact have oracles. They did not wait in line to kill the mobs. They in fact got a stockpile of said oracles and used them, so they DID need the kills. While you may think waiting in line is civil behavior you learn in preschool, it is not how the world works just because there will always be people who, because they are stronger or have advantages in some way, get ahead and don't wait in line 'just because they can.' I don't necessarily condone (or disapprove) my guildies' actions, but I have even less respect for the people who whine and complain and then act like they actually did something when one or two of the GMs caved and started teleporting people. They are the true hypocrites. What happened when the so called KSers were banned? People from various guilds I haven't heard of start hitting the quest mob, 4 at a time. But they don't have the power to monopolize the mob so they dont' get reported....

    And yes my guild may have used a lot of teles today, for whoever it was that posted it, but today was day 1, and there's been almost a week of crying from the rest of you. Who used to more teles?
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Saitada, I come on these forums and see you a lot. I respect you a lot for the intellect you have shown. However, please refrain from making assumptions about a server you don't play on.

    The people in my guild who were suspended for KSing did in fact have oracles. They did not wait in line to kill the mobs. They in fact got a stockpile of said oracles and used them, so they DID need the kills. While you may think waiting in line is civil behavior you learn in preschool, it is not how the world works just because there will always be people who, because they are stronger or have advantages in some way, get ahead and don't wait in line 'just because they can.' I don't necessarily condone (or disapprove) my guildies' actions, but I have even less respect for the people who whine and complain and then act like they actually did something when one or two of the GMs caved and started teleporting people. They are the true hypocrites. What happened when the so called KSers were banned? People from various guilds I haven't heard of start hitting the quest mob, 4 at a time. But they don't have the power to monopolize the mob so they dont' get reported....

    And yes my guild may have used a lot of teles today, for whoever it was that posted it, but today was day 1, and there's been almost a week of crying from the rest of you. Who used to more teles?

    I asked...
    Do you have the oracles quest?

    If your answer is No.. why are you there?

    If they had the quest as you say they did, then they should have been polite like everyone else and waited their turn. Might doesn't make right. No matter how much people would like to think it does.

    I do agree with you that sadly, this world doesn't always work in a polite an humane/decent/respectful fashion. Sadly. I would prefer to be able to disagree with you on that statement, but I can't. I'm sure you also feel the same way as I do there.

    While we may not always see eye to eye, I respect your ability to hold intelligent, reasonable discourse, and to present well thought out arguments as well. Just a side note though, while my main character is on Sanctuary, I have alts on all 5 servers that I do play. Not as often as Saitada, but they gain a level now and then lol :-)

  • NeoT - Heavens Tear
    NeoT - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    All I see here is high lvl char posting...

    I would like to hear about the lower levels who didn't have a chance to accomplish their Oracle just because some higher lvls couldn't let other lowers lvls get their chance...

    I have some oracles... I will not waste my time with some stupid gamers who don't know how to play... They may have nice gears, big skills, high lvls and stuff like that... That doesn't make them SPECIAL...

    You should be ashamed about your attitude...

    also, all those BAD gamers don't have the balls to go in PvP servers, because gamers like that would be hunted down on all the map by others...
    I know I was on a PvP server (PW MY). So chill out guys... You are not SPECIAL!!

    All my experience on gaming make me think Bad Gamer = bad Person.
    And I know a few playing on the PvE server which we are talking about...
    Weird, they are in Enrage... I saw them doing their moves... no way that is called good gaming and fair play... that is just called being an jerk...

    Bringing world boss on the oracle mobs spot... lame...
    Not respecting a line that other good and fair players created so everybody has a chance to do an oracle at a time... Are you a line cutter at the post office too? I would like to see you do that when I am there... come on... do it... and make sure to QQ (like they created the word because it siuts them so well) when everybody kick their **** out of the post office...

    You are lame... so let's hear some lower lvls talk about how annoying it is...
    And I hope that the GMs will teleport you in the fb99 alone at the boss just to see how you feel...

    SO now let's play a game, a good one and not polluted by some low life persons who don't know what means "PERFECT WORLD".

    I will not go white name just to make you enjoy a good PK... not worth it.

    To all the good gamers of PWI, let's unite and not let some BAD gamers ruin our pleasure after a long day at work.

    About "enrage", your guild is having a bad behavior. Why don't you guys try a PvP server where you can express yourself? PvE sever means that we don't want to deal with a bunch of whiners after they get kicked because they didn't respect the fair play rules... Fair Play, you don't what it means? well get cultivated and maybe all of you will have fun time and ppl will enjoy more PvP fights with you guys, the ones that love PK...

    Well... I have enough for now... going to bed, I have a life

    To All readers and PWI gamers... Have fun...

    - Keep Your Day Job -
  • blindeyesniper
    blindeyesniper Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    All I see here is high lvl char posting...

    I would like to hear about the lower levels who didn't have a chance to accomplish their Oracle just because some higher lvls couldn't let other lowers lvls get their chance...

    I have some oracles... I will not waste my time with some stupid gamers who don't know how to play... They may have nice gears, big skills, high lvls and stuff like that... That doesn't make them SPECIAL...

    You should be ashamed about your attitude...

    also, all those BAD gamers don't have the balls to go in PvP servers, because gamers like that would be hunted down on all the map by others...
    I know I was on a PvP server (PW MY). So chill out guys... You are not SPECIAL!!

    All my experience on gaming make me think Bad Gamer = bad Person.
    And I know a few playing on the PvE server which we are talking about...
    Weird, they are in Enrage... I saw them doing their moves... no way that is called good gaming and fair play... that is just called being an jerk...

    Bringing world boss on the oracle mobs spot... lame...
    Not respecting a line that other good and fair players created so everybody has a chance to do an oracle at a time... Are you a line cutter at the post office too? I would like to see you do that when I am there... come on... do it... and make sure to QQ (like they created the word because it siuts them so well) when everybody kick their **** out of the post office...

    You are lame... so let's hear some lower lvls talk about how annoying it is...
    And I hope that the GMs will teleport you in the fb99 alone at the boss just to see how you feel...

    SO now let's play a game, a good one and not polluted by some low life persons who don't know what means "PERFECT WORLD".

    I will not go white name just to make you enjoy a good PK... not worth it.

    To all the good gamers of PWI, let's unite and not let some BAD gamers ruin our pleasure after a long day at work.

    About "enrage", your guild is having a bad behavior. Why don't you guys try a PvP server where you can express yourself? PvE sever means that we don't want to deal with a bunch of whiners after they get kicked because they didn't respect the fair play rules... Fair Play, you don't what it means? well get cultivated and maybe all of you will have fun time and ppl will enjoy more PvP fights with you guys, the ones that love PK...

    Well... I have enough for now... going to bed, I have a life

    To All readers and PWI gamers... Have fun...

    - Keep Your Day Job -

    less QQ more pew pew.