Phoenix Veno - Cry to someone else

VonTerror - Lost City
VonTerror - Lost City Posts: 224 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Arigora Colosseum
Ridiculous, why is everyone on these servers always complaining about the over powered phoenix or any other class. This is in respones to the 100 threads about this

Assuming the Phoenix is the same as it is on MY servers (if not ignore this completely) Archers / mages can own them. I'm sure other classes can too if played properly but i never played them so i wont speak for them. Now forget dueling for a minute cause i rarely do it, here and there i play ganking classes.

Any good ranged class with the right build can own a Phoenix Veno before the pet even gets to them. If you don't believe that lets log back on to MY, my 87 archer will wipe out your 90+ veno before you know what happened. I have done it tons of times, be glad to do it again. The only times in any single PvP, group PvP, or gank i will lose is i flat out f up, i dont see you coming, or if i don't realize its a heavy build, but the second time they will die just as easy as a Barb.

The people who complain that ANY class is over powered over another are people that just don't know how to take advantage of their own builds strengths. Every class can dominate another if they use their char correctly as the situation dictates. Sure you may run into other players you have trouble beating, maybe their build exploits your weakness, but in general, any class can own another

Their is no way to builld any class that can dominate all others. NONE, There is too much diversity in how you can build your char, something about you will be strong, something will be weak. Pick your poison and stop complaining

QQ to someone else about it being unfair
Post edited by VonTerror - Lost City on


  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    The venomancer and phoenix are not overpowered. The Flesh Realm skill is bugged and it makes that class overpowered. Pets deal 100% damage, hits through plume shell.

    That is the problem. The game is bugged and makes the class over powered.
    However, my archer has no problems killing venomancers. I 1 or 2 shot most of them, unless it's a heavy armored veno in which case metal works just fine.
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • VonTerror - Lost City
    VonTerror - Lost City Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ok, got it, thank you.
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    n0ob wrote: »
    The venomancer and phoenix are not overpowered. The Flesh Realm skill is bugged and it makes that class overpowered. Pets deal 100% damage, hits through plume shell.

    That is the problem. The game is bugged and makes the class over powered.
    However, my archer has no problems killing venomancers. I 1 or 2 shot most of them, unless it's a heavy armored veno in which case metal works just fine.

    All in all, if they have a chance to kill me, they are overpowered.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    swgs wrote: »
    All in all, if they have a chance to kill me, they are overpowered.

    Oh yes who is trying to make sure their class is overpowered?b:shutup
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • ark
    ark Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Oh yes who is trying to make sure their class is overpowered?b:shutup

    Possibly nobody. A phoenix alone shouldn't be able to kill, unless the target is a pure robie.
    As a Guild,

    Live as One, fight as One, win as One.
    Strength in Unity,
    Order through Chaos,
    Victory united.
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    The phoenix just compliments the fox very well for pvp.

    Basically my ganks usually go like this:

    lucky scarab
    fox form
    phoenix stun / purge
    amp damage / ripping bite
    then back to mage form and nuke if i need to.

    Its not always the same (for wb and wr that doesn't always work), but thats about the gist of it. Its not only that the phoenix is strong, but with purge dropping all your buffs and amp damage on you, you're going to take a lot more damage than you would in a usual gank from archer.

    If i'm in group pvp, I never leave fox form, just fly around debuffing&amping targets and watching them die.
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Veno + phoenix is not OP its flesh ream thats bugged as most people should know by now.

    Flesh ream does same dmg in pvp as in pve, 100% no reduction. It also hits through clerics plume barrier 100%, their only defence against phy atk. It also does full dmg through archers defence skill Winged shell. And on top of that it does 100% dmg from air.

    Any light or robe class is a jailbait unless they backstabb and manage to 1-2 shot the veno before phoenix reach them. At least archers can avoid the first stun with wings of grace and use purify pots for bleed. Clerics are more or less dead before they manage to purify themselves. And wizards are easy food. And no it doesnt matter what build u have, pure dex, pure magic or vitaltybased u still get owned 1v1.

    But no lvl 100 IF archers and wizards get military rank8 + 99 gear and refine +10-+12 it evens out a bit in pvp even with the bugged bleed skill.
  • Mua - Lost City
    Mua - Lost City Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    The phoenix just compliments the fox very well for pvp.

    Basically my ganks usually go like this:

    lucky scarab
    fox form
    phoenix stun / purge
    amp damage / ripping bite
    then back to mage form and nuke if i need to.

    Its not always the same (for wb and wr that doesn't always work), but thats about the gist of it. Its not only that the phoenix is strong, but with purge dropping all your buffs and amp damage on you, you're going to take a lot more damage than you would in a usual gank from archer.

    If i'm in group pvp, I never leave fox form, just fly around debuffing&amping targets and watching them die.

    Nice! It's interesting to see the tactics of another veno. My usual plan is almost the same:

    Phoenix Stun/Debuff
    Amp/Ripping bite

    Then if they run, I'll go caster form and use Lucky Scarab to hold them, if they fight back i'll use Parasite Nova (or just Lucky Scarab if I'm low on chi) and Ironwood scarab to finish it off.
    Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror
  • Envy - Lost City
    Envy - Lost City Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ridiculous, why is everyone on these servers always complaining about the over powered phoenix or any other class. This is in respones to the 100 threads about this

    Assuming the Phoenix is the same as it is on MY servers (if not ignore this completely) Archers / mages can own them




  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    The only characters that I felt overpowered were Yoshiki, Deadbone (with a WB buff), Griminflamez. The problem with those people is that, they don't die (too much HP) and I get rolled as I have low HP. Any class that can survive an archer's hits and get close to the archer / manage to stun / do massive damage is OP to me.

    A venomancer and a phoenix is not much of a threat as I'm always in ninja mode and the veno is snipe able.

    p.s. Blademasters are a natural pain.
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • PahThePKK - Lost City
    PahThePKK - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    hey guys im reading all the things.. i'm not high lvl enough to say much of pvp tw.. but.. about phoenix.. venon whiout it is all that bad? becouse every one say phoenix this phoenix that.. but a single venon good geared cant do the job?
  • Mua - Lost City
    Mua - Lost City Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    n0ob wrote: »
    The only characters that I felt overpowered were Yoshiki, Deadbone (with a WB buff), Griminflamez. The problem with those people is that, they don't die (too much HP) and I get rolled as I have low HP. Any class that can survive an archer's hits and get close to the archer / manage to stun / do massive damage is OP to me.

    A venomancer and a phoenix is not much of a threat as I'm always in ninja mode and the veno is snipe able.

    p.s. Blademasters are a natural pain.
    You say sillier things than that Zoe nub from Heaven's Tear b:chuckle

    (Which says a lot actually)
    Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror
  • some1intheworld
    some1intheworld Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Gangs in pk? The venos with phoenixes can do that too u know......This should be meant for 1v1 chances of wining...wich r 0 in front of a phoenix.U know what venos with phoenix do in tw(atleast here) ? they just fly around and run to not die and let phoenix bleed ppl then call it back or send it on next's all they do,,mby heal it once in a while.

    Now venos w/o a phoenix can never do that,they'r pets won't kill alone if they don't assist wich seem's perfectly fair and DON'T say it really balances the venos since normal pets already hit same or more on robes than the magic veno itself,having a phoenix it's like having something with the phy deff as high as heavy armors,magic as high as robes hp as a decent robe class or more and dmg like an archer...every1 should put they'r life on the line in a tw,not just run and kill ppl fast as hell at the same time.
  • imnotachick
    imnotachick Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Gangs in pk? The venos with phoenixes can do that too u know......This should be meant for 1v1 chances of wining...wich r 0 in front of a phoenix.U know what venos with phoenix do in tw(atleast here) ? they just fly around and run to not die and let phoenix bleed ppl then call it back or send it on next's all they do,,mby heal it once in a while.

    Now venos w/o a phoenix can never do that,they'r pets won't kill alone if they don't assist wich seem's perfectly fair and DON'T say it really balances the venos since normal pets already hit same or more on robes than the magic veno itself,having a phoenix it's like having something with the phy deff as high as heavy armors,magic as high as robes hp as a decent robe class or more and dmg like an archer...every1 should put they'r life on the line in a tw,not just run and kill ppl fast as hell at the same time.

    Funny,in a tw there were a few venos getting into the action,i saw one higher level veno on manta sniping everyone with phoenix,so i took the phoenix out quickly and she dissapeared from battle,it was rather pathetic.
  • PahThePKK - Lost City
    PahThePKK - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    soo if i have a phoenix the best build is heavy armor fox? whit lvl 22 golden magic sword? if it is.. plz can some one say the stats?

  • Mua - Lost City
    Mua - Lost City Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Gangs in pk? The venos with phoenixes can do that too u know......This should be meant for 1v1 chances of wining...wich r 0 in front of a phoenix.U know what venos with phoenix do in tw(atleast here) ? they just fly around and run to not die and let phoenix bleed ppl then call it back or send it on next's all they do,,mby heal it once in a while.

    Now venos w/o a phoenix can never do that,they'r pets won't kill alone if they don't assist wich seem's perfectly fair and DON'T say it really balances the venos since normal pets already hit same or more on robes than the magic veno itself,having a phoenix it's like having something with the phy deff as high as heavy armors,magic as high as robes hp as a decent robe class or more and dmg like an archer...every1 should put they'r life on the line in a tw,not just run and kill ppl fast as hell at the same time.

    Translation: QQQ. I don't know what to do. I got owned by a Phoenix so I'll cry here too.
    Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror
  • Specgoesemo - Lost City
    Specgoesemo - Lost City Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ridiculous, why is everyone on these servers always complaining about the over powered phoenix or any other class. This is in respones to the 100 threads about this

    Assuming the Phoenix is the same as it is on MY servers (if not ignore this completely) Archers / mages can own them. I'm sure other classes can too if played properly but i never played them so i wont speak for them. Now forget dueling for a minute cause i rarely do it, here and there i play ganking classes.

    Any good ranged class with the right build can own a Phoenix Veno before the pet even gets to them. If you don't believe that lets log back on to MY, my 87 archer will wipe out your 90+ veno before you know what happened. I have done it tons of times, be glad to do it again. The only times in any single PvP, group PvP, or gank i will lose is i flat out f up, i dont see you coming, or if i don't realize its a heavy build, but the second time they will die just as easy as a Barb.

    The people who complain that ANY class is over powered over another are people that just don't know how to take advantage of their own builds strengths. Every class can dominate another if they use their char correctly as the situation dictates. Sure you may run into other players you have trouble beating, maybe their build exploits your weakness, but in general, any class can own another

    Their is no way to builld any class that can dominate all others. NONE, There is too much diversity in how you can build your char, something about you will be strong, something will be weak. Pick your poison and stop complaining

    QQ to someone else about it being unfair

    Your attempt to sound cool and sound like an awesome player who has no problem dealing with a game imbalance has failed. GG

    IMO, flesh ream needs to be fixed [obviously] and the veno needs to be amped so this way they can be proficient in PvP without having any game imbalances.
  • Thelron - Lost City
    Thelron - Lost City Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    swgs wrote: »
    All in all, if they have a chance to kill me, they are overpowered.

    Thats what this forum is about ^^
  • VonTerror - Lost City
    VonTerror - Lost City Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Point wasn't to sound cool, and i couldn't care less about what you think. Just amazes me how many people complain about almost anything they can come up with. Noob and others pointed out what i didn't know, and now i do
  • Mua - Lost City
    Mua - Lost City Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    IMO, flesh ream needs to be fixed [obviously] and the veno needs to be amped so this way they can be proficient in PvP without having any game imbalances.

    Quoted. For. Freaking. Truth.

    If every other person who QQed about Phoenixes would talk like that then I'd have a lot more respect for them. Hell, I'd even help send tickets for the fix.
    Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Translation: QQQ. I don't know what to do. I got owned by a Phoenix so I'll cry here too.


    So funny how you say archers and mages can beat them, mages die like 5 seconds after they get hit by flesh realm and archers only last a bit more.
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    during my months of playing this game I have found this as in pvp rating for classes
    mages>..............................................................>all other class b:surrender
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • wenh93
    wenh93 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    the phoenix definatley not overpowered just the bleed skill makes its powerful
    as a mage(LA) only hit 400(around same as a bm or wb hit) but bleed... -_-
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    lol i was so happy today, i one hit my friends phoenix. i assumed the phoenix was level 93 because my friend was..... it was level 16.... i was so dissapointed... T___T
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • spirea
    spirea Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ill share my experiences with a phoenix now. I am a level 9x wizard (robe) vs a 9x veno with a 9x phoenix. Im on the ground, as soon as i see the phoenix, i was already dead. The phoenix itself has a stun, and the veno has a stun/freeze. So 1 guardian angel is gone.... revenge.... I go into the air, and see the veno. I silence the phoenix....... never mind, phoenix is SILENCE IMMUNE. So now i get stunned, and i am a corpse before i could fall. DEAD Now, i party with a wb in hh90 and Gx ect. We both go after the veno, the veno just runs away from us..... oh wait but the phoenix doesnt. *bleed, 2000 700 700 2000 700 2000. DEAD 3 guardian angels down. Ok i thought maybe i can use an apothary pot. Lets try it again...full chi.... wb chases veno.... i hit shield potion. Oh wait, bleed goes through shield. DEAD

    One thing is now, that i have 5000 hp with the wb buff, around 3.5k p.def unbuffed. And phoenix just 1 shots me, and theres absolutely NOTHING i can do about it. All a phoenix has to do is bleed me, maybe the veno stuns, either way im DEAD. Oh, and the phoenix is a flying pet that deals 100% to ground. Oh, and dont even think about telling me to hit the veno before phoenix does, phoenix outranges any arrow or skill. Stun, bleed, 1 guardian angel gone. NOTHING i can do, ive tried everything known to wizards and all it has resulted is me losing 7 guardian angels before leaving. (The wb was not harmed)

    Call me noob, ect i dont care. The phoenix is COMPLETELY overpowered. This is 9x vs 9x, dont give me "omg lv6x phoenix sux lololol"
  • MiniST - Sanctuary
    MiniST - Sanctuary Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    lol, all i have to look is at one word, "robed". What the hell did u expect anyways XD
  • Mua - Lost City
    Mua - Lost City Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    lol, all i have to look is at one word, "robed". What the hell did u expect anyways XD

    She's from Sanctuary and easily figured out what you were doing wrong. Robes VS Phoenix is like Robes VS Archer: unless you get the first hit or you're like 20 levels higher, click in the direction of a safe zone and click the accelerate button for your flying mount b:surrender
    Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    spirea wrote: »
    Ill share my experiences with a phoenix now. I am a level 9x wizard (robe) vs a 9x veno with a 9x phoenix. Im on the ground, as soon as i see the phoenix, i was already dead. The phoenix itself has a stun, and the veno has a stun/freeze. So 1 guardian angel is gone.... revenge.... I go into the air, and see the veno. I silence the phoenix....... never mind, phoenix is SILENCE IMMUNE. So now i get stunned, and i am a corpse before i could fall. DEAD Now, i party with a wb in hh90 and Gx ect. We both go after the veno, the veno just runs away from us..... oh wait but the phoenix doesnt. *bleed, 2000 700 700 2000 700 2000. DEAD 3 guardian angels down. Ok i thought maybe i can use an apothary pot. Lets try it again...full chi.... wb chases veno.... i hit shield potion. Oh wait, bleed goes through shield. DEAD

    One thing is now, that i have 5000 hp with the wb buff, around 3.5k p.def unbuffed. And phoenix just 1 shots me, and theres absolutely NOTHING i can do about it. All a phoenix has to do is bleed me, maybe the veno stuns, either way im DEAD. Oh, and the phoenix is a flying pet that deals 100% to ground. Oh, and dont even think about telling me to hit the veno before phoenix does, phoenix outranges any arrow or skill. Stun, bleed, 1 guardian angel gone. NOTHING i can do, ive tried everything known to wizards and all it has resulted is me losing 7 guardian angels before leaving. (The wb was not harmed)

    Call me noob, ect i dont care. The phoenix is COMPLETELY overpowered. This is 9x vs 9x, dont give me "omg lv6x phoenix sux lololol"

    Silly silly wizards (but brave lol) b:surrender
    U cant go 1v1 against a veno +phoenix as a robe mage. Any phoenix 8X = has lvl 5 flesh ream will rip you apart. Its suicide for robes and kinda pointless wasting all the dolls. There is no way you can win that fight, just fuel back to SZ.

    If you have weapon +12 and can 1-2 shoot the lil foxies u might stand a chance. But must be able to kill veno before the pet reaches you and use stun + bleed. And since im pretty sure your gears are only decent i suggest just go back to safe next time 9X phoenix wants food.

    I also heard phoenixes resisting normal magic attacks from players. Kept saying "resist" when they nuked the phoenix and it didnt take any dmg.
    Its just so many bugs around those birds. Actually the entire veno class is just a big clusterfk of glitches and bugs. Some glitches are kinda usefull tho, while others like flesh ream just ruin pvp really.
  • sergegz
    sergegz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    This game is **** now. Everyone is making a veno and gets a bee/phoenix to PK because Pet Bleed does Full damage in PvP and ends up doing 4 times the intended damage.

    Whats the point of this game if you can Kill anyone with a L30 Veno. using a Bee pet or a Phoenix?
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    sergegz wrote: »
    This game is **** now. Everyone is making a veno and gets a bee/phoenix to PK because Pet Bleed does Full damage in PvP and ends up doing 4 times the intended damage.

    Whats the point of this game if you can Kill anyone with a L30 Veno. using a Bee pet or a Phoenix?

    Got owned pretty bad ehh????? b:chuckle