free res??

Valkyun - Heavens Tear
Valkyun - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Cleric
So I've been thinking about it, and I remember seeing a thread about it at one time, but it's been a long while since I've seen it and I had an event happen recently that makes me think it's worth addressing again. What do you people who've played clerics think? Should clerics res people outside their squad for free?
I personally believe that it is the cleric's job in a squad to be the support, so they shouldn't be getting themselves into situations where they would need to be healed or resurrected. So I don't understand why I find clerics with squads lying around dead.
As a second point, how much spirit, coin and mana it costs for clerics to max out their revive skill is insane, and how much xp it saves the people who receive it at that level is enough that, I feel, it shouldn't be for free unless the cleric was in your squad, it was their job to be keep you alive this whole time.
I don't think that as a cleric we should have to put up with careless people all over perfect world falling dead then begging for a res. I understand that some times a player may run into an area they can't handle and get killed one hit by a boss monster or something and I feel their pain. I've had it happen too, but it shouldn't be the job of some random cleric flying by to come and res you for your stupid mistake.
Post edited by Valkyun - Heavens Tear on


  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    does it matter? if someone dies, i res them. if someone around me bit off more than he could handle, i'll heal him. it doesn't matter. charging someone to resurrect them is just stupid.
  • Mr_Grip - Heavens Tear
    Mr_Grip - Heavens Tear Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I res the dead free of charge as well, I dont see the point of making them pay for it. I buff and heal them after res too, whats an extra 30 seconds down time to restore mp gonna amount to?
  • Aysun - Sanctuary
    Aysun - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The problem with what you both are saying is you make it seem like that's all clerics do. We're not the spawn of Mother Teresa. Because I'm a cleric I can't play solo. I have to take care of my squad and while I'm away resing someone else my blademaster tank is getting hammered. But also because I'm a cleric, I don't get left alone and people get angry when they don't get their res. I think part of the problem is that the people of Perfect World expect clerics to res them. I'd be more inclined to do it more if people weren't asking all the freaking time. And on top of that, they're more or less rude about it. For goodness sake, you're dead. Is it that hard to type something like, "could a cleric please res me. I'm at (coordinates)" or something more polite and specific to where they are. And then when they get the res I'm lucky if I get a "ty". In my mind I think, "I just saved you time and money. Res scrolls are expensive and they save you no exp. I come by, res you for free and save you some exp, and I get nothing but words in a chat box. I get plenty of that from the world chat." Now I realize I have a bit of a superiority mindset and I do have a beef with the countless amount of pointless noobs and spam on the world chat, but is it really so unreasonable to show more manners and gratitude to someone who saved you time and money?
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    if you see someone die - res them. simple as that. charging them? why? tell me why. if you want a fee for a few seconds of your time, stop being a cleric.
  • saleniece
    saleniece Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    charge those who ask you to fly all over the map for a res....those shouts are getting annoying
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    saleniece wrote: »
    charge those who ask you to fly all over the map for a res....those shouts are getting annoying

    they aren't asking you to fly all over the map. they ask for people in the area to res them. why? losing exp isn't fun.
  • saleniece
    saleniece Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    oh they are....even people from friend list who see that you are at other side of map still ask you to fly there...
  • Aysun - Sanctuary
    Aysun - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    they aren't asking you to fly all over the map. they ask for people in the area to res them. why? losing exp isn't fun.

    No, it's not fun. But a cleric shouldn't be obligated to res people willy-nilly just because idealist clerics (which seems to be everyone apparently) go around doing it. I'm tired of being nagged for a res then getting scoffed at when I say I can't, I have other things to do because I'm busy taking care of my squad.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    saleniece wrote: »
    oh they are....even people from friend list who see that you are at other side of map still ask you to fly there...

    traveling for a friend and traveling for a random is 2 different things.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    No, it's not fun. But a cleric shouldn't be obligated to res people willy-nilly just because idealist clerics (which seems to be everyone apparently) go around doing it. I'm tired of being nagged for a res then getting scoffed at when I say I can't, I have other things to do because I'm busy taking care of my squad.

    you're level 28, who wants ressed by you?
  • Aysun - Sanctuary
    Aysun - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You'd be surprised. People in the area still die and they don't care who does it so long as they get revived. And don't get mouthy just because you're higher leveled.
  • saleniece
    saleniece Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    those people who shout(and not only once) is far away from other people. if they shout that mean they don't know any cleric and does expect others to fly to them and it is annoying
  • SaAngreal - Sanctuary
    SaAngreal - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well i sure would like a res by her. Unfortunately her, and many other clerics are always called away while i party with them to res some person who for some reason can't find their own cleric to party with. Its obvious i think, as i have never played a Cleric, that they must be able to solo all the time and need no help from any one(SARCASM). Otherwise people would just have a cleric in their party right? Now i know that there may not be enough people playing clerics, but as a cleric tell me who takes priority? Your party or some person who has never met your character and the only words they have said is REZ PLZ!!!, or I NEED CLERIC REZ NOW!!! . I have seen that sort of text with all caps and everything too many times. Its almost as annoying to me as the unannounced, unprovoked, and unsolicited Faction invites i receive while talking to the banker or any other NPC.
    Personaly, i see no reason for anyone to Object, can you oh high and mighty Cleric tell me why my party's cleric should stop healing me while i get the quest done(potentially killing me because of it) to rez someone else for free? Having the cleric pay attention to my HP while in my party is what the Cleric is for, Not to heal/Res/Buf anyone who demands it.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    when did anybody say "oh lol, he's dead, ignore your entire party and res him"? no one. sure, heal your party. that's a good idea. res him when you have time. if you have to stop and have him pay for it, that takes even more time away from healing your squad. explain.
  • saleniece
    saleniece Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    no, asking them to pay would teach them press "go to town" bottom instead of spamming chat
  • justachickk
    justachickk Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If I'm busy in a party, I'm not going to leave that party to go rez someone else. If someone near needed a rez, and I know my party will be safe, I'll rez that person.

    We need each other, I don't think a tank would ask me to pay for his services just as I wouldn't ask anyone to pay for my rez. Who knows, maybe that person I just rezzed is the tank or dd I need for my next boss or fb =)
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    saleniece wrote: »
    no, asking them to pay would teach them press "go to town" bottom instead of spamming chat

    no, they'll ignore you and wait until a decent cleric comes by and does it for free. you have the ability to res, nobody else does, why not have the integrity to offer your services? selfish sobs.
  • SaAngreal - Sanctuary
    SaAngreal - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Great, yes, the cleric is the only class that can Rez, and the venos are the only class that can capture pets. Does that mean they are expected to spend their time giving paby pets to people for free? No, unique talents are no reason for you to EXPECT people to give time and efort to do something. I seriously want to hear why you think it is the OBLIGATION of a cleric to res anyone who needs/asks/Demands it because they saw you walking by. selfish huh, and why is that? because the person had the inteligence to find a party? I don't ever expect a free res, when i could buy a res scroll at a shop. So if you think its courtious to res someone then i think that it should be courtious to offer something in return. I neither expect nor demand anything from a cleric, veno, or any other class. If i need help i ask politley or have a friend come on to help. But if a person is not in my party, am i expected to give them an item simply because they need it and ask for it? that would be courtious now wouldn't it.
  • Frickkina - Heavens Tear
    Frickkina - Heavens Tear Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    and how many of us clerics have died and asked another cleric to res us??

    we die too!!! And im not jus talking in FB TT etc
    For every action, there is an equal and opposite amount of QQing
  • SaAngreal - Sanctuary
    SaAngreal - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yes, people die in the game, and realy it should not be a problem to get a res, but be polite abut it, don't Demand it simply because its possible. you cannot tell me that you don't grow weary of people who whine about dieing and expect the nearest cleric to res them. Between clerics doesn't seam unreasonable. I think that based on the disscusion the original idea was that if a person is not in the party, should it be Expected of a cleric to res them for free. Tell me if i am wrong valkyun.
    Now, i would expect that if a fellow cleric needs help that they should understand some form of etiquet and politeness, and in showing such a fellow cleric could help them easily. In response the cleric could try to give advice so they reduce the amount that such a situation occurs.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Great, yes, the cleric is the only class that can Rez, and the venos are the only class that can capture pets. Does that mean they are expected to spend their time giving paby pets to people for free? No, unique talents are no reason for you to EXPECT people to give time and efort to do something. I seriously want to hear why you think it is the OBLIGATION of a cleric to res anyone who needs/asks/Demands it because they saw you walking by. selfish huh, and why is that? because the person had the inteligence to find a party? I don't ever expect a free res, when i could buy a res scroll at a shop. So if you think its courtious to res someone then i think that it should be courtious to offer something in return. I neither expect nor demand anything from a cleric, veno, or any other class. If i need help i ask politley or have a friend come on to help. But if a person is not in my party, am i expected to give them an item simply because they need it and ask for it? that would be courtious now wouldn't it.

    ok. you buy a resurrect scroll, lose all of your exp on spot. or spend even more coin on dolls so you don't lose exp. yes, it works for awhile, but money isn't always easy to acquire and a free res is nice, isn't it? if we're willing to res you, shouldn't you shut up and be happy? wait till you exp matters and going back to town loses you a good 30 mins of grinding.
  • Valkyun - Heavens Tear
    Valkyun - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    No, you're not wrong, SaAngreal. I get the feeling that my message was misinterpreted. I did mean to say that a cleric shouldn't be obligated (by peer pressure or other wise) to take care of players outside their squad.

    Forp you are really starting to annoy. I was letting it slide for a while but when you tell my lover to "shut up and be happy" you've crossed the line. Why don't you just stop talking and give other people a chance to say things instead of shooting them down and shoving your opinion at other people, relentlessly when they try to make a point.
  • SaAngreal - Sanctuary
    SaAngreal - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ok. you buy a resurrect scroll, lose all of your exp on spot. or spend even more coin on dolls so you don't lose exp. yes, it works for awhile, but money isn't always easy to acquire and a free res is nice, isn't it? if we're willing to res you, shouldn't you shut up and be happy? wait till you exp matters and going back to town loses you a good 30 mins of grinding.

    Well since it is obviously a sin for me to have an opinion of my own, why don't you stop posting here since you have only one opinion and it has been shown through the numerous posts you made. I can see that your self righteous, and can only begin to wonder why you would actually want to res someone.
    Seriously, if you were as generous as you say, you wouldn't be attacking my responses that are made as a serious contemplation. This is supposed to be a discussion not something to slam simply because you don't agree with it.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    No, you're not wrong, SaAngreal. I get the feeling that my message was misinterpreted. I did mean to say that a cleric shouldn't be obligated (by peer pressure or other wise) to take care of players outside their squad.

    Forp you are really starting to annoy. I was letting it slide for a while but when you tell my lover to "shut up and be happy" you've crossed the line. Why don't you just stop talking and give other people a chance to say things instead of shooting them down and shoving your opinion at other people, relentlessly when they try to make a point.

    why is your "lover" complaining about getting ressed for free? he should shut up and be happy. b:chuckle
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well since it is obviously a sin for me to have an opinion of my own, why don't you stop posting here since you have only one opinion and it has been shown through the numerous posts you made. I can see that your self righteous, and can only begin to wonder why you would actually want to res someone.
    Seriously, if you were as generous as you say, you wouldn't be attacking my responses that are made as a serious contemplation. This is supposed to be a discussion not something to slam simply because you don't agree with it.

    i disagree with it and i am a cleric. you think you should pay for it? good for you, pay for it, i don't care. i, as well as the rest of us, will do it for free. doesn't matter at your level, the 90% exp i preserve when i resurrect someone is highly appreciated by everybody i resurrect, you don't want it? fine.
  • SaAngreal - Sanctuary
    SaAngreal - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    why is your "lover" complaining about getting ressed for free? he should shut up and be happy. b:chuckle

    And why is it now you are forcing this position on me? if you honestly believe your a generous or even courteous person than try reading your posts again. I think you need to drop this thread since you haven't added a single new thing to this discussion. If you have something new and intellectually stimulating, great. You think i am ungrateful for a res then you severely misunderstood what i was saying. What i stated was that there is an etiquette and that because people expect it they do not show ANY respect for a cleric. that is why i feel that a cleric should not need to offer their services for free.
    I pay any cleric for a res, if i need money i go and get some, i have had multiple characters and have just started working on a blade master to switch things up a little. If however you continue to personally attack the posters simply because your opinion is set in stone and different from their own, then i am going to have to report this thread. If you wish to know what "Personal attacks" i refer to:
    selfish sobs

    Simply because a person needs to make some money as they go along the way does not make them "Selfish sobs" If anything then i consider that ECONOMICS.
  • Niraneth - Heavens Tear
    Niraneth - Heavens Tear Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    as a cleric i can say it is extremely annoying to hear "rez pls" "come rez me" or "buff" buff plz" etc. why? because most of the time its comes out as a command and not a request. still i would not chrage for a rez, i can meditate the 800+ mana it took to do it and not suffer financial loss. people who abide by that rule are not snobs, but they should maybe find a more ethical way to make money. we are clerics, it comes with the territory and we need to get used to it, but it doesnt mean we need to jump at every order barked out by a dead player. and come on folks, it doesnt hurt to go to town once n a while
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Res if they are nice, tell them to buy angels if they are rude ^_^
    Most likely youll end up with a rude one xD.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    as a cleric i can say it is extremely annoying to hear "rez pls" "come rez me" or "buff" buff plz" etc. why? because most of the time its comes out as a command and not a request. still i would not chrage for a rez, i can meditate the 800+ mana it took to do it and not suffer financial loss. people who abide by that rule are not snobs, but they should maybe find a more ethical way to make money. we are clerics, it comes with the territory and we need to get used to it, but it doesnt mean we need to jump at every order barked out by a dead player. and come on folks, it doesnt hurt to go to town once n a while

    yes it does.

    when my friend was 85, .1% = 15~ kills. if he went to town, he would lose 2%. that's 300 kills. going to town as compared to losing .1% is a BIG difference.
  • mentallaxative
    mentallaxative Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If the person makes the request rudely -- ask for payment.

    If the request is made politely -- be nice and res for free. b:pleased

    For the players that would like to be paid for their services, exactly how much do you intend to charge? And does the trading window even work when you are kissing the dirt?