GM's... are the rumors true?



  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    it's impossible to do it on fb69 because we cannot purify herc. the last two boss will **** herc like no tomorrow :P

    Only Cenequs does. Gaurnob is easy past a certain level.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Xxwarxx - Lost City
    Xxwarxx - Lost City Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Herc is no problem for me. I solod a lvl 78 veno with light armor that used a herc, just stun her penetrate armor and stomp her in the ground, then if you get her low enough when she starts kiting, use beastial onslaught to kill her. At the beginning use slam as much as possible to back the herc up.
    Forsakenx gunna make mine so be patient =)b:kiss
  • Xxwarxx - Lost City
    Xxwarxx - Lost City Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Good know how many times ive heard "BUT WE CANT FIND A BARB".

    I'm a barb and i understand what you mean by the picky thing, before i got **** i had 8.7k hp in tiger mode and im not even a tank. (Vit gear ftw). I didnt demand items though I asked nicely if it would be alright if i could have them, and if they said no then i was fine with it, at least im getting more experience

    AND I also think you meant (God only knows how many times ive heard "BUT WE CANT FIND A BARB".)
    Forsakenx gunna make mine so be patient =)b:kiss
  • Jeagerjaques - Lost City
    Jeagerjaques - Lost City Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    It just makes stuff alot easier...easier for guilds to farm stuff to. Good know how many times ive heard "BUT WE CANT FIND A BARB".

    There is many helpfull barb tho may i add...but with herc u can finally avoid the greedy bishes b:bye

    I don't know about 90+ barbs, but I do bosses for my guild the whole time. Not nice being the one of the two 60+ barbs in my guild (yes its not that great a guild, but fun), and with me being the most "active" one, I do the tanking. Its not fun for my repair costs or my heiro, but it has to be done. I don't think I'm going to get egocentric anytime soon lol. Well, my main point is that its just not cool when a class is getting pushed off the radar because of a pet. There is just no way to get around that. I mean, "FB69 bosses can't be done" and "A few TT runs can't be done" without a barb just won't cut it. Herc can still tank 95% of the bosses there are. And the reason I quoted you is that the main reason barbs are not included in parties where there is a herc is because of the fact that there is one less person. One less person = more drops for everyone else. Unless the barb is a DD (which i seriously doubt is even possible), I don't think there is any place for a barb on the squad.
    Damn right I'm good in bed! I can sleep for HOURSb:victory
  • Daji - Heavens Tear
    Daji - Heavens Tear Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Phoenix has not been taken out of CN PW so I don’t think in PWI as well but they nerf the phoenix PVP capability that comes with sneaky patches b:shocked (Not even GM knew its coming, so you can spare GM out of patches). Base stats oh phoenix does not change so you will not be able to detect base on it stats.

    So far they have not touch on herc cus herc is PVE pet.

    I did not read the whole thread but here is my opinion as a veno as well as a player. For I play a tamer from UO to PWI and I can say pet class is always in the spot light of criticism, most complain things they can not own for their class and see it as an unbalance.

    Now on PWI barb concerns.

    Herc is only good against TT bosses, some outdoor bosses but not all bosses.

    (Group mode - Where the mats only drop)
    Herc can not tank bosses in Frost coverland (L85 dungeon),
    Herc can not tank Lunar (L95 dungeon).
    Herc can not tank bosses in Re-birth dungeon.

    (You don’t even think of solo cus no mats will drop)

    The above are high end dungeon that has mats for end game equipments which veno herc can not solo. Here is what barb is needed but rarely a place for veno hence the class design for veno is not group friendly - less AOE, little magic damage)

    Barb still an irreplaceable tank class in PW (in PVP and PVE). They have more HP and can hold agro better than Herc, provide safety to the group as well. When veno herc and barb work together in dungeon bosses, it reduces the repair cost for barb significantly (it will be good if PWI reduce repair cost to 50% and everyone will be happy).

    Funny now you see barb wanting herc veno in their TT run to share the load, with veno herc in the group, barb can do DD and whole TT run will get 30% faster.
  • Jeagerjaques - Lost City
    Jeagerjaques - Lost City Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    What you said is true, however, why is there a need for a barb when the herc is available? I haven't gotten to the higher lvl bosses yet and I'm pretty sure 99.9% of the rest of the server haven't gotten there either, so I can't comment on that. But from my standpoint, I don't see any need for another tank in the squad when there is a herc. As I said before, if there is a herc, no need for a barb which = one less person in squad = more drops for everyone else. And the fact that Hercules can tank almost ALL the bosses available (except the higher end bosses like you stated, I'll take you word for it) does not help us.
    Damn right I'm good in bed! I can sleep for HOURSb:victory
  • Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear
    Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Oh I like the reduce the repair costs idea! That should be something we really should be pushing for IMO. Rather than all this ridiculous arguing over veno's phoenix's and hercs on these forums.
    You will never do anything in this world without courage.
    It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
  • Jeagerjaques - Lost City
    Jeagerjaques - Lost City Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Amen to that.
    Damn right I'm good in bed! I can sleep for HOURSb:victory
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I've also had a time where something went wrong and the barb died, my herc was able to pick it up and tank it for long enough to get the barb back on his feet, saving the party. It was good he got ressed fast, my herc didn't live long lol
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Daji - Heavens Tear
    Daji - Heavens Tear Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    What you said is true, however, why is there a need for a barb when the herc is available? I haven't gotten to the higher lvl bosses yet and I'm pretty sure 99.9% of the rest of the server haven't gotten there either, so I can't comment on that. But from my standpoint, I don't see any need for another tank in the squad when there is a herc. As I said before, if there is a herc, no need for a barb which = one less person in squad = more drops for everyone else. And the fact that Hercules can tank almost ALL the bosses available (except the higher end bosses like you stated, I'll take you word for it) does not help us.

    If you look at different perspective say time vs drop. With Veno herc tank /barb dd, whole TT run goes 30% faster = more drop + less repair = more money.

    Let say in TT 1 -, herc on chin, barb on drum, soul, herc on golden shard and snake.

    Let say in TT 2 -, herc on lion, herc on giant, barb on clone boss, barb on feng, herc on mane boss, barb on walker and the final boss

    The list can goes on and on but after all, money is whole matter in TT run.
  • Starang - Lost City
    Starang - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I really like the hercules tanking ability and really hope it wont get nerfed (maybe cuz i have one myself b:chuckle)

    But in my experience in this game with barbs having the monopoly of tanking many of them tend to get kinda spoiled and greedy. Which isn't weird when 1000 ppl asking you to do a job and your class is the only that can do it --- you get picky after a while.

    So many 90+ barbs dont know the meaning of being helpfull anymore cuz theyre really tired of beeing asked/begged/spammed about tanking stuff.
    So they wont go fb unless they get to book most costly moulders to sell, same with TT, they dont go unless they can book best gold. With the herc out u dont need the barb for every single boss anymore. So barbs cant make ridiculous demands anymore like "i wont tank unless i get to book shine feels in 2-2, LY in fb79, tauren cape + xs in fb69 and behemot gold in 3-1 on every single run".

    It just makes stuff alot easier...easier for guilds to farm stuff to. Good know how many times ive heard "BUT WE CANT FIND A BARB".

    There is many helpfull barb tho may i add...but with herc u can finally avoid the greedy bishes b:bye

    Hey now! b:scorn
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hey now! b:scorn

    Argh FK busted ....I DONT MEAN U b:surrender

    Starang is a good TT slave that burns 5000000 hp charm for only for mirages and some mystery skulls b:dirty
  • Ren - Lost City
    Ren - Lost City Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    hey Now! B:scorn


    edit: caps filter is LAME

    Zoe is so full of it, that he must be Karmelia.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I've noticed a hard time finding Barbs, as well. Most of my entire faction is venos and clerics... I've had to find extremely weird ways of doing bosses and such simply because I've had no barbs... Such as standing in front of a mob who eats pets in one bite, and hoping to God that it keeps casting at me, and doesn't move in for the kill... I've had to have as many as 7 venos healing a single pet to survive some of them that I couldn't do in such a manner. I've had the Jewelscalen quest for so long, I forgot when I got it. We need more barbs. I honestly don't have the patience to play a Barb, so I applaude those of you who can. But replacing a good Barb with a Herc??? Yes, I know it's cheaper, yes, it does allow clerics to go AFK on a non AoE boss, which would annoy me, FYI. Clerics have attack spells just like the rest of us. But we all know that there are bosses that can't be done by herc. Water bosses, anyone? Stop killing the desire to play barbs, or we'll all end up **** ourselves in the end.

    May you stand between me and instant death until the end of time.
  • Coraline - Lost City
    Coraline - Lost City Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Umm...wrong...I have been turned down multiple times..for various HH runs, FB runs..because they had a higher level veno with Herc...

    Only reason i could see for this, is that the party wants more drops for themselves. Idk

    eatswithspoons "*roll eyes* real money for virtual property? That's definitely not allowed"

    Lol what?
  • Prowler - Heavens Tear
    Prowler - Heavens Tear Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If a pet class is making a tank class quit (that is happening for a fact) then it just perpetuates the cycle.

    Putting a point of view out there:

    The main reason I purchased a Hercules was the number of times I had been snubbed by barbs, claiming to be too busy to help me with world bosses I had kept on hold for as many as 10 levels. Also, it is a relief not having a barb, often with way less experience in the game than me, throwing his weight around and insisting on doing things "his way" in an FB, because he figures he is indispensible.

    I could list dozens of cases of barbs acting pricy, and at least five instances of barbs wanting to charge large amounts of money for world boss kills.

    Oh, and yes - barbs insisting on going into FBs unwined, with no respect for other people's time, because they can, and because they want darkness stamps, and they are indispensible so the others in the FB dare not object too much...

    I for one have a clear understanding on why I preferred buying a herc, over playing court to a barb -even if that means I bypass General Wurlord on TT 2-x every time.

    As many people on Heavens Tear server will confirm, my herc, Thug, is always happy to tank every world boss it can, without payment, and never has anyone heard Thug complaining about repair costs or asking for the best drop in a TT run because Thug is so important to the whole effort.

    There are often two opposing viewpoints to a situation - enough said.
    Prowler (Venomancer) on Heaven's Tear

    Former Leader of QuestSeek: International level 3 faction.
  • Specgoesemo - Lost City
    Specgoesemo - Lost City Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I've heard from several people now, rumors the veno's and/or their pets (mainly the phoenix and herc) have already gotten nerfed, or the pets taken out of the game all together from the Asian servers? And it's likely to happen here as well.

    Is this true? I've been to the Chinese PW site, but can't read a lick of chinese, so couldn't find answers to these rumors.

    And if this is true, I would like to know how your planning on dealing with all the very angry customers your going to have, that spent so much money on these very expensive pets?

    It's not their problem the reason you bought the pet/played a veno is for a bugged skill that has potential to be fixed. Don't QQ over your own mistake if it happens, which it needs to.
  • Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear
    Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Read the thread before you post. Your entire rag here is moot as a GM has spoken on this already. And your attempt at an attack just looks silly. And just to correct your ignorance, a Phoenix does NOT come with Flesh Ream. Some other pets do, the Nix NO. Any pet can be taught the skill, and it's one that any good veno who owns a Nix trains. I'll let you in on a secret. Alot of us call the skill our "I want to kill a whiner skill."
    You will never do anything in this world without courage.
    It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
  • Jitora - Lost City
    Jitora - Lost City Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Putting a point of view out there:

    The main reason I purchased a Hercules was the number of times I had been snubbed by barbs, claiming to be too busy to help me with world bosses I had kept on hold for as many as 10 levels. Also, it is a relief not having a barb, often with way less experience in the game than me, throwing his weight around and insisting on doing things "his way" in an FB, because he figures he is indispensible.

    I could list dozens of cases of barbs acting pricy, and at least five instances of barbs wanting to charge large amounts of money for world boss kills.

    Oh, and yes - barbs insisting on going into FBs unwined, with no respect for other people's time, because they can, and because they want darkness stamps, and they are indispensible so the others in the FB dare not object too much...

    I for one have a clear understanding on why I preferred buying a herc, over playing court to a barb -even if that means I bypass General Wurlord on TT 2-x every time.

    As many people on Heavens Tear server will confirm, my herc, Thug, is always happy to tank every world boss it can, without payment, and never has anyone heard Thug complaining about repair costs or asking for the best drop in a TT run because Thug is so important to the whole effort.

    There are often two opposing viewpoints to a situation - enough said.

    Yes..World bosses cost me money..they don't cost herc a dime thats why Me personally need to charge money when I do it, I don't charge outrageous prices, but I need to. And about running the group "my way" I usually do do that..but only after they don't listen and I do it their way, and we wipe 2-3 times I get pissed, and..yea.

    A good barbarian knows his limits...
  • Semyezza - Heavens Tear
    Semyezza - Heavens Tear Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Putting a point of view out there:

    The main reason I purchased a Hercules was the number of times I had been snubbed by barbs, claiming to be too busy to help me with world bosses I had kept on hold for as many as 10 levels. Also, it is a relief not having a barb, often with way less experience in the game than me, throwing his weight around and insisting on doing things "his way" in an FB, because he figures he is indispensible.

    I could list dozens of cases of barbs acting pricy, and at least five instances of barbs wanting to charge large amounts of money for world boss kills.

    Oh, and yes - barbs insisting on going into FBs unwined, with no respect for other people's time, because they can, and because they want darkness stamps, and they are indispensible so the others in the FB dare not object too much...

    I for one have a clear understanding on why I preferred buying a herc, over playing court to a barb -even if that means I bypass General Wurlord on TT 2-x every time.

    As many people on Heavens Tear server will confirm, my herc, Thug, is always happy to tank every world boss it can, without payment, and never has anyone heard Thug complaining about repair costs or asking for the best drop in a TT run because Thug is so important to the whole effort.

    There are often two opposing viewpoints to a situation - enough said.

    Amen to that. No Barbs in our guild, but I got my Herc so we don't have to be too dependent on others.

    Though a definite shout out to Jimbo in Heaven's Tear, best and friendliest Barb I know.

    - Richard the Warlock, LFG.

    visit my gallery on !! !!
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Battlepets are nice but they aren't crazy killing and tanking machines like people claim. Any nerf to them would make it not worth the effort it takes to get them.

    I feel sorry for the people in other versions. They got owned bigtime.
  • keyshey
    keyshey Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I could list dozens of cases of barbs acting pricy, and at least five instances of barbs wanting to charge large amounts of money for world boss kills.

    I believe that its alright if a barb is asking for a reasonable amount of coins for tanking world boss or any other boss. It costs them a lot of coins for tanking those bosses due to repair fees.

    When I tank bosses w/ my pets, It doesn't cost me anything.

    With regards to the battle pets, I do not think that they should be nerfed. Only the flesh ream skill should. I've seen numerous times when a bm easily kills a veno w/ a nix
  • Lwyna - Sanctuary
    Lwyna - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yes..World bosses cost me money..they don't cost herc a dime thats why Me personally need to charge money when I do it, I don't charge outrageous prices, but I need to. And about running the group "my way" I usually do do that..but only after they don't listen and I do it their way, and we wipe 2-3 times I get pissed, and..yea.

    A good barbarian knows his limits...

    With utility comes a price.

    If people are unhappy with the fact barbs are necessary and demand compensation for their time (which anyone with an ounce of utility will do, as much in game than in rl), let them roll one. Especially classes who make tons of money. Since they can afford it.
  • wraithxxx
    wraithxxx Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    As an owner of a barb, cleric, and veno [two most expensive classes and the cheapest class].

    You rolled the class, take up the responsibilities of it or reroll. It's no ones fault but yours that you rolled a class with a heavy repair bill. Barbs are "almost" necessary to do most things in the game, you should have known that when you made the character and if you're not willing to take that responsibility then have fun being in a non-factor guild with other people with your attitude. aka, other people that won't bother helping your greedy **** get things done b:bye

    In regards to the topic, if flesh ream gets nerfed, get over it venos. If you demand a refund for the money you used to buy the pet or some other compensation, that's stupid, get over yourself. If you spent money to abuse a bug then not only should you accept it if it's fixed, you should be banned since that is against the game policy. I hope they nerf the flesh ream in PvP, it's OP, it's a bug, and venos shouldn't be complaining about a BUG being fixed. Nuff said.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    wraithxxx wrote: »
    In regards to the topic, if flesh ream gets nerfed, get over it venos. If you demand a refund for the money you used to buy the pet or some other compensation, that's stupid, get over yourself. If you spent money to abuse a bug then not only should you accept it if it's fixed, you should be banned since that is against the game policy. I hope they nerf the flesh ream in PvP, it's OP, it's a bug, and venos shouldn't be complaining about a BUG being fixed. Nuff said.

    You miss-understood what was being said. No Veno will complain (if their smart anyway) about a bugged skill being fixed because most, if not all of us; WANT it fixed.

    We will on the other hand complain if our legendary pets themselves get nerfed down to a level where they are nothing more than a slightly stronger 'normal' pet. I didn't pay 350 bucks for two legendary pets to have them turn around a few months later and turn my pets into something that is only slightly stronger than a Magmite or Bee.

    You can bet I'd be exceptionally irate about that.

  • Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear
    Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Thanks Sait, you pretty much took the words out of my mouth. I started this thread worried my Phoenix who I had just bought a month earlier was being nerfed. And the Flesh Ream skill really wasn't even anything I was worried about.

    The rumors I had heard on the other asian servers, was the Nix/Herc was either nerfed heavily and/or taken out of the game all together. Which almost got me to quit because I was furious they might do it here, if those rumors were true.

    Since making my OP I did have a GM respond to this thread. Although it was sort of a joke. (He didn't seem to know anything about this subject) reading his post, I got the feeling he was going to get back to us, once he found answers, but he never did.

    Idiots who went off on other tangents and started whining about venos, and flesh ream. Obviously never even read the thread, and are just basically a waste of space. /ignore
    You will never do anything in this world without courage.
    It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
  • Kitsuneaki - Sanctuary
    Kitsuneaki - Sanctuary Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    If a veno pays for the herc/nix or both they deserve the power, just like if you pay for you imac. shards and super awesome weopon you deserve it. A venos pet is their weopon, shut up and just deal with it! They are not over powered in my eyes (and im not even a veno!!)

    I 1-2hit most venos with herc/nix. stop complaing and get better at PK/PVP. "oooh but a veno can solo tt60 ect and tank bosses b:cry" I say- Yes they can, so befriend one and get free/discounts on those TT mats and get ur veno friend to solo some bosses for u! aaannnd if they do charge high/normal prices for those TT mats they got, its cuz they have to earn the money back they spent on that Ult.sub and the nix/herc they bought b:laugh oh yea and the herc is not the only pet that can tank TT b:victory

    1 last note, the skills the herc/nix get are HARD to get, but you CAN get them for ur "normal" pets.
    6X Sin on RT
  • Pandaberr - Lost City
    Pandaberr - Lost City Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I don't really know much about the nix and flesh ream thing, but I hope they don't get nerfed(too badly). Seriously those things look so cool. But I have read a lot about the flesh ream thing, and honestly it scares me...Obviously I play a barbarian, and have had a great time doing it. However, going up through the levels I have noticed less and less barbarians around me...I've been in the faction I'm in for a couple of months now, and we only got 1 other barbarian 2 days ago. My faction leader has a herc, and she and her boyfriend who also has a herc, have done my FB's 19-51. All I did was DD, and boss's that their hercs can tank, I can't touch. It makes me sad, I feel almost useless as a tank. But I'm pretty noob to the game, and don't know if I've built my barb right. Its hard to ask anyone though, when there is no one for me to ask.

    A lot of the high level barbs I try to get advice from kind of just snuff me. They either A: ignore me, or B: PK me and call me a noob. I'd ask my faction for help, but I'm the second highest in my faction, and my faction leader has never played a barb.

    But I love my faction, and have always tried to be helpful to anyone. I don't get asked to tank boss's very often, but when I run through lower places, people ask me to help them kill mobs for their quests. And I most always do since I like to help people. I think the few times I turned someone down, was when I was already running to aid a faction member. Most of the time I say I'll help them after I've helped that person though, but when I get there they've finished haha.

    But if your on Lost City, and need help and think I can do it PM me, PandaBerr. I like new friends :)
  • Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear
    Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Dude you sound too nice to be on that server you need to reroll onto HT, lol.
    You will never do anything in this world without courage.
    It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
  • xarfox
    xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    There are no plans to remove the phoenix or the hercules pets from the game. Even if that were the case, players who have purchased them would not have them deleted or "taken away" from their inventories.
This discussion has been closed.