"New" Suggestion Compilation thread!



  • AmmeeesbfC - Dreamweaver
    AmmeeesbfC - Dreamweaver Posts: 282 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    i wish i can customize my hairstyle...especially the length of it. the long hair availbe for option is not long enough at all...lldkldjj
  • Joua - Archosaur
    Joua - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I have a suggestion since ppl take over the pits in pq area and charge not allowing ppl questing to complete PWI should charge non questers a fee of lets say 500k per pit per hr. if ppl are paying ppl y not pay u after all they are your pits.
  • Symphozia - Archosaur
    Symphozia - Archosaur Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I got one for Mounts:

    Let two people ride the same mount.

    Similar to Embrace, but if the rider is on their mount and both players agree to the embrace, they should be allowed to jump on the back of the rider's mount.
    4EvaAlone - Level 2 Faction recruiting active players level 25 and over. PM me for invite.

    MUST be active.
  • gamekillz
    gamekillz Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    sanny1129 wrote: »
    Create a Server with Steam BAsed technology lol

    I agree that this game should have steam capabilities, although a whole entire server for it may be unnecessary. Forsaken World is on steam, so is torchlight, so is rusty hearts, why not their own flagship game? Perfect World Internationial is already on XFire and Core Client, so its already proven this stuff works. It would bring so many new customers who might make this game more popular.

    Here is my own thread on this suggestion: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1196941
    Sit tibi vita longa et omnia bona
    Pacem et vitam longam
  • _Nei_ - Sanctuary
    _Nei_ - Sanctuary Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Mount Dye Fitting Service. The colour Panel to be able to choose it by yourself.
  • escarte
    escarte Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Reset tw maps every 3months or something lets more factions participate and make it so theres more factions involvd

    Fix caster nirvy and make it just as good money wise as reg nirvy
    Take off the time limit for the nirvana talismans u dont put timers on keys so y have them on the talismans.(i think pwi got too timer happy)

    Get cooler fashion

    Improve custimization for characters

    I agree with sqd duels from first post

    Also agree with mods to moniter aggro and dmg from first post

    Improve the landscape

    Go back and rework the old stuff pre tideborn and bring it all up to date animation and look wise.

    Devs actually read this thread and take it seriously

    Fix everything b4 releasing stuff i dont want new stuff i want the old stuff fixed

    Make quests more rewarding and less rediculous sure no prblm for a 5 aps sin kill 100 mobs with 50k hp in 15 min takes veno way way longer so much venos being best solo class

    Open up a safe pvp playground like the arena

    Thats all i can think of rigt now that arent in other threads im sure ill think up more
  • orthodoxiellas
    orthodoxiellas Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I don't know if it's added, but, there should be push back activated against players. For skills like Atmos Strike or the sand pushback of Psys. Players don't go back with these skills. This is a bug and should be fixed.!

    Just these and the very important character transfer from server to server. Especially now that you have european servers. European players might want to go to them, and so they should be able to do so. Its human right to.

    Best to all,
  • SnowFish - Sanctuary
    SnowFish - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    - Revamp the Event Boutique.

    - Add new items icons to make more easy the difference between the DQ ones and others mats.

    Maybe will help for the TT ones the green get surrounded by a green line and same for the gold one but with a gold line like the lv89 skills does.
  • LestatII - Raging Tide
    LestatII - Raging Tide Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Not only the Genie has status bar in the HUD, add pets' status bar to HUD.

    Ability to disable click-to-move (sorry if this one's repeated, don't see it on the main list yet).

    That's all... for now.
    A wise man speaks because he has something to say, a fool speaks because he must say something. --Plato
  • LestatII - Raging Tide
    LestatII - Raging Tide Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Hooray! They implemented the pet status HUD!! :-D

    I noticed that when rotating with the A and D keys, it's awful slow. Methinks there should be an option to change rotate speed when using A and D keys.
    A wise man speaks because he has something to say, a fool speaks because he must say something. --Plato
  • dragooney13
    dragooney13 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    never mind the "new" stuff for a minute, and maybe fix some of the stuff that should be working properly! Ex. Jones' Blessing.. TY otherwise love the game b:victory
  • TaoTeiLung - Archosaur
    TaoTeiLung - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    cool 0.0 , You know id like to see more Chinese themed outfits and more
    hair styles on shop... Spell check on some of the text in the quests (Npc messages) would be nice. I know not many care but I do love the story line. And the user interface can get a bit messy :( ( it over laps) , I mean when you get a squad the genie interface, and the rest get covered one on the other.
    Also maybe transparency on the leaves, I've gotten killed cuz I cant see cuz the camera,
    is covered by folliage or something XD
    also maybe ... off topic but
    how bout the Chimei as a playable race? >.< they r cute
    I am sorry im a n00b poster I hope Im not annoying in the thread
  • darkaos
    darkaos Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    This only applies to the seekers ...

    * make sword buff graphic apply to single and dual weapons*

    ... I mean Bladed Fervor does, why not the other buffs ...
  • Arshies - Sanctuary
    Arshies - Sanctuary Posts: 666 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Account Stash Expansion Stone
    Something like the stones to expand the inventory and banker.
    I really want one of this !!! b:cry
    Arshies - Sanctuary
  • Lostwithin - Dreamweaver
    Lostwithin - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    i think it would u pretty useful if there was a Chi or Spark Charm :D i should get them for free xDDDb:victoryb:chuckleb:mischievous
  • _Nei_ - Sanctuary
    _Nei_ - Sanctuary Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Enable password to the Account Stash.

    Same as for the banker and Inventory where every chara you have can add a different password.
  • sevatar
    sevatar Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I noticed one on the NPC section
    - NPC with option to exchange SPIRIT POINTS for COINS / EXP

    and well i have always been of the opposite.
    I mean sure high lvs may want to give away spirit for coin since they already got their skills. but why not also vice versa for the rich lower lvs?


    NPC with option to change EXP / COIN for SPIRIT
  • Crystyl - Dreamweaver
    Crystyl - Dreamweaver Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I would like to see more useful items in the DQ rewards. like reset scrolls, Guardian scrolls or real dyes instead of the random ones.
    Actually the Mayans predicted the end of Twinkies!
  • meyganloveydovey
    meyganloveydovey Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    since there are 10 classes i would like to be able to have 10 chars on 1 account on the same server and not just 8.

    and that the mysterious merchant would open like 5000 or 10000 chips at once or open all, but if you don't have room in your inventory it says you don't have room for it right now,
    to open 1000 chips at the merchant is 7 clicks and to get full r9 you need 2049795 chips and thats ALOT of clicks.

    and i would like the option to buy coins at the buy zen page or something like that
    alot of people do not have the option of getting those cards or whatever they are to get coins.
    it could even be made so people can't buy more then 300 mil coins every month.
  • sevatar
    sevatar Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    another suggestion came to mind....

    Make all the pets from Maiden chests (the squirrel, the fat bird,etc.) and from Heroic Chest (Giant Bunny etc.) be attainable from a boutique pack, my chances with the limited chest suck b:surrender would rather take my chances buying packs myself and trying to get one.
  • Kasmira - Raging Tide
    Kasmira - Raging Tide Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Would be nice to have all that in the game :)
  • BriarFoxy - Raging Tide
    BriarFoxy - Raging Tide Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    As the OP of the old suggestion thread has not been on in quite a while here a new thread which I will try to keep updated.

    I will go through the other threads in this forum over the next couple days but please feel free to add to this list here.

    So here is a couple of Drastically needed Improvement Ideas.

    1) A method to lock/unlock skill icons that are placed onto the skill bar.
    In the heat of battle you click on a skill to cast and accidentally grag it off the skill bar, now your DEAD.

    2) Re-make a more usable skill bar - A) Add a row to each, B) What use is the scrolling and duplicate row on the skill bar? It need to offer all selections for split second use.

    3) A Full Spectrum color selection interface with color code number indication and placement.

    4) Select a keyboard key (Like F12 or make adjustable) other than <ENTER> to activate/deactivate chat text input. If this is already possible IDKT.

    That's it for now
    Rise to Become Mighty so on the Wings of the Leviathan We will Soar....

    "Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!" He took his vorpal sword in hand: Long time the manxome foe he sought -- So rested he by the Tumtum tree, And stood awhile in thought. And, as in uffish thought he stood, The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, Came whiffling through the tulgey wood, And burbled as it came!--Poem part by: Lewis Carroll
  • AmmeeesbfC - Dreamweaver
    AmmeeesbfC - Dreamweaver Posts: 282 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    still haven't change the rules on forum so everybody can use unique avatars... hope that day will come soon!
  • akina85
    akina85 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I think there should be a quick switch for personal settings in the game, so that you with just a click or two can switch between "users" on your account.
    These "users" should have their own texture and sound settings and such, but above all the F1-F8 and the 1-9 keys should personalized in these "users".
    We all know people share their accounts sometimes, with spouses, siblings or friends and not everyone is playing the game the same way or like the same skills, to make it easier for everyone I think this tool should be implemented in the game as a helper.
    Even the same person might need different setups for different situations, such as PvP, regular PvE grinding or instances.
    Save us the trouble of moving around our skill icons and turning down our overall settings.

    Make a fuss people! If you want this, make it happen! b:mischievous
  • HexOddus - Raging Tide
    HexOddus - Raging Tide Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I would like the gennie to be more like the esper of JD.

    Pets for Venos
    Now you can think of money... get us something like the net in JD either sold by gold or just regular coins to be able to catch any pet we want... the 9999 items needed for the phoenix and the other one are just to far away to get it or just to spend at least 100 usd... why don't you allow us to get any pet and try to improve it with some item, instead of hoping to get someday a Baby Hercules...

    It would be nice to get the full pet, but if you want to make it a challenge like the BH - baby herc, get us pieces to be collected... like the head, legs/wings/, torax, tail, and the piece to put them together... as I can see seems like the venos just get some basic pets, and well that is enough to do .... also would like to have the option to have armor for pets, also JD has the option, but to have the right star for the right pet gear is hard, so make a fifth craftsmanship or add it to the craftstman,[
    COLOR="red"] gear for pets...[/COLOR]b:victory

    Seems you got the idea i posted previously, but that went only for R8 gear, and at random, well that makes money for you... now get it for the lower levels and to have a specific craft lvl.... keepin on track also allow pets to improve stats under certain levels if you are not to make them evolve, then let us improve its stats... like for the tokens, only at lvl 30, 60, 90 and 105, either with gear or armor, or just by collection some pieces from other pets...like stated above, let us gather some items just to improve the stats and make them more balanced like the ones for the BH or the phoenix...

    Or if it is just hard for you... then just let us buy / get a stone to change the apperance of the pet, I mean I can have a glacial Walker and make it look different, ok if it is a water type then keep any other water type, and so on based on element... or just as you have made pets, when hatching a pet let select among 3 colors set to make it different, c'mon you did it to mounts, now do it to pets...

    Also move the mount form pet bag to regular stash bag use a new slot to place it as gear


    Refining options are good, already posted someting about additional stats on gear... for lower levels... so try to make crafting a real art...

    would it be too much to ask for ... ?

    .../get an option to craft new gear with added refine, add socket, gem imbue and stats from previous gear collected or crafted....

    I mean when crafting a new piece of weapon or gear... you could have an option or open slot to place the refining stone, gem and the additional stats' gear, of course that would be random as you want it , but also would need less items... I mean instead of 50 stones like 5, or instead of lvl 7 gem a lvl 4....

    .../just as you transfer refinement of gear, trf stats or gems

    yes more of the same, i.e. gem blemish in a gear lvl 3 trf to a lvl 4 but placing the needed gems to make it a lvl 4, i mean you will need 2 more blemish gems to make the common gem, of course that would lower the price for gems, but if you want money get a stone needed to make the trf, electronic money is just electronic, stones might have a silver value, and the gems are bought with electronic money, think about it...


    kk Already mentioned it ... but you need to get some mobs out of earthbound grounds and get more mats, like iron ore, withered tree root, and so on... and in the areas for human and elves... get more mobs...

    I mean for any char that goes to get a solo mission in dreaming stronghold lvl 13... with the new grounds tellus city.. you can only get 5 bluebearded kuhus...

    DROPS for earthbound and tideborn are non existent, for cotton thread and some other items you need to go to untAmed or elves grounds, I was unable to get any with my seeker...and cannot craft anything... for the tailor skill...

    Also you ONLY PLACED MINIBOSS LIKE MOBS in raging tides, JD has these vigilant, superior and beserker elite mobs, of course scattered in realms, but you could get some elite mobs for ea. regular mob... and get additional drops again thinking on crafting mentioned above...

    I MEAN GET ELITE MOBS with special drops to trf stats, gems, refining and sockets... these drops would only be available to that char's level, i.e. if the toon is lvl 15 only a level 13-17 elite mob would drop items...


    and check what mobs in raging tides and tellus would need to get those drops needed
  • HexOddus - Raging Tide
    HexOddus - Raging Tide Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I forgot to mention before b:pleased

    get also solo missions and one man army missions for eartbound and tideborn grouinds... I have to travel far to get those before lvl 20 make good use of so many mobs in those areas....

    also try to get some quests in those areas for other classes...b:bye
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited November 2011
    I forgot to mention before b:pleased

    get also solo missions and one man army missions for eartbound and tideborn grouinds... I have to travel far to get those before lvl 20 make good use of so many mobs in those areas....

    also try to get some quests in those areas for other classes...b:bye

    Actually, right around your level there should be some in that area. It usually goes 1-20 in own area, 21-40 around Archosaur and up into Swiftwind and Sumor, then 40-45 should be mostly the Tideborn quest chain. After that, you start to get some of the quests in the EG area.
  • CelestiaXx - Archosaur
    CelestiaXx - Archosaur Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    I would like to see the message faction slogan show up on the message box in 1 hour or 2 hour intervals. Probably in all sky blue text.
  • HexOddus - Raging Tide
    HexOddus - Raging Tide Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    RING ENGRAVING -- as for stats

    I know it might get nagging, I have already posted several times b:surrender


    Aside from the fact that engraving is just for lvl 3+ rings, we can only do it in major cities... pls you state that can be done with any jewelscraftsman... at least can you get it for craftsmanship, i mean not just rings, but belts and necklaces...b:kiss


    Already mention it, but this time towards getting back the gems imbued in gear, I mean if i spend like 15 M on a gem I would like at least to be able to get it back again... imagine a lvl 11 gear, only the item alone is expensive, then add 3 sockets, refinement and gem imbue, how much would i sell that for ? and then will have to spend at least twice that to get the next level gear...

    Pls. try to improve the gem imbuing, either by being able to trf the gems, as mentioned above or before... or just by recovering them...

    Skills trf ..... for pets

    KK already mention hard to get legendary pets... and about getting gear for them... now then skills are kind of expensive for low levels, I would like to see that we can trf. skills from one/several pets to another, the courageous udine has an icicle lvl 3 at lvl 8, not even the glacial walker has that...

    I do not recall the price for a leveler pet's skill but we can try to catch like 10 pets -the same ones - just to get icicle to any water pet... just lvl 1...

    now to upgrade that would be another story, same as engraving the item and materials needed would be pets... zoologists could be of more use not just vendors...


    b:shocked Yes again I ask for it, this time you can try for engraving with a mix among tomes and the titled items...

    Engraving seems to have a lot of potential... why don't you allow us to play ?

    yes, I mean get a gennie, mount or ornamental pet and mix it with a tome... using the engrave...

    hope you consider it and ty again for engraving ...
  • Cloudmuffin - Archosaur
    Cloudmuffin - Archosaur Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I miss the days when holy path was a squad skill. That way those people without it can keep up in the instances. =)
This discussion has been closed.