Rate a Character thread. Hot or Not.



  • MikoTenshi - Sanctuary
    MikoTenshi - Sanctuary Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Thanks everyone for the ratings, whether they are good or bad <3.

    Bella, it's sad to hear that it became a preset look. I was actually 1 of the first or probably (just probably) the actual first to have that face on my server. And I personally love blue eyes blonde hair, which I probably won't change. But maybe when I have time, I will change her a bit (just changed veno, might be a bit later), thank for the suggestions. And please don't say she isn't original, because I always had that look, its not I'm not original it is just more of others likes that kind of look as well. Perhaps, rare is a better word?
    Siggy made by Silvychar <3
  • Esnemyl - Dreamweaver
    Esnemyl - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,079 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Aj, I love your psy, she just needs to smile a lil in my opinion XD 4.5/5

    Reverted my eyes back to normal after I took this screenie.

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
    Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3

    '...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru2
  • Lucrecia - Momaganon
    Lucrecia - Momaganon Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    IMO the makeup choice doesnt fit her well, well at least the color could be a bit darker.
    And she looks a bit sad :(( But I like her face, so 2.5/5 :)

    His eyes are a bit small, but he looks pretty good and natural. I like him although i dont know Code Geass or what its called >> 3/5
    He is great, looks good and not pumped up like the most archers are. 4.5/5
    Just beautiful *.* the hair and eye color looks great, a bit icy. IMO there is really no need to change her, she is great as she is! 5/5

    MikoTenshi :
    Well, for your hubby i would rate 5/5 xD But since doll style is really not my thing and im not a fan of file editing too much, i would give her 2/5 because i really like the fashion-hair color combi

    Her face is nice, but for me her eyes a way too big especially with the EG eyes. I wont rate the hair because i dont think EG hairs should be used for others and it would be unfair if i rate her bad because of that, so ill only rate the face :) I do like shes not smiling, makes her kind of naive =) - 3/5

    Esnemyl: Pretty, looks a bit older and desert-queen like - 4.5/5
    Do you believe in life before death?
  • onlydolly
    onlydolly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Oh God so many posts O_o... xD So...
    MikoTenshi - You know that I love doll characters. I have nothing to say beside "Great job Miko" 5/5 And I agree with Mimiroppu. I can't see Your Hubby's face but he looks really nice 4,5/5
    Asteric - Ow I like her :D Especially her hair color. (Purple is my fav.) 5/5
    Ajiuo - Why You always have the best Fash. b:cry I want just one b:sad What about Your Psy, very well made. I love lips the most :) I really can't make Tideborns and EG -.- 5/5
    Esnemyl - I always love Your Arch but can You put a closed up of her dace, please? 5/5
    Well I've made a test (http://pw.mmosite.com/info/classtest/classtest.shtml)"Which class is the best for you" Each time I'm doing this the result is "Archer" so... I've made an Archer xD (On Lost City server if You want to know) and I really enjoy playing her <3

  • Ziraia - Raging Tide
    Ziraia - Raging Tide Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The eyes looks kinda funny to me, but you said you changed them already. I'd love to see how she looks now :3 Her haircolor + that top looks really good together! Eyebrows should be same color as the hair. 4/5

    Cute character, personally i dont really like the doll looking ones, but she's cute. I feel like her lower lip is a bit too big, and she got bags under her eyes - which can be removed, somehow.. 3.5/5 Oh, and i took your test, and i got cleric :3

    So here's my cleric.. I know white hair is kinda boring, and lots of cleric/archers have white hair, but after lots of makeovers with different colors and shapes, i figured white looks the best on her. I want her to have a clean look - she's kinda of a quiet, relaxed cleric, if that makes any sence. :3

    So what do you think?


    sorry about the big screenie btw b:surrender
    ★ Ziraia 101 Assassin ★
    ★ _Nari_ 100 Seeker ★
    ★ xBunneh 82 Veno ★
    ★ Zushie 77 Psychic ★
    ★ HerAssassin 73 sin ★
    ★ HisHealer 54 Cleric ★
  • Ajiuo - Harshlands
    Ajiuo - Harshlands Posts: 708 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Had my boyfriend make a character. This is what he made. He wouldn't accept any of my help b:chuckle

    Ziraia, she's cute. Like you said, pretty common looking for an elf, but none the less, it's a good look and she does look very "clean" like you were shooting for. 4/5

    onlydolly, she's cute, something about her eyes that i'm not a fan of. pretty common looking nowadays to have CN looking characters, too, but still cute in a not creepy doll way. 3.5/5

    Esnemyl, she looks exotic, i think her eye pupil things could be a bit bigger but that's just my opinion. Other than that, she looks good 4.5/5

    Gotta try to sneak a shower in before my boyfriend's roommate gets up and about b:avoid
    ❤ No more PWI for me~ ❤
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    @Miko: It's the picture makes it hard to get a good view of your cleric's face, but it seems to be the epitome of a doll char, so 5/5. Your hubby's bm is really cute, probably the only thing I would change is maybe the mouth is too high. 4.99/5

    @Asteric: She looks nice. You have your own style for all of your chars that's easy to recognize and that's cool. Probably needs an eye color that gives her more visible pupils though. 4/5

    @Ajiuo: On the psy, her expression is a bit off, especially with the pose you used in the second pic, there just isn't something right with the nose and maybe the eyes. 3.75/5. On your bf's bm, there's not much I can say except that it just looks... Old, lol.

    @Esnemyl: I like the use of the eye shadow, and I really can't say there's anything I would change. 5/5

    @onlydolly: The archer looks nice but a bit tired. I think it mainly has to do with the shade. 4/5

    @Ziraia: Yeah, white hair is pretty common for elves and maybe tideborn as well, but it's still nice looking. 4.5/5

    So, I'm pretty much happy with my psy, but I'm having trouble deciding on a hair color. Can't decide between pink, strawberry blonde, platinum blonde, goldilockes, or even a mint green. Eye color is obviously subject to change depending on which one I decide, but what do you guys think?


    You can open the image in another tab for a larger view.
  • Reix - Dreamweaver
    Reix - Dreamweaver Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited August 2012


    Cute character, personally i dont really like the doll looking ones, but she's cute. I feel like her lower lip is a bit too big, and she got bags under her eyes - which can be removed, somehow.. 3.5/5 Oh, and i took your test, and i got cleric :3

    I believe the bags can be fixed through the eyes settings at the very top of the panel. If you flip through them, they each have a different "set" of the eye, making them look more sunk in, folded or have bags under them. Sets 2 and 3 give bags, while 1 does not.
    If you even want to get rid of them, that is. If they're there on purpose... As you were. b:shutup

  • Ziraia - Raging Tide
    Ziraia - Raging Tide Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    He's not bad. I fell like alot of humans look pretty much alike. To stand out you'd have to make one with like.. green skin and purple hair. Reason i never lvl'd a bm or wiz is cause i dont like how they look/stand b:shutup But yeah, he's nice, especially if its his first character.

    I really like her face, she looks sad in a cute way. I've been looking at those different hair colors for a few minutes now, and what i think is umm.. I like the color she have atm, but i would make her skincolor lighter to make more contrast. I also like the yellow one, but then i would make the skincolor darker x3 Thats just my thoughts tho. n.n'

    Thank you, thats how its done ^^
    You can also go to Face then Advanced Settings and move the cheekbones around until they hide the bags i think.
    ★ Ziraia 101 Assassin ★
    ★ _Nari_ 100 Seeker ★
    ★ xBunneh 82 Veno ★
    ★ Zushie 77 Psychic ★
    ★ HerAssassin 73 sin ★
    ★ HisHealer 54 Cleric ★
  • Ayasu - Sanctuary
    Ayasu - Sanctuary Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ziraia - I like how she looks because she reminds me of how I create my characters ^^ White is common yes but not many people pull it off that well.. + the black eyeshadow b:dirty

    Ajiuo - Taking your boyfriend doesn't play this game? :3 funny character he made, I see a lot of things I personally would change but it ain't actually that bad haha. Some guys are terrible at it. No offence guys b:kiss

    VoItaire - I'd personally go with the strawberry blonde, it would look well good on her. She's adorable =]

    Here's my noob cleric, this time I hope I will stick around long enough to make her at least pass the level 40 mark.. never gotten any cleric above 31. b:surrender


    ★ Ayasu - 79 - Venomancer ★
    ★ Kathface - 56 - Cleric ★
    ★ Psykath - 2x - Psychic ★
    ★ Scarlin - 1x - Mystic ★
  • Ancris - Archosaur
    Ancris - Archosaur Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    Here's my noob cleric, this time I hope I will stick around long enough to make her at least pass the level 40 mark.. never gotten any cleric above 31. b:surrender


    She's sexy and she knows it. Really nice job in the creator. She looks gothic (which is fine, just not my style), but still very pretty!
  • Rileyflare - Dreamweaver
    Rileyflare - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ayasu: I, personally, like the gothic look. She's cute. 4.5/5

    VoItare: Very pretty, but there's something about the shape of the head that kinda annoys me. 4/5

    Ajiuo: What your boyfriend made..Well it's not that bad compared to other characters guys make (no offense), But it kinda looks weird.

    Here's my Seeker. Rate.
    You can open the picture in a new tab for larger view.

  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ajiuo: For a first try you boyfriend did good. :) 3.5/5 i just personally don't like the hair.

    Voltaire: I agree with Ayasu the strawberry blond look good. 4/5

    Ayasu: I totally love the hair color, she look really pretty, but the only think i don't really like on hear is the eyes makeup, i love that eyes makeup on some char, but your cleric seem so sweet with the hair/lips/skin/eyes color that the black eyes makeup break it, but it's just my opinion. 4/5

    Rileyflare: Its probably cause the SS was took the night, but she seem gray, the brown is ok for hair, but i don't like it for the eyes, for now i'll give a 2/5, but if you can take a SS in the day so we can see the good skin color that will help.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Slegtst - Dreamweaver
    Slegtst - Dreamweaver Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Love it.
  • Amourie - Heavens Tear
    Amourie - Heavens Tear Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I AM SO HAPPY THIS SECTION OF THE FORUM IS BACK TO NORMAL D: I can finally post here again.

    Ajiuo - 4.5/5 Your psy is so cute, I love her lips and her eyes. I would personally make the bridge of her nose a tiny bit wider.

    Esnemyl - 5/5 You're the first person to use that type of eyes/eye makeup other than myself. She's really pretty and the hair goes really well, surprisingly.

    onlydolly - 3/5 Okay so you're the second person I've seen use those eyes... it's weird, I've never seen anyone do it and I've had it for months b:chuckle she's cute but she's a bit generic.

    Ziraia - 3/5 Her shoulder width should be a tad bigger. I have a hard time rating chars using that hair because it covers half the face :<

    VoItaire - I can't really see the char.

    Ayasu - 3/5, She'd look a lot cuter without such heavy eye makeup.

    Rileyflare - I can't really see your char either D:

    Here's my cleric.

  • MikoTenshi - Sanctuary
    MikoTenshi - Sanctuary Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ajiou- It's his first time, it's not that bad xD. But personally I don't like the eye area. Odd double eyelids and bags under the eyes. 3/5

    VoItaire- I think I would go for pink, blonde or mint.

    Ayasu- Your toon is too much on the innocent type for that eyeliner, it is too dark for such light makeup/colors. It is like randomly adding a black dot on a pink image. Try lighter ones like Amourie's. 3/5

    Rileyflare- I might be wrong, but that look quite typical preset to me... But I'm not going to give a number rate, since the lighter is dark and face is quite small even after enlarged.

    Amourie- She look pretty cute, but I'm not a fan of PWI double eyelids. PWI ones are too deep/high to look nature. Aside from that she look clean and cute 4/5

    I personally likes light makeup also, so here is the archer I made for my hubby.

    Siggy made by Silvychar <3
  • Victorique - Dreamweaver
    Victorique - Dreamweaver Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Oh snap
    ★ Victorique - Mystic - Placid Guild ★

    We're coming back
    We'll live forever
    Let's have a wedding
    Let's start the killing.
  • Ayasu - Sanctuary
    Ayasu - Sanctuary Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Aww no one likes my chars eyeliner b:sad Thanks for the input though guys but I tried to make her look a bit anime like sweet lolita goth or something + the fact I wear my eyeliner like that in real life so I have no intentions of ever changing it :3 don't like light eyeliner. b:thanks

    Rileyflare - From what I can see she looks just like many other seekers out there, but if you like her then thats all that matters. Would be easier to rate if you had a front view zoomed in picture of her =]

    Amourie -She is adorable but same issue as you had with me, I don't like her eyeliner ;c the brown line above it looks a bit odd

    MikoTenshi -I never understood that style of characters, squishing her whole face features together like that n giving her a massive head :/ each to their own I suppose. I do like the black hair and red eye combo :3

    ★ Ayasu - 79 - Venomancer ★
    ★ Kathface - 56 - Cleric ★
    ★ Psykath - 2x - Psychic ★
    ★ Scarlin - 1x - Mystic ★
  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    Hmm...Like Ayasu, I don't quire understand this style either. I absolutely love chibi faces and I've taken a stab or two at some of my own, but this super-small face with a huge head is beyond me. Reminds me too much or Marge Simpson...
    But in it's style, it's still pretty and I don't see any flaws.
    Objective rating: 10/10
    Opinionated rating: 7/10

    Moi :3
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Lucrecia - Momaganon
    Lucrecia - Momaganon Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    MikoTenshi: I font like that style, looks a bit like an alien to me. With a different face, i would give her 5/5 but with it ill only give 2.5/5 for the hair/dress combo.

    Typhyse: He looks a bit like on drugs, but thats what many TBs do xD I love the fashion and i like TB with blue skin a lot more than those with brown . 4/5

    Amourie: Hot *.* She looks very natural, not tons of make up and angel like ... :)

    And anyone here who can tell me how to make those screenies bigger? If I try to upload an image, it is always pretty small no matter what size I use :(
    Do you believe in life before death?
  • MikoTenshi - Sanctuary
    MikoTenshi - Sanctuary Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I didn't give it a big head, it is the way archers stand. The angle of it make its body look smaller. But thank you for the ratings <3.

    Typhyse- I like how he look, looks really neat and cool b:chuckle But personally I don't like blue fishies, 4.5/5

    Lucrecia- I don't think you can really make it bigger without distorting the pixels, it is your screen resolution. But you can make your character bigger in the SS by pressing F9 in game. Use those arrows to zoom in. Hope this helps.
    Siggy made by Silvychar <3
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Amourie: She look awesome, but the eyes seems a bit small 4/5.

    Typhyse: Your sin look ok, a bit too much blue, but that's different 4/5.

    Miko: Something seems wrong, like the others said the head/hair seems huge on the SS (it's maybe just the way the SS was took, but it seems huge), the eyebrow are not enough dark for the hair color, i personally don't really like that char sorry.

    Here's a wizz i did today, i don't know why, but normally i prefer the normal natural color for hair, but since a few weeks i try different hair color.


    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Ancris - Archosaur
    Ancris - Archosaur Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Here's a wizz i did today, i don't know why, but normally i prefer the normal natural color for hair, but since a few weeks i try different hair color.


    So purrdy. She's kinda half chibi-half regal. I love that her hair, eyes and lips are all different shades of purple (Lavender, Lilac, Magenta) and even her clothes match her face 4.9/5 (-0.1 cuz I'm evil like that)

    I just got my 3rd makeover scroll so Ancris' appearance has changed (again).
    This time I tried to make her look a little more evil and a little less cute and beautiful.


    My fingers have dirt between them, guess that's what happens when you fight in a forest where the topsoil has eroded away >:/
  • Slegtst - Dreamweaver
    Slegtst - Dreamweaver Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Miko, all your characters are ugly.

    So: 0 out of 5, or 0 out of 10 points for every Miko character.
  • Snowycookie - Sanctuary
    Snowycookie - Sanctuary Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I didn't give it a big head, it is the way archers stand. The angle of it make its body look smaller. But thank you for the ratings <3.

    They are talking about the huge forehead hun. :)
  • Ayasu - Sanctuary
    Ayasu - Sanctuary Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Miko, all your characters are ugly.

    So: 0 out of 5, or 0 out of 10 points for every Miko character.

    That was so uncalled for.. Just because it's not your style, nor mine, doesn't make it ugly. Let people be creative.

    Typhyse - He's really good looking and has nice facial features, I'm not into odd skin colours tho but it does add a nice touch =]

    Xx_BeLLa_xX - She's so cute! I love how you made that makeup work. I've never been able to do so b:surrender

    Ancris - Wow she looks like a demon. I love it! I personally wouldn't have chosen for pink eyes o_o I'd personally have used white to make her look blind. Scary touch :3

    ★ Ayasu - 79 - Venomancer ★
    ★ Kathface - 56 - Cleric ★
    ★ Psykath - 2x - Psychic ★
    ★ Scarlin - 1x - Mystic ★
  • Slegtst - Dreamweaver
    Slegtst - Dreamweaver Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    That was so uncalled for.. Just because it's not your style, nor mine, doesn't make it ugly. Let people be creative.
    "Rate a Character thread. Hot or Not."

    Just read the threadtitle next time.
  • Victorique - Dreamweaver
    Victorique - Dreamweaver Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    "Rate a Character thread. Hot or Not."

    Just read the threadtitle next time.

    Nevermind, I've already figured out the kind of person you are.

    More pictures people ^_^!

    Edit: And again I use the wrong acount. Wee
    ★ Victorique - Mystic - Placid Guild ★

    We're coming back
    We'll live forever
    Let's have a wedding
    Let's start the killing.
  • Mimiroppu - Heavens Tear
    Mimiroppu - Heavens Tear Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    "Rate a Character thread. Hot or Not."

    Just read the threadtitle next time.

    Le sigh.

    Yes, this is the rate your character thread. Yes, you have the right to your opinions.

    No, you aren't allowed to just call someone's characters ugly without ANY constructive criticism. This is a character help thread. You called her characters ugly without a reason why.

    They JUST got rid of a problem child, doing the exact same thing(skipping posts, isolating users [for being female, though]and giving spiteful ratings). Please, for the love of god, don't start this up again b:shocked

    In spite of this, I don't even care what your opinion is. I'm not too crazy about that archer or any of the "doll" looks, either. I just would like the rules to be followed. TIA.

    @bella- I really don't want to rate her, but only because she's from a private server and we don't have that fashion here, yet. I'm jelly. I will rate her, though. I think she looks like a real anime character. I love the colors and the expression. 4.9/5 (cause I'm still jellyQQ).

    @Ancris- she certainly does look more evil. I could do without the widened jaw/chin, though. It makes her look more "evil Swiss man lady" than "sultry villainess". If the swiss thing was what you were going for, more power to you! 3.8/5! And I hope I didn't insult you, because that was not my intention. I just have a hard time figuring out nice ways to say certain things. b:surrender
  • Ancris - Archosaur
    Ancris - Archosaur Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    Ancris - Wow she looks like a demon. I love it! I personally wouldn't have chosen for pink eyes o_o I'd personally have used white to make her look blind. Scary touch :3

    Well I chose Magenta eye colour beacuse it seemed more unnatural and magic, and I wanna show that magic runs through her veins...

    Ancris- I must say, that is too scary/evil for my liking x.x But that was what you were going for so, good job on it. 2/5

    Eh it's kay. Not everything is everyone's style. By the way, good job on those doll faces. They're kinda weird-looking but also a different style and your characters are a definite success on it...
    @Ancris- she certainly does look more evil. I could do without the widened jaw/chin, though. It makes her look more "evil Swiss man lady" than "sultry villainess". If the swiss thing was what you were going for, more power to you! 3.8/5! And I hope I didn't insult you, because that was not my intention. I just have a hard time figuring out nice ways to say certain things. b:surrender

    Well I didn't know exactly what I was going for. The only thing that was in my head was "less cute more evil". I kinda make up everything as I go along. I tried smaller jaw and chin but it gave my character a more fragile look. Therefore I made it thicker to show that she is tough as well as evil...
    Moi :3

    Well I haven't judged you so I will now.
    I like the blue skin and hair, makes you look different (hair is the same shade of blue as Marge Simpson's hair ;D) The characteristics of the face remind me more of a Mediterranean race (Greek, Italian, Spanish) so if you were going for it then you have succeeded. Overall, I like it. 4.5/5
    Miko, all your characters are ugly.

    So: 0 out of 5, or 0 out of 10 points for every Miko character.

    Rudeness at it's finest. You should provide constructive criticism. Also, even though they're not your style, you could at least acknowledge the fact that she has succeeded at what she was going for...